Exeter Times, 1898-2-10, Page 1TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO 24.
AJ. Ford 86 Co
A Bargain Clearing Sale
We have finished stock -taking
and find we have a great number
;of odds and ends on our hands.
So in order to Make room tor
New spring Goods, we want to
dear the stuff and clear it at any
The notification of a few lines
here will help you grasp the idea,
eMens' and Boy& leather Mocca,-
simaregular $1.50 and $1.25 for .95
:Mens' felt Boots, regular $3.00,
$2.75, $2.50 to clear at $ 1.95
llufants buttoned and laced shoes,
,regular 75c., 00. and 500., for.29
Childs' buttoned and laced shoes,
regular $1.00 and. 15e. for .49
A line of Ladies'Felte in slippers,
laced and gaiters,regular$1.75,
11.50, $1.2o, for .95
Ladies' laced and buttoned
boots, regular $3.00 and. $2.50.
for 1.19
.Misses buttoned overshoes, re-
gular $1.00 for .69
S backs of useful ends in Dress Goods,
'Prints, Flannelettes, Cottonades, Cot-
-tens, etc., which muse be cleared out
A. J. Ford & Co
Exeter Febrnary MI,' 1893
.81 to 85
25 to 27
30 to 40
.60 to GO
—15 to 15
15 to 15
•9 to
• to 4
5 to 6
.... 37 to 18'
ried Apples.. .. .. .2i to 2i
Pork live weight 6.0G to pso
4.75 to .25
Pork dressed. . •
Hay per ton.......... 500 to 6.50
Clover seed .... $1.00 to 5.00
Alsike clover $1.50 to 5.00
'Timothy seed ........ $1,00 to S1.25
London, Febrary Oth, 1898.
'Wheat per bushel
'Chickens per lb
Wheat per bushe
Butter ....
Turkeys per lb.
Geese por lb
Potatoes per bag
•kra3r por ton
Pork per cwt..
• •
—.81 to 82
22 to 25
15 to 50
29 to 31
60 to 66
•,32 to 39
36 to 3,5
25 to 32
11 to 14
12 to 12
75 to 80
10 to 10
9 to 10
30 to 50
8 to 0
.60 to 60
.$ 5.50 to $ 5.58
.. $4.00 to $1.50
illsposill 01111i.
OTTAWA, JULY 3 I st 1 896
GENTLIZ/EN, -On the advise of a,
friend I tried one bottle of your fam-
• ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline.
and to eay surprise it cured ine of
•;a rheumatism, from which I have suf-
" fered for nastily years.
It also cured me of dyspepsia, from
which I was suffering at the time, so
,that I feel now like a new man.
I have tried several remedies for
rheumatism, some of which did me a
.certain amount of good, but nothing
that I haye taken has done so much
for inc has your Phrenoline, and I
lave muck pleasure in recommending
t to other sufferers. •
Foreman of Works, Rideau Capal.
To Advertisers.
The benefit derived from an adVer
setisement depends altogether upon the
"number of persons who read. it. To
teach the greatest number of readers
. at the least possible expense, is a
nuestion that should be considered
'leery carefully by business men. A
thousand small bills 'printed in Tor-
onto or London, and distributed in
:this section, would be just as 'effective
• as if the bill had been printed in town.
There is not a doubt Moab thee, but if
you want, to reach the people in their
homes, tieWspaper edverbeing is the
only successful Way. To get the best
results use the paper with the largest
eirculation, and. thegreatese amount, of
awed tows. Circulate -en le the proper
"basis upon whichprteessbouldbofixod.
re a newspaper with a circulation of
:2 000 charges $100 per year, then one
with a circulation o000 ivould be entitl-
,ed to po. An advertiser should take
abase facts into careful consideration,
when making eontraets. Another fee -
Twee loss to-advertieers is in the use
of several papere when One covers the
ground, Teir Theme is read by More
cople in Eeeter, ITsborne, Stephen
ay, the northern pare of Bidditlai
and Mciainlyray thee all other, aseesene
WEDDING; Bneas-On Wednesday
the residenee of W. Earl was the scene
of festivity, the occasion tieing the
marriage of his daughter, Miss Kate,
to Sohn Th meson, a prosperous young
farmer of this section. There were
some 80 guests present to witness the
ceremony which eves conducted, by the
Rey. Colin Fletcher, of the Thames
Road. After the ceremony, an el-
egant dejeuner was partaken of, the
remainder of the evening being spent
in amusements and social chat.
Baanrs.-At the Epworth League
on Friday evening Norman Mitchell
was noramated and elected President
of the League here. -The services on
Sunday last were very inuch improved•
on account of the new choir, which
was organized recently. -Mr. David
Elston, of Whalen, spent Sunday un-
der the parental roof. -Thomas Cayes
and bride have returued home after
spending a week with friends inBel-
grave. They will reside in McGillivray
after the 1st of April. -Mr. Switzer, of
Woodham, will take possession of the
farm formerly owned by Mr. Henry
Rundle, on lst of March.
SCHOOL EEPORT.—The follewing is
a correct report of the standing, of the
pupils in S. S. No. 6, Usborne, for the
month of January. V, Ella Camm,
Eehel Godbolt ; Sr. IV, Linda Hunter,
Mary Delbridge, Dora Delbridge ; Jr.
IV, May Hawkins, Alice Berryhill,
Chas. Miners; Sr. III, Harvey Bayes,
Toria, Minors; Jr. III, Mabel Sawyer,
Chas. Godbolt, Bertha Woods ; Sr. II,
Bruce Cooper, May Jones. Garnet
Miners; Jr. II. Oliver Jewitt, Cecil
(Damns, Ella Berryhill ; Sr. Pb. Il,
Flossie Francis, Olive Berryhill Jr.
Pt. II, Wilfred Johns, Alden Johns,
Nelson °mats ; Sr. P. I, Lisle Wor-
den, Victor Sawyer, Beatrice Wilcox;
Jr. Pt. I, Ivy Pulleyblank, Luella
Bayes, Jackson Woods.
Bninrs.-Election is the talk of the
day. -R. Cook,of South River,former-
ly of this place, spent a few days in
the village, the beginning of the week.
-Miss A. Morlock, of Exeter,
formerly milliner for J. Hall, is visit-
ipg friends in and around the village.
-J. Fenn, who has been •working with
Hensall of Mitchell,. were in the villaT Mon -
the 2and inst. The electors will then
(Late with Gamow P—roudfoot) Barrister have an opportunity of bearing both
o io or, y
' be held at Zurich on Teesday 15th
G. j, Sutherland, Notary Public, • Convey .
:neer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance aannt Dist -James McArthur has been in -
and, Issurer a lVfarriage Licenses. Legal aocu disposed the past few days. We hope
'milts carefully drawn at reasonable rates to see his familiar face soon again on
our streets. -Hotel men are harvest-
ing their ice crop. The quality is not
good, there being too much snow.
-The carnival will take place this
(Thursday) evening. The prizes offer-
ed are valuable and worthy of much
competition. -Miss Annie Bell, of tile
L O. U. for the amount of tbe bet, London road, returned home on Tues -
H. J. D. COOKE..
• t sides discussed. -Division Court will
day.-Nommation will be held ere on
Money to loan on real estate at low rates a in
wrest. Office at the Post office. Hensel'.
A PECULIAR BET.—Following are
the particulars of a bet which took
place on Tuesday in letensa,11, between
twoGrit and Tory. They
were betting on majority. Each wrote
Huron County Notes
Geo. Sperling, of Portage la Prairie,
Man., brother of W. Sperling, of Clin-
ton, died a couple of weeks since. Be
was a resalent there since 1882.
W. Quin‘rell, who hasinade his home
with John B. Henderson, of the Huron
road Tuckerenaith, left on Mondey for
England, here his relatives reside.
Thomas Kennard, of Brucefield, who
has been ill for over a year, is gradual-
ly losing strength. He was very much
worse last weeln but has rallied again.
Peter McGregor, of Brucefield, is
fittine, up two car loads of horses for
the old country market. Good horses
Publishers and Proprietors
Perth, County Notes.
Mr. George Middlerniss, who lived in
Mitchell for many years, died at Port
Huron on January lab. '
Martin Feeney, who bee been in
Mituitoba. during the .past two years,
is visiting his friends in Hibbert.
Sheriff Hossie has been appointed re-
turning of6.cer for North Perth, and
Mr. :Whelihan, reeistrar, for South
SICK HEADAcHE, however annoying
end distressing, is pOSitively cured by
Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to
ta,ke and never gripe.
Christian Saakel. ere apie gold hie
con. 2, Logan, eon eeneeg
and, on the' back placed the name of s ": • scarce and Immo- a good fee -
I is • Among
bis man end the Majority he would re- friends. -Mr. Grant. of neat Guelph, figure.
tete rery
.1.1.1)11.1 CUL WAAtnittV.I. v +44v (
(100 acres to Adam Kern, of the Mit-
t:els:a. TM pipers Were then sealed in • "Tack" W. Elliott, oE Aberdeen, a
chell road, for $1,000. Mr. Kern gets
diate oss si
an envelope and. well secured with Hendersob.--Rev. Mr. Kerr and wife
visiting his nephew, Rev. J. S.
Dale., a former well known resident, 1 mune p es on.
• Balt'
sealing wax, neither knowing what of Goderich township, wa,s married a , p
the other's figures were, but each ex- and Miss Hemphill spent rues ay in
rich, who is visiting here, visited Aberdeen, since to a Miss Mills of 16 Years ago,
, lase week. for a few days visit. It
catne back to Mitchell
pected that the other would bet for Exeter. -Miss Lou Gibson, of Gode- fear days
the man for whom he intended to vote. agrees well with him out thole, as he
friends in Exeter on Wednesday.- Have no equal as'a prompe and. posi-
weighs about 200 pounds.
The envelope was then put away for Mrs Gilchrist has disposed of one of tive cure for sick headache, biliousness,
safe keeping, when both agreed to tell her park lots to W. I. Miller for a constipation, pain in the side, and all Mrs. Verne,
Nixon, of Hibbert, died
good. sum. -The box social held at the iver troubles. Oerter's Little Liver at the age of years OD Friday last.
residence of W. Laramie, London She was one of the first settlers of the
road, on Monday evening, under the
auspices of the readies' Aid and Ep-
worth Lesgue, of the Methodist
church, was a .grand success. The at-
tendance was large and the program
excellent. There should be more such
gatherings. - Miss Hemphill, of
Wroxeter, is the guest of Mrs. (Rev.)
Kerr. -Jas. Taylor, who recently went
to Detroit to take a situation as book -
what they had placed on their respec-
tive papers, and. streuge to say both
bet on Eilber and placed the majority
the same -25. This is a singular co-
incidence, and it goes to show that i
popular feeling is n favor of Eilber,
and that the -Liberals are conceding
him the election. •
Mr. George McEwen, the newly
elected warden of Huron county, and
one of the most popular and enter-
prising citizens and busmess men of keeper, returned home on Tuesday
Sense% was banquetted at a supper evening.--Ohas. Troyer, of Hills Green,
given by his friends, at the Commer- who recently recovered from a severe
cialhotel, Hensel), onTuesday evening attack of typhoid foyer, is visiting
last. No pains had been spared to friends in the village for the purpose
make the affair an enjoyable one, and. of recuperating his health.-Claarles
by nine o'clock some 90 guests from Wilson for some months a citizen of
various parts in the county bad as- Hensall, but who formerly resided in
sembled to do honor to one who, by Listowel, this week purchased the
his enterprise, public spiritedness and "Mansion" hotel in Exeter, and will
geniality, is eminently deserving some take possession shortly. --Alf Kelly, of
-recognition of esteem. Notwithstand- Bsettineau, Dakota, a former citizen,
ing the litnited time for preparation, a Hensel', is in the village renewing
the citizens had arrangements per- acquaintances. -W. R. Hodgins is able
feet for tbe entertainment, and the to be around, bat with the aid of a
promptness with which replies were staff. -Mr. Brown recently disposed of
received from invited guests, fully his photograph gallery to a Mr. Trott,
sustained the prevailing opinion that of Seaforth. Mr. Brown is making
Mr. McEwen s daily becoming more preparations to leave for the Sion -
popular with those with whom he dyke. -T. G. R. Bonthrow, the Evan -
conies in contact, at home and gelist who has been assisting Rey.
throughout the county. Telegrams Waddell, in bis revival work, during
Lean, and PhilipHolt, of Goderich; the past few weeks, left here this
week. Good work is reported. as the
and letters were read from Robt Mc -
F. Hess, Sr., Zurich, and Dr. Rollins, result of their labors on the Kippen
Exeter, regretting exceedingly that circuie-Bobt. Bell's stores are nearly
they were unable to be present, ex- completed, and will soon be ready for
pressing their heartycommendation occupancy. -There is very little grain
and co-operation in doing honor to the moving at present.-Murd. McPhee -
warden, who is so worthy of it. Some son leaves this week for the west. --
Mr. and Mrs. Lammie visited friends
in Credit= the forepart of this -week.
his brother M. Fenn, harness -maker, of those who were present from var-
of this place, left for Bra.ntford last ious points throughout the riding we
weeknebere he has secured a situation.
-Mn and Mrs. E. Fried spent a few
days last 'week in. Zurich with Mr.
Fried's sister, Mrs. F. Kibler. They
leave for their home in North Dakota
next week. -Mrs. Broderick, of the
Bronson line, Stephen, is very low and
slight hopesare entertained for her
recovery. -The butchers and confec-
tioners are getting in their stock of
GRAIN CROPPING. —Chopping clays Tuesdays
Wednesdays, and Fridays. West a Church,
=TOSS railway. .A. BOWSLAT7GEL
BRIEFS.—Mrs. W. R. Elliott had a
narrow escape from serious injury last
week. She was driving her favorite
horse, when the ptich holes annoyed
him and. he ran away, upsetting the
cutter and striking againse a gate
post, Mrs. Elliott and two childreu,
were badly bruised and, shaken up,
but no bones were broken. -A very
large number partook of the Sacrament
last Sunday morning in the Methodist
church. About 20 received the right
hand of fellowship and were admitted
into full membership with the church.
-The Junior League have elected new
of0.cers for the following term : Pres.,
Miss Salton ; Vice, Maud Jones ; Sec.,
noticed the following :-Dr. Holmes,
County Treasurer and William
Lane, County Clerk, Goderich ;
J. Snell, Londesboro; R. McMordie,
Kippen; J. McLean, Reeve Shepherd,
j. Patterson and Jas. Cooper, Tucker -
smith; J. Fitzgerald and Jas. Camp-
bell, Hibbert ; .F. Kibler, Zurich; and
J. LaPorte, Drysdale. The chair was
occupied by Dr. Holmes, of Goderich,
while the vice -chair was taken by Dr.
Macdiarraid, of Hensel]. The toast
list was an elaborate one, and the ad-
clresss in response to the various toasts
were exceedingly edifying and ap-
propriate. Amongst the toasts given
were : "Our Queen," responded. to by
chairman, Dr. Holmes, of Goderich ;
"Government of 'Canada," responded
to by R. McMordie, of Kippen; "Army
aed Navy," responded to by Dr.
Holmes; "Our Guest," by Warden Mc-
Ewen; "Our Country," Rev. J. S. Hen-
derson; "County Council," by County
Councillors j. Snell, S. McLean, and
Reeve J. Shepherd; "Cue Agricultural
Interests," by Jas. Patterson and Sas.
Cooper; "Our Municipalities," by F.
Kibler, Ex -reeve G. C. Petty and J.
W. Ortwein; "Our Labor Represent-
atives," j. H. Beek; "Our Educational
Interests," J. O. Stoneman; "The
Ladies," G. j. Sutherland; "OurHost,"
A. A. Goetz. The speakers paid high
Wes. Luker ; Treas., Mina Hpictabee ;
Organist, Edith Bunt ; Ass't Org.aarst, Country:.Agricultural and Educational tribute to our Queen, Governments,
Grace Salton.-eThe Womans' Mission-
ary Auxiliary had afull attendance at Interests and eulogized Warden Mc,
theft monthly meeting last Tuesday Ewen for his integrity and enterprise
and the interest taken in public affairs;
a.nd -looked forward to the day when
he would hold a still higher and more
honorable position as a Legislator in
the halls of Pate iamen t. The mu i cal
part of the entertainment was well
looked after by Messrs. T. Murdock
at the residence of Mrsflenry Wilson,
2nd con. and were very hospitably
entertained. •It was decided. to have
an open meeting at the parsonage
about the ist of March. -We expect
soon to hear the trolley car rumbling
through our village from London to and Mr. Trott. The meeting broke
Grand Bend. This will down the high up at a seasonable hour, all expressing
rates now obtaining to the city. their gratitude at the suecess of the
affair. ,
Usborne Council.
--- -
Council met ursuant to acljourn•
Breneas.---Miss Bella Murray, ofOlin-
ton. is visiting Mise Hattie Sutherland
ment on Feb. 5ti. All membees pre. for a few days. -Mr. and Mrs.j.Sharp,
sent. Minutes of lase meeting read, of Varna, (the latter formerly known
approved and signedby the Reeve. as Miss Maggie Hartley, of Mensa11),
Hunter-Keddy-Thatthe Auditors' were in the village on Tuesday visiting
re ort as presented be adopted, that ' friencis.-Rev. Mr. Murray, of Kb -
150 copies of report be pritted for dis-
tribution and that the auditors be pead
$6 each for their services. Carried.
Delbridge-Keddy-ThatBy-lews No's
2 and 8 as reed a second and third
time be passed signed by the Reeve
and the Corporate seal attached. Car-
Keddy-Hunkin-That the tender of
the Beau, Times to do the printing
usually reqnired by the Municipality
Hunkin--I•Ituiter-That the follow- and have vative perty here
rented committee rooins in
are belle organized,
for the year be accepeed. Carried.
ing accounts be paid and that the MaCleY's black. The election of Mr.
Reeve sign orders for same t --Joshua Ellber is coucedel-The emelt snow
Johns, anditing accounts,' fee ; Wm. storm and the sabseqtent thaw have
Turnbull, auditing itecounts, $6 ; rent Elie 41)0 roads bad r a ii g.
Municipal World sub. 6 copies, 7 Week j. A. Malcolm, of Roclgeryille, who is
forms, sem° . ?eta stienten salary as an applicant for the. precentorshie of
cardine, dehvered the fouvtli of a
series of sermons in the CarmeIchurch
on Monday evening, his subjece being
"The Yellowstone Park." The at-
tendance was fairly Tama -Mr. Bar-
rett, of London, accompitaied..by Miss
Burns, of Belmont, are the guests of
Mr. and MM. R. D. Bell, of Tacker.
sniitle-W. Lane, County Clerk and
W. Holmes, County Treasurer, were
in the village Tuesday, -The °misers
treasurer, $70';memos, regiseeenee Otrinel Presbyterian church led the
births, marriages end cleeths $18;
Exeter Texas ;stetting contraet and
'appeal notices $19.254 -Carried.
Delliridge-Itedcly - That °oilmen
adjourn to meet Apia!, and. at, 1 o'clock
renao,ts Moneta, Clerk.
GIDNTLRMV4/04 (tut pleetal to reenenese
Serviee of preise in that church on
Suaday lest. --:-Mrs. Kraft, ofiGtocierich,
Was her the peat week visiting Mrs.
Joseph Ellie. -Mrs. A. Murdock spent
Sunda y and Monday visiting Eviends
in Inicate-Mrs. Sheffer returned, lase
week from a visit with her brother in
BRIEFSe-Miss Annie Carroll, who
for a number of years has been in the
employ of j. J. McKenna, has secured.
a situation in Stratford. -Miss Ellen
Curtin, of Beechwood, died very sud-
denly at her home on Tuesday last.
The lady was highly esteemed through-
out the neighborhood.
Fraser, of this village, committed su-
icide Tuesday morning by drowning
himself in a well at the rear of the
house. 'He got up out of bed about 1
o'clock, and going to the well, plunged
in head first. Fraser had been des-
pondent for some time, being out of
work and fearing that his little family
might become in want for the neces-
saries of life.
• Luoan.
BRIEFS.-Notwithstanding the in
of the weathertbab pre-
vailed on Sunday last a very large
congregation attended morning and
evening services delivered by the
•Bishop-. Representatives from Granton
and other places. Both sermons Were
very impressive. -0. Quigley and wife
were in London for a few clays visiting
Mrs. John Baevclet, sister of Mrs.
Quigley. -The banquet under the
auspices of the C. O. F. took place on
Thursday night last, and was well re-
presented from all parts. Even to
Denis was there. - The Epworth
League and Ladies' Missionary
Societies purpose having a social and
entertainment; at the Methodist par-
sonage this Friday evening. Admis-
son 10c. AU are welcome.--james
Park is ahead, haying this week a new
method of lightinghis store. He hes
indeed far excelled all other business
places for light. His already beautiful
store glares inore beautifully
with as light. Who will be next on
the list Court was held
here on Thursday of last week. --The
Methodists,of this place, we under-
stand purpose erecting a new and
handsome church in the near future.
(*rand Bend.
Bearrs.-The weather has taken a
change this week, and is much milder.
-Mr. James and Sohn Poilick, of
Indian Head, ale \ W. T., are leaving
with three carloads ot steak and, imple-
ments. The stock ieeegistered except
Iwo span of bases, which are for
work. Among soine of the stock pm -
abased was two young cows with calf
at their foot from. Wm. Fulton, of
Brewster, and will en doubt make
for themselves and their breeders a
record ainong the herds of the wesa-
Brawler aiid Bossenberry are busy
this Week getting their simply of ice.
They aro getting it off the lake and the
quality is first; chtee.-There was
party held at John Allister'S on MO11,
day nit and was well atteralea, end
no doubt alt enjoyed themselves, -The
home of Mt, Thee, Webb has had
Shipka.- The Meads of David Mirk otti EL
Will vegtat to len
Pills. Try them,
Robb. Dunlop, of the Sth line, Hul-
lett, has sold to his neighbor, Wm.
Lowery, a two year old gelding, re-
ceiving the sum of $125. Who says
horses do not pay if you have the
right stock.
Lewis McDonald, who has carried
on in Seaforth so successfully the ex-
tensive carriage and blacksmithing
business of the late John Dorsey, has
disposed of the same to Robt. Dever-
eaux, of Chicago, son of John Dever-
eaux, sr.'of the Huron Road. East,,
John Horton, a, highly respedted
resident, of Leeburn, died. on Friday
last, after an illness of only three
weeks, with typhoid feyer, aged 55
years. Born in 1843 in Colborne, he
was married 10 1863 to Miss Susan Os-
baldeston, and moved to Goderich
thwnship, -where he lived for 18 years.
A saci death occurred in Clinton, on
Tuesday, by the demise of Miss Annie
Grainger, daughter of Sas. Grainger,
Brucefield. Deceased had been em-
ployed in town as a domestic, and. on
Friday last was in good health, but
later was laid up with an attack of in-
flammation of the bowels.
Geo. Fitzgerald, who has had charge
of the finishing department in Broad. -
foot & Box furniturefactory,Seaforth,
for a number of years,leaves aboutthe
end of this month for Liverpool,
England, where he has been engaged
with Fawlee SD Co. wholesale furniture
dealers of that ciey, to look after the
finishing department of their business.
The magnificent offer of Mr. Wrne
Doherty, of Clinton, to pay for half
the cost of a new Methodist church, is
the talk of the town this week, and his
generous offer has been accepted and
subscriptions are now out to raise the
balance, which will soon be forthcoai-
ing. The site selected is the finest in
town on the Main street. - The church
when completed will be up-to-date iu
every way and will be known as the
Doherty Methodist church.
The death occurred on Tuesday, at
Lucknow, of Dr. jean H. Gamier, one
of the leading naturalists of Canada.
He was a specialist in reptology and
had just finished reading the proofs of
a publication entitled "The Reptiles of
Canada," which was intended to be
published in the spring. The doctor
was an Irishman, and a earadaaae of
Trinity College, Dublin. 11e came to
Canada over 50 years ago and trapped
and hunted with the Indians of the Rim. nth: Barelle, Essery Disjardine,
neighborhood where he settled for the Arthur Baker; Sr. Pt. II, Curtis
love of adventure and his love of the Grattan, Ida Page, Frank Staten ;
Jr. Pa II, wine Baker, Noah Tetreau,
Paul Gratton 'Sr, Fb, I, Roy Bole,
Elgin Webb, DaveTetreell
Peter Ravelle, Emery Disjardine,
Charles Page.
township, and highly respected. Her
husband and a large family of grown
up sons and daughters survive her
Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jimes, Ohio,
writes: I have used every remedy
for sick headache I could hear of for
the past fifteen years, but Carter's
Little Liver Pills did. me more good
than all the rest,
$700 is the amount of costs in con-
nection with the suit against the town
of Mitchell, over the $70 sewer in the
river Thames. In addition to this we
believe Mr. Mabee asks $100 from the
corporation for extra work, not allow-
ed by the courts.
Mr. Alexander Trenieer, of Fuller-
ton, received word. the other day of
the death of his son William, who
was. killed in the lumber woods in
Manitoba on Friday last. The young
man was 26 years of age, industrious
and steady, and much sympathy is
felt for the parents.
Wm. L. McLarem of Cromarty, has
purchased Thos. Bell's farm, being
ease half of lot 20, concession 13, Hib-
bert. The farm contains 50 acres. The
farm adjoins Mr. McLeren's present
one, and this latest purchase will place
him. in possession of 150 acres of as
good land as is to be found in the
The death of Mrs. John Garterill, of
Fullerton, occurred on Friday last, in
her 906h year. For many years she
was confined to her room a helpless
invalid, bearing her sufferings, how-
ever without a murmur and with true
christian fortitude, and throughout
her long weary watching for the in-
evitable change, she was faithfully
and affectionately tended by her eldest
daughter and members of the latter's
family. She leaves to survive her,
Mrs. Alexander Roy, Mrs. Scott, Mrs.
Thos. Pridham.
SCHOOL Rnronx.-The report of S.
S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of
Jan, is as follows, names occurring in
order of merit. Sr. IV, Bruce Bossen-
berry, Har1/1011 Gill, Nelson Ravelle ;
jr. IV, Alma Bossenberry, Emma
Zapfe, Ernest Mollard ; III, Leo
Disjardine, Maurice Brenner, Edna
Walper ; Sr. II, Emery (Derriere,
Archie Webb, Victoria ; Jr. II,
study of nature.
SCELOOL ItEromr. — The January
monthly report of S. S. No. 2, Hay, is
as follows. Names are in order of
merit,. V, .T. W. Todd, M. M. Russell,
Mend Russell IV, Sara S. Northcott,
W. R. Deegan, W. II.Warren; Sr. III,
H. F. Johnston, Alice Dougall, Gertie
Rarvey ; Jr. III, W. E. O'Brien, E. J.
Gould, Luella Munn ; II, Cora Munn,
R. F. Northcott, J. R. Mum ; Pt. II,
Willie Russell, BertieNorthcott, Ethel
Harvey; Pt. I, Roy Todd, Wilfrid
Mune, Earl Brickwood. The best
spellers in the monthly spelling
matches were :-V, Maud Russell; IV,
Sara Northcott; Sr. III, Alice Dougall;
jr. III, Willie O'Brien; II. Cora Minn;
Pt. II, Mabel Dougall; Pe. I, Wilfrid
Mount Carmel.
The following is it correct report of
the standing of the pupils in Separate
School for the month of January.
Only the names of the highest three
in eaeli class appear. V. class, jatnes
Quaerie ; Sr. IV class, Mary Cotter,
Madeleine Coughlin, Mary Ryan; Sr.
IV class, Joseph Neville, Thos. Carey,
,Tno. Ryan e Sr. III cless, Alex. Mc-
Donald, Patrick Mahoney, John Mc-
Carthy; jr. class, Malcolm Mc-
Donald, Martha Roberts, Therese
Cotter ; Sr. II class, Fred Cotter,
Frank Ryan, VinCen f fauttrrie ; jr. II
class, M:ollie Gumene, Celia, Hall,
levee Bali ; Pt. II class. Petrick
Glavin; Sr. I class, Leo Hall, John
Guinane, john O'Rourke '• Jr. I class:
Willie Barry, Thos. 13ary, Mamie
Average attendarem for the
month, 40,
Mess H. Moaun, Teacher.
Would be No Inducement to the Suf-
ferer if it Stood Eeeween Iliui a.nd
Perfect; Health.
tr, H. Little, Campbellford, writes 1
"About a year ago I luta a severe
attack ef typleeid fever
SCHOOL REPORT.—The lollowing is a
correct report of S. S. No. 3, Stephen,
for the month of January 1898.
Namesare in, order of merit.
IV class, Geo. Sanders, Herman
Beaver. Ida jory, Cleve Stanlake,
Samuel Sory, Edward Beaver and
Daniel Sanders, equal; Luther Pen -
hale, James Senders; Sr. III class,
Clinton Sweet, Arthur Gleaville,
Richard Glanville; Ir. III class, Stella
Penhale, Beatrice Glanville, Charles
Sanders'Lorena Ford : Sr. 11 class,
Frank Triebner, Minnie Trielmen
Herbie Ford, Marshal Box, Asa Pen -
hale, Roy Parsons, Fred. Dearing,
Homer 1Bagshaw •, Sr. II class, Vera
Sanders, Laura Airy, Sadie Willis,
Hattie Willis, Clara Beaver, Minnie
'Sanders Alorizo Ford, Willie Triebuer,
Fanny Glanville, Viola, Penhale,
jenttie Sanders, Nelson Sanders; , John Brown, of Reuse% who has
IT class, ' Herbie Dearing, Edith :been conductingnthriving photogreeph
Parsons, Eddie Willis, Thos. Glanville, 'business there, has sola out, a,iid inea
Herbie Beaver, Mitchell Willis ; Sr. Ifew days will leave for the Westewhere
Pt. 1 class, Lizzie Senders, Lillian lie will seek for gold. Mr. Brown has
Stanlake; Jr. Pa I class, Garnet Craig, many friends in this section, who will
Harry Pavsons, Samuel Stanlake. wish him peespersey,
Average attendance was 43. •
nICHARD N. °atm, Teacher.
• Having purchased from
Reid ez Co., London, a
large quantity of •China
- t
We 8,re able to sell at
Iabout half original cost. I
Remember all pieces I
at at half price.
We have a fine assort-
ment. No damage goods
See our north window.
J. R. Ftoss
"Only 12•Days Left" of Stoneman Bros. Great
30 days Reduction Sale at Kirkton.',i eorne
with the crowds and secure BARGAINS. Great
reductions in all lines of Goods, especially in
Winter Goods which we are throwing on tbe
counters at half prices.
Say Council.
Corneatte-Council met Feb. 7th at 2
o'clock p. rn. All present. The audi-
tors repore was laid before the Council
showing a balance of $632.71 in the
Treasurer's hands on the 81st day of
Dec. 1897. The books were finally
audited and. signed by the Reeve. Also
a certificate of the _Auditors stating
that they haYeesarnined the Treasurers
bonds and that they consider them
satisfactory. In regard of a petition
of Alex. McEwen and others asking to
have the dog tax abolished according
to Vic. 8, Chap. 52, Sub -section 2, the
petition was granted, and a By-law'
ordered to be passed confirming the
same. Repetition of David. Mack and
others, praying the Council to form 0
new school section out of Lots 12, 18,
14, 15, 16, 17, 13, 19, 20 and 21 in the I,
2, 3 and 4 concessions, the Clerk was
instructed to notify all parties concern-
ed that the peeition will be considered
at next meeting of Council. The Reeve
was on motion empowered to buy a
quantity of cedar for culverts. By-law
No. 1, 1898 was duly passed after being
read three times. Checks were issued
for the following amounts :- Wm.
Tinney,error in taxes $13.91; 0. Troyer
postage $2; Sohn Foster, tile N. B.,
$3.8O; 3. Foster, tile C. R., 65c. ; 1.
Welton awl, blacksmithing, $1.15 ;
Mrs. E. Wetzel, charity, $I0; Munici-
pal World 7 subscriptions, Assessment
Roll, one pad, 59.25; Brown Bros.,
Treas. Cash Book, $3.40 ; T. Johnston
dog tax refunded, 81; Gavin Ross'
gravel, 57.34; G. Ross, damages, 52;'
Alf. Tiedemen, service re Board of
Health during 1897, $3.75; Wen.
Trimner, bridge over each brans% H.
S. D., $6.75; Fred aligner, auditors
salary, 56; Merrier„ auditors salary,
86; 'Fred Hess, Sr., services re S,
12, $2 ; Hess, Mr., services ealr-Tr
8, 5, No. Q91.111Pil will meet
A,gaill on Monday. March 7th at 10
o'clock a. M. when pathmasters and
other °facers will be appointed.
The Board of Health met on San.
31s4 at 2 o'clock, all present. Dr.
Campbell Medical Health Officer, jos
Snell, chairman; Sas. Bonthron, Ira*
speetor of Eastern Div. ; II Zimmer-
man Inspector Western Div. ; Alex.
McEwen, David Spencer and Moses
Geiger, members. The Inspectors
were advised by the Board to make
their annual inspection of Schools, etc„
about the first week in Sune. The
Board is desirous that the medical
practitioners should carry out the Pro-
visions of the Pulnic Health Act re-
garding contagious diseases, as strictly
as possible. The Board to meet again
at the call of the chairman.
Fran HEM SR, Clerk.
• Canepaign Notes
-- -
M. 'Y. McLean, on account of voting
for the Free Medicine Bile will no
doubt, lose the confidence and simport
of the Medical inen.
This is the Time to Give A ttention to
Voer Physieat Condition.
The werriler we which will Come
with the approaching spring months
should find you steong and in robuse
gr, Bieber ' 'hes been a . Municipal lesesith, your blood pure. and your ap-
Legislator of note, and should he be petite good. Caret:vise yon will be in
eleeted to the. Legislative Assembly, Clanger of savionS ilinesen -Purify and
Will prove hiniself eqiialle qualified to .
1111 any office with which he might 1)0 eritich your blood withllood'e Sat;
e eapariila arid tiles "preperefor springs"
............e.. Thie niedicine •mekee rich, red blood
Me. McCesucheye Hullett, and Miss anti Rves Vigor,at
'ul Vii4111tY` It Will
T. len4e, (m tine, morns, woremen, guera yon aganst clangor from the
rid on aloncla•y morning "at Eleth. cheeps Nvbioh will soon take place.
Should be vote., Mat