Exeter Times, 1898-3-10, Page 8pi 1Casti Store or Produce - ' One Price Only Is one of our big lines. We can paper your walls. Carpet your floors, or curtainY our windows, with new, nobby Goods, at low, very low prices. Our cap p carpet stock is very complete. We show some prety effects in Unions; and all wools which are sure to be takers.—values are in your favor: SEE THEM. Never, "No Never" Have we had such a magnificent stock of wall, papers. Quantity quality and value is what we offer you, the new designs are very nifty—sure to please. May we have the pleasure of showing you through the a stock,You won't be asked to bu y—YOLT ARE e WELCOME. -aaGe CBirtah-ts What adds so much to the real beauty of a house is nice Lace Curtains. Our new stock is up-to•date. Stylish new effects are what we are showing. Our great leaders are 75 cents $i.00, $1,25 and $2.00 the pair. Yes, our $2.00 Curtains are good .enough for a mansion—the styles are perfectly new, and the prices are lower than you would expect to fin:l. Come to us for your Lace Curtains. We can, and. will, save you money. J a INSURANCE. E R l'. ST ELLIOT, Agent for the WESTERN Assa3.FtaNan COM- PANY, of Toronto ; also for the PHmNIX Frits sxsamANCE COMPANY, of London, England the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Eng and. .A.. 0. F. Court. Price of Huron, No. 7866. MeetsinWood's Hall 2nd and #th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are cor dially invited to attend. DANIEL WOOD, C. R. ; GEO. °KEIIP, WE OFFER SPECFA r, INDUCEMENT IN • k Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, s Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. GRIL TEE HART PETER (1120441151Z1fillfet="51SM6Z770, =11 vitt WAGGON FOR. SAL3$—Iiyst cla.SS, 3 sprieg,.one horse lin to' gon, near- ly new. Solcl chew apply' to John McInnis: FARMERS, ATTENTION„. quantiATTENTION„.of very choice Cleart,, e1 I aa.�-er seed for sale. Lob 13, Coni 2, Usb6riiReeB:-1. HIGGINS. Next Thursday will be St. Prtrick's Day. Miss Ida Dempsey, of Lucan, is visit- ing at her home here. Mr. Welsh. of Strathroy, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. Muir, jr. Miss Caldwell, of Fansville, was the guest of Mrs. J, P. Ross, on Tuesday. The Presbyterian church Chiselhurst have decided to build a new church there. Miss Ethel Sweet, ll 'secured a situa- tion as milliner with Wm. Pickard & Co., of Seaforth. Miss H. Blatchford, from Sterling, Col. is home visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Blatchford. • Mr. T. B. Carling spent a few days of this week in Brantford,visiting Mrs. Verity who continues very ill. Mrs. Wm. Dauncey jr., McGillivray was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Dauucey town, the fore part of this week. Chas. Abbot has opened a produce business in London. His brother Will left on Monday to join him there. Mrs. Gregory Tom, of Vancouver, B. C. is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Fitton; she will remain some time. vA1+:ouN,15u:4an5vynM�rs?WM1RiK,S'!tArnke`NR.aar„w7 . '.:..., .. ... lkfrs, QVilliaaaais. dans sou, of Mitchell, spent Sunday sit Dr, A,nderemes. Mrs. Stewart, mother ok. ,7'. A. Stewart, gaud Mr, Bennett, father of Mrs. Stewart, visited at J, A, Stewart's this week, Wheat seed [ng will begin in parts of Southern Manitoba this week. The weather is springlike ; in parts of the piovince there hers been no snow this. winter. Wm. Hodgson is about selling his farm on the swamp line, Biddulph, to James Kelly for the handsome suin of $5,000. A number from Exeter and surroun- ding country are in London this week attending the Epworth League con- vention. The many friends of Peter McEwan, of Goderich, will be pleased to know that he is quite recovered from his re- cent illness. Miss A. Armstrong, of the 4th line, Morris, was married on Tuesday even- ing, March Ist, to Thos. Rands, of Quipp, S. Dakota. Mr. Harry Page, of Sb. Marys, who has been at the London llospieel for the cast six weeks, is stall very serioes- ly ill, and his friends entertain but slight hopes of his recovery. . Henry Reid of the 4th con. of Ash- field. has a mare which recently drop facturers in Great Britain and Europe. Among these are peda tripletThis Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves they keep good stoc'k.up in Ashfield. Parasols, Velvets, Etc,, Etc. ,All of lane latest fashions are havingbeen im- ported in our stock, and,. these Goods to be direct by us, the prices ;will be foundvery gulch in our customer's favor.. Of colts n a most •y Ir, i' NE QDS Dress GoO , . � .. is para UO NEW 0000SFN t. rg4 W GOODS! We have just passed into stock several very large ship- ments of Dry Goods which came to us direct from the Inanc>i- Mrs. W. B. Thomas who has been ivisiting her daughter Mrs J. P. Clarke �J e C" • for htehre poagiste fienw Cmbounrtgh. s has returned Clinton and Exeter hockey THURSDAY, MARCH 10th, 1898. 'teams will playa match here on Friday March 11th. This will likely be the. LOCAL HAPPENINGS last match of the season, Dress Goods Silks, Laces,' 1 H y Gl yes. remarkable Distance, slut Harry .aye , � Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Higgins left ,on Wednesday for Wingham, to attend. Use Wigan's Cough Balsam. for coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles, aaAcknowdegecl the best cough medicine on the market. Especially good fo children. 1Vlanufactured by C. LUT;. Dr. Jamieson, the Conservative can- didate, was elected in Grey by a major- ity of over 500. .At the last election there was a good Liberal majority. Dr. Jamieson is a brother of Mrs.(Rev.) Martin. Ben Svteitzer has sold his farm of S8k acres on the 10th con. Goderich township,. to Tlios.Davidson,and Thos. Mc0artney,of East Wawanosh They take possession on the 15th inst. The price. was $4,600. &haappy and interesting event took place at the home of• W: J. Riley,, Londeshoro on Wednesday evening, when, his fourth daughter, Miss Ida, became the wife of a young farmer of Wawanosh, Mr. F. Moss. The Presbyterian congregation at Brucefield has decided not to build a S. S. room at present. The people were undecided whether to build a room or rebuild the church ; both projects are. abandoned for the present time. Now let us have Canadian sawmills cutting Cenadian logs, Canadian power from our own side of Niagara,. Can- .adian uua,nufactnre of pulp and nickel in short, this Province run by Can- adians, and not by Americans. The Royal Ternplars intend to cele- brate their anniversary, on the 21st of March, by an open meeting in G'idley's 13 all, when a first class literary program will be rendered by home and. foreign . aleut. Everybody welcome. Mrs, E. Follick visited her par'ents in Toronto last week. William Jackson, of Biddulph, left for MVlichigan last week. Rev, H. W, Locke, Parkhill, called on many old friends here on Monday last. 3.15 for alovely full old decorated toilet set, a snap, at the BigCash Store. . „Alfred Davidson, leaves this week, for North Bay, to take a situation as a tailor. Ford_Bros., butchers, have dissolved partnership, W. Ford carrying on the business. Ladtes 1 If you want to feast your • n the most beautiful autiful stock of The trot sun during the past few day es .. dress ..goods in town. The lei Cash ies u - g, g. h • 1 depleted lai�ate ri,a,1 as verymaterially sup - Store y the spot. Costs nothing to a Sto re is' g ply of snow, l look. You are welcome. Rea ri Ye, Ready niitlinery open. ing their daughter, Mrs. Thos.. Ii;.estle,• , the i , the wedding of their Deice, Miss Gray to Mr. Hodgson, of Walkerton. Monsoon 25c,, 40c., and50c., apound, Sailor Boy 25c. a pound and Mixa- watta 30c. a pound,the three best Teas in the trade, at the 131g Cash Store only. Dan,. Davis, yesterday, disposed of his butchering business to John Man- ning, town, who' has taken possession. Mr. Rendle will work with Mr. Man- ning. The subject for next Sunday even- ing in Caven Presbyterian church will e "The Sins of our Politics," being the ' onthe pastor's series on fth Berm of aero P popular sins. The milliners have returned to town for theseason. Miss Smith with E. J. Spackman & Co ; Miss Urquhart with J. A. Stewart ; Misss White with the R. Pickard Co. l; Sonie poor, but honest farmers who pile wood iii town think there should be as much air as wood in the pile to awake a fairmeasureauent. Now such is not the case : air is cheap, and pur- chasers prefer wood at this time of the year. James Aikonhead, aged 82, of God- erich, Ont., on Tuesday secured a license to marry Mary McDonald, aged 57, of Detroit. The latter has never been married, but this is the third,of the bridegroom's matrimonial ven- tures. A. German professor claims to have discovered that the earth has two moons, both of which will shortly be .visible. If any of our readers hempen. to see the two moons when they are out late, they need not think they have the jirn-jams. Meetings of the South Huron Farm- er's Institaates will be held in Crediton on March 15th, Zurich March 16th, Hensall, March 17th, A. good program has been arranged for each meeting, and splendid speakers engaged. See advt. in another column. For the past six yearsthe wife of Mr. James Holland, of the Huron road, Hullett, has been in e, delicate state of health, at times being so poorly that life almost became a burden. Her Hien friends will be pleased to know y that she has now about fullyrecovered. The farm belonging to the late Wm. Tebbutt,Maitland con., Goderich towsnip, was sold on Saturday by D. Dickinson, auctioneer, the purchaser being John Tebbutt, son of the late proprietor. The farm is an excellent one of 149 acres and was bought at $5,500. The death occurred in Detroit, on Sunday, of Ed. Wilkins, a former`resi- dent of Exeter. Deceased at one time kept a tobacconist's store in London, and afterwards removed to Exeter. While a resident of Exeter he' was very highly esteemed by all who bad business dealings with them. The house of Jas. Dow, 10th line, East Wawanosn, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Wednes- day evening.The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr.Oaten,Belgrave. Miss Mary Dow, eldest daughter of the host, was . the bride, and Mr. John Martin, of West Wawanosh, the for- tunate groom. Thos. H. Powell, of. Parkhill, died r an illness afte 1 unda morning, lastSunday extendingover several years, at the Though not of 31years. age unex- pected the news of his death was learned with many expressions of sorrow. The funeral =Monday after- noon was attended by a large number of sympathizing friends' of the family. DRESS GOOD&. 42 inch fancy 'figured Lustre, good fast black, very special value 45 inch Henrietta Cloth, blue and jet black, extra heavy weight, • special . . 54 inch Bicycle Serge, all wool and stainless colors, very 75` special French satin cloth, lovely goods, :60 special . New vgoreux cloths, all shades, very nobby and fashionable, - special Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Rowe are visits;,_ oo c. d ing show and work rooms at t r Big ab Baliymote. + C ash Store now op en, bring along Thos. Lawsonf of Londesboro, still your earlY springorders: Miss remains on the sicklist, b cin g ver y Urquhart again in charge. little improved, Pastor Char=les Smith announces' e )stow will have the 'best if you buy .4111 talk in the Main St. Methodist rout* lace curtains and wall paper sit Church. next Sunday evening on c--• the l igeash Store. "The Town Clock, some Other Clocks Goderich free -holders voted oat an .and the Tit66-0600 of God," cleVator bylaw last week, and carried The hockey match advertised rtised for it by a majority of 410 votes, Friday last, between the Idenssill and ' Ready made suits for Hien and boy's, oxeter teams, oti the Exeter rink, did The Big Cash Store is the spot for not take place, the Hencall team fail- vr>dues, Biggest :stock in town. itlg to put in an appearance. ,25 ,50 SILKS. Ladies' Blouse Silks, (Japanese). special per yard... . . , . Black and white striped silks, very fashionable, tor Blouses good weight, special 27 inch Japan silks, all shades, pure € ilk, best value ever sho`wn FancyTaffetta;.Silks,all shades, lovely goods, special........... .25 .50 1t IWO Black figured Lustre , , , ....,:, ,., . , ,... , , , , . 25 cents Black and colored Serge .. , , , .... - • •.. 25 ca D' ancy Tweeds. . . 2 5 " Figured Wool . • , . . • 2$ Bicycle Suiting (taro. shades) ............ . 5o `t Also a large stock of Black Cashmere in Blue, Black and Jet 131ack at 40c., 50c., 60c., 75c. and $1,00 a yd. Ladies' louses & White h a ear----zam we the.success Last season was .our first in this line alis had in it encouraged us to go into it still heavier this season Ladies' Wrappers from 90 cents up. Ladies' Blouses all the newest styles from 40 cents up. Ladies' White Skirts 5oc., 75c,, goc,, $I.00, $r 25 each, ° cc Night Gowns 6oc., 75c., $i.00 and $1.25 each. " .Drawers 40c., 45c„ 65c. a pair. " Corset covers 25c., J5c. each. Fancy Stripe Aprons 25 cents. " White Aprons4.o'cents. tc ct t tc .50 1 Full line of groceries fresh and new always on hand. Our teas have no equal. Try our 25c. Japan the best in town. .75 New Blouse Silks fancy shot, TS special Muslins Will be a great feature in this season's trade, we have them at all prices from gets, a yard to 40cts. Ask to see our new Organdies at 25cts. a yard. Our Milliner who has visited the principal Canadian and American Millinery centres and attended the openings has now returned and is prepared to receive any orders which may be entrusted to her. VV 11 aper We are showing an elegant range of American Wall Paper, rang- ing in price from 3cts. to 40cts. per roll. A number of these lines are confined exclusively to ourselves for Exeter. G --wow-CALL AND SEE THEM. Mrs. A. Dunkin and son William, of Stanley, have returned from Zion Tabernacle, Chicago, where they have been for the cure by faith of William, whose spine was broken two years ago. They were unable to cure him. He returned as he went, on his bed. Whatever Mr. Downie and faith cure may be, they were useless in his case. They gave as excuse that the boy's faith was not great enough. On Monday evening a sad -gloom was cast over ' Amberly on learning that Wm, Dickson had passed away to the great beyond after a few days' . illness. Will hacl been troubled sev- eral eral times from inflammation of the bowels or appendix, and it ^was becoming more serious ; being effect- ed so often; the doctor thought it necessary to perforin an operation, from which deceased never gained strength and only lived five trays. Another pioneer is gone in the per- son of Chas. Girvin, er., who died Tuesday Ia gin at his old home where he morning for over 50 years. Besides being ex -warden of the County of Huron, he had been for 30 years in succession reeye of the township of and resident of the nosh West Wawa president Fire Insur- anceWest Wawanosh a Company from its inception. Mr. Garvin was a staunch Liberal in politics, and one of the best known men in West Huron. `The R..Pickard kar 0® I PORTERS Dr. Browning visited his mother in Markham the past week. Will Vale, of Exeter North, left on Monday for Dakota, where he will spend the corning summer. The London city Council are offering W. Doherty, of Clinton, liberalinctuce- ments if he will rebuild his works there instead of in Clinton. Dr. Willoughby was in Kirkton yesterday attending the Epworth League convention of the Anderson circuit. We understand that a postmaster has been appointed for the Exeter office, and that bis name will be made public in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snell' and Mr. Alf. Ford, left here yesterday for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Snell going to Seattle, Wash., the latter to British Columbia. They will visit friends, hut if the country proves to their liking they may locate in the West. Application was made Wednesday for a recount in South Perth before Ms Honor Judge BOrroyn, ; J[is Conor fixed the time for ten o'clock 0il'Fri- day morning next, at the court house, Stratford. s'(ir1_II&HT IN THE ACT -Two young men named Heather and Peterson, were caught burglarising Spackman & Co's store Sunday morning about 4 o'clock. They had been working in Staff. and walked to town during the night. An entrance was effected to the store by way of a back window, which they pried open. The front which are a left blinds, always up, to afford night watchman Parsons an opportunity of looking into the store while on his rounds, being down, aroused the suspicion of the night con- stable, who at once apprised Mr. Spackman of the fact. Closer investi- gation proved that burglars were at work inside; a posse of men was soon gathered and the store surrounded. Leel by Chief Constable Gill, a detach- ment of the crowd went into the store by way of the front door. The burg- lars ran, but being unable to get out of the building they sought a hiding place in the cellar, where they were captur- ed. The lads were taken to the police station, and locked up until Monday when Squire Snell remanded thein: to Goderich for trial, A third party was to have joined them in the work, ' but when time for action came his nerve failed him. They selected goods to the amount of $60, which they intended carrying: away. A SURE REDIEDr.-An exchange gives the following, which may be of use to our readers: Every little while we read in the papers of some one who has stuck a rusty nail in bis hand, knee, foot, or some other part of the body, and lockjaw resulted therefrom, of which my patient died. If the patient was aware of the remedy for all such wounds, and applied it, all such reports wouldcease. The remedy is simple, always on hand, can be ap- plied by anyone, and what is better, it is infallible. It is to smoke the wound. that is inflamed with burning woollen cloth. Twenty minutes of the• smoke of wool will take the burn out of the worst case of inflammation arising from a wound. People may sneer at the remedy as much as they please, but when they are afflicted just let thein try it. It has saved many lives and much pain, and it is worthy of being printed in • letters of gold and put up in every home. Mrs. J. P. Ross pleasantly enter- tained a number of friends on Tuesday evening. While hauling wood the other day, Byam Spicer of Elimville, had one of liis hands injured by a log rolling upon it. Roht. Scott, mayor of Seaforth died at his residence Wednesday morning, He had been suffering from a compli- cationse for time. o f diseases some tin Ma- yor Scott was a natiye of the township of McKillop, where he was born 41 years ago. J. P. CLARICE6 (;'LEAKING SALE Ladies" aticl Gent's Furs We have decided to make agreat sacrifice in Furs rather than carry them over we will offer the balance at half the regular selling price for CASH ONLY. This will be one of the best oppor- tunities of the season for a bargain. Please don't miss the offer. The fol- lowing are the lines. 2' only Ladies' Storm Collars and. Highest prices paid for ,produce, Eggs, 15 cts.; Butter,. 150.; Lard, 1Oc.; Dried . Apples, 5c. Potatoes a ba,g.90c., Tallow, Sc. LEVITTs i fie at $9.50 for $4.75. 1 only, Ladies Storm Collar and Muff at $13,- 00 for $5.50. 1 only Sealette .'Storni collar and muff at $5,00 for $2,50. 1 .Close$ d Persian L Prides 1 Pocket Knives in greatvaerity from 5 cents to 50 cents. Crochet hooks, bone and steel, 1 to 5 cents. Pocket Diaries andNote Books, Pocket Combs and all kinds of Brushes. ,IVew. $read and Butter Plates. China Cel- tiles. New Glassware, Strainer pails. Granite pitchers and Wash bowls. Covered Kettles, A. 1, Natrneg Grat- ers, newest thing out. Suiishine Egg Beaters, Daisy Dippers, Butter Shapes and spoons. everything at rick bottom prices" I.1881i'1"'')1".S FAIR. amb Muff at 4.00 for $2.00. 7 Iceland IVluffs at $2.00 for $1.00. 1 black Caperine or small cape $5.00 for $2,50, . Ladie's Mink Cap $5. for $2,50, IN MEN'S W EARS. 8Persan Laaxab. Caps from $4,50 to $6,50 at halt price.' 5 Neutra Caps wedge shape $3 to $3,50 at half price. 2 tir t -class plucked beaver r size 7 and 7W 'regular price $12 for $0 each. Move quick and inspect. This sale wont last long that is certain. Also a lot of Youths Rubbers in. sizes 3 anti 4 to clear at 25c. each. Sold one TOM 17 pair last week but we can't supply many in such quantities, however coarse alone until the supply is gone St J. P. CLARKE CARLING R®5. 11 Looks as bright as the Town Clock. AND IS More important these days. The cautious buyers are constantly on the look- out for the proper place to spend their dollars. Where they get the best value, for their .money, that is where they do their trading. All we ask is that those who are in search of bargains will Come in and get our prices. emerriber WE1. ..SLUJNG� .v 1 4 r •� UT. Our entire stock must be disposed of by IS. ROL Ist. We have not the time or space to quote prices, Bargain seekers must ti call and see for themselves o, what: we are doing. FeC,PIANNING, Johnstone Old Mand