HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-1-20, Page 6Of 1.141[
tie Items Meat Our Owe country,
adin the United States an6
All Parts of tee -Glebe. ComUntied and
eieeeeted, ter /any emewee
Me -4.S, Abbott, ex -City Clerk Of
eseitedoe, ie. dead et thee age of 85,
Speen has beisr added to the list of
countries entitled to the preferential
' eriff.
LieuteGevernor lateekinteah and a-
ly removed from Regina to
The plebiseite on total prohibit ion
will likely be submitted to the Domin-
ion enters next October
Sir Adolphe Chapleau e el likely be
appointed Canadian Coixtreeze:oner to
the Parts Exposition,
Chatham is building a House of ln-
tawdry, to cost $15,000, and to accom-
modate 80 reons.
Three carloade of dogs from Labra-
dor, for me, in the Klondike passes,
have arrived at Ottawa.
E. E. Sheppard, Canedian 'ranee
Commiesioner to South America, will
e in Vienne about Feb. 15.
The firm of J. H. Blumenthal & So
one of the largest clothing dealers
Montreal, has assigned.
C. P. R. earnings during 1897 wei
024,040,792, an increase of $3,305,19
over the eel -neap of 1890,
proemad, to the Kiserielylee, to leele,afte,e
Some anleirig propeee WhtOb bk$
father is interested,
Great Britain leie aiinoilneee that
elm wilt refuse to recognize any
oial rights granted in Chinese Poets.
and will insist on the enjoyment• at
the eairce„, privileges as greeted to any
other power.
Four mee, were killed by the UsollePse
at an ice house at ilanabey, Mich., on
oler ()Art unemeaf ibgle'erdeisst r o8jrei ileal‘gv.h eight millionliurnikle43-
William Carson, a milliouarie lam-
eernatin, died on Thursday at Eon
Claire, Wisconsin.
Tele Earl of Ave, the eldest son of the
etarquis of Dufferie, arrived in New
York on, Thursday.
Jolin Redmond is to lecture
through the United Stateon the "Ir-
ish Patriots of Ninety -Eight,"
The Rev. William McNichol, of Bridge-
port, Coen., attacks President leleleen-
IdeLifeorrs.having. wine at his _diplomatic
E. Triplett, president of the Alcorn
Agricultural and Medical College for
Coloured People, at Rodney, Mass., has
been murdered.
It is not believed, by New York Cus-
tom House experts that the new rules
Prohibiting the importetain of seal-
skins ran be, enforced.
Fire at Stockton, Cal., on Wednes-
ay destroyed two grain elevators con-
taining 10.000 tons of wheat belonging
as to the Farmers' Union & Milling Ca.
of An express on the Kansas City, Pitts-
burg & Glee Railroad, was held upend
robbed within the limits of Kansas
6 City on Monday. The robbers escaped.
A London ulespat oh to a Buffalo gape
says that the partition of China ha
been indefinitely postponed, and tha
England, as usual, gets the lion's shar
of advantages from recent events.
elf Plans for the buildings of the P
'-f [wed Panoemerican, Exposition, on
Cayuga Island. Niagara river, in 1899,
1 have been awardee to architects Grace
&. Hyde, of New York, who will receive
6. $7 00,000 for the work.
Another counterfeit silver certificate
of the denomination of. $100 was found
in a Philadelphia lank. So numerous
have these coutiterfeits become that the
United States Government has decided
to call in the issuce
Representative Johnson of North Da-
kota has introduced a bill in the Unit-
ed States Congress to repeal the law
which has justegene into effect rela-
tive to pelagic sealing awl the import -
ate ion of sealskins taken by pelagic seal-
a W. H. Durrant was hanged at
San Quentin, Cal., for the murder of
ellanehe Lamont and Minnie Williams
in Emmanuel Church, San Francisco,
in March or April, 1891. The legal bat-
tle to save his life was one of the most
Prolonged and etubbornly-contested in
the annals of the United States courts.
Auguste Bourdon. and Joseph Gnu -
dry of Montreel were killed in a rail-
way collision at St. Lambert.
Mr. Patrick O'Connor, carpenter,
teuelph, had his leg broken by fallin
from a. roof that he. was shingling.
Customs duties collected at Diontrea
during the year amounted to $d.992
36e, an increase of e372,959 over 189
Over 300,120,000 feet of lumber hay
be -en shipped during the past season
the largest in the history of the trade
A litelliolt Sent to o Second, Only to the
iUunlLt e iseetbtrigli story flout to a
teatetteo Paper,
The Timee-Hereld prints the follow-
l'eg 44'0(44 ateePetell, from Halifax:-
ReptiesentatIves toe aNova Scotia
lumber compeny recently visited La-
brador for the purpose of making er-
rangenieoes to erect sawmills at vari-
ous, points and engage extensively, in
the lumber business, It is said that
the proleet Will not be carried out on
so large a, scale as was at fleet eon-
telraplated, but it is likely that their
visit to the country- will be productive
of much more important resulte than
developing the wealth or Its forests.
The prospectors who visited Labra-
dor state that -they have good reason,
to believe it cantatas deposits of gold
of great richnees, and is 'destined to
become e ming country,
There are evident:es teat goad ex-
ists in. quantities that are equaled only
by the deposits of Klondike. In fed,
it was asserted that the deposits in
Labrador are in, tele same range ae
those on the lelonclIke.
Those in the secret are quietly ar-
ranging an expedition to the country.
They propose to spend, two or three
months prospeeting and, theft to ,take
up a, large member of claims in the
r most promising sections
8 which, .they say, will inevitable take
place sooner or later. Preliminary ar-
raneements for Leis, expedition which
is to start in the spring from this
city, have already been made. If
the hopes of the promoters are real-
ized, it is probable that a new -
Klondike will arise in the east which
may eclipse the one in the north-
-Labrador lies between' the fiftieth
and sixty-second. parallels north lati-
tude, and is but a few degrees south
of the Klondike. 'country, giving these
two sections of, North America a, oli-
mate practically the same. Its area
is about 420,000 _square miles. The At-
lantic Ocean bordere the country on
the east, Hudson Bay on the west, and
Hudson Strait. and Ungava Bay on the
north. The Gulf of St. Lawrence flows
betwe,ext Labrador and Newfoundland
on the south.
Summer lasts from the middle of
June to September, when ice begins
to form on the many rivers, lakes and
ponds. The --coast is, , feozen,-, twelve
miles inland during the summer by
the arctic current, but within this line
there is an aeundance of vegetation.
The mountains contain millions of toes
of iron. The greater part of the in-
terior, is tableland, ,2,000. feet high,
which declines towards Hudson Bay.
The country- contains a chain of rivers
and lakes making travel comparative-
ly easy. The waters are full of white-
fish, lake and brook trout, pike and
carp, Much fruit grows wild, cranber-
ries being abundant, while raspberries,
strawberries and blackberries are ale0
found in most parts of the country.
The Hudson Bay Company, which is
practically the only government known
to the native Indians, has eosts scat-
tered all through the peninsula. Fish-
ing is, ef course; the greatest indus-
.A convention of Baptiets of Quebec
Proviree and the eastern portion of
Ontario is being arranged. It will be
held in February.
The contracts for supplies for the
permanent military corps throughout
the Dominion have been awarded at
A valuable collectioa of coins, th
property of Canada, was stolen from
the National Art Gallery in Ottaw
on Tuesday night.
Mrs. Georgina Scott, a, colored. wo-
man of Hamilton, wet> was burned by
the expatiation of a, lamp a few weeks
awe, es dead.
Gen. Montgomery Moore. has for-
warded to the War Office in England
a ta,ra..e number of applicants for Fen-
ian raid medal.
Very few more sealers will go au
from Victoria this season., unless
cheaper labor or higher prices for
skins are obtained.
General Blanco will take the field
6 against the Cuban insurgents.
Dr. Zaccharen, the 'famous physician
of Czar Alexander IIL, is dead.
Spain is eirgenenting its treasury
bonds by two hundred million pesetas.
Emperor William has invoked the
Pane's aid en the passing of the naval
Ex -Ring Milan has been appointed
commander-in-ebief of the Servia,n
It is mit improbable that King Alex-
ander of Servia, may retire before long
in favour of his father.
It is feared that in the race for Khar-
toum the French and British expedi-
tions will come into serious collision.
The fustian speeches of Emperor Wil-
liam and Prince Henry. which elicited
so much criticism were impromptu ut-
The Spanish Government is consid-
ering the advisability of asking Unit-
ed States intervention in the Cuban
Major-General Yeattman-Biggs, who
commanded the second division in the
India frontier campaign, is dead. H
fell a victim to dysentery in ,epeeage
Dr. &batik, of Vienneeeeteweeith
claims to have diseevregae the secret
of exercising s•ikinfluence over ani-
mals so asflx tin sex or their/loft--
spring- •-• •
A despatch from Bermuda states that
the steamer Scotia has cue imenced the
work of laying the cable which is to
establish communication with Turk's
Island and Jamaica.
They are having a Presidential elec-
tion in the Transvaal Republic. Mr.
Kruger is opposed by Mr. eoubert, and
it is said the third candidate Dlr.
Schaakburger is running to split the
toipopa,osing vote and secure Kruger'sielec-
senister of Public Works has
eetea. ea time for receiving models
iar the wonnments of Queen Victoria.
and Alexander Mackenzie.
General elem.-gee Hayes, of the GT.
eas ordered the removal to Mont -
reel of the audit office of the nasQene
ger department, now at Detroit
No customs returnee have been re-
ceived for months from Vancouver,
amid. ills ,:aid to be the intention to
bold an. inieetigation into the state of
the office.
It is rumored that the Grand Trunk
belt works and foundry will be remov-
ed from Hamilton to London, on =-
octant of the former city increasing the
company's assessment.
An iceboat went through the ice on
Hamilton Bay, throwing seven people
Into the water. Miss Amelia Halt nar-
rowly escaped drownring,, doing down
two or three times before being res-
Chia justice Richaresoin, of the
Northwest Territories has been ap-
pointed administrator in the place of
Hon.. Charles H. Mackintosh until the
latter's successor as Lieutenant -Gover-
nor is appointed.
instructions have been sent to the
city postmasters that in cases one*:
tars for the United King-doth.Pee 'the
colonies mailed, witle only le,
in stamps the postmasteeeaee to ague a
two -cent stamp a33.d fa the letter go
Dugas ote Montreal, and Mr.
Frank Pedley of Ottawa haem been
appointed commissioners by the Do-
minion Government to investigate the
charges preferred against the contra °t-
ors building- the CTOW'S Nest Pass
Railway, for alleged( ill-treatment of
their employees.
In consequence of the retirement of
Mr. Honer Roy, City Attorney of
te/fontrecil, Mr. L. J. Ethier, hie as -
Blatant, has been' appointed to that
position at a salary of four thousand
five hundred dollars, and Mr. J. L.
Archanabault has been appointed,
joint City Attorney, at a salary
of three thousand five hundred dol-
The Eitel of 'Vail ton is dead at Lon-
don -
The Princess Beatricee new book has
been pablieheel net Darmstadt.
The foreign trade of Great Britain
tact year was the largest in its history.
Ills seek that England lute guaran-
teed a loan to China at over e#0e
, It is probable that Prinee, who as-
easeitieted William Terries, will be de -
"bared 'teatime
The British Board of Trade state -
Meet, for December shews decreases of
bath imeorts awl exports.
Major-General Ceataere will, be sent
from Aldershot to command the
Beitish trooeti in the Anglo-ligyptitart
Lade Ilenre Somerset flee again ten-
dered bier resignation of the presidency
of the Bettis]) Temperance
Assoolat toe.
explosion took place.(Pang-ow'
tiring a fire OJ,
worke, le which four firemen were kill-
ed ant severel people injured,
The Earl Of Ava, the oiliest eon. of
Ainrqtp ref Lieffertn, well chattily
IlejoCcift lit Shornetilfe Clamp When the
Order Was ReCeived
A despatch frora 'London says ee,The
Bieminghere Poet, the organ of Mr.
Joseph Chetheerlain, Secretary of State
for the Coloreles, Says :-"The treaty
which Mr. James Reeriell Rudd, pre,
cleat secretary of. the British agency
and CoesulateeGeneret in Germany, ne-
gotiated, with King elerielek of Abys-
sinia .ecettaine a Pewee binding King
Illeatelek not to allow any obataide to
emenate from Abyset n i tci ter rit ore
with the object of birekine the Egyp-
tian advance upon Khartoum. As
quid pro quo King. Men -nick secures
certain, reetitectit ten of the emitter
whon, the leheliea ,is euedued,"
A Cairo correepoirtent telegraphewe
'It is the belief here that the Brielah
operations are due to t,he presenaw
the Feentela, at Fiethcele 'weber thee , te
the dervish ativieneee : The :dtervide
.neivement banweetie be leek ' Of
transport; bat it ie belieece that 40,000
dervieiles are eovert tug Gm itirman op -
pasha Khartoum, and, 80,000 .More. are
at Metemineh abet Shindy, bete sen
elehte ane ninety miles north of
Outmanu it is readmitted that one -
are armee with, settee"
Tea greatest onthaelasin and meet ley
prevails at fahoreeliffe, front aehiela
camp the Thin:Inn-so-in have _been teet-
ered to permerie to Cairo: Large drafts
from ether British regiments are also
Preparing for foreign service,
Staritiati text,
Postilion or the Etatp—loydes Improved - The
Agee Wendt
A despatch from. London says :-A
crisis ii. the engineers' strike it eve.
den,tly imminent,. The position of the
employers hae improved enedeeeeereee.-
are weekeneeeeegeetrdisinlegration of
the eeeee'Zimated. Society 'of Engineers
eefeeSegan, despite the, denial of the
leaders. Eight more firms issued leek -
out notices on Saturday.. ,,The gravity
of the dispute is illustrated be. the
Lot shown in the Board of Trade re -
tares' that the export of steam engines
and other machinery declined $2.014,255
in December, and $3,000,825 for the
whole year. Happily this greatest in-
dust/Lai struggle of modern times is
making no disturbance of social order.
TheChairmen of the Quarter Sessions
at Newcastle this week noted the ex-
traordinary lightness of the police cal-
endar in this much -affected district.
Trade, unionism certainly provides ai
useful safety -valve, whatever ground,
there may be for criticism of some re-
cent developments of its methods here.
An Agreement Readied by Great Rritiaino
Japan. Milli itlISSI4k.
According to a special despatch from
Shanghai, it is said there that the
agreement between England, Japan,
and Bessie, with respect to Corea in-
volves a restoration of the status quo
-nee, and the reinstatement of her. Mc -
.s Brown as Chief Commissioner
or Customs, with a Russian Commis-
sioner at Gensan, the port of ,Brough -
ten. lay, on the east coast, and a ;fee-
anese Commissioner at lausan, in the
extreme smith -east,
Sir Robert Hart, director of the Chi -
Wee frererial Maritime Customs, IS
negoi fitting with the Chinese, Govern-
ment, for it loan, The Emperor took
the negotiatiotie away from the Tsung-
li-Yaarben, Board Of Pongee Affairs, in
disgust at the previous failures -
4 Dorriele Tragedy at, Peels - Oirl
I -Heidi ala Yonne Mau atilt] is Mil hot,
A despateh from, Paris, France, seys:
-A young girl, named Ducotieset way-
laid a clerk teemed Verdier Erieee,
threw v i te iol iii his face and , stabbed
him in the back. Verdiee shot her with
a, revelver as she was running away,
a nil he than ba -cit on r head awl
shot her three titaes, killing he. The
PAO Was than arrested end taken to
tee neerest hospital,wit cre he wes
ton MI to be terribly le ten ed. Verdier
stile the woman had folloeted him for
4 year, attempting to kilt him
lite Salentine eonetusion of' Mr, Or„iltvle
irerlerol Os 0 Itentavhable blowier.
A deseeteh from Viotoria, '13.0..
eteyet-leawsolit arrivals by the ToPelre-
aneetuice the finding of the gole-cou!
taming mother lode of the felondyfee
eouirtre, this great discovery, equal-
led only in importance by the original
dieteavery of gooil Bonanza end el-
cloreclo, eeviPag been made by pure ace
tilident. It is imponterit chiefly as it es-
tableseee the permene--
ney of the Rion
dyke mining fields, and of interest as
verifying. the scientific eonolusiens
reaelitee by William Ogilvie, the geo
logical expert and surveyor. Between
the fourth. and. seventh of December
this lode appears to have been slime-,
tentously uncovered, by three parties
and at three places. It commenced. al,
Deem Hill, midway between Indian
and lelke oneyrivers, and twenty-five
miles from the Yukon,, arid. being the
most south-easterly point at which the
ledge lets yet been ancoveree, Tak-
ing this latter paint as a starting base
the vein has been traced in its full
width of thirty-five feet in. a north-
evesterly direction, slanting towards
the Eldorado, which it messes at No.
31, and continuing down the left side
of that stream, veiging away from the
river, then i at eisec ling Nugget gulch
at Mahn 15, Adams meek at No. 8,
Skoatevin guloh. at No. 2, and peeing
through the Bonanza half smile below
that point and across the Lelonclyke
mountain.Owing to the feet that
there is little -or no dynamite in the
district, 'the 'examinations have been
very primitive as, yet, With a little
blade powder a, piece of rock „ was
broken at Skoottem gulch, etcher than
Comet rock, showing both leaf gold
end stringers, and yielding four or
five dollars when pounded on an an-
vil. .
thot in a Roat by the Falling of ills
A despatch from Victoria, B. C., says:
-Walter Anderson, a former resident
of Brooklyn, N. Y , filled a.. grave in
. • •
Circle City, his death, ' just reported
from Dawson, having been inexpressib-
ly sect. He was on his way to Fort
Yukon, where food is plentiful, and
was apparently,. that in the boat by
the failing at a rifle. Then the river
closed, and, his companions placed him
on it sled, cold ending his sufferings
while he was being drawn to the
party's destination; The others had,
just. sufficient strength to reach camp,
and tlae miners remaining secured the
hotly, which was buried, the' thawing
of the ground, being a, work of many
hones. Joaquin Miller read, the ser-
vices, and, to him has been deputed
the task of tolling the sae neves to
the Young -miner's mother, and of
restoring to her family photographs
and a pathetic diary found on the
dead. "
Two Hula rleing Gun Itatteries for the
Protection or the Harbour.
A deepateh from.' Halifax says:- An
'evening paper' says notification has
been received from the War Office to
the effect that the construction of two
quick -firing gun lotteries is to be com-
menced the coming spring for the 'bet-
ter defence of Halifax harbor. One bat-
tery will be loceted on Merges island,
and the other at a point half -way
between the two forts on MaNa,b's
Time steamer Portia is due from, St.
John's, Nile The vessel is bringing
in 190 dogs, rounded. up on, the
Newfoundland, coast, to be transport-
ed to the Pacific coast for the -Mole.
dike :route.
'The VIctines Skutt Emma -red and -De May
Ole front 11114 gajltieleg.
A despatch- from St. Catharines,
Ont.. sayte-During a fight in leferrit-
ton Richard Byron streck Robt. Wil-
lis, a.,evell-kiipern hotel -man over the
head with a crutch, inflicting a bad
wound, elver since Willis has teen
confined to his bed, and the doctors
consider the case very serious. By-
ron has been arrested, arid is held to
await the resialt of Willis' injuries,
as at present they are likely to prove
fatal, the base of the skull having been
The Nephew of King, ceopold of Belgium to
Matte :t tong Tour.
The Brussels correspondent of the
London Daily Chronicle says the neph-
ew of Prince Leopold, of Belgium,
Prinee Albert Leopold, the heir pre-
sumptive to the lie] glen throne, will
make a long tour of the United States
and Canada.
Prince Albert was born on April the
8th, 1875, and is the' surviving son of
the Count of Flanders, brOther of King
Leonold. The King has no son Jiving,
and his eaugetero are excluded from
succession by the Belgian Constitution,
Prince Albert's elder brother, Prince
Baldwin died in 1891.
Great Britain controls 21 out of ev-
ery 109 square miles at the earth's sur-
rvedwattara. grAscrortadr*Powtsavaampf atiatadeklMimicisr,.,
Whon you take Ileoe'S Pills. The big, old-laah,
toned, indite-cOated pills, which tear you all to
pleoes, are, tiot hi it with Hood's, Easy to take
Mid easy 10 eporatek it true
of ?iced's' Pills, whieh are
aafce certain and sitee. All I S
tip to (fete In every reaped,
nuggiets. me. 0, T. yteod& Co., Lowrie, Mass
l'iae only Pills to take with ilood'sSarso-parilla
▪ 7
Parneillte Amendment to tilio Aildretis-Ah'/
Orati .- A 'decaying Onion - Car -
Mani Naughatoi, Belay -Another Conon-
button to the Anglican Orders
A'R'dle's";:etr:hr°f1;0111,nik4 Lhollnfti4dttallinUes'ays
,11:,81191e; et.lovatalsttir at:113:0ollaftrs:i eat) it)IosBr eas•ii irtnab i.duringre-ex-
porte ameenteri. to £745,428,000, Tee
increase weie entirely in imports and,
re-exporte, the decline in exports
amounting to e5,795,000, The growth
of the importe is ()Inmost entirely due
to the huge purceases of produce in
the VeieedStates, amounting to eller
600,000, The greatest quantity of the
exports were 'textiles.
The Pernellites will hitroduce theit
customary amnesty animadm,ent to the
Queen's speech at the opening of Par -
F,rneet Hart, editor of The British
Medical -journal, is dead, Mr. Hart,
who was fee eaveral. years editor of
The Lancet, was born In Tune, 1830.
While Mr. Havelock Wilson, has been
touring in the United States as the re-
presentative of British labor his, own
particular labor organization has been
going to the dogs. Mr. Wilson 'is 'Pre-
sident of the Seamen and -Firemen's
Mitten, wince at one' thee bad a, mem-
bership of 100,000, but now has lees than
10,000 and its press organ,- The Sea-
men's Chronicle has just slopped entail-
catien owing to lack of support.
An amazing instance of the divergent
views of literary critics is afforded in
Saturday's Academy, which lately ex-
pressed the intention to crown the two
books of signal merit published last
year and reward the authors, It con-
sulted a number of critics, and the re-
plies of eleven are tabulated. The dif-
ference of opinion shows the difficulty
of finding out excellence. Only two
books receive mention twice, and all the
rest are wide es. the poles asunder.
Cardinal Vaughan, Archbishop of
Westminster, and. the Bishops of the
diocese publish a 12e -page rejoinder to
the letter publithed last March by the
Angelican orders. The rejoinder, which
relabes, maintains that to deny the
sigeed by sixteen Roman Catholic
Pope's competency to decide this ques-
is to strike at the very roots of the
sacramental system,
Sir Robert Henry Meade, permanent
Under Secretary of State for the Colon-
ies since 1891, is dead..
A de_spatch, from Copenhagen to The
London Daily Mail says: -A large ex-
pedition of Laplanders is about to start
for New York from Copenhagen, Chris-
tinia and Tsomsoe, *to gee to the Klon-
dike with reindeer.
Nror Disidays No Emotion and says ins
sont is too.
A despatch from. Kingston says: -At
noon. on Monday, John Troy, murder-
er or Mr. Dieleed, Napeneee arrived er
to epeend the remainder of his natural
life in the criminal asylum. While
being driven. from the railway station
to the pentiteneia,ry he enjoyed. the
comfort of a briar pipe, and, at:veer-
ed in a genial frame of mind. His
beard and hair have grown to a con-
siderable length-. He, was very quiet.
On Saturday Sheriff Hawley and Gaol-
er Vanauven repaired to the cell of
the doomed -man and engaged him • in
conversation, finally conaieg out with
41.0 ---12-1-importantr -*Tr°
what would you say if your seneence
wa-s commuted?"
"Oleeelte replied, "that would be no
118a. to alla, no relief at all; my soul is
lost.'! •
. When the document was read to him
he shOwed not the slightest sense of
relief at the contents. - He has Theen
very restless and anisetbled, for some
time, and in great trouble about his
soul. He talks incoherently about its..
utter loss and damnation. He says. he
is an infidel now; that at one time he
did believe in God; but now he dia. not
believe in Hina, -It is und.erstood that
Tray is not his real name.
BY. TuE sRossa.
His Ancestor roinintoot itio.oreni corshota
—,Alie riiipirc Ike rrettird rat swore
the Smote Pewee. - "
OA the Leland. of St, Helene, where
tee white Napoleon encieci his days a,
,311),va jz,xb'mtiino:axraptooliitollari Ewigilivbet'rarubnlaenikngN4411"
leon,, ifs living now, also a prisoner. It
. . . . '
le, a singular chapter of coincidences,
can coast anal wandered' into Zulii-
listit sailor was wreeheti on ' the Afri-
tainds of men with his 'genius, an Ehg-
weefeh seems eo unite the foetunee of
tee 'Iowa of Bonaparte end. the house
of cathaka., Early in the century,
rope with his aerates and dazzling the
lie was taken before the young chief,
Chaim, and to him. he told of the won-
derful c.utside world, of whore the chief
bad heard rumors, alleles all the world
was then filled, with the name of Napo-
leon, lee told of the rise of the Corsican
and how he had commered eations ahd
buele up for hinxielf a great empire, i
The story of Na,poleon captured. the
fancy of Choke, and. lie- resolved to, be.
an African Napoleon.
Then begantee eise"of the ereat Zulu
power in South Africa, and eleake
sPreeed, els conquests over greet ter
ritories and subjugated neighboring
tribeS and built for 'himself an empire,
It flourished. 'until it
Every ingrectleat La N.1.011-
wy's, Celery- N erve Ci
pound is a, blood flaker and
health giVer, you are weak
or run down,
Dear tlirt t It is with Pleasure I
eta re tee:mete otters to bike Ivan -
ley "0- Celery -nerve cenipound, se/
ma thoroughly satiefieeitis a afar-
ineparatioxi, sad as a tonic!
Mink it ba s as equal. Other mem-
bers ot lity family, besides myteit,
have 'It, and, ie eil cases ft
gave the most gratliyieg and geese
lag restate, Tongs truly,
Dry Geode Merchant, E. Perryinout,
260 realre Toranto,
agai,,Bnislet0EthEe IET4SgBiiilashel Tju,OstPlaEs PIECES
en -
pine of the men, whose name had. in-
spired its building did, before it. The
empire established, by Chaim stretched
along the whole southeast seaboard of
Africa, from. Limpopo to Cape Colony
and exteeded far inland.
When the English handed in Natal in
1824 the empire at the Atnazula was
thee -mast powerful in. Africa. Cetera,
made a treaty -with the English, al-
lowing them to live in Natal, and for
this he was killed by his brother, Dine
game in 1828. Then began the strug-
gle between the white men and, the
black man which was to encl, in the
destruction of thee empire founded by
Choke. Pea, -0 and, war alternated, and
,he the Zulus lost ground.
' , .'n 1883-84, the British felt
ho'-.dLo blot out the Zulu power. Then
it ,was that Cetewayo, the heir of
siimmoned forth his whole force
and hurlect "impis," regiments
on the British. At Isanduta the Zulus
broke the British squares and routed
the red -coats, but the end was the
capture the chief and, the breaking
Of the Zulu power.
,Cu this war the house of Bonaparte
again became mixed up with. the for-
tunes of the house of Chaka. The
Prince imperial, grand -nephew of the
man whose example haul inspired the
building of the empire of the Antezulu,
went out to ftght in the re,' • of the
English and. was L in by Gut r.
In 1884 Ceteivayo died and the qe-
as co.e.tinuerl by his son, innieulu.
nd now he has been sent to St. Helena
end his days on the spot where the
an whose example caused the build -
g up of the black king's empire died.
As becomes the head of a, great and
Terrible Life 711111 DC:11 ill struggle fa the St.
A despatch from Cornwall says :-
Joseph Leparle, with his wife and three
children, left here on Monday even-
ing to cross the river at Hogansburg,
N.Y. When about half -way between the
St. Lawrence park and Cornwall island
the ice suddenly gave way, and they
were all left in the water. Leparle
threw an eight -year. -old - boy on the
solid, ice, and after about ten' minutes'
life and death struggle managed to
get out himself. An friction who was
some distance ahead, came back and
pulled out Mrs. Leparle, She was near-
ly exhausted, and the two-year-old
child she was holding slipped from, her
nerveless grasp, and was lost. The third
child was left in another rig coming
behind. The horse and rig were lost.
A. Cler.k !Utah $10,000 trout ilte Onerlean
Express Compeer.
A despatch from New York, says: -
Clark eraden, jr., a night clerk, .em-
ployed at the beatiela office of the Am-
erican Express Company on Thurs-
day stole five $1,000 bonds of the Con-
eumersGas, Mileage. Braden else took
$5,000 in cash malting the total of the
robbery 41310,000, The branch office
where this took place is at 47th street
and MadisOn avenue, Braden had only
been night clerk thole for 3 nights,
There were $40,000 in bonds left at the
office on Wednesday night, whith urn -
en was to have turned over tie the
messengers for shipment on Thursday.
morning, When tthe messenger ar-
rived they tomtit Braden and [lit $5,000
worth of benal'9.4&$5,000 'in 050 mist -
warlike line, Dinisulu is accompanied,
in his exile by a numerous retinue. His
two uncles, several chiefs, a, physician
and a. clergyman, with their wives and
ohieleen, make up a household as num-
erous as was that of the great leimelment
when at St, Helene.
-Mae ---clesereleiti of the royal exiles is
Paul Eltitenkula, a "catechist" from
Cape flown, who was invited many
years ago by Gateway° to come to
Zululand andletteh the people. He
is called, by this Zulus "Doctor Paul."
He accompanied the exiles to St. Helena
of his own accord. Dr, Wilby, an Eng-
lishman, is the physician to the exiled
household. All the Zulu attendente
who wait on the exiles went to St.
Helena of their own accent
leinizeieu speaks and writes Engels"hi
fluently, and is a man of more than or-
dinary intelligenee. An effort is
now being made to procure the release
at"Didlikau. It is argued that his re-
turn to his own people would, convince
them -that the English intend, to deal
fairly with them. But the British
government would hardly dare to place
again in the heart of the valiant nation
a man of the ability and the bravery
of Dinizulu.
We are much worried -about our
Well- he is twelve years old andwe
haven't yet caught hire lathering
his face with his father's shaving
Mable -So you heve broken the en-
gegenbeet. Have you returned the
nob Of course, r thaw
ehanged ray opinion of George; but I
admire, the ring just as much as ever.
I-Ieneeck-After Pm. dead I want you
to marry again, .
Wife -Why, dear?
Than I'll feel aseured. there will be
at least one who will daily deplore my
Haeltley bee a, wondertfully well -
stored mine, hasn't he?
Fie ought to have -he never teems
anything out of it.
This prosperity fad is going to stand
me in good. eteatt,
How so?
"Well, ray tees won't lare to mit m3,
salary this year for fear peeple will
think, be eel:et, in it.
Prtee sot;ents per pox, or 6 for $3.5o. At
)suggist.t. „er /Vitilled on Receipt of- Price by
MILBURN Ss CO., Toronto.
Will *Construct bolas in Toronto, lliontre,.
anti Other Otter.
A large English `sylulicate, repre-
sented by Mr, R. D. McGibbon, of Mon-
treal, Proposes to erect hotels at Mon-
treal, Toronto, Efalifa,x, Ottawa, Nia-
gara Falls, and other points in Can-
ada. The capacity of the betels, which
will be under one management and
control, will be arranged with refer-
ence to the requirements of each place
end the class of patronage to be secur-
ed. Mr. McGibbon states that this is
the preliminary feature of the syndi-
cate's proposal., but that further ex-
tensions of it would probably be made,
including the establishment in Lon-
don, England, of a hotel which would
be a resort for visitors from the vari-
ous colonies of the Empire and the
United States. The hotels are all to
be fire -proof and, the peens have been
prepared by Mr. Bruce Price, of New
York, the architect of the Chateau
Disastrous Collision on the G. T. It. at
There was a disastrous side collision
on the G.T.R. at Mallorytown, on Sun-
day Morning, which caused several
thousands of dollars damage. It hap-
pened in rather a unique way, though
it bears a general resemblance to the
fatal &pendent at Lansdowne, one sta-
tion distant, some months ago, in that
the same conductor, George Clark was
in ellarge of the fast freight which •
collided, file had orders to pass Con-
ductor Patterson's train at Mallory --
town. The engineer mistook a signal
to go ahead erid eikeheidento-the other'
fteiglee -abbe! the middle as it wase ---e.„
moving over the crossing switch. The
engineer and fireman saved themselves
from injury by jumping. Ten cars
were ditched. Three of these were
knocked into kindling wool, and were
loaded with miscellaneous freight At
flat car loaded.with a $5,000 fire engine
consigned to Montreal was damaged to
the extent of $3,000: The locoraotivie
was also wrecked
The Emperor of Austria takes his
amusements publicly, much unlike
Qaue eb jeezn tserilci kt oer itao. see
ihibemlletav eosnigt that ehmis,
and. when he goes to a theater he takes
a prominent position in full view of
the house. and. the consequence is that •
the royal box is the center of attrac-
tion, the actors playing to it "fox' all
they ars worth."
The ht.
fa et
4;4 on,
Buthner, thee African traveler,
broke 'front the highest point on Mount
Kilirrutoidjaro, ' dna ,of the mightiest •
,mOuntalins in Africa, a piece of rock,
which he pree' entecll to the German em-
peror. The emperor now uses a
mountain summit as a paper weight on
his writing desk,
idfdd,s 'add e1ti1d4on.
Ai?"` -'74, ioL'6.4, • •
Ts her fiance wealthy?
Did she tell you so?
No, but she showed me his photo.
Talented Boly-X'4ipa,. may I get my
paints and paint a, ptc,turel.
Practical Pather-Not nOvtr, my slut,
but you May get Some disr end white.
wash the battier,