HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-3, Page 8MW;Y,,F ilr. it .v„,„ ix9 `ry x >r► �YA� ra. V t r nt ark. "ti° r/n. -• *i't' re irR x4 e l,ys.�rw► •w�•.y.e r.�.+rgw.•,}.► ''r .�. ^�tw� r �,'v .•.aw -4w ^�W!�,•wA+^ -an• ^�a s+r�o,,'r�.,,-s t,1W O1R At,R +�.►R 4�R .�X1a rAO� ✓�R lR' �R A4R +`4� �#�" af'lR ✓j4 �R 1�'T 4jR tie he Big Cash Store ►h or Produce ne Price Only Our Great clearing Sale is now in full blast. Come and see the wonderful bargains. AU Winter Goods being sacrificed. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS.. Our celebrated Crystal Drip syrup 95 Cents A PaiL The new Bias "Tube" and "Lip" Dress Bindings cents per yard, all shades. Try our new coffee. Ground fresh every day. J. A. STEWART •f 0 T : 1 r r r xA ir/• 4» ire 4» lr! *rL Ary l? fir/. 4Y tt : 'lv'.. .sraats.1i:,�-,~i!'M►,e �i,i• 1►a�i►,s>a�s.w..r! �i �4:"74.e►�.�siir4 �s tis tjs tar tti � is q» sig lbs tls are vl\ tis tis. t�R tis t!s h't'ti iN tls �►� tis <iR a� PD. INSURANCE. llRNEST E.LLIOT, Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Co3I- i?ANs, of Toronto; also for the Paa.NLx FIRE LrSURANWE COMPANY, of London, England; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. Court Price of Ilion, No. 7sG5. Meetsinwood's Hall2nd and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are nor- ,. dially invited. to - attend. DANIEL WOOD, C R QEO I iDe' 0- o- -FO R- SCHOOLt OPEN INCE WELead Pen OFFER Rubber Erasers SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN, Pens, and PenHolders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Band Concert on Wednesday Feb. 9th. Mrs. W. S. Lang is visiting her par- ents in Parkhill. The South Perth fall fair 'will be held Oct. 4th and 5th; Mrs. Thos. Suell has returned from visiting her son in Brueefield. Master Harry Webber, of Orange, vine,is visiting his uncle A. Bennett. Miss Maud Hicks attended an assembly at Clinton one evening Iast week. . The proceedings of the January session of Huron County Council on 4th page. Miss Harrison and Master Willie Amos visited friends in Clinton the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Dauncey have returned home from visiting friends in Wyoming. Fresh herring and White fish for sale at L. Day's one door south of the Central Hotel. Quarterly meeting services will be conducted in the Methodist churches, town, next Sunday. Remember that in attending Band Concert you willlisteti to two of Can- aada's famous musicians. The hockey team goes to Clinton this'd (Thursday) evening to play a match h with team the o f thatP lace.. The supper oyster in Main din street y Methodist church last evening was fairly well attended, and a pleasant time spent by all. Foolscap, The Plan of Hall for 'Baud Concert Slates &Pencils (is to be found at Lutz's Drug store. i Secure your seats at once. Plan open Scribbling books i,9 a. m. Saturday tea, Conductor Snider's many friends will be pleased to hear that he has fully recovered and has resumed duty on his old route Choice Young Hyson tea for 30e, choice Black at 30c; you can't surpass them for quality. Call and buy a pound from J. P. Clarke. L Lomas Canada's greatest trom- bone soloist, of Peel's famous band, has been secured for the hand concert, also Bert Harve or s y, T onto,s leading COM ediam; Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. 12 LH" l' a THE MART EXETER mititK 44tui�0 r� • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 8 LOOAL HAPPENINGS Miss Della Crocker left for Toronto Tuesday. A. Sheere has gone to Brantford to assist in the erection of the Verity Works. Henry Dayman of Manitoba, was visiting at Mr. Hugh Oke's last Sun- day. James Herbert and Miss F. Madis,of Mornington,are visiting at Robt. Homey of -Osborne. Henry Rundle of Usborne, will hold an auctions sale a e of his farmstock k and implements,etc.,on or about Feb.lSth. See posters. The County of Huron drew from the Ontario Treasury 'last year, for the general` administration of justice, the sum of $3,186. Now that the quilting season is in full force don't forget that we sell per- fection batting in lbs and pounds, white as the snow at J. P, Clarke's, E. Clement, son, of Rev. B. Clement; of as taken '•a sit at" London. Clinton,A steady, industrious, relii--- able young man, he will soon make his way up. Use Winan's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles, Aeknowlegeel the best cough medicine War the market, Especially good fo Children. Manufactured by 0. Lu We have a number of buckle oy r- shoes in No.3 and 4for o boys or i is must go for 25c a air, also 'WOW n's buttoed lined os ersY oes-sizes 5 and 6-75o ' petpair at 3. P. Ci• t'ke s' a ��. •While t the House of refuge, Cliff• ton on Wednesday, ono of the inmates who had harnessed Dr, Shaw's horse for hirci, got o wrong bridle on it, and undertook to change it, leaving the E horse standing,:attached to the cutter, . While sect'ir'ing the proper bridle, the After the first March next, a post- master will be appointed for Exeter. pP Messrs G. Samwell, and A. Bishop,ex- M.. P. P. are among the most probable Iapplicants. The proposed electric railway line from Lo don to Grand Bend, particn- lars of which are given in v another t , g h column, is another sample of the ef- forts of cities to zentralize trade. James Gould of Hay,who has been de1[vering. milk to many patrons in Exeter, dtiring the past year, quit the business on Saturday last, owing to bis living toofar from town to con- duct it successfully. The Brantford Courier: -In his ronzbone solo, "Rocked in the cradle of the deep" J. W. Loomis de- monstrated his 'marvell marvellous s sli ill with that instrument,ancl he had to respond to a;vociferous encore. Gidley's Hale ,,19,19: 9th, On Friday evening last two racing contests took place on the skating rink, one between C. Sanders and G. s G. Johnston, the other between A. and ,T. Walters. The contests were t keen, Sanders winning in the formers and A. Walters in the latter race. t Rev, W. M. Martin, of °avert church, concluded his h , series of ser- i mons on "The Family," which have t proved very interesting, and will next g Sunday eommence a series of discour- s ses on "Popular Sins," his theme for Sunday evening being "Gambling." t Afr• Lomas is best known outside of Iiamilton as a trombone soloist, and. l when he accompanied the Toronto Wanderers' band on its western trip P last year, his solos were more in de- mand than feed drinks -and it was hot weather, too.•-liarriltion Herald..Gid- ley's Hall Feb Oth. .-. c Another of the series of assemblies D given by the .young risen, took place on Friday evening last. The at- T tendanoe was large, guestsbeing pre- S t e 1Pflais , . ,,art ar,-Oxy: Sunday evening rya daring church eervice the tire alarm was rung quite sharply, The fire men responded so quickly to the .call imr that the alarmists were frightened away before the congregations were disturbed, or any panic resulted. There proved to be no cause for tbe alarm, and the culprits made good their es- cape, though they are known. . Such conduct is dangerous and punishable in the extreme. A PLNASANT GATHEIONG.--District Deputy Grand • Master, Tierney, of Blyth, visited Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. Sc A. M. on Monday evening,and. witnessed the conferring of the First Degree. The work was exceptionally well done, and the principals were complimented, At the close of the. meeting the brethren repaired to the Central Hotel, where a banquet was given, and a lengthyprogrant of toasts curried out. The affair throughout was a success, and a pleasant evening was spent by all. GovIsILNx1r17NTMONEY,-The Agricul- tural Societies in East Huron drew from the Ontario Treasury last year, the following sums :-Eullett, $70 • Grey, $81 ; Rowiek, $681 Morris, $110; Turnberry,$37, The South Huron So- cieties drew, Hay, 898 ; Tnekersmith, $04 ; Stephen and -Osborne, $94 ; Stan- ley, $03 ; Seaforth Horticultural, $46. In West Huron, Ashfield ancl West Wawanosh, $83 ; Hullett, $70 ; Turn - berry, $29 ; East Wawanosb,$83; Clin- ton Horticultural, $59; Goderich Hor- ticultural, $83--a total of $2400•in the three ridings. A PLEASANT GATRERIN(1 The 13e11 - ringers of the Trivitt Memorial Church accompanied by a number of friends, drove to the home of T. M. Case, Lon- don .Road, north, on Tuesday evening and gave Mr. and Mrs. Case and farm-. ly a surprise party. They took with them a goodly supply of oysters and other delicacies, which together with music, singging,and dancing made up a program that pleasantly whiled away the hours, until 4 a. m. when all repair- ed to their respective homes, eulogiz- ing the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Case. • L. 0. L. ANNUAL MEETING. -The annual meeting of the South Huron County Orange Lodge was held in Exeter on Tuesday last. Owing to the stormy weather the attendance was not as large as usual. In the absence of John Neil, County Master, Past County Master, A. M. Todd, occupied the chair. After routine business the following' officers were elected :-W. TL. Robert Scarlett, Seaforth ; D. M., Pickard CO. CARLING BROS. Remnants, Remnants, 500 Remnants to be cleared in the next few days ; come and carry them away. The price on each piece marked in plain figures. Remember every remnant in our store must be cleared out regardless of cost. READ THIS LIST OF . BARGAINS :- 24 pounds Granulated Sugar for 32 pounds Raw Sugar for. 10 pounds Green Coffee for... 3 boxes Eddy's Matches for............, , .. Fine uncolored Japan Tea ... , ...... . Clothespins per dozen..,,.. . Large box Royal Yeast Cakes for 20 yards, 36 inch heavy grey Cotton .,O yards good heavy Flannelette for..... Good striped Flannelette per yard for... . . Heaviest Feather Ticking made for.:........ $1.00 • • • I,00 for.,.._.. Appleton 's Package 25 .25 .01 .05 I.00 I.00 .03% .19 Teas are the best, Try them • We are making a specialty of ready to wear clothing -and will shortly open out a large lot of the celebrated Shorey y clothing including Bicycle suits ; these goods are are thoroughly .1Nevin,Centralii , Chaplain, W m. A Craig, Hensel] ; Fin.-Sec'y, William waterproofed bythe r Y,: p Rigby g Y pocess. Call and see what we can do for you in the clothing line. - Anderson, Crediton ; Rec.-Sec' Peter Oantelon, Clintonareas.,John Beacom. Clinton; D. of C., Francis Davis, Saintsbury ; Lecturer, John Bullard, Goderich township; Lecturers, James Cox, Godeich, and Gorge See our black Worsted Deacon, Lucan. The next annual meeting to be held in Exeter. and 12th of July celebration in Hensel'. r> -•-o-- LONDON TO LAKE HURON. -An Ot- tawa dispatch says: Mr. M. G. Cam- eron, solicitor for applicants, gives notice that application will be made to Parliament for an act to incorpor- ate a company to construct a railway by steam or electricity or other motiye power between London and a point in, or near the village of Lucan, and from Lucan to a point in or near Centralia in the township of Stephen, in the county of Huron, to a point in or near Grand. Bend n on Lake Huron ; . also with power to construct and operate telegraph and telephone lines, to take and use water for generating power, :and to transmit and dispose of the power derived therefrom ; to build, acquire and operate steam and other vessels, and all necessary wharves and docks. This is said to be a project of London capitalists. The London street railway already bas power to build a line between London and Lucan. SCHOOL STATISTICS. -Prom the re- port of the Minister of Education for .1897, we learn that the school popula- tion of Huron, exclusive of towns, was 16,378 this is not equalled by any single county in the Province, Out of his number only 12,739 attended school, i In CI nton the school popula- ion is returned as 678 • Goderich 1025 ; Seaforth 758, and Wingham as 691. The number of rural teachers in Eur - on was 219, of which 122 were males and 94 females. In number of teach- ers employed there are six counties that employ more than Huron. The highest rural ura salarypaid' g in Huron is 70 ; the average era a for • 1 $g males, 374 for femaes, $270. In Welland and York as high as $800 is paid. The total re- ceipts fors school ool ur o sex in Huron were $125,271, andthetotal expendi- ture, xpend ture, $100,624 ; this includes salaries, school buildings, rents, etc. There are 6 Separate Schools in Huron, with a total attendance of 401, one-fifth of these being in Goderich. Clinton, Sea - forth and Goderich are the only places in Huroniaving Collegiate Institutes. „t. UBON DISTRICT zST CT CoirNCIL ROYAL oYAL TEinPLARs.-The District Council of Royal Tenaplars met in Temperance Hall, Goderich,on the 27th of January. Wm. Lewis, Crediton, in the chair. There were over forty delegates pre - eat, The reports of officers showed a very satisfactory state of affairs, all he local Councils being in splendid working shape, one hundred and fifty members having been added during he past year. Plans were arranged for each Council to carry out regard. - ng the expected Plebiscite als g P vote, he work in gee n ral. The Select e t De ree and Sok' Benefits de p artmen P bowed. a large increase in number and cash on hand, so that altogethe he Royal Temp tars are to be con- ratulated ou ptheir success.The lection of officers resulted in the fol- &wing being elected .-District Conn- Dior, oum ciior, John Muir, jr. Exeter ; District zest Councillor, Win, Lewis, Sr., rediton;District See y, David Jacques, deter ; District Treasurer, E. A. Vartless, Varna ; District, Vice Court - Mot, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Goderich; istrict Chaplaitr, Rey. Henderson, Hensel" ; District Herald, Geo, Me- aggart, Chiselhurst ; District Guard, ilas Stanlalte, Sodom ; District Sen- Mel, Wax,. Rowtledge, Tlolmesville. Representatives to Grand (council, 3, Tom, Goderich; Wrn. Lewis, Omit - on, alternative. This brought a very nthusiastic meeting' to a close. t sent from. Seaforth, Clinton Ltican and other places. The London Har- pers furnished music for the occasion ly d to ether ita ' t ' an al g was ,s tc,cessful af- lior:se ran away and broke the cutter, fair. The Suits to Order for $15. ic and Co IMPORTERS Mrs. Laird, of Galt, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Willoughby. MissG G race Penhale,of London, visited her mother here this week. Mr. John Gould, of London, visited his parents in town on Sunday last. S. Gidley and wife, of Blyth, spent the forepart of this week, visiting friends in town. James Parkinson returned to Trout Creek on Monday after a short visit with his family here. Mr. Mahan, of Kirkton, has pur- chased a house. in Mitchell and will take up his residence there. Mr. R. Brook, of Woodham, and Mr. A. Good, teacher, Kirkton, have been successful in passing the Normal school examination. Mr. and Mrs. T. Harris, of Bethesda, spent Friday in town the guests of Mrs. Ferguson, prior to leaving for Kinburn where they will visit for a few days. The post office store at Farquhar has been leased for five years to Mr. Simp- son, a merchant from Elgin county. He has enlargedthe store and will push the business. Mr. James Parkinson and daughter, s leave to -day (Thursday) for Detroit, where Miss .Parkinson will take a coarse use in music and other arts. Mrs. Parkinson will visit in Vassar, Pontiac and other places. Thos. Hanson, of Fullerton, mention of whose accident was made last week, was preparing to go to St. Marys when he slipped on the ice in his barn yard, fracturing the thigh bone of the leg which was amputated some time ago. The Sunday school children of Caven Presbyterian church gave an enter- tainment on Friday evening last. The attendance was fairly large' and a splendid program was rendered by the little ones,assisted as to by the e older mem- bers of the school. gamilton Spectator: -"There is a real' in store for the public at StJames church concert on Monday evening, when J. W. Lomas, Canada's greatest slide trombone soloist willplaytwoo selections, Mr, Lomas is acknowledg- ed to be the best slide trombone solo- ist in Canada to -day, and being a form- er resident of Merrittonhe should be met with a full house, Gidley's 11 all 'Feb. Oth. D. Urquhart, of Hensall, has been el- ected Warden's Auditor for the Coun- ty of Huron. P. L. Bishop and bride, of Winnipeg, are expected home this week, to visit Mr. Bishop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. HS Bishop. Misses Stanley and Porte, of Lucan, attended the assembly here on Friday evening last, as did also Mr. and Mi. Hawkshaw, of Seaforth. Fro°m the Public Accounts for 189r the amounts paid by the Province the various libraries in Huron, were follows :-Blyth, $67 ; Brussels, $8; Clinton, $225 ; Dungannon, $97,. Exeter, $87 ; Goderich, $77 ; Hensall, $30 ; Seaforth, $183 ; Wingham, 8181 ; Wroxeter, $180. The anniversary of the Thames Road Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday and Monday next. On Sunday Rey, A. D. McDonald, D. D., of Sea - forth, will conduct the services, while on Monday evening the annual tea - will be served. A splendid program has been prepared for the occasion. As this congregation are noted for their excellent teas and sociable even- ings a good time may be expected. The T Patrons of South Perth metin convention on Wednesday and nomi- nated Mr. Geo. Frame, of Downie, as their candidate slate a tthepp o< thia r .L . ng el- ection. The meeting was small and lacked the enthusiasm of former years. Mr. Frame has had a good deal of municipal experience, and is fairly popular in. his own township. He is a Scotchman by birth, and a deserter from the Liberal party. New rriva s We are always curious about new comers, wondering what they look like, or what kind of neighbors or citizens they will become, what their anationality, what their religion and olitics, especially the latter at such t es as the present. No doubt the s e inquirywill rise inof the minds ti new arrivals and asking thus: --T v c 'der if I shall. be at home one i:n this c salinity, whether I shall be wel c reed and smiled upon ;. the secret illbe our conduct to each other. We received into our place of business this week a shiptnent of The Huron County Medical A.ssocia- d , tion held a meeting g •' at the House of New and Choice PrAnfe Refuge, Clinton, on Wednesday, the 26th, when the election of officers took place, when Pr. Stanbury, of Bayfield, was chosen President ; Dr. McKenzie, Monkton, Vice President; Dr. Hunter, Goderich, Sec. Treas. .&n effort was made to have the Association include the county of Perth, and snake a con- joined association of medical men of the two counties, but the majority of. the present members were in favor of leay ung it as purely a County Associa- tion, at least until a further represent- ation is present from Werth Co, ttr disw and Flannelettes'4► 1 Elegant in their p atterns, and the have only been on our counter one day, and ales have been made; these have suet with a hearty and appreci- alive welcorne. We ask our many. customers and early seekers for prints to tome and look on them, also an -1 other addition of Maple Leaf Worsted Rose, These ;are great wearers, Cr J , J. Pr CL.ARKE NEW• PRiNT::! We have just received a quantity of "'-- NEW p - I By buying your prints now you have a large quantity of the newest pat- terns to choose' from. 0 RLIN LEVITT'S FAIR MON'S BM, EXETER Our Prices u NCi7ST0iV1ERS. Consider carefully the following 6 cakes variegated Castile soap, ..$ .10 Dream Baking Powder, ..15c for.. .12 Starch, l0c for.. . 8 Toilet setts,....... .....$2.00 for.. 1.70 .$1.50 for.. 1,25. Tea setts, ........ ... . $1.25 for.. .98 Brass lamps, $2.50 for.. .85 .. $2.50 for.. 2.25 Dolls, • . 5c. for.. .3 Dolls, (close their eyes) .35c. for.. .28 Everything in the store at closer cut prices. Examine the goods, compare with others, and you will appreciate our bargains. Watch for list next week. LEVITT'S PAIR ROYAL TEl1I'PLARS. - A big rally asked for the Royal Templets Monday night next. There is au increasing interest from night to night, 'many of our younger and youngest mem- bers showing signs of ability and future usefulness.-Coar. • PARLOR CONCERT -Mrs. F.J. Knight and Mrs. R. Knight will give a parlor social at the residence of F. J. Knight on the evening of Tuesday., Feb.I''8th in behalf of the Ladies aid of the Trivitt Memorial church, a good program and refreshments served. To commence at7.30'ad i ` m ssion 15 cents. f rhe Hamilton Herald says: -"Be-. �tvveen the acts I. W. Lomas, leader of the orchestra, played a trombone solo which was really one of the cleverest brass solos yet heard in this city. Though .a young man, Mr. Lomas has succeeded in almost completely mas- ternig this difficult instrument; his tone, execution and style are superb. His contribution to the entertainment was one of the features of the even- ing. At Gidley's Opera House, on Feb. Qth. Every year is increasing largely the number of towns putting in ,water- works. The latest is Stouffville, a town of twelve or fifteen hundred population, taking up the matter and carrying it to a successful issue. A test was made on the 15th ult., and the council and citizens were delighted with the excellent results obtained and proud of the work which was be- gun last October,'and bas cost about 25,000. The system is by gravitating from springs and . reservoirs in the ridges, es, three miles out of town. Sev- eral v- eral streams of water were thrown easily over the highest buildings. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.-Mrffi' wiu s10 Fv ' a Soothing Syrup has boonused for over fifty years by millions of mothorsfor their children while teethin with perfect success: It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, midis the best remedy" for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Selc& by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Coiling, No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 30000 Feet common Pine at $10.00 per M. orYMADINx;AEE. Jas. Millis �'s FLOOR FEE® STS.RE To the Hottse Keepers of Exeter and vicinity. About Feb'y lst, the undersigned will open a, ,flour & Feed business,in the store three doors south of ost- office, where FLOUR, FEED, POTATOES, and other vegetables in season will be kept on hand. All orders delivered promptly. T respectfully solicit a share of your esteemed patronage. 'bm SPICER Hides! Hides! 0ders �; Hides! Calf Lamb & Sheepi 9 Skins Live Chickens wanted at THE N1 W B .7TCIdER SHOP. We keep onhandaline selcctton of 13FEF • LAMB,P ORIC SAUSAGE and POULTRY. Beef sold by the quarter at lowest cash price, One door south Central hotel. Ly DAY Plop GREAT FALL In prices eS Of nt r '. t Gods 1 [U GO AT -COST PRICE Overcoats for MEN aiid BOYS Suits for MEN and BOYS FUR COATS,. CAPSan a d ROBES; FUR CAPES for LADIES', LADIES' MANTLES, DRESS GOODS and MANTLES, FELT T BOOT Salld OVERSHOES. Owing to the continued mild weather we have more than otherwise would and we are de- terriined not to carry y .any over unitll' ... aicxt Winter, but to make a clean sweep if prices will do it Don't ass p , us for a bargalx. we G. G. JOHNSTON