HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-16, Page 13CASH THE F.4 ]ZrER NORTH Weans. --- 'Olive Mrs,Chris. Luker, the latter of inflame is seriously ill, as is also motion. -D. McKay has improved con- sfderai,bly during the past week. ---Mie. Lloyd moved her goods out of town yesterday, leaving several sorrowing friends. RETURNED. -Dr. J. A. Rollins, Who spent past several months in Eng- land, Irelaud andScotland, returued to town on Saturday evening Iast. He was met. at the station by a, num- bee of friends, who, headed by the brass band, escorted the doctor to his home, He looks bale and hearty, and reports a pleasant tilne en route and $2.75 Ciente' Beaverized Fur Cap, while in the old land. extra duality. Some of the old time MUNICII'A'L ELZ;OTION..-T.B.Carling, houses ask $4.00 for this cap, our price at the solicitation of friends has con $2.75. seated to run forReeve. Among others ' likely to enter the contest are Reeve Bobier, W. Bawden and John . W. Taylor. Reeve Bobier says he is going to stand, but as for the other t'vo we cannot say definitely. For councillors few names are mentioned. Among those most generally mentioned are R. 5. Lang, W. Harding, C. SxIelI, je., John Wood and Sohn Dauncey, A.J. Rollins states that be will not offer himself' as a candidate Cash or Produce t7zs-EsoustatOne Price Only. ABY 9 Yes, we are ready with a most novelties, Staple and fancy. 15 cent snapin, Books -Several hum- dred go id elol,x bound Books. ks y good iiuthore, 200 to 500 pages, 25 cent% our price 15 cents, E iK? RY )( S. T ti ALL $1.25 large soft black fine morocco bound teachers Bible, .$2.50 our price $1.25. • 80 cent new combination Crokinole Board. a beatnty.. Regular value $1.25, our priee, 80 cents. $2.00 ehiids grey Persian Lamb Caps, large coni, best goods, worth easily $3,00, our price $2.00. $1.00 Gents' Fur Driving Gauntlets, just the thing for Xtnas, Box. Re- gular value: $2.75, our price $1,90. 1.00 Ladies' Black Curl driving Gauntlets, lovely goods, good value $1,25, our price $1.00. 90 cent Ladles' FurNeck Ruffs with 5 tails, special value 00 cents. complete stock of Xmas EX a" T ER $$.50 Ladles' Black Fur (Japes, with nice fine opposuni collar, a great leader for $9.50. $6.00 Ladies' fancy hawk cloth cape, with full roll .collar, fur edge, special, $0.00. $7.90 for full dinner sett, solid gold decorations, hest send porcelean, regular value $10.00, our close cut price, $7.90. $2.75 per pair for neer Chenille Oertains, dada top and bottom with heavy fringe, regular value $4.00, our price $2.75. $25.00 for Gents' (Joon coats,six only left. Coyne quick, worth $35.00, clear- ing at $25.00, ,$2,50 for Bisseie Best Cyco bearings carpet sweepers sold in Toronto for $3.00, one price $2.50. $3.75 for 10 piece gold. decorated 25 cent Feather Neck Ruffs, nice Toilet set. Biggest value we ever of. nobby goods. fered, $3.75. Remember one price only, every person gets big honest value for their money. • Yes, bring the children along, they are welcome. Santa, Claus has taken possession of aur Millinery Roam and filled it with Toys, Gaines, Books, Dolls, Sleds, and all kinds' of xm Is novelties.,, Lemons, Oranges. Nuts, Candies, Figs, everything that's goal for Xiirte. vacs oerr xi z ceo.r -.Lenz z oemcee z-® J, . A. STEWART. 7\7.. SWEET, t*F.TI:RINXi ItY SURGEON. Is prepared to do any bind o4 bird. stun) nd taxidermist work at (tiny time. INSU1iANCE. Lt RNI+aSTELLIOT, Agent for tho WxsTsiu ASSURANCE Co1lI- C.& Y, of Toronto also for the PIIatNrx Phan manna:Ca Commxr, of London, England; the se iaexcx Ilasui vela COSwA1r, of Eng and. A. 0,1?... Court Price of "Huron, No. 7865. Meetsinwo0d's 4t Fridaydinn and month. Visiti brethren aro c '� dully invitod t attend. sk' 174.11, Woo. 's -� WE OFFER Rubber Erasers, T.CR SPECIAL SCHOOL OPENING -o Lead Pencils, INDUCEMENTS Pens, and as a trivial offence to throw .a, stone at 1N®"r- Pen Holders, a, telegraph wire, but under the a"ritn- lnai Code, the penalty is three months Ink. , or $50, and if you injure the wire or break one of the glass insulators, the penalty is two years in peniten- tiary. Business men requiring printed stationery -note or letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, etc -should remem- ber that 'Tem Teems turns out neat, clean work at fair prices. Good print- ing is always effective. Itis the kind we do. The Edmore Journal says :-Dr. J. W. Harrison has sold his practice to Dr. James Pardon, a graduate of Jefferson college, of Philadelphia, and the University of New York City, and will go to Detroit next week where he will take the practice of his cousin, Dr. N. F. Harrison, who will retire. Dr. Harrison came here fresh from college a year ago last May and has been very successful. In fact he has been so suc- cessful that he has Handled nearly all the critical cases brought to our notice -during the past year. He is a success- ful and skillful young physician and his numerous patients and many friends will regret to learn of his de- parture. Dr. Harrison regrets very much that he is • so soon to leave Ed more, but he states that it is only au opportunity of a lifetime for hire to step into a large practice in tilee city. Dr. Pardon carries the very highest recommendations as a student and has some experience as a practioner. All mentioned in the above para- graph are former Exeterites. The postal note system, which Post- master -General 'Unlock has deterxnined to introduce into Canada, will come; into operation next July. It is an- other most important step in postal reform that will be warmly indorsed by the people generally. As describecl by an Ottawa correspondent the paper notes will be about the 'size of a rank bill, and will be printed on thin linen aper of the following denominations : 0, 25, 30, 40, 50. 60, 70, 80 and 90 cents, 1, $150, $5, $2 50, $3, $4 and $5. The cost of obtaining these notes will be 1 cent each up to 40 cents, 2 cents be- tween that' figure and $2 50, and 3• cents each for all above that. These postal notes will replace the postofiice money orders for the transmission of all small sums through the poet. The present money order system' is a cum- bersome and indirect method,: and astes much time. It will be contin- d, `however, with some improve - ti ants, for the transmission of suns up to $100, Fine coffee, fresh ground at John - tons. 3. All mantles at cost price to clear at Johnston's. s» Get your Marriage License and Wedding Rings from R. Hick's 2.. The local dealers report a scarcity of skates in wholesale houses, and think skating will be more popularthan ever. Applications for samples of seed. grain addressed to the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, are transported free of charge. Miss Maggie Martin,ofTnckersnith, returned from Souris, Manitoba, on Saturday last after et three months' sojourn there. A fine new stock of Ohristnrrs per- fumes at 0. T1utz's Drug Store. This is the place to buy your Christmas presents this iu line. et ou can get a fine choiceof X-mas 'hatches, Clocks, Jewelry, Dewe. rSilverware, Spectacles, etc., cheap for cash from R. Hieks during the holidays. 'f Fancy lemonade set at $1.50, fancy cups and saucers, fancy mustache cups and saucers, fancy crockery and glass of all kinds at right prices at John- ston's. s a Use Winan's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles. Acknowleged the best cough medicine on the market, Especially good for children. Manufactured by O. LUTz. Sole agent for Dix Lung Balsam. ‘. The majority of people look upon it ........ , Ink Blotters, • . • ... Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. (3 G l J I i- - l MART � EXETER gctql ung . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd,1897. LOCA, HAPPENINGS Local sports report big bags of rab- bits. Tuesday was the shortest day of the year. School closed Wednesday and re- opens 'January 3rd. John Stricker, of Berlin, is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. Rennie. Pails perfection . syrup, brightest goods, $1 per pail at Johnston's. '2.. Detroit,is at home of 111 Gillespie, �'V visiting his parents Mr. and.Mrs. Jno. Gillespie, Sleighing for Chistrnas is now pos- sible, the recentsnowfall having made the sleighing -good. Miss Carrie Willis, of Luean, who has been. visiting Mrs. Jno; Blatchford, returned home on Saturday. 6 lbs figs at 25c, 5 lbs mixed candy at 25c, 4 lbs good currents 25c, 3e lbs elect raisins 25c at Johnston's. ►� DOMINION DRAUGHT HORSE AssOcI- ..'rioN,-Tlxe eleventh annual meeting of this society was held in Clinton last week, with a gond attendance and a lively interest in the con tinuatince of the organization. The annual report shows the balance in the bank, with no liabilities, nearly $1,100. Tee election of officers resulted in the re-election of the old staff, with D. M. Cole, of Lake- side, added to the council torefill a vacancy. Alexander McInnis and Janes Henderson were appointed de- legates to the meeting of the Canadian Horse Breeders' Association, while Messrs, Blackall and Henderson are delegates to the Western Fair Board. special $25 were appropriated for two prices of $15 and $10 at the Western Fair for mares registered in the Society's Stud Book. DEATH orRICHARD PICKARD.-Last week vies announced the sudden death of Richard Pickard. Deceased was born in . Ringsast Parish Devonshire, England, in Feb'y. 1820 In the spring of 1819, with other members of the family, he emigrated to Canada, first settling in London, Ontario; then coming to Exeter. He worked two years with his brother Jaines. 13e then went to Hamilton, but shortly returned and again engaged with his brother James, with whom he worked in Exeter for 18 years, when be and Mr. George Samwell went into busi- ness for themselves. In the year 1804, he married Phoebe Elston, of Exeter, who, together with six child- ren mourn the loss of a loving hus- band and affectionate father. Mr. Pickard was a Liberal in polities, a Methodist in religion, and a friend to the poor and needy. He Was a warm supporter of every good cause, more particularly church work, in which he will be greatly missed. The funeral on Saturday was very largely attend- ed, which testified to the high esteem in which he was held by the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country. tiE R �T 111 .s iekard Co. OWE! Uh1tITUi\!! We are now showing a beautiful collection of Goods suitable for Christmas presents, and among these lilies we would especially mention, Fancy decorated Lamps, fancy: Chinaware and Glassware, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Gloves, Gent's Ties and Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc.,. etc. All the above lines were imported direct from the Old Coun- try and France, or else purchased from the manufacturer here and are the newest and best value Goods on the market. Fancy Laa na .a s DEATH OF DAVID Soma., -After an 1 illness of several years' duration, but which took a more serious turn lately, all that was mortal of Postmaster Johns, died on Monday morning last, and was buried on Wednesday, in the Exeter cemetery. Deceased had been ailing for some time, his trouble being of a complicated nature. Mr. Johns was born in the township, of Usborne, and was one of the first residents of Exeter. In bis younger days he spent a year',in Australia, but upon return- ing engaged in the hardware business here, which he conducted successfully until receiving the appointment of Postmaster of Exeter, some 20 years ago. Deceased was highly respected, having at various times held a seat at the Council and School Boards, and was a member of the Main st. Metho- dist church, and an official of the same. He was a man of sterling qualities, his word being as good as his bond. He was twice married, his first wife, who (lied some 25 years ago, being a Miss Tait, Deceased was 60 years of age, and leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters to mourn his demise. Mr. Johns was a Liberal in politics, but took no active part. He was a prime mover in the erection of the Main st. Methodist church edifice, and a 'large contributor to the building fund. The funeral yesterday wa s very largely attended, which evidenced the esteem in which. he was held. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. Chas. Smith, of Main st. church ; Rev. W. M. Martin. Presbyterian, and Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton. A large num- ber of friends from a distance attended the obsequies. PEACE SUNDAY. -01.1 Sunday, 190.1 December, Main st. Methodist church observed "Peace Sunday", as request- ed by the Christian Arbitration and Peace Societies of Europe and Ameri- ca. Two .sermons were preached. in the interest of the objects and aims of these societies by the Rev. Charles Smith. In the morning the text selected was "Great peace have they who love God's Law. In the even- ing the text was the problem submit- ted by by Abner to Joab as embodied in ..the words "Shall the sword devour the ons were s 7.v m e7. as forever? Both usual thougbtful aricl earnest, and that of the evening was especially strong and eloquent. Mr. Smith illustrated tb.e theme that war is a devourer of capital,. and property and of human life, the most sacred and yalnable of all merely terrestrial treasures, by many in controvertible statistics, and by some pathetic incidents furnished by various military campaigns, both ancient and modern. He also argued that if alI the monetary means, and Mechanisms, and human influence which are thus' perverted were con- secrated to the work of ehristian evangelism, very speedily would this battle scarred and blood drenched earth be sweetly ernbosomed in mil lenial peace, not an armed peace, not a mere commercial union of nations, bet. Christianity with' its truth preached and lived, and embodied in an inter- national code and court,' of arbitration is the only effectual answer, for the problem "Shall the sword devour for.; ever ?" The peace • songs, solos and anthems rendered by the choir aided much in making the services profit- able to a very high degree, Additionallocals o 4th and 5thpages. Fancy night Lamps, decorated founts and shades, $ Our Leader Lamp, fancy decorated porelean fount and shades, a beauty, High Banquet Lamps, hand painted fount and shade, with heavy brass fount, very special, Large • ornamental Lamp, globe shape, shade tinted and shaded [fleets, hand work, really lovely ATI, AT A1j AYy ^eV AT Ali 01A Al 'f 41, <R� AI ♦ R Af A�'� ASA A A1,► rTA WV, -AI-f ►•.w•.►•w7.r.,► 7.14."; •rte rregrr tY. wl?+ * 4ti r** �wu-w, l •-4 , en. rk.op Oar• ♦fie Opti �s r� oi' � r'iti *�� r�1 � �,rro oEw s>;s �w ��, f� en. a• CARLINC ROS. Wish to return thanks to their many Customers esteemed favors during the past year; and ho integrity and attention to business to merit even patronage during the incoming year. .ING BR1,1,1 We wish all a merry Christmas and a happy New Yea 7AT3S.r'�1.w14►aa1 ► ►A 24244404.Ai.alA&LA.a/A e dwesiiiiijr iA et* 0141'trVo s1�ar��irA1r ei} 41; /WY +/AN d THE READY 141ENDI R. (Mending, Tissue.) Repairs any kind of clothing, Parasols, Rubbers, Rubber coats, Kid gloves, Carriage curtains, etc. Only 10 cents. Economy is wealth. This tissue is a money saver. Sold at 0. utz's Drug Store. +.(Q� Derry Dignan, of Stratford, is visit- ing un uner the parental roof. .40 Mrs. John Gillespie is seriously 111, and her death is daily expected. Thos. Dan- is yery low and his death may occurat any moment. The Rev. Gerald Willoughby will as- sist in the Missionary sermons iIi James st. church on January 2nd. W. J. Clarke, of Toronto, was in townthe past week visiting his father, Thomas Clar•ke,who vontinues very ill. The none ination of municipal council - 2.50 ors will be held on Monday,Dec.27th, and in case of polling it will be held on Monday, Jan. 3rd. A Regina paper says : "Dr, J. H. 0. Willoughby, wife and child, have left for Exeter, Ont. The doctor is an ex - Mayor of Regina and highly respect- ed." This gentleman is son of Rev. Dr. Willoughby, town. He went to the Northwest in 1883, and played an im- portant part in the defence of the in- habitants during the Rell rebellion. and was a sureeon in the forces. 1.25 ")..)5 Ladies' Sable Ruffs, fancy heads and tails, special, $ 3.25 Ladies' genuine Persian Lamb Gauntlets,. well made and lined, 4.75 Ladies' Eclectric Seal Gauntlets, lovely goods, special, 4.75 5 Men's Persian Lamb Caps great value, 3.50 6 pounds good Raisins for 24 n Granulated Sugar for 30 as Dark n u 2 u Best Chocolate Candy for 2 as II Cream n to Good 3 string Brooms as Appleton's package Teas at Fine uncolored japan Tea Best Blend, pure Mocha and Java Coffee .25 $ 1.00 1.00 .125 .0 .40 and .50 .25 .40 ys9 =tic Mens' heavy Freize Overcoats, good heavy linings, special, $ 3.90 Mens' Rigby -proofed Overcoats, guaranteed thoroughly water proof, 6.50 Men's heavy Irish Freize Overcoats, lined with all wool plaid, best coat on the market, thoroughly water proofed, 9.50 Boy's heavy Nap Overcoats with capes, special, 2.75 Boy's heavy Freize Overcoats, Rigby; -proof- ed, special, 8.75 kr hi w A beautiful assortment of Hem Stitched Japanese. Silk Handkerchiefs, fancy silk worked and initialed, special 2 for Men's India Silk Handkerchiefs, hem stitch- ed and initialed, special, Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, fancy em- broidered bzozclereel bol'ders; regala7. 35 cis for Gents' Japanese pure silk, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, very special value, The .25 95 .60 IRECT IIYIPO TE S. LET TT S FAIR PI SON'S BUN, alETEN \Vela ve opened out in F:. sox's BLOCK a BRAND NEW STOCK G RANITEWARE, TINWARE, WOOD rNWARIa:, CHINAWARE, CROCKERY, STATIONERY, ETC Comprising the many useful articles at low price. Call and see our various Imes and get our prices. Oyster parlor and lunch room in connection. ' LEVITT'S FAIR. FRUITS l FRUITS FOR CERISTMA Merchants would confer a boon 'shoppers by sprinkling sawdust ashes on the slippery pavement. Messrs. Carleton t Stur aiding another auction ctran ilch cows in Exeter, o anuary, mostly sprin posters. The sermon preached by Rev. W. Martin in ("even Presbyterian Chu last Strnday evening upon "Martial was listened to with very much int est by a large congregation. 1 second of the series will be preeacli on Sunday evening next, Dec 2C Subject -"Husband. "Orwhat the Bil has to say to the husband. Our past record is sufficient to our customers to insure nothing but first class Goods We are again supplied with Loose Mus- catelles, "California Fruit." Layer and selected Valencias, Sultanas, or "seedless raisins." Layer Malaga Figs, "10 crown brand." Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, "the best. All kinds of Spices and Flavorings, such as Essence of Lemon, Vanilla, Win- tergreen, Cloves, Ginger, Cinna- mon, innamon, Orange, Pine Apple, Ban anas, Violet, Peppermint, etc. Our favorite Baking Powder "The Housekeepers Delight" is C) still holden,, the front, also "Strongs" keeps close at the heel." I want my many Customers to avail themselves of our offer of Ready-made Clothing and Over- coats ver-coats ; a goodly number have so done. Come along ye shivering and freezing ones and be ye clo- thed at a price that will make you wonder. Also a job lot of Astiachan Caps, Men's and youth's sires ranging .prices from 50 cents to $1.75 each, great valu es. Bound to clear them all at half price. WANTED 1,000 Turkeys No. H at 8 cents. I,000 Ducks 1 at 6 " 2,000 Chickens " I at 5 " I,o0o Geese " at 5 7.2 " In exchange for Goods J. P. CLARKS Exeter Lumber Ya Dressed Pine, Siding, ing and_n No. 1 I'ine'Lat Cedar Shingl Special inducement mg Builders in I Bill Stift 30000 Fey# comm YARD) EAST `>IDI; OF MAIN STREET. AR 6 pieces faney Blouse Velv price ; was $1.00 now clear; 50 cents. is at g pre 2 only Mous' Black Martin fur (el coats, great wearers, handsome gel Regular $25.00 for $18.00. 1 A job. Tot of Feather. quality, will be sold at reg price. 8 only, best quality, Beaver C; gular price anywhere in $8.00, now $5.00 FUR CAPS, FUR CAPES, it UR GAUNTLETS, FUR RUI{FS, FANCY HAKF GLOBT ES, HOSIERY, SCARFS, Everything suitabl presents. Croce A.11 lines of fruits, s sultanas, cleaned C Extracts, Toilet Soaps. Christy's Biscuits, Nut Dates, Etc. Etc. Come to us Goods, and w undersold, all guaranteed pi