HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-2-3, Page 5ares "Corea tails" in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a k si fork no other medi- cine. Its great cures 'recorded in truthful, convincing language oe grateful meu.nnd women, constitute its most effective ad- vertising. Many of those cures are, mar- ,velour, They have won the ecnfidenee of the people; have given Mood's. 8arsapa- rills the largest sales in the world, and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory en earth, Hood's &reaperilla is known by the cures it has • made --cures of scrofula, Galt rheum and ,eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh—cures which prove Sarsaparilla Za the best—fig faot the One True BloodFernier. cure liver ills; easy to tlood1'S Pills take, easy to operate. 26e. I• KINSMAN L. D. S. AND • DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Tenth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan- sous Block, West side of Main et., Exeter, DR. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L. D. S•) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons vif Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plato work done in the neatest possible manner, A harmless amsesthetio for painless extraction. The striekest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural tenth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter, Ont rimorwaraw armament etgi (tWCL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd 1398. Local and District_News The January session of Middlesex .County Council cost the county $257. John Wilson has been appointed Trustee of Parkhill High School, by the County Council. Thos. Churchill delivered at the Clinton mill last week a load of grain . containing 125 bushels. The C. P. R. is again opening a ticket office in Lucan, and John Fox has been reappointed agent. Conductor Walmsley is ill at his Thome in London, and his place is being taken by relieving conductors. Mr. Oarrothers, of Manitoba, bought a load of draft horses at Thorndale,and paid nearly $100 each for then.. We learn that Dr. Cowan, of St. Thomas has disposed of his practice there, and will return to Illinois. The members of the Greenway Meth. ,church presented their pastor, Rev. Air. Thompson with a purse of $35 last week. Chas. Fitzsimmons, of St Marys, has sold his depot has business to Dave Pringle, wbo will, aftevFeb. fist, con- trol the whole hack business of the town. Ethel, the daughter of Alex. Treace, trf St Marys fell while skatingWednes- 'day evening and cut her eye so badly that Dr. Smith had to put in four stitches. Fire are offering the, balance of our coats and nlsters at cost price. Men's -underclothing from 40c to 50c Teach; ,comprising men's different lines at J. Clarke's. J. D. Salmon has sold out his interest in the general store at Thorndale, to _Mr, C. H. Lee, of the East end store. The nuure of the new firm will be Walker & Lee. Nurol County Council. Continued from page four. 35altford. That with reference to motion of Messrs Patterson and Stuart, re Dyer bridge, that Commissioner have said bridge re -built if necessary. FINAATCE COMMITTEE. The finance committee after recom- mending the payment of some 13 ac- counts concluded as follows : We have received the' treasurer's letter and fin- ancial statement. We find the state- ment explicit and easily understood. We recommend that the letter and statement be printed as usual in the ?minutes. From the bank statements submitted to us, we find that the de- posits by the treasurer are more than the cash balance, .0 SPECIAL. The Special Comtxiittee reported re- commending the council not to mem- orialize the Legislature to amend. the g Pligh School Act of 1806, or the County Council's Act of the same year. • EDUCATION. thc, he nom ant e Department on o the reit n. That twenty -:five dellaxs be granted to each Partner's Institute in the County. Y That ten dollars be expended in planting lan it gf flowers around ou dollars Court Mouse, paid each Public Library. That no grant be made to the Poultry Association of the County, That F, Page, of Stephen, and J. Mc- Kenny, of Howick, be granted Pedlars, license free of charge. That the lockup keepers be not paid the sum of ten dollar. per year. That the tender of T. G. Tipling for groceries for the gaol,, be accepted. `1'lie tender of W. T. Murray for meat for the jail be accepted., I for That the tender of D. Cantelon bread for the gaol be accepted. The tender of 1:3'. G. Neelan, of Sea forth, for county printing be accepted. The work to be done to the sabisfact ion of the Warden and. Clerk. That every order of committal to House of Refuge be contersigned by any one county councillor of the dis- trict or xnunicipality, from which the inmate sent, resides. That $27.00 be paid to the Clinton Collegiate Institute, the said sum hav- ing been deducted through a trans- position of figures. That the following sums be granted the Collegiate Institutes: Seaforth, $2327..83'; Clinton, $2093.06 ; Goderich $1,895.32 and that these sums be paid by the treasurer. That the Warden and clerk memor- ialize the Local Legislature to so. amend Municipal Act, that Mun{cipal councils he elected for a term' of 2 years. - And, that the Clerk find . out the. price of type writing machines, and report at June meeting. WEST HUBON'INSPECTORATE. Excepts from Inspector J. E. Tom's reports. Receipts. 1896. 1897. Balances $11407 11 ,:$12818 72 Government grant 3785 07 3995 15 From Asssssment 49339 91 46911 84 From other services 3273 67 8392 14. Totals -- -- $54995 39 560817 37 Balance to 1898 $11290 48 Teachers and Salaries 1896 , 1897 Male teachers etfrployed 58 58 Female ,, „ 73' 75 .Average salary, Male $379 5380 Female 275 261 Certificates 1896 1897 First Class 2 First Class 56 56 TheEducation committee reported that Sehool Inspectors' reports had been examined, and recommend that they printed in the• minutes, •frith theexception of the visits to schools in thecounty. Re mendedthat the examination kt, centrein the township of Stephen for Entr e and P. S. L, examinations be changed. from Grand. Bencl to Crediton and that the county clerk notify the Dept vent of Education of the change. Thatin reference to. the communi- cation f the Trustees Association, ask big council to send three clelcgates tO tl meeting in April, no action be ,.• take J EOi1TIVE, The Executive . Committee recom- mended That, ten dollars be granted to the Prisoners' Aid Society. 9 e nil That each lrrbfn sex of the ora c be supplied with a copy of the Municipal Meld fox' 1898, That: $300 be granted' to the Agri- +liultnrti1 and Hbrticulttural societies, Third 73 74 In 39 schools or departments, the, teachers have changed since 1896. During.1897 new schoolswere built `Lt Dashwood, No. 4, S. S. Usborne,No. 15 Ashfield and No. 12 Hay, and all of them are a credit to the people of ,the sections. The average school attendance for 1896 was 4401, for 1897, 4416, and the per tentage of average attendance, 58.3 and 59 7 respectively. At the midsummer exarlunation 267 pupils wrote on entrance papers, of whom 176 passed and 146 on P. S. L., of whom 76 succeeded.' HOUSE OF REFUGE. -The Inspec- tor of the House of Industry and. Re- fuge for the County of, Huron, Wm. Coats, presented the following as his report to the County Council for the year ending 31st December 1897:— Total No. of inmates admitted since opening the house 128 No. of inmates on 1st Jan., 1897 61 No. admitted during the year 35 No. of deaths during the year 10 No. absconded during the year 4 No. discharged during the; year, 5 No. of inmates on 1st of Jan. ,males 1S98 77 ' No. of males, 53; No. offe , 24 77 No. admitted during year 1807 from rural -municipalities :— Townships—Ashfield 3, Colborne 3, Goderich 2, Grey 1, Hay 1, Mor- ris 4, Stephen 3, Stanley 2, Tuck- ersruith 2, Usborne 1, .East Waw- a/log) 1 (including 1 re -admission each in Colborne and Usborne 23 Towns and villages—Goderich 3, Clinton 2, Seaforth 1, Wingharu 1, Exeter 3 " 10 Born in House 1 Committed from County Jail 1 Cause of pauperism -Intemperance 3, old age 11,' sickness 5, injury 3, weakness of intellect 4, blindness, whole or partial 3, enciente 2, mother in house 1, insane idiocy 1, paying patient 1. Nationality of inmates admitted during 1897—England Il, Scotland 4, Ireland 5, 1Vales 1, United States 2, Canada 12. HAS STRONGLY INFLUENCED THE l)OMMVIONS. It is a fact worthy of record that at least fifty members of the House of Commons are able personally to bear united and convincing testimony. to the good effects of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Power in case of cold in the head or catarrh in its several different shapes. These columns have recorded the testimony of members represent- ing constituencies in every corner of the Dominion. At this writing we have before us the words of Mr. Arthur A. Btuneau, M. P. Pent: Riche- lieu, Que., and Hugh H. Ross, M. P., members in telling what this- remedy has done for then; in cases of catar- rhal trouble. At the present time, when so many are suffering from in- fluenza in the head it As a friend in- deed. Sold by C. LUTz, UNDOUBTED EVIDENCE GsNTLr MEN.—I am pleased, te recommend t dyspep- sia, s o - our Laxa-liver Pills for consttpatior y p P Y sic, land sick lieadaciifi. I have used hetn for those troubles, and find them a pleasant. 'sure and quid: cure, free from the annoying griping of other pills I have heretofore used, Signed, H.JAM1CS, St. Nioholas Hotel, Hamilton, Ont, A THROBBING HEART. It: caused by wrong action of the heart, and can only be cured by correcting and regulating its working. Milburn s Heart and Nerve Pills do this. Hero is the proof: Mr, John Griffin, St. Lawrence Hotel, Montreal; says: "They cured no of nervousness, throbbing heartbeat, dizzy' as heart boats headache. ness and constant i a My steady as a elook new. • WILL "' 'Ot.T TRY? ion if wo will you try to cot race eonstfpat telt yott howl The remedy is Bnrdeekl Llloed Bitters. It puts the stein:telt, liver' and bowels iu peefect or ciee. We prove whet We print :' "I think there is no (steal to B.13.13, for cone ' 110:1, Says Mac. l.itoACA2 'lAhtntvnr, Oshawa, Ont. 0 11g only fi a bottles in a 1 all." tnysffli Shattered Nerves. MARKET T 1.zr' ATS klxet er FebeeerY end 1808 Oate et per bushel to 2G TEEE MOST PREVALENT TROUBLE OF THE CENTURY. • It Attacks People of Both Sexes and All Agee —A Complete Breakdown Follows Unless Prompt Measures For Relief Are Taken. From the Newmarket Era. Probably the most'iirevadent trouble on this eontineut, to -day is nervous prostration. 'How frequently we hear this term and yet how few appear to realize itsfull deadly import. Nervous prostration is to be found among peo- pleof all' walks in life and among mon , g children as well as adults. Among • young people it is often the result of our high pressure system of education. Among those of more mature years it may be due to the cares of business, or to overwork, or worries in the home. But whatever the cause the inevitable result is a breaking down both mental- ly and physically finless prompt measures are takeq to stay the ravages of the disease and restore the shattered nerve forces to their normal condition. One such sufferer who has regained health gives her experience for the benefit of those less fortunate. Miss Edith Draper who resides with Tier parents at Belhaven, Ont., is a young lady who, is very popular among her circle of acquaintances, and they all rejoice at her restoration to health. To a reporter who called upon her she gave the following particulars con- cerning her illness and cure. "You know," said the young lady, "how ill I. was last winter when my friends fear- ed that I was going into a decline. In the early part of the winter both father and mother were attacked with la grippe, and I had to look after them as well as attend to the household work. The strain was more than I could stand, and the result was I fell illy The doctor who was called in said my trouble was nervous prostration and that it would take con- siderable time for me to recover. Under his care I was after n short while able to leave my room and go about the house, but my nerves did not seem to regain their strength. My limbs would twitch as though I had St. Vitus' dance,I was subject to headaches,had a verypoor appetite PP and was so weak that :I could scarcely go about. I bad been advised to try Pink Pills and one day, spoke to the doctor about then, and be said he be- lieved they would do fine good. I got three boxes, and by the time I had used them I felt they were helping me and I got a further supply. By the time I had taken six boxes I was feeling stronger and better than I had for years. All the twitching in my limbs had disappeared and my nerves seemed as strong as ever they had been. I still took the pills for a little while longer to` make certain that the cure was complete, and since the day I discontinued them I have not felt the slightest return of the trouble. I feel that my present excellent health is due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I am glad to be able te recommend them to anyone whose nerves are in a shattered condition.. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic medicine. By their. use the blood is renewed, and the nerves made strong and vigorous, and in this way disease is driven from the system. As a spring medicine De. Williams' Pink Pills are unsurpassed. If feeling languid or "out -of -sorts" a box or two will restore you to vigorous activity. Ask for Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and. take nothing else. MALE ME A Ey WOMEN. THE LIFE OF .MRS Mc - MASTER OF TORONTO, IS SAVED. A Case that Proved Too Difficult for the Physicians Yields to the Wondrous Virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. A SIGNAL VICTORY FOR THE KING OF MEDICINES. Paine's Banished, Eyesight Quite Re- stored, and a New Life Begun. Wells & Richardson Co GENTLEnfEN,-Ten years ago 1 was attacked with neuralgia, and though treated by six . doctors, the disease grew worse and nearly drove me in- sane. I was for one summer an out- door patient at the hospital here, but only got temporary relief. I was sleepless for nights, my diges- tion was bad, and I would feel a pain in my stomach everytime I ate any- thing. Day after day I suffered the most intense agony, and I often won- der I didn't go crazy. I took endless medicines given isle by medical Hien, and getting worse, I became utterly disheartened. One day my deliverance came. A. lady who had suffered just as I had told me that Paines' Celery Compound had curedher. I used the Compound and as a last resort, and it sitnpiy made a new woman of me. 'rile pain vanished, my eyesight, which was impaired, re- turned, ancYl felt myself growing well and I never felt happier in my life, I am now well and strong, and all my health and happiness area tie to Paine's Celery Compo tt ntl, I will always grate- fully remember the medicine that cur- ed me, and will speak a good word for it. MRs. TrIo t;M srEtt Tilos. M iti< , 40 Cumberland St., .Coronto. STORE AND STOCK FOR SALE A first class brlek steqre with, rosidestce in eenneetion ;• also general.ate0k for sale, lir it geed business Ioeetity. AdarescBox N,,Exotcr, B .asrley Prep ,24 to 27 Peas, Butter »50 to 6.0 -•15 to 15 Eggs,.16 to 15 Turkoy5 , ,. , . . 9 to 9 Goose Chickens per lb D ucks .,. Wool . Dried Ap' plod.. Pork dressed;.. Pork live wei ht•. q g to oro. .. ..5500 Hayp. tar. Clover seed . 4.00 to .. .450 to Alsllt;c clover • .. 'OP t o •r .... 1 Timothy Cod 4 Y s , 4 te 4 4 10 4 The annual meeting of the Usborne 44Hib'. .. 5 to 5 bort lvlutual Fire Insurance Co, will be heid at • • • 2 too '8 the Pub11e Ii aU,Farqulntr,on Monday February } t°011. t } 198 • one *look : in. Business • x e i 6;, „ 7th, ea 1898, ctors ., a rep 15 to ,90 and and tion Fina ficial statement, `I'he election of 6.5 two dirooters and ono auditor and other hied- .® ness in the interoet of the .Company, 5.02 JOHN ESSEIIY, THOS. CAIVU RON, 1.25 Pros Sec. W oodllara 13 uy rour l)rx Go ods, 10ots ituh bo r, Overshoes, Gtoetiio,, and. Patent )Vied cines, ole, etc„ at Stonowen lues,, Ja irhton, urlog their Great Slaughter Sale. 111OT10E London, Fobrary 2nd, 1898. .. Wheat per bustle , . •81 to 82 Oats, 22 to 25 Peas .. . ..45 to 50 Barley.,.... ..., ...20 to 31 Buckwheat .00 to 0. ,o b C ,d- to 3 Corn . ... ...,30 10 30. Bor25 to 35 Beans .,11 to 1? Button 12 to 14. Ducks . . • to 80 Turkeys per u.... 10 to 12 Geese per ib to 10 Chickens '37950 to 50 Cheese.,,.., 8 t0 8 Potatoes per bag . ,50 to 60 Hay per ton ,..... ..•.$ 5.50 to $488 Pork per cwt.. 54.00 to — BIRTHS. TAYLOR-Iu Fullarton, on Jan. 1711, Mrs. Fred Taylor, (neo Miss Dennison), of a son, DICK -In Hay, on the 23rd nit, the wife of Jas. Dick, of a son. MARRIAGES. H0TRN—HILES-1n Elnta, on the 20th ult., by Rev. Mr. McCloud, Mr. Joseph Horn, to Miss M. C. Hiles, both of Elmo. DEATHS. LAING—In Hibbert, on the 23rd ult., Mrs. Mary Laing, aged 29 yrs., 3 months, 11 days. R elmotism & DysDe sin Cured. 571 $T. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 To THE PHRENOLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I Dave tried several remedies foe rheumatism, some of 'which did nee a certain amount of good, but nothing that have taken has done so much for rine has your Phrenoline, and I Have much pleasure in recommending t to other sutierers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. Liberai Conservative meeting ..meeting of the Liberal''"Conservatives of the Village of Exeter, will"be held in the Town Ha11, Exeter, on the evening of Friday, the 11th Inst.. at the hour 7.30,p. m. sharp. BusINEss: The work of organization for and other important business in connection with the corning Provincial Election, A11 Conservatives and supporters of Mr. Eiiber are cordially invited. 7. A. ROLLINS, M. EACItETT, President. Secretary. Dated this 3rd day of February 1898 EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of Edward Jones,late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. In pursuance of section 36 of chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1987, and amendments thereto, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Edward Jones, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentleman. who died on or about the Tenth day of November, A. D., I897, are requested to send post prepaid. or to deliver to Henry E. Huston of the Village of Exeter, Ontario, one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased, on or before the first clay of April, 1898, a statement of their names and addresses, and the full particulars and details of their claims, respectively, and of the scour - ties (if any) held by them ; and notice is here- by further given that after the said date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said;deceased amongst the parties entit- led thereto,having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. and the executors of the said estate will not he liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. HENRY E. HUSTON I JOHN DAUNCEY 1- Executors. JANE JONES Dated at Exeter this 911h clay of January, 1803. Farms for sale A few good farms for sale, cheap—Money to o n. Apply to. JOHN SPACEMAN MONEY Private funds to loan on improved .farms at five and five and one half per cent. A1897.ly to SolicitorsLLIOT & GLADMAN 1st December, Solicitors etc, Exeter. Dissolution of Partnership ,\St( YUU:'i' J rc, Lr. 1.Or 1CCS pure BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY•AND FARM. PERFECTION AT LAST. The co -partnership heretofore existing be- tween John Trovethick and Robt, Walker, of Crediton. under the firm of Trovothick and Walker, is, this tenth day of January, 1899, mutually dissolved. JOHN TREVETHICK, ROI3T. 16, WALKEI1. Farm for Sale The westerly 60 acres of lot No. 20, N. B. Con. Tp. of Stephen. 'This fatmis on the townlino between Hay and Stephen, one utile from the prosperous• village of Dashwood, where there are Churches, schools and every necessary con- venience. Exeter 7 miles. ,This is an excellciit, farm, there being a good brick Hous e, frame ban and outbuildin Well fenced and Watered. Terms easy. Or particulars apply to Jos. SNR.tt, Dashwood. Jan, 4 1898.: Farm For Sale WARRANTED EVERY TIME 1 RUSSUS NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortmeut of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from them .:Ln u£actur•ers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP EXCELLENT FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF U$BORNE COUNTY 011' Hul ON., fourteen 14) r 10 f r For sale by private contract t t in the tenth (10) concession of Usborne, ore hundred acres. The hand is of first rate_ quality about 90 cores cleared, the remainder in blisb. There aro two wells, one at the hoose, the other cahoot the centre of the farm. The buildings whlch eolnpi • • ,a frame dwelling house, bath 56536 and hr„ <u 1111d cattle stables with the fences Ore in fair condition. For particulars apply to07 . . 8. Clarke en the premises orto Messrs. Y0111ot & Gladntata serif l- tors &e.. Exeter. FARMERS You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricnl tural Implements OBII:ZING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, • STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. OUR XMA: SEWING MACHINES. ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine E STOVES° •- Gu uey stoves and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 61E3111,1_,' BIOYOLES Are You Interested In Wheels?, We handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. oen: Aro lllt)st, 1)eaut:fU1. " Our G.l•,OOKK'. aa11 \ r.r\.T (. l { del lit rtnieilt 1i4 COM plete, 1)rop in (Hifi t.i11:C ,t look at our Goods and see our prices. Ly so c10 - ti Will save lllotll' r nc, X011 r{ , SOLiD GOLD WEDDING RINGS We Have Made A Special Study of Tresse ..- Eye If your eyes are weak, or your sizlit poor, it is important to have them carefully examined +x No Charge Made for Testing. Ss FITTON GRA DVA'IE ON'rAlirO % l'TI(JAL-i.eer TUTE ■►.6 •+mgr►arm-:s.-ca•.m. AO•acv. .• '.e.+.o.•rcn-•se's-.: ,-+ca•-.cn•+ .. The Flow of Milk will be Increased. Why go to all the trouble of keep- ing cows and get only about half the milk they should produce. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER strengthens the digestion and in- vigorates the whole system so that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trouble to care for a cow when she gives only three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. LEEMiNG, MILES . CO., 50 GENTS DICK L. CO., AoCIIT9. MONTREAL .A PACKAGE. PROPRIETORS. ,— - --.as• a► •® ••vn•mr•.®-. ,-. ••a-m•c -coo T. W. iiigginson a thoroughly npto-date periodical for women, will enter upon its thirty-first volumein x898, During the year it will be as heretofore A MIRROR OF FASHION Paris and New York Each issue will contain carefully pre - Fashions pared re.Fashionspared drawings of the advance fashions of Paris and New York. Once a month A Colored Fashion the BAZAR will issue, free, a colored Supplement fashion supplement. Cutpaperpatterns of certain gowns in each number will be Cut Paper Patterns made a feature. These will be sold in A Bi -Weekly Pattern connection with each issue at a uniform price. The BAZAR will also publish bi- Sheet weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Two famous authors will contribute long serial stories to the BAZAR in 1898. The first deals with Scotch and Continental scenes, the second is a story of a young girl, versatile, and typically American. WILD EELEN By WILLr.4, t BLACK RAGGED LADY By A: D. HOWELLS Mary E. Wilkins These and a score of other equally Octave Thanet prominent writers will contribute H. P. S offord short stories to the BAZAR in 189, Katharine De Forest p making the paper especially rich in M. S. Briscoe fiction. DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES OUR PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER By .FMTHARINE DB FOREST By Mn,POULTNEY BIGELOW CLUB WOMEN HUMOR By MARGARET H. WELCH Sy JOHN KENDRICK BANGS There will be a series of articles on Etiquette, Music, the Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women, Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, etc. 19c, a Copy (Send for Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year. Portage free ix the United States, Canada, and Mexico. W. D. riowella Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City Octave Thanet A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. • Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. UIothes ASuito or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an olcl and place, reliable and A. J. 13NtLL. never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. .A large assortment of Goods der Go ran 1n In Worsteds and Tweeds, are our shelves, now on and we will take Much pleasure in showing; then to you. , There are many thatspecially other lints are s Y at Motive. ,,y, 24 1411 Mary E. Wilkins Buil for Service A thorobred Durham 73u11 for service nn lot 18, COIL 1, SIephen. First rials strain. Terms: 41, to in,.urc. .8'AMU EL PARSONS, Exeter 1'. 0. Notice To Creditors In the estate of Nary;.McNa.ughton, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Dressmaker, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110. section 6and amending a ts, that allper.;o,IS having claims against the deceased are herebyregnest- ed to file the same with the ,micro} mcd nn or before the 29th day of Fobrpary,next 1S98,aftcr which date the estate will bistributed, All persons indebted to the swirl decca,od aro re- quired before the said date to pay the amount of their respect r indebtedness to Me. R II. COLLIN , Solicitor for the el dmia istartor, Exeter, Ont. Dated Jannery 18th, IS99. A Man is always in the A SWIM. If he wears one of W. JO 6' JOHN'S neatly fitting b ireriairralsriarrerereemermarlariall Ile is a stere fitter. His priees are away down, Hs goods o ds are the best.' Call and ertamine his goods before. buying pen, -, „'"F.\ IX SUIT W OHMS The Tailor o - DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Is Sure To Cure COUGHS ;IND S. COL,D Price 25 Cents. NOTICE! 0.-4'111.41111441 -,• All accounts owing R.N. ROWE i 'rill Iti AVL 1n115t be 0 1. by March. N '..