Exeter Times, 1898-1-13, Page 1.t, --FIFTH YEAR NO 2 II (IROS .k.HH IDD E E A. . tri A� CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY i5tb, 1898. EXETER, ,ONT. Hmxta all More;,', Brazel who had the J. Ti. GOAD . 1 $PGTI�FS.•--Davi'd , DkC nnsfartune to scald his foot some time uow iratultoot) 13a e r tesstn fa o y 1VI (Late with Gai abo is p og t; 1, D G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey will remain for some tune with re a - • , • • • co agent --Service was witli- H ��yy 6.a SalAIVI e issolution ntinue until 1 th ill further re - Rowing lilies: 1. its, lit boys Regular ? • mist r v ra it . — cauls Soileitor, Notary Public,11ensail,;cat, n ft last week for etroit and Larkr le tl 1 u anger cwnnussronor, vire Insuran trues in the city, tuc- f thenew Meth. coalnt of: the npr'ining,b church at Greenway. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. England moved recently into their new brick house. The building is a neat and' commodious structure, and acids much to the appearance as not changed well as to the value of tli,eir property, town on during his He has g plate -_Revs: Thomas and George Durr, glass frontsring thabsence.--NewRaiaccom anied by their estimahle ladies apartments a in the eol by ock,'intlle nnpy for their charges at Mt. . occu red b . D. Fannie left on Friday and p add much to Vernon and Downington, Mich., -re- and 1iflfl gra c Bros..'uses and spectively.—Mrs. John Turner has al- the appearance of the preeilis so one to Mt. Vernon, where she will carefully drawn at rens a drawn at Salem last Sunday on meets Money to loan on real oetate at low rates pf` in torest. O•flice at the Post office. Honsall. BaIkt's.—Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- arthur, sailed on Sunday from New York for Bermuda,—Andrew 'Wiley, of Dakota, wee visiting friends and Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Lojf,,+al ocu ; on bee rates display the stocks to better advantage• s egi,d a couple of weeks with her Mr. Rannie is an enterprising citizen, p —District Deputy, L.Harold, and. J. C. daughter,' Mr, Tiros, Dun. Stoneman, were ` in Clinton . visit- --•-- Blake. 0 II -fellows. — There was a meeting f ing the Clinton lodge of Independent d here the other day of promineutmetn- BRIEFS.—Sohn Valland, who resides suits. hers of the Liberal ranks. It was a near here, has purchased four acres of nd caucus. The reason of the meeting or huncl from his father and has ` added it its outcome has nob yet been made to his homestead, giving him fifteen known to your correspondent. The acres in all. -Rev. R. P. McKay, of anticipated early election and the re- Toronto, will conduct anniversary ported retirement of the present can- services in the Blake Presbyterian dilate had possibly somethgito sitin o church, on Sunday, January 23rd.— is ith it.—Miss Mary E. Dick visiting Henry Witenzan, of. Pigeon, Mich., is t R. Ross', Clinton,—Chas. Troyer, of here on a visit. He looks hale and ills Green, was able to sit up for the hearty,_—Wna. Douglas, who has been first time on Saturday. — Miss Ida spending a short time in Michigan, re- Dick is in London, employed by one of turned home last Wednesday. -John the veholesales, helping to prepare for. Ester left on Monday for See.forth, the millinery : openings. -Three of the where he intends studying in the Col- local cyclists, Messrs. G. 'Brown, N. legiate.—Wm. Thirsk has disposed of Cook and A. Taylor, took a spin their his farm to _ Edward Boyes, for a the country oneday last week on t len handsome figure. -- Miss Margaret wheels. It was hard tugging. •- On Douglas left on Tuesday last for Sunday while Messrs. Hawkshaw and Duluth, where there is a situation as Ellwood, of Lucan, were driving: to stenographerawaiting her. We are town, they met with an accident. sorry to loss her as she was one of our most esteemed young ladies. --• On Wednesday, George. Edighoffer and Miss ' uu.a Laura Holtz were united_ in _er- M a riage by Rev.Mr.McDonald, of Varna. —On Wednesday,David J.McClinchey Amelia Wagner, le and Miss A g • tan of Stanley, of Hay, were united in Marriage by Rev, Mr. Acheson, of Kippen. OME • 6. ades. Regular price WITH THE CROWDS. Y 8 F ✓ R D CO. land when he n turning o u t to o p a ss another n ot h e r,They were comng along Main stree B.--Customerswill kindlyre- rig, their cutter slid into the ditch and terwectose0nstore atseven pset the occupants. The horse ran kMonday,. W�doe.daY�ndlavaY,u d after ass ngthePeopleand y evenings. - rigs returning from church, Zurich, with the harness but slightly Re- ur choice Eiimville,. BRzrrs..—Tho fifth annual meeting f of the Winchelsea Butter and Create Association was held in the Town ship Hall op Thursday afternoon Jan. Oth, 1898. There was a very fair at- tendance and the meting was ;;very i :a` for to all' concerned. the directors c Y " Needy directors were all re-elected, 94,000 lbs ofbutter was tnanafactured from the 17th of May till the 30tH of November, The total proceeds of the butter during this time amounted to $10,543.99, There was paid to the pat- rons, $12,152.10. Over $2,000,00 or 21 R. S. & CO was caught about five miles west near Exeter Municipal Council The. Council met by order of Reeve :at the Town Hall, Exeter,5th January, 1898. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Dauncey-Snell--Orders aasfoilows:— C, lr3z 50c sponges for fire dept. ; H. Par, broken. The young men spent the day visiting at G. C. Petty's.—On Friday,. J. Sheppard, of fhiselhurst, shipped from this station a consignment of cattle, to the old country. D. McColl accompanied them.—On Saturday last a team of horses belonging to D. Mc- Nichol ran away from the station. They came down station street. at s, $24.80 night watch service to break -neck :peed, and but for a rig in 1pt"1898; the Treas. $3,52 postage front of Fo.s'•,st )u e l iehltnrned their aa :-. ,� • a: oa h. + Light lltid 1�'ve• one`tlar g is d• co>�imissrons The..371. g Co.,, course, 'they 't�_ ; g '.$80.40 lighting to 1st Jan'y 1898 ; D. the plate' :glass front, 'and done con - Dyer, $9 balance?of. printing $o•,date,:,siderable damage ; al,s it was.little W. Kunz, 75c blacks'tr,;2itlimg`;'•.Jas.-t d'image was done.—The curling club Creech, $3 charity to'Mrs. Sutton ; do are making good progress with their ala 3 to Thos: paw' and $4 horse hire '97. raetise,." o -''.e to r a = <v , Carried. TWORUNA:WAYS.--Two youths, Fred` Rollins-Daunce —That the Treas. Robert McCiov, becom- be Bonthron and be instructed to open 'a separate ac- i possessed - of progressive ressive ideas, for the Town Hall debenture rag P g .count which could not be materialized in this village, and which no doubt re- quired a broader field for action, on Monday morning about 3 o'clock, set lands. in search of morefertile ands. They were quite independent about it, as they used their limbs as a means of locomotion. In a short space of time, they made good headway and early in the forenoon reached Lucan, .debt sinking fund,and that the sum of $494.87, being one mill on the dollar, zaiseel in the year 1897, be there enter- ed crest rac eeds of at int and placed , P p which shall he placed toredempt- ion the e ion of said Town Hall debentures n t. ar 1907, and that the incoming i1 be requested to follow the pre - ;and that a By -Law be made ac- gly. Carried, where, at the instigation of interested Law No, 1,1898 for the above n s theywere detained by the vas duty read and passed on ar„e„ nd pt ` home, °tivllether for of J- tom. ".._, ' --keeping we Centralia. Usba me council, GRAIN L%noran.o.—Cli.oppin , days'fueadaYe: Council; met pursuant to statute,. iPecits reliev and Fridays, est of Church, when the following gentlemen haling: rossxaiitivfcy. A,liowsrnlroir, been duly elected, made' and signed Eden Barge's—Mr. .Win, .Kerslake and the declaratians'of office and qualific- ation, took their seats in the coun- cil for 1398, viz, Reeve, Thos. Hawkins, Councillors, Messrs. John. Hunter, wife, of Faryuhar,.spent Sunday and Walter Reddy, William H. Delbridge Monday visiting friends here -Percy and Alfred }Tonkin. Minutes of meet - Luxton, of Bay City, who was called in Dec. 27th read and confirmed. the funeral of his bre g +' — That Alfred here to attend , Keddy — Delbridge they, is spending a4 fewv weeks with -his Hunkin beappointed Deputy -Reeve cousin here, --The anniversary sermons for 1898. Carried. on Sunday were largely attended and Hunter—.Hunkin-That the Clerk be the sermons, which were preached- by paid $30 election expenses enses and that he cents per pound of butter was paid fur .Rev. Mr. Yelland of'Crediton, were istribute it to the proper persons. drawing 1 milk to the factory. `l'he both interesting and instructive. On Carried. g a salt cost- cont,l7er u s' paper andMonday evening the entertainment Delbridge—Hueter That the sal - new - ound s that the cost of manutactur'e wasa a :ll that could. be wished for, after tries for 1898 he as follows ;-Clerk pound, not se per ponnd. The factorypartaking of the .excellent supper, $100 Treasurer, $70 ; Assessor, $50 has been running athe-time and wilt read in the basement of the 'new l Collector, $50 ; Caretaker, $5 and that z g continue to run nil winter, and next school, the crowd repaired to the nothing be allowed for postage or sunnier the intention is to about. double the amount made 1897•—The anniversary sermons of the Elimville Methodist church were preached last Sunday morning and evening by Rev. a recitations were good as also were the addresses given b Re vs.ca alton Caul-. ' ter and Jewett, .T. G. Jones of Win- Chelsea and. T. B, Carling of Exeter. Altogether the anniversary was a grand success. The proceeds amount- ed to $12, church where a programme was given stationary. Curried. consisting of singing, recitations and I Hunkin—Delbridge.— That Francis addresses. The Centralia Choir ren- 1Viorley he clerk for 1898• Carried. dered most appropriateT yp music. The `, tedd —Hunter—That Paul Coates be treasurer for 1898, and that he give satisfactory or security to the amount of $10,000. Carried. Hunter— Delbridge- That William Brock' be Collector for 1898, and that he furnish satisfactory security to the amount of $10,000. Carried Hunkin--Kedcly — That Alexander Mr. Harrisof London, to large con- gregations, Freewill offerings to the amount of $80 were asked. Woodham LEAVING ?THE VTLI,AQE.—During the past five years, the firm of R. S. Eord &_Co. have won,a, 'wide reputat- ion, as honorable and progressive busi- ness men. They have built up a very large trade, and R. S. Ford & Co. have daily been household words through- out this community for miles around. On the 15th January a chauge takes place in the business, R. S. Ford, the junior member retiring. ,He goes to Petrolea, where, in company with W. IL Newcombe, (son of Rey. New- combe, at one time pastor on the Eliinville circuit) he has purchased the general store of -Webb & Co., the 1 ar gest dealers in the town, R, S. Ford is highly respected as a citizen and a 'act that the f luau d business , and he was instrumental in working up so large a connection in so limited a territory as suer • Quad s Woodham, is ample evidence that he will succeed well in his new undertaking, ; and should also prove a guru antes to the Brinoley BraErs. — Another very pleasant event occurred on Wednesday Dec. 29th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Gilbert, Buffalo, when Mr. •-Kerr' of Ailsa Craig and Miss Bertha. Gilbert were made one by Rev. C. Barithrop, of Ailsa Craig. We offer our best wishes and trust that they may live to enjoy a life of happiness and pros- perity. — A very pleasant , event oc- curred on Wednesday, Dec. 29th, at. residence of Mr. John Lewis, Buffalo, when George Lewis, of the 4th con., McGillivray and Miss Susie Lewis," were joined in holy bonds of matri- mony"The nuptial knot was tied by the. Rev, L. W Deihl, of Ailsa Craig. The happy couple left Ailsa Craig ar, the evening train for their wedding tour. We extend congretulations,and d us a • ero n happy s ip wish a' long, prosperous life. .q, Hay. 1 met pursuant to Cou�rczl..-Corrncl p statute. All members present. After the members subscribed to the neces- sary statutory declaration of office "x-"ation, the council became •e in the chair. •_ 4.', a • UredAton.✓ Duncan be Collector, ruled out of or • •unit ba is Hunter—Keddy—That 'Wm. Miners B iVi Nf o der as application was by tender. NenbaM , be Assessor for• 1898. Carried* the guest of: his uncle,. Mr.; Robert. Sweet.—Harry Wind left. Thursday last for a weeks visit at his ^ sisters in Detroit.—Miss Sophia Bro ran, who has been visiting under the parental roof for the past five months, returned to Detroit, on, Friday last• -Miss Annie Yelland, who at present is putting' in a term in the Alma college, and who has been holidaying at home, left town Friday last to continue her studies.— Mr. Hauch, of Blenheim, has moved into the new residence of Mr. August Haist.--A contingent of Fred S'Vuerth's flax employees paid the neighboring mills a visit with a view of receiving and giving pointers. -Mr.. Aaron of Hoist, t Brown and Mr. Freeman, Blenheim, are visiting in and around Crediton • they arrived here Thurs- citizens of Petrolee that they are not day last with Mr. Hauch's furniture.— only ,, acquiring a valuable Citizen Quite a number took in the church socially, but one who will revive bu.si- dedication at Boston, Sunday and assn in that old town, and create a Monday nights last. --Revival meetings stir such as has not been there for years. We will miss R. S. but feel pleased at the fact' that' he leaves be- hind an able successor in the person of his brother, A. J. Ford, late.with the T.•-Ratiton o , To+rr6iito, ttirlit tales holdoe..` fritb ,laysf ss''ita'tance, R. S. enters upon his new duty- est Febrile • $ip'peii Buses—St. Andrew's Sabbath school teachers and officers, on - I ues- day evening last, held their annual business meeting. The officers elected were : Superintendent, T. Mellis Sec. Miss Linda Cooper ; treas., R. P. =ell; organist, Miss Isabella Cooper. The school during the past ear rai se d$5 , 5 a part of which is do Hated to missions. The teaching stain comprises the fol- lowing : Senior bible class, Rev.` S. Acheson. ; junior bible class, R. P. Bell with T. Forsyth, W. Cooper, Agnes Thompson, Jennie Cooper, Mrs. (Rev.) Atcheson and Miss M. McMurtie.—Mr. Albert, Taylor, son of George Taylor, Thornpike Farm, who has been in Toronto for some time past, at the tailoring, is paying a visit home. -J, nnson, wh '. has been spending a C gorge are ,to commence in the G. E. church Sunday night next.—The -Rev. 14Ir. Salton, of Centralia, occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church Friday dight last. • (FROM kNOTHER SOURCE BRIErs.—Quite a number from our burg spent a pleasant time , in Sharon QP;;Wednesdayevening Mrs.• David Jones, who has been yxsiting under the ; parental roof, returned to her home in Marlett, Mich., last week.— Miss Carrie Foist, who had the mis fortune to .step on a nail last week, will, we are pleased to state, soon be with us again.—Mr. Pete Lamont, of Zurich, was in town on Thursday buying cattle. He intends going to the Klondike in the spring. Success, of the German a meeting Pete.—At g a I11i 5d Evangelicalangelical choir on T1 y .even- ing the following officers were elected: President, Mr. Satnuel Brown secre- tary and treasurer, Mr. J. H. Holtz- man ; leader, Mr. Godfrey Oestricher organist, Miss Laving Brown; assist- ant organist, Miss Lizzie Wuerth. Delbridge Keddy—That William. Turnbull be Auditor for 1898 and that they meet to audit the accounts on January 24th at 9 o'clock. Carried. The Reeve appointed Joshua Johns as other auditor.• MIBEIT DEP flaying purchasc Reid & Co. J� r y large quantity of FIRE SA 8o D 08 i� f L We are able to sell at about half original cost. Remember all pieces at at price, -rice, � We have a fine assort - No damage gooCTS See our north window, J. R. Ross Biddulph. DISTRICT MEETING—The annu meeting of the Biddulph D Orange Lodge was held in Tuesday. There was ance , and consider a acs taining to the we Keddy-Hunter.—That T. Vale be • transacted. The /folio caretaker for 1898. Carried. were also electedC—Drs. Delbridge—Hunkin—That the Board Lewis: D• D. M,Geo•Walrond: D, of Healthghecomposed of0lerk, Reeve, Wm. Turner: D. R. S., Wm. Ander Langford : D. ],rens., of C., F. Davis: D. Sec. ; D. 7L L., 11. Coursey m., Jas Hodgins. Next :'ark hill. r o� William Hazlewood for three years, , son: D. F. S., James Ballantyne for two years, and F. Ryan; D. James Handford:for one year at $1.50 W. H. Deac er day; that Dr. Fergnron be Medical D. Sen. C meeting, v and J. C. , pee e.,g officer at, p lh Beat$3 1? Tufts Sanitary Inspector a` $1.50 per day when on duty. ; Carrie a .- J. , � elan -, P Hunkin—Hunter—That ., e""R. A. Cole, P. Moir, R. Deih t 'ge,.-- (IHURCH DEDIc1TxoN—The Boston Doupe and C. Coates be fence viewers Methodist church which has been for 1898. Carried, built at a cost of $3,575, was formally Matic- Delbrtd e -That . Roo bolt, opened for divine service last Sunday S. Hazlewood, It. $eddy, G. Rook, T. p Re S. Bond,President of Passmore, S. Campbell, W. Gilfillan m"ning. y Hunter be Pouudkee err for, the London Conference, preached at and R. arrp the 10.30 service from Psalms 87, vert 1898. Carried: Reddy-Hunkin-That a By -fan be a,6,7. The sermon was rich iii ho d full of Holy Ghost Pow R drafted confirming the sakirpointment an Locke,of Parkhill, reg lied a. d H• W.p ins . st cries na err at a logicall ser - of the: ofI'ie;clear and and thougght£i 1 Carried. Afternoon from Revelation mon in the t Delbriapp-Kedgy—ThaMunicipal hater, 7th verse. At'thesante„- 1898 appointing certain.est a., p preached. in the I= phour, Rev. S. Bond ,and firm d thi third- salaries z lr 'id Sin can re a- officersgs •k.. .basement to an'overiio overflowing ,g g' se , ' e e. d• m , . ird ti b `ice . , andtil t first, second d`froin leo fir. tfills a'n . s1?..bei church •� signed by the Reeve and Corporate 'to u to t-oThe collections and sub- Delbridge attached. Carried:. p Delbridge - Hunter — That W. Brock be granted an order on Treasurer for $55 .uncollectable dog tax. Carried. Keddy—Hunkin-That the collector s roll be received and the Collector he paid his salary. -Carred. Hunter-Hunkin--That the accounts presented be paid, and that the Reeve Carried. same,Carry the ' orders for sign r Hunkin -. Delbridge—That Council adjourn to meet 'Feb'y 5th at one o'clock p. in, Secretaries of Trustee Boards will please notify nieinrmediately of navies and addresses of Trustees and Teachers. F, : MORLEY, Clerk. Zurich. BRIEFS,. Miss Laura Homer, of the. Sauble Line, was the guest of Miss E. Greb, ;on Wednesday last. —Miss K. er, who bas been in Detroit, a year, has returned months.— Mrs. -J. --raining her tar, of en. Greenway y Irak L Stephen: OouNczl.-Newly elected council .all present having signed the necessary papers took their respective places. Clerk, Treasurer and Assessor same as last year H. Doyle and J. Broken- shire Auditors. The following orders were granted:—F. ' W. Farnconibe, Hooper award $14-; S. Stanlake lumber r' 'lark, rep. cul. $1.50 ; W. 45 ; F. Allen. scriptions on Sunday amounted to over $400. At the tea. meeting on Monday evening $125 was taken in at the door. The church is a beautiful structure within and without. Itt 40 by 40 feet in size, having one fa entrance and two side entrances, tags roof with iron cresting. A 15 meat full size of church with 1e,lf cell-.. i m affords rds a n ple acc omm odat`r for •a a Schon the work of the Sunday ho ,prayer and Trustee meetings. The auditor- ium is veiled overhead with ash and as seated by the Valley Seating Co. of Dundas. The seats being arranged in a circular form. The beautiful lead . ed and stain glass windows add much to the appearance of the edifice. Both auditorium and basement are lighted by gas. The church is certainly a model of convenience and beauty. The whole debt is fully provided for with- out mortgaging. KIDNEY SUFFERERS. BE CONVINCED—THERE ERE IS HOPE THERE IS A CURE. MOST" WONDERFUL TESTIMONY --READ