HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-17, Page 8EXETER TIMES.
i.` •H» - ie*9}i1`.';'OHFYV4 +i ViVIZ4V1•a-M/4.N'M•r *'44V V474V► 'MP^ -4►►O VAWY'•h.W►.+/P' 'R 9
w^� .ria ora �ri� .ria axa rga ,r$a Baa rxa ,r'� *►v Erik r,►a ria ,rqa .rio !b dia .ova ,>ae ala ,iia ,aeR � �.
• The
or rodtce
Otte Price Only
R °.27.50
Three only, Ladies' choicest Black Astrachan
Coats. The best that our money could buy.
They are Big value at $38.00. But we don't want
to carry them over. Here's an offer for you
Cfl For Your Chic
If you want a Fur Coat: now's your fortunate
Stores, closes 6:30 each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays,
►Yji.kto ►iAsi�so .:A..: fr „Rite rA-Yaar�e'r�A-,ai+aY�a►a!>ijvesAa 4YaiY�'iPY�>� At* it'a iA ',YAC►
iia ♦ir ata dia I►a Jia rte >ia dia Iia sia dia si' Iia ese via dia I t_a !b e.; ,ria 4' see sia c1
Agentforthe Wr srsa s Assci tNcx Coar-
rArrr, of Toronto ; also for the Pace=r FIRE
INsuRuNoE Courayr:, of London, England ;
the Ar,I..u.x 1 Nos COMPANY, of Eng
Mrs. D. Mill is cunfiued to her room.'
La grippe has hold of several citi-
Wednesday 23rd will be Ash Wed-
Counterfeit quarter dollars are in
and. circulation.
A. O. F. 3Ir.. John Jarrott has moved from
Cour Price of London to Exeter.
Huron, ;NO. 7805. B
ship A
riculturalSocietyMeetsu ood s has a surplus of Veil.Ilan end and 4th
Friday in each. ( Miss Davis, of Teeswater, is the
month. Visiting guest of Mrs. Heauaan this week.
brethren are cor-
,;, dially invited to
Mr. James Bissett, sr. of Huron
street, is confined to his house through
1 . i illness.
astem$Sec' Eo.
I The Orangemen of North Huron
will celebrate the 12th of July in
"-o The Methodists of Goderich have
-O ; invited .Rev. Mr. Godwin to remain
another year.
o_ I "Dandy Boy," a blood stallion own -
i ed by George Sinallacombe, died on
Lead PerFeiIs, Friday, of inflammation.
I Letters will he carried from Van-
ubber Erasers, ; couver to Dawson city for the modest
price of $3 per half ounce.
Mr. W. Smith, of Toronto, has been
visiting his brother H. Smith ofExeter
' North, for the past two weeks.
Ralph O'Neil, who recently disposed
of his hotel business here, intends
moving to London in a few weeks.
Mr. Carrothers, of Manitoba, bought
a load of draft horses at Thorndale,
and paid nearly 100 for each of thein.
Dr. J. J. Mulheron, of Detroit, who
formerly practised in Mitchell, was
Slates & Pencils, married on the 8th inst., to a Miss B.
• . Scribbling books A tramp was arrested here on Satur-
DrawinBooks day, on suspicion of being a murderer,
g wanted in Port Huron. He was re-
leased Monday.
Chas. Wilson, who last week par -
chased the Mansion house business
from Ralph O'Neil, takes possession
about March. lst.
T.' E. Hayes, Seaforth, rented the
Beckler property in Colborne and
Goderich townships. It will require
300 cattle to stock it,
The Minister of Education has ab
nounced that fifth class work must be,
taught gh• n all sections where'h
t ere are
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, 1898 pupils who natty require it.
- E
INS`®- Pen Holders,
.... • ... • Ink,
• ink Blotters, .
• Ruled, Plain
Rulers, E tc.
The report is current in Exeter that
������� Harry Wing, of Shipka, brother -in -
1....u. of V. Ratz, M. P., has been ap-
pointed postmaster for Exeter.
Winan, s Cough Balsam- for
The date
coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles. 1 upon
b which the Ontario Provincial Fat
ed the
cknowle best cough medicine
g g Stock and Dairy show will be held at
on the market. Especially good. for Brantford. The dates are December
children. Manufactured by 0. Lt7T2. • 8th, 7th and 8th.
Miss Ethel Sweet is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Mies McLean, of Woodstock, is
visiting her cousin, Miss Smith, of
Springhurst farm.
A wealthy widow, of Iowa, has mar-
ried a tramp. He was probably the
first than that came along.
Mr, Richard Sellers, of McGillivray,
intends to leave on Wednesday, 23rd
inst., for Manitoba where he will ve-
sicle in future.
W. J. Waddell, of Xippen, occupied
the pulpit of the Mt. Pleasant Metho-
dist church, McGillivray, last Sunday
morning in the interests of the mis-
sionary society.
Henry Rundle's sale on Tuesday was
largely attended notwithstanding the
stormy weather, and stock and other
articles sold well. We understand Mr.
Rundle will move to Eiteter for a
The band concert on Wednesday
evening last was one of the best ever
given rte Exeter. The program was an
excellent one, and the band managers
are to be complimented, upon giving
the public such a treat. Pvoceeds over
Monday was St. Valentine's Day,
and it may be opportune to point out
that St, Valentine was a Obristian
bishop, who suffered martyrdom at
Rome in the reign of the Emperor
Aurelian, ithout A. D. 271, having
been first beaten with hen fry cluba
and then beheaded. He is still hollered
by the 0luirch of Rome in h6, ittg the
14th of Ik ruarysetapart asa festival
for his special benefit,
The recent sudden thaw filled the
creeks and rivers to overflowing. The
Sauble was never fuller, and at Smith's
bridge the water was,two feet higher
than the road, caused by an ice jam.
A quiet wedding took place at the
residence of John Keen, St. Marys, on
Tuesday evening,
when his tdaug titer
Miss M. V. Keen, was married to W,.
D. Spence, Principal of the St. Marys
Public schools.
The Ladies' Aid. of Caven Preshy-
terian church intend holding a social
at Mrs. EL Samweil's residence cm
Tuesday evening, February 22nd, at
7:30 p, m. .A,dmisson 15c. Oysters 10c
Sens'I Baskerville has purchased
from William Bawden the House and
lot on Main street now occupied by
Mrs. Newton, and will moye thereto
We le
hat he
e intends
going intothe dray business.
We notice in a local exchange that
a young man from a neighboring town
advertised for a wife, which advertise-
went was replied to by his sister. The
father thinks it a pity that two such
fools should belong to one family.
The Assessor's are on their rounds
again. They have additional .duties
to perform for the Bureau of county
statistics, which requires the naive of
each person the lot and concession
on which he lives ; post office address
number of (tittles over 17 years old in
each, family ; amount of fire geed life
insurance carried by each one, and the
assessed value Of real or personal pro -
petty, Thio information „hemi( be
cheerfully itnd freelyiven4s it Will
assist in the compilation of the neoes-
eary statistics,,
.L D. Vincent will rnove to Ottawa
lllrs I+lrlr'edDrew, of London,, isvisits
ingr her uncle W. Drew,
Mrs \V, Pickard, of Seaforth,is the
guest of MA's,. Capt. George Iiernp.
Peter .Douglas, of Blake, lett this
week for Pilot Mound, Manitoba.
Division Court was held in Zurich,,
Exeter and Crediton this week.
Educational sermons will be preach-
ed in Main street church uext Sun-
Miss Mortlock will return this week
from visiting friends iu and around
A number of young folks spent a
pleusaut evening on Tuesday, at Gorge
Lowe's, Usborne.
Henry Beattie, soca of James Beat-
tie, of Seaforth, has opened a law
office in Ingersoll.
LlenryLer ett, who some time ago
went to Hanover, has removed his
family to Parkhill.
Mark .Clark, .ofExeter, is the latest
additiorx to the House or Refuge in -
manse, peaking the total therein, 80.
The Junior 14eague of Main street
church gave a social on Tuesday even
ingll.. A pleasant evening was spent by
Me. and Mrs. James Swenerton re-
turned to London on Saturday, after
several weeks* visit with Mrs. J'. P.
The Searorth hockey club went up
to play another game with Goderich
Tuesday night which resulted in a tie
The :A:merican,one of the best hotels
of Berlin was Tuesday bought by J.
Spooner of Olintou, who takes immed-
iate possession.
The death of Mrs. John Glenn, of
Hibbert, occurred on Wednesday, at
the age of 40 years. Deceased's maid-
en name was Eliza Case.
P. L. Bishop of Winnipeg, arrived
in town on Friday last, and will vis-
it his parents here for a few weeks,
when be will return to Winnipeg.
John Dunn, of Seaforth, had the
misfortune a few days ago to have the
top of one of his fingers taken off
in amachine at Broadfoot & Box's
planing mill.
IMMr. James R. Aiteheson, who has
been a member of the Expositor staff,
Seaforth for many years, has purchas-
ed the Clifford Express and has left to
take charge of it.
John Clemens, Wm. Davidson, and
a Mr, Hampden of Bosanquet, started
for the Klondyke on Feb. 10. As they
are inen well-known and much respec-
ted here, we all wish them great suc-
The Comnaereial Hotel property, to-
gether with the Ourling Rink, in, Clin
ton, has been sold by Mr. Shunk to J.
J. McGaughey, of Blyth, for the sum
of $5,100. The purchaser takes pos-
session on M e 7th.
At a inecrrng of the official and
trustee boards of Lucknow Methodist
Church on Tuesde.y evening last, a
unanirnous invitation was extended to
the Rev. H. W. Locke, of P'erkhil to
become their pastor for the uext cou-
ference year.
The Animotoscope was exhibited in
Gidley's Opera Rouse last evening to
an appreciative audience. The enter-
tainment is a first class one, and the
scenes shown are egaaI, if not superior
to those reproduced here some time
ago by the cinematographe.
The deadlock which has existed
in the Seaforth Council since the new
year over the election of a Collegiate
Institute Trustee was broken Monday
night, the Rev. Mr. Hodgins being
elected over Mr.Johnston thelate secre-
tary-treas. of the board.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McCallum enter-
tained the members of the Main street
choir to an oyster supper at their resi-
dence on Friday evening last. A plea-
sant time zvas spent in music and
games. Such evenings are appreciat-
ed by the choir.
The many friends of Mayor Scott, of
Seaforth, will be sorry to hear that he
is no better, his illness having taken_
a very serious turn for the worse dur-
ing the past week. The disease from
which he is suffering -catarrhal in-
flamniatiou of the stomach -is of a
very serious nature, requiring a .great
deal of time in order to effect a cure.
There died on Monday at her resi-
dence, Barrie, after an illness of sever-
al months, Mrs, McCarthy, widow of
Mr. D'Alton McCarthy, and mother of
D'Alton McCarthy, M. P., Q. 0., of To-
ronto. The deceased was born in
Edinburgh, Scotland, in I805, and. con-
sequently was in her 92nd year. Since
coming to Canada she had resided in
Barrie, where her husband diedsome
years ago,
The total assessment of the muni-
cipality of Stanley: for the year 1897
was $1,662,080. This includes $350 of
church property. The following sums
were levied :-County Rates, $2825.40;
township rates, $1661:80 ; debenture,
$120.60 ; general school fund,$1799.01;
special school rate, $2413.09 ; commut-
ation and interest, $43.19. The follow:-
ollow-frig are some of the disbursements :-
Roads, $1801 46 ; . gravel, $265.39 tim-
ber and sewer pipe, $565.60 ; charity,
55.96 ; salaries, $031.48 ; schools,
$4207.33; county treasurer, $2750.70 ;;
Board of Health, $9.
One of the largest fires
at has ever
occurred in Bothwell for a number of
years happened Tuesday night, which
resulted in the death of awoman ' and
child and the destruction of seven
buildings. The fire started about 1
o'clock in the dwelling back of an
empty store, occupied by Henry An-
thony and his housekeepers. Mrs.
Biome, and two children.. They were
rudely awakened by the loom being
enveloped in flames, Anthony grab-
bed one child, and jumped through the
window. Mrs. Bloom ran out, and
t irk ofher child, h d ai,
g, c in
again, and was no doubt suffocated,,
along with her I -year old baby,
Messrs. Wallace & Little, barrister's
' Woodstock,have issued a writ against
the Grand Tiunk Railway Company,
on behalf of 0. W. Jones, claiming
$8,000 damages for injuries sustained
by the plaintiff through being struck
by a G. T.E.3engine at a crossing near
St. Marys, Mr. Jones is a traveling
salesman for the Newcombe Piano
Company, of Torotito. On Aug. 27 he
was returning to St. Marys after a trip
into the country,whet, passing a G.T.
It, crossing, the rig in which he was
seated was struck, and Mr. Jones was
thrown about 100 feet, He has since
been inertpacited, The prosecution
will be set up that there was no
warning giiren by the engine driver,
either by blowing the whistle or ring-
inging the bell.
We are now opening up New Goods for Spring, daily, and
are in receipt of large invoices. of British and Foreign Dry
Goods which will corm; to hand and be opened up in the
course of afew days. These Goods are being 'imported by
us direct from the manufacturers in Britian and Europe.
our New Prints at...........Sc,,_Ioe., and ,I 2
". Aurora Silks at . ;06
" " Ladies' Belts (beauties) ........ . 12 =2
Men's i Boy's We will clear, regardless of cost,
Men's. Boy's and Youth's Over
coats now In stock. Now is the
time to secure a bargain, Come quick.
ca ,t ar
Azure Ya ct
" Grey Cotton ".
We have just received( a quantity of
By buying your prints now you
have a large'' quantity of
the newest pat-
terns to
App eton's Package Teas are the hest, Try
We have just opened up and placed o11 our tables a crate
of Dinner and Tea Setts, imported direct from the best
makers in England. We can save you the wholesale profit on
these Goods.
p ed dinner setts, new
patterns, great value.... ....$ 6.50
Fine enameled gilt dinner setts,
beautiful new designs, special $10.00
100 piece dinner setts, enamelled
and gift, in beautiful decora-
tions, new designs, worth $18
for .$15.00
See our
44 piece tea setts, new designs,
beautifully decorated and gilt$ 3.00
44 piece tea
I setts,electric bine
shading and gilt, special $ 8.00
We are clearing out our entire
stock of lamps, now is the
time to make your select
black Worsted Sults to
eee 0
FREE LisaAR.s.-The hook commit-
tee are at work selecting new books
for the Library. The Library will be
closed next week for repairs. -The
Free Library should be patronized..
more generally now than under then
Id order of management.
Hodson, Inspector of the Farihe s'
Institutes of the Province has 'sent ortt
a circular to the officers of the various
institutes, calling off the meetings
which were to have been held after
February 19th. The approaching elec-
tions are responsible for the circular
being sent out. It is feared that the
Institute meetings might develop into
political gatherings when the elections
are so close at hand. The Act does not
allow this, for it says that no subjeet
shall be presented at an institute meet-
eeting or discussion allowed of a politicalson says
or sectarian nature. Mr. Ho s'
he will do his utmost to. supply-
speakers for institute 'meetings held
after March 2nd.
THE Cenerev One of the best
carnivals of the season was that held
on Monday evening last, and
the at-
tendance was large, seeral
loads of
visitors ccmingfroin Hensel', Seaforth,
Lucan and other places. Great inter-
est was taken in the two-mile' open
race, and the ardour of the Seaforth
boys who were after O'Neil with great
energy, was very much chilled when
he defeated their flet Skater, Baldwin
by over a lap. There were some fif-
teen persons to start in the race but
all fell out excepting O'Neil, Baldwin
and Spackman, who stayed to a finish,
completing the race in the order nam-
ed. The boy's race was also keenly
contested, a
and `von by'Lorne C nn, of
Exeter. Following is the list of suc-
cessful prize winners: -two mile race`
George O'Neil, Exeter; one mile race
(boys) Lorne Cann; jockey race, Allan
Meyers and Willie Smith; Ladies fancy
dress, Miss Irene O'Neil, Miss Mabel
Walters; Gents' fancy dress, W.Abbot
H. Sanders; best dressed darkey, L.
Cann, Girl's Eancy oosturne, Frances
Mrs. R. Fuller of Hibbert, had her
fingers poisoned which ;caught from
a runningsore on bee child's hand.
The saand early death took place
on Wednesday, of the wife of Archie
B. Gifford ,foreman of the Journal office,
St. Marys, The J'ournel says: The de-
ceased was but in her 25th year, and I
next Sunday would have beep the sec-
ond anniversary of her wedding day.
The Elanshard Cheese and 73utter
Company's factory opened on May, 1
and closed pa Oct; 30. The number of
pounds of milk delivered was 1,255,555;
pounds of milk ;,to pounds of cheese,
11,08; pounds of cheese made,113,883,or
56 tons 1,880 ewt. Average price re-
ceived per pound, 8.4,E cents. Amount
distributed to patrons, $7,330.
Heart, and nerve, trottbles cloud the brain,
tangle the memory, streak the systole and de -
troy sleep, Miibutn's Heart and Nor've'Pills
regulate the heart torte, the terns and bring
health and vigor to the entir+o' syr5tom:
Order for $15.
0 +' P1 T RS
Miss Wyatt, who has been a pleas-
nt visitor for the past month at the
ain St. Parsonage, left for ;her hom e
1 , London, on Friday last.
Richard • Sanderson, of Hulled,
while adjusting some machinery in
his barn, had the tnisfortuneto fall,
part of the iron work tipping on him,
breaking his leg below the knee, but
he is on the way to recovery again.
The Anniversary of the Hills Green
Presbyterian church was held on Sun-
day .last, Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Kip
pen, preached special sermons. A
good old fashioned tea -meeting was
held on Monday evening. Rev. Ache-
son preached in Goderich on Sunday
for Mr. Anderson.
On Wednesday, 2nd of Feb., Miss
Kate Eergus on, of •&vonbank, was
married to Mr. Crago, of Blanshard.
Miss Ferguson is a very popular young
lady and a prominent worker in the
Sabbath school, and U. E. work, a
member of the choir and S. of T.
Me. Alex. McDonald, of the 19th.
con.,Eest Williams, has returned home
from Muskoka. He looks hale and
JOHNS -At. Elimville, on the llth inst., tho
wife of Thos. Johns,`of a son:
PERKIN-Iii Usborne, on the 13th inst., the
wife of John Perkin, of a son.
RYAN -In McGillivray, on Feb. 2nd, tho wife
of Wm. Ryan, of a son.
QUINN-In Stephen, on Fob. Srd, the wife of
Thos. Quinn, of a son.
WEBB-On the 4th inst. at Grand Bond, the
wife of Thomas Webb, of a daughter.
DINGMAN-In Stratford, on Jan. 28, the wife
of W. S. Dingman, (nee Miss Maggie Me-
Donagh) of a son.
DODD-SMILLI]-At Goderich, on Tan. 12,
by Rev. 3. A. Anderson,B. A. William Dodd
to Jane M, Smillie, both of the township of
'West Wawanosh.
SPENOE XEEN-At the residence of the
bride's parents. on Feb. 10th. by Rev. 'W 3.
Taylor, William
Spence to Mary e
en both
of bt.Marys.
FRASER-Iu Hibbert; on the Jthinst;, Alex.
Fraser, agod42 years.
Goderich, on Feb. 7th, Peter B. Fox,
jr., aged 30 years, 17 days.
GLENN -In Ribbert, on the 10th inst., Eliza
Case, wife of John Glenn,aged 40 years.
CURRAN-In Goderich, on Fob. 4th, Elijah J.
Curran, aged 22 years, 10 months, 4 days.
McCORMICK-On the 7th inst., Arch. McCor-
mirk, of 12th • con. West Williams, aged 78
PARNELL-In Mitchell, on the 8th inst.,Mary
beloved wife of Richard Parnell, aged 7o
years, 3 months, 28 days.
,&i OLD AND WELL -TRIED RanarsDr: Mrs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their
children while teethin with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the grans, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind..
Exeter Lauder Yard.
Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor-
bg , T'loor-
ing and Ceiling.
1 Pine Lath,. Pine and
Cedar Shingles.
Special inducements to intend-
ing d
ing Builders in Hemlock
Bill Stuff:
30000 Feet common Pine at
AO par N.
Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the
bead as a reliever, healer, and sure
cure for Piles in all forms. One ap-
plication will give comfort in a few
minutes, and, three to six days ap-
plication according to directions will
cure chronic cases, It reliever all
itching and burning skin disease it a
day. 35 cents. Sold by 0. Larrz.
We are always curious about new,
corners, wondering what they Iook
like, or what kind of neighbors or
citizens they will become, what their
nationality, what their religion and
politics, especially the latter at such
times as the present. No doubt the
salve inquiry will rise in the minds of
the new arrivals and asking thus: --I
wonder if I shall be ath once in this
community, whether I shall be wel-
comed and smiled upon ; the secret
will be our conduct to each other, We
received into our place of business
this week it shipment of
Blew and Chalon Prints
and, Flannelettes --A4,
Elegant in their patterns, and they
have only been on out counter one
day, and sales have been made; these
have met with a hearty and appreci-
ative welcome. We ask our many
customers and early seekers for prints
to come and look On therm, also an,-
other addition of Maple Leaf Worsted
Hose. These lite great Wearers.
Sale Register'.
Parties getting their sale bills printed at this
office, receive a free notice similar to the fol-
lowing. The circulation,of Ties 'arms is double
that of any other paper in this section, and
notice in its columns is worth more than the
MONDAY FEB. 21sT.- Auction sale
of farm stock, implements, etc., on
lot 27, South Boundary, Hay. Sale at.
1. o'clock. E. Bossenberry,Auctioneer.
A. T. Bean, proprietor.
The wages paiout at the Doherty
organ factory, Clinton, last year
amounted to $37,272, which was all
spent in the town. The Doherty fam-
ily saved practically nothing from the
fire. Jay, Mr. Doherty's eldest son,
did not save as much as a shirt,-
James Steep, of Clinton has sold his
farm, being lot 45, on the Bayfield con.
near town to Alex. Elliott, ' for some-
where in the neighborhood of $4,300.
There are 76 acres in the lot and El-
liott has had it rented on shares for
some time.
NOTICE. -Town subscribers who fail
to receive their papers regularly, will
please notify this office. Any over-
sight will be looked after promptly.
To the House Keepers of Exeter
and vicinity. ,
About Feb'y lst, the undersigned
will open a Flour & Feed business, in
the store three doors south of Post -
office, where
and other vegetables in season will be
kept on hand.
All orders delivered promptly.
I res ectf>�aill solicit share of your
esteemed patronage.
a at
c s nage.
Da S11C R
Dr. W. Sloan, of Blyth, left for the
I'lonclyke a few days ago.
Double Boilers,
Tea Steepers,
1?lain Daisy Tea kettles. ,15c.
Brush and comb trays,
Clh°-,PPing BKonivivisa,sitic., 20e., 30c.
Glass Olseeee Dishes,
Syrup Jags, ,
' And various other articles.
3S pet- Qienklet,
In prices of
Overcoats for
Suits for
S and ROBES,
� Ii, I
S �.Oir S.
Owing to the continued mild
weather we have rnore than we
otherwise wOuld and we are. de
terrnined not to carry any over
until next -winter, but to make a
clean sweep if prices will do
Don't pass us for a bargain,