HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-16, Page 4'77 THE Th e IVIolsons Bank ealARTERED BY PARLIAMENT, WS) Paidno Capita1,2,00%000 Res trund 1,400,00Q Bead Moe. Montreal. WnLVERSTAN TROMAS.Ese., GErnuta, Maxaonn Mooey advanced to good farmers on their own note with one or more endorser at 7 per ent. peaunum. Exeter Branch. pen every lawful day, from a.m, to p.m sATURDA'YS, le a.m, to 1 p. m. ;torrent rates of interest allowed on depots N. D.IEUCIRDON, Manager Exeter, Deo. 2,7th, 95 Opt THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th. 1897. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Dornieion Minister of Agricul- ture will extend the offer of a bonus to creameries which was made at tbe beginning of the season. Many were apprised of it too late, and wish to have a chance next season. The bonus is $50 the first year and $25 for each of the two following years. X x+ It is announced that the forthcona- iug report on the Ontario licensing system will show that there is less drunkenness in this Province than in any other part of the world, That fact was admitted by Sir Wilfrid Lawson, the British Parliamentary temperance leader,in a recent address. X 4- X Rev, Principal Ormat,of Queen's Col- lege in his recent letter on the tem- perance outlook, t tkes strong ground against a prohibitory liquor law He says: -After a long and earnest consid- eration I have come to the conclusion that a Dominion prohibitory law would be hurtful to the cause of tens peranee and most hurtful to the gen- eral public and private morality," Mr. Haycock, the Patron leader in the Legislature, is an experienced farmer ; therefore, be says he does not expect the experimental farm at Guelph to pay. The assault on the Administration was really set on foot by men who never farmed a yard of soil in their lives, and who haven() esyutpathy with the aspirations of the agricultural community, except when they are seeking votes. Advertiser, Any institution set up as a pattern or example for fellow -country men should above all things be made topay its way. If it cannot, why abolish it. WHAT'S THE MATTERW1TH THE SUNNY SETTLEMENT ? During the Centre Toronto cam- paign The Globe tried to make capital by alleging as a fact that the Manitoba school question was not settled, that the Conservatives were planning to keep it open, and that trouble would eventuate unless the Liberals, who had Nettled the question, were retained in power. It looks, indeed, as if the Manitoba question were not settled, but it is the Liberals and not the Con- servatives who are doing the mischief in keeping it open. The negotiations now going on between Sir Wilfrid Lauris;r,Lieut-Governor Chaldean and Mr. Greenway are significant of a coining proposition of souse kind in regard to the school system of Mani- toba. There is no doubt that severe - pressure is being brought to bear on Sir Wilfrid to grout further conces- sions to the Catholic minority of the Prairie Province. The church in Que- bec desires these concessions, perhaps not so much for their intrinsic advant- age as to re-establish the prestige of the Church. Mr. Greenway has a railway project for which he wopld like to receive help from the Dominion Government. The power of the church in Quebec and the necessities of the Province of Manitoba may together • be pon elle]. enough to re -open the Manitoba school question and. change the terms of settlement. Should any such death() attempted Ontario and the other provinces will have Lobe reckon- ed with. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier is prudent he will set his foot sternly down on this attempt to •introduce a question that is settled and will remain settled for all iiine 'if the good sense and determination of the people of Canada count for anything. Sir Wilfrid Laurier can better afford to go out of 'ciffice than to try and re -open • a question that be "settled" with his sunny ways, Flurryin Whes,t. The "squeeze" which sent wheat in Chicago up to $1.09, last week, pro- duced an extraordinary situation in • speculative circles. The bulls dumped hundreds of thousands of bushels into a pit to keep the price down, the bears hugged and, squeezed. the quotations in trantic endeavors to find a stopping place, but the rise came, with a close at 31.09. Sonne prophets who see great panishment in store for the big men without wheat tell of 81,25 or $1.50 wheat before Christmas Day. Me. Armour said: "I am not shot t a bushel of wheat, 1 ant simply doing an aggressive elevator business. I be- lieye wheat will be worth $L25 ic any le leket of the world before a new crop is harvested. The Dominion custom+ department is taking steps to stop the unportation ef ilifericn and unwholesome tea. A VERY POOR DEFENCE. The Ontario Legislature did a com- I mendable act last session when it pass- ed the resolution forbidding civil ser - vents from taking part in politics. Yesterday the first complaint was made, and the replies of Messrs.Hardy and Davis show that even yet the Gov- ernrnent lias not grasped the 'sites, - tion, The Goverment admitted that sev- eral men in the employ of the 0ns-em- inent had participated actively in a politieal meeting at Orilla., but Messrs. Hardy and Davis pleaded that some of the accused were not employed the whole of the time by the Government, and others were night watehmeri, and had nci duties during the day. The explanation is a poor one. The objection to the participation by civil servants in politics is not solely be- cause it takes up time which should be given to the province. Many of those in Ontario's enaploy could work at poli- tics day and night and have ample time to do very satisfactorily the work which is laid oat for them. But civil servants are the servants or all the people, for by all the people they aree paid, The i have no more right to en- gage in party politics than a judge on the bench. What would the public think of a judge who attended a poli- tical meeting? 'When a man goes into the service, then he gives, or should give, up party, and work only for the people. If he cannot refrain from the caucus he should refrain from public service. Having entered the public seinrice, if be transgresses a well- known rule, he should at once be dis- missed. -Toronto Star, Liberal). FREE SAMPLES FOR FARMERS. Farmers who desire samples of some of the best yarieties of seed grain shonla make application at once to the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. One sample of one variety only cam be sent to each applicant, and the distri- bution will be confined to samples of wheat, oats, barley, field peas, Indian corn and potatoes. Among the varie- ties of grain to be distributed during the coming season will be some of tbe, more promising of the new cross -bred sorts which have been produced at the experimental farms. All the grain sent out will be carefully cleaned and true to name. To prevent the disappoint-, ment which occurs when Partiesreceive samples of varieties they already have, it would. be well for each person apply- ing to name two or three sorts which he would prefer, arranging them inthe order of preference; when, in case the stook of the first -named variety is ex- hausted, the second or third could be substituted. As it is proposed to only send these samples on personal, single application, it is important that every farmer who desires a sample should apply for himself, Lists of names will not be considered. All lettersaddressed to the Central Farm at Ottawa may be sent free of postage, and the samples weighing three ponnds each, will be sent free to the applicents,through the mail. The distribution will begin early in December, and as the stock is limit- ed and the applications will be filled in the order in which they are received, those sent in early will have the ad- vantage. Applications may, however be sent in at any time before March 1, but after that date the list will be. closed, so as to insure the sending out of all the samples in time for early sowing. Hugh John will Carry Manitoba Mr. Robt. Rogers , the well-known Winnipeg politician, declares that no- thing can now prevent Hugh John McDonald from carrying the Province when the general elections conies round. Mr. Rogers says that the vic- tory iu Turtle Mountain means that the Conservatives who come from On- tario and elsewhere, wno voted for Green way first in the provincial rights cry and then in the school question have now returued to their old party allegiance. The sentiment in Turtle Mountain, he says, is it true reflection of public opinion all over Manitoba, and it would be impossible for it party to have a more popular leader than the son of the old chieftain, Mr. Macdon- ald vil1, it appears, oppose Attorney - General Caincron in South Winnipeg, and Mr. Rogers says that his victory will be an easy one. Hugh John has spoken in most of the forty constit- uencies, and already allthe Opposition candidates are as good aS named. Mr. Rogers thinks there will be it general election within a year. , A" FINANCIAL PozznE.--Here is a. problem in finance which _We submit to those of our readers who are always loaded for an argnment on any money question : A banker skumtering borne from his • dinner saw a $10 bill lying on the curb- stone. Of course he picked it up and took 1he numbers in order to find the ow,ner. While at his b om e his wife re- marked that the butcher had sent in a bill for meat amounting to $10. The only money he had with him was the money be had found,Whiels he gave her and she paid the butcher. The butcher paid it to a farmer for a calf, and the farmer paid it to a 'merchant, who, in turn, paid it to it washervvoinan, and she, owing the banker a note of $10, went to the banker and paid her note. The banker recognized the bill as the one be had found, and whieb,tip to that time, had settled $50 of debt. On a more careful consideration he found the bill counterfeit. • st, Now, will some of our 'financial friends tell us what has been lost in this transaction, and by whom, if any- body Miss Tharner, of Waterloo is visit- ing Mrs. Wes. Snell, It is estimated that Manitoba and the Texitorries have exported 00.000 cattle this year. Losx-On Stintlay; -between James st. and Hay I?. b. a gold'cuff button, finder will kindly leave it at this office. n,e4VAP644004P0P4150020:1P Death of Richard Pickard. Last (Wednesday) night about 12 o'clockthe death of one of Exeter's most prominent_ citizens, in the person 'of Richard Pickiircl, of the late firm of R. Pickard. SOD., merchants, of this village, occurred at his residence, of paralysis, or which he suffered minor attacks of late. He was at the store during the day and appeared in his usual good health, and had just retir- ed when paralysis overcame him. The news will be a surprise to a very wide circle of acquaintances, having being in business here fox' upwards of 35 years. He leaves a widow, four sons and two daughters to mourn his de- mise. enammenreedeesessess saesass- The Latest Swindle. Here's a new trap for jays. A short time ago a countryman saw an ad- vertisement in a, city newspaper which stated that snoney wonId be loaned. on life iusurance policies. He had a pol- icy of the ten-year kind, written for $2,000 with five years to run. He was a trifle shy, and he opened a corres- pondence with the advertiser In due time he was inclined to go and meet a man. The man took him to Gleasontown, which now seems to be green goods center. The thousand dollars in good coin of the realm was counted out by the snan at the little desk, Then the num tied up themoney in brewn paper and took the policy - The man told the policy holder that the loan would cost him $500. Thejay forked over the cold cash. When he got an the train curiosity prompted him to size up the package. He found that it controlled $11. Today he came to town to identify a man in theTombs. He could not do it People who ima- gine that the "shifter" is a back num- ber should stick to safe business chau- nels in dealings of this sort. t., Trivia Memorial church is now Lt by/electricity. The Allison murder trial cost Water- loo county $2,500. ,be Toronto Presbytery has nomi- wiled Rev. Dr, Carmichael for the rooderatorship of the general assemb- ly. ANXIOUS MOTHERS find Dr. Low's Worm Syrup the best medicine to ex- pel worms. Children like it-wonins dont. A letter has been received from Major Walsh, mitten from Lake Ben- net, on Nov. 15th. His party are ail well, and they expect to reachDawson in February. RAGYARD'S 'YELLOW OIL cures all pain in man or beast; for sprains, cuts, bruises, callous lumps, swellings, inflammation, themnatism and neur- algia it is a specific, REGULAR ACTION of the bowels is necessary to health, Laxa Liver Pills are the hest occasional cathartic for family or general use. Price 25 cents. Any druggist. A report, is current that owing to the failure of the crops last summer the Indians on the Roseau River reser- vation,40 miles south of Winnipegaire starving. A government official has gone to investigate. Duncan Sinclair, farmer, Southwold, was out shooting with Duncan McIn- tyre and George McColl, and accident- ally received it charge of shot in the face from Mr. McIntyre's gun.Four- teen shot were taken by Dr. Guest, of Shedden, from Mr. Sinehtir's face. The right eye was so seriously injured that it is feared that the sight will Le lost. Singers, public speakers, actors, auctioneers, teachers, preachers, and all who are likely to over -tax and irritate the vocal organs, find, in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, a safe, certain, and speedy relief. A timely dose of this preparation has preyented many a throat trouble. A genuine ghost -story has yet to be attested; but not a genuine blood purifier. Over and over again it has been proved that Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands alone among medicines as the most reliable tonic -alternative in phar- macy.. It stood alone at the World's Fat r. A daring attempt to burn the pub lie school building at Simeoe has been discovered. Navigation on the St. Lawrence has been discontinued just seventeen days earlier than was the case last year. 4 HIS ONLY HOPE. DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS SAVED BARRY STUART AFTER ALL OTHER RE- MEDIES FAILED. London; Dec. 13 -In nine -tenths of the homes of London, the all -absorbing topic of conversation is Dodd's Kidney Pills, o usands of happy, grateful men and women are tailing of their rescue from Diabetes, B righ t's Disease„ Par- alysis, and other kidney • disease's hitherto called incurable. All tell how Dodd's Kidney Pills cured, after all other means had failed. Harry Stuart-, 101 Mill Street, told onr reporter. to-dity, that a few boxes of Dodd's Hiduey PilT ctirecl Min com- pletely of long-standing Kid n ey Dis- ease and Lumbago. Doctors meld hot mire him. Neither , could other re. Medi es. Dodd's Kidney' Pills Were his only :hope. THEY I CURED HIM. They 'never fail to euro any: case of Kidney Disease. A PERSONAL ITEM: Mrs. Wm. Ilambly, Bollevillo, Ont,aays.-"My himband was troubled with kidney complaint rheumatism, loss of appetite, sleeplessness,ete. and could not get relief until I got a box of DOaTI'S Kidney Pills for him. Fie has now used four boxes in all and is perfectly cured. Doan's Kidney Pills are the ones that cure. Remember the name Doan's. SHOCKED AND PRIG'11TENFD. 'Weak, nervous people having heart trouble are easily shocked and frightened. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pillfortify the Nerves, _re. store regular action to the heart, and cure Gladys "Nrellfillaii. Toronto. says; "Milburn's Heart and Nerve Fills cured nie of nervousness and palpitation. I was so TICPWOUP that' the iCaPt 00iSCS would startle me; but ani now per- fectly well." • f • • hi Mrs THE GREAT IVIENI Representative of ffiree Great Nations. ONE OF THEM DEVISED • PINE'S CELERY COMPOUD. A Medicine That is the Won- der of the Age. THE ABLEST MEDICAL MENME- COMMEND IT. -- Makes People Well When Other Prescriptions Fail. --- T11Tee Men have done a mighty work for the profession of niedicine, and they will ever be remembered as true benefactors of the human race. Right Ron, Lord Lister, President of the Royal Society, Professor E. E. Phelps, M. D., of Dartmouth College, and Professor Charles Richeb, of the University of Paris, are men that have lived to benefit mankind. Professor Edward E. Phelps, who gave the world his famous Paine's Celery Compound, has one to his well earned reward, but his great medicine still saves men and women every day. Thousands live to -day who owe life, health and vigor to Paine's Celery Compound, the mighty disease banisher, The weak, nervous, sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic, dys- peptic and constipated are soon made hale and vigorous, and the deadly dan- gers of liver and kidney troubles are quickly dissipated. There is now no necessity for Wu - tinning in agony and danger when such a rescuing agent as Paine's Cel- ery Compound is held oat to Paine's Celery Compound cures its thousands of testimonials in the proof. Have you past tried it ? sufferers. assuredly magnificent are sufficient RICH, FULL COLOR, Diamond Dye Cardinal One of the Most Fashionable and Most Useful colors. • Millions of packages of this wonder.: fully rieh and popular color are sold every year. Fast Diamond Dye Cardinal is no- ted for its strength,fastness anclp)emity of color. One package dyes two pounds of silk or all -wool goods a standard shade that will never wash out, It colors aver, with, grand results, all shades except green. The Fast Diamond Dye Cardonal for dyeing cotton and mixed goods is the only Cardinal for cotton dyeing in the world that is fast to light and soap. One package makes a fast and ever- lastingCardinal on one pound of chtton or mixed goods. Be not deceived with crude imittie Lions or soap grease dyes. Ask for "Diamond" and you will always have, success. To Advertisers. t Is The benefit derived from an adver tisernent'depends altogether upon the number of persons who read it. To reach the greatest number of readers, at, the least possible expense, is a question' that should be considered very carefully by busioess men. A thousand small bills panted in Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this section, would be just as effective as if the bill had been printed in town. There is not it doubt about that, but if you want toned) the people in their homes, newspaper advertising is the only successful way. To „,„a•et the best results use the paper with the largest circulation, and tb.egreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon •,vbich prices should be fixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one with is circulation o f COO would be en titl- ed to 330. An advertiser should take these facts into careful consideration, when making contracts. Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers 'when one covers the ground. THE TIMES is read by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertises ment placed in it nill he found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. Leamiington people are 'netitioning the council to test the singfe'tax the- ory to a certain extent by lowering the assessment on itnproved property. Hon. . Edward. Blake acknowledges the receipt of 35337.50 fox. the Irish Parliamentary fund. from • friends of Home rule in Hainilton and Toronto. lorad ana California kc the (0. R. I. & P. 'Ry) fl T ROOK ISLAND ROUTE • Elegant Equipment, Pullman Service. Chair Cars Free. It is the best Line to ColoradoHR TOVOH SERVICE TO CIALIvonxiA IN THE P.ttifstsitiS' Do you 'not, farm in Kansas, Oklahoma or Tolflts Send I address below for lair new E o1do Also Descriptive Folder, givii4 full Particle ars as to rates, etc.. toColortulo and California, • lent cm %Narration. • Address. JOHN SEBA STON,Ca'', A. Chicago. Eleti8s,11 (Late with GlarrOIV & Proudfoot) Barriater Solieltoi, Notary PubUc, Hensall, Ch;it. G. J. Sutherland, Notary ' Convey- aucer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent, and 'Usurer of Marriage Igicenses. Legal dom. 'merits carefitily drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan Da real estate at low rates of in - Wrest. Office at the Post office. Hensall. HENSALL'S CLorrinect AND FuRtrisuitta Swoun,--The, newest and nobbiest stook of gentleroen!s wear in this part of the country. Hats, Co,ps,Boy's and Mons' ready-made Sits. Ordered Suitsulnae, the latest, Watch change of ad, next week. F. R. BgAyrIE, Clothier and Furnisher. Efensall, BesEss.-jantes White took a plea- sure trip to London last week. We are pleased to note that Mr. W. is re- gaining strength.—P. Lamont, of Zurich, shipped two car loads of eat- tle from this station on Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs. George Moir, of Virden, Man.,. are expected here this week to visit iriends.-Robt. Kettle, of oear llippen, very pleasantly entertained a large number of friends on Wednes- day evening of last. week. Quite a number from our village were among the invited, and speak highly of the very kindly manner in which they were entertained by Mr. Kettle.and his house -keeper, Miss Moore, -Present appearances point to a, green Christ- mas. -James Coxworth was in Gode- rich this week on business. -Kenneth Macarthur, of Ailsa Craig, was in the village this week spending a few days with his brother. -The Smutty school teachers and officials are now busily engaged makingpreparations for Xmas tree entertainments and socials, and the children are anxiously look- ing forward to that date. -Tames Beverley has leased the east store of Petty's now back block and intends opening out a furniture store. -Rev. Mrs Sawyer, of Westminister, deliver- ed a very interestingand instructive i address on Missions n Carmel church on Wednesday evening of last week. It was under the auspices of the Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society. The attendance was large. -The Flax Co.ihave saved the flax which was out for souse time under the recent snow. - Nominations take place on Dee. 27ths-Business men are hoping for sleighing in order to brighten up business for Xinas.-Mr. Coxworth hes put in a, new gas machine, the old one not giving, satisfaction.-Roberb Bell, jr.. has had photos taken of his new and. improved engine. -Quite an animated discussion is and has been carried on in the local papers, in the matter of the Rev, J. S. Henderson's course of sermons on "The Prodigal Son." and his treatment of his elder brother. -The streets are in a wretch- ed state with mud. The new drains, put in so late in the season, is mainly the cause of so much mud. -Bland has not yet returned. with the $000 of the farmers' money. -The salt well has closed down indefinitely. -George Mc- Ewen is briefly engaged arranging the machinery for his new linseed oil mill, which he expects to have in operation shortly. It will be quite a boon to the village. - Revival meetings will be commenced in Carmel chnrch next week. -George Troyer, of Aylmer, is visiting friends in Hensall and Hills Green. --Sas. Gilchrist was in Gode- rich this weelcdson besiness.--Robert Bell, jr., of Hensall machine works this week shipped a fine engine to Mr. Stewart, of Lucknow ; also 3 complete saw mill outfits to parties in British Columbia and the Ottawa dis- trict. Mr. Bell constantly employe a large staff of mechanics. -Mr. Beattie, who recently purchased a livery busi- ness up north, is still a resident of Hensel), the party from whom he was buying, barmy; backed outs -The Royal. Templars visited the Kippen lodge on Wednesday. and assisted with a program at an open meeting there.----Robt. Elgie is very siouary sermons were preached in the Methodist churches on this circuit on Sunday last by Rev. Charles Smith, of Exeter, and Rev. Salton, of Centralia. Both gentlemen preached .excellent sermons and their efforts for the 'cause of inissions',proved (irate fruitful. Rev. Kerr took Mr. Salton's work at Centralia, while Mr. McKelvie preach- ed for Air. Smith in Exeter. -Sacra- ment will be administered in Carmel' church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of Motherwell, will lecture on Monday evening. -The friends of S. B. Hunieston will regret to learn that he is again quite .seriously The crossing at the post office corners, which are the most used in the village, wrou....gtowap reiaaesWaSSDW*9VaMeaaertko pi A2on „tag -1m SS 55 45 45 45 45 e.6 45 il;') • ' .4) SCOWS Einailsion s of Cod-liver oil with Hypo - phosphites of Lime and Soda 2 in these caS'es results in a S pOSitiVe Cure to a large HUM- ber. In advanced cases, how- ever, where a cure is impossz- s -ble, this well-known remedy should be relied upon to pro- • long We surprisingly. Will SCOTT'S EMULSION § cure consumption ? Yes and no. Will it cure every case ?. S No._ What cases will it cure . S then. ?- , Those in their earlier a stages, especially in young S people. .We make no exag- gerated claims, but we have pdtitive evidence that the .8 eesrfr use of 5ne. end $;.00, all druggists. SCOTT-Ec IIOWNE, Chemists, T6tonto. Nue.c.,i44,4iveeclefieogieeecect, FREEI SEXUAL HEALTH And how testicle's It. Plain feats Plelnly Stated. A velyhiteresting little hookfor men only, which must be read to be appreciated. Thrpugh he honest advice, thee/Studs havebeeri restored te perfeet man - helot!, Fee a short time mailed free, in plain enve- lope, semirely sealed. Address the Author )el G. 14. 00BERTZ, P. 0. 00A 74, DerPOIT. MICH. are in the worst condition of all, and instead. of affording clean walking are IalMost buried in the snail. They Would claim the best attentioo of the council or roatimaster for that dis- triet,-1VIrs. George Moir and daugh- ter have returned laoine from Oil Springs, Lambton Coo where Mrs. AL had been visiting her son. -James Clarke, of the firm of Brown ee Clarke, carriage builders, has added to the ap- pearance and comfort of his new brick dwelling, which he purchased in the summer from Thos. Welsh, tiy the addition of a good brick kitchen. -- B. upitPdslynttsoenrostfol,trhsserm., is pushing work egwrobrick block. It fine, long stores.-Ained rfloor thteot; election are many and the aspirants named equally numerous. There is blood in the eye of tb.e electors. - Boot and shoe merchants are the only ones happy Ole weather. Our harmonica band is re -organizing and we will soon be favored with some fine selections. -Mrs. J. Houghton has returned from an extended visit to the old country. -Mr. D. Urquhart the enterprising proprietor of the Hewett oatmeal mills, is constantly making large shipments to the old country markets. DISTRESS FROM EARACHE. "I was troubled with earatdie fora long time. says Miss J. Johnson, Innis Fall,N.W.1P., "and after trying different remedies without success used Hag. yards Yellow Oil as a last resort and can really say that it cured mo so complete. ly.that I have never had earache slum' CALLI —AT THE— New butcher shop. For BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, -PORK, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE at Lowest Cash Price. I FISH POULTRY, AND GAME I IN SEASON. 1 Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheep, Lamb and Calf skins. Highest cash price paid for bides, sheep, laMb, calf skins and tallow. Live chickens wanted :at ONE DooR SOUTH CENTRAL HOTEL. DAY PROP A Man is always in the SWINI If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS. OBAZIPANII• He is a sure fitter. His prices are, away down. His ,goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your FALL SUIT W. JOIIIINS, -rhe Tail° r - S. COLEY & SON HINTS FOR XMAS. AND NEW YEARS GIFTS, This Season we *have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together of choice oddments in fancy furniture suitable for presentation. The assortment is now complete and everybody is invited. to view our stock-, if only for the sake of seeing at what very reasonable prices choice furniture can be purchased here. SPECIAL.—We wish to call special attention to a, line of very handsome Bed Room"Setts in Elm, Oak and Asb, Antique and Cremona, finish. .All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lowerthan it has here- tofore been possible to quote for similar goods. Roming chairs in forest green, Antique, Oak, Curly Birch and Mahogany finish, from $2.40 up. - FANCY TABLES.—A magnificent line bought at it sacrifice and marked atsorresponding low prices. entre Tables, Fancy . Chairs, Secre- taries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music Racks, Couches, Extension Tables, Three Piece Parlor Suits, Picture Mouldings Curtain Poles, .Artists Materials, etc., etc., etc. Undertaking and Embalming in all its branches. S, 01DLEY ,R ON. An intmdiiietion- It gives us pleasure to in - troduce to you our fine Beav(r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter , wegr. 0111' prices are away down. Dill you .sce our $12' Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not. • J. H. Crieve • NATURE'S MRDIerf ature's mediciiie for conedp complaint, sick headaehe, bilious dice and sallow complexion is jr They are it,perfect laxative, lunter causing palm One pill each night days will cure constipation. F C1ANOER, CAN BE Cr Cancer is the severest known• - disease, Burdock Blood Bitter, powerful blood medicine known cer and all skin diseases. Proof hail two cancers taken oil' his face. se waS comin% on hia lip. Re took of Burdock lood Bitters arid it disarga know this medioine ie an exeollent Oaf der. Mits. Wm. guttottDtN Akro New York, rant 4GAILvANtz WI IL For LOWER Pvtufwv P A n Rot and BALI. UNA I Manufactured by GOOLD, skra: and MUIR CO. Our Idool Wind Milts haves made a great name throughout Can-. ada, and are unsurpassed for quality - or power. They are the only Wheele with the patent Roller and Ball - Bearings, and the only power mine absolutely safe, for - they .cannet, ' run away. Send for illustrated cireadar. Fifty mills erected in Exeter ana vicinity last year, all of which 1..stsva. given satisfaction. All these nsills are. erected and set running by practical experts and we can folly guarantee. therm Oth tUARANTEE=7:: .001 Power Wind Milla have eowe to Star the rapid increase of our trade issue ova-. ( 0 that Canadians aro wide awake hi their ' ppociation of their value. Some skeptics -fear - tha,ta entting.box or grinder cannot be- nun with a wind mill ; but we positively guarantee. our lilloot mill to dr re any ordinary .eutting,... box, or our Past Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen - mile wind ; and the Wei* wheel c.-,,ivta nearly double the power of a 12-foet, and will runi our Maple Leaf Grinder to perf.vet ion. Exper. ienee proves that there k sulltutint good wind, to give power for all erdiritry farm work.Ent adoition to the above nuteldneS, limmot pul- per, or any light machinery, eau be iKv cm and:. by maim; is pumping altaehement, water .titua be pumped as well. THE OBLE13EATED "Maple Leal Grinder" Ten inch rever- sible plates, relief springs, ball bear- ing plates, shake feed, winds tine and fast. Send for circular. For prices and terms, address, ,4%,4141011T 4 raw* Ilomeroont C.140.1 .Ant 11 R s S. LAW For Huron Middlesex and. Perth. !axe er, Chit, TE ----&0674w NEmazza----. All Hockey s ring kates. -trr SEE OUR