HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-30, Page 1YEA_R IsT7/ 19.
amniotic° stock -taking
ary Ist and have de-
co itmue our
. •
ssolution Sale
k -taking is finish-
Hensall gency. It was also thought that theJ Corbett.
streets should be lighted 'setter than I --
H..J. COOXE. at present, some advocatiog that the I Bate:me—Mrs. S. Berney and bro-
(Late with Gamer Proudfoot) Barrister Council purchase and assume control I ther, Vc7n). Hodgins, attended the
Senator, Notary Public, Musa% Ont. of tho electric plant. Drainaen mat- 1 funeral of their uecle, Ma Hayes,
-1 1 1,,
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public; Conroe comment, end IX471117 improvements
(ulcer, Counnissionpr, Fire Insurance agent
d I • f 31 • • e Li eases Le sidecar were suggested. Larger tile should
tere also came . , ,
on Weclnestlaylast at Prospect Hill.—
The news of the sudden illness and
death of 'Miss Bessie Medd was s•e-
mentt carefully .drawa at reosonabqo rates" be used, One speaker gave some ceiyed with deepest regree by lieu
Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in very timely suggestions on read male- I marry friends and a number attended
BnIEFs --Mrs (Dr ) of Lon- st&ae, haviog theni broken and
erestOffice at the Post Oleo. put on
inn, recommending the purchase of I the funeral on Friday at Coate:nary,
don, is visiting her brother, W. R. the streets instead of the mixtiwe of
, . •
Hodgins.—Mr. and Mrs. Balfour, who sand:and clay now used. His hints met I
lately returned from Manitoba, have with much fhe avor. Tpathmaster ., rBneies rieen tErs.ttending the Nomura school —Miss Jennie Mustard, who
fent child, who will never know a
decided to become permanent residents system was s ,rone y con 0 . ' at Ottawa during tbe. past term, has BRIEFS. —Henze* White, of Delor-
mother's love. The fenced took .
of Kippen, having purchased the store it was iirged that it he abolished and „
a commissioner ieturned honie.—Miss S'cott ;Ind Miss adrie,„, Man., forrnerly of Blaushard, Is Phice, Itiondny last, to Seaforth to her
business of Rt Mellis.—The many the labor commuted, bailer's boine, thence to Brussels I
McAllister, of Michigan, are this week Te 'rang friends in the neighborhood.—
f deeds here, of Condectes Snider will smnloyed, to oversee the work and
4'01iN WRITE & ONS
Publishers and Pro
Sneday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid of Oredtton.
',leery spent Christmas day with Mrs.
Reid's sister Mr . Fenn, SAT) BERR.A.VBMENT.—"Mre. died at,
FALBeriOx OP Oreeienne--On Dee. Id her borne on Saturdan last Miei. Wm
the Y. P. A. held their annual bust- Heaman. Her sleatla is a particularly
ness meeting when the following WA- sad berea,vement to her husband to
cers were elected for the ensuing term: whom' she was married scarcely
—Pres., Miss Maly Shetler ; vice Pres.
John Greb • Rec. Sec„ Thome? Snell ;
Cor. Sec., 'Sane ; Treas., Laura
Goetz ; Organist, Fanny Snell; Lite,
D. Brintnell ;Supt. of Jr. Dept., Rev.
E. Eby.
Granton. •
2 years. She was esteemed by all and
was just in the bloom of womanhood,
being only 26 years, 9 months and 5
days of age. She had been ailing for
the past 5 mouths and her early cnt-
ting off is deeply mourned by a wide
cirele of friends. Besides her husband
and other relatives she letsves an in-
t ()nests of Mee Scott, imin- onias eatson left for his home in cemetery for inteement.--Also with
1 T 13
regret to learn of Isis semoos illness, have it properly done. As at present ' -•
g feelings of deepest sorrow we bave 1
sone who has been teaching in school Manitoba on Tuesday, after spendin
and that slight hope is entertained for improvements are made according to it fe
1 , section No. 10, Stanley during the ast 19- week's with friends liereg—Mts- learned of the death of Mrs, William
his recovery. ---Mr. stud Mrs A. Mur- the disposition of the pat insastess
dock, spent Saturday and Sunday and no locality is well served, Some
quote, no Flees this Norris,
friends in Stab, .Toseph think the best men are those who seek
orris, who is attending the Detroit to keep the taxes down, But -taxes
but COMe expecting Dental College, spent the Xmas hall- may be kept down and yet munici-
palities sutler. There tna,y be a losv
rate of taxation at the expense of
inefficient schools, bad roads and
streets, lack of public improvements.
Municipal business, like private busi-
ness, requires intelligence, enterprise
and good management. The penurious
the penny-wise person is not the one
who succeeds, for instance on the
farm or in merchandise. The close-
fisted, narrow-minded councillor or
trustee may be the bane of aniunici-
and you wen% he di s- days with frsends m the village.—Ma
. and Mrs. James Harman, of sbtpkn,
d. You can put it visited friends in the village on Sue -
fact ghat prices nre day.—T. Berry, was in Ailsie Craig
on Monday, bnying horses. On Sat.
18C-Wher0 011 urday last he purehased a; very fine
animal from Robte Hicks, of -Osborne,
paying therefor a good price.—Robt.
Jarrett, this week sold a, very fine
horse to a buyer, for export, price
$120.—A. Murdock it Co. on Friday
last made the hearts of the young
folk glad, by distributing some 300 palety or a school, We often find
presents.—The Christians tree enter- small men boasting at eominations ,
tainment in the Methodist church on !that through their skin -flint policy t'artl'west for tiw.Pnst Year ilmve re-
turned borne. They pin becomiug
Friday evening last eves a success. I the rate has been lowered, when at
rmanent citizeus, of our village.—
The dairy maids•march proved a suea the same time it woald be in the iii and Mrs. George Sweet, of Mani-
toba, sou -in-law and daughter of Wm.
Kyle, atter an absence from home of
19 years, are now visiting, at the home
—we'll give Imes to astonish
the Toronto Conservatory of Music.
Watch th ace next week
year, leaves for his 'home this week., ane 1 Craig which ()merged on Monday last- I
ermyn returned.0 her
Mr. Thomson purposes attending Palmerston last week after a tew days
many in town. Itwas not considered 1
at her home. It waste sad shock to
Goderich Collegiate institute after the visit toiler daughter, Mrs. 'Wm, Dann.
—Win. Buyer is running a stage to by eny that her illness was of such it!
holiday's with the view of matriodati-
iug medicine next july,—The enema London. twice a, week and. seems to be
y doing quite a busmese notwithstands steady, industrious woman, and was !
serious nature. Mrs. Craig was on
meeting of Brimefield .eheese corneae
te mad stage, which leayes every just in the prime of life. To the grief ,
took place Thursday afternoon. The t ing tl
past year has been the most soccess. 1 merninganne number of farmers in
this vicinity are loudly complaming of friends will be extended the sincerest i
stricken husband and children and I,
ful in the history of the emptily.—
the depredations made by chicken
thieves. So many seem to have gone
into the fowl business of late that it is
rather a delicate matter to mention it
for fear of injuring. their feelings.
Sleighing has come again. Hip,
Dr.Mcliatosh, who was injured some
weeks ago n hile attending to profes-
sional duties, is slowly reeovering, het
is not yet able to leave his room.
BRIBPS.--Mr. and Mrs. John Bal-
four, who have been residing in the
cess, while the performances of the
children were highly interesting.—
Mies Ida. Hotharn left on Monday for
of Wm. Kyle, sr., and among othon ,
you. Miss A. Murdock will likely stake her , people lost sight of the fact that
interests of the mumemahty have
a higher rate and. to have pnblie
improvement attenided to. Too often
in the effort to keep down the rate
sympathy of a wide cwele of friends.
Binatte—Miss Marg Ann Beaver
and Master Ira Brown are visiting in
Berlin for n. week or two.—J. P. West -
man paid our town a flying visit on
Ruesday last. —The school entertain -
hurrah hold your horses or they'll went on Wednesday night last was a;
get away - ain't it pleasant with your sweetie in every respect, the hall be, ,
sweethear't riding in a sleigh. ing, filled to its utmost capacity, stand- '
ing rOOlin was not obtainable. Every
Zurich. number on the program was well ren-
dered. The proceeds amounted to
BitiBBB.—Anuos Schweitzer, from
his f0
,teigust, Sweitzer and son. of •
Having purchased from
Reid & Co., London, a
large quantity of China
We are able to sell at
about half original cost.
Remember all pieces
at at half price.
We have a fine assort -!-
tent. No damage goods
See 0111' ll ortil
Queen." The teachers were congrat-
ulated for the pains they had taken to
make the concert a suceees, and also
thanked. by Mr. H. Either on behalf of
the parents of the scholars, for the care
and interest they have sliown the (nal-
Liuki, Michigan, is here visiting s Deleware, U.S., are visiting under the dren in the past.
mune, L. S. Faust, and other friends— weental roof at present.—Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Schwalm, from Pigeon, rs. Chas. together with. Ma
Michigan, is here visiting her father, and Mrs Gott Morlock spent th‘
,,tiunner.—Benj. Kaercher, from
friends.--Mes..John R. McDonald, of ,
D place as organist in the Methodist1 farms become depreciated in valise
Cayaher, North Dakota, after seven
R. R cr‘, 00. chili:vb.—Chas. Troyer, the township
loss is suffered from wear rent tear to
horses and rigs on bad roads, life is
endangered by ricky-bridges, the best
interests of children are sacrificed by
haying low -paid incapable teachers.
We want in our councils and on our
school boards men who are intelligent
enough to know what should. be done,
and who knowing what should be done
have enough firmness, enterprise and
business capacity to do it, On the
whole the meeting wasa successful one
and profitable to those seeking munici-
pal honors. The Council of 1897 was
composed of the following persons :—
Reeve, G. C. Petty, Councillors, W.
R. Ilodgins, Wm. Bell, H. Cook and
Wise Moir. All liberal -minded citizens
confess that they haye done exceed-
ingly well under the circumstances.
It was the inangural year, • and
econoiny had ,to be the watchword ;
and for the little money expended they
accomplished much work: • for all of
which the retiring Board aeserve the
coinmendation of the citizens,
the 2nd concession of Tuckeremah,
has presented her husband with a fine
Christmas box, in the way of a young
daughter.—Henry Daymond, of .Mana after nearly two years' stay in Man-
toba, son of Joins Da,yenond, ofTucker- itoba.--37. Pellicle and his sister, from nelical Sunday 5013001 was not as large- '
' - a Napinka, Mitnitoba, are here visiting .r.r attended as expected, neverthelese
smith, is on a three menthe' eisit
13Iack who has been staying with her Ales, Edward Fee.—A few days ago, i nood proggam was rendered and the .
among friends here. ,— Miss Mary
gollreeds amounted to upwards of 820.
three little boys from Caro, Michigan, °ruination passed off very (inlet!:
years' absence, is at home with his
collector, who has been ill for some parents to spend the winter.—Sarah
Sharon. weeks, of fever, and whose recovery Fee arrived hoine a few days ago,
at, one time was considered doubtful,
()R1 —Th following is a is now on the mend and his early re-
4io iort for S. S. No. 4, Stephen, coverv assured.—Miss Troyer, of
for ntlx of December. Names Hills Green, is visiting Mrs. jarrott. —
of merle. IV, A, Clara
ma Clark ; B, Mary
• III, .A, John
sarnet Amy 12,
%ester Rowe, tear"
Morlock ; Jr. II,
Wein, Cleve, Hart-
eszler St. Pt: II,
Imina Yegar, Jacie
artman ; Jr, Pt, 11,
Willie Smith, Semi.
esti er,, rate Roesler ; Bi Elgin
v. Cecit Rowe ; Sr, Pt. Della
Aaron, Wein, August Hart -
Jr— Pt. IL John Ayrstrikea
BroWn, Wilber Morlock. Aver-
eauftance for the month 33.
Bitemits, Teacher.
Smoot. Rneong.—The following is 41
cornea report of S. S. No 3, Stephen,
for the month of December, and is
based on a test examination taken
during the last week. The names are
in order of merit. IV, Herman Beaver,
Luther Penhale, Ida jory, Edwin
eaVer,, &mine' Joey and Clara Stan -
'Miss DeLion, of Landon, is visiting
friends in the village.—Miss Ida Dick
Spent the holidays at 'tonne—Miss
Alice Petty is confined to her room
with a sore foot. —Skating on the rink
has been good the past week.—There
Nita.4, considerable excitement; at the
eomination.—Mrs. Satre' White; of
'Detroit, is visiting Meade in }lensed
and Exeter.—The Misses Dent, of
Stratford, are visiting their cousin,
Miss Hattie Sutheeland.—Gavin Moir,
of Quebec, is visiting his mother,
widow Moir.—On Saturday last, Alex.
Ingram, second son of the late Alex.
Ingram, of the township of Hity, was
married to Mary Jackson, eldest
daughter of John Jackson, of the
same township. The cerement.' was
performed by Rey. Mr. Fisher, of
West Flamboro. -Oa Wednesday
William.Snelleof the Commercial, was
enarried to Miss Susie Cornish of the
Themes Road, Usborne. The ceee
many was performed by Rev. Code
Fletcher, in the presence of a number
of invited guests.—Also en the same
evening Thos. Lang, of the village,
was joined in wedlock with Miss
Annie Bell, forth •daughter of Danl.
Bell, of the township of Hay. The
e even, Daniel Seeders, George ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
•Jamess Senders; Sr. III, S. Henderson..—Murdeck McPbersins,
Richert thinvide, Arthur Glanville, of Idaho, is visiting his parents, Mr.
• Clint= Sweet ; jr. III, Stella Penhale, and Mrs. A. McPhersont after an
Bentritle (7lInie. •Sendere ; Sr. absence of seven years.—Adam Case,
a IL emet• Bagshaw, Asa Perdu:de, of Sault Ste Marie, was in this neigh-
.' Frei.7e.
• Dearing, Marshall Box, Prank
ner, Minnie Triebner, Herbie
Foit'Roy Parsons ; Jr. IL Vera San -
Laura Joey, Fanny Glanville,
Vi Pen/late, Clara, Beaver, Willie
:Triebuer, Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis,
•Nelson Senders, Jennie Sanders,
• Minnie Sanders, Alonzo Feed ; Pt. II.
Thomas Herbie Dearing,
VioleetaWoods, Eddie Willis, Edith
-sons, Mitchell 'Willis, Herbie
borhood the past week visiting. friends.
—G, J. Sutherland was in Seaforth on
Monday on business.—Large quanti-
ties of wood is being marketed. --
for candidates far the Council Board
for year 1808 took .place on Monday
evening, last. Judging from the large
attendance, and the member of candi-
dates nominated, considerable interest
ver s Sr. Pt. I, Lizzie Sanders, is being taken in municipal matters.
'Stanlake ; Sr. Pt. 1, Garnet It is just one year since Hensel' be -
Harry Parsons, Samuel Stan- came an incorporated village, and it
The average attendance for the was thonght by many that the council
was 44. of 1897, the first council of the vilia,ge,
should enjoy (if enjoyment there be) a
two years' term. But some people
gannet be satisfied. All admitted they
had done remarkably well and had ex-
perienced. a great deal of trouble and
lost, considerable time in getting the
village machinery to operate rightly,
t they must have a change, if it only
b a desire to see people put to trouble
anc! expense. The. best interests of the
ail ge would doubtless have been ser -
v hadthe old co mica been re -instated,
and. not to offer them the honor was
an insult 'to their integrity. At the
R. N. CRSEcni, Teacher,
neagrox.—All the Council of
year re-elected by acclamation.
rst meeting to be held on second
onday in January at 11 o'clock a. m.
XN Onorrnlo.—Choppin days Tuesdays.
•oss railway. A. nown,s.nen.
ACorbENT.—Jno. Heplourn, section
s °lithe G. T. R., miraculously RS -
aped a. horrible death last Saturday
, neteays, and. Fridays. V est es church,
morning, He was pushing the gigger appointed hour clerk Cook called for
in front of him with his head down nominations, which came quickly
and his 41P Palled over his ears to from all parts of the room. For the
shut out the storm so that he did not office of Reeve, the following persons
he, or see the special eneine aud
tender coming south. Without a
moments' warning the tender struck
the gigger and knocked it to sinither-
ens, and sent Mr. Hepburn flying down
were nominated e— G. 0. Petty, G.
McEwen, H. Cook, L. Herald, D.
Urcpahart„1. H. Beek and Rev, J. S.
Henderson. Of these the following
consented to stinted an election
tflet embankment, He received a deep H. Cook, J. H. Beek mid D. Urquhat•t.
/gath at the back of his head, his arm For the offices, of Couocillor the fol -
was broken in two places and his legs lowing nominations were xnado : W.
R. Hodgms, R. Patterson, sr.. J. Mac-
arthur, J. E. McDonell, J. 0. Stone-,
man, G. F. Arnold,R, Bonthron, J. W.
Cetwein, Dr. Maediarinich G. Bio Nen,
and Wm.' Moir. Tbey all vetired, ex-
cepting W. R. Hodgins, .1, C. Stone-
man, G. F. Arnold, J. W. Crewel's
badly bruised, Ha. would have lain
there and frozeu to death 11/1(113ot the
-engineer gone back to bis eescue. Mr. Inas, -- The young ladies here are winter. --Mrs. Wurtz ;Ind Mrs. E.
. . .
Hepinnn being a hard headed Scotch,. wearing thew best smiles, Will sports Fried visited friends in London on
men never last conscionseess, lies a new cutter.—S. Showdown, of Oen- Tuesday.---Rinnor has it that ;mother
.eecepe Seem death wtis simply in ir- tealia, spent Christmas with friends of our young men will sheeny join
, . .
.aculous. beve.- -School ineetillg was held here tale ;truly of benedicts.—Miss P..qm, of
Ohnton. .
DEATIL—The death occurred at Clin-
ton Monday morning of the oldest
settler in the County of Huron, in the
person of Mrs. Sarah Towusend, relict
of the late Rattenbury, of this
town,after an illness of several months,
in her 82nd year. Deceased was one of
the best known residents of the co Linty,
and endeared herself to. all with whom
she .caine in contact, socially and in
every other way. She was born in
Nottinghanishire,England,in 1815, and
was married in Muddy York (Toronto)
in 1833, and removed to tbe County of
Huron in 1835, where she has ever
since made her home. Eleven children
were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ratten-'
bury—eeveh daughters and fear sons.
The survivors are Isaac and Joseph,
and Mrs. 1. F. and S. H. Ranee and
R. H. Read. The other daughters all
of whom have passed away, were daughters,
Geo. T. Hiscox, of London Mrs. J.
Upshall and Mrs. Wm.Shane,of Blyth.
Mrs. Rattenbury survived her husband
eleven years. Very many will hear of
her death with genuipe regret.
Xmas holidays with friends in Mild-
may.—Mise Mary Martin, daughter of ,
Mrs. Charles Either, of Morriston, is
home for a few months. --The annual
Xmas festival of the German Evan- ;
aunt, Mrs—Acheson, of the manse, for named Wagner, aged respectively 0, 8 this year.
a shore time, reterned to her home in and 12 years, arrived. at their grzind- There tail' be no election '
this year. --J. H. Hone:num entertain-
ed a number of his friends witb his
gramophone at his home on Xinas.--
Miss Levine, Brown is spending a few
days in London this week isiting
retnme, of the Babylon line, last Wed- friends. --Mr. Hunch' of Blenheim` will
Mists Cousens, of Chatham, spent a
le nesdav, joined hands in holy marl. move into August Haist.'s n( ss rest -
Christmas with Mr. P. L. Hamilton of
- ut — monr. We wish the couple a long denicie neat weins.—E. Fillet is busy
this place.—The Municipal p
i lappy life together. Rea, A. 't . ma e ng pre 1 i t
. 4 air stens for the erection
boiling just now, there being a contest Inc
Mist tied the knot. of a baking oven. Push it for all it is
for all the offices.. --The Christmas '
tree in No, 5 school lash. Wednesday 11°01:t11 Ezrea—Chrie, Zwielier wire
Galt last week.
DittErS,—Mr, t4.' T. Hamilton and
fathees, O. Wagner. They came all
the way &One.— Our enternrising, cattle
dealer, P. Laumet has shipped over
1,000 head this year. Heyrock,
of the Saehle line and Miss Carrie
standing the stormy nightgreat peaise •
holidaying tinder the parental roof on
nighe WAS 41 grand shccees eotwith-
is dere the teacher Mise Scott., for. Bnieurs.—The nomination on Mon -
the way in which die had the scholars
trained. Santa Claus, in the pereon
of Mr. 1 A. , Norris, appeal:ad to the
delight of the children, --Mr. teatic
Norris is at home for the holidays —
At the annual meeting of the Y. P.
society, Mr, R. Norris was elected
Preeideut with Mr. S. MeLean'as Vice.
--Mr. Alex. Boyle is still very low.—
Mrs. David Bruce presented her hus-
band with a fine baby girl last week,
D. now wears a smiling face
(From another source.)
• Bistea's.—Christuuts agabe and. the
merry gin& of the bells are heard
once more, and our village puts one a, who was severely kieked by a horse,
'en' - is able to get ont itgain.—R. Hunter at present visiting her parents, Mr.
brisk appearance these days, 1 1
ptuties tire the order of the day.—Mr. liaw
s been laid up ith an attack sciatic. and Mrs. Mathew Winen—No doubt
the largest audience that ever gather-
i3oyle who is on the sick list is im- ....T
day last was the tautest for many
years, and the Reeve and Councillors:
escaped with very little criticism and
font. of the councillors were 'elected.
by acclamation viz e—John Hunter,
Delbriele,•e; Frederick Himkin,
W. Keddy. Thomas Hawkius, was
nominated for Reeve in opposi-
tion to Me. John Delbridge.e•The
Christmas service in connection with
the Sunday School was well attended
and we had a very pleasant, time, The
service was rendered largely by the
scholars with addresses by Rev, G.
Jewett and Rev. J. P. West --We
are glad to see that Joseph Hawkins,
( From another sou lee,
BRIRPS.—One of the most complete,
its well as one of the most pleasant
siu.prise partiei on record, in our little
berg wits given Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Lampert, sen., when a number of their
friende from Exeter and vicinity took
advantage of the good sleighing on
Tuesday, and eame without "bide."
But Sam was equal to the oeciadon,
and received them in hie useal joyiai
manner, and it wile well on in the
morning before they commenesel their;
homeward flight. — Will i au Dyer,
who has been on zi tone through the
Northsrest, returned home last, week.
--Mrs, Jones, of Minlett, Michigan, is
he for -Letts annual general meeting
C4c(74:ge H.t.z.nill- of the Winchelsea utter end Cream 011 in our town ball was there ou Wed -
proving slowly. 1r
nesday evening. at the eediod Oath'.
ton of Chatham is spending ...Inas Association Alai be held in the Town- ren's annual consort. Mr. Henry
liolidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. ship Had, Elimville, on Thursday, .Eilber occupied the chair for the
Ie Hinuilton, of this place.—.M
---r* January 6th, 1898 at one o'clock P. evening, and the ptireramme was as
and Mrs. Will Hogarth gave a select
party on Friday of last week ilea a
most, enjoyable time wits spent` by
those who were presentee -Mrs. (Dr.)
Naismith, daughter of Mr.:Lemon, of
this village, is at present visiting with
her father and her sisters in the neigh-
boehood of the yillage.--Monday being
uomination day there was an
stir in our village.—Mr. James
near this village had a home gathering
on Xmas day.—Mr. Geo. &mate,
of the boundary, ga1-0 large piety on
Lot' the election ot, officers, reconing
the report, of ,the Directors and any
business it the interest of the As-
sociation. Every shareholder and
patron, either past or prospective. is
specially requested to be preeent to
hear how the businesshas been con-
datted.—William Halls, sheriff of 11,
county in the state of Dakota, and a
SCOf John Halls, is visiting his
father. —A large number of natives of or ieavipg, certificates, which was
follows t Cheers, he, the school. -The
Maple Leaf" ; `recitation by Ira Brown,
"Boys' Rights" ; solo, Miss Ella
Beaver ; dialogue, "Darling. of the
Yeav" ; recitation. Clara Heist ; reci-
tation, "The Difference" ; solo. Ed-
mund 'Wnerth reeitation, Myrtle
Clark ; "Snots? Brigade," by six boys, ;
recitation, MelindT
a rick ar
; song, My
Yonne. Next came the preseutation
this vicinity have taken up their abode mane by Mr. Valentine Raiz, IL P.
in the land of the free, and n, few of Then a selectiou by the orchestra ; re-
. Baneree. — The anniversary of the Xmas eve to his many friends, fill re- them are home spending, the holidays citation, Arthur Holtzman ; dialoeue,
Methodist Sunday School will be held pore liaising bad a good time.—Mr. and with their friends at home. Amon..
them W„otice Wm. Frt i P fi "Quarrel of the Fl°wer$" ' "et' Viv-
here on Sunday and Monday Jan. 9tla Mrs. Hislop entertained a numher of
and 10th. Tea will be served on Mon- their friends on Moisday evra last' — Stratben, Frank. H 11 t
a s, e 0.111° st a' fan and Ella Beaver 1 'recitation, by
Clara Kienzle ; chorus, "Rock -a -Bye,'
clay evening from 6 to 8 p. ne, after Mr. and Mrs. Hogarth, of Hensel],
which a choice program be will given. spent Xmas with their son, Mr. Will Cerand Bend. by eight girls ; solo, Mrs, (Dr.) Rivers.
Music will be famished by the Oen- liogarth„ of this village.—Mrs. Bell has , batnes.--The slei h' ' 1 ' d' Then came the presentation of entrance
g une is sp en id certificates by Dr. Rivers, followed by
Somoi, REPon.T. The December
monthly report for S. S. No. 1, Hay.
is as followe. Names. are in order Of
merit. V, J. W. Todd, /IL IL Russell;
Flora Northeott; IV, Sarah Northeott,
V. .
turma . onea ;Sr.,
j. R. Newtheott and Alice Dongall
equal, (teeth. Harvey, 13. E. O'Brien ;
,Tr.III, Luella Munn, W. E. O'Brien,
Louisa Armetrongtli, It, P. Northcott,
J. R. Mune, Cora l.Venn ; Pe, IL W. 3.
Gould,Ethel Harvey, Bettie Nertlicott,
Pt. L E. W. Munn, R. S. Todd, W. W.
Northeott. The best spellers in tha
monthly spelling matches were :-- V,
J. W. Todd ; IV, Sarah .1. Northeott ;
Sr. III, Aliee Dongall ; Jr. 111, Luella
' 'Munn t IL Faulk's. Northcott : Pt. II,
Mabel Dougall ; Pt. 1. Wilfrid Munn.
NV, H. JoirssToN, Teacher,
UL Oboin 1"articulari later me — gone to spend x..m,ts 110.4141,yS with her
has returned to his borne in Arise held here last week were real good Ezra, SchinitF: drill, by sixteen boys :
lively.— The Xmas tree en tortamnients
Craig. He will be greatly missed by Dasavirood. programs, and the committee are "Stories from Wonderland"; solo, Mr.
Georne Zwic"er • recitation, Alfred
1,Vuerth • chits -swinging by six girls ;
He secceeds G. Dale es teaeher here.— on u. Fritz, Dashwood. . Presbyterian entertainment was not e ° us' iy sc io ins, Tor ave
W. McLeod, of Chicago, spent Christ,- Bauseseenehristmes Day passed olf so well attended as usual owing to the
mas at his home here. —Miss B. very gnietly in our village.—We aro terrible storm which raged at the
Westcott, of Douglas, Man., is yisiting ghetto beat that Miss Jane Hall who time of meeting mid part of the night.
at her sister's Mrs. R. Coates.—Dr. j. has been ill for some tinie is recover- Many st:: rted out, hot had to return.
W. ,Harrison, of Michigan, and Miss B. ing,—Mr. Emanuel Fried and Wife ef The Metaodist chnrch had a beautiful .'
Fanson, of Exeter, spent Sunday visit. Cavalier, Dakota, arrieed home last evening and their's was quite rt success.
We- at G. Rooke'. --G. Sreallecombe week and will spend the winter here. Ainong some of the special presents
and Miss M. Mardock, of Liteae, were —Mr. Will Lindenfield, of Hensall, is
t W Cav es' on 11 -a-
hese now which makes things more
Our popular school teacher, G. Dale, parents at Teowbridge.• The Shakine. Quakers," recitation by
! Be inee.e. ,Geo. Winin, who has been
renewing acquamtancee around here
tor the past two weeks, has ri•tuaned
to Devizes. --Quite a number from here
;attended the Xmas entertaimeent
!held at, Sunshine. on Xmas night. --
1 Misses Sarah and Lottie Doupe have
returned home after spending it week
in Ranckton, Waterloo. —
Fletalwa who has spent the past sum -
ewe 10 Hamieta, Man., returned home
; on NVednesdny last for a three months'
eleit,ioniting hale and hearty. --Wm.
Miller has secured a si titatioa clerik
in the Dominion Bank at Ottitwa.---S.
I A. Dolma who has been teaching
school at Ranckton. Waterloo, for the
past year is spending his Christmas
! nolidays at. — esley Hazel-
svooth tette has spent the pi.tst seven-
. teen years in Hamiota, is visiting re-
lative-' in this vicinity ; he is at. pre-
! lent the guezt ef hie brother
of this rillage.--William Francis and
Paul Stallion, of Saginaw, Mich., were
the guests of Geo. Mil1e. one day last
; week. —Remember the Literary con,
; vela Jan. ilthae-The Prof. Stewart's
!onion 110 be held in Aberdeen Hall on
Nen' Year's night is postponed
latter datee--The itigeon
Xmas under the auspicee osf
(lab resulted in Wni. De Wet) side
Winning.—W. Hoover, of Winghanals
: the guest of W. R. Came—Miss Esther
Murray, Drysdale, and Ella .Cannu
; and Maud Fletchereof Sunshine, were
the guests of Miss E Fletcher this
reek,—Mr. .Herbert and Miss Annest
!Roadhouse, St. Marys, spent Xmas'-
-with Thos. Roadhonse.--Wm. Leigh,
who has resigned as teacher of the
Kirkton school, was last week pre-
!. sented with a bands.ome easy chair by
. the scholars.' -
"1 a:a roublcd with earache fora long. tim
says Miss .T. Johnson, Innis Fall,N.W.T., "and
after trying different remedies without success
nsed lIagyards Yellow Oil as a last resart and
I can really say that it eared Me se Ceppleto-
Mthat I have nevor had earache since.
a large circle of frienda—J. Denten,
Of Brussels, is expectedhere this week. rabtere; aiso for good Amin close prices, can which the children were trained. The h r 1 I • "Z." S the
Ittrenmas.—Now stoc.k of the bast make er deserving' of pratse tor the manner in
gues s at W. (Sunday t st. s
ds bowie of Parkhill, ie spending a pending his Christmas holidays tin-
der the parental roof.—Quite a num-
few clays withfriendshere. —R McLeod
bet from the village took in the Christdrdye to Woodstock Monday on busi- alas festival at Blackbush, Monday
ness.—Miss G. Stilton, of Centralia, night. —Mr. John Miller, of Dakota,
yisited Miss Rettie. Essery for Christ- arrived home last week to spend the
e Sabbath school tea and Geo. Brown. The members of the on nVednescley with a liege attend-
Plattsville is visiting hee brothers' Mr.
'eminent in the Methodist old council were the first called, neon J. Pope. of this place.—The
-11 00 I'ilesdaY night last was it to address the meeting. Each in turn
t success. The church WaS CrOW- g tve an accotint of his stewardship Usborne Council.
rid a long imcl varied program was and while they tho right they had pas- -----
Council Rooms, Dec, 271h '97.
Council met to -day after nomination
meeting. All members were present.
Minutes of last meetieg were read ;Ind
A few orclees were granted on
motioniof W. Delbridge, seconded by
W. Kedds
3. Htinter W. Delbtklge—That the
Clerk be instrneted to procure the
necessin'y boOlis for the use of the
Ou motion of W. Keddy seconded
by A tIunkin
the Cosine"' adjoin
WaS 41 beautiful paw of vases and a
silver pickle dish to Miss Banes as
organist, arid also to Miss Lottie
Sherrit a beautiful ;abate. andit silver
pickle dish and a beautiful pie knife
as assistant organist.—John
jr., of Brewster, is home after spend-
ino• thirteen years in the west, and is
ala co
?2! ?<0.
We will -offer our large and complete stock • Of Winter
Goods at greatly reduced prices,. .
To rec.Luce '.tock of Ready-madO Clothing we are
offering.' some snaps.
--Re nmv =mod h4"-1 -Moss' black Freize Ilisters, well minie ;gal lined, siee 36 to 42 at $3.00 tta
as two childi•en, and has his wife itnd
:family With him; theY will 'Spend the well wurth $6.00.
ev in ter here. — Jive MeLare Brown iind Blue Frei* Ulster's. reciticed tram $7.50 to $5,50.
WamorAntrg, is here %saes bunny; Marne Black Beaver Overcoats, we have it line pro:chased below manufacturer
elm logs he'delivei•di on the head, .1.-mir.choice at $4,Q0 each, well worth $0.50.
Brass Biind gave a. Concert in Moeer's here, iind no doubt. will pay good ee large. selection of Boy's ;Ind Youths otits and Ulsters prices lower than
hall on Tuesday eight for the ben etit priees,—John is expected here ever before' offered.
101109 by the pastor who occupied sibly not done all they should,
chair. The retiring :tnd newly they bad done their best. They had. I
no axes to grind, but simply guided
the village ship along a straight and
narrow course, having due regard for I
economy. The other nominees were
then called npon, and- while they con-
ceded a good deal of credit to the Old ,
Board, yet their speeches were full of
fault finding. During the remaeks of
settle of the nominees many good and
profitable suggestions were given.
d superintendents gave &acne
tses, The membership of the
is about 180, and 90 of these are
s of the chuech. There is a
ince in the treasury. notwi th-
that no charge was made at
The school is one the most
-,f-he corm ,y, and speaks
7.21 meintendent,
n their re- etmong other things 1 was suggested
-•1 school. that tile firemen practise more re-
olS not far gularlk, and keep themselves in a
of the Istimh—The Chrietnan 'festivel this week as he has sold Out his livery
of the Evangelical Sunday School
which VMS held on Christmas night
was a decided success. rho proceeds
amcninting to nearly $55 which was
V013 good considering the low price of
admission.—Mr. H. Willert shipped
another car toad oi' hogs to Toronto
last week. --Mr. John Fried, merchant
of London, spcnt Christmas with his
mother and sister of this village. --
Mrs. Beitzel, of Elmira,is visiting wher
p0111] ts. Mr. and Mrs, Lotus
Mee. P. Beare,. and daughter, Mrs.
We haVe about 25 •Letlies' Mantles, all *7 .style, which we have reduced, 33St/a.
business, in the town of Hanover.—As rather than carry over to next season.
See our stock of Fur Co its, Robes, Ledies' Capes, Fur Ituffs, and 04113S befors
purchasing elsewhere.
We have 0 nice stock of X-mas Goods suitable for the holiday trade.
Oer Grocery department is Weil. Stheked WW1 the choicest Groceries for the
X-inits trade. Our prices the, lowest.
10. 000 pounds of Poultry -wanted between now and
December .23rd for which we will pay the highest prices
. .
the nierry weddi bells :Ire i k el
' 'Yt
so= to be on se gmgle, don
forget the place to get the mar-
riage lieense. W. 13 Fallis of
the post office store, issurer. —Mrs.
'W. B. Oliver and children are ee
thie week visiting. hee perents in St.
MaryS ; 1VIiss Ada Hives also ac-
convanied her. --The Stephen council
have ;tit 'leen. eletted by ecalaniation
whitili \Vitt Mean money In the rate-
payer's pocket, and as the present
Snell ar - visiting f hinds and Couocil bzrYe Managed in elearitln- the
relativeS in PreStori.---T. S
either in cash or trade.
ff the toWnShip a great drop in A CALL SOLICITED.
Irwin i•fect condition for air enter- Vas:eels Itoriany, Clerk. don, visited rplativeSin
ItE IT 0 N