HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-16, Page 11eroes !al to very nook I I of the �-� reached by the blood, and on ythe condition of every organ do - Good blood menet strong peeves, gestic); ; robust health. Impure Bans scrofula, dyspepsia, rheums- tarrh or other diseases, The surest have good blood is to take, Hood's illa. This medicine purifies, vi- , and enriches the blood, and sends ements of health and strength to net e, organ and tissue. It creates od + petite, gives refreshing sleep cure,,.. hat tired feeling. Remember, 00 Sarsaparilla e best -In fact the One True Blood I'ur1flen. d'S cure Liver Ills; easy to Pills take, easy to operate. 25C. H. KINSl\2AN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R, KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dontiste. Tenth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Moein Fan - son'$ Block, West side of Main at., Exeter. DR. AiIDERSOFI, (D• D. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- t'ereity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work,crownsaud wnsaud Y late work done in the neatest posible manner, A harmless anuesthotic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural tenth. Office opposite Cen- tral Hotel Exeter. Ont Exeter Electric Light AND POWER co,n(LIMITED) Notice of Nates The following rates will bo charged by the above companyfor the early and late service They propose gr' ving the town; QwI A Lighting Main Han $3,10 per a,lli2ump er 16 e. p. or45's centper night ht 1 parlor (or $ 2a .80 per annum per 16 c. p. (or 7/IO's cent per night.) Each subsequent parlor lamp $1.80, (or it cent yer night.) $`:.7o per alumni c. p. ,C it stairs Hall $2. r °• 4' '' if (or 3/5's cent por night.) lSparebedroorn $1.50 per annum 16 c. p. (or $• rent per night.) Ordinary bedroom $1.75 per annum 10 C. p. Cellar - 90 centper saunt 8 c. lin p. L omurnercia1 LigBetiing. 1, to 5 lights $4.50 per annum 16 c. p. (or 11/5 cent per night.) to 10 lights $4.40 per annum 10 c. p. 10 to r " , 15 to 20 " $4.10 " 20to25 " $1.00 „ 25 plus " $3.90 " " Wir ettg. General practise has proved it to bo more satisfactory for consumer to own everything within his own walls. The foregoing low rates have been figured on this basis, and in order to ,socurol them the following nominal initial changes are made nor wiring wit hlamp coin- /este Open ox' cleat. suitable for stores $1.33 per light. Concealed, suitable for residence $1.70 per light. .• Payable in monthly instalments, for a period of 10 . •ruonths, or $1.00 •ler concealed work and 1.23 for cleat work, cash on starting of lights. For further particulars apply to R. C. C. TREMAaIN)E, lyiare*eget- ,c ,; .' .. 2HURSDAY,DECEMBER23rd, 1897. • Local and District News $100,000 were spent in building oper- ations in Goderieh this year. merchants have • bushels of wheat bent $60,000 for Real winter seems to have arrived in this part of the world at last. There 1s plenty of time for enough of it to •satisfy everyone, long before spring. The financial statement of the town of Seafortb, shows total receipts $23, 1133.04 with expenditure equal to this stun. When the.roll was returned only $134 remained uncollected. James Patterson, of the 17th conces- sion of West Nissouri, the latter part of last week slipped and fell into a trap hole in his barn, breaking several of kis ribs, which will incapacitate him for a time. Monday night between 6 and 7 o'clock fire broke out in the new school at Brussels. The fire started in the basement, and did considerable damage to the basement and floors above before being checked. The tense of the fire is unknown. Miss Donald. teacher at Cherry Grove, intends '�rLo a ei ds toleave cave dais section at, the close of the year, and resume her teaching duties in S. S. No.' 12, West Nissouri; parents anis children of this »eichborhood presented Miss Donald with a gold watch and a well worded address. The terns for which Mr. John Cox was elected to the 'Wa •ci r elrship, expir- ing with the present year, there are * re eedy two aspirants in the field for .:ciaven of ,.0 St, M . Hay, and Mr. 11looney, of Morris. The Council , should,adopt sotne rale whereby fric- tion would be avoided in contests for this office. Either let it be under- stood that the oldest member. of the. County Council shall have the office,' (unless he has previously held it,) or let a' Liberal have it. one year, arid a lonservative' the :nth r. This was a le at one time in then .old County council u ' latterly`' n but it has not been hsereed. ) Goderieh grain bought over 125,000 1 this season, paying abont it. Teachers' Examination, The Board of Exaininers for the County of Huron, met at Goderieh Dan the 18th inst. The following students were granted Third Class Professional Certificates, as Public School Teachers, valid for three years. Misses Aitkin,Alny, Anderson, Copp, Ceuntil), Cunningham, ,. Culbert, Coutts, Dowzer, Edge, Elliott, 'Fowler, Her bein, Higgins, Isbister, Jardine, Ken- nedy (Susie) KenneS1y(Annie,)Lamont, LeTouzel,McOlrisk McConnell, Mc- Gregor, Murray y(Annie,) Murray (Georgie.) Oliver, Reynolds, Reid, Robb, Stout, . Twitchell, Walker, W iltse. Messrs. Aiteheson, Allison, Bricker, Clarkson, Elliott, Fraser, Hamilton, Haggith, Kilpatriek,Lennox, McEwen, McKay, McTavish, Naftal, Powell, Rath, Robinson, Snell, Scott, Todd, Tilt, Tisdale, Trewartha, Torrance. Christmas -tide. Saute, Claus is cooling. _ Duck shooting is oyer for the season. Mitchell has a municipal debt of $35,300, Geo. Willis was in Goderieh last week. . Abner Langford has purchased the Granton hill. Quail and partridge shooting closed on Wednesday of last week. Miss Hyndman has returned from a visit with friends in Goderieh. Geo. Witwer, of Zurich, had a thtunb bitten off while killing a pig, Eddie Arnold, of Granton, died last week. He was a highly respectedhoy. Mrs. J. White and Mrs. Ross, of Benmiller, are visiting friends in Exeter. Cooper White, of Windsor, is visit- ing his grand -parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jno. White. Win. Horton, of Exeter, spent a few days with his neiee, Mrs. T. Dickson, of Seaforth. W. Gibson and Miss Margaret Wil- son, of Granton, were united in mar- riage last week. , Olxris Sturdy; of Goderieh township, had the misfortune to cut his foot one day lately withan axe. A. number from Exeter attended the funeral of the late William Snell, of Dashwood, on Tuesday. John Hannah, son of the late Sam'l Hannah, of Griswold, Manitoba, is visiting relatives in Seaforth. Dr. Willoughby will probably give the last address on the series of the prodigal son next Sunday evening. Regulations have been passed by the Dominion Government to prevent the dumping of adulterated tea in Can- ada. Benjamin Makins, of Seaforth, has gone to St. Marys, where be has secured a good situation in a steam laundry. . D. M. Jermyn, of Wiarton, formerly of Granton, is no inated b the Con- servatives of' North Bruce for the Legislative Assernbly. -. Miss Lily Hardy left yesterday for Brantford to itttend the Brown -Verity wedding, which takes place Christmas, , as announced last week. The Central Creamery, St. Marys, is now in full swing. It was opened on Tuesday, the first cream being separa- ted for Peter Switzer, of Blanshard. At a meeting of the creditors of Bar- ber, Watson & Co., of Listowel, the stock was sold at 721e cents on the dol- lar to Mr. Stephenson, of that place. The Mitchell foundery was sold ender the power of mortgage on Sat- urday, 3rd inst., being knocked down to Donald. McLaughlin, of Hibbert, for the stun of $1,000. Rev, Chats.• Smith announced from his pulpit that his topic next Sunday morning will be "Echoes from the Angel's Song.l( At the evening ser- vice he will preach on "Old Father Time and his Three Children." St Marys, and other friends will regret to learn that E. H. Hanharn livery man, who a few months ago opened a hotel in Beeton, was burned out. Loss ,$100, no insurance. S. J. Stubbs, B. A., --English and Commercial Master, in the St. Marys Collegiate Institute, retires at the close of the year to accept the position of Classical Master of the Smith Falls High School. The students on Tues- day presented him with a, highly hl com- plimentary address and a hacom- plimentarysome present consisting of silver inkstand, starnpholder and blotter and gold pen. A tramp, who has been traversing the ownship concessions, was begging uncle ' disguise of being deaf and dumb. He c rtainly must flare forgotten his a xete'isse for,after partakingof a meal p ,p To at a certain house on the Bayfield road, he commenced teasing the dog, when the lady of the ]rouse tapped him on the shoulder and gave him to understand that the dog was cross. To her aston- ishment the tramp, with a surprised look, exclaimed "is he." It is needless to emphasize that the tramp suddenly departed, and we have no doubt but he kept his wits about hint the rest of the day. . Five more lodgers have arri ved at the Goderieh jail, making a total of thirteen. John Adams, laborer, of London, 0 strong, healthy fellow and well able to work, was sentenced on Dec. 7th, by P. M. Seager, to 3 Months for vagrancy. Ronald' eVith, (alias Philip McLeary),solicitor, of Toronto,' war sent down by J. A. Morton, J. P., on a charge of forging a note on Mr. Vanstone -of Win ham Smith is 5 ft. '7 in.ehigl , heavy set, dark cornplex- ion,. with dark hair turning. • grey. Thos. Warren, laborer, Perth co., age 55, sentenced on _Dec. 14 by Chas. Seager to one month for vagrancy ; Warren is not well, and should' be sent to the Perth House of Refuge. Walter Ward, paperhanger, of Chatham, was luccormodated with 3 months on Dec, 14td1 by P. M. Seager. Fred Elliott,. of Bayfield, is the latest arrival. " FOR OVER rwry YEARS. AN OLD AND Wnaa-Tinen REMznr,-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of'mothersfor their children while teethingwith .porfeet success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain,cureswinde colic, andis'the"best remedyed y for Diarrhna. pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 emits a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask. for Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. PERJURY Cfl$E GUT 8HORT. Change of Venue Declared to be Not in Accordance With: Law. Oases Must ]lo Tried in Orangeville, Ac. cording to a Decision Beached by the Judge at 'Traufptou-Mr. Johnston, Defence Counsel airedHis Point in >< , 4 Argument -Reeve Hamilton Will Use His Return Ticket. Brainpton, Dec. 22. -The court opened yesterday morning at 9.30, and the whole morning was taken up in legal reference to the validity of the order cbanging the venue from Dufferin to Peel. Mr. John- ston contended that the order is not valid on account of no provision being made for the additioual costs occasioned by such change of venue. The judge adjourned to look up the law in regard to the matter et noon. This was sprung On the Crown in a very unexpected manner and was a great surprise to them. The same objection was taken on behalf of the prisoner Coleman, who was found guilty by the jury last night, Mr. Johnston contending that ho could take this objection at any stage of the trial,. even after the jury's finding was recorded. Sudden. Termination. On resuming at 1.30 in the afternoon, His Honor sustained the objection raised by Mr. Johnston on behalf of defence in the morning,virtually holding that under the defective order made by His Honor Judge McCarthy, transferring the cases to this comity, ho had no jurisdiction to try the prisoners. The prisoner Hamilton was therefore released from the dock, his bail holding good for his appearance atran ov ille. O g The other prisoners, Small, Loudon and Sammons, were severally arraigned, but render the direction of Mr. Johnston refused to plead, and took the same ob- jections to the jurisdiction of the court as was hold in the Hamilton case. On behalf of the prisoner Coleman, Mr. Johnston made an application for bail, contending that, although convicted, he had a right to the salve privilege as the other prisoners, and to his liberty in the meantime on substantial bail being given. The Crown urged the fact that owing to the prisoner's conyiotion he had no right to bo released, even on bail, but His Honor ruled that in view of the reserved case granted at the opening of the Coleman trial as to the doubt in regard to his jurisdiction in the inattor, ho would grant bail. The bail was fixed at $4,000, tho prison& offering his bail for $2,000 and four other sureties of $5500 each. This ended ono of the longest and most sensational sittings of the General Sessions of the Peace in the county. At a late hour in the afternoon bail ooulcl not be secured for Coleman, so if ho is unsuccessful he will havo to stay in jail. BRILLIANT BAYONET CONTEST. orgt.-major Morgans Beaten By Cham- pion of the World Stewart. Toronto; Dec. I3 -Private Stewart, of the 48th Highlanders, champion of the World, secured a decisive victory over Sergi. -Major Morgans, of the Royal Grenadiers, the 12 -years champion of America, last night at Massey Hall a largo assemblage of enthusiastic spectators. Only two bouts were required, although near the close it looked as if Morgans would win the second engage- ment. The subjoined score tells accurately when the points were made, the double noughts signifying counters: First Engagement: - Stewart 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1-5 Morgans .0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-3 Second Engagement: - Stewart.. 010 0 0 10 01 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-5 Morgans .. 0 0 0110 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-4 Stewart fought in a crouching attitude, frequently the stook of his gun touching the floor, and, while Morgans remained nearer upright, his was the more open position, and he certainly proved a better mark. Each was quickness personified and the Highlander won by his better work at close quarters. All the military men agreed that it was the best engage- ment of the kind ever seen in Toronto, and some of the skeptics aro now begin- ning to understand why Private Stewart, of the 48th Highlanders, secured the title of champion of tho Empire on the recent visit of the Kitties' team to the Old Country. C.P.D. Steamers for Klondike. Toronto, Deo. 22. -In order to handle the heavy traffic. to the Klondike in the spring, the C.P.R. has made arrange- ments for the building of three large stern wheelers, to be used on the Yukon River. Tho steamers will' bo built in this city and the contractors will bo kept busy getting them ready for delivery to the owners by April 1. The boats will be about 140 feet long, with a 30 -foot beam, and will be especially fitted to carry a largo amount of freight. The contracts have been let. CANADIAN CURRENCY. Convict Irebnrn, who escaped from Kingston Penitentiary a short time ago, has been captured at Detroit. W. II. H. Graham, of Irvington, Indiana; has boon notified; from Wash- ington that he will be appointed United States Consul to Winnipeg ' after the holidays. Robert Muir, alias George Borns; ai burglar under sentence from Barrio, has admitted that he stole a team of horses and a sleigh from a Kinmount farmer a year ago. Amhurst Island Township Council has been elected for the coming year as follows:. S. K. Tngwell, Reeve; W. J. Fleming, R. R. Burleigh, Henry Wilson find John Richards, Councillors. The grand. jury at the Toronto Ses- sions returned a true, bill against Rev: Wm. Bates, charged with stealing some load pencils, etc , from the T. Eaton Co.'s store. JamesLeach,a saw mill' an w m has been committefor trial„ charged with perjilry. Ho will bo tried at Whitby. It is charged that he married Nellie 'Brooks, the 15 -year-old daughter of his employer; P. W. Brooks; of • Cawnpore, Ontario County, on a license procured, at Goad - wood, in obtaining which. he swore that Nellie was over 10 years of age. Mr., Brooks laid the charge. *U? iRT8. Exeter December• 22ud,1S97. Wheat per bushel Barley Pease,- Butter-- Turkeys eas.:.:Butter ,. Tu keys .., Geese.„... Chickens per th . . Ducks. Wool., Dried Apples Pork dressed..... ... Pork live weight Hayp or ton..,...... Clover d ... 4fo a seed ... Alsiko clover Timothy seed ................. Lost .80r 81 Loot betiveen Dashwood and Exeter 1 bag .20, to 23 Bran and 1 horse blanket. ()senora name on -At to 24.5 ba^ Aay person finding samo kindly send ...15 to .15 word to this Ofileo. ....1S to a 4 to 1 MONEY iq to 18 Private funds to loan onunproved farms 21 to ,} at flue and five and one half per Dent. Apply to 5' ELLIOT & ELISIOT, i 60 IstDocember, l6yi. Solicitors etc, Exeter., 5.00 5.00 1.75 500o to .50 tto .00 to .50 to .50 to Loudon, ember Mud 1897. Wheat per bathe ,.. ..,. ....81 to ,-''3 to Peas 39 to Barley....,29 to Buckwheat ....60 to Rye , ..., ..... ... 32 to Beans 25 to 39 Butter .... . 11 to Ducks . 75 to 14 Turkeys por Ib. 10 to Geese perils 9 to Chickens .......30 to Cheese 8 to Potatoes per bag .40 to 50 Hay per ton .. ...$ 5.50 to $ 5.50 Pork per cwt.. ..... .. 84.00 to 34.50 24 45 36 33 so 5500 8 Election Notice, TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE VILLAGE, OF EXETER. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN :- I take this means of expressing to you my many thanks for the vote you gave mo lastear; although it was not enough to elect me, still was a good vote considering every- thing. At the solicitation of my many friends I ani again offering you my services for the ReeveshipIn doing so Ifeel, as a largo rate - payor, I should have a voice at the Corned Board. I assure you, if elected. will do my utmost to promote the general interests and welfare of the village, having a duo regard for economy and retrenchment. As I cannot pos- sibly make a personal canvass owing to business engagements, would ask you not to be misled by_ any stories that aro circulated, as I am going to remain in the field till the last vote is polled. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy Now Year. Yours Respectfully Decombor21st., 1897. T. B. DARLING. RIIe11111Eili81l DYSlO!Sil guieti. 571 ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTA\VA, JULY 31st I896 To THE PrtRENOLINE MEDICINE Co., LTD., OTTAw 1, ONT. GENTLEMEN, -On the advise of it friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured the of dyspepsia, from which I wits suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I Lave tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain .mount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for sue has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sutserers. (Sighed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreinaan of Works, Rideau Canal. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may n invention is p obably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency ency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, 113 a year: four months, 51. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNE & Co.361Broadway, New York Branch Office, 625 I St., Washington, D. C. Blood first of all; that is theoint stsrting P on the road to health. Without it Dyspep- sia, Constipation, Biliousness, Headache, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Ulcers and Abscesses thrive and increase in the human system. But with pure circulating freely these diseases cannot long retrain. There is nothing to keep them there -no impurities for them to feed on. Burdock Blood Bitters ''purifies the blood, and drives out all impurities, waste and effete matter more quickly and surely than Any other remedy. If you want pure blood and good health take 13.wcd,fldy 18toad`editvin, REMEM ER That we sell cheap all the time. R l®1 :Rowe Has' the Finest Class of Furniture ever shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of I3us gess UNDEReel KING A SPECIALTY. R ' E QWE Next door North of •Moleons:Bank. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 23rd annual meeting of The HayTownship Farmer•SMutual Fire Insurance Company will bo hold at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday, January 111h,898 (AT ONE O'CLOCK P. M.) Business receiving the Director's and Sec- retary's annual reports, election of Directors and other business for the good and welfare of the Company. All members are requested to attend. SAM'L BROXENSHIRE, R'Y. EILBER, PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. Farm for sale West quarter of lot 18 and lot No.19, on the 12th con..of the township of Hullott,00ntaining 125 acres more or less. The farm is well fenced and underdrained and convenient to churches, school and market. On the farm is a good lee house and frame barn 52 x66 feet with stone stabling underneath also drive house and he€, pen and other buildings. it is well watered and in good state of cultivation with 10 or 12 acres of hard wood bush, if not sold within a month will be offered by public auction. For terms and particulars apply to the pro- prietor, THOMAS STACEY, Cromarty. P. 0. Cromarty Nov. 16th. Farm For Sale EXCELLENT FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF L'SBORNE COUNTY OF HURON. For sale by private contract lot fourteen (14) in the tenth (10) concession of Osborne, one hundred acres. The land is of .first ratequality about 90 acres cleared, the remainder in bush. There aro two wells, one at the house, the other about ut rho centre of the farm. The buildings which comprise a frame dwelling Quin house. barn 5)exn3c6eanadroinornanodndictaiottnl.e stables wih the Forpartieulars apply to T. S. Clarke an the premises or to Messrs.Elliot & Elliot Solici- tors &c.. Exeter. BICYCLES Are You Interested 1n Wheels ? ,r �'� e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and - AMERICAN makes at prices to suit tlzctimes. A. few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Niatatifries ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har. rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN,. Main street, Exeter. PERFECTION AT LAST WARRANT E EVERY iIME TI US3SS NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A assorlarge as ortment of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the manufacturers. We guarantee every Truss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP Dz' g to e We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S. COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. manufacture WeI AN S W _ WN LINIMENT, an excellent 'reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM' INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S , CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses,also condition ow - der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. Yr LUTZ We Hewer Mamie srfwal St44dy of The' Hillman Eye. Ifyour are eyes or your sight poor, it is impoant to have them carefully examined No Charge Made for r Tes1ine S FITTON GRADUATE ONTARIO OPTICAL INSTITUTE,. aux XMA8 GOODS Are most beautiful. Our CLOCK. and WATCH department is complete. Drop in and take :i. look at our Goods and see our prices. By so do- ing you will save money. SOLID GOLD WEDDING LINOS. Tr FITTON 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 judgment ? sa.a.�► .iso► iJudged A p earances.by pp You cannot afford to `T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l J For several Reasons: First. You feel yourself to be a better man. Secondly. You look a better man. Thirdly. Your fellow -man respects you. Fourthly. It is Ready-to-wear and you can choose, try on, and suit yourself from stock, without the uncertainty of an ordered garment. And lastly, you will find a little Guarantee Card in the pocket, which means " Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded." Does the combination of Reasons appeal to your wear slop clothing. It is a weakness of hu- man nature to judge by appearances. well a dog will bark at a tramp while a well dressed reran will pass by unmolested. It pays to wear Shorey's Ready=to=Wear Clothing. ,eosd�a s sar - r - 1 The Flow of Milk will be Increased. 1 i' Why go to all the trouble of keep- ing cows and get only about half the milk they should produce. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER strengthens the digestion and in- vigorates the whole system so thate nutriment nutrlm ret is all drawn from the food. It takesj ust the same trouble to care for a cow when she gives only three quarts as when she gives a pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few weeks. LEEMu1G, MILES -a Co., 50 CENTS DiCK &, CO., AGENTS. MONTREAL A PACKAGE,PROPRIETORa•' Farms for sale A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Samwell's Block, Exeter. F'RMERS You will find atBissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul- tural Implements. EEER1NG BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afu1 l'line of Seed Drills Cultivators Disc • and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewingand any y wringerspatrons in of these. A machine P ASte u0R 1 1 1 1 1 BEST FOR T ABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM. Suit of viothea or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, ModerateC ost , Perfect Fit. You "look`for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his _ pP STOVES. Gurney stoves and .furances. ' Waggons Buggies ■ Bicycles. sa. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughliin Buggies. 4413I'LL'" large assortment of Winter Fall Sc.�,Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, ate and we will nowon cur's elves k shelves, pleasure in showing Cake much p g them toou. There are many Y other lines that are specially at, ractive. .J�