HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-1-20, Page 5' it Made and Merit Maintains the confidence lot the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla, If a medicine cured you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond sllquestion that Medicine merit. 'That is just the truth about Hood's Sar- saparilla. aparilla. We know it possesses merit because le curea,'not once or twice or a hundred times, but -n thousands > and thousands of cases. ; We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others tail to do any good whatever. We repeat • arsaparifla lathe best-in?fact the:One True Blood 1?ur(Iler. cure nausea, indigestion, flood's Pills biliousness. 25 cents. �• KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND ' DR. A. It. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. s., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Pan. son's Block, West side of Main st., Exeter. PR. AND ARSON, (0. D. 8. a .. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto L''ni-. •rersity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner, A ararmless anaesthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- tral ,Hotel Exeter, Ont ExeterElectric. Light AND POWER co.y (LIMITED) Notice of Hates The following rates will be charged by the above company for the early and late service they propose giving the town. IIoz4se leightiirig ??Iain. Hall $3.10 per annum per 16 c. p. • (or 4/5's cent per night ) i parlor $2.80 per annumer 16 re. 'p. (or 7/I0's cent per night.) Each subsequent parlor lamp $1.80, (or cent per night.) Dining room $2.75 per annum 16 c. p. Kitchen '- - $2.75 " ''7pstaire Hall $2.00 " " (or 3/5's cent per night.) Sparebedrooiu $1.50 per annum 16 c. p. (or A cent per night.) Ordinary bedroom $1.75 per annum 16c.p. Cellar - 00 cents per annum 8 c. p. Corr rsese r-cial Lighting. Ito 5 lights $4.50 per annum 16 c. p. (or 11/5 cent per night.) 5 to 10 lights $4.40 per annum 16 c. p, 10 to 15' " $4.25 " 15 to 20 •` $4.10 " " 20 to 25 " $4.00 °f 25 plus $3.00 f f General practise has proved it to be More satisfactory for consumer to own everything within his own, walls. The foregoing low rates have been figured en this basis, and in order to secure] them the following nominal initial charges aro made !for wiring with lamp com- plete Open or cleat, suitable for stores $1.35 per light. Concealed, suitable for residence $1.70 per light -1? i ralile leetacnthll instalments, for a period of 10 months, or -"'$1:60 tor concealed work and. 1.25 for cleat 'work; cash on starting of lights. For further particulars apply to • Fee C, C, TREMAINE, Marie ger. 44 if 44 44 •! (1)e Ivet L. Iq THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1808. Local. and District Dews. Remember the Farmers' Institute sheeting at. Brucefield on Friday, 21st. A. McFarlane, late of the Holmes- -virile cheese factory, has been secured as cheese -maker for theBrucefielci fac- tory. The Blyth Council propose this year to make all taxes payable to the order taf the treastarer, thus dispensing with the services of a collector. Owing to the heavy drafts made on The mounted police for service in the Yukon, the, remaining force find it aclifineuit to attend to the calls made on theirs, My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter's Iron Pills will xelieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a box? Mr. Jonathan 'Miller, of Goderieh, bas purchased the New Bedford Hotel. Irom the Messrs: Martin, Mr. Miller is a man of remarkable size weighing abut 400 pounds.. He should make a pnpul it host Mrs Cameron, , relict of the. late Donald. Ca meron, died on Tuesday 4th inst., at the age of 81 years. She was • a native of Invergorcion, Iltiosshire, Scotland, Ariel has been a resident of Hayfield for over: 40 years, the following municipal officers;have been. appointed by the Bayfield oiineil I.Et, W. Erwin, Clerk'; Ben., Biggins, assessor Frank Keegan and Frank Edwards,auditors ; Dr. Sleep - lard, medical health officer ; Jas. hidden,' sanitary inspector ; John Tippet, John Ferg.uson,Tbos.Carneron, reeve and Clerk, board of health. The Hon, N. Clarke 'Wallace, Coil - troller of Customs iii the late conser- vative government, paid. Seaafortll a *WI Oil Monday evening' last, incon- ection with his ()Metal position of Supreme Grand Master of -the Orange ,aesociaztion, relative to Orange matters ithsting there. We learn that the onorable gentleman eil"ected at most 70atisfaetol'y settlement of the existing Abohterition regarding to the iurisdfel;. "- W the lodges, M3WY NN.k,N' -.V ;r.3, �'e,.:p. 31R ( j" t� T lTr.PT(lavers's hill as to:, Municipal i �jr NI DN 1 Councils passed through the Municipal 1114!!11 IitlRdi 1'iipA' LL ll t Committee of the Legislature re 'I'bues H*i is ' Spee at Swansea Qom - mended by All Newspapers. Even Opposition Publications Deolaro That•the Clear Statement of the Gov ernutent's Eastern Policy Will Tend to Peace -Britain Will be Supported by Both the United States and ,Japan tor Free Ooiiinierce-Cable News. London, Jan. 10, -The country gener- ally is greatly pleased by the announce- ment made by the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, Sir Michael Hicks -Beach, at Swansea, last night, in which he echoed the previous declarations of the First Lord of the Treasury,. Mr. A. J. Balfour, at Malzohester, on the Indian policy of the Government, and added that the Minis- ters were determined, over, at the cost of War, that the door of Chinese conunerde should not be shut to Great Britain. This declaration is recognized as clearly defining the Government's position and. lloth the Liberal and Conservative news' papers commend the plain speaking. The Globo, yesterday' afternoon, said: "What we want in China is trade. 'We want to make a market for the commerce of the whole world. SirMichael Hicks -Beach's announcement of the determination of the Government is clear andresoluto, and will tend to peace. It was a pity that other Cabinet Ministers have not'spyyrrken thus on other occasions. When the leen' is definitely settled Russia, Franco and Germany will have to let: us know, not only whether they intend to, acquiesce in the principles we have laid down, but they will have to be definitely asked to give a plain answer on the specific points which have been discussed. In carrying out the policy promulgated the Govern- ment will have the support of tilt ` ;people of this country and also of two countries, who, above all others, aro eminently con- cerned. Both the United States and Japan recognize the Wisdom and the benefits 'which are likely to be derived from ports free and open." The St. James' Gazette also believes that the "firm statement tends to peace." The Pall Mall Gazette remarks: "The Government is determined that the Chin- ese door shall be kept open, • even at the cost of war. These are grave ~words, but they would be,more serious still if they did not represent a serious intention. It is the power that talks 'of ,war and then recoils from acting that gets embroiled." • The provincial newspapers also approve of the ,speech of Sir Michael Hicks -Beach. . 'The Westminster Gazette,, in its finan- cial article, says: "The stock exchange was not so cheerful. Cousols have fallen. Some unsteadiness was caused generally by Sir Michael Hicks -Beach's speech, which has aroused some uneasiness."Other papers say the speech was re- ceived on the stock 'exchange with general approval. CHiNA SETTLES WITH GERMANY• I:;iao-Clhou Day to be Leased With Sur- rounding Territory. Peking, Jan. 10. -The Yamen has cabled Chinese ambassadors throughout the world . to the following effect: A settlement of the difficulty with Germany has been effected. Kiao-Chou Bay is to be leased, a belt surrounding the bay, 100 li (about 80 miles), to be the boundary. All the German troops outside the pre- scribed limits are to ho withdrawn. Two of the culprits, charged with the murder of the missionaries, are to be punished with death, and the rest with imprison- ' went, Permission will ho granted for the building ofchurches in the cities of Tsi Ning, Tsao Chow Fu and CTiu Yoh, and dwelling houses for the missionaries in este- suvca lelaces in the districts of •Tsao Hien and Sinineneeneagile be erected, for which purpose a sum cf 225,000 tacit tiv u be allowed. This amount is to be taken also as a compensation for the killing of the mis- sionaries. ixsionaries. The sanction of the throne to the 'above mode of settlement has been. secured. BRITAIN. HAS DECLINED. Win Not,1teepeu the Sealing 0ueltion at the Bequest of the hilted States. London, Jan., 10. -Great Britain has again declined -to re -open the sealing question. It seems that her previous refusal gave as its reason that while negotiations were pending between the United States and Canada, Great. Britain could not re • open the matter. To this the United States replied that no negotiations were pending and renewed the request, but the. Foreign Office sends its regrets that the Government does not see its way to re- open the question. Tho United States Ambassador, Col, John Hay, and Mr. Speno3r Eddy, his private secretary, left London yesterday on their way to Egypt. Verdict for Lgdy Sykes. London, Jan, 18.-A verdict in favor of Lady Tatton Sykes was rendered to- day in the suit brought by Mr. Daniel , Jay, a money -lender, to recover a5l5,370, leaned to the defendant on promissory notes, signed apparently by her husband, Sir Tatton Sykes, but which the latter repudiated on - the ground that the Signa- tures Wore 'forged. The foreman avid the jury - found that the signatures on the promissory notes, letters of authority, and letter elated ,Tan. , 1807, wore not in the handwriting of Sir Tatton Sykes. The jury, therefore,. non -suited the money -lander, Mr. Daniel. Another 7irissienar"y Attacked. Berlin, Jan. '1.il -rA, telegram received ,,here from Canton says that' a German missionary named Homeyer, belonging to the Nainrjting Station, has been robbed. and wotuadod near ii place called Lang then. The despatch acids that the Chinese Governor, on the intervention of the Ger- Ivan Consul at Canton, telegraphed orders to take the measures' necessary to deal with the matter. itritisiters Are Safe. Bombay, ,Tan.: 19.-'lvtossrs. Blaine and Prtanty, who escaped the Massacre of the British survey party, which was attacked by natives at .Mokran on Jan. 12, have roadbed OrInara, en the Arabian Sea. Anouter Dervls1s Outpost Captured. Cairo, dan, is. -The. native troops front Ittossida outpost, fuge ull a captured *e t c# 11"assalaVnother Dorrtisld 141A.RglairRlis "VRTS 11,yeter, January 10th,1805, day. By this measure deputy reeves I Wheat per basbut 80 to &1 after this year no longer sit in Munici« oats. - .20 to 25 pal COUP 0/1S, l3sis 7; I64 ; to 'r 7 .15 to a r s 'd`uggrkrys .;1a to d It is Time !loose 4 to 4 Lear Isnot par th . to S To 'tuba over a new Lear 1Drf<4d Appins: 18 17 to Peru dressed 1.7o to. 5.00 Pork live weight 5.5e to 5.00 r t A1siote y seedowe'`...... 4a to, 1.to 00 Clnver send .00 co S. Timothy seed a London, January 19th, 1895. Wheat per kushe ,.. ..81 to 82 Oats. 22 to 25 Peas .45 to 50 Barley..., :. :.29 to 31 THE BLEST New Year's Resolution FOR ALL Weak and Nervous Men "I will make a determined effort to regain my manhood, to be restored to perfect' health and vigor. IT IS NOW OR NEVER f" HOW TO REGAIN VIGOR, Health and manhood is fully told in an interesting little book, which should be read by every thinking man. Plain facts plainly stated. No "Elect- ric Belt" nonsense, no "free prescript- ion" fake, no 0 O D. humbug, no quackery, BUT AN HONEST BOOR, lit HONEST DOCTOR. Mailed FREE in plain envelope, securely sealed, if this paper is mentioned. Address the author ; G. H. BOBERTZ, Nf. D. 252 Woodward Avenue,. Detroit Mich. Established 1874. The council of Hibbert township re- appointed all the old members: The Ron. M. F. Hackett, Q. C., Grand President of the Catholic Mut- ual Benevolent Association, has ap- pointed Dr. McGinnis, of Seaforth, Grand Deputy for the County of Huron. • Stanley council have appointed the following officers :-Clerk, J. T. Cairns ; assessor, John 'Tough ; trea- surer, joint Reid; auditors, Seorge Baird and John Beattie ; caretaker of Hall, Wilson Cook. Each member of the•council and clerk are to he furnish- ed. the Municipal World for one year. The salaries for township officers are the some as last year. Wonder.working Diamond Dyes Thousands of ladies in Canada know well thatDiamond Dyes combine im- mense variety, merit and greapt beauty These wonder_ working dyes -are pre- pared in forty-eight of the best stand- ard colors for wool, silk and feathers, with special dyes for coloring cotton and all mixed goods. Minute and full directions go with each package 'of the Diamond Dyes, so that the most inexperienced person can do as good work as the profession- al dyer. Remember that imitators are trying to copy the style and package of Dia- mond Dyes. When you bey dyes for home dyeing see that.your dealer gives you the "Diamond"; no other make of package dyes will do your wore with' profit and satisfaction. Send to Wells & Richardson Co., Montreal, P. Q., for valuable book of directions and sample card of colors post free to any address. - Cow for Sale Pedigreed Jersey cow for sale, 4 years old. Will calve m march. Apply at Truss office. Private funds to loan on improved farms at five and five and one half percent. Apply ter' 1stDeeomber, 1391. ELLIOT S GLADMAN Solicitors etc., Exeter. EETING OF HURON COUNTY tins COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meet in the Court Rooms, in the Town of Goderich ea the 25th inst., at 3 o'clock p. m. Dated January 10th, 1595. W. LANE, Co, Clerk. Farm for Sage The westerly CO acres of lot No. 20, N. B. con. Tp. of Stenhen. This fermis on the townlino between Hay,and Stephen, one mile from the prosperous village of Dashwocid, -where there aro ohm dies, schools and every necessary con- venience. Exeter 7 miles. This is an excellent farm, there being a good brick house, frame barn and outbuildings. Well fenced and watered. Terms easy. -For-particulars apply to Jan. 4 1898. Farm For Sale "ENT FARAI THE TOWNSHIP OP-USBORNE COUNTY OF iluRON. For sale by private contract lot fourteen (14) in the tenth (10) Concession of "Osborne, ono hundred acres. The land is first rate.quality about 90 acres cleared, Um remainder m bush. There are two wellS, one at the house, the other about the centre of the farm. The buildings which comprise a frame dwelling house, barn 66x36 and horse and cattle stables with the fences are in fair condition. For particulars apply to T. S. Clarke ou the premises art° Messrs. Elliot 8c. Madman Scdici. tors etc., Exeter. .16 ny- NOTICE The annuta meeting of the Usberno bort Mutual Fire I:tat-mance Co, will be held at the ?OMR) Hall,Farefahar,on Monday February 7117, 1898, at Ono o'Clock p, Business : reeehr- ed the Directers and Secretary's ennual reports and the financial statement, The election Of two directors and One auditor and other bust - miss in the interest of the Company. JOHN ESSERY, THOS. CAMERON, Pres Sec. Notice To Creditor's In the estate of Mary McNong.liton, late of the village of Exeter in the County of Huron, Dressmaker, de - Notice hereby given pureuant to the Ito - vied( Statutea of ontarle, Chapter 110. saation 6 and amending aots, that all porous basing claims against the deceased are hereby request- ed to filo the same with the undereigned en or before the 20th day of Februnra,eext,1808,artor which date the estate evil! be distributed. All persons indebted to the said deceased o,ro re. quired before the said date te pay the ametint 11.1t otOLLTNS, Solicitor for the Adininistartor, Date auary 18th, 1803, Buckwheat ., 60 to 06. Rye . 32 to 59 Corte ,.....36 to 35 Beans ....r. . 25 to 32, Butter :12. ttoo 14 Ducks.75 to $0 Turkeys per. th ... .. .,10 to 12 ()mese per tb .. ,..., . 9 to 10 Chickens...... 30 to 50 Cheese , . 8 to 8 Potatoes per bag. -50 to 00 Hay nor ton . . ..$ 5.50 to $ 5.50 . $4,00 to . S4.50 Pork per cwt,. Cast Away forever. PINE'S CELERY COM- POUND BANISI3ES RHEUMATISM AND SCIATICA. Mr. Beechinor was in a Terrible Condition. COULD NOT WALK ORBPUT HIS HAND TO HIS MOUTH.' Six Bottles of Nature's Medicine Effect a Complete Cure. A STRONG AND CONVINCING LETTER. WELLS AND RICHARDSON Co., DEAR SIIas :-For five years I suffer- ed from sciatica and rheumatism, at times being se bad that I could not walk or put my hand to my mouth If•I attempted to clo any work I would be crippled for weeks. I took medical 'treatment, Turkish and mineral baths, but all failed to meet my case. Some time ago I tried Paine's Celery Com- pound, and after using six bottles I feel like a new man, and can do a hard day's work and feel none the worse for it. I have also gained in weight, and can say I are permanently cured. Yours truly, J. BEECHINoR, Shiloh, Ont. liea aiisil Dyspepsia gazed. (A Man 57 t ST. PATRICK STREET, UTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 TO THE PHRENOLINE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN, --,OR the advise of a friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it. cured me of It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at tbe time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies -for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for me has your Phrenoline, and I have much plehsure in recommending t to oVerer sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. SEXUAL H EA LT H And how to secure It. Plain facts Plainly Stated. A very interesting little bookf or men only, which must be read to be appreciated. Through its honest advice thousands have been restored to: perfect man- hood. For a short time mailed free, in plain enve- lope, securely sealed. Address the Author : The residence of Mrs. W. G. Smith, of the townline of Delaware and West- minster, was the scene of a happy ga- thering, when her daughter Sarah, was married to Albert E. Moiiteith, Wednesday. af ternoon, by Rey, Mr, Blanchard, in the presence ot about 70 guests. There died in Seaforth, on Sunday; Jan. 2nd, a well known resident of that -place in the person of Mr. Martin Lambert, aged 58 years. Death was caused from a paralytic stroke, from which the deceased bad suffered for some time, consequently death came as a happy release. Mr. Lambert was for many years employed by the late Dr, Coleman and was a very indust- rious and faithful wOrknian. 'lily Life Despaired of." Burton, of Dartmore, Ont., after doe - tors had preScobed au d'she bad taken every known heart remedy. Dr, 'Ag- new's Cure 'for the Aeart' gave re- lief in. almost shorter time than it takes to tell it -it worked a wonderful cure in a case of long standing and to -day she says: ."I am a well woman," Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart has no case recorded against, it where it did not give relief: inside of Nay is always in the SW IPA If 'he wears oll.e JOHH.N'S neatly fitting SUITS° He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. . His goods are the belA, Call and examine his goods before buying your W. JOHNS, The Tailor PERFECTfON AT LAST WARRANTED EVERY TIME TIRUSSUS NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assorttneut of the best and most. approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. 3. W. BROWNING PROP FARMERS You will find at Bissett's Wareroorra the following line of Agricul tural Implements EIBRING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY' RARES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC Mr. W. S. MeDonald, of Brucefield, On account e poor health is leaving for Texas, Mrs. McDonald will reside in Carlo With her tomtits during his The celebrated Raymond sewing Machine Knoll Washer and wringers Gurney stoyes and furances. Waggons EIuggies The Chatham ,Waggen and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin BICYCLES ito yea interested We handle somebf the lead- .ing CANADIAN inakes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs Sewing Matztanties,- ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. -Selling out Disc Har- rows at cost. :PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. A Suit of Ulothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. Y u look for these in an old and reliable rdace, and A. a. SNIILL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Vol 80 Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are riow on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many oilier lines that are specially at Are most li, f. or SOW GC Specieti eye If your eyes are weak, or your sight poor, it s importan ti; have them care ray examined No Chs're Made for Testhg. FITCH (41iABIJATE OPTICAL urn, Judged by For several Reasons: First You feel yourself to be a better man. Secondly. You look a better man. ThirdlY. Your fellow -man respects you. Fourthly. It is Ready-to-wear and you -tan choose, try on, and suit yourself from stock, without, r the uncertainty of an. ordered garment. And lastly, you will find a little Guarantee Card in the pocket, which means " Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded." Does the combination of Reasons appeal ,to your I judgment ? You cannot afford to wear slop clothing. It is a weakness of hu- man nature to judge by appearances. Even a dog will bark at a tramp while a well dressed man will pass by unmolested. It pays to wear ShoreY9S Clothing. so A Combination Dairy Cow The common cow is generally e•ery hardy but even herrobtist constitution will be the better and stronger, and if dtring the winter '3,r6T, add some of her dairy value enhanced manyfold Purifier to her feed. It sharpens the appetite of an indi el? ul) the system, strengthens the generative organs, and good health for the Calving Season. 50 -cents a package. LEEMING, MILES 6, CO., DICK 6, CO., ea te:,hteorniens kee s. IL Crockett Caspar Vhitaey Work on Tuesday, ht splitting up, suitable for stove use, three eotds . oriel during rilo8 will present to its readers a faithful pictorial repre- sentation of the world% most interesting and important news, THE NEWS• THAT BECOMES HISTORY National end Inter- The Witaux.y will continue to participate national Polities Social and Economic Questions Induttrial Enterprise Art and Literature the story of the great gel discoveries, LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES TWO long serials will appear during the 2allgrzI,/,(1,27, r year, contributed by authors of inter- national Caen, and will be illustrated. Tittir2.,171/1,Z1071:gol.sr78 Owen Meter These and a score of equally prominent Howard Pyle writers will contribute short stories to the John Kendrick Bangs Weineev hi 7898, making the paper tspe. Mary E. 1,1(ilkihe tinily rich infictiou. Other comma ate the DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES THIS BUST WORLD FOREIGN NOTES LETTERS FROM LONDON AMATEUR -SPORT A SPORTING P1LejlIMAGE AROUND THE WORLD In Gm interest of the trunxty,Cqspar Whitney is en his way amend the world. Re %vill vitit Siam in starch orbig game, inaeing hie principal haat from 'Bangkok. He will visit bidet rind then proceed tO totopo toprerport articles oh the tports of Germany and Fronde, the great polunal events of our 'coun- try. It will treat of the social and ecO- nomic questions, sad of the development of the middle vest. Its spacial corm., spentient in tin Xlmalike re ton trill traC5 Cad Schutt V, Stockton