Exeter Times, 1898-3-24, Page 8{P.
iMtaRf. JnM',r.�,.W>ManR4�'+
4."*°4 ".4W7440•40. 0... gT,PY%Kt .: t'N.R,NR�91 i1tMn'�+ SKM.gYiNY W+W°I%p
r• M ia piaster for Exeter., seems tco be ai ing: th
e localmember:`'here
Cash or Produce, One Price Only,
We are proud of our new Wall Papers, Lace Curtains,
and opaque Window Blinds. Our assortment in these lines
is simply grand.
In Wall papers we show some of the very choicest and newest
Ideas in Canadian and American Goods. The styles are new. The
qualities good, and the prices low. Yes, as low as cash and one
price can make thein
Our assortment of new Lace Curtains will be interesting this sea-
son. if you want to see the newest designs in. Lace Curtains, come
to us If ti'ou want the best value in Lace Curtains, come to us.
We can give you some pointers in what is up-to•date in nobby Lace
Curtains, and all at prices as low as cash and one price can maks
Opaque oiled Window Shades, Mounted on best Hartshorn Rollers.
Oh yes, We have a ing, big stock, thirty five styles to choose from.
22 cents each For plain shades mounted on good Rollers—this is an eye
opener --come and see the latest.
35 cents each For platin shade with nice fringe bottom. When you see
them you will wonder how they were made for the money.
50 oc'.ntseach For a very stylish lace bottom shade -the new cord oriental
effect, this is a very stylish shade.
80 cents each For our new Combination Fringe and insertion. This is the
newest blind in the trade, Its a winner sure.
Come to us for you house furnishings. We stn save yo u
Our new Millinery is all open and ready for your iusec-
tion. Yes its a lovely stock. You are welcome to come
and look as much and as often as you like. You won't be
asked to buy. , Come flirt see the lovely pattern T-Iats and
ret 1 tt ;. ,1,w flowers. 011 they are lovely.
�Ol i. ;;, ., 1• < .. to T:k)tyt,•i'>.
Agent for the Wnsrneisr Assurance Coit-
eAvv, of Toronto ; also for the Paf Nxx FIRE
xh`E:URASOE COM'AN•x, of London, - England ;
the AM.Lmen INSIIRANCE Co1iPANI, of Eng
A. O.F.
Cour. Pricer.)
Heron, No.
A til
2.nd and 4
Friday in ea
month. Yisiti g
brethren are r-
dially invited to
w C. R. ; GEo.
K' RrP, SEC'Y.
1 S' AEGON FOR SALE—First class, 3
spring, One horse light waggon, w,u•-
ly new. Sold cheap, apply to John
FARMER,AT•risNTtON-A quantity
of very choice Clean Red Clever 'seed
for vale. Lot 13, Con. 2, Usborne. B. I
NEW MEAT Man ET—Theundersign-
ed opened business one door south of
a arling's store, on Tuesday, the 22nd
"inst. J. T. MANNING.
Fos CHAIN LOST. --A child's fob
chain lost on .Iain st., on Saturday
evening last. Finder will please leave
same at this office.
corning again, T. P. Smith will be at
Commercial Hotel on. Friday and Sat-
urday, April lst and 2nd. If your
eyes are affected don't fail to call and
see bins.
IN eesEsse----
Lead Pencils,
Rubber Erasers,
Perls, and
Pen Holders,
Ink Blotters,
Ruled, Plain`
Slates & Pencils,
Scribbling books
Drawing Books
Rulers, Etc.
tI,,tallitiu TEEX!TERT.
THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1898.
Mild March weather.
Birds are coming back.
The spring fever is due.
Some farmers are ploughing.
Additional Meals on first page.
The season is two weeks ahead of
lasty ear.
The It y n -c cle s
e<•tson is rapidly y aP-
proaching. r
Wild ducks and a few geese have k
been flying north.'
Mr. A. Spicer, has secured a situa-
tion as tailor with White & May, St. 1
Mrs. Baynard, Blansh:ard, fell down
cellar and broke her am one day last
week. -
Mr. Frank Hicks, of Norwich, visit-
ed Mrs. Hooper and other friends in
town this week.
Thursday. was Ireland's day, and
,many Frits of green ribbon and sprigs
of shamrock were worn.
Ladies! We have just received sever'
atl thousand catling cards, latest Shape
e,nd best iinported Bristol. It costs hp
more to have the latest. At Trig
Use Winan's Cough Balsam for
coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles,
Acknotvleg;ed the bast cough medicine
e market. Especially
.on tla good for
children Manufactured by O. LOVA
LosT, strayed or stolen, on Tuesday
evening, March 15th, one Cocker
Spaniel (Black), goes by the naive
"Major". Any one giving infor-
mation that will wx i te•i
< d to his
dead or alive. will be suitably reward-
ed. T. B. CARLING.
$10 PER WEE ,—Souse few weeks
ago Arthamr Rollins, of Exeter,
slipgedeen so eIce and sprained his
wast �tpdxv`oefir. 'Ir. H. E.. Iius-
toli, ••gent cif' the London Guarantee
an Accident Co., handed Mr. Rollins
a cheque for $10 per week during time
of disablement.
• e
The street commissioner will start
the street cleaning corps out in a few
R. N, Rowe has a carload of furni-
ture coming in in a few days. Look
out for bargains.
Mr. John Rowe, of Sharon, was at
London, Brantford. and Burford last
week on business.
R. F. Barbour, an old and respected
citizen of St. Marys, suicided the other
day by shooting l intself in his own
Mr. and -Mrs. Holloway, of Clinton,
returned home on Monday, after.
spending a week with their daughter,
Mrs. R. N. Rowe.
14 It Rigney has moved into the resi-
dence vacated by Robt. -Richardson,
white Will Hodgert takes the rest-
.dence lately occupied by Mr. Rigney.
=..,aspire and see t?Ie,xm tfallent dis-
play of Pafteru hats and bonnets, at
the R. Pickard Co's show rooms, o
Friday n
&Saturday Ist. and 2nd. .+>.
Carling Bros. intend putting a plate
glass front in their store in a few days.
They will also lower the windows. R.
N. Rowe is also putting in a new plate
glass front,
The Ladies of Exeter and vicinity
are all very cordially invited to attend
our spring millinery openings on Fri-
day and Saturday April lst and 2nd.
',Tian R. PIcKARn Co.
The Council met on Friday evening
andassed one
p motion. Ap rominent
member stated that owing to last
year's council doing so much business,
the council of 1898 met only to see how
little they can do.
Millinery openings at E. J. Specks'
pan's on April let & 2nd. Our import
trimmings have exceeded other years
' and we will have an immense amount
sof trimmed goods for you to inspects'
The sale of the John McCallum es-
tate took place on Tuesday. The at-
tendance was large. The real estate
was not disposed of, the highest offer
being $1150, but the chattels sold well.
John Gill wielded the hammer.
The R. Pickard Co. will open their
Millinery and Mantle show rooms on
Friday, April lst and following days,
when all that is new and fashionable
in headwearfor ladies 'will be on view,
and every lady in Exeter and surroun-
ding country is corny icily invited to
inspect the display,
Nelson Peterson claims the Spack-
man burglary to be the first he has
any knowledge of, the statement of his
havingbeen connected with t^e'v'ieius
robberies being ill-founded, 011114n
Phalle who was dismissed on suspend-
ed sentence claims that one revolver
was then
0 1 olein article he
taken, and tt
shat was given thm
Heather, by
The Ontario Department of Agri-.
culture Lias received notification Ltion frim
the G. T.
R. and 0.:1'.R. that a special
freight tariff of half the regular rate
world be granted on p
edt is
ed cattle
between Ontario points.
Many app %(ants, and among tltc�ut the
most influential Liberals in town, that
it has been deemed best to call a meet-
i 'et-ing. of the applicants, and if possible,
amicably decide upon,one nuui for the
appointment. Tide is a wise course,
and will no doubt inert with approval.
.A Leonosag CLun ORGANIZED.—
Meeting of the young men of town
was held on Tuesday evening, when
the lacrosse ebb Ovals organized for
1898,andt •'
he following, officers elected:
—Honorary president, A, Q, Bobier ;
president, N. Dyer Hurdon; vice-pres.,
os, Senior; Seo.-treas., J. IL Grieve;
Capt., M. Vincent ; Com., Frank Wil-
lis, Frank Lutz, A. R. Kinsman, Fred
FALLWFIBAT:-F roam reliable sources
conies the information that the fall
wheat has coupe through the winter
well. The snow protected the plant,
and no frost penetrated the earth to
prevent the surface water from passing
away. Of coarse it is just possible that
injury may yet be dune by alternate
freezing and thawing, but the chances
of n good crop of this important cereal
are, in the meantime greatly enhanced.
business carried on by Messrs. Rollins
& Williams, will in future beeondueted
by the Exeter Milling Go., a new part-
ner in the person of A. E. Stewart, of.
Messrs, Stewart & Abbot,produce mer-
chants, having been admitted. Mr.
Stewart will ao into thebusiness about
1st of May. `Mr. Rollins will devote
most of his time to his farm near
Judge Masson on Saturday passed sen-
tence upon the three prisoners Heather,
Peterson and Phair, who were convict-
ed of burglary, Heather was given 23
months in the Central Prison ; Peter-
son 3 months in Goderich jail, and
Phair dismissed on suspended sentence.
There were two charges against each.
E, J. Spackman recovers the clothing
Lucimore, of Alvinston, visited Mrs.
Vale and other friends this week.—A.
number of young men surprised W.
Brooks on Saturday evening by split-
ting his wood. Mr Brooks has been
ill for some time, hence the surprise
party.—Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown
pleasantly entertained a number of
friends on Friday evening last.—Miss
Hattie White has secured a situation
as head milliner in Cannington.
LIBEL Stars.—While the Liberals
are issuing writs on the Conservatives
in connection with statements made
during the East Huron election, the
Conservatives of South. Huron are
after tnaligners in this Riding. We
hear it mentioned that the defeated
candidate, Mr. McLean and some of
his sidesmen are to be called upon to
prove statements made against Henry
Either, the member -elect, during the
recent campaign.
TxoN s.
high The ht„h school entrance and public
school leaving examinations for 1898
will begin Tuesday. June 28, at 8:45 a.
m. The course of study prescribed for
the examination is that given in the
revised regulations, except that physi-
ology and temperance takes the place
of botany at the public school leaving
examinations. Any misunderstanding
on the part of candidates regarding
the requirements is to be dealt with
by the local board in settling results.
The revised regulations do not, Os for-
merly, call for the presentation of
book work in writing, drawing, etc.,
at either the high school entrance or
public school leaving examinations.
For the latter examination, book work,
if presented by candidates, is to be
taken into account, as last year, in
view of the special provisions an-
nounced for 1808.
mittee appointed to select an orchard
for spraying will likely name R. S.
Lang's, in the village. There will be
six experimental demonstrations. Dile
notice will be given of such spraying,
and every one having even a few fruit
trees will find it profitable to attend
and take notes of the experiments,
The agent who will conduct the ex-
periments will have for :distribution
copies of a 'handy bulletin giving full
on as to the various insectf-
ides and how to treat them. It is es-
hnated by U. S. officials that from
one-third to one-half of the fruit crop
of that country is lost each year by
diseases and pests, aggregating about
8,000,000 barrels of fruit. There are
no actual figures to guage the loss ' H
Canada, but we undoubtedly suffer i
proportion. There are 320,000 acres o
rchard in Ontario, and 91 million
pple trees,over 6 million of which are
gearing. The value of the product of
single teees on which spraying was.
conducted last year in these experi-
ments was found to be increased from
$1 to .8. Putting n the increase eat,se •�
<t 2
g a
tree only,this would mean an addition
to the wealth of the Province front 1a
to 2 million dollars.
Tem R. T. oP T's.—On Sunday even-`
g last Advance Couneil No.207, Roy
a' Tempiars of Temperance, coxnmen,-
orated the twelfth anniversary of their
organization by attending the Main
Street Methodist Church. The mein-
bers of the local council, together with
visitors from neighboring councils, oc-
cupied the centre row of seats in the
church, and Pastor Smith preached a
very appropriate, eloquent and con-
yincing sermon on the evils of intem-
perance, and encouraged the temper-
ance workers to continue unceasingly
in their warfare against the giant evil.
On Monday evening an excellent con-
cert was held. in Gidley's Opera House.
The chair was occupied by P Mr. J. Is,
Clarke, who tv o complime;ited Mr. Smith
raon the excellent sermon he preached
the previous evening, stated that the
local council was organized on the 13th
of March, 1886, with. J. E. Tom, I.P.S.,
as Select Councillor, that the pp resent
membership was 70, and that thirty-
six•persons,carried a total insurance
of $17,000, The following program was
then carried out, and that each of the
entertainers dict their part well was
eyiclenced by the hearty applause bei
stowed upon them by the audience
Pickard Co.
Wall Papers!
all 1'apers
0 EP
11 ; a. a . •.. s
r ing in Pric s Fr ill
Quartette, Messrs. Ruse, Senior, Pick- Coining From Toronto.
and and Popplestone ; solo, Miss Mor -
lock ; address, Rev. C. `Smith; instill, THE MOST ConrmETnNT.—Attention
mental, Miss Pearl Levitt; recitation, is called to the ad. of J. Y. Egan in an -
Miss Beer •solo, Mr. Stoneman, Hen- other colun
n. Mr. Egan o is the only
salt ; address, Inspector Tom, Goder- Hernia Specialist in Canada, and those
ich ; quartette, Messrs. Ruse, Senior, I suffering from rupture should avail
themselves of his visit to Exeter. - He
can be seen and consulted free at the
Continerial Hotel Saturday and Sun-
day, April 2 and i.
G. A. Mace, of Toronto, was in town
on Monday.
T.B.Ca Carling advertises in this issue
for a lost dog. -
R. S. Richardson and wife moved to
Zurich this week.
Miss Lille Johns and Mrs. E. A. Special sermons will be preached. in
Ross spent Sunday with friends in Main St.' Church next Sunday.
Mrs. Abell, of Seaforth is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Stephen Powell.
Miss Louisa Sweet returned from
London Saturday, where she had been
visiting friends.
Don't forget the "At Home" in the
Presbyterian church on Monday even-
ing, March 23th, good program also,
The SeniorLeague of Main st church
intend holdinga concert on the even-
ing of Good Friday. Particulars lat-
Finding his present quarters too
small and inconyenient for his increas-
ing boot and shoe trade, J. W. Broder
ick will, about April lst, remove to the
large store at present occupied by Jas.
Yates as a book store. The new quer-
Hotel licenses in Brussels will cost ters will be refitted as far as may be
$200 next year. 5140 goes to the saws : necessary to make a, handsome and
and 2-3 of 560 imposed by the Govern-" commodious store.—Goclerlch Star.
went is also returned after expenses
Pickard and Popplestone ; solo, M.
Vincent : recitation, Mr. Craig, Hen -
sell ; instrumental duett, Misses Le-
vitt ; solo, Miss Fielding, Hensall.
Miss Long, of Detrick, is visiting
Miss E. Willis in
J. K. Baker, of. Henfryn, yisited
friends in and around Exeter this
week. -
Maple syrup arrived on the market
last Saturday. It was sold. for $1 per
Palm Sunday comes on April 3, a
week from next Sunday; Easter Sun-
day is a week later, April 10.
"Oats and Wild Oats" is the pulpit
topic announced for Main street Meth-
odist church next Sunday evening.
The railways are still carrying on
the cut rate war. The conference held
last week did not avail anything tend-
ing to a settlement of the difficulty.
Miss Ida Balkwill, darn. ghter of John
Balkwill, of Chicago, formerly of Ex
etei, was married on the 14th March,
to a Mr. Sbirrey, of Chicago.
are deducted.
Our millinery openings on Friday ands.,
Saturday, April lst & 2nd, promise to
be a success, as Miss Smith will haye al
very large display of trimmed hats..,
We would refer our readers to the
advertisemeut in another colu o
the London horse mn f Having visited the markets during
mart. If you have l the past week, we were alive to the
an animal for sale, or wish to buy one, leading dress fabrics which are Ser yes
this is your opportunity. Serges
Sicillians in Black, Brown and
Miss Horne's n•
ess spring millinery r -
e o en
A Green. In Silk
g and Wool
y .peffects the
ng will lie held o
u Friday and Satire- rshades are Green,Brown R and Farr n,
day, .April 1st and 2nd. The ladies of f,,ach color beautifully shaded. with
Exeter and vicinity are cordially in- �sexce1lent effect.
vited,to• inspect her display of new
he Latest Styles
keepin their. reputation. In Cash -
chased from
Johnan Parsons has pur- c
,J c cl B1ue$tacks,Blacic
chased from Seen? his residence meres ks in
Fine and Coarse, Twill, Black
on James street, paying therefor a Broches and Armures, Black Lustres
goodfigure. Mr. Snell will move into i
the adjoining property, while Richard and i Slc_Iltas, Black Soliels and BIa,ck
Snell will occupy the house vacated by Silkel es eaast colors.
Mr. Parsons. THE TRIMMINGS for this season are
Charles Heenan, an old railroad man Beaded Gixnpingsin black and colored,
and who has visitedalso Tubular Braids, all of which we
this office several are showing from nett/ stock.
times clueing the last IO years, arrived
here last Monday froux the City of ; OUR LININGS are unsurpassed.
Baltimore. Mr. Heenan, originated at Belly imported goods, are away ahead
Templemore, Tipperary County' Ire- of Canadian in point of value and
land 52 years ago. : quality.
The board of health held a meeting '' OUR PRINT COUNTER is up -to-
the other evening. There was a full I date with choice patterns and fast col-
attendlance, and a keen interest mann ;ors, 30 and 32 in. goods, Printed Dri1=
fested in the town's sanitary condition. ' lettes and Satinees suitable for wrap -
It was decided to enforce to the letter l petc ; 45� patterns in Canadian and
all statutory laws, and remove exist-, .English Flannelettes, from Sc to 25e.
ing nuisances. A thorough inspection. Otltt TABLE LINENS & TOWttLLrwes
will be made. N never commanded the arpreciation of
who is the punishn,ent fora �r ex, • buyers more than the present. They
sonan a li
who'aec e s 1 n Well' I o
e led a bribe at the la fx f ii want first-class
provincial election ? is le question that: Damask Tablings, y08 in, wide in ele
is frequently asked. The statute e - ant patterns, from 88c to $1.10, come
acts that any person proven guilty of in and see thews, Also Bleached Dam -
receiving money for yoting must pay ask Towels.
a fine of $200 and go to prison until;
the money is pair, Jia Pia 0rL
r1 i °'ro For now and tasty Goods,
9 We are carrying this year a,;.
better assortment of Dress and Fancy Goods, than we have
ever kept before, and would draw your attention to the
following :--
We have just received a quantity of Ladies' and Misses Spring and;
IlmerCapes imported d di
rect from Germany. This is
for us, being the first season we have Ilandled. Spring Capes.
But onaccount of increased trade we find it necessary to keep a
number of new lines of Goods. -
Misses Capes, Fancy trimming, in Black, Fawn, Green $1.3,rI:
Ladies' and Misses' Crapes trimmed rr a n rr ... , .. 51,75
a Capes trimmed, with Braid ri• /f 5 r/ ,,,,..$3.50
n s Fancy tabule ing N e k n , ... $4.00
n Box Cloth Capes rr rr II ,r $4.511
n Capes Jet Trimming, Black only 54.50
II Velvet Capes nicely jetted, Black only, ' $8.00
r. Crimped. B1ack,Satin Capes trimmed with Chiffon and Jets, $9,00
These Capes are all the latest style as every one of them is just
new. Not an old Stock Cape in the Store.
S11.14,01.1%.0.1, 41•6•237rasic,02=m2:00
highea NM laid For Produce.
Butter, 15 cents ; - Eggs, 9 cents ; Dried Apples, 5 cents ;
Lard, TO cents ; Tallow 4 cents ; Potatoes per bag, 90 cents. •
Cope to Us to Kaye Their Eyes Examined.
If you need Glasses let us fit them for you We give
you the best expert attention at T. FUTON'S Jewelry
Graduate Optician.
Arriving Daily.
Mrs. Pott's Irons, 80 cents a sett,
Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Mops;
Brushes all kinds. The latest in Tin
andGraniteWare,Finnie Haddies,
Dates, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Ban-
anas, Cigars. -
Butter and eggs taken in exchange.
New Goods arriving every week.
See our automatic
Braddie Cornell, .of Parkhill, was in
town last Sunday.
A shower of rain on Sunday broke in
upon the spring weather we had en-
joyed during the past few weeks.
Thos. Cann, of Usborne,who had his
hand mangled in a straw cutter some
time ago, is recovered so as to be able
to work again.
It was announced a couple of weeks
ago that Rev. G. A. Cohbledick had
been invited to Welland Avenue
church,St. Catharines, and had accept-
ed the invitation ; finding he could not
get a transfer, he hadw o
withdraw his resignation.
Commercial travellers, or "drum-
mers' as a rule are well posted in pol- •
itics and all other publicquestions, but
are especially well up in all technical
business terms One of the Knights of
the Grip turned up in Exeter the other
day who is a>n.exceptionto the general
rule. He had never heard of the term
"trade discount" before, and after sell-
ing albill of goods to one of our mer-
chants, giving hire a trade discount,
he thought the matter over after go-
ing to Ins hotel; and, deciding that he
would, according� bargain to the bar ain he
had made, have to take goods from
the merchant to the amount of
the order he had taken, rushed back to
the store, and, panting for breath, in-
formed the merchant that he could not
afford to come from Toronto every
time he wanted a pound of tea or fifty
cents worth of sugar, and wanted to
make a new bargain, A broad smile
broke over his countenance when he
was ,given the correct definition of
`,trade discount" and he went away
We try to suit everybody.
Corns and see us,
A look through our two spry
building will convince you that
we carry a good assortment. Take
a look at 'lour stock before buying.
Everything u -to-date. in under-
taking. l�
N movie
A. bottle of Ha yard'sYellow 00 should be
in everycyclist's
c c at kit asit is h
the most effective
remedy for Sprains, Bruises, es Cuts,Stiff Joints,
n,Contraction of the uscles, rams in thegee
s I it!
To secure the bargains we
are offering in
We intend to make the
days interesting-
the buying public.
Still further reductions in
all departments.
1sta5ay of April
We close our sale.
A-ncl if, in the meantime
you have not availedyourself
bf this
The fault is yours, ls, not ours,
we have given fair warning.
The Good must be sold.
1S is a chance of a life-
F. M(. ining
(Johnston's old stand!)