HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-3, Page 7THE 1,114P8 SET ,iAdows, eianclostine racetinge in FOR THE UNWARY. „arks, and at ferry gettee, ane in hotel !sailor*, and. eagijugai. perjuries are tuaeog, this rgesens results, When a woman youeg, or °la gels her head. Alluring as lioaoy TheY Lead Pavan, theroughly etuffed with the !modern easel, she is in appellees peril. Blit to Death. some one will say, 'lam heroes are 50 edreitly knavish., and. the heroines so bewitehingly- untrue, and the turn of tee story so exquitite, ana ell the characters re enraptu.ring, I cannot it them" My brother, my eister, you. eart find. styles of literature just as cirarming that Wall elevate ani puri- fy ana ennoble and Chriatienize while they please. The aevil 4;loes. not OM all the eothey. There ie vvecath good books coming torela fretra our pub- lishing house that !Leese noexouse for the ahoice of that wbich debauthieg to body, mind. and eoul. Go to some In- • ziteileoltlaigrief aboomka: that twomwileln b:nadtreaskagtfloierna_ to your mental and. moral condi- Lirs is so short and your time for improvement so abbreviated that you cannoteafford. to fill up with husks and cin.ders and debris. In the interstices of -business that yenne men is read - Eng that which will prepare him to be e merehaat ,prince, and thee young woman is ed mind with an in- telligence that will yet either make her tee chief attraction, of a gooa man's hosee or give her an independence of cbaracter that will quality her to build her own home and maintain it. in a happinesa that requires no augmenta- tion, from any of our rougher sex. That young man or young woman can, by the right literary earl moral improve- ment of the spere ten minutes here or there every day, rise head ane shoul- ders ha prosperity and els/tree:ter and influence above the loungera who read n.otaring, or read that which hadwarfs. See all the forests of good. American. literature dripping evith holiey. Why pick up -the houeyconabs that have in them the fiery bees which will sting you with an eternal poison while you taste it? One book sna.y for you or me decide everything for this world and the next. It wa.s a turning point with me when, in a bookstore in Syra- mese one day I picked. up a book called, "The Beauties of Ruskin," It was only a book of extracts, but it was cal pure homey, and. I was not satisfied until I paithaseci all hie works, at that time experusive beyona an easy capacity to own them, and. with what delight I went through reading his "Seven Lamps of Arcle tecturee and his "Stories of Venice,' it is impossible for me to describe except , by saying that it gave 'Me a rapture for good books and an everlasting disgust for decrepit or immoral books that will last me while my life lasts. All around the phurth earl the world. to -day there are busy hives of ineelligense occupied. by authors and authoresses from whose pens drip a. distillation which is the very „nectar of leaven, and. why will you thrust lour rod. of in,qaisitiv.eness into the deathf.ul saccharine of per- dition? • Stimulating liquids also came into the category a temptation delicious, but deatlaftte You say, "I cannot bear the testa of intoxicettiag, liquor, arid how runty man can like it is to true an amaze- ment." Well, then, it is no credit to You that you do not take it. Do not brag about your total, abstinence, be- came it is ace from. any principle that you reject alcoholism, but for the rea- son that you can reject certain styles of food. -you simply don't like the taste of them. • But multitudes of r.eople have a natural fondness .for all kinds of intoxicants. They like it so much -that. it makes them smack their lips to look at it. They are dyspeptic, and they- lilse to aid. digestion, or they are atimoyed by iiisomnie, and they take it to practise° sleep; or they are troubled, anct they take it to make them oblivi- ous; or they feel happy, and they 111118t celebrabe their hilarity. They begin with mint julep sucked through two straws on the Lung Branch piezza and end in the ditch, taking from a jug a liquid halekerosene and. hair whiskey. They not only like it, but itis an all consuming paseion of body, mind and and after awhile have it they will, though one wine -glass of it; should coet the tetaporal and. eternal dedruction, of themselves and all their families and t,hia whole human race. They would say, "I em sorry it is going to cost ine ana my family and all the world's population so very much, but here it; goes to my lisle, end. now let it roll aver my parched Longue and down, my heated throe, the sweetest a,nel most inspiring, the most delicious draft that ever thrilled a human, frame." To cure the habit before it comes' to its last sta;ges various plans were tried in, olden times. This plan was recommended in the hooks: When a man wanted. to reform, he put shot or bullets exto the cup or glass of strong drink -one additional sheet of ballet each day that displaced so emelt liquor. 'Bullet; after bullet added day by day, of cauree the liquor became less and. leas until the bullets would eatirely fel up the glass, awl there was no room for the liquid, end by that time it wan said the 'inebriate evened. be cured: Whether any olne 'guff t. wags cured. in that way I know tot, but by 'long experiment it is found. that the only, way Is to stop- Acne* off, anti when a, man does that, he needs (tot to Dttp hint eoe there have been terea nervous system., and e sae:deiced •mare eatiess three you can tenet when property and a destroyed soul at the God has so holPed the allen, that he 'last. 'Young man, buy no lottery tise left off the driers forever, and I could lesta. Purelfase no Prize Paekegeet bet emeet score of teem, some of them on n'o baseball ganaes or yacht racing, pillars in tbe house of Gods f _sage ix) _att._ in luck, amaiver no payee ter ions tercel a rs proposing g eta t int comP for glean investments, drive away the letzeards that borer axeund eur ho - tees trying to entra,p sttangers. Go out end melte an honest; tieing. Have God THEI liXErrER TIXES then any other noise. Elenements, ora.siterl into fragments et bis feet and marital. intrigues, sly corm-sign:once, a, scroll ountaining tbe nareee of the ti. itioute names given at Pestoffiev oonsearaters was tisrurit into his bands, yet walking rieht on to Meet the dag- ger that was to take hie life. This in- feetuation oS strong drink is so mighty le ineny a man that, though Insfer- theme are crashing, and his health is oreeltieg, aed his domestic) intereste are teething, and 1,Y6 liana him a long eoroll centaining the names or aer- ies that aevait him, he goes sthaiglit on to physical and mental and moral aseessiaation. In proportion as eny style of aleoliolism is pleasant to your tette and etimulating to your nerves ani for a time, delightful to all your PhYsitsal and mental eonstitatien is the peril awful, liernernber Joinetleen and the forbidden Ineney- ihi the woods at IietR)avian. •Furthermore, Me gamester's indul- gence must be put in the list of teMps tatiores, delicioue bat destruetive. You •who hese crowecj the ocean many testes have noticed that always one of the best rooms has, from morning un- til late at night, been given up to gambling pre:dices. I heard of men who went On board with enoggh for a European excursion who landed without money to get their beggage up to the hotel or railroad, To many there is a complete fa,scluetion iTi games of (hazard or the risking e of money on Ixusibiltties. It seems as natural for them to bet as to eat. In- deed the hunger for food is often ov- e.rpowered by thle hunger for Neogene. at is aboard for these of us who have never felt the fascination of the wag- er to speak slightingly of the tempta- tion. It has slain a multitude of in- tellectual and moral giants, men and women stronger than yeller I. Down under its power went georious Oliver -Goldsmith and Gibbon, the famous his- eorian, and Charles Fox, the renown- ed stateeman, and in olden times sen- ators of the United States, wheused to be as regularly at the gambling house all night as they were in the halls of legislation by day. Oh the tra- gedies of- the faro tablet I knew per- sons wise beig,a.n with a slight stake La a ladiea' parlor and ended with the suleide'e pistol at Monte Carlo. They played. witla the square pieces of bone • with blia.c,k marks on them, not know- • ing that eaten was playing for their hones at the same time, and was sere tosweep all the stakes off on la's side of the table. State legislatures have again and again sanotioned theniighty evil by passing laws in defense of race tracks, and many young men...have lest all their wages at such so-called "meet- ings." Every man who voted for sash infamous bills has on his hands and forehead the blood of these souls. ,But in this connectionsome young eenverts say to me: "Is it right to Play cards? Ls there any harin in a game -6e whist or euchre?" Well, I know goodm en who play whist ancleu- ehre and other styles of games without any wagers. I had a. friend who play- ed cards with his wife and children and then at the close said, "Oomenow let us have prayers." I will not judge o-ther men's consciences, but I tell you that cards are in my mind. so as- sopiated. with the temporal and spiri- tual ruin of splendid young men that I would as soon say to my family, "Come, let us have a game of cards," as I would go into a menagerie and say, "Colne, let us have it, game of rat- tlesnakes," or into a c,enietery and sit- ting down by amarble slab say to the grave -diggers, "Come, let us have a game at &kilns." Conaeientious young Ilsidies are silently saying, "Do youl think card playing will &tuts any harm?" Perhaps not, but hew will you feel ii in the great day of eternity, when we are asked to ,give an account ef cur influence, some man shouldsa,y: "I was introduced into games of chance in the year 1898 at your heuee, and went on from that sport to soinething sore exciting, and went on down un- til I lost my liminess, and lest my mor- als, and lost my soul, and these chains that you see on my wrists and feet are the chains of a gamester's doom, and I am on my way to a, ,garabler's hell." Honey at the start, eternal ca- tastrophe at the last. Stock gambleng comes 'into the. same catalogue. It must be very exhilarating to go into the stock market, and, &epos- itiing a small sum et money run the. chance of taking olue a fortune. Many men axe doing an honest and safe busi- ness ite the stook market and you are an ignoramus ef you do not know that ilt is just as legitimate to deal in stocke as it is to deal in coffee or sugar or flour. But nearly all the outsiders who go there on a finaancial excursion lose all. The olci spiders eat up the unsuspectitng flies. I bed. a friend who put lee hancl on his hip pocket and said in sulbstance' "I have here the - value of two hundredand fifty thou- sand dollars." H:s home is to-dasy pen- niless. What was the matter? Steer gime:being. Of the vast majority who are victimized you. hear not one word. One 'great stock firm goes down and whole cc:Jennie ot newspapers discus their franial or their disader, and we are presented, with their features aeid their biography. But e-vh.ere one suds famous firm sinks five hundred un- known man sink with -them. The great steciailer goes down a.nd all the little boats are swallowed in the same ea- .1RE HONEYBEE AND ITS WORK. "" neva nettles of Peet0e, Ott All Ago," Sari • rtev„ Dr, Taliatine. "Have been Dam. aged by Fee,b111 fell Honey, by wideb • meet trete petition, Delicious and A ttrae, dive nut lainataglaz and Der,oimCI ive" • Praeddeal Lowden ef !pre Freda a Unique Tex t, Washiugton, 3an. 23, -Rev. Dr. Tal- raa,ge this merging took for his text I. Samuel, xis.; 48, `I did but taste Et lit- tle le:may with the end of the rod that west be my bane, and, lo, I must dial' Ele caid: The honeybee is a most" ingenious :architect, a -Chrietopiter Wren among insects, geometer drawing hexagons and pentagons, a freebooter robbing the fielde of pollen and aroma, wandrous creature of God. whose biography, written by Huber and Swammerdam, is aa enehattraent for any lover of na- ture. Virgil celebrated •the bee in his Pablo of Aristaeus, and. Maaaes and Sam- uel and David and, Solomon and Jere - 'mime and Ezekiel and St. John used the delicacies of be manufacture as a Bi- ble symbol. A miracle of formation is the bee. Five eyes, •two tongues, the • outer •'tinging ashea-th of protection. hairs: on all sides of its tiny body to • brush us) the particles of flowers, its fielit so seraeght that all the world knows of the bee line, The honeycomb • is a palates smile as no one but Gocl could plan and the honeybee construct; • itis cells sometimes it dormitory and •sometimes a cemetery. These winged - toilers first make eight strips of wax -hod by their antennae, which are to them bammer and chisel, and. square - and plumb line, faebien them for use. Two an'si two these workers shape the wall, If an accident happens, they put buttresses of extra beams to remedy the ea/liege. When about the year 1776 an insect before onk-now-n in the nighttime at- tacked. tbe beehives all over Europe and the. men who ewned thein were in vain' -trying to plan something to keep but the' invader that was the ter- ror of the heel:lives of the contineut, it was foiled that everywhere the bees hasi arranged for their own protection and, built before their honeycomban especial wall of wax, with portholes through which the bees might, go to • tenlit tem, brat not large enough to ad- • mit the winged combatant, called the the aphinx atropos. Do you know that the swarming of the bees is divinely directed? The mother bee starts for a new home. and because of this the other bees of the hive get into an excitement whishraises the heat of the hive some four degrees, •.ad they must die unless they leave • their heated apartments, and they fol- low the mother bee a.nr1 alight on the • er and hold on until a committee of 'Eira,noh of a tree, and cling to eitch Wa- ive:, or three beee has explored. the re- gion one found. the hollow of a tree or rock not far from a streampf water, 0,ad they here set up a new colony ana! ply their aromatic industries and give themselves to tlie manufacture of the raccharine edible. But who can tell iha chemistry of that mixture of sweet- ness, pert of it the very life of the bee awl part of it the life of the fields? . Plenty of this luscious product was langing in the wodds of Bethaven dur- ing tbe time of Sant and Jonathan. Their army, wasin pursuit of an enemy that kg God's command naust be ex- tent -fent -ed. The soldiery were posi- tively forbidden to atop to eat any- • thing until the work was done. If they • disobeyed, they were accursed. Com- ing through the woods they found a plane where the bees had been busy -a great honey manufactory. Honey galh- ared ie the hollow of the trees until it bail overflowed upon the ;vowel in 'real; preclusion of sweetness. Alt the • ermy obeyed, orders an& toucbed it not awe Jonathan, ana he, not knowing thee -Watery orders about abstinence, dip - Use eed, of a stick he had in his '.end. inio the candied liquid, • and as yellow and tempting it glowed on the end Of. the stick lie put it to Isis mouth sael ate the boney. Judgment fell upon bina and bat for special intervention he woad, have been slain. In my text Jonathan annomices.his awful mistake, ' I did bat taste a little honey witb the end of the rod that was in my eand, and, lo, I must die." Alas, what multitudes of people ie all ages have ireen eaniaged by forbidden honey, hy which I mean temptation, delicifsua end 'Attractive, but damaging and destruc- tive! • Corrupt . teretu re, • tascin alein g hut tleathful, comes in this category. Whore one good, honest, healthful book is read aow there is a hutdred made up ol ` rhetorical trash coneumea with avid- ity. Wizen the boys on the cers come thxonge with a pile of Pliblications, look over the titles, and notice that nine out se ten: of the bottle.; are injurious. _ All ehe wag from hero to Chicago oti New ,)rleam potice• that objeetiotable booke dominate. Taste for pure literature is poisoned. by •this scene of the reiblisli- • ing honed. Every book in Which sin tri. • neephe over vietite, or in which a giaMs mar is thrown ovee dissipation, Or ethical 'sleeved rem at its bed line with lea seeped foe • the inarriege lestitution end less abhorrence toe the petamour .it it depression of ffOLIX own moral chars soter. The boelebitelery may be attrao- Hee, and the plot; dramatic, and 'starts' Brie, ana the style Of writing meet, as the lento', tbitt Jotiathan took up` svith • tea eel, but your beat interests forbid . St, yeur morel gateitY forbias it, your dod forbids it, anti, one taste of it mile' .ettel to seen bad resielte that yOu may beve to este et the elose of the expeete meet or at the detect oil a ruisimprovea rlid but tegte a little hens wben, juat as they beard bine sag, "1 isitamet have it," he fell iswo •thoeseed feet,• Ards a prey were seen, aeeve dayr cieciaing threege the air, and lowerieg gradually to t,he pla,ort wlEere the aereae Vity. Why resole flowers off the edge of ppecipiee whenyou can walls knee deep amid the blooms of the very paradise oa God? Wheal 4 men may eit al, the lenge banquet, wey tvial he go down Ube eteps and coliterid for the refuse wasi banes of a houesas kesixtel? "eweeter than honey and. the honeyeemb," sows David, "is the tenth of God." "With hoetty out of the rook would 1 heve sa,tisfied thee," sage Ged tie the merman ',Here is honey gath- ered from the blossonas of trees of and wiibb it rod made oat et t.he wooa of the croae I dip et up for ell your monis. The poet Elesiod, tells •of an wrafixosia and a neater, tha drinking of which would netire men live forever, Etna one sip eit the beesy from, the eternalroele will give you, etereal life wilea God. Come off the ma,larial.levels of a slain Mee Cause anal litee an'the uplands of grace, -where the vineyerda sun them- aelves. • "Oh, taste, and see that the Lord is gran:louses Be happy now and haPPY forever. For t.hose who take a, different course, the bonny will turn to gall. For reattn.y things I have ad- mired Percy Shelley, the grea,tEnglisb poet, but 1 deplore the fa,ot that it seemed, a great sweetness to him to diebortor God. The Farm, "Queen Mab," has in it the maligning or tile deity, •Shelley was Impious -ertiough to ask for Rereeleirel. Hill's Surrey ohapel tba.t he nsilgiht demotterma the Christian religion. He was en great glee against God and the truth,. But lte visited Italy, end one clay on the Mediterranean with two friends in a. boat where( was twenty-. four fed long,, he was coming toward abase when an hour's equal1 streak the weber. A gentleman standing on shore tlwough a glass saw.many boats tossed in the squall, but all outrode tlet storm, except one, in which Shel- ley and his two friends were sailing. Tha,t never came ashore, but the bodies of two of the occupenes were washed up an tbe beach, one of the,,n the poet. A. funeral pyre was built on the seasbore by some classic friends, and the two bodies were consumed. 'Poor Shelley! He would have no God while he lived, a.nd 1 fear, had no God wieen isa died. "T.le. Lard kneitveth the wag of the righteous, but the way a the un- godly sball perish." Beware of the for- bidden honey! • GzAhl LIFR It is impossible to obtain milk free from beeteria. The frienaly services of the bacteria outweigh the injuries they inflict up- on us. Certain food, such as Limburger • cheese, ie not relished until it is teem- ing with organisms. Plants make use of micro-organisms end vegetation is immensely assisted by nitrifying organisms. All cold meats contain numbers of organksms large enough to frighten( timid. persons. Potted meats are sim- ilarly infected. Sound food often contains large quantities of laacteria, so that we hab- itually consume numberless micro-or- ganisms. Bacteria in milk is frequent cause of enteritis in children. especially during the bot summer months, and this af- fectioe deatroys the lives of many infants. • It as important to avoid all dangers and risks by collecting and preparing food properly, ay cooking it sufficient- ly and consuming no food thet bee been kept too long. NuMbers do not bathe an exact cri- terion as to the harmful properties of a fluid or food; the character of the bacteria. andthe manlier in which they were introduced are more important. Oysters and cold game are also thor- oughly impregnated with bacteria. The only real danger with the former is that the beds may have been contam- inated with sewage pollution. The difference in the character of tlae germs in our food and their method oe introduction are the factors in de- termining why one shauld be suppress- ed ansi the other pronouneed harmless. Ilt.N'EASY PR,CBLEM. Would you, he said, after they had been sitting there in the dark for a long time, be angry with me, if I were Lo kiss youe She was silent for a, moment, Then in tones the meaning of whieh was not to be mistaken, she -replied: • Wily, do you suppose, I turned down w tee light an hour and a half ago? r And yet he wondered, poor fool, how e ether young men who bed started far in the rear were able to pass him in the race of life. - THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB, (a "oar Father's Core," ilati. 6.21.31. Gldii rem, I refer 9. 7, PRACTICAL POINTS, Versa 24. No .ontio cart eerve tveo rue airs. Thie great principle is one of "cetenneee settee," but •!hesu1VOY ispplic/vtaione cotuoube0,t telh hla otrtioes- xo evened by • two neigIdooring planters; ne etaticis,man eoulcl be, at once Secre- tary of State for America and Premier of Einoland; no man or woman can serve God end at the same tine) serve business, or politics, or pleasure. For Wa earupletely serve whemseever or wha,tsoever we supremely love, 41s as of God it ia our duty to turn business, and. politics, and St:t- asty into tools with whieb to do Cod's svork,• A goodillustration of the mas- tery of love is to be found in t -he story of the „.o1d hero who said of hie little bay, "He rules my country:" auawhen asked. to explain seal, "I rule my coun- try; that boy's mother rules rae; he rules b,er.." Bathers, . . or else, Here are two passible results, depend- ing on diverse types of character. He will hate the eine, and love the other. The servant iz this ease is of intense nature, which every claim for service made by the master he dislikes em- bitter% while, every duty perform- ed for the ()nester he loves draws hira closer in loyelty. Such men rapidly pursue one process or the oth- er to the finish, a.nd with all •their hearts hate and with all their hearts Love. But the mental and .moral move- ments of the majority are slower and less decisive; there are meaty men who can hardly be charged with love or hatred. of -anything or anybody. Such are described in the next clause, He will hold to the one and, despise the other, For poliey's sake, or for een- timent's sake, or for the sake of some dear 'friend, or from listlessness or hala-heartedness, a man will continue through years, perhaps through it life time, avowedly to serve one moral tuaste,r while he loves another. Bat in so far as he "holds to the one" he despiseeothe other, even though he be not strongenough to shake off that otlser's . Some such weak and contradictory life Paul described when be said, "With the mind I myself serve the law of God, bue, with the flesh the law of sin." But such experiences are alevays steady "prooesses." Drifting, thaugh aimless, ma.y. be as steady, and sometimes as rapid, as steaming; and even the alavirest an& least decisive soul at length comes out on one side or the other. In the hearts of some woridlings a, distrust and disgust of the world have arisen,and these lead directly toward penitence and con- version. Some formal servants of Gosi who support his cause by their purses, their lips, ance by other activi- ties, in their hearts hate his holiness; such a process leads directly toward. a shipwreck of faith. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. " Mammon " is a Syric Word for riches, and ishere used as a personificatioa of money; but it really stands for anything a man confides in. The text wenla be as true if we read a,nibition or luxury in the place of mammon, But how can we help, in this -broad sense, serving mammon -We who live in mammon's stronghold? That question Paul asked, too, "0 wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?' And. we eatswer as did he, "1 thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord." We are to live in this world with our cit- izenship in heaven. 25. Therefore. Because double service is impossible. The conclusions which are LIOW reaehed Luke brings after the story of tbe rich fool. Take no thought. Not, Do not think; but, Have no worri- some anxiety. See Critieal Notes. Sen- sible fa -rethought, prudence, is nowhere forbidden. God itis given it as an instinct even to the lower animals. But the man who is anxious loses oonfort in God's best gifts, and that, as Dr. Clerk -et says, is to met as an infidel. For your lite. That is, for your tering; it applies to all life --your stomech, your muscle, your intellect, your spirit, your busi- ness, your sookla relations. What ye shall eat. what ye shall drink what ye shall put one Jesus was talk- ieg to peasants eviese wants evere somple ensi yet Clamorous; who could not c,ou,nt far ahead, for definers or sup- pers; who often had to them') in (meet of a "job." But the principles here heed bear just as strongly on those hose limes are lived in, a higher mice' calm. T.be lies more then meat, rind he body than raiment.. The word meat," like "the -ilea" ha -s thaeged its meanen,g since the "Ante:wizen." trans- lation oe the 13ible was merle. Then it ! menet all kinds of food, andit is so used by ths old lengliels writers; anti so the Revised Version lune reads "tome" God has even us the life and the, body; may he mot be depended up - n to gave us ()Aso What alley wed? Ilse, body is eat our own workshop, ut God's; surely eve nuty trust him to regePalrailenil 'ger tahfe°rsiatit'C'e mAcmascii tl that01. au]; 'He wbo spared not; hes own on, but freeey game hian, up for as ,all, ow shell he, tot with him also freely ve: us all {hinge?" , 6. Behold. Consider, observe. The fowls the air Birds ; it is it very moclern sage which' baa testricted " fosvls" to ATIGEITY DEED Gambling gambling, whe.ther* in • ' stook s ee breedstufts or dice or race The Rev. Mr. Leaks, eleleinstly- My horse betting:. Exhilaxation et the Yoling friend, are Yea eat aware diet _ stert, but a raving brain, and a, shat- e Youth who saleses cigarettes r Otte would suppose thet inonevould takewarning lama etene of the mn- films nasties given to the info...vies/Its a-ad:stand off from the devastatitig influence. Yott have noticed for its- atance, tbali eosno of t,he restaurants c411 Y°1 -la sidee and he a "-11thdate for are culled The Shades typical of the 11:et5v". •Berne/1:1)10r all the Paths sir are honked wi g111.1 th flowexe stale) etart feet tbat it pieta a ina,n's reputetion, in 'dle ellecie, and his anoints in thtt la.tells(flettle1116rethaeregaP,yle nethyato.g.ferhetlep fytinlarbacineedis Shade, and his proepelaty in the Shade, and hold the stirrup while you and his wife and children in the shade, and his immortal, destiny in the sietde. laiouna: &it ferther on ehle bores N'o'w1 end ee nee, ee iJsehlquor sigrAsi, pima:goo tothe bit in a slough inextric- in all bee cities the words "Old Crowe mig(hget, seaseessive es. she 0010a8s anal • The best hOney 18 net Mks that which the filthy erternn that sweees usein itiTorilethan took on the end of the road "Old °terve!" Mn and weetee without and brought to his lips, but that Which nutebers stein of Tam, bet annulled, Goa pubs es the be,nquetiee table ot and this evil is pecleing al; their glae- 'hna50l' itt whfold we are Merited, to sit. ed eYee, and pecking, at- their bleated 114'as roe -410g or a boy airiong the ebeele, and peeking at their demtreyed faelintains Of Swikerlaild, moulding a rnanho,%d and womanhood, thrusting daingerothe place With has father eft& teak end elave est,o the mortal remaiite the guides. Tem boy stopped Ms the eil strhat, wnet onee glarieuely alive, bat edge of tbe diet, end stele, "There Le eew eetaily aeate teid tirowetett e flower mese to getCOMB newl never accomplish anythieg in. life? " Young Jeokey Napes--Atv, don'tfool b • yoarself. T set; fire to a, theetre once k with a cigarette, ancl burnt up an en- a t,tre TInele Tom's Cahill troupe. STROKE LUCK. ])id you e,njoy fee missive last night? 2 Very nraieh indeed, Isar, Blatinvitite 01 as there,wand lie kelit nie so amused u with hes funny stories that the pro- gramme was finished almost before I realized that it had Legan HE , TSATISFYING PIE, How dear to our hearts is the old yellow pumpkin., where orcherds are barren of atuffeng for pies; when peaohes and apples have both been a failure, end berries •Of So kind have greeted oux eyes. now fondly we turn •to the fruit of 1.110 corrifielet-he tfruit that our ohildeen are ieught Ea aespise -tee old yellow pumpkin, the mud -ow/- el:ea pumpkin, the big-Nati:A(1 numphin, thst nmitss snot, gexel pies, tN•AL le4:1 li PROBA131L111Y. tile 103 tleat Wee id nay blind, etas, how mitny take er) waetingl fecten there," earl tlie father', "'Yoe will Wea.re atkets-Sonietitnes ibiek aria( lo 1 meat die." They make me ihirik rsti op5ahe, "I antlet get you are it bit credited. Oa''esailet lite1e,1,Etret to doing more tos his swig is assOSSination, fearing that bea,u,ti)ful flower," And tee gitides nungrY ditStEatlee-Sartulan't tvender. day fos tee of do crettae life nothings though his etattie itt Usa hall rustled toward lieu to pelt bite heck, Tes drV enough to oratAt, faerd knows. domestic beets. 1 urtierlover and finehes doubtlees fluttered through the eacy as Ite spoke. They sow .not, neither do they reap. Remember, ,however, that they show forethought, arid many of theixi tot only search for food, but store it. The argument all along is against dependence on eerthly re - (sources, and,,apinet (sextette eatO`Nvhan theY rail;AO1 agaitst seneibly provid- ing for our reourring events. 27. Which Ot yoo by taking thought can add oite cubit unto his statuse. There iS a differe,ncti of opinion among' sehollters as to 'whether the last word Of this question really refees to sta- ture or to age; Whether the thought is height et body or eetigth 07 life; but in either case the 1 osticip 18 the same. Will tar:irking elite and "worry" help iroa to growl( 28, 'Wile take Xis thought tor rale meet, " thought' still has the nieetri- Legs that it hos ht 551810 25 and 2' reciliciteare The orieetele he,Ve it way oa reeketulete their gaseueete agaollg their Meets; tteir eiothine la not ebanged. by "eerie fiesaiosi, itpI One garment 110PM-semis often the expenditure tat I aneenutattleita till: f- aboard, Xahrity fh catrilosnt4osessoneomt to liege maces anxiety about thee; clothine, Cemicter the 111 - tea. We ere noti mereiY to glance et tee flowers, but to consider them, "lotanizse' it little for the par - 'Wee Of Mooring a liaison on the pro- videnee (11ed, It le imposeible to tell wheel sort a lily, if, isadeed, any par- tieulax sort ix here referred. to. Dr.. Pitimptre glowingly deseelbse the spring clothing of the tilleirees of Gale ilee-white and scarlet lilies, the erowa iMperiee, the golden amaryllis, erims- on tulipa, anemones a every shade from scarlet bo white, buttercups, dandelion end daisies -and supposes tint 011 tb.e.se were "obese& roughly together under Ltheikog:omli. teroicnreme of allies." They toil not. Dike emu Neither do they spin. 21). Even Solomon in an his glory was mot arrayed like One of these. This is literally, "arrayed not himself," wbieh gives a fresh meaning to the teaching. Solocinonis royal robes wore the result 01 the skill of mealy design- ers and. embroiderers, bat tlae lilies trusted God for their tout clresa, end Gores work was more beautiful, 30. The grass of the field, The her- abagead ,fevvirnath. itsw hutineachittlia_noafyfitozealnacoltoer_ m.errovv is cast iln,to the oven. Gress in; the. Orient withers quiokly, and is them used for fuel, ana the wild flow - era, withered too, tire cut and burned with it. "Let man, who is made for Goa a.nd eternity, learn from the flow- ers of the fieldhow low the care of Provideaoe stoops. All our disquie- tude and distrust propeed from lack of faith." -Carr. 0 ye of little faith. A gentle rebuke; but remember that "little faith is, nevertheless, real faith, nal it may be developed into mighty faith." 31. Therefore take no thought. Again conies this comforting commana, Eat . . -drink . be. elothed. Three of tie), chief subjetts of humanity's tire - sortie thougbt. This veree and the next present it summary of ehe teach- ings of the lesson. 32. After all these things do the Gentiles seek. You count yourselves to be God's people, but if you are "wor- ried,- you. have descended as low as the heathers. Your heavenly Father kneweth that ye hate need. Truet hint., Even in your prayers daily dread ofa plyephysical sort should hare subordi- natep 33. Seek ye fixed. By greyer end by effort. The kingiciora of God. The realm of geocene.ss, whether in earth or hea- ven; the dominion of the Messiah; the higher spiritual life in its completeness. His righteousness. In contrast with the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, Matt. 5. 21), All these things shall be added unto you. "Add- ed," how happy, then., is he who on the foundation of the richest spirit- ual blessings is enabled to build up temporal prosperity! 34. Take no thought. Again comes this 'wonderful refrain. The morrow shall take thought for tbe thingsi of itself. It will bring its own pains and cau.ses for anxiety; it will bring its own comforts arid prosperities; 11 will bring its own spiritual tempta- tions; a,nd it will bring all the health, and strength, and mental and morel vigor, end all the divine support, need- ed. to enable yea to conquer/. The evil thereof. Not only the wickedness, but the "accidents," the troubling elements thereof. " TIeF, COCK 0' THE NORTH!" " Gordo)inverHnigphiadri0,layhrs 1 Charge I" The l Not aairsaoidell drew baek-not a man "The 104beocilectir* tehaterallorth 1" crow'd loud As they answerei back with three Bri- tish cheers! UP the Dargai Heights the Gordons It wafcn'e' \Dvrth or Victory" well they Yet, ass letag ass they he-Erd the pipers play, Foot -by -foot they climbei for the dead- ly fray! While the, enemy rained down deadly allot And thierowas hot,'ran.ksNSete thinned where the r Still tahnepntra play'd on with might a timagGaoirndleas charged for the heights With a rush and a bound they scal'd the height - Hark 1 " Bayonets, Clia.rge!"-how the Gordoris fight 1 While, 'flea menage end blood, the pip- ers fell, On stumps played they ' 'Cook o' the North" right well/. Ere he bugle sounded at se f of sun The bevileil,..svp,-e invl re taken I -the battle 115 • 5115 (l iele nrn, lstas of dying and wourid- el Pi adlaateari nN1 as heard "at his pipes" g It obeerei the dying in their la.ot de- Throus.Nace:1(31:1.17-r'I'it-117, -valley of Deaele" then TO the martial strain--; of "Cook o' the inarelerl they farth, Such music and. '' Victory 1" rent the Ohl mothers at home! mourn not for your sons, ds e. Thougthimley bravel.y fell *neeth the rebel guns ; Their deeshall be told till thend of To fall like a hero is death stlfaime In the hattle ol lite this lesson teaele- We Cf,ii ilaY0 'OlixTargai Heights ' to And, gain iv ctil'e the summit, or fighting, God ereittivLes His tierces et Death's roll- ' a7tte9,1! 1! • JOHN TISTRIE. Telenet:et, ()amide,. HIGH LIC.VisTSB P13,0HIBITION, Tempera,nee Adveieate-1 sea yotthave .high license in your town. How time it operate? Col, Rumnoee-Misterably, There are en few saloons that you can't enter one without havieg to treet a dozen friends; and there being to toompeti. den, the evitieley is vile. Ilig:11 license failure. Give mi e proltention wad plenty ot eiritg-atekee. ILA$RES FROM *limy Notes Of Neel warted eerie* #11 • Olio Eaderaidt 14k0i, The Marquis of riertford, • mentioned lit conneetien With theyereor-Cleneralehip of Cenaaa, evet lora In Dublin in 1845. Ile is tbss dad* Merquie Ana snoeeeded to the title lie 1884. An order has been issued from li, military beadquerters to (sharpen • all tee mord bayonets Le Ireland, Waddle work is being carriesi out e°Ctuhaner itLoTwyrryo'nel),epsittpedfromyLie4teri44 Lor step -ladder In his own dining -room a Roeleciale, near Cookstown, arid SU,S,, Wined snob SerlOus injary that healed shortly afterwards. T11,6 041,131teSS of Meath leas contra. bated. 4,000 as the basis of it fund for tbe estabaiebraent of it sobool to train workhouse ghee as domestic) ser- vants. James Sinclair, Sligo's leading mere chant, is dead, aged 23 years. District Inspector Foy luxe been aps Pointed to take charge or Derrygon- ally district, Fermanagla, itt nieces. sion to District Inspeotor HuddYs who leas beeu traneferred to Queen'e Oau.nty. Tbe parishioners of Holywood pre- sented the Bishop of Cssory, theRight Rev. Canon Cro:ier, with an addrees and other more substaetial marks at their esteem recently. The banquet in bonor of the Lord, Mayer and Lady Mayoress of Belfast, tools place on Deo. 14. The alarquie of Dufferin was onairmais. Jobe Magee, of Glertmore, cue hie throat so badly that he will not re- cover. The Derry and Moville Steam Pac- ket Company has decided that owing to its liabilities it eannot continue to do business:3. Sanniei Donnell, late seeretary of the company, is liquids, tor. The Belfast Scottish Association dis- eovered at its annual meetine that it was out of debt and had it eurplus. The Aseociation of Assistant Mas- ters, whoee object in life is to itm rove the position of intermediate and uni- versity teachers, held its first meet- ing recently in Queen's College. As the steemer Donegal was leav- ing Londonderry for Belfast, an old man named. William. Irwin fell over- Loard and was drowned. A large fishing Loat discovered drift - bag I -lovelessly off Ardgia,ss. pro reti le he the Aneie of Greenore. There was no one on herd, and it is reniertured she was driven from her anchorage during the resent gales, John Duffy, of the Newry Gas Works, has been sent to the Pasteur Institute at Paris for treatment. Fie was litten on the hand by a collie dog, and the animal is supposed to bare }seen infected with rabies. A young man named Shaw commit- ted suicide near Deese's& while tem- porarily insane. J ohn Redmond, M. P., says the re, porte of famine in Ireland were great- ly exaggerated The crop was a fair one, though there is prol ably same distress in the ecor districts of the west roast. • M1*. IS THE CORSET DOOMED. Has the death knell of the corset leen unag? Are the days of the fem- inine corset of mail numbered? At every fashionable function this season, the Russian blouse in one or another form is in evidence. The blaz- er ansi the short jaeket are giving way before it. Where either the one or the ether is worn it is sure to be over a dairity unclerwaest made with a R.use- sten blouse front effect. At luncheon, breakfastand dinner it is seen, and even in full evening dress the blouse, effect asserts itself. But there issome- thing more to come, Is it the total abolition of the corset. Now, a well formed WOMDZI does not need a. long, stiff, boned corset, under this novel and pretty garment. Any moderately slender soman can wear it without a real corset:. She needs only a,n undervatist well fitted to hex' graceful mould of form. Even the short French corset is unnecessary ex- cept foe 'those whose adipose is decid- edly pronounced. The ribbon corset, -Motel' is really only a bust supporter, is tbe only gar- ment -if it can be so called-tbat is iequired. This dainty little creation allows full pl ity of the interoostal mus- cles. ,and may juelly be hailed as the sure promoter of tint semous grace of motemeni. which ai weirs accorapa.niee a suttee) awl untrammeled A. eell knowri dress artist, one who is b gli ty educe tad and f amil i a r with art in the plastio form as well as in the Met ory of dress, antique, mediaeval and mo:'ern ons who 111th catered long and euccesefutly to the world of fash- ion and, the oaprices of fashionable wo- limn, both in America and on the oth- er retie of the water, predicts; that the ecer 1 is moribund -that it has been siowiy but surely dying fox' the last ten yeare. The arguraent urged is briefly this: "lince the genesis of the new woman, lee 'woman who platys telllaiS andgolf, rides after the. Meanie, who takes keen delight in all outdoor sports' and 'devotes herself 1 (ethos( ephysioal exer- cises of the new school known as gym- nastics -twit bout apparatas, there hag hetes a steady demand for dress adepts orl to that khsI of life. Thie same 501 181 in dregs. also de - shires tl,o,t the usauen who fence end, take their deity poses, movements and exercises in 3 Tea I hi n g, ewe:sing, piv- oting and azatreetion: and expansion of their neueoles axe more easily fit- ted and more easily pleased 11an (bone wim do not, Tiety have, es it rule, ;she says, smaller waists, fuller chests °fa joSS aajpese development around the bile earl %Moisten than these who do nriata somc. oi thoir tip ti ifYMA filll,sl ah(ile0,°LZ6.14)srl, al3V6etiS4t stCliati; a teteuers, are lees centers -me more Intel - Hoist aria have A, larger amount .of ematuon *elm than meet, womeu. Nees the question isc-Will title keel of wog Wenran 11 the oisdoeho to kill ,the old fashiono/V, corset 11