HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-1-20, Page 1FIFTH YE.A.TI, NO 22. HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE., EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 20th, 1898. ti:e1151 Sri FORD & CO„ WOODHAM Pool Soh.' 4410101Posmaa-, It at Pia( top No doubt the majority of "Thus" readers are already ,ware of the change that has taken place in dur business. sat. hi)' We heartily thank our host of friends and patrons for obeir staunch support during the past five years. . Our business relation with the purchasing public during ;flair term here have been of the most pleasant nature. And we ask for the new firm (A. J. FORD & CO.,) a continuance .of your liberal patronage, assuring you they are in a position .to sell goods at lower prices than the old firm and all easily -"head and shoulders" above their competitors (St. Marys and Exeter included.) You may ask the question why? and how .are they so far ahead of all competitors ? Hetisall 3.1). COOKB. (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Hensel], Ont, G. a Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey sneer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Legal dean milts carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in tercet. Office at the Post Mace. Housall. CUBO. -The annual meeting of Carmel church was held on Thursday evening. The basement was full to the doers, and the liveliest interest was taken in the proceedings. The reports of the:different Auxiliaries show that the congregation has its forces well or- ganized, and presented a record of faithful Wprk and encouraging pro- gress. The Manager's report, noted the face that the congregation had out- grown the seating capacity of the church, and suggested a plan, of en- largement, It was decided to secure the services of a conepeeent architect before any change is made, while it is manifested thatsoro e way of =teasing the accommodation is necessary. The Treasurerth's stateinent for the year lst-Becadse their will buy in large quantities and pay SPOT CASH every time. showed at the total receipts from ell sources were $2842.91, which, after -2nd-They have little or no expense connected with their business compared meeting all expellees, leaves a balance with town stores. of $77. The amount given to the .srd-They will buy their DRY GOODS, MANTLES, GAPES, LDRESS schemes of the church this year was GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS ETC, ETC., with FORD;er NEWCOMBE, $880. The report of the Bessie -instated, t of Petrolitt-a large part of this buying will be done direct from the tha29 had united with the church Canadian factories and foreign goods imported direct. during the year, and noted with pleas - '4th -They will handle ellItinds of team produce and pay you the highest at week -day and Sabbath servicesehad market prices, never been larger, more regular or de - .5 -They have engaged the services of first class milliner -.---oa, 1 Vont. The congregation this year celebretes the 50th anniversary of its organization. This should make it a year of special interest and special work. Blanes -The sleighing continues good here and large quantities of grain, wood, logs and pork are being , daily brought to market, and meet with ready demand and goodprices.- Mrs. Tait and Mrs. T. D. Dick, both of Clarksburg, who have been spending the past month with their parents and relatives in this neighborhood, left here on Wednesday morning for their homes. --Dr. Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson, of Kirkton, were in the yil- lege this week visiting Dr. Ferguson, of liensalle-Mr.Wilson, hardware mer- chant, of Seaforth, Was in the village on Tuesday. -Mrs. j. T. O'Brien, of Goderia, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. McPherson. -Mr. Daniel Kydd left here last week for Man- itoba, where be intends engagieg at couple of months this department will be full of the latest ideas and novelities in millinery. Watch for their spring announcement. They will then present you with, a list of 13argaius in Bright New Seasonable Goods that will surprise you. Again thanking you for all past favors, we remain grate- fully your's. 1. S. FORD CO., Woodham Farquhar. Stoneman Bros.., Kirktomare ruslenkont the Goods &lengthen' great Bedatition sale now going on for 80 days at prices"severbefore beard of. S3100TDTG MATCEL-A shooting raaech was held at Farquhar Thursday last. Following ie the score. TOTAL.' TOTAL. Oke, 7. Madge, 6. Bell. 7. T. Hdankin, 8. Williams, 4. Passmore, F. Hunkin, .9. A. IllcDermid, 3. Zurieln FATEIDB, AND SONS AualEST.M.- Henry Durnart and his two sons were arrested in Berlin on Wednesday morning, on the charge of stealing harness on a wholesale scale, and. for false pretences. The alleged crimes were committed in Huron county, the three constables who made the arrest being E. Bossenberry. P. Sipple and .T. Albert, all Huron county. officials. The family has been living in 13erlin some years been troribledwith asthma and of late lung trouble also. He pass- ed peacefully away- on Tuesday night and is to be buried by the Masons on Satuaday.-The Kiovva, Medicine Co. held their hist entertainment here on Saturday evening: when the promised presents were giyen, to the parties baying the most -votes. • Miss Clara. his trade as a blacksmith. -Miss Hilda Hey received the silver butter dish as Beek is in St Marys. -A large number being the most. popular young lady of our young people enjoyed. repleasant present. To the homeliest young man evening in Mr. McOloy's new block, Alf. Faust, Wes awared the wash-, (which has just been finishecletripping board. It may come in 'handy to take the light fantastic toe to the sounds to the lilondyke. • of stirring lemma -Mr. Alex. Munn b Mare strayed away from home over a week ago, and after searching in vain for her, he decided to advertise in The ExSTER Trams, but had sooner written out the adv. than she turned up at home, feeling, no doubt, it would be useless for her to bide away any longer if advertised for in a widely circulated paper like 'Tete Teems". -Miss Lamb, of Arkonin is the guest 6f Mrs. Win. Mitchell. -Mr. Mitchell, of near Centralia, was also in blur vil- lage this week visititig his brother Mr. father haying erth, Mutual. -Rev. Mr: Smith will be Wm. Mitchell. -Mr: and Mrs. Eldon for some mouths, the absent from Granton and Lucati Rennie, of Woodstock, who have been in the einPloY of the Brettliaapti Leather 0o, many years ago. The aointenents for the next two weeks.- been spendleg .• the past; few weeks with Mr. Rituale's perenth, in the township of Hay, and his brother of this village,, returned to Woodstoc:k on Tuesday. -Mr. James Crawford, who has very ably and efficiently con- ducted the service of praise, in Carmel A.GATOULT0B.AL Soottenn-The en- acres, on the 12th concession, south of Presbyterian church for a number of meal meeting of the Hay Branch Dasbwood, was sold under mortgage yeats, has tendered his resignation riculturai Society was held in the on Monday, .to Sohn Heist of °red- owing to other increased dutiee. and applications will now be received for Town Hall, Zurich, Jen. 12, at One iton; for $4650.-A number from here a saccessor. Mr. Crawford was a gen- o'elock p. us. R. Wauseon chairman, attended the concert in Exeter on D. S. Feast secretary. The annual Monday evening last. They were well eve,' favorite with the elibir, and will report was 'read and adopted which showed everything very favorable to the Society, and leaves them in good standing. The amount on hand is w retUrn to'Hensall•and open a tail- W. 0. Davis, merchant. -Miss Polly $122.59, with a. membership for 1595 ming business again.- Oile evening Moore is in Clinton this week visiting abotebl,80. The result of the. election of recently a relatives. -Mrs. C. A. McDonell, who officers is as follows :-President,. F. vane ene”nrYomPsieearemenet., atieller yew:. has been spending several weeks with Siegner; 1st vice, W. 3'. Caldwell; 2nd Win. Holt, being a social party given her, parents in Forest, returned home vice, Ernest Gies ; Directors, Wrn. lady: E. Wine on her departure to this week. -Miss . Murray, of Willow Consit Hilts Green ; Chris. OwaId, H. Pigeon, Mich.,- by the lady araccabees Grove, near London, is visiting her Lippert, John Decher, Ezra Kareher, of 'Friendship Hive, No. Mr. Win. aunt lefrs. Gavin Ross, of Gowameide W. B. Battler, Zurich ; H. Schnell, Witzel has purchased the fifty acre farm -Miss Millar and Miss Ramsay, Blake; Fred Willett, Louis Walper, farm formerly owned by win Angus of Exeter, are the guests this week of Dashwood. ; Auditors, J. A. Williams, Malorinick.-Mr. lake 'Wildfong is Mrs. Robe Patterson, Se -Another 'Sol. Hardy, Zurich ; D. S. Faust, Sec.- carnival will soon be held in our skat- 'Treas. Fred Hess was nominated to be re-elected as President. but on good eg, roulade he resigned, and it vote of :thanks Was extended to Mr. Rees for his faithful services the past 'three Tears. All regretted to lose Bueenne -Dr. Browning and son, of and Miss Jessie Alenander.-Mr, Mn. selections of Miss Jessie Alexander. - Exeter, called on Dr. Buchanan on lortey, of Cemlachie, organizer for err, Millar, our enterprising Wednesday last. -- Dv. Campbell and the knights of the Maceabees visited carriage maker, has been suffering r..1VIcteloy attended the "At Horne" Deshwood tent last week and sun'', from a severe attack of quinsy and has iven by J. A. Stewart, of Exeter, on ceecled in securing quite. a number of been confined to the house. . We hope. aesday evening of last week. Come new members. -.g. Fenn has moyecl however to soon see him quite well back to earth, bored° P -Mr. and Mrs. into his new house on ' mein street.- again: A large load of our Oddfellows Ed, Bossenberry celebrated their • On Monday night the knights . of the even - silver wedding e week ago. A very Maccabees elected the following °fee drove up to Bruce field on Friday . mg lase to attend the District; meeting pleasant time was speat by those pre- &it's for the ensuing six months :- held there, and speak in glowing area. 'Besides the amusements the Colurnandein Thos. Snell t past come teeme of the very kindly manner in Jubilee Band fevered, the couple with mender, A. McLaren ; Lieut coins mender, ' E. Hoffman ; record keeper, E. 31. Broltenshire ; chaplain, 13rintnell ; master at arms, .1 Os, 1.1111boid ,• sergeant, M, Grab:nit ; first M, of G., 1), Tietuan ; 2nd 111. of G., E. Derider ; sentinel, Je Hartleib ; picket, D. Grigg. Granton. 1.3arges---The dwellingthause belong- ing to Robert Robinson, GeT. R. see - tion foreman here, caught fire about 8 o'clock Monday morning, and with a great deal of thecoetents was destroy- ed.. It is not exactly known how the fire originated. Mr. Robinson estim- ates his loss at about $1,500, which is arbially covered by insurance in the constables reached Berlin the previous evening and coefeerea . with High Consteble Klippert with *hese ems twee the trio were safely taken hate anatody.. They were 'taken West on, the 11 O'clock train the cause' day. Daleireple and family, folk were playing games and singin who aro at present visiting Mrs. D's upstairs, Holtzman entertame parents in the township of Hay, in- a large crowd down stairs with h tend leaving in a few weeks for the talking machine. It was in the Northwest, where Mr. Dalrimple has smell hours of the manatee: that the spent the pest summer. They go gathering separated all saying, t"Ifves principally the interests of Mr. D's so glad I vas here do -night" Bre an - health, the climate there being .more other issue of Inn Tams john will congenial to hide -Geo. Baldwin, of have shown the people of this vicinity tended the skating carnival at Incen Seaforth, visited friends in town Sun- (what he denkst), &ley.. A flambee of young people at - Central*, on Monday, -Mind. McPherson and sister, Miss Ella, who have been visit- ing friends in Goderich and Londes- bore' for the past few weeks, return- ed home on Monday. -A very sudden Bilnaville, death occurred here on Friday even - leeriest Mrs. Thompson, wife' of B. Bnenes.-Williant Halls, of Bot- TolriomMaplgsonle,rwIlotsehino , . tcbee alects sudden- Peer- tineau, N. Dakota, who has been visit- ing his old, home and friends in Elan ly expired. Save a slight affection of vine and vicinity has left for Montrei the heart, she bad enjoyedgood health in the west from where he will return to his horn Tankers fn is The Tuckersinith Agricultural So - meter has elected the following officers: -Pres., Robb. Wilson; vice pees., Wm Brenedfoot; Sec, Teem., Thos Hayes; Directors--Seaforth Wm. Winter, G. Chesney; Tuckersmith,-J. McKay, dacksore G. Stewert;-Heliett, Wm. Rinn, Robt. Smithi-McKillop, Jahn Grieve, Wm, McIntosh, James Smith. Gnaw Cnomatza.-Chopping days Tuesdays Wednesdays, and Fridays. West of Church, across railway. A. BDWSLAVGII. Blyth Beernees-e-The residents of this section of Huron County, and especially the farming community, are aroused to a; high pitch of interest over the death of .las. Brown, a young farmer of Rul- e, lett township,which took piece on July h. 31st, 1897. lane event did not at the O time excite more than a local interest . because, although the man's death was of itself a. tragedy, it was not at the time thought that the cause was due to anything but suicide, Recent inci- e dents, however, in connection with the s affair have caused • a widespread. feel - e ing of unrest among the neighbors, e and have led to the opening of an in vestigation by the Attorney -General's , Department, with a view to ascertain - f position now is that the deceased, l . bag what foundation, if any, exists for - the rumors which have by this time e become se very. common. The sup- I' was the victim of foul plate through d the intitna,cy of his wife and a man Exeter Municipal theuncel _ s named Reggie who has made off for e the United. States. The Council -met pursuantto adjourn- ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, Jan. t . 17th. All present. The minutes of . s A woman who is weak, nervous and the previous meeting teed and con - Monday evening, Dr. Can was appoin- Christie - Heeding - That Albert fimed. it , . .sleepless, and who has cold. hands and s feet, cannot feel and act like a well • Christie -Harding -That T. Crews e person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize be refunded $1 dog tax; Carried. e the circulation, remove nervousness, Application of W. Westcott re ax- e and give strength and rest.. penses of burying Thos. Da.w, RD. in-. digent, was laid ovee until next meet- - At, the Parkhill council meeting on in • e ted high school trustee; Mr. John Fake be assessor. Grieve assessor; Win. Stanley, collec- Evans -Bissett -That Geo.H.Bissett *tore and N. Phippen, member of the be assessor. The Reeve decided. in board of laeelth. favor of A, Puke. On Thursday of last week at the resi- A By-law to confirm appointment deuce of the bride's parents, Mr. and of Assessor was duly read. and passed Mrs. Hugh Lone, Harpley, the mar- on motion of W.Harcting,seconded by ridge of their third eldest (laugh- • E. Christie. ' ter, Mary, to Mr. Thos. Turnbull, of Evans- Christie -That Jas. Creech . mBrre.w ostaerrr,lewraes.perforineci by the Rey, be appointed to the same duties as , • last year, at the same salary. Carried. ' Eleven dehorned reindeer arrived at Bissett -Christie -That H. Parsons Montreal from Ncirway,Monday, .and go on with his duties until further orders. Carried.... were sent out to Sault au Recollet. Christie-Bissett--Thet Capt. Kenen . They are the property of Mr. Scroggis, and are ultimately intended for the be appointed bell-ringer,weigh master, Kiondyke. . ectarc,raietdthe same salary as last year. As Lieut. -Governor Cluipleauts , . sleigh was approaching the maln en- Harding -Evans -Orders as followiet e trance to the Parliament buildings at S. Ilandford, $6 labor .at snow etlie Quebec,Satueday afternoon, the vehicle Returning officer $21.50, election ex-- upset,,throwing Sir Adolphe out, but perisee, and Jas. Creech $1 dog tax ref'd T. Crews. Carried. • . not injuring Imre A prominent Liberal is authority for 'nextTheatClo.131n0ep.il ul.journed untie Friday the statement that there is no truth in M. El AcitierT, Clerk. the reported resignation of Mr. W. C. Moscrip, the Grit candidate for the South Riding of Perth. ' Mr.Moscrip, STILENGTEI HAS RE'ruaNBD. "My whole, system was run down. while not acceptable to a great number Lyeas so weak I corm ,,,.,,-:;,„-cciy get .ese man they could bring out, of Liberals is believed to be the,strong- i to take Hood's Sarsapariletneend after ....e around to do my work. I.nnally began A happy wedding. took place at the using five bottles I founct 'that my ' strength had returned and my. appet- ite was better. I now feel. as strong as ever." Mrs. Kelley, 9. Wellington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. . ----- - • and the announcement of her death was a shock to- the eommenity. De- ceased's maiden name was Mowbray, foreign]. of Whitechurch, bile she and Chiselhurst her bus and- have been residents of Barers.-Sonietbing should be don . . Hansen for a number of years. Mrs. to revive our Enerorth League, as it i Thompson was highly respected which at the funeral -on Monday, was attested by the large attendance the remains the past couple of weeks. --We regre been entoying beautiful weather her at a very low ebb jus b now. -We hav being interred hi the Rodgerville ceme- tery,. There are left to mourn the death of a loving wife and affectionate mother, a husband and four children - sou and three daughters -Willie, Misses Eva and Maggie, and Mrs. Fisher, all in the village. , , • Woodbine:1. - • Buyvour Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes. Rubbers - Overshoes, Groceries, and Patent Medicines, etc.., eta, at Stoneman Br os„ Kirkton, during ' their Great Slaughter Sate. QUIETLY Wenennn-A . quiet wed- ding was celebrated at Walkerton, yesterday at 12 o'clock- when Maggie McConnell, daughter of the late David. McConnell, was married to Richard S. Ford, at the residence Of the bride's mother. Only a few of the most intim- ate friends and relatives of the con- tracting parties were present. The bride was handsomely attired in a dress of novelette silk, trimmed with white brocaded silk. She was given away by her uncle, Aid. T. Stewart of Hamilton. -Miss May Stewart act- ed:as bridesmaid and. wore a ,gown of pink brocaded Silk. The little Misses Pearle McConnell and Vete, Armitage, sister and cousin of the bride,. acted as maids of honor. The groom was sup- ported by his brother A. JeForcl. The ceremony was performed- by Rev. D. A. Moir. After the -young couple bad been duly congratulated, the party partook of luncheon and. the young couple left for Tot onto, Buffalo, and other points. Aftere the honeymoon trip they will take up their residence in PeteOlitewherre Kr. Ford. is member of the firm of Ford. &Newcombe, dry - goods Merchants of that place. R. S. Ford was formerly of the firm of Ford & Co., Woodhana Lucale. . . , BRIBES. -A grand vvedding was solemnized in this place on Wednes- day of this week, the contracting parties being the Rev. Mr. Smith, of, Grenton circuit, and: Miss Hossick, .daughter of DreHossiek, ofthis place. -John Park, who has conducted business here as a harness maker, for al. Grant is remodeling his Granton property. a number of years, has retired, owing event took place on the evening of to e decline in health. -Mr. Stewart, P January the 14th, when the L. O. T. of Granton, has bought of Mr. M.. Friendshi Hive, No. 6, 'took Mr. and Mrs. B. ossen berry, of Zurich, by surprise, it being the evening of thole silver wedding. All were heart- ily welcomed by Mr. arid Mrs. E. Hos- senberry, when lady E. Holt, by te- eniest of the Hive, of the L. O. T. M., Shaanviinesg.-a-MerieartigiillsatTe oTeglaellii.1 presented lady Bossenberry with a, .eovely saver buttee dish, and a compile stock aqd intends moving into a new Boss - not only -be. missed by them, bath by business part of the, town. met G piaentary address to which lady Boss- enberry heartily responded. Also Mr. the congregation also. -Muss Davis, Of is a hustlen-The carnival held in the Wm. Holt, by request of the gentle - Palmerston, is visiting her brother, rinkhere on Monday night was a slice men present presented to Mr. Bossen- cess.-The O. O. F. purpose baying their. annual Banquet on the 27th of good time is anticipated. tor which Mr. Boseenberry extended berry e lovely cushioned rocking chair, this month; a address was the most sincere thanks. All were -A presentation end mere heartily- greeted with excellent . music tendered the Rev. Mr, Smith On fOrnished by the Zurich brass band, ,all day evening last, the present being a sat, down to an excellent supper .fin cap, cap, a pair of driving ,,g1 oyes mad vided by the best and bostess,the table a purse of money. It is a. lucky clay under the heavy load fee scene contemplating. matrimony,- ofafigrloYocig'r°61a.lningsg. After partaking of 1VIrs. M. Collins, 1V110 1MS confined to pleripy of Wine and candies, lots of her room for a week, we are plhased•to music, singing and readings, the band putting the material On the ground for state is able to be around agitate -The giye three cheers for tele, • and Mrs. a new house which will be built next lug rink. -Miss Logan of • near Hill's measles axe quite preyaIent. Bossenberry and all retired to their semen. Hoffman Bros, have the con- Greets was this week the guest of Mrs. homes wishing Mr. and Mee Bossen- tem:tee-Mi. F. Kibler, of. Zurich, was Sli offer. -tea i te a number. of our yin berry the greatest. of happiness, and in the village on Monday. -Quite a lagers attended the. concert held in Green:ton. number from here went to Exeter Exeter on Monday evening. last, and -.... their golden. wetdding. Mr. and Mrs. . primes, ..... messes,. . nettemag awl .all hoping to meet agidn to celebrate Monday night to. hear Harold Serves were delighted with the singing of Mr. Eilber have leased a piece of bush land Bosseeberzy heartily thenked all for Harold Jarvis and fine . literary from the Canada Co . leering the pitst their . welcome visit and sincerely few days Harry and George. have been very . bright, hoped that the lady bees would at going around with a sparkle in their eyes.' Haul says the smd filthy° time 410/1111 swam and light at I heir door, where they would old cross -cat is the very generator of be weleo _lied, Signed. health. -A number of our young men rJADY Fi., Hoer, L. o. thought they would taste and try, - On Tuesday ritornieg some of ()rode ton's drowsy inhabitants werettwaken- HAVE YOU A SKIN TROUBLE. ed from their pleasant dreams by a. Have You Tried Niety-Nine Remedies merry shoat, mingled , ' with and Still Suffer? --Dr. Agnew's the jingle of the Sleigh bells, and upon Ointment is the One in a which they- were entertained by the looking out one mild see nervy with , four of thete best trelectiolas.-James Brimefield 1,re thren.-L. H. Dickson, a gang of most, robust, fellows drive Hundred That Never Fails Laidlaw, who, for the past few years barrister, of Exeter, was in the village ,ing off to make havoc upon the and. Only 35 cents. 'iris been working in F. Kibler's shoe on. Monday. -Skating continues the toethern woods We were not au eye .shop, bas rani:Med to his home in Elm- For , scald head itnd emelt) A in the wood, We are sorry to See him go ordev of the they here, end the rink is witness to the mighty work during baby, tetter, salt thetue, ringworm, bee trust it Will not be long befote he being Well pittroniatnt-alktr, and Mrs, the clay, but f ridging feom the way the leeches, barber's itele elvers and ;is hi one midst again,--Mr.,a,nd Miss John Mew hi iv and Ma. and Mrs G. ,witicl did blow when they reached other skin eruptions in older people, 'Wiley, of Verna, left for Michigan cm Mowbray, all of: Whitechm"ch, were hotne in the eeening, • there . was Dv. Agneees Chat nent is the peerless 'Tuesday.-- A number from here ties , hi the village on Monday attending yery little left to be done in the and never failing' cure. One applice- The anniversery services of the. the fimeral of the late Mrs. B. Thom- future. The questions Arise about the ton relieves the skin of distress ni a ‘'tencled the- concert at Exeter on Mon - Parkhill itlethodist Obarch will be held son, the deceased lady beteg tesister'oe wind ; Who. blew ? How, did they trice. A few day's treatinene effects a serious awl! occurred on lest Wed - day evening.- Whet might have ,been on Sunday 23rd, , Meseta J'. end II Atotvberieeh-LItev, blow ? 'What waa blown P - Atester a perrneoent cure. Ceres piles in 'from Wodete cannot exist, either in chil- rmelim:1 illeIrle"' of the .171'es'Iter" Will Hirtzel, 'Wh() has been working .nesday. While Bohe tumour Was three to live nights. • ren or adults when Dr. Low's Worm inn College, Montreal, will preach. an- in Detroit for the. pest two Years, Is re- _ curving around the inn the team Syrup is tiSed, Price 25 Cents. All niversary sermons in Carmel church flowing acquaintances in and arOnnd Horns kitmT,ILLED. 'became unmanageable and overturned :the sleigh, thrOwing Bob opt. Ile es- dealera next Stiodey.-Itev, Mr. Mortae, , of towie - Mr, Scbroeder, of Cheeley, The tenewing letter tolls what poOnie tlifink TareittO Junction delivered the third r Out., is visiting his brother, on the 8th about Tavatablver Pills. . ,caped with bet a few screeches and Mr. IettiP, Or the Clinton flouring of a, series of leeeures in Carmen cone this week. - Don't, forget the , Dagaiims,-t glyasr testify to the virtues of was seemingly belle the worse. The , mills, made the largest shipment of , entaLivev lelle. II186(1 tti b(3 tr011blat With Dintrah on Monday evening last, on a Forester s 'concert on Friday ' of this / teem beolte frein the Sleigh brit Were, flour that over lefe Clinton stiOion at tioverobooacciiesood co di Mien for it Ion "Trinity of Good, Thingse The . at weelteltevivallineetinge aeon -provost; umeand teak these en (9 me ng fora cure, au caught. at .Merner's stoma -Mr. and, One time. It consisted Of 24600 sacks, tendance was ,large, and the keture in the G. IL church at presente-Oe 17),V 110))0$ were rapidly Welted. i have tonna Mis,'Orob visited at. Orediton Stinator. illling,faurteen box cal% . one, of . the hest over given in the Friday evening brat e large ember of them a neVor !ailing vemod3r, .and heartily to- Ednitind Zellae licee started a hardware , v% ..Aftletati rtoberts(m, met with quite a ell inch -T We Ottivein wile in Len- the more intitnate friends of Mr. :etoro 111. the shop above his store. A. riainful 04.'cident while engaged in C.In'. don on Monday on linsinese.s-Mies Reath, who .moved into., our midst a Kline has been helping'.'hith to get ling one afternoon last week. He had :Realm has retained to the village sbort tour awe other& in the base- :settled.--eit, is with deep regret thee WO just delivered a stone When be Slipped after her recent illuesseeMiss Belle, merit of the e erch,:th n procoodieg .thronlnle the 404,th of 0/,in of Znlieb's on the lee, and hi felling lied' tbe. irile-1 Mils has been Chosen organist in the ,t0 his residela a, took them greetly very reSPectetf;.„citNeris in the person fortune- to pitt his thotildee Mit of { Mothediet church, abet . salary of 415, by surprise. The w . . .of Chauncey Benedict, lie has for joint, the molt e ' ' - to bear of the illness of Win. Leath of the 10th con., Hibbere-Rev. Ur Waddell intends holding special re vival services in a few weeks time, will be assisted. by Mr. Brownlow, the Toronto Evangelistic trainin school. -Messrs, Geo. MeTaggart an Win. Pybus were 'elected es delegate to the R. T. of T's convention to b held at St. Thomas this week. -Mr Geo. McTitggart has disposed of las year's make ;of cheese. The patron are well pleased with the returns -John Brintneil, of Ribbed, ba built a new barn on his farm, th dimensions of which are 36 x 56 wit stone foundation 9 feet high, Th building has all the latest improve ments end is one of the finest to b found in the country. JOHN weerrel e; SONS Pablishers and rroprietors MAHN Dt7 Having purchased from Reid & Co., London, a large quantity of China FIRE SALE GOOOS We are able to sell at about half original cost. Remember all pieces at at half price. We have a fine assort- ment. No damage goods Sec our north window. - P. Ross Oromarty. BBIBFs.-14.1r.and Mrs.Watt, of Darling Tp., Lanark Co., are visiting friends here. Mrs. Watt is a daughter of Mr. Matthew Miller, of this section. -A. Boyle is slowly improving, but is con- fined to bed most of the time. -Mn and Mrs. Thos. Venneteof Chiselhurst, gene a party to the young people, of this vicinity, Thursda.y evening last. A very enjoyable time was spent. - The annualmeetingof the Presbyterian congregation was held. at Roy's station on Friday last. Finances were reported in a, satisfactory condition. The attendance was small. - Miss Margaret Hodgert is staying at the Commercial -There was no school on Wednesday and Thursday of last weeleathe teacher being away to Lon- don at' the Poultry Convention, - There was no school on Monday of this week the teacher being shigbtlyilt- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell spent Sunday with their uncle Mr, Towers. -Mr. F. L. Hamilton, John Worden, F. R. Hamilton D. Park and Jas. Scott attended the funeral of Mrs. R. Hamilton, Stratford, on Thursday last. Deceased was a sister of Mr. D. McInnis, Themes Road. --- Pienernineerione-A very pleasant • 11111UPs-The McIsaac farm, of 100 .-040-1•-* leasleveoon. pleased with it --The sleighing In this section is poor, and little wood and log hauling is being done. -john Pope his stock, and will conduct bnsiness here in friture.-It is reported that Mr. j. McComb has bought the old grist mill, formerly owned by the Messrs. Stanley, and intend, eonveetinp,- the same into an Oatmeal mill. Success home of Mrs. Fisher, Maitland Com, Ciolborne, on 'Wednesday evening, when her daughter Miss Martha Fish- er, became the wife of Dr. Jas. Henry Dutton, fcamerly of East Watvanosh. The wedding was witnessed by a large number of guests, and the bride being an exceedingly popular young lady, was the recipient of many ;tokens of good will. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head- aruggists. 25e. ache, indigestion, biliousness.. All MIL1317BN's STERLING HEADACIIE ..........¢.-....... The candidature of Mr. T. D Hod. POWDERS are easy to take harmless in gins for Beet Middlesex strikes all action and sure to cure any headache ranks of Liberal-Consertratives favor- in from 5 to 20 minutes. ably. Mr. Hodgins is yet in his prime, and having been all his life identified THE BEST EVERUSED.' with agricultural interests directly or Masses. T. afmanns St Co.; indirectly, he has an intimate know- n ledgo of the limners' requirements to- Norway Pine Syrup as the vertrbeet medicine _EAR SnW%--3. can recommend Dr. Woods' get ier with the predict:131 'experience for coughs aria mid., sore throat and weak lungs, which' have over used. . of pnblic affairs, which inakee a usetal . Yours truly, legislator. . .. , WM.PErtitY, Blembeim, ant BIRTHs, oilitl.r.is,iu.ivson, good digestion -good digestion depends upon wife was very ill with dyspepsia. Six bottles bare Woo IVaterloo. Great issues depend on of B. D. 8• euret1 hoz and Michas had noreturn of the malady; Wm. Day, Fort William, brought on by over Qtaing, Napokon would Burdock Blood Bitters. "Two years ago my It is said that butter an attack of indigestion wife of John Roessler, of a son. , NAPOLEON'S LOSS. . • ROBSSLEIt-In. Stephen, on 18th inst„ the TWINGING SHOOTING PAIN. experience with Dean's Kidney Guelph. Ont. ways; "My Pills proves them to be 6 splendid medicine for any one troubled with baoktielio or urinary difficulties. Iliad bad. pains in my back and sheeting rains all over my body. together Wkth dizziness and sleeplessness. 2'hrough the use of DORiffi Ind- ney Pills I ant now entirely erred and feel braced up and as young -as ever I was. MARRIAGES. JONES -GRANGER -At the residence of the bride's father, Brueefield, on Jan, ard, by Rev W. Muir, Samuel Jones, of nuliett, to Charlotte,second daughter of James Granger. WISE-PLEVVES-On the nit inst..at the rest - deuce of thobride's fatber,by Rev.n.Ciernont, Wise to Clara:May, daughter of eobert Plowes all of Tuekorsmitb. attITORTNSONr-LINTON-At the residence of Alex. Linton, ilibbert, oti Dec. and by Bev. Mr. Nethercott, LeOnard nutchinson to Miss Bertha, Linvt0EttA. Tris. ' CASE -In Dungannon, on ,Tan. 2, Marion Ger. don, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Case, aged S years, months, CREDITON We take this' opportunity of thanking our many customers and friends, for the liberal patronage recived during the past year, and hope by fair dealing and low prices to receive a continuance of the same during x$98. Great Reduction Sale For the next 30 Days. We begin to take stock on February ist and in order to reduce the same as much as possible will offer special bargains on all Goods. Our Stock is complete, Call and examine and be con- vinced that we meap business. oonimand them Signed, MIOS e. ha'WedN, 11`rdeltIce takeui as cash for which moneton,N Ii riceg. e 1100(1.'S SMAIPAril I it 1.0 prei etzporioncea pharmactiste leJ15111.4P-Was. 0rneigelv,.0.0. we ,pay the higheSt Market ,MIIntlittnirrok