HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-3-24, Page 4Molsons Banle
(01ATJiR1) BY PARLIAXIIslt 7:846) 1
ap ee ,e,0000.,00 n 0it% r
"of* — • 1,400,000
nom amee, 3'..tostreel.
Writ4PBBSTAN't 1OT4AS,Ese..
cmey advaneedto gone farmers on teeir
note with one or more endorser at 1per
I.pei Annum,
Exeter Wench.
eery lawful clay, from a.rato p.m
eiATtleaDeere, io non, to I, p.
)uron of interest allowed on depoits
eter, Da:1.9,7th, '95
A Mow -down in Prices -A..
Ford Be Co, 1
Spring Goods -j, P. Ross 1
S ring, Spring-Oarlittg Bros. 8
We Try to Suit Everybody -
R. N. Rowe
Wall Paper -R. Pickard Co , 8
Only 10 Days Left -E, C. Manning 8
Sensible People -S, Fitton 8
Wall Papers, Etc. -J. A Stewart 8
$10 Per Week -H. E. Huston 8
Dissolution a Partnership -S.
Brown 5
Family Butcher -L. Day 5
Barb -Wire, Etc.-IL13ishop Se Son 4
Turnips for Sale -I, Heywood 5
Apples for Sale-Levitt's Fair 8
London Horse Mart Sale II. Porter
Dog Lost -T. B. Carling 8
o• b Chain Lost -L. H. D. 8
Bicycles for Sale -C. Fritz, Dash-
wood. 1
Millinery Opening -Miss Horne 8
" E. J. Specimen S
" R. Pickard ()a. 8
41)4 tx#11.1•kitag.
T111.11eSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1898
The Hardy Government claims 50
seats including Russell. Five of the 50
seats are very doubtful for the Gov-
ernment. Upon the chances the Onn-
.servatives are, as much entitled to
claim three of the five, as the Gov-
ernment is to claim them all, which
would give Mr. Hardy a majority
of one.
Two -weeks ago Teee TenEs gave an
instance, showing one of the good
features of the numbered ballot. Tbe
Clinton New Era, seeking to make a
point, states that THE TIMES, on ac-
count of the statement made, "is an
arrant hypocrite, for it, with nearly
every other Conservative paper, de-
rtounced the numbered ballot as a
delusion and a snare." Were the ballot
devoid of a single good feature, it cer-
tainly wouldbe a serious infliction up-
on the public. But it has many bad
features, however. By means of the
nueabering process, the returning offi-
eerl'or any other person,who has access
to the ballot boxes, may ascertain just
how every manvoted. All he has to do
is to look up name in the poll book,
turn up the stub having a number cor-
responding to that name,ancl then find
the ballot bearing the number printed
on the stub. Interested officials may
protest until they are black in the
face that such a thieg is not done; but
the danger exists so long as they have
the chance to do it, and this fear
doerces many a man into voting con-
trary to his honest convictions. In
the Dominion elections no number or
di stinguishing mark isplacecl upon the
ballot paper except the initials of the
deputy returning officer, but a small
counter -foil or perforated stub is
attachedeto the ballot upon which is
--e-elnscribed the 'number opposite the
voter's name on the poll book, and -this
counterfoil is torn off before the ballot
is placed in the box. There is there-
fore no possibility of connecting the
voter's name with the ballot cast by
him, and be need fear no man in the
free exercise of his right tts a private
citizen. No honest man lam endorse
or defend the Ontario ballot in toto,
no one can pretend that it possesses
advantages over the one used in Do-
minion elections, and no one can deny
that there is the danger, or at least, the
possibility of tracing the way in which
any particular voter exercises his
franchise. Rather than this let us go
back to open voting. It would be
more 'manly and would give both sides
an equal chance of knowing how the
votes 'were east. Now that heat, of the
elections has passsd, we appeal to
every honest I_Aberal, to every man
who loves his country and believes in
equal rights for all,to use his influence
with the member who represents his
constituency, and to petition the gov-
ernnient that this infamous wrong be
removed from our statutes A man
may believe that the Liberal govern-
ment is right in every respect, and
that the Conservatives are otheiavise
entirely wrong, hut he cannot ill his
heart defend the numbered ballot.
TAXA -Li -Mu Prrz every night
for thirty clays makes a complete cure
of biliousness and constipation. That.
is -just 25 cents to be cured.
A pleasant affair took place on the
Srd line Blanchard, at the residence of
• t Cameron, on. Wednesday, Oth
rn when his eister Miss Maggie
Cameroe, was milted in marria e to
"The Laurier Government has fallen
heir to an enormous legacy of debt mad
liabilities, whicli it will do its best to
"Its first duty, in our judgmeet, is
to put an end to the abuses of the sub-
sidy system, to set its face against
every were boodling enterprise,and aid
none but such as promise after search-
ing enquiry, to be advantageous to the
coantry at large, and to be worthy of
the confidence of private investors.
"To do thisetheMinisters must have
the support of the respectable men of
both parties." -Globe, Nov. 20, 1998.
So far as we have gone the result is
thus :
Railway subsidies voted in
1897 $0,024,000
Crow's Nest subsidy 3,363,000
Drummond deal, including
rental a Grand Trunk
terminals about 5,000,000
Ooal land for Crow's Nest,
acres 3,000,000
Goa land for the Yakon
roa,d, acres 3,750,000
There is method in thisiplan of "put-
ting an end to the abuses."
When the land and the money are
all gone the abuses ought to die a na-
tural death.
The closing of the Humber Piggery
and the Liberal party's decision not to
fatten any more hogs will not divert
the Laurier Government fi.,om its life
work of feeding the 0, P. R.
Seeingthat the iniquity of the Craw's
Nest Pass deal is established by the
facts of history the Liberal leaders ere
absurd in their attempt to demonstrate
the virtues of that transaction by the
absence of a, demand for a parliament-
ary enquiry. It is not denied that
three hundred thousand acres of the
coal lands granted to build the Crow's
Nest Pass Railway has passed into the
hands of the cetx4affray ceowd, which:
is not building any railway .whalsoe:
ever. It is not denied that the $3,100,.
000 which is to build the Crow's, Nest
Pass Railway for the 0. P. R. was the
means of vesting ownership of those
coal lands in the Cox -Jaffray crowd.
No enquiry is needed to prove the
bad character of the Crow's Nest Pass
deal. All in good • time the country
will reckon with the Government
which allowed the 0. P. R. and the
Cox -Jaffray people to monopolize the
advantages of a great opportunity to
benefit, the public.
ln 'United States official circles, it is
not doubted. thee a clash with Spain is
imminent. Sufficient is known �f
what the report of the court of inquiry
will he to lead to the opinion that
there will be no attempt to definitely
fix the blame for the loss ofthe Maine
on the Spanish. It is hinted quite
openly in Washington that a demand
for reparation for the loss of the Maine
will be made upou Spain, because the
vessel was destroyed. in the harbor of
a supposed. friendly nation in time of
'peace. It is even said that, informa-
tion to this effect has already been
conveyed to the Spanish Minister. If
the United States is firm in its demand
it is hard to say how a conflict can be
avoided, for the preservation of the
Spanish throne itself depends upon the
attitude of the Sagasta Ministry. The
Spaniards are anxious to fight. They
believe they can easily defeat the Am-
erican forces. In itself Cuba, repre-
sents nothing to them. The loss of the
island would be a severe blow only to
their national pride. They would rath-
er fight than be humiliated furthur.
Them will not give up Cuba without a
struggle:" 'It is . declared that if the
Malted States cleterrninesuponaeeere-
tion there will certainly be war. There
is no disguising the fact that the situ-
ation to day is very critical.
Gladstone is dying.
Tha Ontaiio Government has no in-
tention of abandoning hog raising at
the Humber. In a week or ten days
a new batch of bogs will be purchased
and fattened as formerly at the Hum
,ber piggery.
The body of the late Mr. Cole, post-
master of Big Island, was found near
Deseronto on Saturday. Mr. Cole was
in cornparly with Mr. Morden while
out duck shooting near Big Island. last,
fall. Their boat ca,psized, and although
searching parties made every effort
they failed to recover the bodies.
The greater includes the less. Hood's
Sarsaparilla. cures scrofula: and inner be
depeueled epon to cure boils and pim-
W/TIGOUT e.PzErt-Wonats Men.e.oefes.
-Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is
without a peer. This great remedy
relieves instantly the most aggravated
and distressing forms of heart disease,
It is the surest and quickest acting
formula for heart trouble known to
medical science, and thousands of times
has the hand of the grim destroyer
been stayed by its use. If there is
Palpitation Shortness a breath, Pain
in the Left Side, Smothering Sensa,-
dote, don't delay or you may be
counted in the long list of those who
have gone over to the great majority,
because the best remedy in the world
to -day Was not promptly used. Sold
by C. LtiTz.
T. O. Edmunds has disposed of his
milk routes in Clinton, to Meesee B
Churchill & Ireland. Mr. Editunde
ifl devote himself exclusively to
retount before judge letaSsen gave
Major Beck a Majority of 2, The de-
feated member, (earroW„ appealed the
case to Toronto. The appeal Was
given yesterday reducingBeck's ma -
jority to one. A protest s the next
,Thos, Armstrong., of Blanshard, fell
ancl broke his hip -bone, .Aehe le quite
an old man it may be sometime before
he is able to be around again.
Heeeetaleee's rEret,ow Om cures
spraius, bruises, sores, cuts, frostbites,
chilblains, stings of insects, burns,
scalds, contusions, etc. Price 2e.
Mrs. Ballantyne, housekeeper for
Anthony Oer, thwhose wife was inur-
dered, fell rongli a trap door the
other day and was found unconscious.
Women with pale, colorless faces,
who feel weak and discouraged will
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are
made for the blood, nerves and com-
The newly. elected Ontario legislat-
ors are classified as to their religion as
follows: Methodists, 84; Anglicans,
20; Presbyterians, 22; Baptists, 3;
Roman Catholics, 8 ; other denomina-
tions, 4.
London's departmental store will be
reopened on Saturday by the Runians.
Gray, Carrie Company. The new
members of the firm, Messrs. Carrie
and Gray; are leading business men of
The Grand Trunk Railway did a big
business Saturday in the way of trav-
ellers for the Klondyke district. The
total number that passed through the
Sarnia Tunnel from different points in
Ontario was 500.
Dyspepsia in its worst form will
yield to the use of Carter's LittleNerve
Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver
Pills. They not only relieve present
distress but strengthen the stomace
and digestive apparatus.
The death is announced in Toronto
of Mr. Alex. Williamson, who in the
seventies was one of Stratford's most
prominent merchants and influential
citizens. In politics he was a life-long
It is announced that there is only
723,000 bushels of wheat in the elevators
at Port Arthur and Fort William,
while at this date. last year there were
over 3,000,000. This would seem to
indicate that wheat may go up higher
The many- friends of T. -H.-Butler,
formerly editor and, proprietorof the
Stratford Times, will be gratifiedto
learn that he has so far recovered from
his illness, extending over a period of
one year, as to be able to resume
journalistic -work again, and is again
doing editorial work on the Ohesley
Free Press.
On Monday a brakesinan belonging
to Godeeich, named Mahoney, had the
misfortune to get three of his fingers
so badlycrushed while coupling cars
in Clinton, that it was necessary to
amputate them. What makes the ac-
cident more unfortunate, is the fact
that his other hand had been similarly
mutilated. sometime ago.
The Minister of Agriculture bas been
informed that the first shipment of
Canadian butter to Japan has been
most favorably received, and realized
about 30 cents per pound. This was in
the city of Kobe. .A. similar shipmene
was sent to Yokohama,. and it would
appear front the report that there is a
good opening there for this product, if
placed in proper hands.
The Butter & Cheese Association, of
Montreal, has adopted a resolution ad-
yising farnaers that as there is an over-
production of cheese they should de-
vote their attention to butter, for
which there is a good market in Can-
ada. the United States and Britain,
and urging them not to further depress
the cheese market this spring by mak-
ing fodder or bay cheese.
An Ottawa correspondent states
that the name of M. 0. Cameroneele
P. for West Huron, is now freely
mentioned in connection with the vac-
ant Lieutenant -Governorship of the
Northwest Territories. It is not known
whether or not the veteran Parliamen-
tarian would accept the position, but
tlaere can be no doubt that he is well
equipped for the honorable post.
A. slight dispute arose a few days
ago between Henry Victor, of Born-
holm, and a man by the name' of Haeh-
-lie], of the north ward, Mitchell. The
dispute occurred in the yard at Vic-
tor's hotel, and resulted in Haehnel
suddenly drawing a knife and stab-
bing Victor in the abdomen. An in-
formation was laid against Haehnel
a,nd a, warrant issued by Mayor Ryan,
OrMitcbell, for his arrest. He is now
in jail in Stratford. The injured man
is progressing favorably.
A rear -end collision occurred near
Petersburg, on the G. T. R. main line
on Saturday night, in which twelve
cars loaded with meats and other
perisha.ble goods, were thrown into
the ditch. '.Che wreck took fire, but
the blaze was soon extinguished by
the strenuous efforts of the-tra.insmen.
Engineer Dolan, of the second train,
jumped with safety, but in trying to
escape, Fireman Loney tuade his way
to the top of one of the hex cars, ex-
pecting to get to the rear end before
the trains came together. He unfor-
tunately misjudged the distance be-
tween them and after leaving the
first car the crash came and he was
hurled from his high position into the
ditch. For several hours be remained
unconscious and. it Was feared that
his injnrieswould prove fatal. He was
taken to Berlin, and on examination
his head was found to have been cut
in several pieces.
Sir ,Oliver Mowat's Successor in the
Laurier Cabinet, Hon. DavidMilis,
with Fifty M,einbers of Para -
went, Praise the Virtues of
Dr. Agnevv"e Catarrhal
No one stiffers the inconveniences of
Catarrh more than the public speaker,
Hon. David Mills. The coining Min-
ister of Justice, says over his own sig-
nature that Dr. Agnew's Oatarrhal
Powder gave him immediate relief.
People everywhere use it. Sohn
Washa Midge, N. &, says': "Dr.
A gnew's Catarrhal Powder d id wonders
for me." It relieves in ten minutes,
and permanently cures -catarrh, eold
in the head, sore threat aud
le re"
11%2B TJ.MS. E:
Eur011 County Notes
Crippled Shadow.
J. E. Sweets, of Winglieun has en- ----
tered running horse, Springbok,
this spring. OE 1AS. DA.VIS, OF VICTORIA.
J. Miller, formerly of Wingliam,
has been meged as contralto soloist Strieleen With Rheumatism Ile Wast -
thou and dollars a year.
the Queen's plate races m Toronto THE. REMARKABLE S'IATIMENT
in New York. at a salary of over one ee, be a pain Stricken Shedow-Doc-
tors and Hospilal Treatment Failed
to Help Him -Dr., Williams' Pink
Pills Restore Health and Strength.
The other day while Geo Sterling, of
Gocierleh township, was driviug home
from Clinton, his horse slipped and.
fractured its leg.
We understand that Mr. Luxton
Hill has sold out his interest in the
hotel, Londesboro,to his brother,Thos,
Hill, who takes immediate possession.
A petition with 311 signetines has
been presented to the Clinton town
council praying for the establishment
of a cuifevv 'bell. -The S. A. band has
been granted $25 on cOndition that
they . give an open air concert once a
week, •
The.volume. of the Elonclyke travel
is iedicated by the fact thatcluring the
past week Conductor Parker, of the L.
H. & B., has carried' about twenty
passengers who were bound for Van-
couver, and frorn thereein to the Yu-
Go. Strong,Tuckersinith, has leased
Wm. Kyle's hotel and store for five
years and intends retiring from farm-
ing and engaging in the ,botel and
mercantile business., Mr. Xyleintends
removing to his farm in the township
of Hay.
On Saturday evening the residents
of Goderich township had an unwel-
come surprise iu the form of a cloud
burst. Bridges and culverts were
washed away on the concessions and
side lines, and in many places the wa-
ter covered the road.
The Win:eh= football team has
been organized for 1898 with the fol-
lowine• officers: -Honorary President,
J..4.. 3/1ortom president, H. 0, Bell;
vice pres., Geo. Sills; sec., Mac Messer;
eept., 0. 0. Stuart. The club's pros-
pects are very bright,
Died in Godericb, at the residence of
ieer daughter, Mrs. Emily passmore,
on Thursda,y evening., March 10th,
Sarah Taylor, relict of the late John
tarries, Greenala Hall, Cumberland,
England. The deceased had been ail-
ing for some months,and although
she had reached a ripe old age her
death will be nene theless felt by her
family and many friends.
Real estate in Drysdale has been
changing hands very rapidly for the
last two weeks. Mr. Nelson Denomy
has bought out Mr. Charles Laporte,
and. Mr. Charles, Laporte has bought
out Mr Samuel Cleave; then Mr.
()leave bought eut Mr. Robert Elliott.
Times are brisk, money plentiful and
everything points to prosperity.
A very pleasant entertainment was
held . at the residence of Me. Samuel
H. Pollock, Drysdale, on Tharsclay
evening last. Prior to his departure
for Manitoba his many friends and.
neighbors assembledeato tender ,to
him and his amiable Wife an address
and present to each of them an easy
chair to mark the. esteem -in .which
they are held in the community. .
On Wednesday of lastweek a happy
wedding took place at the resid.ence of
Mrs. Jam es Rea. 8th con. ofBlitiashard,
when her daughter% Cassie `11., was
united in marriage to a: popular young
resident of the same township, Mr.
Wm. L. 'gossip. The groom is well
and favorably known throughout the
township, while the bride as a member
of McIntyre's Church choir is very
Johnston vs. Cook, Aylesworth, Q.
0., for defendant, appealed from judg-
ment of Armor 0. J., who tried the
action without a jury at Goderich, in
favor of plaintiff, in an action for
dower of fifty acres of land in the
township of Howick, directing an as-
signment of dower and assessing ar-
rears at $68 with costs of the action.
The defense is that the plaintiff, the
doweress, under the will of her bus -
band, is put to her election between
dower and the benefits -under the will,
ancl has elected to take the will,
P. Mabee (Stratford), for
contra. Reserved.-Osgoode Hall de-
cisions. .
One of the many annoying features
of the late election in West Huron,
and one that is suspicious as well, is
the missing ballot, in division No. 5,
Goderich town -ship. As will be seen
in. Judge Masson's deliverance, 75 bal-
lots were counted there for Mr.. Beck,
but on the recount only 74 ballots
could be found, and Mr. Beck suffers
to that extent To say this may have
been due to carelessness is patting
it too mildly-careleseness that would
result in the loss of even one ballot can
only be described as criminal. One is
almost warranted in saying that some
one has been more than careless, that
deliberate intent has been exercised to
produce'a, desired. result. That it has
ha,ppened at a One when the majority
is so close but adds to the unpleasant-
ness of the incident, however it may
have occurred .-Goderich Star.
Last week after the Grand Jury had
finished their duties, a number of
them visitea the House of Refuge, and
Foreman Hamilton, of Blyth. made
the following report -:".fu company
with Mr. Coats, the Inspector, we vis-
ited the House of Refuge. Mr, and
Mrs. Fi each received us very cordially
and took us all throtigh the buildings.
We found everything orderly and
neatand Mr. and Mrs. French are to be
highly complimented upou their man-,
agement of the institution. There are
Low 85 in mates,more than can be com-
fortably accommodated ; one, an in-
sane person, ought to be removed, as
he is really dangerous. The inmates
express themselves as receiying the
best of care. and are well satisfied.
The grounds al'e well kept, and the
outbuildings in good order. On the
whole, it is a model institaion, and
an honor to the county of Remora
The IJnbetteable Itching Irritiatione
caused by. trotiblesoine Skin Disettses-
Eczema, Staid Head, Salt RheimeTet-
ter, are Allayed by one . applicetion of
13r, Agnew's Ointment, 131ind and
134eeding Piles cared in from one to
six nights WS a magical reliever and
ft power totem quickly and effective-
ly. Heee's t sentence freer, a recent
, testimony t "I thought niy dash was
on fire, but De, Ageew's Ointment
cooled, hel al and healed Me," 86
centt Sl1by c.;1.4x1%.
Proof upon proof accumulates that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the great-
est medical discovery of the 19th cell -
terry, aucl the following story told in
the grateful patent's own words again
substantiates the claims that they cure
when other medicines fait,
"Knowing that I tun a living monu-
ment of the wonderful curing proper-
ties of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,I deem'
it my duty as a grateful man to give
my testimony for. the . aid of such as
are afflicted as I was. I am a resident
of the village of Vittoria, Ont., and
have lived in the town or neighbor-
hood all my life and am therefore well
knoWn and what I say can be easily
proved. Three years ago I was strick-
en with and partially paralized by
rheumatism, and after being under
the care of two physicians I was given
up to die. I wasted to a human skel-
eton ; nothing more than a ceippled
shadow. I lost the use of ray limbs
entirely and food was given me by a
Eipoon, Life was not worth living and
such an existence was indeed miser-
able. Thus Iawaited the end to come,
-an end of humeri suffering too awful
to depict. As a last resort I woe
persuaded. by my friends to try
medical treatment in the General Hos-
pital in Toronto, and after spending
several weeks there came home dis-
heartened and even worse than before.
While writhing in the pangs of pain,
discouraged and ready to die, I heard
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and of the
marvellous cures they effected. While
doubting that they wotild care me I
was prevailed upon to take them. The
effect was marvellous. For two long,
years I had notenjoyeda single night's
rest and I then slept a sweet sleep
which seemed like heaven to me. I re-
vived, could eat and gradually grew
stronger and as I gained strength my
hope of living increased. I have taken
forty-one boxes, which .may seem a,
large quantity to some. but be it re-
membered I had taken many times
their value in other medicines and had
been declared incurable by doctors.
The result is I am now able to undergo
hard phyeicial exercise. All my large
circle of friends and acquaintances
welcomed mehack in their midst and
life seems real again. The fact is be-
yond all question that Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills as a last and only medicine
proved successful in reaching the
germs of my disease and saved me
from a life of misery and pain. .Again
I say as a grateful man that 1 cannot
too strongly recommend this remark-
able medicine to all fellow beings who
are afflicted with this terrible malady.
The above testimony is signed in
presence of
Save Yaw halms.
Diamond Dyes Will Make
Your Faded Hat and Bon-
net Feathep As Good
As New.
It may be that some ladies are not
aware of the fact that old hat anditzon-
net Feathers can be made to loo as
good as new by the Diamond Dyes,
those universal home Cr ends. Let us
tell how to do the work.
"Use the Diamond Dyes prepared
for Wool and Silk that can now be
bought from any dealer. Olean the
feather by soaking it in strong soap-
suds fifteen minutes, then draw gent-
ly between the thumb and forefinger a
number of times, and rinse in warm
water; dip and redip in the dye -bath
until the desired shade is obtained ;
rinse in cold water, and press gently
with the hand between tvvo cloths, to
remove the water; now hold before a
gentle fire, shaking slightly nntilnear-
ly dry, and then curl by taking three
or Cour sprigs of the feather and draw-
ing briskly between the thumb and
back of scissors, and so on until it is
finished. Old feathers can be re-eolor-
ed and made to look like new. • To col-
or feathers black, be sure to use the
Diamond Fast Black for silk andfeath-
ers, prepared by the makers of the
Diamond Dyes ; this is the only suc-
cessful dye for coloring feathers a rich
as Scott's'and we sell it much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
Emulsion is called for. This shows
that the druggists themselves regard
of Cod -Liver 011 with liypophos-
phites of. Lime and Soda as the
standard, and the purchaser who
desires to procure the "standard"
because he knows it has been of
untold benefit, should not for one
instant think of taking the tisk of
using some untried prepa-
ration. The substitution
of something said to be
'lust as good" for a stand-
ard preparation _twenty-
five years on the market,
should not be permitted by
the intelligent purchaser.
to sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion'. See
that the man, and fish are on the wrapper.
soe, and $i.co, all &tweets.
aeon,& ROVNE, Cheinist4 Toronto
op St SON.,
alva ized
13,in VVir
o FO C tS HJ
ho on.
PownEres care the worst headache in
from five to twentyminutes, and leave
no bad aftereffects. One powder 5c.,
3 powders 10c., 10 powders 25c.
Rliollmolism Doposia Cilroil
OTTAWA, JuLY 3ist 1896
GENTLEMEN, -On the advise of a
friend I tried one bottle of your fam-
ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline.
and to my surprise it cured 'me of
rheumatism, from which, I have suf-
fered for many years.
It also cured me of dyspepsia, from
which I was suffering at the time, so
that I feel now like a new man.
I have tried several remedies for
rheumatism, some of which did me a
certain amount of good, but nothing
that' haye taken has done so much
for inc has your Phrenoline, and I
have much pleasure in recommending
t, to other sufferers.
Forem, an of Works, Rideau Canal.
-rEeee- 'e4e
You need it to bear the daily burdens of
life. If your back's weak-Doan's Kidney
Pflis will strengthen it. If ftp in and
et.',t's-Doan's KidneyPills will euro it, 1:
ulzperiment in taking Doan's Kidney Pilh;
They cured hundreds of weak, achingback
1,rog before other kidney pills were dreamed
ME. gAMES Row, Belleville, Ont., suffered
for nine years with terrible pain in the
Lack., rheumatic pains, and pains in the
Header. He spent $300 doctoring, but got
little relief. Doan's Kidney Pills have
completely cured him, banished the back
pains, and all the other pains and aches.
A Fredericton Lady's Terrible
Mas. Geo. DOHERTY tells the following
cemarkalle story of relief from suffering
end restoration to health, which should
clear away all doubts as to the efficacy of
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the
minds of the most skeptical:
"For several years I have been a con-
stant sufferer from nervous headache, and
the pain was so intense that sometimes
was almost crazy. I really thought that
my head would buret. I consulted s, num-
loer of physicians, and took many remedies,
but without died. I noticed Milburn's
neart and Nerve Pills advertised, and as
they seemed to suit even& I got a box and
began their use. Before taking them 1 was
very weak and debilitated, and would some-
times wake out of my sleep with a dis-
tressed, smothering feeling, and I was fre-
quently seized with agonizing pains in the
region of the heart, and often could ficarcely
meter up courage to keep up the struggle
for life. in thin weetehed condition Mile
burn's Heart and Nerve Pills came to the
mem& and to clay 2 mato, with gratitude,
that X ani vigorous atd strong, end all thie
impeoverneni fa due to this wonderful
Ellt1S-1•1•6. /•01.41.
To the House Keepers :of Exeter.
and vicinity. -
About Feb'y ist, the undersigned '
will open a Flour & Feed business, in
the store three doors south of Post -
office, where
and other vegetables in season will he'
kept on hand.
All orders delivered promptly.
I respectfully solicit a share of your
esteemed patronage.
S. =LEY sow
This Season we have surpassed our-
selves in maxing and gathering.'
together of choice oddments in fancy
Furniture suitable for presentation..
The assortment is now complete and
everybody is invited to view our stock,.
if only for the sake of seeing at what
very reasonable prices choice furniture
can be purchased here.
SPECIAL. -We wish to call special
attention to a line of very handsome
Bed Room Setts in Elm, Oak.and Ash,
Antique and Cremona finish. All are'
extremely tasteful in design and the -
prices are much lowev than it has here-
tofore been possible to quote for
similar goods. Rocaing chairs in
forest green, Antique, -Oak, Carly
birch and Mahogany finish, from $2.40P '
FANCY TABLES. -A magnificent
line bought at a sacrifice and marked •
at correspondieg low prices.
Centre Tables, Filmy Chairs, Secre--
taries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers,
Music Racks, , Couches, Extension,.
Tables, Three Piece Parlor Suits.
Picture Mouldings Curtain
_Artists materials, etc., etc., etc.
Undertaking and Embalming ill all
its branches.
0 9
The Leading Specialists of America
250,000 CURED.
Nothing can be more demoralizing to
young or middlei-aged men than the pres-
ence of these ' nightly losses." They
produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling
of disgust and a whole train of symptoms.
They unfit a man for business, married
life and social happiness. No matter
whether caused by evil habits in youth,
natural weakness or sexual excesses, our
New Method Treatment will positively
atm you.
NO CURE, -1\10 FAT
1Reader, you need help. Early alnise or
later excesses may have weakened you.
Exposure may have diseased you. You
are not safe till. cured. Our Now Method
will cure you. You run no risk.
25 9000 cwt
Young Man -You are pale, feeble
and haggard; nervous, irritable a,nd ex-
citable. You b000me fOrgetful, morose,
and despondent; blotches and pimples,
sunken eyes, wrinkled fade, stooping
form and downcast countenance reveal
the blight of your existence.
No matter how serious your case may
b_e, or how long you may have had it, our
cure it. The "wormy veins" retina to
their normal condition and hence the
sexual organs reeeive proper nourish-
ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all
unnatural drains or losses cease and
manly powers return. No temporary
benefit, but a,_ permanent cure assured.
We treat and cure SYPITILIS,
MODERATE. If unable to ea,11,_,write
K Kil4K