HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-17, Page 5"Cures talk" in favor T 1. at Hood's Sarsaparilla; a ai, for no other medi- eine. IK, Its great ogres regarded in truthful, convincing language of graVefUl men and women, constitute Its most effeotiVe ad- Vertising. Many of these cures are mare Ireloue. They have won the confidence of the people; have given. Hood'e Sarsapa- rilla the largest sales in the world, and tave made necessary for its Manufacture the greeted laboratory on earth. Hood's Sarsaparilla le known by the cures it has made —cures of scrofula, salt 'rheum and eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia •and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh—cures which prove 1.4 Sarsaparilla lathe best -In fact the Ono True Blood Purifier, S euro liver / easyto 1100CP take, easy to operate.2Le. IIIINENF4201191:1T=FRONS3114,=-. •TT KINSMAN-. h. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. e see D. S., 1). D, S., Honor Graduate , • of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bailfetn'?einFan- Aan's Bioek, Westsifoftist.Retor. DR' ANDERSON, (D. D. S.L. D. SO DENTIST. Mitegraduate of the Toronto 'Uni- versity, and RopiCollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All r dge work, crowns and Nate work done in the neatest possible manner, A. karraless arm:esthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter. Ont STORE ARO STOCK FOR SALE A first class Mick store with residence in commotion ; also general stook for sale, in a good, businees locality. AddreseBox N., Exeter. Farms for sale A few good farms for sale oheap-.Money to n. Apply to JOHN SPACKAIAN MONEY Private funds to loan on improved farms stave and live and one half per cent. Apply to ELLIOT & MADMAN 1st D0001111)=4897, Solicitors etc., Exeter. Dissolution of Paytnership The co-pertnership heretofore existing be- tween John Trevothick and Robe Walker, of Crediton, under the firm of Trevethick and Walker, is, this tenth day of January, 1898, xnuteally dissolved. JOHN TREVETHICK, ROBT. E. WALKER. 1190. 1.11URSDAY, FEBRUARY 17th 1898. . Local and Distridi ROWS The clerk of Mitchell receives a sal- ary of $325. A Farmer's Institute meeting will be held at Kirkton on Saturday, Feb. 19th. Geo. Medford. has purchased the Futcher fern), 40 acres near the St. Marys depot. The County of Perth S. S. Oonven-' tion will be held at Mitchell on Feb. 23rd and 24th. A bill will be introduced into Parlia- ment to make Dominion Election day a public holiday. We are glad to report that Dr. Thompson, late of Kirkton,'Is gradual- ly improving in health. The W. J. G-illies Co's dry goods stock, S b. Marys, was sold by auction in London on Tuesday. Chas. W. Robertson, formerly of St. Marys, was married on Sam 27th to Miss Edith Alberta Jackson, of Chicago, Ill. Geo, Lennox. of St. Marys, left last Thursday, for Woodstock, where he bas an interest in a bicycle manu- facturing establishment in that town. Messrs. Runians & Butler, of the London Departmental store, have Made an assignment. Liabilities $80,- 000; assets, nominally, $100,000. Mr. D. McErnmer, an old resident of East Williams, had the misfortune to break his leg on Saturday. Being ad- vanced in years it will go hard with bin). While loading hOrses on Monday for the North West, R. Trotter, St, Ilfavys, had the misfortune to lose a -valuable one on accountof it getting a leg broken. Miss Stella Griffin, of Wingliam,left for Mooso m in , 1VIan „where she will take the position of organist in the 1VIethe- 1ist chexch and also take charge of a music class. Mrs. John Clark, of 6th con. West Wavvanosh, had the misfortute to bare her thigh 'fractured a short time sine by falling; as she is quite an old lady the accident will be somewhat „. serious. Goderich must be au unhealthy Spot. The Star says:. --Since January 1, 18081 J. 13rophey &Son, of Goderieh, have had no less than 17 funevals (or abut, four a week), and one Saturday they had charge of three. Mre, Richard Parnell, of Mitchell, Me, and Mrs Bradwin, of Blyth, mourn the loss of an infant child. Dr. Sinclair, of St. Thomas, North Dakota, is on a visit to his old. home, St. Marys. Alonzo Martin, Sb, Marys, bas sold his lumber business and coal andwood yards to R. H. Rieke, of Peterboro, George Lovatt, of Thorndalo receiv- ed $207.50 for one bunch of live bogs Thursday, Mr, Lovatt is a good hog feeder. J. W. Bell presented Trinity church, Blyth, with a handsome baptismal font in memoriam of his wife, who died 5 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Louch, of $t. Marys, hav,e removed, to Brantford where Mr, Louch has se cured a situa- tion in the Massey -Harris works, The death of Mrs. Belljaillin Riley occurred on Friday last, on the lst con., lot 23, of Nissouri. Mr. Riley has the sympathy of all in this vicinity. Gilbert Vint, of East -Wawaimsli, was cleaning a well on Friday, when the ladder broke and he fell,dislocating one of his shoulders by striking the pump. James McEwen, of Thoriadale, the well known thresher intends leaving for Manitoba the 1st of March. Mr. McHwen'S friends are in Manitoba and •doing well. G. Knechtel has, owing to the con- tinued illness of his brother, been com- pelled to leave St. Marys to carry on the Stratford house and has sold the St. Marys branch to T. B. Wiederhold, of Milverton. The, Official Returns.- , The follOwiog is a statement of the votes polled for the respective candi- dates in the South riding of Huron, in 1894 as shown by the official returns of the Returning officer : McLean. Weismiller. SEAFORTH. , Polling SubdiVision 1..125 55 2..68 39 3 59 44 4.. 27 28 5.. 34 28 303 187 Majority for McLean ..116 TO'ORERSMITH. Subdivision 1.. 92 57 2..114 32 3..128 40 • 4..121 39 --- 458 168 Majority for McLean ..290 USBORNE. Polliug subdivision 1.. 52 115 2.. 75 55 3.. 51 92 4.. 79• 62 257 324 Majority for Weismiller.. 67 EXETER. Polling Subdiyision 1 . 27 67 2.. 25 48 3.. .35, 49 • - 4.. 53 74 140 238 Majority for Weismiller.. 98 STEPHEN. Polling Subdivisidn 1.. 43 62 2.. 44 80 3.. 69 55 4.. 65.20 5.. 86 28 • 6.. 24 66 '7..29 67 8.. 39 72 390 450 Majority for 60 HAY. Polling Subdivision. 1.. 58 21 2.. 93 96 3.. 74 109 4.. 45 23 5., 79 53 6.. 41 90 7.. 26 27 416 419 Majority for Weismiller.. 3 STANLEY. Polling Subdivision 1.. 59 33 2.. 67 34 3..2S 107 4.. 19 55 5.. 90 35 263 264 Majority for Weismiller.. 1 GODERICUS TOWNSHIP. Polling SubdivisiOn 1.. 36 76 2.. 21 67 • 3.. 20 40 '77 183 Majority for Weismiller.. 106 BAYPIELD. Polling Subdivision I.. 31 80 Majority for Weismiller.. 49 Total vote polled for McLean 2835 " " Weismiller2313 • - McLean's majority 22 BLACKS THAT ARE. • BLACIK.S. Three Favorites of the Diamond Dyes. „. Tho Diamorid Dye Blacks' are scien- tific successes that are everywhere ap- predated by the ladies, Diamond Dye Fast Black for Wool stands ahead of all other wool dyes for fulness, richness and depth of color. was Stricken down with a paralytie goodswhen they have become stroke oa Friday, which was followed rusty.and soiled can be restored to a by another on Sunday resulting in deep Jet black,equal to the best French death at three &Clock on Tueeday blacks, and fitted for long years of Me was 75 years of age, and leaves al; wear. Aged husband and three daughters to Diamond Dye Past Black for cotton artourn her loss, and mixed goods is the only' black in Died in Tucker on Saturday, the world for dein g cotton and all „Unwary' 200h, at the -residence of her son-in.law, James McKay, Mrs, laabella ilicLeoti, relict of the late John rinlayson, in the 88th year of tier age, She was a native of Saber.. landshire, Scotland, and with her Husband and family emigrated to Canada in 184. They stayed in Wood- stock eist weeks, then moved to Code - rich ter a short time and then to the 4th concession, of Tuckersmith, where they settled on a farm which they blawect out of the forest, niixed fabrics. t giyeS permanent and never failing color. Diamond Dye Fast Black for Silk and reathers is a triumph of the chem- ical art, and has surprised the world. All silk goods and feathere that are faded, spotted and soiled eon be dyed a lovely Jet black with this special dye making old thingfi look equal to new geode. no Diamond Blacks are the best in the world. Ask for them and reflige 'tilitnitittiona and poor makes. T1J• 10.8 1 W ------. * EXeter February 16tit,' 1898 o 11$ VT 1133 * She Has Reason to Believe that Paine's Celery Com- pound is.the Best Medicine in the World. Mrs. Allen. Has Rid Herself of Nervousness and Neu- ralgia. She says: "After Using Seven Bottles of the Compound I am Well and Strong. PAINE'S CELERY COM- POUND GIVES HEALTH AND GOOD LOOKS TO SICK WOMEN OF EVERY AGE. Wells & Richardson Co. DEAR, SIRS:—It gives nie great pleasure to testify to the fact that Paine's Celery Cdrepound has caused a remarkable change in my condition. For ten years I have suffered from nervousness and neuralgia, and have used medicines of all kinds wiLhout, finding relief. Your Paine's Celery Compound was recommended to me, and after using seven bottles I find. myself well and strong, and can rest and sleep with ease and comfort, I believe it to be the best medicine in the world, and I always recommend it with pleasure. Yours truly, Mas. A. ALLEN, RarriSay, Ont. AN ACTOR TALKS. Telis What Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Did for Elim and His Wife -- r. Truly a Friend to the "Professor." "I can hut proclaim Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder a wonderful medi- cine, particularly foe, singers and pub- lic speakers, or those who have a ten- dency to sore throat, hoarseness, ton- silitis and catarrh. Myself and wife are both subjects of catarrh and ton- silitis. We had tried most everything, but have never found anything to equal this great remedy. For quick action it truly is a wonder worker. I couldn't be without it by me and I am continually recommending itto niy brother professionals." Al. Emmett Fostell,207 East 101st street,New York City. Sold by 0. LuTz. HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL is l'prompt to relieve and sure to curecoughs,colds sore throat, pain in chest, hoarseness, quinsey, etc. Pricel5cts. The London City Hall Accident. Sad was the sight that was seen in our city, Cold was the wind that came out of the North, Names that were cheerful wore brought down to pity, A wreck to be seen ore the morning came forth. Shall we mourn for our friends who have gone on before us ; Little warning was given that night was their last With laughter and speeches in emollient then silence, But sobn was revealed that their die it was cast. I believe that those victims are now 'mongst the ble,st Much safer aro theythan =me of is here, For God. in his goodness hasiaid them to rest • As quick as a Rash. then his presence is near, Let us go to the widows and try to console them, With a band stretched to help, let us do it aright; Speak a word for the Master and point them to Him, And open our heart should it be but a mite. And those who aro injured that may not re- cover, Point to them Seem en the cross -stained with blood, • Who is vvilling to saye them and bo a brother And present at last in the arms of our Lord. Oh, heart rending scene was that trap • for those mortals, How sad is the homes where their loved ones ShcilifttlenlIgliitn'in our memories till we enter the portals, Above with our Lord and our friends who have gone, Then those who aro weary this life is all sorrow Soon may the clay dawn arid the sun shall • appear; • Welcome, come quickly though it should bo to -morrow. Thonour rather in' Heaven shall dry every • tear. 'HENRY HirelPIIREY, London. RiEllgiS111 NSPOSill COM. 5 ST, PATRICIC STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 3180 1896 TO PHRENOLINE MSMOLIE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, OlsZT, GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheutnatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have euf fercd for many years. It also Cored me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that feel now like a new rnan. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of Which did. Me a, certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for me has, your Phrenoline, and 1 have much pleasure in recommending t to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Voremat of Works Rideau Canal , Wheali per bustiel . ,..80 to 87 Oats.— .. • ... ..... - .25 to 07 Barley. „.... ••• ... ., - -30 to 40 peas ,,,,, „„ ,... ,...... .. 60 to 69 Butter.— ..... -,.. -05 to 11 Eggs , . ... 15 to 11 Turkeys , , . ....., , .... , .9 to 0 (loose, ..... . -... „ - 1 to 4 (thickens per lb 4 to 4 Ducks, ..... Wool._ . . „. 17 to 18 'Dried Apples, . - . . , 21 to. Oi Pork dressed ., . . .. ' ....i . 6,00 to 30,5 )ork live weight. - ... ..... .... 1,75 to 36.66, lay per ton • , . ..• ......... * . Clover seed ..,, • ... • • - • • • • - 4.09 tri ,5,00 Alsike clover .... -. 4,60 to *5.00 TirooldlY seed . ..... 1,00 to $1.25 London, „Febrary 10th, 0898. Wheat per bushe ,.... ....W. to 82 Oats... .., .22 to 25 Peas - - 45 to , 0 Barley . • . .29 to 31 Bnokwheat , , • • ... .60 to 6 Rye ,.. . • ., .. ... 32 to 39 Corn - • • • 36 to 35 to 32 Butter 11 to 14 ... 12 to 12 75 to 80 10 to 10 9 to 10 .... 30 to 50 8 to 0 50 to 60 • • , . 4 5.50 to $ 5.58 1-1466 Dueks Turkeys per it Geese per lb Chickens. Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton Pork per owt.,• 84.00 to $4. Katatesesceameng...........aumen•ratrrrettms,...1. • FREE1 •SEXUAL HEALTH And how to secure It. Plain facts Plainly Stated. A veryinteresting little book for men only, which must be read to be appreciated. Through its honest advice, thousands have been restored to perfect man- hood. For a short time mailed free, in plain enve- lope, securely sealed. Address the Author: G. H. F3oBERTZ, P. 0, BOX 74, ALTTROIT, MICH. JOIN. HANDS In Te ling of the curing Powers of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. M. V. Monies, of Stanley House, Kingston, writes : "Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has proved a wonderful medicine in my case. I was a great sufferer froin heart trouble. I found it a greathealth builder and have re- ceived grrat benefit,. My wife also has used the Heart Ohre and can bear eenally as strong testimony of the wonderful benefit received." It re- lieves in 30 minutes. Sold by U. LUTZ. Notice To Creditors In the matter 'of the estate of David • Johns, late of the village of Exeter, in the County , of Huron, Gentle- man, Postmaster. . Notice is hereby given pursuaat to the pro- visions of Chapter 110, of the revised statutes, of Ontario veld amending acts, that all per- sons basing deems against the estate of the said David Johns. deceased, who died on or about. the 20th day of December, 1807, are re- quired on or before the 1st day of April 1,308, to send by post prepaid to Airs. Ann Johns, Exeter, P. 0.., their names, addresses, and occupationa with particulars of thou; olefins and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And. notice is hereby gives that after the said last mentioned date the said ox ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the poetics en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received by them and the said executors shall not bo liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to apse person or paeans of whose claims notice shall not hose been received by them at the data ot such distribution. L H. DICKSON. Exeter, Ont., Solioitorfor tbo Executors. Dated the 9th day of February, 1898. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of Edward Jones,late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. In pursuance of section 36 of chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, and amendments thereto, notice is hereby given that all creditors mei others having claims against the estate of Edward Jones, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or -about the Tenth day of NovernbereA. D., I897, are requested to send post propaid, or to deliver to H. miry E. Huston ce the Village of Exeter, Ontario, one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, on or before the first day of April, 1E98, a statement of their names and addresses, anti the full particulaes and details of their claims, respectively, and oath° secur- . ties (if any) held by thein ; and notice Is here- by further given that after the said data the executors e ill proceed to, distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entit- led thereto,ha,ving regmel only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the execulni3 of the said estate will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to an person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. HEN it Y E. HUSTON} JOHN DATJN CE Y' Exceutoree JANE JONES. Dated at Exeter this 21th day of January, 1898. •"THOUGHT MY HEAD WOULD BURST." A Fredericton Lady's Terrible Suffering. MBA. GEO. DUMMY 't ells the following, remarkable story of relief from suffering and restoration to health, which should 'blear away all doubts as to the effioaey of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills from the ininde of the most akeptical: "For several yoar4 have boon a con- etalat sufferer !reps nervous headache, and the pein was go intense that eoinetimee I Was almost crazy. 1 really thought that my head would burst. I contelited a Mita- ber of physicians, and took iheny remediee, but withbut &ed. I noticed Milburn`ei Heart and Nerve Fills advertised, aria as they seemed. to suit lilycase, I got a box and began their use. Before takieg them 1%10 very weak and debilitated, aed would Setae= Limon wake out of my sleep with a dis- tressed, sznothering feeling, and was Ire- Vently seized with agonizing pains in the region of the heatt, and often could eettreely Muster up courage to keep tip the struggle for life, In this. wretched condition Mile burn 'e Heart mid Verve Inns came to the reifeue and to -de ,s• state, with gratitude, that fara vigerm.e and strong o and all this itapieveinetit id ate to this wonderful Hides! Hides! Hides! Calf, Lamb & Sheep Skins --- Live Ohicliens wanted at THE NEW BUTOHER SHOP, We keep on hand a tine selectIon of BEEP, LAMB, PORK SAUSAGE • and POTJLTRY. Beef sold by the quarter at lowest cash price, One door south Central hotel. L8 AY PROP PERFECTION AT LAST ARRANTED EVERY TIME NEW:IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP FA RMRS You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul tural Implements BEFaING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL S ULK R A NTe.S. .feline of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEEN MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVEII Gurney stoves and fura.nces. Waggons uggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. Are You interested In Wheels? We handle some'of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewhitg Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Hap rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. Are, most he et ful, aur 1 140G5. and WAT( ' : , (lepartment is (,t.)tivilete ' 1 . . Drop w p iirt,, a:1,v1,3{)tn 1(: iIak,(:(1.(:y,i.17k ttt, oui..,1;,„.. Goods and At, -r lirioes. .1,,,y so do- ngyou , SOLID DOI . -..,i3EDin niitat We Have /Wade A Special Steady of The "--..magieVan E If your eyes are weak, or your si f,00r, it is to have them carefully examined No Charge Made Ice nr'InAr. P111" GRADUATE (t :• OPT IC AL -;TITITTE Farm For Sale EXCELLENT FARM IN THE .T0WN SHIP OF TISBORNE COUNTY OF HIIRON. For sale by private contract of fourteen (14 in the tenth (10) concession of Usborne, one hundred acres, The land Le ef first rate mislay about 90 acres cleared, the remainder in bush.. There are two wells, one at the house, the other -about the centre of the farm. The buildings which comprise a frame dwelling house, barn 56x36 and horse and cattle stables with the fences are In fair condition. For particulars apply to T. S. Clarke on the premises orto Messrs. Elliot Sr, Gladman Solici- tors Sec., Exeter. If ea.... a ...se VIA Ce;i41 6,0,.% Ell • The Liladiq Spit s rtf America 20 YEMIS IN riETROT, 250,000 CORED. WECigric q5PcI,S"'-.. • . ,..,.. 115,ea ESOb '‘,...) 'r. • r? Nothing eau he mere .cleraoralaing te 'Cs young or -middle-aged reen, than the eies.. • ....,7e , ante of these "nightly leesee." 'Thee preduee weakness. merrousnes.s, a ceding of disgust and.a whole trait, of tempt :me. ,,,,1.-. They unfit a Mau for bethinescs. marrieri it',' life and social happeneee No neuter - se whether -caused by evil billets in yoeth, natural weakness or sexual caseessee,. our eq.; New Method Treatment will positively Ege'i cure You. All accounts owing R. N. be paid by st March. IV teece NO CURE, -110 PAT Reader, you need help. Early abuse or ci Inter excesses may have weakened you. eExposure may have diseased you. Yon t:.1 • aro not.safe till enrea. Our Neve:Method Do • will euro you. 'Yoe run no risk. 5 0 4t - CU RED ka. 120Cau-?Yon feoble nth hasgarde nervous, irritable and ex- 241 °hale. Yen become forgetful, morose, ant desponamt; blotches and pin:Mies. 9, sunken ern, - wrinkled facie, Creeping '..ter, form and, downcast countenance reveal ere WE CURE VARICOCF LE t No matter how serious your ease Thee Kea: the blight of ;tour existenee. beorhow long you nasejurve had it, our t . ase NEW METHOD T./M.111.0NT will euro it, The "wormy veins" yetureete their marina cradle= mid scepoo eesete sexual organS receive proper newish - meat. The oreane become. vitalized, all pas =mature' chutes or lesses-tesae end manly rowers return._ No tereporsza tA . Nucl.% but a. permanent euro essreed. NO CURE, ISO PAY, NO OPERA -go TLON NEt:ESSARY. _.N0 DETEN- fee4 HON E11024. BUSINESS. AR AT) • h' FUF."-g C-UP'r-'ANTEE '27e treat and euro SYPHILIS, EMISSIONS, IMPOTENCY, STRIOTURE, VABICOCELE.,_ SEMI- NAL LOSSES, BLADDER AND KID- es S NEY diseases. OOESULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES lgei MODERATE. .1f unable to call, write .5 • for a QUISSTION BLANK for 'HOME TREATMENT. 1‘4. tt.• A Suit ol alothes or a Single Garment Should. Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old and reliable Oa*, and Ai 3. SNEX.41, never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A • large assortment of . Vali Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we WM take Much pleasure in showing thorn to you, There are many other lints that are specially at. ractive, Ah.erik ON:10144 cEiii/EDY KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MOH. 1 ?UT UP AS A VES oic NEWt2:4EQ0 0 .. NCREASE5 THE FLOW OF MILKmtasIN COWS. POWDER, SIss AGENTS MONTREAL PROPRIETORS „el Blin for Service .A.thorobred Durham Bull for service on lot 18, eon. 1, Stephen. First elites strain. Terms: BEST 31, to in.y\ e SAMUEL PARSONS. e Exeter P. 0. Boar For Service kee will Tho undersignefor service on lot 9, concession 1, Usborne, imported Chester ; d. p 'which can e r petered if required. Terms as Wbito and large Enghsh J130eitierNshmireAbyosars, usual. Exeter, ' A Man is always h' the SWIM. If he • wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting . SUITS. He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best, Call and examinehis goods before buying your FALL SUIT w. JOHN ' 'rho iraitor att FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM, lettruivi‘,,a.016,16/110W11.14,4: et Old People's Troubles inessoczoni • Hard for the old folks to move about—constant baekaches to sea, tither them in t a daytime'-- ginaryweetknesh C0 disturb their. t at night. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 4ttongthen the Kidneys and Hein to linked the declining years comfortable. r. W. G. Mugford, Chestnut r .SI* Charlottetown, I'. EA, Wri Os ,t _ ., • "Po 5'5a04er the pest tweate I Itave ad much treirele with discus of kidneyti arid tireatetetttlee of Ite, eves dropsieel end =leered A rt deal With p10ain my baok. , tette beep greetiy benefited by e ttee of neftles, Kideey Rine." ,