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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-1-27, Page 1'H[JRON y& MIDDLES•EX..
A.J.Ford Co
Bargain Clearing Sale
We have finished stock -taking
-and find we have a great number
of odds and ends on our hands,
So in order to make room for
New spring Goods, we want to
clear the stuff and clear it at any
The notification of a few lilies
liere will help you grasp the idea.
•'Mem' and Boys' leather Mecca -
sloes, 'regular $1.50 and $1.25 for .95
•.Mens' felt Boots, regular $3.00,
$2,75, $2.50 to clear at $ 1.95
Infants buttoned and laced shoes,
regular 75c., 60. and 50c., for.29
'Childs' buttoned and laced shoes,
regular $1.00 and 75c. for .49
_A. line of Ladies' Feltin slippers,
• laced and gaiters,regular$1.75,
$1.50, $1,25, for... .... .. . .
'adies' laced and buttoned
boots, regular $3.00 and $2.50.
for 1,49
Misses buttoned: overshoes, re-
gular $L00 for .69
Stacks of useful ends in Dress Goods,
Prints, Flannelettes, Cottonades, Cot -
tens, etc., which must be cleared out
A. J. Ford & Co
liuron County Notes
Robt, Cleft Bayfield line, Gocle-
rich township, is seriously ill at pre-
* W. H. Baker; of the Egmondville
public schoce, is off duty owing to an
attack of erysipely.
The Hallett registration for the year
ending Dec. 31sta 1897, was 58 births,
23 marriages, 29 deaths.
Some sneak thieves broke into the
•Commercial hotel, Seaforth, on Mon-
day evening and stole 33 bottles of ale
and half a loaf of bread.
The diseases cured by Hood's Sar-
.sa,parilla are many, because most ail-
ments disappear as soon as the blood is
.enriched and purified by it.
S. Barton, Of Seaforth, met- eta an
unfortimate accident the otne r day.
He was shoeing a horse, ii the
animal kicked, striking him -Yen the
arm. ,
The many friends in and around
.Seaforth, of Mr. Hugh Grieve, will re-
gret to learn that he is dangerously ifl
in a hospital in Vancouver, British
It is altogether likely that at the
next meeting of the Clinton council a
by-law will be introduced providing
for the inspection of all anineals slaugh-
tered. for food purposes.
john S. Onaneron, B. A., formerly of
Collegiate Institute staff, Goderich,
has received appointment of mathe-
matical master of Ingersoll Collegiate
Institute, and will enter upom his
duties at once.
• The Winthrop cheese company
•shipped the balance of their season's
make on Tuesday last, realizing 8e,
per pound. They have bad a very
•successful season, manufacturing 55e
tons and of bringing into the neigh-
borhood close on $9,000.
- An improvement is reported in the
health of Master Lindsay Kyle, of
Hills Green, who was taken seriously
ill about New Years, at the home of
ure, Mr, Berry has secareda. good horse
which wilt no doubt O profitable in,-
There a dead lock in the Seaforth
council °vet the a,ppointment, of a
High School trestee. Rev. J. W. Hod-
gins is the choice of helf the rneinbera
while D. Johnston is thelavorite with
the other half of the Booed.. .
Perth County Notes.
Annual meeting of Blanshard. Mutual
Fire Insurance Company on Thursday
Jan. 27th.
Chas. Hyde, of Blanshard, is think-
ing seriously about going out to Mani-
toba if he can dispose of his farm.
County Councillors, Rollins and Mc-
Innis, left for Goderich, to attend the
January meeting of the County
John Walters, of • Stratford, the
would-be suicide, has been declared in-
sane, and was removed to the asylum
(Date with Garrow & Proudfoot) liarrister
Solieltor, Notary Public. Hensall, Ont,
G. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey
Amer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
and Usurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal demi
ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates
IVIoney to loan on real estate at low rates of in
Wrest. Moo at the Post office. Hensall.
Ballantyne vs. Goetz.—This was an
appeal by Goetz from a conviction by
J. Beattie and R. J. Scott, justices of
the peace at Seaforth, who fined. him
$10 and costs for permitting gambling
to be carried on in his hotel in Hen -
sail. it was established that the
gambling took place without the con-
sent or knowledge of Goetz or his ser -
vents. His Honor, Judge Masson, set
aside the conviction with coste,holding
that as Goetz had no knowledge of
gambling having taken place and II3
no way connived. at or consented to it,
he should. not have been fined. Win.
Proudfoot and R. J. D. Cooke, of Ben -
et London. sail, for appellant ; J. M. Best, of Sea -
Win. Fletcher, of Anderson, met forth, for respondent.
with a serious. accident on Saturday. he Robinson vs. Coxworth,an action
While feeding a cutting box he got the tried befon His Honor Judge Masson,
end of two fingers taken off and his at the last general sessions here, judg-
wrist broken. • • ment has been given for plaintiff for
$60 without costs, with certificates
The boot and shoe firm of L. A. against defendent setting off his costs.
Sicklesteel &Son, Stratford, have sold Champion, Q. C., for Off, ; Prouclfoot
their business to E. Downiug, of Gode- and Cooke for deft
rich, for many years one of the pro- Tem CARNIVAL . --The seeondlcarnival
nainent men of that town. held in the rink on Tuesday evening
• W. A. Myers, formerly cf the Strat- was well attended considering the
ford Beacon staff, who was reported
missing from Roseland, B. C., where
he met with financial loss in a newsp-
aper enterprise, has arrived safely at
Calgary, N. W. T.
. As Mrs. (Rev.) Grant of St. Marys,
Was returning from Knox Church
Sunday morning she was run oveia by
a horse driven by a boy, on Water st.
north, and seriously injured, her right
shoulder being dislocated while she
sustained several painful bruises. '
Mrs. McMillan, of Staffa, who has
been living with her daughter, Mrs.
Wm. McIntosh, of Constance, died on
Sunday morning, after a lingering ill-
ness, caused from a cancer of the face.
She had reached. the advanced age of
81 years. • .
Ex-Alcl. M. F. Goodwin, of Strat-
ford, met with a painful accident the
other afternoon. He was standing. at
the head of a shoe factory stairs,
when he tripped and fellto the bottom,
breaking his left arm at tb.e elbow.
The fracture is severe, but he is pro -
stormy weather. The ice was in prime
condition, the best of the season, and a good supply of water.
there was a large number of skaters
in costume. The different races were McGillivray.
keenly contested. Following is the
list of prize , winners :— Lady's char. AnnatEss.—Last Thmaday evening a
acter coetume, Miss Fra,ncisCoxworth, large number of the congregation of
"Shepherdess" ; Miss Bertha Hodgins Eden Methodist church went as a, sur -
"A cow girl"; gents' .character cos- prise party to Mr. Stebez Short's, of the
tunae, George joint, "Off for Kion- llth concession McGillivray, and. pre -
dyke" ; boy's character costume, Small -sented Mrs. Short, the organist of the
Bullard; girl's character costuree,Vera church, with a beautiful lamp and the
Murdock; "Indian girl" ; two-xnile .
follovving address :
race, (to be won three times) George.,DEAR IVEns. Snonr.—We, the congregation
O'Neil, Exeter, *won twice) ; one mite or Eden Methodist church, feelit our duty to
race, (open to all), George O'Neil, eeesont tO YOU per thanks for the able and e*
.ment manner in which you have performed
Exeter; one mile race, (boys) Will
Sheffer. your part as organist in our church. We hope
you may long be spared, to continue la the
BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moir LTE'ltelesoude; ion you have so nobly begun
visited friends in the Case settlement you. WeGhopehehoicost blessino may attend
that you will accept this Lamp
on Tuesday last —Mr. Thos. Hawkins, and. Tar. it not fotrioitsi intrinilic viarinueei laras
reeve of Usborne, sold a fine fat heifer gi:Inere." o°11 aggic)::LethlO from nil g s
to Geo. Petty, on Monday. Henson is Mits. J. COCKWILL, AiliS. G. LIGIIIFOOT
fond of a piece of good beef yet.—Mr. Mrs. Short made a suitable reply.
Gardner, of Uncle Sam's domains, Afterwards a very pleasant evening
shipped 2 car loads of yearling and two was spent and all went home well
Bee veer Dry Goods, Boots & Shoos. Rubbers
Overshoes, Groceries, and Patent Medicines,
ete.., etc., at Stoneman Eros" Xirkten, during
their Groat Slaughter Salo.
Prior to leitving Woodbarn, R. 8,
Ford, was made the recipient of a
handsome secretary by his friends of
the neighborhood. .
• 1Vlooresvale.
• AN INVENTION.—,Our enterprising
townsman,. John Bloomfield, -who is
very ingenious, has invented. a spring
that is goitg to be of immease bet -lent
to all those who deliver and receive
their mallet finger pests along railway
tracks, as it keeps the mail bag in its
place tilt delivered, while formerly
the wind, if strong. would svveep it off,
mad in addition, it is inaintalued that ti
is. much easier to deliver it.
(*rand Bend.
BRe.,Ens.—Miss Mary Randall has left
for her home in Zurich.—Mr. Bossen-
berry visited friends in Berlin lately.—
James Green, of Bay City, Mich., was
here this week visiting his
Mr,Oarriere's family has increas-
ed by the addition of a baby boy,
mothereencl child are. doing well. —W.
B. Fallis and sou, 'Willie, retnrned
home on Friday after visiting friends
in Petrone, and Port Harem—Mr.
Hamilton is haying a well put doWn
conveniently to the house and expects
DEATE.—The death took place on
Thursday last, of Emily E. Wilcox,
wife of William Campbell, in her 28th
year. Deceased was a daughter of
Roht, Wilcox, of this place, and had
been ill for some tune of consumption.
She was highly respected, which was
attested by the large attendance at
the funeral.
Green -way
BuiEns.—J. McGregor has bought
the west half of the Eggert farm.—
The old Methodist church is to be Field
the first day of Feb. at 2 o'clock.—The
men that are going around enlarging
(pictures are doing e large business. A
load passes through here every few
with the work, others complain that
days. Some are highly pleased that
they have to $3, $I and $6, for
the frames. — IVIisses Bothwell and
Pollick, of Bayfield, who spent several
weeks visiting friends here returned
hume last week.
year old steers and heifers to the
gressing nicely, States on Monday. Would it not pay
At the annual meeting of the ib- our farmers to keep these cattle at
bert agricultural society the following hotee?—A large number of hogs were
ofarers for 1898 were appointed: Pres., marketed here on Thesday,—Joe 'Case
James Scott,sr.;viceJohn Carmichael; shipped about 300 bushels of Clover
directors, Messrs. G. Sinale, Andrew
1VIcLellan, jr., L F. Goodwin, Robert
Barbour, H. M. Hamilton, Charles
Tuffin, Joseph Norris, Joseph Wells
and Robert Hoggarth, jr. ; auditors,
1VIessrs. P. D. Hutchinson and Dr.
Tufford. , It was also decided to hold
the tering show on Thursday, April
The annual meeting of the Blanshard
Agricultural Society was held on Wed-
nesday of last week and it was shown
to be in a sound financial condition.
The following office:re were elected for
the year :Pres., Win. Hazlewood; vice
seed to the Old Country market Wed-
nesday. --George. MeEwen and John
Torrance went to Goderich on Tues-
day, to attend the County Council.—
Quite a number of our young people
attended the carnival held at Exeter on
Monday evening last.—Mrs. M. X.
White, of Exeter, visited friends in
the villgge on Monday last.—The
Misses Jessie Miller and Ella Ramsay,
have returned to bheir homes in Exeter,
after a pleasant yisit with Mrs. Robt.
Patterson, jr.—Alex. Munn, ac-
companied by his brother Robt., were
in Elma and. Marlette, Mich., the past
res., Wm. Hanson; directors, Geo. week yisiting friends.—Miss G. Morris
ently, David Roger, Jonathan Sheir,
AMOS Doupe, John Fotheringlia,m,
Samuel Doupe, W. R. Oarr, Walter
Gowans, David Creighton; sec'y-treas.
Robt. Beatty ; auditors, E. N. Shier,
Wm. Brown.
The special meeting of theBlansliard
Council was helclat the Township Hall,
Rannoch, on Saturday, 15th inst.
son, oe London, who has been visitin
in the village for some weeks, returne
home on Monday.—Robt. Munn, of
Portage la • Prairie,fornierly , of the
township of Ila.y, is herevisiting his
brother after an absence of fourteen
years in -the west —Miss Belle Ellis,
recently appointed organist in the
choir of the Methodist church, has re
meeting was called for the purpose as signed, and Miss Amy Marcie& has
appointing a clerk, the of6.ce being been a,ppointed in her stead.—She
left vacant by J.11. Jameson who was entered. upon her duties Sunday last —
Repel ntecl tolthe position at the previous Mrs. Goetz, is quite poorly.—Miss
meeting, refusing to accept the terms Ross, of Lindsay, and Mrs. Beattie, of
offered to him lay the said council. Brussels, 'visited their sister, Mrs. W.
There were six applications. for the B. McLean) the past week. —Mrs.
position : John Burns, Sirkton ; 11: Harry Arnold was in London last
Doupe, Woodham; wee Brown, week visiting her father.—A second
Kirkton; Daniel Sinclair, Anderson;R. Assembly way held in McOloy's block
Shepherd, St. Marys ; J. H. jarneson, Wednesday evening. The attendance
Rannoch. Mr. Jameson agreeing to was large, and a pleasant time was
spent by those present.—Mr. N. M.
Oontine, the renowned founder of St.
Joseph's was in town on Monday.—
john Macarthur and wife, who went
to Bernmcla a few weeks ago in the
interests of Mr. Macarthrties health,
are expected house in a. few days.—
his grandmother, Mrs. Simpson, oe take the salary named by the council,
Egmond.ville, where be had. come, ex- Nlras again appointecl clerk.
pecting to spead a pleasant holiday. S.Lioes,one of the oldestresidents of
John Foster,:of Wingbam, and oth- St Marys passed away on Thursday at
r ,
ers, made a Careful inspection of the the advanced age o 92 yearsThe
Clintn toevn hall on Monday and deceased was born in the County of
Zi'. perfectly sate and secure. He C me, ireland, in 1805,camexi CanadaMissReidof Stanley, is the guest of
u ests a few im rovements in a about 1814, was in the employ of the Mrs. O,
to the council, which. Grank Trunk Railway when the first
written report
waslaid and assisted in the s
will be considered at the next meet- rail trevey
eine'. . ., • from one end of the road to the other.
He settled in St. Marys in 1857 as
Charles mid Miss E. Bezoz Manning baggagernan at Ile G. T. R. depot, and
•of Clinton left on a happy trip to Lon- was in the employ of the Grand. Trunk
don on Wednesday morning, where until 1892. In 1854 he was married.
they were married by Rev. Me, Ford. His widow and four sons survive him.
'The groom is a steady, industrious.
young man holding a responsible posi-
tion in the Organ 1?eatory, while the
bride is the youngest daughter of Mr.
Lawrence Manning
There died at Gledswoocl Farm, Bur-
leigh, near Seaforth, on Saturday San,
15, Sno. Turnbull Dickson Registrar of
,Goderich, who came out frorn jeciburgh
Scotland, in the early thirties, with
his parents and other members laf the
rai .--Mrs. Stark and daughter,
of Manito a, who were here visiting
Mr. and Mrs, B. S. Philips, returned to
their Western home on Saturday last.
—A contingent of the Royal Templars
'visited the sister lodge at Kippen on
Monday evening and assisted in e,
programme given in connection with
u open nieeting.--. J. Berry ha
The sons are Harry, in Chicago ; Dun- disposed of his handsome driving horse
can, in Windsor; Chttrlie, in the ItIon- which hts.b fall carried
dyke and Frank at home. •
off first 'ham-
s 4* 4 hen wherever shown, to Mr. Aubury,
Middlesex County Notes. twelfth July celebration is likely to be
of Montreal, for a large,,fiure,—The
• , held. In Ilensall this year. The com-
mute" Middlesex Liberals re-notnin- mittee appointed to solicit subscriptated W. H. Taylor, M. P. P. ions have raised the required sum.
Miss Ilodgins, ' of Lttean. has been The Matter will be decided. at the
appointed to sueceed Miss Land AA annual meeting of the Orangemen in
Exeter next mantle—The carnival. was
not a success owing to the stormy
weather.—A nember of young people
drove out toMaRichardson's on e even-
ing last Nveek, and spent a pleasant
tinie.—Rev. Mr. Kerr, and wife, of
'I3russels, teve visiting their son, Rev,
*VV. Inerr, this week.—Miss Hem -
*family, being among the first settlers soprano soloist of the Askin Street
'in this part of the country, which was ivfeth. Church London.
then a dense forest.
A very' pleashig SV011t took place at
The following officers have been the residence of Thos. I-Iudson, 12th
elected for tlie Seaforth council ab the con. London Township on Wednesday
arnesees easeee e„..evel. Elliott, cleric, evening, on which occasion his second
$275 ; Wm, Elliott, treasurer, $125 ; daughter, Carrie L. was united in
Ballantyne, assessor, $15 ; Wm.
Gillespie, constable, collector, sanitar3r
'inspector and truant officer, $900 ; R.
•S. Roberts, waterworks Crlgineer,$360;
—.fames McMichael, lhonias Murphy
„ and Michael 'Keefe, fence viewers
John Beattie, town engineer ;
Lusby, market clerk and citretaket• of
. town hall, $350.
J. Routiedge, 9Cuckersreith has per-
cliaseti the celebrated Clydesdale stal
BRIEFS.—Thos. Morkin has bought
the farm lately owned by "eVilliam.
Richardson, for the sten of $3,350. —
We regret to note the death of Roy
Stanley Coursey, only son of Thomas
Coarsey, a,gecl 11 years, 6 niontbs ; he
was ailing for some time, and died on
Saturday, 22nd inst The parents have
our entire sympathy in their bereave-
ment —We regret to hear that Moses
Hodgins contracted a severe coldwhile
out rabbit hunting in the bush. We
wish Mosey a speedy recovery.—Died,
on Tuesday last, Clara, beloved wife
of James Sutton, in the 5erd peer of
her age.—Born, on Wednesday last,
the wife of George Lewis, of Claude-
boye, of a daughter. George is all
smiles now,—There has been more
brick for building purposesleauled into
Biddulph this week than for the last
four years ; nearly every farm yarcl is
full of' brick,particularly so on the line
called the Roman line, Bidchalph.
Gium CHOPPING. —Chopping days Tuesdays
Wednesdays, and Fridays. 'West of 011111:Cli,
BRIBPS.—Miss Robertson, formerly
assistant teacher in our public school,
has been visiting with Mr.' and Mrs.
Delgaty.—A very large and deeply in-
terested congregation attended the
Methodist church a week ago Sunday
night. Several signified their intent-
ion of leading a ehristian life.—The
funeral of the late W. F. Russell,
father-in-law of the Rev. S. Salton,
took place last Saturday afternoon,
from the Methodist parsonage. The
services were conducted. by the Rev.
J. Learoyd, of St. Marys and Rev. J,
G. Yelland, of Orediton. Mr. Russell,
who lived in New York, came to visit
his daughter last October ; he purpos-
ed reterning the day he took to his
bed. His two sons came to wait on
him, and stayed. with .him to the last
He died in great, peace at the age of
73. A very large assembly of sym-
pathising friends followed him to his
last resting place in Fairfield cemetery.
—Miss Lamb, of Arkona,, has been
visiting with her cousins, the Misses
Mitehell, of Bicldulph.—The workmen
are busy at the new church shed.—The
• Whalen.
BRIEFS. —Mr. Thomas Harris, of
Usborne and Miss Mary Jane, eldest
daughter of Henry Squires,of Whalen,
were married oil Wednesday 26th, by
Rev, G. Jewitt,of the Elitnville circuit.
—John, the young son of A. MePher-
somteacher S. S. No. 7, *Osborne, is*
very 111 at present, there is some doubt
of les recovery.—Geo. Lingard has
been off work for a few days with a
sore toe. •,
WEDDING AieenvEasear—On Mon-
day -evening the 17th inst., a very pleas-
ant evening was spent at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs: Albert Gunning. That
evening being the tenth anniversary
of their wedding clay and they cele-
brated it in good style. The guests
invited were numerous, and about six
o'clock the sound of bells uniting with
that of tin pans, kettles; etc., announ-
ced the coming of the merry company.
But before they arriyed at the house
however a" cutter was seen to turn up
side down in the ditch. Immediately
the cries of Dr. Lang was heard as the
720 lb., J. E. Murray, pushed him un-
mercifull3r into the snow. But the
doctor was not seriously hart for be
was able to escort a young lady to tea.
After all had arrived a happy greeting
took place and the compliments of joy
was offered to the happy couple so re-
peatedly that Albert declared that he
was as young as he used. to be. After
tea, for a while, the entertainment
consisted of instrumental music, and
singing, interspersed with a gentle
shout from. Dr. Lang.. Suddenly a
commotion seemed to originate in the
rear end. of the house and. as it neared,
the clash of colliding tins could be dis-
tinctly heard, and without warning,
Albert was captured and crowned with
a large tin hat, while the table was
piled with.presents of all descriptions.
The remainder of the evening was
Spent in the pursuit of social games,
that of carpet bells et which J. • E.
Murray proved himself to be no slow
head, seemed the most interesting.
At a late hour the company prepared
for home, all fell ing that theyhad en- McCormick, of this place. The papers
joyed the whole eyening, and wishing were drawn up and signed on Tuesday BRIEFS —Messrs. —Trevethick and
years together. Walker, butchers, have dissolved
Mr. ancl Mrs. Gunning many happy at noon. We hope Mr. McCormick
will prove as good a host as Mr. Peine partnership, Mr. Walker carrying on
Publishers and Proprietors
DEATH,—The death of Agnes Turn- I
ball, dau.ghter of Andrevv Turnbull, ,
died on Wednesday after a few months
illness, of a decline, at; the age of
26 years, 4 mopths. Deceased was an
amiable young lady and. her death is
regretted by a large circle of friends.
The funeral will take place an Friday,
at one o'clocil p. in. for the Exeter
RtackwAy—On Friday morning Jae.
Deichert's horse being hitched to a
low sleigh, which struck its heels, be-
came MI manageable when opposite
Greb's hotel. It made a dash and
struck the pest in front of Merrier's
store breaking from the sleigh and
running up the street. In vain did
the people try to catch or atop it, and
not until the horse had rounded the
block and run through D. Steinbach's
yard a couple of times could it be cap-
tured. The horse had lost two shoes
and was a little bruised, but was able
to be driven next day. Tan escaped
without so much as a scratch.
• BaiEFs. — At the recent anneal
meeting of the Hay Fire Insurance
Co., the following officers were elect-
ed; Pres, Wat. Lemont; vice pres„
John Sherritt; Directors: D. Saruras,
Peter Douglas, John Torrance, W. B. Exeter Municipal Council
Battler, Justus Mellick, Setif' Broken -
shire, Wm. Yearly. Henry Bilber, The Council met pursuantto adjourn-
TShecelycoTnarpetaisr;irahnadvGe .allsoelttszmaamno,tiangteinnti. ment at the Towu Hall, on Jan. 21st,
8to13$1006.,— All. present. Minutes of Previou
putatien waited on the Council re Free
36T7,hewfiutInievaulouofnto,t33reinsked,Tet meeting read and confirmed. A e -s
was largely attended. About fifty Iiiih.rHargonnd anaftderDsro.mLeuet.7iltaNnviasetiomnosvbeYa
masons, in uniform, walked from
Zurich, to the graveyard on the Bron- by W. G. Bissett, seconded by W.
sou line.—Miss Young is the guest of Harding, that this council assume con -
Mrs. Louis Roedcling, at present Mrs trol of the Public library with a view
parents and friends here. She intends I ofEnviaaknist-gHibaxacififsege—iTilh7trYih—eafaoIliojewcil
Wiggin, of Ingersoll, is visiting her
to stay a couple of weeks.—Mr. ing gentlemen be, with the Reeve,
Benedict arrived home on Monday l members of the Library Board of Con -
morning from Cavalier, North Dakota. trol, viz : Dr. Lutz, N. D. Hurdon, and.
He has been absent for six years. Our H. Bishop. Carried.
sportsmen took advantage of the fine Mr. Bishop, Dr. Lutz and. W. H.
weather we had on Friday-, and pro- Parsons on behalf of the El. Light &
ceedecl to the woods intent on canter- I Power Co. asked the Council to strike
ing everything in it They returned out the clause in the agreement, re-
enapty-handed.-- Miss Mary Randall electric lightineee directing the Arc
is at present under the parental roof. lamps to be placed over the middle of
—Wm. Hoffman was ill last week for of the street.
a few days.—Melvin Torrance was Bissett—Evans—That the matter be
kicked on the leg. one day last week by lest over until next meeting. Carried.
one of his work horses. He is able to Bissett—Christie—That $10 begrant-
walk without help now.—Miss Tillie ed W. Westcott, to assist in paying
Faust and Miss Rebecca Merner, ac- funeral expenses of the late Thos.
companiedllenry Faust on his iourney Da.w. Carried.
home to Cairo, Mich. They intend Harding—Christie—That Dan Dyer's
staying it, month.—Owing to the stiff acc't $1.55 for printing be paid.
wind on Sunday afternoon, the sign Carried.
on D. S. Faust's store was blown Harding—Evans—That the agree -
down, and broke one of the front win- ment re fire engine be submitted to a
dews.— 0. Eilber is laid up with a se-, Solicitor for advice. Carried.
vere attack of quinsey.—A number of Tne Chief Engineer to meet -the -1*
the school children are afflicted. with Council at the next meeting. The
the measles.—The revivalists are win- Clerk to ask prices for lumber.
ning quite a few converts.—Mr. Mae Bissett—Harding--Adjournment en -
lolly, the grand organizer er the K. 0. next Friday at 7.30 p.
T. M. was here on Tuesday evening EACRETT, Clerk.
and initiated quite a few. --Mr. IL L..
Peine has disposed of his hotel to D. °ref:Mon.
• Having purchased from
Reid & Co., London, a
large quantity of China
We are able to sell at
about half original cost.
Remember all pieces
at at half price.
We have a fine assort-
ment. No damage goods
See our north window,
J. P. !Ross
.11 4
DEATTE OF Mas. Sennonean.—It is
our painful duty this week to record
the death of a kind and loving neigh-
bor, in the person of Mrs. Sohn Schro-
eder, which sad event took place at
the family residence, on the 8th con.,
of Ste.phen, on Friday =ening last
She had been a sufferer of that dread
disease consumption, for nearly two
years, and. although, a great sufferer
at times, she bore all with christian
fortitude and patient love, always
showing great confidence and hope of
gaining the better land. She often
expressed. a desire . to remain with
loved ones here, "but still I can hardly
wait until my change comes, I have
on the first of March.—Mr. G. W. property. The concert held here on
the business and taking over all the
was. Mr. McCormick takes possession
Davis, of Exeter, was in the village on Friday evening la,st, under the aus- -
storm ou Tuesday evening, very few tended and quite successful from a
pices of the I. O. F. was largely at-,
Tuesday evening. —On account of the
attended the concert, at BlakePresby- financial stand -point —Mrs. Morlock
tenon church.— H. Weber mad D.
Bennett, of this place took prominent
part et the Forester's concert in Crecl-
iton, last Frida,y evening.—A social
few met with Miss Melvina Koehler,
one evening last week, and presented
her with a handsome birthday pres-
ent.—Henry Hewitt, of Bright, re-
turned to his home on Tuesday after-
noon, after attending the funeral of
and family, of Exeter, visited. friends .
in the village on Wednesda,y.—The
reeent fall of snow will have the ef-
fect of reviviur, business. Wood and
brick will again commence to move. --
The political candidates axe moving
among their constituents, preparing
for the fray. •
WEDDING BEens.--The marriage *of
Miss Carrie Wuerth, danehter of
his brother-in-law, C. Benedict.—john. Frederick Wtterth, a,nd r. john
Durnart, was in Exeter, on TuesdaT
• ' son of Mr. Gotleib Morlock,
on business. - took place Wednesday, at the resi-
dence of the bride's parekts, Rev. T.
a longing to see my Redeemer . Mrs. 'd ffi The bride was
Schroeder was the second daughter of CATAERII IS A DISEASE, charmingly attired", while the groom
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Wind. About
11 years ago, She was united in marri-
age to Gideon Yager. They lived
peacefully together for a little over
two years, when he died of con -
emulation, leaving her to battle life,
with her little dee ghter, Alm ina. In the
year 1892 she was again married to
John K. Schroeder, of the County of
Bruce, where they lived happily two
years, when they mched to Stephen,
on the farm on which she died. She
Which requires a constitutional re- looked handsome in a stub of black.
medy. It cannot be cured by local The ceremony was witnessed by a
applications. Hood's Sarsa.parilla is huge circle of relatives, who together
wonderfully successful in curing ca- with a host of frieeds, join in wishing
tomb because it eradicates from. the the young couple a long life IA
blood the scrofulous taints which cause hap.piness, There are more. on the
it. Sufferers with catarrh find a cure tarns.
in. Hood's Sarseparilla,even after other
remedies utterly fail. • • That tired, languid feeling and dull
headache is very disagreeinne. Take
Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, al- two of Carter's Little Liver Pills be-
fore retiring, and you will find relief,
They never fail to do good,
was aged 31 years, 6 Mouths and 20 waysreliable, easy to take, eney to op-
daYs. She leaves to mourn their loss, (vete,
a loving husband, one . daughter, two
sons, her father and inothenthree bro-
thers end five sisters, who have the
hearCelt sympathy of tbe. sorrowing
neighbors. The funeral which took
place on Sunday was largely attended,
pork packing establishment of this
there being upwards of sixty, vehicles
alitee is doing a thriving bunliness.--
Ve heve to chronicle the death of an-
other aged resident, Mr. Pardon, who
recently came to live here from Arkona.
He passed away last Sunday and was
buried in Flicet et. on Wednesday. The
Rev. S, Salton conducted the services.
He was a greet sufferer for a long
time bein.g partially paralysed.—G ea.
Essery is improving slowly.--TheRev.
S. Salton preached Educational ser-
mons lest Sunday at Lucknow.—The
Centralia Upwoeth Leagtte win con-
duct the service in the Edee e owell, son of Metho-
rearriege to eor
stead, of Wroxeter, is a guest at the dist church next Friday evening, Sub-
Stephen Powell, 12th con. Methodist parsonage.—Rev, Dr. Mc- Jed "Fishing for Souls."—The Parsons
The Biddulph council appointed Mr. Vicar, of Montreal, conducted an- Produce Co. intend shipping dressed
T. H. Coursey auditor, and the reeve niversary sermons in Carmel church hogs to the Klondyke.—Mr. DeIgaty
appointed P. Breen; W. 3. Smith was an Sunday last The weather was and De. Myers, of Crediton, very ably
appointed assessor and G. W. Hodgins rough and the attendance ' filled the pulpit of the Methodist
collector. The Board of health arc as Smarr, of Detroit, encl. Miss Grant, of church last Sunday meriting and even-
follows:The reeve, the clerk, weifiwy., Sombre, ere visiting' their sister, Mrs. ing..—Tho attendance at the Sunday
ton Hodgiris, Dennis Heenan and a. (Rev,) gendersen,
Scmol a week, ego last Sunday WAS
Poster; Dr. it tang, Medical Health 105. What village the size of Oen-
()meet, . 0, roster somitary kispector, HOPES POLVILLED. trait& can beat this
The eeferies of th'e VariOviS municipal The fonewleg letter tons what people thieki
about Ini,xteeiver Pine
in the cortege. The remains were
interred ill the Crediton cemetery.
After which Rev. Schmidt preached
an impressive sermon from. Philipians
8rd ch. 20 and 21 v. It is true our
beerts are saddened but our loss is her
Friend after friend departs ;
Who hath not lost a friend?
There is no union here of hearts
That knows not hero an end'
Were the frail werld' our final rest;
living or dyeing, none wore blest,
Domed the ffight of —
Beyond the reign of (leak—
There fintOly is some blessed clime,
Whore lifo is not a breath;
Nor lifo's affections transient fire,
Whose sparks flY umWard and expire
We take this opportunity of thanking our many customers and
friends, for the liberal patronage recived during the past year, and
hope by fair dealing and low prices to receive a continuance of the
same during t 898,
Great liednetion Sale
For the next 30 Days.
Teem is a world above
A. long eternity of love We begin to take stock on Pebruary rst and in order to reduce
Where parting is unknoWM •
And faith beholds tee dying hove the same as much as possible will offer special 1"
Formed for the good. alone ;
Thitester by star cloolines,
P ci. ' Goods.. Our stock is complete. Call and oil IA
vatisiacd. to .0 101101.1.8 A h .e
Till all aromissed away, or
As morning high and liVer shines, vineed that we mean bnsiness.
To mire and perfect ay:
hon Dellintnr fienn Thee, Gondry of 'ger sink those empty night,
Goclei,ich at a, fine figure; this horse is officers are as follows: Clerk, $1.25, ser- nut hido thdinscivss, hos,veris own - Produce ta1 e 11 as cash for wilier'.
1)P ktt SIng --I gladly loitiftv to the vitiucS oii THE BEST EVER USED.
-very highly spoken of by the herse-1 vices tinder Ditches and 'Watercourses Lexa-Iever1.1 111s, I used to b o t eon 1 et vith 1,1 ns Dro 3tyit/
COIOInan has sold the Orriadian bred council 'tv'l it ti
s ng per day and them a bevel, failing remedy, mei merely ro. for coughs , ' cola, sore Orme awe weak
ettel ; nor novas evererapit ly fel lics have Pound NorwaY Pine ,ruP t110 very best medicine
wee os ties comity as 8tock horse, Act, $15 ; assessor, 5; collector, $on , scverchcaaachns Lula constipation for ts lonq 4 " ` 't
Ana is uadoubtedly it fine artittiel. W. teeastirer, $65; auditors,$12 Mine nee took those Vits brill tor a, cure, ale ' Drvat reomilinors1 woome
,OlytleSclale stalliQu,,eVot ,,14,..nakerfield for work in their 'respective divisions o0rn1om6 6°1'1 lungs, whin, over usee.
to Tilos 13erry, Hensall, at a good fig- $1.50 for time actually spent.
Signed, MISS 5,1,ANSON, Yours truly,
Moncton, N.B.
Livica Tuonorms, biliousness, sallow
complexion, yellow oyes, iaundiee. otc. , „„
yield to the eurative powers of Laxa- A (ALL bt).1_,ILA td),
morahoitu, oat. tive They are sure to cure.
„.. and Children.