HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-16, Page 12t LEGAL. Barrister, Boll - et attpreene Court, Notary moriev to navaae neer. Centre iseto tier, tke Ottleei an son'aUloolc, Exeter. IJ COLLINS, L'S Barrister , Solicitor, BonTayalcor,Etk - ONT. OFFIOn : Over O'Neirs Bank. ELLIOT & EiztoT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablic, Conveyancers Sze, &lc. -Money to Loan at Lowest states Interest. tiFFICE, - MAIN srur,sr, mx*WTER., Rensztll every Thursday, B. IRXUjv: Guar 11•=0.0 MEDICAL elaVERS, M. )3. TO!t0NT_Q UN 15 V1ItSI, M I'i C. M. T.eutY Garver Ritr. faCe—Crediton, Ont.. D ris. ROLLIN'S do AMOS.. Separate Ohices. Residence same as former. 1Y,Asuirew Rt. Offices: Spaclannies buildinzr. Main st ; Dr Ronnie' same as formerl3r, north dcor: Dr. Antos" seinebij1jiugsouth doer, 1.A. ROLLINS. M.D., T. A. A MOS, 111. li,xeter. Oat 0 T 131.1OWNING M. D.M. 0 t fe • P. S Oraduate Vietorta thrive' ty office and residence. Own Men LAM: tray . Exe ter , d 1 ')R. ElYN.DMAN. coroner for tee ta County of Huron. Office, opp site f'arlIng Bros, store Exeter. fa er THEI EXETER TIMES Till, lir 11114..e for England, eefected a million- . ------___-.---- inENEWS IN 11 NijillEit. .'itat)li-littor'thilg itisraiteo*rteldLaYtoPPCabt14atinPriries populer indignation against the Government for ourrender- TIE VERY LATEST alltalain Cbarles Zenon the New York barber, If 1.,,T,.,.. ,,,,, ing to the demands of Germany. ALL THE WORLD OVER. ,:aeL,:,,eies,j, tiii):::,..,,oinnesclull.dasa feour Nei i'es for the au autease be performed ou the remains 0 p. anu asks that Interesting' Items About Our 0.ve Courety °` ia last vvi ' r h ' 'fa Great Beltain, the United ' Slates, arit" A sla)) of. quarbz witb. veins of gold Ml Parts of the Glebe, Condensed ant prom:fleetly sin ...lug Will convey L. a a - Assorted or Rosy Reading. CANADA. ' The late Mr. Thomas Lawry of 111,132- itt011 left an estate of $155,000, Oxford County Council is considering the purobase of sill the toll roads in the county. It is 0e -elected that the new census of Montreal will show a population of three hundred thousand. Judge Davidson has been aprointed professor of criminal law in the Mc. Gill University'. faculty of law. The Customs Delartment is taking steps to stop the importation of infer- ior and unwholesome tea. Lieut. -Col. IlumEhreys, of the 6°'th. Halifax, has withdrawn his resignation and other officers will follow. Dundee leen Couu al will not co l'erate in the Eonanion Allia,n en ye ition for liquor Remises ameudinents Alphonse Cyr, who ran a nail into is foot while working in Booth's mills, ie i of Iockjew in the hoseital at Ot- wa. The British 13oard of Tra ie figures r November sbow a decrease le im- rts of 41,330,000, and an increase of exports of £1,202,717. Chevalier Drolet bas left for England Mali tete arraagements, for the sale his mining rights an the Saskatebe- an to an angliee .syndhate. Guard Milligan has been sus en 'ed the Kineston penitent:are eat ° forn,a'e levitation to President eac- leipley to attend the gola jubilee of *the discovery of gale. -Lena Winslow, of leansa,s City, .who sued the Kia ghts oe efaecaaees for teenty-five tuousand dollars for dislo- c-atiug one of his kidneys while initiat- ing him Mtn tee lo el order, has been ardea ten thousand dollars damages. Mr, Havelock Wileon, labor mem- ber of the Ira- axial teartiament, and Mr. Edward Harford, of the Britt ei Trades lealon Calm il, have ea -levee in New York to attest the congress of the Ainpri.etn, Fe ieration of Labor, to be opened at Nashville next Monday. tilANITOBA'S .PROSPERITI 31 CEMBER ' CROP BULLETIN OF AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT earlyTlinity4itree Illitilion luisheis-Fall- ure or the Oro, and Barley Crops - A Splendid Season for lDalry Products -- Estimated Acreage ror Next licar. A despatob from Winnipeg saysa-: Accordieg to the December crop but - Jetta issue' by the Pr-m.111ok1 Agricule tural Department, the total cereal pro- .. ducteees in Manitoba this year 404,625 bushels. Of 'Winch 3 were wheat, 10,629,513 ocets, barley', 247,836 flax, 48,344 rye, 3,80 pecte. The averages per acr Wheat 14.14 bushels, oats 22,7, 20.77. The oat and. barley cro tenures. Three awl a tiller liOjj bushels of potatoes and ro also grown, potatoes aveiag bushels per acre, and roots 199 The Interstate Commerce Cenunis- estimated wheat yield of the 'Won of the Unibecl State has deeided t blht . n bulletin was et realize:I, owl .- en, are ,,, or vo yeathe period 0 „ a teekea the grata just witein. v.. i ea raiiew„le meet comply before imaturity, with the not of Conerress requiring 0311T11e uumber a beef rattle exported railroads to be equipeel vatic beret)" from tiie 1.rov ince Lis toason was fif- - epplicenees for the prateetiou of the t tnuatelum:1.48..linverlettltitirtile"dle't;oelcei;s .. employees an 1 passeeeers, Uni , . , to tae ted ebates as she on • Commercial summaries aro not usual- Customs returns; total export , ly exerting rea.ung at this s asou of t::e pro.ince, teirty--on.e thousa f;the year, an4 those of the Preseet week hundred. The number of hogs s are no exeeptne to the general rule. oat of Ma.nito la on foot or dress There is a se a ly r. tail trade in the twelve teousand five hundred ordinary lines of hut ay goods es- warneer recel,ree by. Winnipeg p peelitaly in the lighter liaes o.: toys and an 1 hut- ers was twenty -live the ii3esents, but usually ,business is quiet total, t, irty-seven thousand, fiv ! wall no seeciat features. But while erect. Poultry disposed of by ere e I was as followse-Tuxeaya 17,540; geese any spees1 lines. there is a better tone , and cluck, 2.0,090; cl,i .kens, 184,055. tall retina in Lusiness eircies than hes i These find a ready market in the pro- , existed for a long time, ana many eon- vime. ' cerns are busy to their eau ae. acity The season bas been fav for iin eonlieent expectation of a mag' in- all part e., iate.est el in lee animate-, eturereasectof tbhuesinyeeassr r- ture of butter and cheese. v `the pro ' - are strongtr than at the close 1 Ies under the supervision of the dairy .immAlel6tianteels3;:gelartt.vh: . 4 o. creameries and cheese fe,eter- u r 0 or last -week. aced in the chief centres superintendent have been uniformly a- trade and industry in the United good, and pa :Iced so L') co meet tee States the outlook is regarded as ex- realviremente et t.I.,e- market. Home t . ceptionally encousaging and bright. de ries bave also kept well in line in GENERAL. the manuneture oi god Letter. Ili re The ravage.; of the bubonic, plague at elves at A, has lame a ready sale of ell dairy pro- Poma are mat ated.naureerati.•e prices. The fol- lowing is a summary of production traea a Le un.aeourable. ' he barvest prove ts of South Aus- and prices: -Butter, creamery, 9 7,- f 17 rounds' l'• \able $177 f9.) 22; dairy 1 lemperor W 1 tam reatrs to the Bey- f.utter I 410,85 pounds, 133 80., value 'Cans as a contemptible crowd. of ne- •S 811 1325.62; total, 1:„Ii. 7,464 pouncLS; val- ! . grecs. aRussi will not tolerate a 1 nrinlinellt - pounds. 8 1-2c., value $83,8)559; total 1 tie t,8flt),317./44. Cheese, fa. tory, 987,937 (retire Lion. of Hiao-Chan bay by Ger- value of da ry pr Hitt 'i-1 S 150 413 43 e - . .. t is estimated that 1,370,085 cores 1 lhe All an:ans are reported to be of land are r a ly f ir cropp ng e next spring an in,•rease of more tban 400.- 000 a're' compared with the figures a. year ago. LONG LOST OLIILD FOUND, A STOLEN WINNIPEG BABY FOUND IN BUFFALO, The Mother Iterogeized liter Daughter Wilo Intd Been Itlissing For Alore Theta Five Years -- An Aunt Accused el the By a mere accident, says the Buffalo slapping. ExPress, Mrs. John B. Harris, of Win- nipeg, Manitoba, found in Buffalo on Friday afternoon, her little daughter was 32,- Ruth, w-eo, it appears, wee practically 8,261,0e3 1 stolen. from her five years ago. Though 3,183;602 the child had grown wonderfullysince and 33- she was taken away, a little girl three e were: years old, the mother recognized her barley on sight. With the aid of the police ps were she regained possession of the child, ter mil- and she returned home with her on its were Saturday afternoon. Ing 149 Mrs. Harris is the wife of a fuz-rier . The in 'Winnipeg. At the time Ruth was ng to a . August taken away, she was the only child Mrs. Harps bad. On October, 13th, 1892, little Ruth's aunt, Mr. Harris' sister, paid a brief visit to the Harris family, WIteix sbe was about to leave, she said AtIOTIONNERS. PO BOSSENBEdillY, General £d- • 00558(1 Auctioneer Sides cennineted at ellparts. So UMW teeetrerneteed. Charges moderate. ReusallP 0, Out: of HENRY EILBER Licensed Ana - end Miceleses: • Soles coed:lewd. at 11-1 tioneer tor the emirates of Huron 1 by elate rates. °trice, at Postednee °red. • Jon out, es for carrying out letters awl ha TAO AtRINAUX. g communication with cornices. The C. P. R. has been coin elled t refuse grain shaanenis via St. JO' on aecoant of the diff eulty of gettin vessel aecommoeatioa from, that ror. The County Courted 1 as deeieed to eacourage the introauetion. of t: e teaching of agriculture in the Put lie Schools of the rural districts of Went - wort it. Tennent & Tennent keel:aloe oel.r. • (1111f th 011 tart() Vemetnerr ti rum 1. drierSoirth ofTewn Tian. r 111.1b WATERLOO FIRE INSUJIA Eve 1.1$63. READ OFFICE WATERLOO, OIVT Veniparry bills been over Tweet v-ei ch year: in sueeessful oper iciest in Westorn l'r tette and ('0111 11((8S to hem rellaillast 1048 ,or doe ea by Fire, buildings. Melonan .n1(1,1.11144 cries and all other deseriptioas ctirable protrerty. barren ne insurers n.we tl option of mei:Hugon the ermine% note or l•yrt During the past ten years this company has burro Polieies, covering property to the inor,iryt $40,1372.inS; aniline." in losses Melia Auseere, $170.1oo.00 , consisting of Cash 11 1 anti floverinuent Dorrositand the .nnasses- ed Premium .Notes on hand and to force 3.1 .A1 N, AUL President; o AI. TA rhea s tcreirrs ; 1. lir:Isomer LIRAS B A 1 Agit t ier Exeter one vioinitY NE E cover, that cure tiro worst uf BEANSNervous Debility, Lost Vigor and weakness of body or mind caused Failing Manhood; restorers the by over•work, or the errors or ex - ceases of youth. This Itemcdy ab. oluteiy cures the most obstinate cases when all other ateitesisaxs have failed even to relieve. .old by drug. :ids 01 81 per package, or six for 85, or sent by moil or ,,seipt of prim: by andr.erir AXES Menneri Sold at Brownimos Drug Store Exeter in Spring Time get Pure Blood by using B. B. B. No other remedy 'Possesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and purifying yrroperties as Burdock Blood. Bitters. It not only cleanses-, internally, but it -". when applied externally, . all Jeers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, olotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to health) action. •_ ai.„1El-MAKFIFS m-likarrt14W NOM' r car' 8b1TieinifFit sere, es - • • 'ETER TIMES Ts published every Thursday morning at Times Stearn Ibriating Rause Ma n street, nearly opposite FR totesje welry store, Exeter, Ont.„ by JOI1N WRITE & SONS, Proprietors. Rams arivElerfe/NG First insertion. per . . .10 cents Each subsequent Insertion, per 'line . 8 cents • To insure insertior, advertisementeshould be cent in not later than Wednesday morning, Our .10)3 PAID/TING DEPARTMENTis one of the largest and best equipped in the County of Huron. All work en rusted to us will re ceive our prompt attention. .Decisions Regarding Newspapers. 1 -Any peri,ori who takes a paper resculaNy from the Post °face, 'whether directed ut Ins name cr another's, or ,vbetbor he hes sib scribed or not, is rospon,-ible for payment, 2- /f a person orders ht' paper discontinued ho must pay all arrears or the puldistlier m tient inue to send it until the payment is made, and then eolleat the whole amount, whether the paper .1,, taken from the office or not. 3 -in suits for subscriptions, tho suit may be in -t Stated in the place here the paper ismer_ nehm, although the subscriber ineT reside hundreds 03 02)116, away, l -Tho muds have deeded that refusing to take newspapers or period/eels from the post, otiice, or removing end leaving them uncalled for, Is prima faeM evidence of intentional fraud, e ebayipt,heae shetor ettes1;;statieto vtaiskiet.RuTtliijohooleteleivtleidhieor hifi Jr:: the country a few miles, from W1i- ncl peg. • Mrs, Harris gave her consent, and kissed the child, with never a SUS - aa. es kaTne irdl se; to oieseione otfhahtortlfloart Avvase 3trehaetro/ast she was e bun- baTokhe aunt promised to bring Rui,1 there :s no mark ,d. ary for embezzlemeni from the tank. Mr. Shaughnessy, Vice -President o the C. P. IL strongly dentes tee re- ports that the men engaged on th Crow's Nest Pass Railway have been ill-treat ed. W. 13. Palmer, Hamaton, senten ed to three years at leaoseton len tenti of Commerce two years age, bas Leen pardoned. • A. letter has, lean 26661 .'e from Ma- jor Walsh, writt°n from Lake Bennett, : h on Noveraher tete. His party are all t well, anti they welted t.) ream Dawson in February. It is probable that the Dominion Cot- ' 1. tonC , • 1 ny a Lig mills at Brantford -C e ill ehortnr be moved to Three Rivers, where power can be had from the Shawatlegan Falls. mum tting peat excees.s at, retra and Kitebevo. A k'reneh expedition is reperted to ave been massa red while on its way o the Nate. It ts announced from Rome that • AWFT.11. FATE OP A CHINESE LAD, here is a secioas .ailing off in Latter's The statenunt that a lad of eleven acme the pantie al rev enue of the "at:can years la 1 been arrested at Kinkuei for A workmen of Berlin, who \ ras aecidentally causing tee death of his °barged with Itre meee te, committed mother, and that the. ehild had been • suieide on Friday to eve tele puniehraent Sent under eusto'ly to S000how in be for his offenes, there imprisoned until tsenteneed. to The Ch nese Goiernuent has caused. death ia a:Toren/me with Chinese law, it to be made known, that the matzo, has 'unfortunately been fully corrobor- t on of Kato Chau Lay by the Germans wilt be resisted. cited by a trustworthy foreign resident It is said that Germany has re- of Soothw o. ;Uader the draconic law of Chine, when a rarent has been kill- ed no circumstances of intention or of age are permitted to interfere with the infliction of the penalty, which is that of lixegeha, or silting by the ox eared knife, *followed by decapitation by the executioner's heavy avo banded sword. Any imitkation of this cruel s3nt nee W0111(1 be considered by the Chinese as aiming a blow at the fundamental prin- ciple of filial duty, which is supposed -to be the groundwork a their code. No croubt even an appeal to the Emperor would be in vain, for any attempt to change the law in the case of this un- fortunate youthful matrieide might endanger the dynasty itself. The annual report of the London Board of Health states that the death rate is only 1203.per thousand. Lon- don claims to be the healthiest eity in the Province. The C. P. R. announces another re- -duet:on in freight rates this time On • ouxtd oats and ttma: Letwcen ; Sre:ties Falb' and points in the North- ! fo west Territories. Posed to Viena to take a ',else of ia.o Chou City and adjaceat territory r a long reriod The German-Clanese difficulty has practically been tattled, the Chinese having con -eded all the principal de- Mr. G. M. Bosworth, traffic mana- ger of the Canadian Pacific' retie ay, says the freight rates on grain be- teeen Fort. William and Montreal were lowered to induce a winter move- ment of Manitoba, wheat. A delegation of artillery officers, headed by Major-General Gascoiene, -waited on Dr. Borden on Saturday, and asked that a special grant 1 e given the association to entertain the British team that will visit Canada, next summer. Mr, David Mills, Dominion Minister of Justice, is being deluged with o.p- plicatins for the pardoning of crim- inals, and it is renterked ee a curious fact that most of the letters asaing for pardons refer to the worst crimin- als, and emanate from! women' and women's associa dons. Dr. H. Walton L. Jones, who wa.s bent by the Dominion Government to Tee Stockholm Exhie ition, returnel to Montreal, and reports that there is very little prospect of immigration; from Norway, Sweden, Finland, or Russia, as times at present are good in Norway, axed fair in the other countries mentioned. GRI)AT BRITAIN. • Investigation into the recent London fire reveals poinsts elf inefficiency in the brigade, A severe gale is again raging on the British coasts, and especially on those parts bordering on the Trish sea, Rumours are current that the Earl of Elgin early next year will retire from the Viceroyalty of India. and that he will be succeeded by Lord George Irani:atm. • London, notwithstanding the mild and unseasonable weather, is putting on a gay appearance and nanny nolile- men have issued invitations for large • Christmas parties. At the sale of the Earl °I Ashburn - ham's library in London., Caxton's translation of "A Books of the Hoole Life of Jason," fetched two tboesand one hundred rounds. Tnhe Arehbiehop of Canterbury has issued a pronoueconent that he disap- proves of the remarriage of divor6.ed couples, and that his Vicar -General hereafter will not license them. 1 UNITED STATES. Mr. Charles Fielsobenann, the yeast ' j mannfacturer. of Cisminnati is dead. t A large store in Philadelphia has op- 1 ened d.epartment for 'the sale of e cats. b Mr. IL W. Powers, the benket and a owner •of the famous Poivers blook in Rocheeter, is dead. Capitalists of Bay City, Mien, have ong-anige,d the first beet sugar com- pany in• the State, with a capital stock of $300,000. hepresentative jOhnson of North Da- is preparing a bill providing for the complete extermination of the seal herd of Behring Sea. meads of Germany. Wilhelmina. Queen of 'the Nether- lands will take the oath of 6.00658106.to the throne on September 6, 1898, in tee new church at Anastereara. Emperor 1Villiam is reported to have said recently that America's meddle- some podzy must eease, or he will be Wedged to teach them manners,. Gen. von Gassier, tae German Minister of War, announced in the Reicestag that it is the will of the Emperor that duelling shall be diminished. Part of a company of British ar- tillerymen, stationed South Afri- ca, mutinied because they had been or- dered to embark on the troopship Avo- ca. for Mauritius. It is stated that France is deliber- ately seieing- the, upper waters of the Nile aboee Khartoum, thus cutting the British. line of communication be- tween Cape Town and Suez. It is reported frora Port au Prince that the Haytan Government has sal- uted the German flag, paid the required indeannity, and that en trouble be- tween the two powers has ceased. The new Government of /Newfound land has "chopped off the heads" of 12 mag.strates, 23 customs officials and other officers, saving !thereby $15,000 a year. It; is officially reported that since the beginning of {the disorders at Prague there have peen 600 arrests, and 30 citizens, 60 policemen and 20 soldiers have been injured, The Havana eorrespondent of the London Daily Chronicle says. that the Cuban reforans offered by Sailor Sag - este have come too late. The devast- ating policy of General Weyler has converted the inhabitants of Cuba ba- te the implacable enemies of Spain,. TRIED TO KILL THE SULTAN. Two SfallferS or the Imperial Cmed laWere . the Culprits. On 1V1021daT laet, two soldiers in the Imperial service at the Yildiz kiosk, the ialaCe Of the Sultan at Con.slantinople, made an attempt on the life of his Ma- esty. This was frustrated by the at- endants of the Sultan, .Elis Majesty lad the men tortured in the hope of extorting the 3aames of the instigators ut both succuMbed without revealing nything. GRASPING THE OPPORTUNITY. They say kieses are inthei- eating. Jack -Let's get drunk, THE ONLY WAY. There is only one way to tell a mad afr. George '‘V. Vaelderbilt, youngest so, n. of William 11. Vanderbilt b^f I pnOj oev's that? 'Pell him by a long-distance tele - A BAD PIT. Customer -you guaranteed a fit, didn't you? Ta:lor-I did. Customer -Well, the only fit about these clothes was the one my -wife had, when she sa.w. 'em. IMMINNIMINinnunmft A \\ ) T' A 01 N OP TREI MERITS 1.. AYER'S € Cherry Pectoral would include the cure of every form of disease which affects the throat, and lungs, Asthma, CrouP, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough and other similar complaints have (when other medicines failed) yielded to I Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, IN A FEW DAYS. The mother did not worry until fear days had passed. Then she went to her sister-in-law's home, which was on a farm. Mrs. Harris was shooked to find the house vacant, and to learn from neighbours that the family had packed up its houseboat geode and moved away two days before without telling a soul whither it was going e city authorities Were notified, b they failed to get any trace of t family or the missing- eland. Through the five years that follow- ed 31r. and Mrs. Harris spared no pains or expense in their eearell for little Ruth, alley wrote letters to the poli in all the largo (-Ries of Canada an the [lanced States and also eunamuni cated with everyone they knew had. the • slightesst acquaintance with the aunt and her family, Their ialioui-s were unrewarded until one day about a week ago when they gained the in- formation that tho family and little Ruth Were in Burial°. Mrs, Harris started at once for that city arriving there het Tbursday. Not knowing her sister-inelaw's address Mrs. Hams could. nut locate the family• A.Il she could do was to walk the streets ia the hope of running across either the woman or the ehild. On Friday afternoen, as she was passing one of th. g c own -town dry goods homes, the weary and faint eared. 3110- th - -am a little golden haired child, with pretty blue eyes, come out of the store, accompanied by a woman of middle age. Mrs Harrj5 at 01200 RECOGNIZED THE CHILD as her long lost Ruth, Not wishing to create a scene on the public! street, Mrs. Harris followed the couple to a house on William street, near l•ratt street, Mrs. Harris is a level-headed woman. Though her instinct prompted her to go into the house and claim the child she paused to think, and decided that it was best for her to get an officer. An hour later a strange scene at- tracted a crowd on William street, near Pratt. A woman was leading a little girl by the hand. The child was Crying piteously, and trying to resist the tall, dark man was! walking close behind them, warning the followin or rd tokeep aek. "lYfamraa, mamma,; I want to stay with mamme," cried the child, and the eyes of the woman who was leading her filled with tears at the appeal for the woman was the child's mother, and the child thought she was a stranger, On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Harria, escorted by an officer, took Ruth to a. number of stores and bought her some good, warm clothing, and a generous supply of little things that please chil- diem. Then they went to the Grand Trunk station and took a train, bound for north-western Canada. The mother learned that two days after little Ruth went to visit her aunt the family moved directly to Buffalo, and that the child. had been living with them ever same. They are in poor cir- cumstances, but they treated the child well. • h eitteleittamillilitioteuellialaiiiiialilletalls Pelee , EIM.Onmil 11111i111(111.11,11 I. Riramlimoun, AVegetabierreparationforAs- similating thelboci andReg ting the Stomachs andBowels of PrornotesDigestinagiteerful- nessanciRest.Contains neither ppniti,Morptine nor Mineral. NOT 1ST Aat c OTIC litar;a0P010.2k,ViNZPIlrlfER Pagordn %reed -^ 46x:en= • Ronidas Sri* - Anise &al • .2semormint 71,17 &eel garifia &far . Itkafronaz Aaron A perfec t Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomuch,Diarrhoes, Worms,Comisions ,Feverish- ness and Loss OF SUER Tee Simile Signature of C44.1f7f,r47—&-ig NEW YORK. IS ON TM WRAPP OF EVER), 130TTLR OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. TORI Caetoria. Is pit up in oucesise bottlecton/y. It is not Bold in belle Don't allow anyone to sell posten -"See teat you get,,04-8-T-O-R4-Ai yoln:iln,ytldsig else on the plea or promise that lt is "Just as good" and °will avower every per, siTauhoshafee. lulat 11"5314"9181111EMINSOINSMINMOMISI , ... .„ IN WINTER QUARTERS SIR WILLIAM LOCKHART'S TROOPS LEAVE TILE HILLS. Operations Against the Arridis Will Cease Until the Spring -- rite Ileavy British toss -- An Admirably Conducted CI7111. paign Caller Great 011102atifies. All the forces of General Sir William Lockhart, the British commander on the Indian frontier. have been with- drawa to the Baru valley for the win- ter. Military circles in London aro prais- ing Sir William Lookhart's conduct, in the campaign in India. The exciting events that ,have happened in otter quartere of the world during the last 30 days have diverted attention from Ike ethernet to 'email the Afridts. Bat the undertaking, in its way, is the most remarkable in which England has ever been engaged. Gen. tockbart has under his personal command , a larger body of troops than was ever before commanded by a British gener- al, H has 70,000 mee. in the field, More Chan Wellington had at Water- loo, where only 25,000 were actually British. In the exceptionally difficult conditions, the mountainous and un- known country, the cold season, the labour of maintaining emumunication along a very extended line, and the fierce fanaLiciene of tribes that believe they are fighting in a righteous cause, • ,.....••••••••••••11.. geTnhueityeamanpai resouree. rerekhart has dieelayel remarkable ' and for very exist ence, Sir William 111- CA FITE KS fegni hue been suspended " ! for the severe weather, but Parlia- ment will meet before it is resum end. the demon Is o•f India, Central • the Salisbury Government to push through the bill for an in•rease of mi htaarYs oullenen4d1,11 whielL Lord Lahsclow The proportioa of offieers Gen. Lockharta tetnipaign. is 42 againet '74 men, This is a state Menge unheard of, even' in the Engli frontier and &sort war. The Railway Newe'correepon•lent the front says that the native loes thrteughout here been far Iess than the 'lash and. Indian lasses, and that the villages destrovel. were merely summer huts of n.omadie tribes, vel live elsewhere meet of the year, an. whieh it will be no trouble whatever t rebuild. ITTLE Af- rica, and the, Niger region may help 11 - no 111 as of se 51011 Headache and relieve ell the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, suelt e DizzIness,Nausea. Drowsiness, Distryss after at eating, Pea in the Side. ,ta While filen-insist remarkable succees has bean shown In curing PILLS. Ilout t 13, 68 to Headache, yet CAliree'S. Lime LIVER Pitts e are equally Valuable in Constipation, curie , and preventing this annoying cam Inint, Male " tirny alBotheyc 1 disorders of the stomach, 1 stimulate the liver and regulate the bowola. Even If they only cured f 141 MURDERED HIS WIFE. An nullities Crime -Killed 1111!P titre Unenvied FoWI. An Indian belonging to Berens rive reserve Lake Winnipeg, murdered 1)1 wife three weeks ago by breaking her neck after the manner of killing a barnyard fowl. She was delirious from fever, but he thought she had become a Wendigo, and must be put out of the way in order that she might not bring }learn to other members of the bead • ;vheo suffer from this distressing complaint- st he they would be almost pricelet sa t;hoilit i!ligroVeciirte3r doe� will erni s these little pills valuable in so limey way., thaw arztbuarg to do wltnout thery1 kaasioii e will be 'arrested on a charge of murder. TEA.CH OCCIDENTALS A TRICX. The enterprising Japanese have es- tablished at Tekin a "Society for Wel- coming Foreigners," whose object is to provide strangers with an easy fa- cility for business or pleasure without neonvenience ur exorbitant expense. The leading hotels have offices fon the soeiety's agents who charge no fee. Here is something in which the Japan - else have Outstripped the Western civ- ization they have been studying so carefully. A YOUTHFUL FINANCIER. Daddy, do yon think I might have a dime so that I could give a penny to that poor blind manl Itho fao- oirailo sigma:no of is on f si wra'PPer• Is packed :f the Too growers, and is advertised and sold by them as a sample of evori' MONSOON " the bests qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For Ott(tfri.'41>ir'AILI,44 that reason they see that none but the very fresh 4/1 p leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, cze be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put up in sealed caddies of lb., 16.. and R.,- tt ibs., and sold in three flavours at 40c,, 60c, and rec. STEEL, RASTER & CO., Front St,, Toronto. , ACHE is..ba bane of so many Ryes that here is *here we make •our great boast. Our nine ewe 111 while others do not. CARTErt's L uss are verysmitU and vety easy to take. One or two pilis make a dose Thy are icy vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all wbo use them. In vials at 25 cents: See for $1. Sold evetywhere, or sent by man. CARTER 111.11/1011,131 CO., Bow York. • Ettiall EL Small Doe. I:I:Hi& PURE, r RAGRANT, DLICIOUS. ykyi tIP ti4 SEALED 4i hc„ /,UNDER DIE SUPERVISION ett4 pLootl`". -rut DIETz, 'DRIVING LAMP, Is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp-Malcing can attain to. It burns kerosene and gives a powerful, el clear white lightand will neither blow (11 nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had, ask your dealer tor the e Dietz." We issue a spebial Catalogue of ilea e Lamp and. If you ever prowl around after night -fall it will interest you, Tis maiied free It • R. ne DIET,4 CO., 41; 6o Ivaight St New 'York. Specie; terms to Canadian ft'i '' 0411,41Mlavatt-sli•GAILANMU- fr':,,, ie.',...r.,,rf,'Ne CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION 1 SICK IIEROACIIEND ALL LflLERTR!WBL4S' STEEL BILLIARD BALLS, a• '4 AFe the supply Of ivory is heeotning short, billiard balls of cast *90e1 41-0 being hsed in $wdenlynankitik them )' 1 11 v the weight is roadie' 5 pctrid with 11101; or ivory