HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-1-27, Page 5Merit '+11Terit tales" the intrinsic value of cod r s ra r $. a 13 Sas i ar P Merit in medicine means the power to cure... Heed's Sarsaparilla possesses octroi And unequalled cin ouxativeo P wer and there- fore it has true merit,. When you buy ,good's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. 'I'he power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It ,will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, etrengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. 00 Sarsaparilla 'stile best, in fact— e t the One True Blood Purifier. rrepared only by O. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Do- not purge, pain or Hood's Pills gripe. All druggits. 26e. onsouteaspirmaseeineisseesiermituiamscamsustetenseeomi KINSMAN. L. D. S. AND I . DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Moe in Fan - eon's Block, West side of Main st., Exeter: OR. ANDERSON, (D• D. 8.1. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto 'Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and 'late. work done in the neatest possible manner, A harmless an eesthotic for painless extraction, The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Con - 1=1 Hotel Exeter, Ont 44e liqq ((TWOS, THU4SDAY, JANUARY 27th, 1895. Local and District News Seafoeth council has granted $150 to the town band. Every dollar of EastNissouri's taxes was paid by Jan. 1. Mr. Loyd GIanville, of London; is visiting friends in town: Wrn. Moore, of Kirkton is building an addition to his residence, • • Wash Collins has moved his family from Brussels, to Toronto. Mrs. John Sweet is visiting her son, Robert and family, in Dunnville. James Stacey has been re-engaged as. cheese -raker for the Blanshard' Cheese Company. Miss Hilda Beek, of Hensel], has aac- „ rented a position with Geo. Gregory, tailor, St. Marys. D. Spicer will next week open aflour and feed business in his shop three doors south of the post office. Mrs. Morlock and family, yes- terday attended the wedding of John 14lorlock tend Miss Carrie Wuerth, of Crediton. A horse belonging to W. Pridhaln, Ian away from Stoneman's store, Kirkton, the o ii t erd day, and smashed the cutter considerably. Jaynes Parkinson, of Trout Creek, is visiting his family 'here. He returns on Monday. Mr. Parkinson reports business booming in that section. Mr. jetties Mills,dairyman,Stratforti, had a close call while attending his ,cattle about a week ago. I-Us.:Jersey bull turned on him and threw him about 12 feet, and be was. only rescued by the presence of two young men with pitchforks, •who drove off the animal and enabled Mr.Mills to escape. An old pioneer of .Hayfield passed away Sunday, -Jan. 16, in the person of John Watson, aged 91. His wife pre- deceased hint about six months. He was a consistentmember of the Metho- dist church Formerly he resided ou the Sauble line, but latterly he bas :dyed with his nephew, John Watson, in this village. The Clinton market scales earned Jest year $151.65 the,year before $133; the increase being due to the apples; that were weighed; there. The station • scales.. earned in •1896; $112 ; in 1897 they earned over $150, so that the two set of scales brought in over 8300, or snore than enough to pay the salary. of one -of the men employed to look after them. ' The licei.se commissioners for West Huronmet in Clinton last week, the following members being present: In- spector Paisley, Clinton; Samuel Sloan, &oderieb; Hugh McQuarry,131yth, and James Stevens, of Clinton. The follow- ing transfers were granted : Com- mercial hotel, Clinton, from Thomas Bell to- Alexander Schrank ; Auburn hotel, from Jacob Kuntz to Alex. Robinson, formerly of the Colbonrne Hoose, Goderich, I WAS PAST RECOVERY. Doctors said so, but South AInot'iean Nervine has no' -Boneless Oases—It Nurses Back to Health and Neper Fails. "For fifteen years I was a victim of dyspepsia. At intervals I was confined to my bed and my life despaired of. Ona C ultecl" many doctors,With little .or no relief -they proclaiming my case past curing. South American a. ca n Nervine was brought. to my notice. 1 procured a bottle. The first few doses gaye me great relief. Its effect on me was lvonderful, and I thiuk it the greatest cure in the nateket to -day for stornach disorders." 111,s.: P. McArthur, t D1- • +ilk, Out. Sold by C. LUTZ. • a n of/4- (r TWINGING- SHOOTING PAIN, 'fir. `4V'm. Dyson, efno1 Ir. Ont. bays; "My Lxporience title Doan's 1Cichtey:1'ills proves 111010 to be a a016tidid rnodielno for, any opo troubled with iratckeolte or urhtarV drflioulties• .Thad bad pains in Lily bank: and shooting pains all over lay body, together' with dizziness eucl .glee n yy 1 � ssuess• ;Fhrcuglr the use of I)oan'H 1]vld• wtiey 11ile 1 ata -:now entirely cored ku1d feel t braced ap'an(1 as yottng a9 ever I wail. a IY, w. cFe GHOSTLY VISITATION. MOO .I 011104 of 11 head Bo5torl .Physician Pays a Visit to Isis Friend in the 7,rlesh'1n 1tIontreal. Montreal, Jan, 25.—Dr, Brunelle Is 0 one . P the lo?lding Fronoh phyeioiaus Of the city, and has lied an experiencethat he will not forget- for many a clay to e01ne. XII the first place it should bo re- lated la d that. the doctor oc6 r is;a t Particnl rl P a Y level-headed alar, claire as free from belief in the supernatural as any of his confreres, and that is saying iL great deal whore French medical neon are concerned, At an early hour Saturday evening, while Dr. Brunelle was sitting in^•his study reading a newspaper, iia heard a sharp knock on the door lending to the hallway, and, thinking it was his little girl,, he asked what she wiented. 'There can as a reply a second knock, louder than the first, and when the physician arose and opened the door ho saw before hila his old and intimate friend, Dr. Garman of Bos- ton, Dr, Bruuollc's surprise, of ;course, was very groat, and in extending him his hand of welcome ho risked his friend bow he got in without being heard. If, how - ,ever, the Montreal doctor was surprised when ho opened the door, he was still more astonished when his outstrotehed hand met nothing but space, and at once the form of the Boston gentleman disap- peared. Dr. Brunelle returned to his lib- rary and sat for a short time lost in thought, only to bo aroused by a tele- graph enessongor, who brought the follow- ing from a relative in Boston: "Dr. Gar °eau has just died," A Millionaire Dead. The death took place yesterday of Ittr. W. J. Withal', vice-president of the-Que- boo Bank. Ho came here 12 years ago from Quebec, and' leaves an estate of $1,- 000,000, to bo divided between. six nephews and two nieces. Mr. Withall `was ono of the best known bankers. in the Province of Quebec. To Be Sworn Fob, 2. Ron. Judge Jotto will be sworn in Lieutenant -Governor of tho province on Feb. 2 next. 1 . ADVANCE IN WHEAT. A Go od Foreign 1 11 g aoudad and a Bullish Statistical Position—Tete Local. Prices Are Firm.. Monday Evening, Jan. 24. Cash wheat In Chicago lege higher at 05e. Liverpool rrpool �vheAt futures 1i/,d to 1��d higher, , Stocks of wheat at 'the leading Contiu- entatl.ports Jan. 1 were 30,032,000 bushels, against 27,500,000 bushels 1x1897 1,and s 10 Odessa were 4,320,000 bushels, against 3,- 680,000 bushels Dec. 1 and 10,400,000 bushels J848,000 b shn. 1 last year, s,A againsstl.sIn 806,00 az bushels Dec. 1, and 3,192,000' bushels. Jahr 1 last year. _ Leading Wheat eittrlcets. Following are the closing prices to -day at important centres Chicago Cuau. • AMY. ..40 05 $0 93V New York 1 07 0 051/2 Milwaukee N0 1 Northern0 04 0 Mee St. Louis .. 0 02x1 0 05% Toledo ... 0 041 0 94% Detroit 0 941%, 0 94% Duluth, No.' 1 hard...... 0 921 Duluth, No. 1 Northern— 0 9 231 0 92'ye,= Toronto, red - . Toronto, No. 1 hard . 1 02 .... Visible .supply of t;au.a. ' The visible supply of grain in the United States and Canada, with comparisons, IS as follows: • Jan. 22. Jan. 23. Jan. 24. 1SJS 1807. 189(1. Wheat, bu-37,153,000 61,205,000 ,Q7,523,000 Corn, bu ..41,789,000 21,718,000 10,431,000 Oats, bu .14,634,000 13,158,000 6,233,000 Rye bu.... 4,002,000 3,075,000 1,540,003 Barley-, bu: 3,161.000 3,002,000 3,133,000 Wheat decreased 685,000 bushels lase week: asagainst Aln st a decrease, Berea se, of 1,161,000 bushels eTs th e corresponding week. of last year. Corn Increased 055,500 bushels last week. Oats decreased 529,000, rye decreas- ed 149,000 and barley decreased 421,000 bushels. Toronto Stocks of Grain. Jan 24, Jan. 17, Jan. 25, 1898. ' 1898. 1807. Fall wheat, bu..: 22,087 30,637 33,870 Spring wheat, bu..365 885 2,500 /lard wheat, bu....14,007 14,007 160,289 Goose wheat, bu..14,000 14,000 7,035 :Cotitl wheat 510::0 59,050 203,094 Barley, bu >1,087 25,687. 60,140. Oats, -leu. 11050 14,009 57,02$' Peas, ba.. 8,337 5,337 2,813. Coln, but: ..6,000 7,000 Rye, bu 5,683 4,683 ..... r<,ronto t r,eiar :L,l(l I'-,d11c,:• 'I:moult—The demand for flour is fair and prices firm.' Straight rollers are quoted at $3.85 to $3.95, middle freights.,: WHEAT—The market today was strong, with a good detuand, but et:eriugs were light. Iced winter sold at 83%c to 84c high freights, spring at 810 •on Midland, and goose at 78c on 'Midland. Maaitoba wheat firm at $1.03, North Bay, for N. 1 hard, and at 00g Owen Sound and Midland, B8.11L18Y-The market is quiet, with sales of No. 2 .west at, 32e to 33e. No. 3 extra. at 28c to 29c, and feed 28e to 27c. OATS—The market is firm, with sales west at 26c to 261/c for white and on Mid- land at 27c; mixed 25c to 251/e west. PEAS—Tire market Is dual, with prices nominal at 52c to 53c. west. ''DUOKWII17AT—The market rules steady, with enrs queted at Ole west nue at 82c east. EVE—The .market is quiet, with sales fet 45c west and at 46c east. CORN—The market is quiet and priCes Unchanged. Car lots sold at 23c west. for new yellow . c 1— I i fit. at $0, :middle freleter e-"Sho.rte rule at $10.50 to $12, middle freeehhte.' . (aATelleAL—Tire. market is nnchnuged, with. car lots in bags quoted at 53.20. leeeento ht. `t;,tweenee arn.-:t.• ., • The receipts of grain to -day were light, about 1000 bushels. Wheat SteO(ly, 200 bushels sold as follows: White at 84e to SSc, red at 87c to 8Sr/,e, and goose 77e to 77yc per bushel Batley firm, 80 bushels setting at 31c ,to 8$c. I1 -ye, one load brought -101c. Oats firm itt 20e for 500 bushels. Peas sold at 67e per bushel for one Idiid, • IXay $7.50 to 30 per ton for 20 ,loads. ;Straw, 2 loads.soltl et 56 and $7 per tori. 7•rentl• •ai Cleo -]e'..•, eirntreal, Jan. 24.—There were about (510 herrn of butchers' cattle, 80 eelr.s 111d 100 "beep alyd lambs offered for Sale' at the ,east 17.1(1 Abattoir to -day. The butchers were rather slow in coining out, sash seern- tn> lw waiting until the otilrrs would break the toads. Several droves of cattle as well es nearly all the sheep anti calves, were a leo late in getting to the Market. There were no rosily choice peeves on the market to4cla . Theta Worn a larger proportion of for to )recd animals than nsnal anti these brought lower price(a then on lasi:'Thtirsday,. '1 at, civet cllttle sold tit about Wee per lief' ere, Ix good stock at from 3%c to 37ele per 1b., common thy cows went et from 2e to 3c per Ib, Calves from n few days cid up to four weeks old sold at 'Torn 52 to . 3 each, older calves sold rit front 58 to 511 rncb. Sheep sold' At from, 32e to 812e pet 171., one lenibs at front 4t4e to 5c; per ]b. Pal hots solei at from 5c to 51/2e per lb. inettise etnrlr+lts. London--Wheat--'1Vheat 011 pasenge more inquiry, melee' on passage arm. English wheat firms 1,'aris-OIose— W hea '4tl` t grin et 287, 25c for Jtime 'li�letir firm itt Of lOci for Metall. I,ivor'pool.. Oiose-WS'pot wheat them; fie tires steady at 7s Ory% for Mateo, 7n 4d for Div and 761%d to Jul , Vitro' (Mgt at s 1)1/d for Fab, And 134 2%4' f t Mitti i. . ,SM]IRpL' HA'PW4M,wNer.y�MMRrWRq'mYM.Jy�,,p�pW,,,W, Soldier's Life. I VA IgVa i+lxeterl January eatlel898. ONLY VETERANS CAN REALIZ THE SUFFERINGS OF ARMY LIFE. Strong Men.Made Helpless Iny'alids The le Sto ' r of O 7 ie°Wl Suffered y �o D and Night,forTwenty Years, From the Chatham 13aritler, Everyone living iu and around t village of Wheatley .knows Mr. Pet *Sippe, who has been a resident of t Wheat per kestrel e. Oata,•. •Ball . o , • , I`fPeas Butter, .. Eggs i ur Io s Goeso .,.,.' * •Ghiokonb per ib D ek . U 8 ay • Wop1..: '• .. Drie4d Apples:. .. Pork dressed,.,., . Pork live weight Htty per ton.... ... Closer seed ........ Alsiko clover Timothy seed 1 Notice To Creditors to 83 In' tyle esttl,te of .Mary MuWa.tti;liton, •„*.*,..8230 to 26 lobe of t11e villrlge of T ester, ;n the ,,.50t to 512087 County .of I tirori, Dressmaker, de - 15 to ceased. .. , •• . to 15 Notice -is berebyy f'ou pursuant to the leo. 4i to 4 wised Statutes of on a13o, chapter 110. section Ea and, aluendlazF acts, that all izezlons h, 4 to 4 claims against th a au lag a leceasod aro hereby r e u . 5 to y St eat. 6 ed to file the same with the nndorsignod on o1` .. • 17 to 18 before the 20th day of $'ebrear ',next,189S,after. - • 21 to 2 welch date the estate will be distributed, 'All 0.06 to 0.50 persons ' rd p as ebted to the avid deceased are re. 4,75 to 5,15 u r 1 0(1boforo the o said date epaythamount 60 • 0.” toa0; of their respective indebtedness to 1ne. • . , • .. 4.50 to $5.00 R. H. COLLINS. 0 to 58.00 1i' So 7.itorfor ' the Adnlin ,st:t•: . 1 to L..a i 1. a , $ Exeter, Ont, ,Dated January rSt1r, 1898. be er• he place for upwards of twenty years, ;end who during the 'whole of that. period up to last' year was a constant sufferer from acute rheumatism, corn - .plicated by other troubles,untii he was worn almost to a shadow. 23 .t the age of twenty he joined the 21st New York Volunteers, and . after- being a member! of that organization fax three years,he joined the New York Cavalry and served through the war of the re- bellion. He took part in the bis torie battles of Bulls Run, Freder- icksburg, Culpepper, etc., and at one time rode eighty.` miles at a stretch. carrying dispatches through porkpor(wt the enemy's lines. On another occas- ion he was on horseback for four days and five nights, alid it is little wonder' that s,, 1, hardcbips left ln--- 1` th ;.a ion; •sitlt of o -,e , Loadon. January - 26th, ren,. . • .• Wheat per busho;,., Peas , 4 k:' kr d t° $t �a • a' Batloy:r 20 to 3 v .. C z: i �, Buckwheat t to f ray Cir 32 t S 74+' ` ff + n' '_.. Beans 36 to 35 w9 t bt, re Butts 11 to 1. "( DagsS •12 to 1p /IS.' vao.�Lv.et �o Turku sperlb...: io i°o i2 BEST FOR:i r�l7LE.DAiRY;ANO FARM. Geese per ib , 9 to 10 "� Choosena . ,...,,•• s to ,532 PERFECTION AT LAST Choose. , Potatoes per bag.. ..50 to 00 Hay per ton . .. ..,$ 5.50 to $ 5:50 •• 84.00 to $4,50 ..,.81' to 82 . A S € i 1` r? ,''; '.� ;. i.. c 1- U r,i • ..._ .22 to 25 5 to 50 . 2.5 to 32 ti. did :a of others, with a wreci ed t' While in the arm as poor food and ofte w he was attacked wit diarrhoea,• which assumed a chroni form. This of course greatly weakene bins, and he fell an -easy prey to th pains and terrors of rheumatism. T a correspondent of the Banner be said "I never expected to be any better i this world as I had tried scores o medicines which brought me no `retie at. all. Sometimes for weeks at �L tim I could not lie down or sleep,aud coni eat but little. I was -not onlytrouble with rheumatism, but at time was subject to fainting spell and at other times everything appear eel to turn black before nay" eyes. I would often feel sick at my stomach, at which times d v � curd urov 4 e loath- sometome. My kidneys also iroa bled n,e greatly and my nervous system seemed completely shattered. Tongue can scarcely a eery tell bow much I- endured during these long and weary years. About a year ago I was advised to try Dr. William's Pink Pills, and it was a grand day for me that I began their use, After I had used a few Boxes my painshad 'decreased and 1 was consi- derably better. Later, through a con- tinued use of the pills, I could eat, sleep and felt as able to work as I hacl done twenty years ago. I now feel' well'and strong and if any 'of my old comrades see this and are afflicted I would urge them to try Dr. William's Pink Pills." Anandanalysis shows that I Dr.Willia y ms Pink Pills contain ina condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and re- store shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for "such diseases as locomoter ataxia, partial paralysis, St, Vitus dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheu- matism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the' heart, new ous prostration, all diseases. depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysip- elas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles.peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In leen they effect a ' radia cal• cure e inc r all cal, es arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. y n c d e n f e. d d s s Edward Clark, alias "Big Ed.," who brutally clubbed his wife to death in Buffalo and was arrested. at Niagara Falls, Ont., has admitted he is theinan wanted, and has consented to return to Buffalo. Women's Idea Of Excellence. The eeenomical and wise woman, who has the management of ahone, knows' from experience that when the "excellence" of any home necessity is es'ntblished and gneranteed, rnoney and time are saved when such goods are used. '-The Diamond Dyes for hone dyeing have a world-wide reputation, and stand first in purity, strength, fast- ness,and simplicity of use. When the Diamond ,Dyes are used, old, faded and dingy garments- are made to look as good as new at an exceedingly small cost. Diamond Dyes, like all other popu- lar, and perfect goods, are largclyrmi- tated. Do not allow your dealer to sell you some inferior ]rake of dye, ask for the, "Diamond" and see that you get them. Send to Wells & Richardson', Co., Montreal P. Q. for valuable book of direetions and sample card of colors ; sent free to any address. It is Time To turn over a new Leaf I THE BEST New Year's Resolution FOR ALL Weak and Nervous Men "I- will make a determined effort . 1 ' • O Cr t 0 regain my manhood, a to be restored to perfect health and vigor. ITIS rr. I NOW OR NEVER !" TO REGAIN VIGOR, Health and manhood is fully told in .ail interesting little hook, which should be Peed ,by every thinking Matt. Plain faetslatinl stated. leo "Elect- vie ]i,lec •- 1'ie Belt"' nonsense fro "free prescript- ioti" fake, no 0, O. D. humbug, no quackery, T3175 AN R(NEST EOOIc, D HONEST bo0To11. Mailed a led ME in plain envelope, securely sealed, if this imps, is hetltionecl, Address the nnthor: G. fl; BoIS7s1vri, M. D., 252 Woodward Avenue, Dett-oit Mich. Established 18/4. flheumulisiu flyspeps u Cured 57 F ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 3.rst 1896 To TEE PHRENOLINE li1EDICINL Co,, LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN, --On the advise of friend I tried one bottle of- your fam- ous .rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, front which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at tbe time, so that I feel -13°w like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for rue has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sutierers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. MONEY EY Private funds to loan on ituproved farms at five and five and one half por cent. Apply to 1st December, 1897. EILLTOT & GLADMAN Solicitors etc., t Exeter. Fara for Sale The westerly CO nares of lot No. 20, N. B. con. 'r'p. of Stepphen. This fermis on the townline between Hay and Stephen, one mile from the prosperous village of Dashwood, where there are ohm cher, schools and every necessary eou- cenieuce. Exeter? milds. This is an excellent farm, there being a good brick house, frame barn and outbuildings Well fenced and watered. Terms easy.orparticulars apply to Jan. 4 1898.Jos. Suena, Dashwood. ]j Farm For Sale EXCELLENT FARM. IN THE .TOWNSHIP OF TJSBbRN16 COUNTY OF MAIM For sale by private contract lot fourteen (14) in the tenth (10) concession of Usborne, one hundred od acres. The ]and is of •a ' first rate,quality 0 Y about acres cleared the There are two well one remainder bush, @> oat the house, the other about the centro of the farm. The buildings which comprise a frame dwellinghouse, barn 50x30 and horse and cattle stabes -with the fences are in faireondition. Forparticulars apple' to T. S. Clarke on the premises onto Messrs. Elliot & Gladman Solici- tors &c.. Exeter. INOT CE .. The annual meeting of tho Usborne' & Hib- bort Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will beeheld at the Public Ha1l,Fargirhaar,on Monday February 71.h, 1808, at one o'clock p, re. 'Business : receiv- ed the Directors and Secretary's annual reports and the financial statement. The election of 'two directors and one auditor and other busi- ness in the interest of the Company. JOHN ESSERY. T730S. CAMERON, Pres Sec. Coll for Service— We handle A thorobrod Durham Bull for service on lot S cafe of the lead- s]. eon. 1, Stephen. First class strain. Terms:. sl, to insure. SAMUEL PARSONS. Exeter P. 0. ills CANADIAN•' WARRANTED EVERY TIME TRUSSES NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION, A Iarge a.ssortmeol, of the best and most approved Tresses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. 3. W. BROWNING PROP FARMERS You will f d at Iiissett's Wareroonl the following line of Agricul tural Implements BERING DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators,. Dise and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and. Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The. celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES.,:nam, Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Buggies '6 i cycles. Tho Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 6131 LL' Are Yen Interested In Wheels? To make Good Butter tt�JL one must have good milk and this comes only from healthy cows: The blood must be kept clean and pure, and the digestion good to ensure this result. There is nothing so good for this lu • ose as Dick's s Blood 1 Puri- P fie,. This preparation is speci- hairy"lnade for milch cows and possesses real merit and power to do what is claimed for it. Given goregularlyod with good food it will convert a. here hide and bones structure into ar 11 ofita'ble member of the herd. 30 Cents a Pllckilge. LEEM AO, Mill.,', 100,, DICK d CO,, Agents, Montrol. Praprletere. and AMERICAN makes at prices r� to suit the times. A few second hand organs 6and � Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. - S.—Selling out Dise Har,b rows at Cost. PER GINS & MARTIN, Main. street, Exeter. Suit o,t Jlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look fort those in an old and reliable place, and A. SHELL Bever disappoints hi patrons in any of ` these. A large assortment of Pall Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and wo will take n'luoh pleasure in sbovvint; them to you. 'Ternare prat � a>} other lines thkit are specially a t ,motive, «•* tr gz OUR XAS 1000 Are most beautiful. (.)ill' CLOC .,•.N_ and WA.TCI-T depnrtlzic'zit is 0°1)1111(4, Dropin and tale i,. look at 01. G-oods and see our, prices, s, .o d ing you Wi]save money. SOLD GOLD WEDDilla HINES We Heave Meade A. Beecher Study of T1 -se Hii4n-r61-1-41 /By If your eyes are weak, or your sight poor, it is important to have them carefully examined No Charge Made for Testing. S. FITTON GRADUATE ONTARIO OPTICAL INSTITUTE Satisfaction or Your Money Back. .1 1 In accordance with our advertise - 1 ments to guarantee our workmanship 1 to the fullest extent and in every particular, and as ' an evidence ace that the Guarantee Card, which you will find in the h of pocketsShorey's gar- inents, means what it says, if you are wearing Shorey's 1 i Clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in. every a 1?r titular and will .communicateyour complaints to use money refunded. w will see that at Yo u are satisfied or your It SHO EY & CO,, Ready=to=Wear MONTREAL. Mfgs. of Lr Ready -.to -Wear" Clothing. HARPER'S MAGAZ NE will enter the coming year prepared to give to the reading public that which has made it famous for the past quarter of a century—contributions from the pens of the great literary men and women of the world, illustrated by leading artists. A brief glance over its prospectus announces such reading as OUR PACIFIC PROSPECT rRO1ECTS FOIL A sze.uum,,i-t i CANAL Tilt COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE 08' AN ISTHMIAN CANAL By Iron. DBT tD TURNSBy IG Olt7111,\'77TOX C. FORDFASTED$SIRERI.t AND 5115 i. (110 TEE DEVELOPMENT 05 ORRR reere,0 D07L{IN, - Ly STEPIIE.Y BOVS.4L Be CJIdRLES F.;LCJLirIS by HENRY S RODENTS CORNER—THE NOVEL OF THE YEAR MN i\••lmeermee, author of "The Sowers." Striking novelties in short fiction. will be contribeted by such authors as W. D. Howells, Richard Harding Davis, Brander Matthews, Frederic Remington, Ruth Melnery Stuart, and others. 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