Exeter Times, 1898-3-24, Page 5Vile is the complaint of thoueaude at this Reason. They have no appetite; food at n .$oesnot relish. They need the torei g UO .of the stolnach and digestive organs, which a course of hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can 1Enow, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt- iy and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp- toms and cureg nervous headaches, that it Seems to have almost "a magio touch." 0 Sarsaparilla. Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier. aro the best alter -dinner tet I'I000d'Su PltiiS pills, aid digestion. 250,. • IiINSMMMAN, L. D. S. AND I� DR. A. R. EINSIVIAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists, Tenth extracted without pain or son's Tiloak bad after ofrects. Office in Fan- , West side of Main at., Exeter. DR. ANZERSON, (D• J. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, A harmless ameasthetio for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter, Ont Farms for sale n.few , Apply toasme for SPACEMAN soy to ckmaker Wanted Wanteda suitable man the coining snminor -who is posted in brickmaking, Seton, and 'burning. Apply to J. & J. SPEovT, Lgmoud- ville P. O. MONEY Private funds to loan on improved farms at five and five and one half per cent. Apply to 1etDccomber 1897. leLLIOT & GLADMAN 'Solicitors etc., Exeter 'Boar For Service The undersigned will keep for service on lot S. .concession 1, Usborne, imported Chester White and large English Berkshire boars, 'which can be registered if required. Terms as usual. JOHN MAY, 5-w Exeter, ELLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, &c., &c. elOSIoney to Loan at 5% and 51,r. 'OFFICE, MAIN STREET, EXxiTER. n. v. ELLIOT. = = 1', W. GLADMAN. 119216125121CASTIMS1120 .1.1•0131 Turns for Salon About•200 bushels of first-class turnips for sale, at S cents a bushel. Also a quantity of hay and straw, cheap, ApppLly to. JOHN:HEYWOOD, Exeter. Notice of Dissolution l Notice is hereby given that the partnership lroretofore subsistirgbetween us, the under- signed, as General Merchants, in the Villages ooii.Crediton and Zurich was on the 25th of ,January last dissolved by mutual consent, All debts owing to the said partnership are to be paid to Samuel Brown, at the village of Credi- ton, and John Preeer, of the village of Zurich, atforesaid, and all claims against the sold partnership are to be presented to the said Samuel Brown and John Preotor by wliomtho eiamo will be settled, Dated at Crediton, this 17th March, 1898. Witness : H. E. Either. SAMUEL BRowN, Rang PREETER. LONDON NORSE MART ASSQCIATiON LONDON, - - - - CANADA. GRAND Annual Spring Sale • -OF HIGH CLASS -- Horses, Carriages, &c. -WILL BE HELD ON- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 6th and 7th, '98 At the BraRNABD Housis .A STABLES AND YARD, Corner Talbot and Carling Streets, commencing at ten o'clock sharp each .daay. Salo limited to 250 Horses, and will include Saddle and Carriage Horses, Drivers, General Purpose Borges, Draught Heroes aud Ponies. A number of Carriages and Buggies, also Single and Double Harness, will be offered. Farmers, breeders and others having Horses of any class for sale will find this the best ioons of obtaining the highest possible ossible r ice as the sale is being extensively advertisol throughout Canada and the United States. and will bo attended by scan of the most .prominent local and foreign buyers, who look forward to this sale as an annual event. Entrance foe, $L00 per head: Commission if sold, 6 por cont. No Charge if not sold. Ad- yortising and Cataloguing frog. Make your entries at once. For further particulars and information ad- iiress WM. BERNARD, SEs.-TREAS., OR H. PORTER & Co., A lOTIONEERS. London Auction Mart, Carling St., London, Phone 1162. The ily uteher For, a good selection of leA1VIS, LARD, BACON, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, BEEF, LAMB, PORK. MUTTON, and VEAL, also POULTRY in Season: —CALL. AT— The Family Meier Shop 6d One door south of Central hotel: LUIS DAY --DEALER, IN— Tlides, Calf and Lamb Skins. THE RNGLO R'ERICM AImost Frisoners RLLIRNCE PROPOSAL. SirWi illi am Robinson, Just From. Hong. Kong, Advocates It, Sheffield, Eng., Telegraphs Thinks the Vigorous Efforts to Strengthen the U', S. Navy Are With a View to Aialcing Uncle Sam Iloady to Co -Operate With John Bull and the Mikado in the East -News by Cable, London, March 16. -Sir William Rob- inson, whe has just arrived in London from Hong -Kong, • of which colons he has been Governor since : 1891, yesterday warmly advocated an understanding with the United States on the Chinese quos. tion, saying the aims of the United States in regard to China were identical with those of Groat Britain, and added: "Thera is a fooling at Hong -Long and Shanghai that the Chinese provinces can- not hold together moods longer. They are already partly independent, not only of oaoh other, but also of the Imperial. Gov ernment," HERE'S A NEW THOUGHT. All the Preparations of the United Status May Not Be Only Against Spain. London, March 16. --',Phe Sheffield Tele- graph in an article yesterday says: "Are we not rather hasty in assuming that the war preparations of the Govern- ment of the United States are dirootod solely agniust Spain? American status. men aro very doop. They may be content to lot it appear that their armaments, which aro really intended for a much greater occasion, are designed against Spain. "This much is certain. If the United States Government is determined to stand IR lino with England and Japan in de- fending China, it would have to snake such preparations as aro now afoot. Eng- land and Japan are ready, and the United States is not. It is a fair assumption that there is ab least a tacit understanding between Great Britain and the United States. This would account for Mr. Gos ohon's extraordinary reltiotanco to exer- cise the right of pre-emption over the warships building hi England. The best of these aro for .japan, our ally, and could not be touched. The United. States is pre- sumably anxious to purchase the two ships which worn so pointedly pressed upon Mr. Gosohon's attention and which ho hinted wore unsuitable. They aro cer- tainly unsuitable to us. If the Americans: wanted to buy thein a more impolite step is inconceivable at this juncture, when we are promised. American support, than our buying them over their heads. Hap- pily, the Government is not likely to be entrapped into such a blunder." A U.S. THEATRE INCIDENT. "Star-Spangled Banner" and e God Save the Queen," Sung Simultaneously. New York, March 16. -The Tribune published the following yesterday: "A highly successful attempt to excite; a patriotic demonstration was made last night at the Empire 'Theatre. It does not take much to do that, but the present instance was notable, as showing nob only loyalty to the United States of Amorioa, but friendliness to Great Britain, and that is rather unusual in an Arnerioan theatre. "Tho theatre was decorated last night with American. and English flags, outside and in, the colors of thio two nations be- ing draped together in a manner em- blematic of their present mutually friend- ly relations. "After the first act of the play the orchestra played and the members of the company sang "The Star Spangled Ban - nor" and then "God Savo the Queen," and the audience not only vigorously ap- plauded both, but heartily joined in the singing. It might,not beexactly easy for. the oldest inhabitant to remember just when an American audience in an Amer- ican theatre mericantheatre has before joined in singing "God Savo the Queen." The Sarno Idea in Africa. London, March 16. -Rev. Dr. Hartzell, Methodist Episcopal Bishop of Africa, has arrived here from Liberia. He left New York in December, 1806, and has since traveled 6,000 miles in West and South Africa, stationing 85 inissionaries. Mrs. Hartzell accompanied her husband. Both are well and they expect to sail for New York on March 28. Bishop Hartzell is accredited by President Coleman of Liberia as confidential emissary to Lord Salisbury and President McKinley, to whom he bears letters intrusted to him on the eve of his departure from Monro- via. The gist of these letters is a request for Closer relations with Great Britain and the United Status, to which countries President Coleman appeals to insure the independence and development of the country. Rere It Cropped Out Also. London, March 16. -The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of London gave a banquet 'last evening to Messrs. Hodges,Ferris and LoWis of the Boston Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany. The Earl of Denbigh presided. United Status Consul -General Osborne, who received: an ovation, rising to reply to the tost, referred to the talk of an Anglo-American alliance, and testified to the friendship existing between the two countries. He said he did not believe that either needed protection, unless against is combination of powers, but should that combination . over occur he was confident that the protection 'would be gonerously given. (Cheers:) Mr. Osborne expressed the opinion that tho strained relations between the United States and Spain Would neon be removed. ; t i• .w.L r.3 is BETTOR. l L::ul mete' islet„tits could not sleep at c,a •, i.. dela t. en tired that. I could htudis' wadi. 1 w iltivai's Sarsapar- illa, 'atIw'a'rt ieo,l, acid• proett 'ed four' botties, My he h is clow Letter tints t , lees d at i ,c'ee 1 wti,ts a child, and I have nal, been siek for ii, sting tinit.” fi:a ,7t esee i'rumbuil, Cleatn- l)tmok, !Lichee Pelle an, disc}tidy Lillis to take with Iitni,i's tea: :e tesi'iilts. J gsy and ye,t otinec'i:t., ' 'I'nli,t.ccaw and tis erettes to the value of $2,000 suave been seized nt Cornwall. urging the winter Months. kfiumni is Daily Vontilaid Ems has helped to Ifn and Sands of disease. Thousan,s Have Losi in Strenqth and eight and Are roken in Health.. Paine's Celery Compound, the Best of All Spring Medicines, h' °urs urifies the Blood, Restores Nerve Force and Lost Strength. Amongst the first good results that are apparent from using Paine's Cel- ery:Qompound in the early spring sea- son is a perfect regularity of the bow- els, good appetite, sound,healthy sleep and good digestion. These benefits coming' prom ptly:with the use of Paine's Celery Oompound naturally result in health -building and the establishment of a vigorous system that is capable of resisting sickness and contagious diseases. It should be remembered that spring weakness, nervousness, despondency, ]angor and that "tired feeling" prove that the matter in the nerves and spin- al cord are not getting sufficient nour- ishment. Paine's Celery Compound will quick- ly supply a fresh and abundant supply of nutriment for every tissue of the body ; the great nledieine is prepared for this purpose. . Paine's Celery Compound is the only medicine ih the world that has earned the complete confidence of medical men and the best people in every part of .the civilized world. This world-famous medicine is the only one that can meet the needs of all who are weak and sick, and who have been confined in badly ventilated apartments during the long winter months. "It quickly expels every trace of poison and disease, and Lives a flow of rich, pure Blood that insures perfect and true health. If you value your life, beware of sub- stitutes that al•e offered by some deal- ers. Paine's Celery Compound is what you need to cure you ; take nothing else ; it is a guaranteed spring life -giv- er and health -builder. MAILK i. T QEF RTS Exeter Match 23rd, 1808 Wheat per bushel Oats.•...... Barley..,,. ••.... Peas......... ...... Butter.... ••••• Eggs • Turkeys ... Geese. Chickens -per ib , Ducks ••••• wool,.,.• Dried A.pples.. ,.84 to 28 to ..'40 to 40 .50 to 60 ...1d to 14 ▪ .,.,..11 to o 1 4 to 5 4 to 0 R". ER 28 .. 5 to 17 to . 2l to Pork dressed $5.50 to ry6.00 Pork live weight 4.40 to 855.50 Hay per ton ...:.$ 5 00 to 6.00 Clover seed .... ... $4.00 to $5.00 Alsikc clover 84.50 to $5.00 Timothy seed .........._. $1,00 to $1.25 0 London, Marche 23rd, 1598. Wheat per bustle , ..88 to Oats.....30 to Peas .... . ,..89 to Barley Buckwheat ....60 to Rye 32 to Corn 44 to Beans 25 to Butter .... 18 to Du18 to 18 g s 75 to 80 Turkeys per lb...• 10 to 10 GooseDorib 9 to 10 Chickens....30to 50 Cheese to 0 Potatoes per bag... 50 1$07.0600 Hay por ton $ 0.00 to Pork per cwt.., ... .. $4.00 to $4.50 ASK YOUR DEALER 31 51 66 46 32 l -OR BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM A Men is always in the SWIM. If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine' hiss goods before buy ing your -.P1'"—FALL SUIT W J O I -HIS , TI -se Teti leer Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No, 1 PI Pine and h Pln Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- inglBuilders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. SO®OO FeetCOMI Fal Pine at $IQoOO per M. YARD EAST SIDE "las.Willis OF MAIN STREET. Hull for Service A. thorobrod Durham Bull for service on lot 18, eon. 1, Stephen. First class strain. Terms: $1, to insure: SAMUEL PARSONS, Y. O. SPRING WEA.TIIFR WEAKNESS, It's not thebwenthor that's at fault. It's your system, dogged With poisth onous materials, at makes you feel dull, drowsy .weak and miser- able. Let Burdock Bleed Batters clear away all tho'poisons, purify and enrich your blend, stake you fool bright and vigorous. BID BACKACHE GOOD-BYE. If you MS troubled with Backache Lame tack or Weak lack, you will find Ooan's,fi1- aca1dsdtyoodnd tack, eur backheed strength. You will find at Iiissett's Wareroom' the following line of .Agricul tural Implement BERING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RATCRS. Afull line of Seed. Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEINING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated I Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine I STOVESd Gurney stoyes and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. lin Introduction -- It gives us _ pleasure to in troduce to you our fine BeavE and Milton Overcoatings,• also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices aro away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not. J. He Grieve A Sunt of (illothes or a Single Garment Should Clombine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plaee, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Pali Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and' we will take much pleasure in showing; them to you. There are rriany other lines that are specially a{: ra ctive.. Wen:. Jackson, of Biddlilpb, left for Michiganlast week. PERFECTION AT LAST VVCT I UR MEIDALS-• 9Goid and 1 Suver, World's Ccnton- n,al Cotton exposition, New Orioans, 0884. 1 ES r a 1 H GH TAWARp:s" NebraskaAgricultu alF Pair,1857 DIPLOMA Alabama Age Society, Montgomery, 1888, AWARD-•Chattehcochte Vall.oy Exposition, Colum bus, Oa.. 1FO888, IFIIOHEST AWARDS -St. Louis Agricultural , and Mechanical Association, - 1989, GOLD MEDALS and tl iPLOMASWo 's ootum. bion Exposition,, Chicago, i HiGWESTAWaARACanada, X898. B -,Western Fair. Association, Lee - SI GOLD MEDALS end Diplomas --cal. NIidwinter Fair,'84. SILVER MEDAL -Industrial Exposition, Toronto, Can„1:'a5 345,5;84 Bioe Comfort ugea Sold to Jan ear -Range a illustrated is sold fromDuly cur gsvp ' est, 1897 svegousata uniform price throughout,•canada and the crated States. Rode or open hearth, cold roved steel -plate end malleable trete-will last alifc-thac with ordinary caro. WROUGHT IRON RANGE 00., L,igvuTED rounded 1884.. Laid -up Capital $1,000,000 :va,.t,,rigs, Sateeroome and Offices; SrOltoWKT0, CASABA, and Sill'. mom, MO. Western Salesrooms and Office*: DENVER, COLO. t.: a�^.1«A carry a complete stock of Rotel Ranges and Kitchen, 'goods I also ttt* aid •Ane STEEL FURNACES. Write for catalogue is -d. prices., J A. LATIM 1 R, Division Nulle1'1u1c.nut•l,tx 11;`.I located .a branch of tlii,i eompiiuy int : t, Marys, and all repairs will be made FREE OF CHARGE. r `..., ” w*"" The common cow is generally very hardy but even her robust constitution will be the better and stronger, and her dairy value enhanced manyfold if during the winter you add some of Do ''� L..n rylfl�� � "# 1%4�"a.t� ■ m Dick's Ino . unifier to her feed. It sharpens the appetite of an indifferent cater, tones up the system,: strengthens the generative organs, and keeps her in good health for the Calving Season. 50 cents a package LEEMIr4G, MILES &• CO., AGENTS,MONTREAL. 0.0 DICK &. CO., RRopnitTo?G. o'o'C0000-o-a, WARIIITED EVERY TIME TRUSSES NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW Mr APPLICATION. A large assortment of the hest and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES;VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP Bi ;LES geehellenhhhl'efitgro rat Are Yon Interested In Wheels? We 'handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and U Octave, cheap. Scwi,t-ig Machities ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. miTiri",z7s $torce We would recommend those suffering from 'COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to. LTSe WINAN'S 'COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. Wo manufacture WINAN'S ILINI14I1NT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION PowDEIt.f the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for sande SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG 0., LUTZ J. Y. ANst Queen Street eT Toronto The Only relesnia t3 peolaElst i;8a thn filenti;waora A CURE WITHOUT AN OPERATION Olittdre I to 8 weeks. Adults 7 to it; Ito xpirilnsnting, Everything a Certaint3 OP SPECIAL INTEREST TO SEVERE, LONG-STANDING OASES. REMEMBER -Age of person or length of time ruptured makes no difference. Every case a success, After. 3o years' continuous practical experience I have produced the Grandest Instruments the World Ever Saw 1 ! Kao,ving the true cause of Rupture, and having discovered the secret tat present known only to myself), IuHtantaneous heIief is Adorded, Safety is As- sured and a Cure Effected -with little expense, ne pain loseeof time or labor ; without the doubtful, 0AZAiDOUS and ever caativ expedient of an open: don. DON'T abandon HOPE. ---as I Offer you Great Encouragement 1 Veith-out ,:r nisei, l would say I am prepared to do what no other man in Arne -me can de, .viz . Herd any reducible Hernia during the hardest work or severest str.'iu—even horseback riding- Where failure has been the re- sult in the United States aril the large ho apt*cls in the great cities of Europe, oases given up as hopeless, I alone am:reads% Don't "p It off' your case or that of your child regret and sorrow may come when least espea,tod and ton late to remedy. Your rupture gives little trouble now, and appears trifling. You nwiect it. This is where your danger lies. .;:r.rf— el BE WARNED 'IN 'i'iE 1 Should 'your rupture be hidden from' view by some large clumsy truss you are lulled into a sense of false security. Your Hernia is not held, and you are in a more dangerous condition than you imagine. Now heed this Cau- tion, 'ere it be too late ; Unless the Hernia is completely reduced within the internal ring (where nature placed it) and constantly held there, adhesion might ensue, resulting in strangulation of the parts, rendering you liable at any moment to a frightful death. An ill fitting truss, from intense, unequal pressure on one side, causes a Double Rupture, induces Paralysis, weakens the Generative ore,anization, causes general nervous prostration, Kidney -Urinary troubles, constipation and kindred ailments. 11nOTHERS g Look to your children as you value their future happiness l 1 Can Cure Them in six weeks I Neglect will produce frightful deformity and may prove fatal. The very best evidence to support my claims - Our Own Physicians, Our Own People, Your Own Neighbors. EXAMINATION AND ADVICE FREE, One set of teeth will not fit every mouth, nor ane make of truss suit every form of Hernia. I have known cases ruined for life by placing themselves in the hands of ignor- ant pretenders having not the slightest conception cf the first principles of human an- atomy. He who makes a specialty of one -department must certainly be regarded as possessing more experience and better facilities for the treatment of any particular trouble-12iD CERTAINLY MORE CAPABLE -than anyone having "many irons in the fire." SPECIALIST WILL VISIT EXETER—Commercial Hotel, Sat.11r,lay,. Sunday, Aril .0ODERICH—British Exchange Hotel, (from ,Monday noon. to Tuesday noon) April 4-5. WINGHAM—Queen's Hotel, Wednesday, April 6. :THE FOLLOWING IS SAMPLE TESTIMONY DEAR Sm .-I-a,tu pleased to say that the instrument Yc,u fitted. en ane dure ing your visit to Seaforth hag held ins securely and safely to'perform - the heaviest work on my farm with absolute comfort. Per the host thr'e'e months I have had no trouble whatever: idy physician, Dr. Bethune, of this town, has pronounced the instrument an admirable fit, and expressed the opinion • that -in a very short time 1. may be enabled to dispense w nth it nitogethos•. I would strongly advise sufferers with rupture to stop experimenting call and see you, be fitted, and thus secure permanent relief, which I now have to the tallest extent, after being a eufferer for over ten years with this menet:leg affliction. TIR. SAMUEL BRO.1J:l] OO'1 • Jane 29, 1897, Seaforth, Ont. PROSTRATED, EXHAUSTED. NO SLEEP -mo REST. LL do not appreciate the words of John G. Saxe, who sang, "God bless the man who first invented sleep!" But appreciation Is not wantingto those who hale sffered as Mrs. White of Mari Township Ont., who became so i11 with nervous troubles that, to quote her bro- ther, Mr. Donald McRae, a wall -known re- ldent of that illustrious section' 01 Nortli Ontario: "My sister had not slept ani 'ht for over three ilionths. She could not hays etpod this muolt longer, and it was only When death seemed imminent that South American Nervine became the good phy- atelan. After taking the first doss of the Soraine she sleet alt night, and gained in Cosh until perfectly well, and bag now no sign of nervpusness. ` This Is a wonder. fdl medicine In the severest easels of nor- eensn08s, and the greatest flesh-bullder t6 be found anyiwhette in the world. --x-25. it ITC�Ls h 34r E;3i ritEING z r• Rk TINGING SKIN DISEA$i'ts 11113.11IVED OCNII Ap• PLiOAfIOM OF Dr. An Ointment 3E OENTS), Mr. James Gaston, tuorehant,Wilkesberre, Pa, writes t -r Laine years I kava beta disfiguree with tetter on hands and fa.e.��e. But at last I have found a etre in D. Ageew'e Ointment. My skin is now 'smooth and soft and ;free from every' bleats lsh. The first applleationE ave rot10YX $0.;