HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-3-31, Page 6#fa essential to llleaith. Every nook and Corner of the I 00 ayatem 1n reached by the blood, and on its -quality the condition of every organ de- pends, hosed blood weans strong nerves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rhenma- tfozxi,catarrh orother diseases, Theanreat 'way to have good blood is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine ,purifies, vi- teUizes, and enriches the blood, and mends the elements of health and mtrength to every nerve, organ and tisane. It creates good appetite, gives refreshing oleep uud cures that tired feeling. Remember, Hoo Sarsaparilla. L the best in fact the One True Blood PurMei cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Plus take, easy to operate. eats The Canadian Militia will not start for the Klondyke until April 22nd. • The languor so common at'this sea- son is due to impdverished blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures it by enrich- ing the blood. H KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or son's Block, West side of effects. st , Exeter. Fan - OR. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of lien t al Surgeons of Outerio. All tlt`id:r work. , i,,wnsand Plate work done in the newest po.*Shit, manner. A barn:ass atniestheti,• for painless exnxtction. The srrickest.arrention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teet h. Unice opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exerur.Out Tu i1 s for Sale. Turnips for aa:e. itt cents per bushel, one nide north oe C'rediten Urist Mill. G. H. GLANVILLE, Creaitun. Farms for sale A few good farms for sale cheap—Money to n. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Brickmaker Wanted Wanted a suitable than the coining summer who is posted in brickmaking, setting and burning Apply ro,J. Sc J. SPROCT, Egmond- ville P. 0. MONEY Private funds to loan on improved farms at fire and five and one half per cent. Apply to 1st December, 1397. ELLIOT C GLADIIAN Solicitors etc., Exeter -LLIOT Sc GLADMAN, Barris ti's, Solicitors, Notaries ?Molle, Conveyancers, &c., &c. --Money to Loan at 5% and 542%. OFFICE, MAIN STREET, EXETER. — _ B. V. ELLIOT. = = b`• W. GLADMAN. Notice of Dissolution Notice is hereby given that the pa.rtncrship heretofore subsisting- between us, the nnder- signed, es General Merchants, in the Villages of Crediton and Zurich was on the 25th of January last dissolved by mutual consent, All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Samuel Brown, at the village of Credi- ton. and John Preeer, of the village of Zurich, aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to be presented to the said Samuel Brown and John Preeter by whom the same will be settled, Dated at. Crediton, this lith Marsh, 1893. Witness : H. K. Eilber. SAMUEL BROWN. JOOIN PREETER. LONDON NORSE MART ASSOCIATION l LONDON, - - - - CANADA. GRAND Anneal Spring, Sale —OF HIGH CLASS– Horses, Carriages, tic. —WILL BEHELD ON— _ -WEDNESDAY AND TEA/Mgr/AY,— APRIL 6th and 7th, '98 At the BERNARD HOUSE STABLES AND YARD, Corner Talbot and Carling Streets, commencing at ten o'clock sharp each day. Sale limited to 250 Horses, and will include Saddle and Carriage Horses, Drivers, General Purpose Horses, Draught Horses and Ponies. A number of Carriages and Buggies, also Single and Double Harness, will be offered. Farmers, breeders and others having Horses of any elate for sale will find this the best means of obtaining the highest possible price. as the sale is being extensively advertised throughout, Canada and the United States, and will bo attended by some of the most prominent local and foreign buyers, who look forward to this sale as an annual event. Entrance fee, $1.00 per head. Commission if sold, 5 per cent. No charge if not sold. Ad- vertising anrd Cataloguing free. Make your entries at once. For further particulars and information ad- . dress WM. BERNARD, SEo.--'.l'REAs., OR H. PORTER & CO., AUCTIONEERS. London Auction Mart, Carling St., London, Phone 1182. Mt. Carmel. B1aEt s --Jas. Cronin is convalescing quite re idly. --P. Hall has leased the farm of r. Lynch on the south boun- dary of Stephen.— Ed. Hogan Irate leased the farm of Miss 0. Mcarty,on the 12% con„ Stephen.—M. Neville,M. Carey, Jno. Glavin, W, Doyle and R. Dole left on Monday for North Dakota.—P. Glavin,12th coli„Stephen, has sold'his farin on theist con. Step- hen, to M. Cronin, of Grand Bend. Corbett: BRIEie`s. We regret to learn that Mrs. T. Taylor has been very ill and we wish her a speedy recovery.—The many friends of Mrs, S. Smith regret to hear of her severe illness at her pre- sent place of residence in.'Thedford.— We are pleased to report continued improvement in the case of Wm.Smith who met with a serious; accident a couple of weeks ago.—Mrs. Berney and brother attended the funeral of an uncle, Mr. Hayes, of Mantori, on Thursday last. This is the third time they have gone on similar sad errand; the three brothers, somewhat advanc- ed in years, all being called to their long home within the space of a few short months. More cases of sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means. Mitchell has organized a lacrosse club and joined the 0, L. A. They are going in for the championship. Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little Liver Pills will clue you. Dose, one little pill. Small price. Small dose. Small pill. SURPRISED THE GAOLER. His Wife's Rheumatism Had Baffled the Doctors for Years—Half a bot- tle of South American Rheuma- tic Cure Relieved and Four Bottles Cured Her. Mr. L A. VanLuven, Governor Ooonty Gaol. Napanee, Ont., writes : -My wife was a great sufferer from rheumatism. She was treated by hest medical men, and used many remedies !tut relief was only temporary. Read- ing of thea ores mai le It}•South Ameri- c•:t U"re wt' procured a tiittle and tried it. half a bottle t,r•,nnght. grtottt trlirt and four bottles t•ntttltlPl Iy ence.l her. Its •tfects :bre tmay '.rrith•rfui.” Suitt by O. LUTZ. HWY Sin ii t1is Book ACAS ! ilgricu!lurai iniemeul Allots ! Or anyone desiring to better their position and increase their income should write us The demand for home grownNarseryStock ison the increase. We want more then. If you want steady, paying work, write us. WE FURNISH ALL SUPPLIES FREE. WE HAVE THE LARGEST NURSERIES IN THEDoMINIOn. WE PAY BOTH SALARY AND COMMIS. SION. WE ENGAGE EITHER WHOLE OR. PART TIME MEN. WE GUARANTEE ALL OUR STOCK. WEFURNISH PURCHASERS WITH CERTI- FICATE FROM GOVERNMENT INSPECT- OR, STATING OUR STOCK IS FREE FROM SAN JOSE :KALE. Our Nurseries cotnprise over 700 acres, and growing stock in large quantities enables us to sell at the closest possible figure. MED Succeed with ns who Fail with others It will cost you nothing to learn what we,ean do for you. Don't write unless you mean business and want profitable employment. Stone & Wellingtol TORONTO The Family Butcher For a good selection of HAMS LARD, BACON HAMS, � Y f SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEF, LAMB, PORK, MUTTON, and VEAL, also POULTRY in Season. —CAUL, AT. The Family Butcher Shop One door south of Central Hotel. LOUIS DAY —DEALER IN tildes, Calf and Lamb Skins. The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT, 250,000 CURED, WVECURE EMISSIONS rI4. thing can'ue inti.demoralizing to young or middle-aged menthan the pres- ence of these nightly losses'? They produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling of disgust ands wliole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business married life and social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our .ttew Method Treatment will positively care you. NO CURE—NO PAY 'Seeder, you need help. Early abdse or later exoesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. X50,000 CURED Young Man—You are pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. xcitable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken oyes, wrinkled facie, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal. the blight of your existence. WE CURE ` &RICOCELE /To matter how serious your ease may be, or how long you may have had it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. Tho "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No tem ora benefit but a permanent cure assured. NO CURE. NO PAY. NO OPliRA- TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure SYPHILIS, GLEET EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE VARICOCELE, SEMI- NAL LOSSES', BLADDER. AND KID- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOMS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write for a. QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. 31:1.M04.0 KENNEDY& KERGAN P8 SHELBY STREET, bertto 'i{', MICH. .t.+a EX.E it TINES 100181, ii11o11ie1NC IND lilt 1E11011 CERE Paines' Celery Compound Savesal Life After Doctors and itiospitals1 Fail. 1 The Man's Limbs Were Lifeless rand Useless:and He Could Not Stand Alone --A Most Critical Case of Nervous Prostration and Extreme;: Weakness --Had Little Hope of Being Cured. Mr Deschamps "After the Use of Six Bottles of Paine's Celery Compound I Am a!Cured Mani' The Great Spring Medicine Makes People Well. At the present time there are many thousands of men and women in Can- ada who are suffering much the same as did Mr. T. Deschamps, of 243 At- water Avenue, Point St Charles, Mon- treal. Such sufferers may now rest assured that the same medicine that made Mr. Deschamps a well man will bestow the same gift—good health --to others. Mr. Deschamps' marvellous cure by the use of Paine's Celery Compound, after failures of doctors and hospitals is already well known to many hund- reds in St Gabriel ward, Montreal, for the cured than has never ceased to sing the praises of the remedy that restored hint to health. Mr. Des- champs writes as follows: "Having been a great sufferer for four years from nervousness and weak- ness, and having been completely cur- ed by Paine's Celery Compound after failures with all other other means, I desire to make the following state- ment: "1 became so bad front nervousness and nervous prostration that I was un- able to sleep or assist myself in any way. My limbs were numb and use- less, and for a long time I was not able to stand alone. I was under the care of several doctors in Ottawa city, but their treatment did not better my condition. After coming to Montreal I was a patient in the Western Hos- pital, but after three months' treat- ment I left there no wetter. I thank Heaven that I was advised to use Paine's Celery Compound. This great medicine commenced to do its good work from the time I used the first bottle, and now, after having used six bottles, I am a well man." A movement is on foot to organize -a brass hand in Mitchell. fa -404y Easy? Yes, Very Easy! ANY INEXPERIENCED PER- SON CAN DYE SUCCESS- FULLY WITH DIAMOND DYES. There are no mysteries about the use and handling of Diamond Dyes: The directions given on each package are so concise and simple that the dye- ing of a dress, costume, blouse, jacket, or suit of clothes is made easy and pleasant work. We are aware of the fact that some ladies are badly disappointed after a trial of dyeing work. The reason is obvious; they unfortunately have used some make of worthless dyes foisted on them by some unscrupulous dealer. A child that can read can dye any article successfully with Diamond Dyes. These world -famed dyes are put up by experienced chemists, which accounts for their uniformity in qual- ity, strength and brilliancy, When you buy Diamond Dyes you get the world's best dyes. Valuable book of directions and col- or card sent free to any address by Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal P. Q. • Ciiaumaiism & Dyspepsia Cured 571 ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 To THE PHRENOLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a' friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy. Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did' me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for inc has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. • S. CIDLEY & SOPA EIINTS FOR. XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS. This Season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody is invited to view our stock, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture can be purchased here. SPECIAL.—We wish to call special attention to a line of very handsome Bed Room Setts in Elm, Oak and Ash, Antique and Cremona finish. All are extremely el tasteful e ref in design n and the g prices are much lower than it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Rocking chairs in forest green, Antique, Oak, Curly birch and Mahogany finish, from $2,40 up. FANCY TABLES.—A magnificent line bought at a, sacrifice and marked at corresponding low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music Racks, Couehesi Ex Tables, Three Piece Parlor Suits Picture Mouldings Curtain Artists materials, etc., etc:, etc. Undertaking. and . `mbahning in all its branches. GXDDLLEV SON Miss Martha Nelson, of St Marys, i,.o t. z911it JhreLLR OR was injured in a railway .accident at 0 Su re English River, Man., on Saturday. BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM, Actors, Singers Speakers Thousands of actors, public entertainers, singers, lectur- ers, preachers and readers are tormented with throat weakness Tt Pyrite delicate organs ming overtaxed be- come susceptible to head 1• _ ; ; ,+ ; colds, influenza hoarseness, tickling in the throat, sneez- ing, dropping la the throat, pain over the oyes, dry throat, etc.; all these are forerunners of Catarrh, Asthma, Tonsilitts, and are but stepping stones to more serious complications if ne lected. DR. AGNEW'S IATARERAT, POWDER is powerful, painless, harmless and quick -acting, and will cure all such troubles—relieves in xo minutes. "I can but proclaim Dr. Agnew:s CatarrhalPow- der a wonderful medicine, particularly for singers and public speakers. Myself and wife were both subjects of Tonsilitts and Catarrh, and never found anything to equal this great remedy for quick action and curative qualities—it is a wonder worker. I heartily recommend it to my brother professionals." Al. Emmett Fostell, Actor, New York City. -3: A flan is always in the SWIM. If he wears one of JOfIN'S neatly fitting SUIT'S. • Z'1Fr• He is a sure Etter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine' his; goods before buying your Fa�LL SUIT IV JOHNS Thea Taalor Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ' ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cellar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 30000• Feet common Pine at $10.00per EI. YARD EAST SIDE . Jas Willis OF MAIN STREET. CZEMA SETTER LT RHEUM RELIEVED IN 1 DAY SKIN DI8EAS18 RIMMED BY ONit AP, PLICATION 01' DR. ADNEWN S OINTMENT,` 30 CENTS,. It is n marvellous tura for all suoh dta• gusting dud disfiguring dlneneo. as Eck rattan, bolt tthotrtn, 'Totter!, Fsarbers' Itbb, SM id Gond. Uioorb, Ililotobett. It Duros all oruptione of trio skin and tnokes it .oft and Whito.-2'l. Cull for Service A thorobred Durham Bull for service on lot 1S, eon. 1, Stephen, First class strain. Terms: $1, to insure. SAMUEL PARSONS, P.'0.' Boar For Service The undersigned will keep for service on lot 9, concession 1, .Usborne, imported. Chester White• and large English Berkshire boars, which can be registered if required. Terms as usual. JOHN MAY, 5—w Exeter, R. N. Rowe We try to suit everybody. Come and see us. A look through our two story building will convince you that we carry a good assortment. Take a look at our stock before buying. Everything up-to-date in under- taking. R. N. ROWE FARMERS You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul tural Implernents 131BEIRINU BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afuil line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, Erc The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES. —_ Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. A Suit of Clothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, . Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and laee reliable b v and A. J. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of rale a Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves,' and we will take muoh pleasure in showing them to you. There are rriany. other lines that are specially at. ractive, FOcial MEDALS-440Wi iin, NewlOrieannlss, ZSN oaten. HIGHEST AWAR DS• -Nebraska Agrioultural Fair,1887 DIPLOMA Alabama Ag'1 Sot lety, Mopes tg m ry,1881. AWA $D—Ch ata 000hio ValleY Exposition. Solum• HIGHEST AWARDS. -St, Louis Agrioultural and Mechanioal Assooiatton, 1889, G�biat Expos tion dChiioolago,l s wcfl"d'B Cotum- HIGHESTAWARDs-•Westerit Fair?issociation,.l,.sn• *don, Canada, 1 •t •. SIXGOLD MEDALSnnd Diplotna8,.•Ca1,MirliVinthrFair,'88,' SILVER 81EDAL.-industrial Exposition, Tor oto, Can.,1895 345,584 Home Comfort Ranging Sold to Jan: 1s *8x7 4sTEan o illustrated is sold only from our own wagons at a uniform price throughout„Oanada and the tTnited States. !fade of open hearth, cold rolled steel -plate and malleable iron—will last a life -time with ordinary care. WROUGHT IRON RANGE CA., LIMITED Pounded 1884. Paid-up Capital 81,000,000 Pscoteries, Salesrooms and Offices: TORONTO, CANADA, and ST. LOUIS, 1150. Western 8aleerooms and Oiflces: DENVER. COLO. garble manufacture a`,O carry a complete stook of Rotel Ranges and 1Litchen geode ; also $b =a- Quelled ROME CollEFORT STEEL I`FRNACES. Write for catalogue rend prices, J. A. LATIMER, Division Superintendent, has located a branch of this company at St. Marys, and all repairs will be made FREE Or CHARGE. Judge Osler counted for Garrow the one vote disallowed by the county judge because it bore the initials of poll clerk instead of the deputy return- ing officer, and threw out the other three. This left the vote aide, and the election in the hands'of the returning officer, who yoted for Garrow (Liberal.) BURDOC BLOOD (BITTERS • MRS. TUBS. MCCANN, Mooresville, Ont., writes : " I was troubled with biliousness, headache, and lost ap- petite. I could not rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of B.B.B. my appetite has returned, and am better than I have been for years. I would not be without Burdock; Blood Bitters. I t i:i such a safe and good rerriedy Li— t t am giving it to my claildren„” B:CYCLES Are You Interested In Wheels? We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices ,to su-tthe times. o0o00000ct To make Good Butter one must have good milk and this comes only from healthy cows: The blood must be kept clean and pure, and the digestion good to ensure this result. There is nothing so good for this purpose as Dick's Blood Puri- fier. This preparation is speci- fically made for milch cows and possesses real merit and power to do what is claimed for it. Given regularly with good food it will convert a mere hide and bones structure into a profitable member of the herd. 50 Cents a Package. LEERING, MILES & CO., DICK & CO., Agents, Montreal. Proprietors. PERFEC%TION AT LAST A few second hand organs 5 and G Octave, cheap. Sewing 1'4a chines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. ° PAIN IN THE HEART. Too seridus a condition to neglect. A Guelph harness maker tells how he was cured. Mr. Wm. Dyson, the well known saddler and harness maker of Guelph, Ont„ makes the following statement: "I heartily re- commend Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills to anyone suffering from nervousness and heart trouble. They are a splendid medicine ter suoh complaints. For a long time 1 was afflicted with nervousness and pain in my heart, which . was eapeoially severe at night, often destroying my rest. , These pills cured me and invigorated my nervous system which is now strong and healthy. They restored restful•sleep besides removing the distressing heart pains which formerly gave me so much anxiety and trouble." Milburn'a Heart and Nerve Pills 60 ots. e box 8 for 81.25, sold by druggists or sent by mail. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont, Laxa-Lives' Pills cure Constipation. WARRANTED EVERY TIME • TRUSS) S NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment of the best and host approved Trusses and rMechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur chased direct from the nt:innfacturers. We guarantee 'every Truss to be • made with the finest English steel. PRICES?VER,Y MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP r ':�.:�g toe We would recommend those sufel'inq from COUGHS; COLDS, and IBI1ONcFI1AL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is .also a reliable remedy for children, We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy fF" NEURALGIA, PAINS, 0 u E IIROA T, RITE UMA7'ISM 'NFU f11- t WINAN'S CONDITION Po•w1i1• i•i, the best the mar- ket. Try our I "ion for scratches on horses, a,. t) condition pow-, der for san..,� SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG Sit11,UP. • LUTZ