HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-24, Page 8Lt.,* 4tA/ A t 4TA rA ar/ rA *r rJ r4 ►l 7I, U Y! Y ir^ Tr l►CA orf to e a14 , !I {,#lIA1I1r,I I!l ll <? 131gCastiStore or Produce -4340.'One Price Only 0 F R $27.50 Three only, Ladies' choicest Black. Astrachan Coats. The best that our money could buy. They are Big value at $88,00, But we don't want to carry them. over. Here's an offer for you S21®50 For Your Choice If you want a Fur Coat now's your fortunate opportunity Stores closes 6:30 each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays,. J. A. STEWART a.fafr olk•TA iettiSIA 43A fe.:: 'egee,' i,``: 43'fr 44"Ct, r*IA efr.kT'ArA:r.'i►r Ori it ,7 IA" I IB I -IAS ri Ij! ele eke yea e 4 I,,! eMe dee ele.eji etc I ea' J I O I ! INSURANCE. ERNESTL.LIOT, Agent for the IESTERS ASStTaA cE Co,x- PANY,ofToronto ; also for the Pac xx Fran 3NsvnA.;om COidPANY, of London, England; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and, . A O. F. Cour,, Price of Huron, No. 7585. Ileetsiuwbod's Bali 2nd and 4th r Friday in each month. Visiting' p brethren are corn f dishy invited t ' attend. . , C DANIEL MOOD, C. R , GEO. .. ..,,. KEMP,. SEC'S. t WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN's • • ks Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, . Ink, ... , . , Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, n p Rulers, E tc. LI. GRIGG ,T EX1 TER vqtgit V THURSDAY, , r BRUA RY 2•lth 1808 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Use Winan's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles. Aeknowleged the best cough. medicine on. the market. Especially good for children. Manufactured by C. Lterz. A. Evans is visiting his sister, Mrs. Barrs of London. Chas. Dennis, of .Loudon, is visiting under the parental roof, Seaforth Council granted $10 to the hospital for sick children. Morris Council have removed the dog tax in that township. Hiram Bee, of Parkhill, has been elected chairman of the Public Library Board. Rev. H. W. Locke, of Parkhill, preached in North church, Goderich, on Sunday lasb. Mr'. H. Leonard, Parkhill, left on Monday for Mobile, Ala, where she will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, of ilsborne, were in Seaforth, this week; visiting Mr. Scott, who is very ill. Dr. Hutchinson, Medical Health offi- cer, of London, formerly of Exeter, receives a yearly salary of 81,500. Miss Victoria,, Bagshaw, of Stephen, is spending a short time with her sister, Mrs. S. Sample, at Fullerton corners. Mr. R. C. Brunipton, of Red Deer, Alberta, and Mr. John B.rumpton, of St. Thomas visited friends in Tucker - smith last week. Renewing her subscription to THE Times Mrs. Grant, of Clinton, says :— "I like THE TIMES very much. It is a. good family paper. Frank Gordon,son of James Gordon, of Lucknow, formerly of Exeter, was married last week to Miss Annie S. Ross, of that place. Mr. Harkness, horse dealer, of Sea- forth, shipped a fine carload of horses from that place last week, to the Lon- don, England, market. Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Lucan, who has been appointed to the charge of Old St. Paul's church, Woodstock, will commence his duties at Easter. Application was made to Parliament last week for power to build a steam or electric railway from London to Grand Bend, via Centralia and Grand Bend.. Miss L. Sprung, daughter of Gabriel Sprung, of the base Iine, Hullett, who has been an acute sufferer for many years from a complication of ailments, is very low. Miss Tena Taylor is visiting friends in London. Miss Susie Weekes left on Monday Galt r a a It and Toronto. Miss Sadie Hewkshaw of Detroit, is visiting her,friends in town. Mr, T, H. McCallum was in Toronto last week attending the Workman's convention. Miss Hattie White left on Tuesday morning for London, where she will visit Miss Nelson. Miss Nora Bagshaw, of Exeter,' is. visiting at her grandmother's, Mrs, Tames Singular, Nairn. Dr. N. F. Harrison, of Detroit form- erly of this place, left for the •Klon- dike on the 15th inst, The Detroit News says: The doctor has a stock. of drugs. He proposes to practice his profession if nuggets are scarce. While playingpractise game of . a p ga. lio.,„key on the Exeter skating rink Monday evening, Will Abbott had the misfortune to have three of his front teeth knocked out with a hockey puck. The accident is a very painful one, and Mr. A. is .off work in copse Tien ce. While crossing the ocean with a shipment of horses recently, Messrs, lawden & McDoriell had the tinsforw. tittle to lose three of the anitnals,: owing to a rough voyage, Mr.. 16IeDonell who went with the stocks, 'rived home this week,apd reputes en ,ful oxperienee. Messrs.. David Jacques and John Muir attended the Grand Council of St. em Royal Tempters at Thomas last y' p week. Mr. Muiras w elected one of the Grand Councillors. A hockey match was played in the Clinton skating rink. Friday evening last between Clinton and Seaforth, the visiting team winning by a score of 5 to 7. A large number witnessed, the game. Isabella McPherson, relict of the la to John McPherson, died on Wednes- day after an illness of about a fort- night, at theresidence of her son, D. McPherson, on the oldhomestead:llth con. East Nissouri. Mrs. (Rev.) Bray, on Mondayreceiv- ed word of ther death f onof her brothers, A. R. Kingsmill, of London, at the age of 28 years. Inflammation. was the cause of death. Rev. and Mrs. Bray are attending the funeral. "Mr. William Hodgert, of Exeter, writes to the London Free Press to say that he wasnotmarried: herelthe other dayas mentioned in one of the Exeter papers and copied into these colums— and he ought.to know." Free Press, The residence of George Mantle. Orediton, was the scene of a very hap- py and pleasant event recently, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Susie England, daughter of Mrs, Mary England, to William Winer. The Rev. H. E. Bray, of the Trivia Memor- ial church, Exeter, performed the cer- emony in the presence of a large circle. of invited friends. Atmeeting a me t ng of the Official Board of Brussels Methodist church, held on Tbursday evening, Rev, Mr. Allin re- ceived re-ceived a unanimous invitation to Con- tinue as pastor for the next confer- ence year. The rev: gentleman eve cs ted, subject, of course, to the will of the conference, Mr.Allirl's healt h, vliich was very poor a portion of last year, has been fully re'stored,' and its vigor of body has returned, be has given ample evidence of it by the ex{ oellenoy Of his pulpit efforts, Miss 'Mary hiarai is visiting friends. In 131(1(1141i this week. Miss. Horne is attending the mil- linery openings at London. Henry Roadie, of ,Usborne, netted $2,000 from his auction sale last week. Chas. Snell siippedon the ice the other day and slightly injured himself, Miss Beutley,of Biyth,visited friends in and around Exeter the past few weeks. The R. Pickard Co, have been 'ap- oiuted agents here for the, Columbia Miss Davis, milliner, has secured a situation in St. Marys with A.,, H. Loft Co. The Verity Plow Co., of Brantford, have, completed arrangements to re- build. in that city. The annual meeting a the Cana- dian Press Association will be held in Ottawa March 10, 11. The pulpit topic in Main St. Meth. church Sunday evening next will be "The Prince of Preachers," The Dominion Parliament has been. let loose, and the members are taking part, in the Ontario election campaign, The choir of Cavell Presbyterian church took part. in the church enter- taiuxnren.t at Chiselhnrst on Monday. The merciful clan is not only merci- ful to his beast, but to his neighbors, and .always cleans the snow off his sidewalk. MissDavis who was visiting at Mrs. Geo. fleatnan's lasb week left on Satur- day to attend the millinery openings Tu New York. There needbe no anxiety whatever about the safety of our opera house after bearing the crowd it had in it one day last week. Runiaans & Butler, of London, whose failure was announced some weeks ago have assets amounting to $99,000, liabilities, $82,000. Mr. .Bilber, David Weistniller and Dr. Rollins will address a public meet- ing in Gidley s Opera House, Exeter, •ou Friday evening. .A Brookville paper records the de- mise of Mrs. A. Stafford, mother of Jos. Stafford, of St Marys, which took place on the 9th inst. Mrs. R. Thomas of the 2nd con., Hay. is confined to her bed with an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Watson is in- disposed by rheumatism.. Dr. Grey left Bayfield, Tuesday for London. His presence will he much missed here, as a a medical practioner he has proyed himself very skilful. In Winghain, on Friday, Feb. 11, Miss Minnie Drew died at the early age of twenty one years. She has been ill for some time but the endcame suddenly. The Exeter Hockey team visited Hensall on Tuesday evening and play- ed a friendly game with the team of that. village. . Score 12-3 in favor of Exeter team. Rev. Mr. Stewart,of Clinton, preach- ed in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day evening lase. • The discourse was an interesting one and contained many valuable lessons. The Ontario Goverment hasappoint- ed Peter G. Mc Kay, of Chiselhurst, a deputy game warden for Ontario. Ma- jor Anderson and lie are the right men in the right place. A successful parlor social was held at the residence of Mrs. Harry. Sam - well, on Tuesday evening. The at- tendance was fairly large, and a good program was rendered. Richard Blatchford was taken sud- denly denl ill on Sunday, with a hemorr- hage in the head, and but for the time- ly assistance of the family physician would soon have bled to death. The,old Methodist church,Greenway, was sold by public auction by Rev. G. H. Thompson. The lamps, seats,stove, etc., brought about $20. The church was bought by W. J. Wilson for $46. Last week, F. S. Scott, of Brussels, sold what is known as the Bateman farm, near Ethel, being lot 18, •con- cession 7, Grey, now owned by Dr. Mc- Kilvey, to Thomas Earl, of Logan, for $5,000. Miss Woollatt, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Hyndman over Sunday, prior to leaving for Barrie,where she has secured a situation as manager of a millinery department with one of the best firms there. There died in Hamilton on Feb. 13, Miss Blair, for many years a teacher in the Central, of Godericb, and up to a few weeks ago a resident of w that place. She leaves a mother and bro- ther, G. F. Blair, at Brussels. John Duncan of Farquhar, since Iasi harvest has disposed. of 10 horses, at good prices. Mr. Duncan is a breeder of the very best stock, and the buyers know that when they get an animal from him it is the best to be found. Winghamc-- Button & Fessant will build a brick addition to their chair factory this spring. Thos. Bell& Son will build an addition to their factory in the spring. The Union Furniture Co. will enlarge their factory in the spring. Welsh Erratt, second son of R. T. Erratt,of the boundary, near Auburn, leaves about the lst of March for Ninga, Man., where he has decided to locate. He has bought an improved farm three miles from that village, taking with Bim. stock and implements to equip it. Janes Robb, manager of the Case packing house, Seaforth, says, the record for killing thelargestriubmer of hogs in one day by them 'ab their factory was broken on Tuesday last From 10 o'clock in the morning until 6 ab night 77 bogs were killed, dressed and split. Following are the polling booths and deputy -returning offle ers for Exeter in the approaching election ; `• Div.: I, i unz's waggon shop, J. T. Westcott, deputy No. 2, Weekes, Marble shop, Jas. Beer, deputy ; No, 3, R. S. Lang's office, R. S. Lang, deputy ; No. 4, Town Hall, 11. E. Huston, deputy. Constables O'DonneIl, Rush and McCaffrey were fired upon at ,Stoat- ford on Tuesday night while endea- voring to arrest a nunxber of men who are supposed to have been doing the hold:xupsin and around that city re- cently, The men were.observed tender a o- ear,and -..en the offleers'at- b xveli en tsurround them they fired and ran, NEW GOODS! NEW GO We are now. opening up New- Goods for Spring, daily, and are in receipt of large invoices of British and .Foreign Dry I Goods which will comp to hand and be opened up in the course of a few days. These Goods are being imported by us direet from the manufacturers in Britian ;and Europe. NEW PRINTS, . AZURE SILKS, AURORA SILKS, NEW FLANNELETTES. See our New Prints at..., , ..8c., roc,, and .Aurora Silks at. .. ,o6 C( Azure cr . Rt _ , . .08 Flannelettes `` . .05 R` Grey Cotton . `° . , ....., ,. , .o5 Ladies' Belts (beauties). .. .. .1254 en's & Boy's We will clear, regardless 'of Dost, Mens, Boy's and Youths Over . a coats now in ;:stock. Nov is the time to secure a bargain. Come quick. Ct is CC CX, Apcleton'a Packa e teas are the best,Try there. We have P just opened u p and placed on our tables a crate p of Dinner and Tea Setts, imported direct from the best makers in England. We can save you the wholesale profit on these Goods. Fine printed dinner setts, new patterns, greatvalue.... ...$ 6.50 Fine enameled gilt dinner setts, beautiful new designs, special $10.00 100 piece dinner setts, enamelled • and gilt, in beautiful decora- tions, new designs, worth $18 :for. . $15.00 44 piece tea setts, new designs, beautifully decorated and gilt$ 3,00 44 piece tea setts, electric blue shading and gilt, special $ 3.00 We are clearing out •our entire stock of. lamps, , now is the time to . make your seiect- ions See our° blackWorsted Suits to Order for $15. The ickar2 11. S' DOTE : S LOST.—A lady's parasol on Sunday 13th inst., between Main Street Church and Thames Road. Finder will lease leave same at this office. EXETER NORTH NOTES. -- While drawing hay on Tuesday, Leonard McTaggart met with an'' accident which might have proved serious. When turning out to pass another sleigh the load upset. Mr. McTaggart fell upon one of the runners and sus- tained painful injuries.—Postmaster Brooks is still confined to his room through illness.—Wesley' Vale speut the forepart of this week visiting friends in Elimville. Mrs. German and daushter of Cape Croker, are visiting Mrs. Levitt. Mr. Will Hurdon, of Fort William, is the guest . of his uncle, N. Dyer Hurdon. The many friends of Mrs.: R. Cluff,' Bayfield' line, will be sorry to learn that she is nob iwproving veryxapidly. SICK HEADACHE, however annoying and distressing, is positively cured by Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take and never gripe. - BIRTHS. RANNNIIS-In Henswll, on Jan loth, the wife of E. Rennie, of a daughter. 1i,T(3NEY—In Exeter, on February .b th, the wife of Win, Rignoy, of a son. , 2 ..h the —Usborne,on February 12th, MORGAN—In F wife John Morgan of daughter. IfEDDEN—In Stephen, on February 14th, the wife of Wesley Hedden, of a son. - PASSMORE—In Usborne, on February 4th, the wife of Thomas Passmore of a son. HODGINS In McGillivray, . on the 17th inst., the wife of James Hodgins of a son. HUSTON—In Exeter, on the 20th . inst., the wife of H. E. Huston, of a daughter. ROURKE—On Febrnary 12th, south boundary Stephen, the wife of R. Rourke, of a son. MARRIAGES. DOIG—PATRICK— At the residence of the bride's father, on February 9th, by Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of wrolesworth, Mr, Wm. Doig, to Miss Janet Ross Patrick. second daughter of Mr. Hugh Patrick, all of the township Of Howick,, • BOSSENBERRY—REA—At the 'residence of the bride's father on February 9th, by Bev. P. Musgrave; Mr. William Henry l ossen berry, of Zurich, to Miss Margaret Rae, of McKillop. LOGAN—HODGINS--At the residence of the bride's parents, Biddulph, on February 9th. by Rev. F. W. Brownlee, Walter Logan, of London Township, to Miss Annie, daughter of S.11..E[odgine, Mr. and Mrs, James Hodgson, of Palmerston, who have been visiting friendsandrelatives in this vicinity the past two months, returned home on Wednesday last. The death is announced on Monday night of Mrs. H. Long, at Ailsa Craig, after a severe illness. Deceased, until very recently, resided at Melrose, anal on the death of her husband, ' e few weeks since' removed to Ailsa Craig, I where her dau daughter lives. She was as ld resident of Lobo township, and held in very high esteem by a large circle of acquaintances. A young Englishman named Thomas. Oke, aged 18, wasthe victim of a ter- riblerible accident Wednesday. He was employed on the farm of Geo. Riddell, Reeve of Westminster, and was, work- pp lug around a cutting box attached to aI, horse power. While fixing something about the horse power his hand be- came sought in it, and before the ! horses could be stopped his whole arm'. had been drawn in and horribly mangled. The arm was twisted into a, cirele and broken in four different places, the bones protruding from as many places in the arm. Sale Register. Parties.gottin their sale bills printed at this ofilco, receive a free notice similar to the fol- lowing. o lowin . The circulation of Tier. To s is double that of any other paper in this section, and a eetics in its cclumns is worth more than the I bills.] Tllrrszann.Y, MAILCII 1001.--Aucdon sale of Farm stock and Implements on lot 20 east half, cryo, 13 Hibbert: No reserve. Thos. . Bell, Prop. ; ; Thos. Cameron, And. tYNDOUBTED E 7IDENOE GSNrLru mrt.—I ain pleased to recommend serer Laxa-Livor Pills for conetipatiee cl apop sia, ime. rick headache. I have, used teem for those troubles, and find there a pleasant, sure snd quick'Cure, frebf`9n the nir edv ing Of other pillsIa'c heretofore tided. bhfpiii g Signed, 12. .JAMES, St. /1lcholes Hotel,.Haimiltclr,. Curt, DEATHS. ATCHISON—In Ftullett, on February 14th, Isabella McKenzie, wife of Mr. William Atchison, aged 69.. years, 3 months and 4 s, LONG—At Ailsa Oraig,•.on the Stat .inst., at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Long, formerly of Melrose. aged 68 years. J. Pan CLARKS® CLEARING SALE -rOF— ]L,etclie ee' sand (Gent's Feir's We have decided to wake a great sacrifice in Furs rather than carry them over we will offer the balance at half the regular selling • price for CASH ONLY. This will be one of, the best oppor- tunities of the season for a bargain. Please don't miss the offer. The fol- lowing are the lines. 2 only Ladies' Storm Collars and Muffs at $0.50 for $4.75. 1 only, Ladle's Storm Collar and Muff at $13.- 00 for 0150. 1 only, Seelette Storm collar and muff at $5,00 for $2.50. 1 Persian Lamb Muff at $4.00 for $2.00. 7 Iceland Muffs at $2.00 for $1.00. 1 black Capering or small cape 55,00 for i Mink Ca $ 5. i $2.50, 1 Lades p $ #O $2.50. IN MEN'S Vv EARS. tub Ce 8 Persan La s from 54.50 to p $6.50 ,'at halt price.' 5. Neutra. Cass wedge shape $3 to $3.50' at half price, 2 first-class plucked beaver size 7 and 7e regular price $12 for $6 each. Move, quick aiid inspect. This sale won't last long that is certain. Also a Tot of Youths' Rubbers in sizes 3 and 4 to clear at 25c. each. Sold one man 17 pair last week but we eau't supply many, in each quantities, However come alone until the supply is'bki8 at .g Jae pw CLARKE moraccowrai FLING BROS. NE PRINTS We have just received a quantity of INTS By buying your prints now you have a large quantity of the newest pat- terns to choose from. LING BR S. Exeter ,Municipal Clouncil. The Council met persuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, February 18th, 1898. All present ex- cept Mr. Bissett. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and confirmed. Ohristie Evans.—Orders as follows; J. Creech $1,40, express charged on repairs for scales ; Gurney & Co. 56.- 00, repairs for scales ; J. Creech $7.00, charity to Mrs. Sutton ; S. Handford $4.00, labor at snow ; and Electric Light Co. $70.00, lighting to lst Feb- ruary,—Carried. Christie—Harding-That the I,st engineer and the chief be paid $10.00 per annum instead. of $35.00 each of- fered at the last meeting.—Carried. Harding—Christie—That the night- watchman be paid 75c. per night for remainder of the current year.— Carried. A by-law to appoint Poundkeeper, etc., was duly read and passed, on motion of W. Harding seconded by S. Evans. Evans--Harding-That Mr. W. M. Bell's offer for cedar be accepted—Car- ried. Evans—Harding—Adjournment an - til the lst Friday in March at 7.30 p. m.—Oarried. 14I: EA.CanTT, Clerk. Mr. Sol. Pollock, jr., of Greenway, has rented Mr. Dan. Hagan's farm for a term of seven years. Mrs. John Bell,of Heiman, is visiting. at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Taylor, Stanley, who is at present -ser- iously in. • Mr. J, E. Sweats, of Wingham, left this week for Uncle Sam's domains, where he intends purchasing a few goodh orses. h, It is understood that negotiations have been completed for the sale of the Robt. Simpson Co's business, To- ronto, to a Toronto syndicate, of which R. 11 Fudger is to be president. On Wednesday evening one ofGode- rich yoang men, George Fulford, met with au accident which caused his death on. Thursday evening. He was driving down Saltford. hill from town,. when his horse ran away, throwing him out in front of the village school house. He was brought to town and examined by a doctor, who found that his leg was badly bruised. He also must have been injured internally, for he vomited all day Thursday, and died about 10 o'clock. NOTICE.—Town subscribers who fail to receive their papers regularly, will please notify this office. Any over- sight will be looked after promptly. FLOUR & FEED STORE To the House .Keepers of Exeter and vicinity. About B 'y 1st, the undersigned will open a'I+'lour & Feed business, in the storethree doors -south of Post - office, where .FLOUR, FEED, POTATOES, and other vegetablesin season will be, kept ou hand. All orders delivered promptly. I respectfully solicit a share of your esteemed patronage. r o ICE Dr. W. Sloan, of Blyth left for th Klondyke a few clays ago. • Th pla Prices OT ER LEST. Double Boilers, Tea Steepers, Plain Daisy 'Lea kettles, .15c. Brush and comb trays, Chopping Knives, Bowls, 10c. , 20c., 80c. Toilet. Setts, $2, $3, and 54.00, Celery Stands 150. Glass Cheese, Dishes. ', - J'elly moulds, .Tapan pan trays,.. .10c. . Wine...lasses'., • ..5c, anc110c. Syrup s pj5ug, Glasses, . . .. , . —....3c. each, And various other articles. IPeosti S$; stein ! 35 1'34:4,, Qrex, rit, Levrri S PAItt, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN Om AND WELL -TRIED I iursDY: 14IrS Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon used fa over fifty years by millions Of'mothersfor thei children while teething,with perfect success; It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ai pain, cures wind colic, and is the best reined; for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sol by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, B sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothin; Syrup, and take no other kind. Exeter Lumber Yard. B- Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend - ding Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff, 30000 Feet common Pine at l®A© per M. YARD EAST SIDE MIN RE. Jane Willis CREAT FALL In prices of r MUST GO AT T PINE Overcoats for MEN and BOYS Suits for MEN and BOYS FUR COATS, CAPS and ROBES, ® Z;S, FUR CAPES for LADIES', LADIES' MANTLES, DRES . S GOODS Sand MANTLES FELT BOOT S and OVERSHOES. Owing to the continued mild weather we have more than we of c h tt-uxse would and we are de- ternii ned not to carry any over until next winter, hut to make a clean sweepp if- rices will do it, Don'tass us for a bargain. p g 0.0. JOHNSTON