HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-3-31, Page 5pen 131 X r. R Grand 4lJ �be Spring lOUYiCen"l� We invite the attention of the purchasing public to the lines of goods and prices given below, and would sugge that an early inspection. of our stock would be mutually advantageous. t We have just opened up about 1000 yards of New Carpets Bought direct from the nianu facti rers, and can suit any lady, no matter how fastidious her taste may be. Heavy Super Union Carpets, new designs and colorings, full yard wide - - - 45c Hemp Carpets, very heavy goods, latest patterns - 25c Extra Super All -wool Carpets, 37 inches wide, extra fine quality, new designs - - - 850 Tapestry Carpets, all new designs, imported direct, great values, at - - 25e, 40c, 50e, 600, 75e 'Ask to see our Brussels Carpets. Lace Curtains Nottingham Lace Curtains, good length and width, tape bound, special per pair Tape bound Lace Curtains, 3 yds. long, beautiful designs, fine quality - . - - Nottinghanl Lace Curtains, 3a yds: long, rattling, good value - - - - - - Very taking design, 3. yds. long ; we have never shown anything like it for the money - Aiud still another, wide width, 3z yds. long, very new design, best value yet. 60c 75c $1 13 1 50 3 00 Ladles' Whltewear Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, Lace Trimmed, special, per pair - 15c Ladies' White Cotton Drawers, four rows of tucks and frills, :nicely finished, per pair 22%C Ladies' Drawers, six rows tucks,insertion-trimmed, deep Siem, very special, per pair 45c Ladies' Drawers , fine inser- tion and embroidery trimmed, -rery,fine cotton, . special, per pair - - - 69c Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns; lace -trimmed, in all. sizes, special, each - 45c Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns, insertion - trimmed, _ tucked and frilled, special each, Ladies' White Cotton Night Gowns, insertion and embroidery trimmed, tucked, very fine cotton, all sizes, very special Ladies White Cotton Skirts, new cut, three rows tucks, nicely made, special Ladies' White Cotton Skirts, full width, three rows tucks, and frilled, special - Ladies' White Cotton Skirts, new cut, insertion -trimmed, with heavy embroidery, frills on bottom, special The information gained from experience, our unqualified facilities for buying and sell mg, and a thorough knowledge of the tastes and fancies of the ladies of Exeter and sur- rounding district never stood us to better advantage than this season in the collection of our Dress Goods and Silks for Spring Trade. As a, result, you will find in our store a stock without a peer or equal for excellence of quality, elegance of style, variety of fabrics, wide range of exclusive novelty, and reasonableness in price. Don't accept our word for it ; come and examine for yourself. We invite the keenest investigation, and are willing to take chances on your verdict. Such is our confidence in the goods we offer. 42 inch All -wool Vigoreux Suitings 42 inch Black Figured Lustros, beautiful designs, in Blue and Jet Blacks, wonderfulvalues 40 inch Shot Lustres, fancy dress goods, all popular shadings and blendings - -- - Fancy Colored Pongee in all the new shades of Green, able for waists and Blue and Grey, very durable in t Bl k 25c wear - . - 50c very special value 54 inch All -wool Bicycle Serges in Blue and Black, warranted not to spot with mud or wet - 75c 45 inch All -wool Black French Henrietta, lovely pearl and fin- ish, in Bhie and Jet Blacks, very special - - - 50 42 inch French Made, Black °rep - ons, in newest stripes, the pretti- est goods ever shown for the e money - - - 28c Silk, suit - trimming, - 25c Fancy Shot Taffeta Silks, all shadings, very latest for waists 75c Fancy French Brocade Silks, in all colorings - - 75c IBlack and White stripe Silks, very 50c special - - - 50c It is a pleasure for us to show our Dress Goods, Silks, etc., and buyers can rely on seeing novelties here which are not shown elsewhere in Exeter. ABOUT OUR MILLINERY Our opening will be held on Friday and Saturday next, April 1st and 2nd, when we will make a beautiful display of Pattern Hats and. Bonnets, together with all the latest novelties in FIowers, Feathers, Trimmings, etc,, etc. Every lady is cordially invited to inspect our stock. Roots and Shoes We have just opened up the finest line of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Exeter ; quality the best, and prices that will suit every- body. Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots, well made and real fitters - - - - - - $1 35 Ladies' Fine Dongala patent tipped Bals., extra value - i 25 Ladies Heavy, All -leather, Pegged Bals-, extra value - - 85c Ladies' Fine Grain Buckskins - goc Ladies' Polished Calf, Oxfords, patent leather tip, special i 00 Ladies' Fine Dongola Oxfords, narrow toe, patent tipped,. splendid fitter - 1 25 Another Beauty, one that catches the eye and fits the foot, very fine quality . . 1 40 Ladies' Fine Sara.togas, very latest fad, in a Buttoned Oxford, See it 1 75 Men's Fine Dongola Kid, in Congress or Bals-, very special value . . 2 25 In Men,s, Ladies' and Ch• ildren's Fine Chocolate Shoes we show the latest, Ask to see them, Gorsctr•— See our Leader—a beauty at See our New Summer Corset at Ladies' Feather -bone Corsets, regular price $/,o0, for 1011111621.0.31 BICYCLES—Yes, we handle the celebrated IA* COLUMBIA AND HARTFORD yllititspa make of wheels. See our models and get our prices be- fore purchasing. Shirt Waists and BIouses 50 new Shirt Waists just in, no two alike. worth from 75e to $1.00. Your choice while they last for A beautiful line of Muslin. Shirt Waists, in lovely designs, white collars and cuffs - - - 75c. 58c Gloves Ladies' and Misses' Silk Gloves, Black and. Colors, at15c, 20c, 25a, 30c, 35c, 40c Ladies' Kid Gloves, reliable makes, SPECIAL VALUES, Linens Fine Linen Tablings, Floral De- signs - - - 25c Linen Damask Tabliugs, new de- signs, special value - - 35c Prints Special line of American Prints, dark shades - - - 8c A splendid line of wide -width, fast - colored Prints at, - - 1Oe Hosiery Ladies' Fine Cash mere Bose, English made, full fashioned, special value -. 25c Ladies, Fine Cotton Hose, Black, full fashioned and stainless, a leader - 15c Mens' Ties We have all the newest ideas in Ties, at prices ranging from 10c to 500 61171CMY1121101•1602C• MM. r c aclsca: peva,,,m+acaa-o.-ue� Asea 1 at our notion counter to see the new and 'Tubew Bias Dress Bindings, z They outwear the skirt, easily 3 cleaned with a wet cloth or brush, and they keep their color. 1 Worth's latest French Skirt Pattern is given free with every purc%ase of these bindings. see+-o.,wa ee.......en.m►ae e1o.+a-ah®rne-:mare,► Azure Silks 500 yds. Azure Silks. These are American goods, made to sell at 12i per yd, g we boughs; a lot Men's Fine American Fedoras, of them cheap. Our price 8c faney bands, all latest shades $2.25 mosessolto Nuance Beautiful French Organdie Mus- lins, all newest shades—a snap— 25c Fine Muslins, new lace effect, in a variety of shades - - 15c Finest French Organdie Muslins, imported direct; finest goods made - - - 40c MEN'S SHIRTS New Fine Colored Shirts, collars and cuffs attached, in blue shades, special - - 500 Men's Fine Regatta Shirts, in various colorings, two collars and cuffs, detached, -worth $1, for - - - 750 MEN'S HATS Men's Fedora, Mats, in Black and Brown - - 60c Men's Fine Felt Fedoras, in Black and Brown, special value $1.00 L'iDIES' 8TYLLIS O F E8 ---We have them imported direct from the manufacturers in Europe, by ourselves, and the very best value obtainable. 50c Ladies' and Misses' Capes, new em- broidering, in all fashionable 5oc shades, 17 filches long, .X00 inch sweep _ ;$1.50 1• Ladies' Fine a Clotli Capes, -iii all new shades, beautifully trim - Ladies' Fine Cloth Capes, richly trimmed withlbraid aced jet, 19. inches long,120 inch sweep, in black only - - ' $3.25 Ladies' Black Capes, very fine cloth, beautifully tritumed with 87c 1 med,112 inch sweep, made in the Moire silk and jets, a lovely very latest style - - 2.25 garment - - - 6,25 Ask to see Our Slack Worsted. Suits Made to Order for $15 Ask to zoo Our New Vvreed Suits To order for 10 Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange for roods, "TI Ladies' Black Silk Velvet capes richly trimmed with jets, chiffon and ribbon, and lined throughout out with silk, u ohery nice - 10.50 Also Long Length Capes, suitable for elderly ladies, at $5,00, $6.00 S& $8.00 Lamps, Crockery and Glassware All these goods are imported direct from the m.anufactux ers in Great Britain and the United States Lamp with stand, glass throughout, medium burner, extra value at 20c Large banquet lamps, fancy decorated shade and fount, assorted shades 97 piece fancy printed Dinner Setts in different tints, perfect goods, spe- cial value- - 97 piece' fancy -gifted Dinner Setts in Colonial Blue Decorations, lovely goods - - 11 00 Fancy Glass Pitchers, good size, special Imitation Cut Glass Pitchers,half gal. size, special - - 4oc Imitation Cut Glass Nappies, special per dozen - - - 39c White Granite Tea Cups and Saucers, per dozen 25c 390 OROGE0 IE8"-231bs. Granulated. Sugar for 6 lbs. Rice for 6 " Tapioca ........ 6 Raisins 3 Box Cream Sodas • 13 " Best Green Coffee ..... . 6 Bars Comfort Soap 6 " Dingman's Electric Soap for . • • Best Sulphur per Ib Best Paris Whiting per lb• $1.00 25 25 25 IS ••••• 1.00 25 25 .••• •••••• 214C. I . Extra quality Wooden Clothes Pins per dozen .... Best Uncolored Japan Tea on the market for. ....... Best Mixed Tea ever shown for . .. . Good Three String Brooms: ...... , .. , Eddy's Best Matches, per box . Finest quality New Lemons, per dozen .......... 25, 30 ro 10 P�1Rf 8OL8 SND UMBRELLf18 Ladies' Everlasting Cloth Parasols wood Handles, special line 50e Ladies' Large Size Parasols, good either for sun or rain, - - 75c Fancy Bone Handle Parasols, good covering - - $1.00 A large variety of Fancy Handle Parasols, no two alike, bought. at a bargain $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Good Sateen -covered Umbrellas, crooked handles, special $i.00 Fancy Silver -trimmed Handle Umbrellas, Gloria Covers, hand- some goods • . $r.75 8TFt r LES 36 inch Grey Cotton, extra heavy make ; you will find it hard to buy as good for 7c elsewhere. Our price . • 5c 36 inch Bleached Cotton, regularly sold at Ioc. Our price` 8c Heaviest Feather Ticking made; regularly sold at 25c. Our price 19c Extra Heavy, Soft -finished Cottonade ; regularly sold at 25c to 28c per yard. Our price - 2234c Heaviest Cotton Shirting made, • full wid• th and fast colors, special Extra Heavy, wide width Flannelettes 50 I I j4 c WINDOW &I-1fDE8 Plain Window Shades, Mounted on good rollers, special value 2oc; Plain Blinds with fancy fringe, mounted on good rollers, special 35c Fancy Corded, Lace -trimmed Blinds, the best value we have ever shown • 50c CLOTHING -4o aiM Rai' ' it We can suit you in price and style. We are sole agents in Exeter for Shoreys Celebrated Clothing, Men's Serge Suits, in Navy Blue, special $2,75 Men's Fine Check Tweed Suits, well lined, and made in the very latest )111 style 5.50 Men's Fine Black Worsted Suits, • well made, and very. best trimmings used, special 10.00 1:14..„- ------ Children s Navy Blue Sa• ilor •Suits,something new, well made 1 10 Children's Linen Sailor Suits, very stylish . 00c Boys' Fancy Tweecl Suits,Boys' Nice Tweed Pants, well well made and lined , - 2 75 made and trimmed 'i'ouths' Suits, special Navy Bine and Black, 8.75 'A special liue,ofMen's rine Tweecl I Pants just in . - 1.50 sasmaameneatertenzenam WALL PP11 50c We are showing over 300 designs, in new American and Canadian Wall papers; pur chased direct from the manufacturers. The prices are right. Nice, neat Wall Papers, good patterns, for .... , .... Good White Back Wall Papers, per roll ...... ,..... , New Pattern Wall Papers, Ceiling and Border to snatch, per. New Designs in. White Back Wall Paper, nicely gilted, lovely patterns,Ceiling and Border to match, per roll ..... F ... , IOC Also a choice lot of Wall Papers in all new shades, lovely borders, at various prices. 3c 50 7c The R. PICKARD C i31REG"T' IMPORT