HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-3-31, Page 13ri "Merit :talks" the intrinsic 'Value of ]Hood's Sarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the power to cure, H'ood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there- fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla,and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive beuefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. EX4T. `B T Marl et 1 evlety and Forecast• ATA RR SUBJECTS t,^ h, TORONTO, APRIL 5xaf. Sarsaparilla Is the best, infaet-the One True Bloodrur111er. Prepared only by 0.I.Hood Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. HoodsPile DopenA1puugpan. 257. Thos. Hogg, of London Township, 'was fined $5 and costs by Seleire Lacey, Saturday for .cruelty' to animals. Mr. James Turnbull, dairyman, of Delaware, has gone to Deloraine, Flan., with a view of crntinuing in the drtiry business. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND KINSMAN,L. ,,� �b ' DR. A. R. x A D. S., D. D, S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted Without pain or bad after eii'ects. Office son's Block, West side of MainSt.. Exetfer.n Fan - DR. A iiJV ASCN, (O. O. S. L. O. 3.) DENTIST.. Honore graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ot Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, A srarmless u.msesthetie for painless extraction. Whe strickest attention given to the preservat- ion IIt the nEatural teeth. Office opposite Cen- Turnips f Sale. 'Turnips for sale at cents por bushel, hex anile north of Crediton Grist Mill. G. one H. L yANv1LL1 , Crediton. Farms for safe . A few good farms for sale cheap_-�Money to n. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN 0rickmaker Wanted • 'Wanted a suitable pian the coming summer •tivho n . Apply in Jnr & J Srr.ovT, setting'and il el r P. 0 Ap.P y MONEY at five and funds and one half per o loan on improved. ed farms Apply to MAN 1st Deccmher,.1S97. ELLIOT itettc , Exeter PASTURAGE. A nurnber of head of stock taken for pasture during the coming' season, on lot 26, con. 2, Vsborne by the month or season. For terms ;apply to Win. Blatchford, on the. premises, or 9;xeter P. O. ELLIOT & OLADIViAN, Barris'sers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, &c., &c` emsMoney to Loan at 5% and 57,%.. OFFICE, MAIN STREET, EXETER. B. V. ereeoT. = -- F. W. =ADMAN. SEACISIZMIEE' 119. ,a■C, Notice of Dissolution The volume of trade in many lines is estimated as being 25 per cent. greater for 1+ebrnaiy than for the same month a year ago. The Govern- lnent•bank returns for February show an increase' of $812,201 in the Oltenia - tion for the month over that of Janu- ary. Another interesting feature of the money market is the augmenta- tion of current loans in February of $4,127,428. This is on new business enterprises, and shows a general ex- pansion of trade. A large: share of it is due to the increased movement in coarse grains and dairy products as well as general merchandise. WHEAT The wheat situation remains about the same as it has been for some time hack. Leiter continues to bolcl the balance of power, and to hold prices above their real yalue. Should he try however, to market one-fifth part of his holdings there would be a crash, showing clearly that prices are main- tained by speculatiye means. Some think that Leiter has the May wheat as securely, cornered .as he bad the December. While this may be so, he has upset the wheatbrade of the world. Millers and dealers are not buying any more than they need for immediate use, as there is no telling when.prices may go to smash. So _long les they last they are good for the farmer, but when they do go down they will have a very depressing effect. The local market is . quiet. The week opened with evbeet at 853c. ; it advanced a little,, then declined to 84c. f. o. b. cars west and north, Manitoba wheat continues steady at $1.001 to $1.10 for No. 1 hard at North Bay, and $1.05•.4 Owen Sound and Midland. Montreal markets show that the mar- ket is weaker. BARLEY AND OATS. Barley is quiet. No. 2 grade is nominal at 40c. while feed barley has declined to 33c. for car lots west. Montreal reports feed barley at 40c. to 42c. Oats have held their own this week. There is quite an enquiry for Canadian. oats from all parts of the United King- dom. They are steady at 31c. east for white, and 30o. west. At Montreal the market is steady at 33ec. to 34c. in store, and May oatsare quoted at 35c.. to 35ic. afloat. PEAS AND CORN. The market for peas is somewhat easier, prices having declined about one cent, 55c. to 56c. being the price for peas north and west, and about Nice for cars east of Toronto. At Montreal some business bad been done on a basis of 05c. 'to 65Se. for export afloat in May. This is a:decline of nearly two cents. Corn is easy at 30tc. for Canadian yellow west. American corn at To- ronto is worth 36c. At Montreal No. 2 Chicago mixed is quoted. at 35c. to 3511c. afloat in May. In store corn is worth 39c. to 40c. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. At Toronto red clover seed is bring- ing $3 to $3.60 per bushel, Alsike $3.25 to $4, and timothy $1.25 to $1.35. At Montreal the market is quiet, red clover being quoted at $3.25 to $4 ; alsike at $3.50. to $4.25, and timothy at $1.50 to $2, according to quality and quantity. It reported that Canadian holders of timothy and clover seed are holding back stocks on account of the low prices going. To meet the demand American grown seeds are being im- ported. There is plenty of seed in the country without =porting any if it were put on the market. POTATOES Potatoes on the track are easier. 57c. to 60c. being the ruling price. • Out of store they bring about 65c. ' At Mon- treal they bring 55e. to 60c. per bag,of 90 lbs. POULTRY. The supply is scarce, the demand usually good, though often only fair. Prices are steady at 12. c. for turkeys and 55c. to 05c. for chickens. ' Notice is hereby given that the partnership Heretofore subsistiing between us, the under- signed, as General lMlerchants, in the Villages of Crediton and Zurich was on the 25th of ,fnnuary lest dissolved by mutual consent, All debts owing to the said partnership aro to be laid to Samuel Brown, et the village of Credi- on, and John Proem., of the village of Zurich,.. ,foresaid, and all claims against the said ,artnership aro to be presented to the said ,Samuel Blown and John Preetcr. by whomtho, same will he settled, Dated at Crediton, this 17thialarch,189S. 'Witness : H. K. Eilber. SANIIII L B.RowN. JOHN PREETsR. The Family -, etcher �u good selection of BAMS, LARD, BACON, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA., BEEF,. B, - PORK. also POULTRY in Family Butcher Shop door south of Central Hotel. LOUIS ®A --DIALER IN -- Bides, es G�>.lf find. Lamb Skins. i For IAMB, MUTTON, and VEAL,Season. The One Y Bid s. slight ou can afford to No ease o lig � eglect•. NO case so deep-seated that ' Catarrhal Powder will e s Cats rtl.nw ndcu re e sins tan tl a ins 1p.. of relieve it y cions cures, ary fna de , Iuently. It has m end enjoys the esteem and high esa- lon. >9,f5rsatofi of the medical profess d di uro I co ntracted that dreg ^d`hrough expos. te5se-�Catsrelt..My case bacaino ohronic•�-ia'ztt cid Id rmltrgtos after first appl[catfon I had relief, u a sheet while I wa4 oonipldloly cured, w. i,caval;fu,G.'I',It,BYalkerfadtl,AAhtroAdaile,Otlt. gf, crlt'l key L'�. Lops, :�;zeter. f e EGGS. • The fine weather has sent the eggs rolling down hill again. Prices have -fallen away to 10c., still the market is steady. At Montreal prices are also easier. About 10e. is the price now. etUTTER. The butter situationcontinues firm though receipts of creamery are in- creasing. At Montreal there is a scarcity of choice fresh creamery, there being hardly sufficient to sup- ply the local demand. Sales of choice goods have been made at 2011e. to -21c. in lots of 20 to 25 tubs. Single tubs command 1 cent more than these fig- ures. The winter butter season is winding up a good deal better than was expected. At the beginning of the year prices commenced to decline and sold as low as 18e. for finest creamery at the latter part of February. About that time a demand set in from Eng- land and prices advanced to 20:4c. and 21c. for fine fresh creamery. Old creamery was sold recently at 180. and 19c. that a rnonth ago would only bring' 16c. The make of creamery butter is rapidly increasing and pre- sent prices may not be kept up 'very long. 13owever, the English demand is good, and should it continue prices will remain at a paying figure. At Toronto prices for creamery are ruling high,both tubs, and printed sell- ing at 22e. Choice dairy is quoted at 18,4c. to 19e, A few Iota of Eastern f ovenships dairy have sola. at Montreal at"21c. to 211c., or equal to creamery. CATTLE. - Tuesday's marketaat the stock -yards was an active one, and all thestock was sold before noon. Butchers' cattle and lambs showed a little advance, Bxport cattle. -There was a steady inquiry for cod cattlefor shipment, , withprices ranging from :$3.75 to $4.25 per cwt, As high as $4.30 was paid for Sc.to 3 for one fine lot. Bulls go,kc. per pound. At Montreal market good export cattle sold for 4$c. and others were field at 41c,, but from ilc. to 4 c. is' the range �.e for good cattle. ��' Butchers' cattle. -Buying in rtie,nd Tues- days' ues- dity s market was very . t e e a prices advanced ;;10c, to 15c. a cwt. cattle' c c. the i `ot1 1 t 4e. to 4 . Some fancyl i /7ry/y. b i, . The . . for local consumption. :general run, lioweaoii, Witt4 from $3.40 to VIA per owt. Oof11liOrl staff( sold down to Stackers and feeders. -The demand Disease. Suffering. This dread malady lurks behind the most In- cipient head colds, and when the seeds of disease are sown steals away the beauty bloom and makes life pleasures a drudgery. DB. AGNEW'S OATARBHAL PONITDZR will cure the incipient cold and the most stub- born and chronic Catarrh oases. It puts back s the beauty pink and sheds sunshine In its trail. 't My wife and I were both troubled with distres- sing Catarrh, bait we have enjoyed freedom from its distresses since the 'first application of Dr, Ag- new's Catarrhal Powder -it acts instantaneously - gives grateful relief in ro minutes, and we believe there is no case too deeply seated to baffle it in a cure.' -,Rev. D. Borhnor, Buffalo, N.Y.--32 Sold by C. LtYTZ, Exeter. on Tuesday's market for stockers and feeders was good. Two Buffalo buyers were looking for this class of cattle, and one of them bought what stockers came in on the Midland train without seeing them at $3 60 per cwt. The usual run is from $3.30 to $3.60 per cwt. for stockers and $3.40 to $3.70 for feeders. Calves briug'frorn $2 to $8 each, and fancy ones as high as $9. Milch cows and springers bring from $25 to $40 each. ' SHEEP. Butchers' and export sheep, bring froni 3c. to 3,lec. per lb., bucks 3c. Lambs, or' rather yearlings, are doing better-; 5:4 c. to 5:e. per pound. This spring lambs go for from $4 to $7 apiece. HOGS. Everything in this 'line points to- wards lower prices; still prices. did not decline last week although 'offerings were fairly large. Best bacon hogs are quoted at $4.90 per cwt. ; light hogs at $4.62};.thick tat hogs at $4.50, and sow's at $3 to $3.25 per cwt, ATORONTO TOBACCONIST. Mr. J. Bretz, TO Church Street, Toronto, the popular tobacconist, says hewas troubled with weak and intermittent action of the heart, was slee less, nervous and losingfiesh. Three boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills completely cured him. • neu111a�a(Il& S 1s D e six Corel � 57 f ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31•st 1896 • To THE PIIRENOLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN, -On the advise of a friend I tried. one bottle of your fain,- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I .have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for me has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES•CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal: Nursery Stock Agents ! Book Agents i Agricultural Implement Agents ! Or anyone desiring to better their position and, increase their income should write us: The demand for lupine grown NurseryStock is on the increase. We want more men. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGEST NURSERIES IN THEDOhIINIOn. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. 'SION. WE ENGAGE EII'tiER WHOLE OR PART • TIME HIEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. - WEFIRNISIl PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING - OUR STOOK IS • FREE .FROM SAN JOSE SCALE. ' Our Nurseries comprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. Men Succeed with us who Fail with ethers It will cost yon nothing to learn what we'can do for you, ' Don'twrite unless you mean business and Want profitable employment. Stone & Wellington TORONTO: 13 UNN(NG SOftESn S- Healt0 • Disease andSecure Good Health.. HOW To Banish�i ec ,� CELERY COMPOUND THE GREAT SPRING CLEAN- SER AND LIFE GIVER. IT MAKES FRESH, PUKE KED BLOOD FOR PILE flND SflL10111 PEOPLE. April is now with us. The feathered son gstersare here again warbling their sweetest notes in weans of praise for a new season. Nature it throwing off her old garb. The trees are budding, the grass is showing new life, and soon the wild flowers will put on their dazzling dress of beauty and richness. All nature seenis to he calling out to man, saying, "Be happy and rejoice ; give thanks to Him who makes such glorious provision for the children of earth." ' 'Many a thankful prayer will ascend, from trully grateful and healthy men and women for the beauties and boun- ties of the new season. On the other hand, a vast multitude of half-dead, Mr. Stephen Wescott, Freeport; N.S., found (Burdock Blood Bitters). • a wonderful blood purfle"rand gives his experience as follows: "I was very much run down in health and h employed ' our local physician who attended me three months, finally my leg broke out in running sores with fearful ' burning. 1. had thir- teen running Sores at one time, froth iny knee to the top of my foot, All the medicine I. took did me no mood, so I threw it aside and tried B,B .B.,• when one-half the bottle was the better,bygone, I noticed a change ford otter and the'time I had finished two bottles in ' 1tg was perfectly healed and my health greatly int- proved.'' broken down, weak, debilitated and suffering men and women will not have the capacity to appreciate the mercies so bountifully bestowed. Their thoughts.are centred on their afftic- tions and sufferings ; they are moody; despondent, morose, and some are hopeless and in despair. It is to this suffering class that we would speak words of hope and com- fort.. Warning Would be unnecessary if you fully realized the fact that Paine's Celery Compound cures the disease that is now making such progress and bayoc in your body. It matters ,not whether the trouble be rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney dis- ease, liver complaint, neryous prostra- tion, agonizing dyspepsia or blood dis- eases, Paine's Celery Compound is able to make you whole and well Paine's Celery Compound, unlike other medicines, is a true and rapid banisher of disease ; it makes the blood pure, so that life and enegy flow quickly to every muscle, nerve and tissue. Nature's medicine promptly restores strength, vigor appetite and digestion ; it gives sweet sleep and re- pose to the wearied and restless. Will these honest and strong asttu'-- ances induce you to give earth's best mediciee a fair trial in this your time of danger? The experience of physic- ians and their kindly words in -favor of Paine's Celery Compound should be a guarantse of success to you. The marvellous results igen to lie given weak, sickly and broken down clergy' men, judges, members of Parliament and to worthy and honorable citizens of every city in the Dominion, speak volumes in favor of ' Paine's Celery Compound. One bottle experimented with at this season is always enough to make the most cri ti cal andske pti cal continue with the medicine until they are cur- ed. It has been truly said by an eminent Canadian press correspondent that "No physician is ever needed in flames where Paine's Celery Compound is used," CATARRH CAN BE OURED. A Man is always in the Dr. Henry G. Carroll, M. P., Karnou I raskat, Que., is One of Fifty Mem- SWIRL bers of Parliament Who Have - Successfully Used and en- If lie wears one of. dorsed Dr. Agnew's Ca- tarrhal Powder. JOHN'S neatly fitting Medical etiquette and conservatism makes members of the profession shy in bearing testimony to the efficacy of a proprietary medicine.. Medicines that the doctors do endorse you• may be sure are good. Dr. Henry G-. Car- roll, M. P., of Kamouraska, Que.. tells over his own signature of the good qualities of Dr. • Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, not alone from personal use, hut - as a medical man.Upwards of fifty members of Parliament,, who have suffered from catarrh, have used this medicine with success. Sold by • 0. LuTz. Sc CIDLEY '& SON HINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Season we have surpassed our- selves in marring and gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is, now complete and everybody is invited to view our stock, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture can be purchased here. SPECIAL. -We wish to call special attention to a line of very handsome .Bed Room Setts in Elm, Oak and Ash,• Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are mach lower than it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Rocking chairs in forest green, Antique, Oak, Curly birch and Mahogany finish, from $2.40 up. FANCY 'TABLES. -A magnificent line bought at a sacrifice and marked at corresponding low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy: Chairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music hacks, Couches, Extension Tables, Three Piece Parlor Suits Picture Mouldings Curtain Artists materials, etc., etc., etc. Undertaking and Embalming in all its branches. �. GIOLEY 6e SON "THOUGHT MY HEAD WOULD BURST." A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. Mas. Geo. Drawl= tells the following remarkable story of relief from suffering end restoration to health,which should oleo away all doubts as to the efloacy of Milburn's the and Nerve Pills from the ` k ti minds of the most s epcal:, • " Por several. years 1,hive been a con- %tant sufferer from nerves% headaohe, and the pain was so intense that sometimes I was almost creep. 1 really thought that ohead would burst. 1 consulted a rant. r of phyeiciang, and took many remedies, ut eo , I 'noticed Milburn s t :without fi t i a1 and as e tse exit anc1N erve 1;ihas d r 1' they seemed to suit my oast, I got a bolt Aird began their useBeforetaking therm I was rweak and debiitated, and wawa some• times waits out of toy sleep with a ells. feeling, and 1 was tree, othe in , ed %m r tress g r 1'i quontly gaited With a onii]ng pains in the n' Oft pt. ri could searoel y iroglon of the iiealrt, a. qg1 he o keep t ecru ra b to ae u tar upcourage P musP g 1�9Iit'. tot life, In this ,wxt3tohed dbn8itipit r. _ e' Pills Baine to the a d 1+1'ory u n i3`eatrt it br ti ... ., irescu and to ,"^y 1 state, with gtati ucle, 1 hr ll 11 and a t stns n rescue. lu .as and, 'A 1 'tis•V thatF� frpto+lenien%is dila ' +o thin„Wofldatul • rented$'. •�; . SUITS. He is a sure fitter. . His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and amine hisl goods before buying your -iogo'FALL SUIT f W, JOHNS, 'rho 'Tailor Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 30000 Feet common Pine at SIO 00 per M YARD EAST SIDE Sas. Ems I lis Or MAIN STREET. IOYOLES. Are You Interested in Wheels? \Te ,handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S._Seliin g out Dise Han rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. ,,,..-........ FeelsHis Oats v. v �F � This will not be the case with an animal whose'. e , ^- blood is out of order. When a horse is all run down he needs a tonic the same as a man. Often he cannot have complete rest. ` Give him - Dick's BloodPurifier and note how quickly he will pick up. His whole system will be invigorated. His digestion will Be." strengthened so that all the - ourishment will be drawn from the food and less of itevill be required: Dick's Blood . Purifier drives out Bots,. Worms and all parasites. In cows it greatly increases the flow of milk. 5O CENTS .4 PACKAGE. LEEPoIING, MiLES &, CO., DICK Co., AGENTS, MONTREAL. PROPRIETORS, ASK YOUR D) ALER POR an. icsurji sal Buil for Service A thorobred Durham Bull for service on lot , 13, con. 1, Stephen. First class strain. Terms: $1, to insure. SAMUEL PARSONS. Exeter P. O. A D FARM Boar For Service - .4 The undersigned will kcop for service on lot 9. concession 1, Usborne imported Chester NW bite and. large English Berkshire boars; w hich can be registered if required.' Terms as usual. JOHN MAY, 5-w „Exeter, BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY. N R. N. Rowe ---yrs ®essece------ We try to suit everybody. Come and see us. A look through our two story building will convince you that we carry a good assortment. Take a look at our stock before buying. Everything up-to-date in under- taking. &llt of Olothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old and reliable Ulaoe and A. J. SNEIaL never disappoints hi hese A inoft , patrons any large assortment of ran a, Winter Ood1 In Worsteds and. Tweed s, are now on our shelves, and we will h take iinuah Mshowing I, them to. you. There are many at. oihel°likes that are specially rachy e, it The Leading Specialists of America 01 20 Years in Detroit. •I.• 250,000 Ilii i� in WECURESTRICTURE Thousands of young and middie•aged mon are troubled with this disease -many tt unconsciously. They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sbarp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, tweak organs, emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on yon, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will not cure you, as it will re- turn. Our NEW METIIOD' TREAT- MENT absorbs the strieture tissue; hence removes the stricturepermanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. Tho sexualorsanaareatrength erred. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. WECUIREGLEN Thousands of young and middle-aged mon are having their sexual 'vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease, They aro frequently unconscious of the cause of those symptoms, General Weakness, Unnatural Disq.chargesFail- ing on Manhood, cryo egos, Poen Iet - r, Irritability, at times Smarting Sen- sation Sunken Lyes, With dark circled, WoakHack, General Depression, Lack' of Ambition Varicocele, Shrunken Parts, etc, GLEET and Er-marUlli7: May he the cause. Don't consult family, doctors, as they have no experionoe in these- spooial' diseases -don't" allow quacks to exporiment on you. Consult Spooialists whehave inadealifeStudyof . Diseases ok�i�ienend lvoman. Our N7�4y METHOD TREATMENT wilt posy- tivoly cure you. One thousand doilaia. for it ease we accept for troatrnont and cannotcuro. Terms neederetefor aOnto. CURES gg�� GUARANTEED We treat and mire: EVSSIONS, VARICOC ELE SYPIHILIh, GIIFET, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY I SC1IICARREGT DRAINSIlNATIL ES KIDNEY find . CONSULTATION FREly. BOOKS lPS O B. LA i< IOhD RIE.If unable to call, write _for aAr iDNT. • 'kcszt� " A lENNhwlyd r . ' KERGAN. and Shelby Ave, a St, Oor� Mfchlg rll � Iltt`rRorr, MICH. PERFECTION AT LAST. WARRANTED EVERY TIME T1 US; E NEW IN DESIGN, - NEW IN PRINOIPLE, NEW IN APPLIOATION. A large assortment of the best and most approved Trnsses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock;' ' pur- ebiased diredt from the manufa,ctneers. We guarantee every Truss. to''' e made with the finest English steel. PRICESIVERY MODERATE, Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY.` J. W. BROWNING PRor fag x4torce We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, Cans, and BRONCHIAL, troublos to use WINAN'S COUGH BAISAM. It is also a reliable' remedy for children. We manufacturetineWI AN, S t 1'em:e- �aI11.IM.1,"NT, an excellent dy for NEURALGIA):- PAfNS, So,, THROAT)R:t I;1Th ATI r LLiE 7�A. TNk N Also W z1� *AN 'S CONDITION' ill the mar- ket. D e POWDER, best ~' ket. Ttry our L b tion for sbra ehe; on horses,condition �alsopCl � desame der VOR Il StJLE AL�ENT .I"OR �ICi,i�� • HB. S�"al�