HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-16, Page 1TY -FIFTH YEAR NO -27.
.( Sodom.
Sodomites attend
So CORD & CO., woo_ oxo
eoplo are of the bargains. They ,
Italking. . �, ley satisfied
n they open their parcels at home. They find values
re' as~ represented. They tell their
l •., y e1r They want them
to' get a share of the good things oin You can.set it
.down as a fact beyond dispute that you can buy goods
of reliable quality here now for less money than you cabuy
-the same . anywhere a
qualitieselse: The reason for it is—a
dissolution of parinership which necessitates the stock being
,dosed out or reduced to a minimum amount,
Fust naw—the very time when you want the goods we acre ready to dis-
'tribute them at dissolution sate prices, We have a large stock of BRIGHT,
:NEW, HOLIDAY GOODS suitable for presents,
This season's newest styles in Fur Capes regular $10.00 for $12.75.
fl .a e. .. ca R. " " $12.00 " $8.75.
" 6.00 " 4.50.
.. 3.50 " 2.50.
:Dog skin Gauntlets, 3.50 " `2 50.
'Good-sized,. albums with Celluloid covers, {. •00 " .05.
.Silver Pit ..., Bolder, " 2.50 " 1.75.
Nesv�est patterns in Fancy Silk Hdkfs, at 7,10,12;;,15, 10 and 25e. each.
Men's Fur Caps,
" ,t
Bea'n's --The So of -
ing a, Christmas entertainment on
evening, 23,for the
'v Dec.c.
belieSat of the children. The enter-
tainment nnrae t
n wilt
conducted cl byt e
u to
children assisted by older ones. Re-
freshments will be served, to com-
mence at 7.30 sharp.
Bxtx s.—Mr. John Tough, fir., hav-
ing sold his farm, on the Bronson
line, has moved to Bayfield, and now
occupies part of James Pollock's build-
ing, at the corner of the Sauble line.—
Mrs. Rathwell, of the Front road, will
shortly move to Bayfield, and occupy
the other part of James Pollock s.
building.—Mrs. Struthers and .grand-
daughters left on Monday morning to
reside near Chicago.
1s$it, 'EFs.—On Wednesday, December
an interesting society event was
celebrated in the marriage of Charles
Holt, of Khiva., and Miss�.Jane Keys,
of the same place.—Dashwood Evan-
gelical church Sunday School are pre-
paring for their Xmas tree, which will
take place Xmas week.—The good
people of Shipka Methodist church are
making extensive preparations for
their Xmas tree entertainment which
is to be held on the 23rd inst.—Miss
Mary Love, teacher in the B line school
will sever her engagement with the
school at Xmas. Miss Love has taught
in the scbooljthreeyears, andhas proved
to he an earnest painstaking teacher.
Scxooe REPORT, --The November
monthly report for S. S. No. 2,, Hay,
s m follows. Names axe in order of
merit. V, J. W. Todd, .isl, M. Russell,
Elora Northcott ; IV, Sarah J. North-
ott, V. Runnalls, Carrie Gould ; Sr.
II, IL F. Johnstot € Gertie Harvey,
J. R. Northcott ; Jaen ` alb e E. Goulc ,
Ltie]lak lanai, .14101esnit,"
Boannrs.---Thefarmers in this vicinity
are alive to their interests and know
thatim r v m. s • n. Brock
o e eat pay.—Win. P P y
upom his b. rn a large oBrant-
r nt-
ro Iia
f rcmill.—Solomon
o . -Jacyucs has erect-
ed a neat addition to his house.—S, R.
Horn's swine are now in their new
stone quarters. ---John Peart is busy
getting' material for a bank under his
barn, and:also a new house,—Robert
Harness, of Port Hope, is visiting
friends and relatives around here.—
Edward Avery is on the, sick list, but
is progressing as well as could be ex*.
petted, --John Johns' smiling face is
again to be seen among us wafter his
stay up north. He semis to think
that the Zion young ladies are ahead
of the Northern beauties, One of our
young men does not agree with hint.
Of course opinions differ.--Heni'y
Squire is preparing to raise his barn
in the spring.—A beautiful monument
has been erected to the memory of the
late Air and Mrs. Horne, of- Exeter.--
' W. J. Ilorne and wife celebrated their
wooden. wedding on the 6th inst., by
inviting in a number of their near re-
latives, -
Wo have just past into stock a new crate of
Itis comprised of Biscuit jars and stands Cucumber T 1i 1 d
i4I 's, Butter Dishes, Gu p -s and Saucers etc., etc, We haven't space here to
aicatm er rays, .t arana as
rc "ll s «ll file whole craate at rices to clear befog ILin . .
Inc °s, . .. -... ,•, P e as
A big assortment of Chilcaren's Toys, we will clear at 5 and 10 cents each—
thefare something new and will please the little folks. sure.
No ,natter what you need as an appropriate holiday gift—whether it be for
.old or young, our stock is of such a size and variety we can please you.
Tremendous reductions iu all lines of
f Whiter Goods where Stocks are heavy.
—Carne With The Crowds.
CO. Se
P, S.—We still continue to give highest prices for Poultry, Butter, Eggs,
a nct Dried Apples.
Miss Koldcash, the heiress—Oh, 1
,now your et amp of man. You only
vista to marry an4! for my money. If
tau want .gold so ba -t, why don't you
to to tivs Klondike aril. dig it? No;
ot you l You want gold, but you are
or willing to suffer to get it".
Mr. Ir,
Hunger—heavens' Miss Koldeash!
laaren't-1 offered to negery you far it ?
Dorothy, seeing two deaf and dumb
i:ersons convexs:nt;—it's the folks dat
talk 'with their fingers dat hear with
their elbows, 1 dess.
Do you `want a shirt that opens in the
1 'rout, or one that opens in the hack ?
slcpd I ire shasaan.
llon'i keer vrhere i c, : .
t ens, answered
T� .�
�� � LU QN QF l ,
Q �T a a
NES l,s s
t1'at it's got an ng al the top and another at the bot-
W _
ZI_il ..£LP7 '
,®• �„ Wife—Why- couldn't you have come
come at a dereltt time of night, say?
'The Partnershipheretofore existing • between Brown & Prt Ilnsbac.tt-Could, m'dcar, jes easy as tot ; but 1 (hie) was waitin' fer you t'
te JANUARY,. Igo t' sleep,
The Zurich cll business willA NATITRAL SEQUENCE.
be carried on by John Preete`,
5111.'1. Brown. In order to wind up the partnershipaffairs. iV ''acher -You may compare bad,
stock as much as possible,, and in order to accomplish this Johnny,•we._who has been reading sen -
our entire stock, and give in the followinglist a few sample ationat tales -Bad, caught, hanged.
If you studythesepricesyou will notice that :a big ant
to secure the best bargains, shop early.
g � p
Dress Goods -
,9.11 our best Dress lengths
worth $8.00 for:...... „ ..... 6.00
9.i1 our best $7 Dress lengths
for 5.50
flour best $5.50,Dress lengths
.A11 our best $4.25Dress lengths
for..., ..
1Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, - re-
gular$1for, ...;....... ...,...
-75c for 50c, 50e for 40c, alsenew
stylish ' Tweed Dress ,goods
25c, 30c and 35c for........
:Men's and Bogy's Glotninq.
Men's best Beaver Cloth Over-.
coats, regulat'$1.1 for N.75
"Men's best Frieze U1sters for
$6,50, worth----------------- 9,00
°Men's bes theavyFrieze Ulsters,
worth' $5.50 for.. . 3, 90
!Boy's s Opercoatits for $2.00 u -
y p
ass to nand
elegant range Men's S. & D. B.
Tweed Suits, newest patterns,
good value .at $8.50; going at
'. 'I
'Me s , 7,50. Tweed snits f i•
n $ vo
$5.50, :$6 for $4,50, $5 for
_. 7
.-.,.3. ,5, also a few Navy Blue
Serge suits left at .. 2.00
Boy's three piece Suits for....
Boys's two piece Suits for $1
Men's heavy Tweed ,pants for
90c, $1 and.,' 1.25
Men's lovely Black Worsted ,
suits to order, would cost re-
gular$21now .,......,., , 17:00
Men's lovely Clay Worsteds -
$13 worth .... • . . 16.00
Men's Tweed 1 �,0
suits for $10 .
Usborne Council.
�See Stoneman Bros.. Airkton, tine display of
(1? ancy Xmas Goods which they are offering at
roat bargains„ 3,
Council met at the Town Hall, Elim-
ville, December 4th, 1897, pursuant to
adjournment. All members present.
Minutes of November txieeting read,
approved and signed by the Reeve.
Hunkin—Kedd:y—That the expenses
of the Board of Health amounting to
$25.00 be paid.—Carried.
Mr. M. Clark waited on the Council
asking for a special grant to S. S. No.
10.—No action.
Hunkin—•Reddy—That the nomi-
nations for Reeve and Councillors, to
serve in the municipality for 1808 be
held at Town Hall, Elimvilie, on Mon-
day, 27th inst., at the hour of 10
o'clock a. in., for Reeve, and 12 o'clock
noon for Councillors ; that F. Morley
preside at said nominations, and in
case polls are necessary they be hell
as follows : S. W, Ward, Town Mail
Eiirnville, F. Morley, R. 0.; N. W.
Ward, lot 6, N. T. R., G. Lowe, D. R.
0.; S. E. Ward, lot 2, con. 10, Lewis
Walker, D, R. O,-; N. E. Ward, Public
Hall, Farquhar, Alexander Duncan,
• D. R, 0,;. Said palls to be opened at
1.,9.a. tn. and closed at 5 p, m. on Mon-
day, January 3rd, 1808 • and that a
by-law be drafted confirming the same.
Hunter—Hunkin.-That the certified
accounts presented be paid and that
the Reeve sign orders for the same.
n -it--
u 1, r Delblicit,e.—Th.it tliecoiin-
cil now adjourn to meet Dec. 15th at 1
o'clock p. an. sharp.—Carried
V. MoRLI:Y, Clerk,
Ladies' Jackets,
Ladies' heavy Frieze Jackets, -
very latest styles, $6.75 for, 5.00 ,
Ladies' Heavy Jackets, $3.50
for .........:.......: 2.5(
Also a few Ladies' old Jackets
ranging in price from $1 to -
$6 going at half price.
All r Trimmed Hats, Eng-
lish 'Walking . Hats and
Sailors. We will clear at a
great sacrifice.
'1 .6`
Flannelette Blanketsat .. , . ; .:
White' and Grey 'tvrol Bi'k'ts
regular $3.50 for........
W e have a few Horse Blankets
to clear a at' cost.
Terms Strictly Cash or Produce! P ®duc+
persons r
sans I till
a 1 claims 1 1 s a a>i �t
.�i. sthefirm, In are -
p �, m, requested uestc,d, to hand alien in ; or per-
-sons owing the firm are requested to settle before the above date.
Wetake this opportunity
b our Customers for
past favors, and wish all a
'Merry Christmas; trcwuults
(;Il;1t a continuance of the esteemed patronage during ng t11e
coming year.
Highest .t
Cash Prices ccs Paid for Poultry
31 N'
.,Pifte Xea rs.-Aarn..-,.... ,..
25e Brooms for 20c, :3 good
Brooms for -
Lamps s&GroKr
Fancy Decorated high stand
Lamps 75e and upwards.
w ards.
White Granite Toilet sett $1.50
for 1.15
White Granite, 8 piece toilet
sett $2.25 for
97ieceDinner sett v
p ctt) worth $6,75
97 piece Dinner sett worth $8.50
Stoneman Bros. Ifirkton, have their new
Raisins, Curran 'pato a
Currants. s, Figs, Nut. Oranges,
Lemons and Candies for Xmas trade.
BRIEFS.—What's the trouble " Rai n
a nd bad roads. — Robert Fletcher is
convalescent now.—R. J.Davis is visi
t -
j ing friends in Winchelsea, -The election
. of officers of the EpworthLeagtie took
place here on Friday evening lust as
follows :-.Honorary . President, Rev.
T. J. Snoi.den Pres. Mrs. W. H.
Marshall ; lst vice, Ernest Doupe
2nd vice, Mrs. W. Stoneman ; 3r
vices Minnie Sweitzer; Treasurer
Mrs. E. N. Shier ; Secretary, Sarah E.
Doupe ; Organist, Miss Lottie Dotipe ;
Assistant, Miss Lillie Taylor. -- A
reading circle has ,been formed in con
neetion with the Epworth League
Good literature has bt .n procured fo
the occasion.—David \ azelwood.has a
,light attack of rhehtnatism•.—Get
Wiffln, of Devizes, is the guest of
Elliott.—Miss Martha Tufts is,. visitin
friends in Londesboro.—Rodd` & Hor
aro busy threshing clover in tilt
vicinity. David Hazlewood has erect
ed. a large hog peu which adds mac
to the improvement to his place. -Ge
Vickers, Jr. intends going to Mt
Clement soon, to learn the painting
with lais brother Robert, of that place
—Miss Clara Vickers,, of Mitchell, i
the guest of Edna Marshall.—Josepl
Hollingshead purposes taking a six
months business course in the Central
Business College, Stratford, after Ne
Years_ ---Gilbert H. Miller, of LeRoy
Minn., who has been spending the las
three months here, visiting relative
,bas returned to his -western home.—
The election of officers of the Sunday
School fox' the coining year took pine
Wednesday evening in ,vhich nearly
all the old ones were re-elected with
the addition of a few new ones.—The
Weagner x Hume creamery is being
ranaoddeled 'fora separator to cone=
tfaerice operations after New Years.
Publishersisand P priieUto
BexE rs--Yohn Hawkins, of the..
London Road, is making preparations
for the
c 'i•'
onstx tcti
Omar finee
f•Ln vbarn
on his farm. The cattle business of
r •,
the Messrs Hawkins has grown to
such proportions that incrased ac-
commodation is necessary --Mrs. A,
Case is recovering from the recent
illness caused by a felon on one of her
fingers --Gavin Ross has bad erected
on his. barn a fine new windmill. It
was supplied by R. S. Lang, and is one
of the finest aerinotors in the coltnty---
George Case disposed of a, horse this
week to T. J. Berry fora good figure.
—Mr. ar,d Mrs. Geo. Moir, of Virden,
Man. are expected here this week, to
visit friends for a few months --Mr.
Bland, the absconding debtor• relieved
some of the farmers in this section
of goodly suns of money, in all about
, '4'
(-fraud Bend.
BRIEFS. --The frost is completely out
of the roads this week, and they are
very bad. --Mr. and Mrs, Will Patter-
son and children are away visiting
friends near Hamilton, and are expect-
ed home soota.—The fishermen have
caught quite a number of herring
ately,--John Statton is preparing to
et a cellar under his house, which.
vile make it more comfortable, --Mr.
edler, jr., has been visiting at Joseph
Gill's, and they have had goad sport
shooting rabbits, getting as many as
eighteen in one day. --Try the post
office for a beautiful album for a Mlles
present for your wife or sister.—Mrs.
Brenner drove out to Crediton on
Monsiay'—Mr. Brenner is still u.iidez•
the Drs. care, but was able to walk
out on Monday.—Mr. Smith had a
bee on Monday shiugling the north
side of his shop.—Mr. Hamilton's new
house is nearly completed, and when
finished will have a comfortable home.
—Subscriptions taken at the post
office store for all the leading papers. ,
Jas, Mollard has quite recoveredTe
fx'om his recent severe illness, and 1
is able to be out again, -Henry Zaffe
and wife and children, of Hay town
ship, visited his parents here on Sun-
day and returned home in the even-
ing.•—If the Gold fever still continues l
with some of our inhabitants we are
likely to be represented on the Yukon
this coming spring, and before going
you should take a risk with the Con-
federation as they have no restriction
as to where you may travel or whether
you live among the Polar bears of the.;
frozen north or the Alligators of the
sunny south. W. 13. Fallis of the
post office store, agent.
New York state is visiting his father
and other relatives m and around
Zurich, ---The wife of Wm. Hildebrand
on Sunday evening ',resented Mr, IL
with tb
n bo
— GotfriedNicholson lost a vale ble horse
Y Inftamat
Sund a
m xon. —Edward
Johnston, wife and fancily, of North
Dakota,are visiting at GotfriedNichol-
son's, after an absence of twelve years.
(.iz edlliton.
B nines.--\Ve are pleased to state
that Jacob Heist, who has been on the
sick list for so long, is once more able
to he around, --The Royal Ternplars
appear to he doing good work at pre.
sent, having added five new members
to their ranks on Friday. We wish
them equal success in future, --James
Dalrymple, a formerblacksmith in our
village, who went to Manitoba to
recruit his health, paid us a visit on
Friday. Ile says he feelsnrucl improv
ea, and will return Lathe west as soon
as possible, where he will follow the
occupation of farming; 11ir,Dalryanple
leaves a host of friends behind, who
wish hit, every success in his new
undertaking._ We hope soon to hear
the merry jingle of the sleigh bells,
also the inspiring sound of the wed-
ding hells. Was denkst du John?—
ML's. Lamport bas vacated her dress
making shop beside Mr. Trick, The
latter purposes enlarging his business
for the future --The Crediton eo le
Having purchased from
Reid & Co., London, a
large quantity of China
FIRE �^ G0008
We are able to sell at
about half original cost.
Remember all pieces
at at half price.
We have a. fine assort-
ment, No damage goods
See our' north window,
,7. P. ROSS
are becoming thoroughly acquainted
with the question, where does the tax i Additional Locals.
gatherer live?—:Messrs. Geo. and C.
Zwicker were in Landon on business,
Friday last. --Miss McConnell, of
fashionable milliner, has finished this
season's work. She is now spending :L
few days among her many friends,
after which she intends going to her
home in Blyth. Her pleasant face
shall be greatly missed by. the Credi-
ton young folks. ---Tile Kickapoo In-
dian M'ecllcme Co. intend giving a con -
cert In the town hall on Friday night,
eller.. 17th. --A. Heist's new residence is
now completed, and is amongst the
finest in town. Would that a few
more of our inhabitants take the
Motion. -.-After spending a few days
among leis friends Here, lair. N. Cnn-
inghaam, of Olandeboye, has returned
num.—Xmas is corning. This fact
may be easily seen by taking a passing
glance at the windows of our popular
merchants. For the past few days
they have been giving us na artistic
of their Xmas goods.—The
school entertainment is drawing near.
Don't forget to encourage our upils
and teachers by Your presence. A
grand concert is expected.—J. Preeter,
of Zurich, was in town on Monday hist,
n business.—Miss H. Lewis, who bats
een spending a
as returned home.—Judging
r g front
he talk that is afloat we shall seen
ave a real live baker all for ourselves.
—A number of young people anticipate
a pleasant drive to Dashwood to at-
tend the Cantata,—Ezre Feist was in
Zurich Tuesday night last on business,
—Our t i
ow ishi Council ouncil net yester-
clay (Wednesday) to wind up the
business for the year.
JZ -hive.
\VEnnl:sn BEees.--•Another of those
happy events took place at Corbett on
Wednesday last at the M. E. parsonage
when Miss Jane Keys was wedded to
Mr. Chas. Holt. of this place, Rev. Mr.
Thompson performing the ceremony;
A. host of friends extended to thein
their hest wishes for a safe journey
o'er life's rugged pathway. The couple
were assisted by Wm. Holt and Miss
Annie Reye, both of this place.
Otters CnOI'x'Ixo.—Choppin, days Tuesdays
Wednesdays, and Fridays. 'West of Churola,
twrnss tailwa3: 4.. BeWst.aualt,
the Creditors of 0. W. Smith, cheese
manufacturer, of Centralia, an insol-
vent, was held in Exeter, on Tuesday.
f the one
hundred red and'
v creditors,
x• .
c tors
hose claims range from $2 to $400,
t ere was a large number present.
he assignee. read a statement of the
affairs as he found them,' which
gives the liabilities liabilities gat $7,-
000, with assets $3,000. Mr. Smith
made an offer of compromise at 25c
on the dollar without security. This
was accepted by those present inthe
following motion :—"That we accept
;from C. W. Smith 25 cents on the
d dollar, payable half in six months,
✓ A. J.
Rollins, eves confirmed in his
office as assignee, 'while John Persons
and .Thos, Handford• were appointed
R inspectors Mr. Smith, besides zr,tinu-
g lecturing cheese, carried on a fiaur
8.. and feed business and also toted as
aagent for bicycles, buggies; musical
instruments, etc.
a BRize.s.—The Rev. - Mr. Kerr, of t
Hensel!, preached • excellent sermons m
last Sabbath on behalf of the Epworth o
L' eagtie —Mr's. J. C. Sheardown bus b
s presented her htmsbatnd with"a lovely
n. daughter. •Congizitiilations,—Ahaind-
some new barn has been added to the r
South end hotel.—Thos. Handford has g
Nes • also put a fine Addition to his barn, y
and removed it to the front street.— o
Nv. 'F. Russell, of New York, , has
s rented the house lately -oeeOpied'.by 1
Dr. Sh u1ts.—Titere is a fine opening t
here for a doctor and a tailor.—This is t
balance in 12 months, secured ; or 20
cents cash. He was given one week
to Consider the matter ; and if by that
time he is not prepared to carry out
the.motion, the a assignee was instrnct-
ed to proceed to wind up the estate.
RECOVERED His Does --Last week
John Pedler, of Stephen, advertised
an estray dog in THE TIMES,
and in a few days the owner of the
animal, Mr. Brown, of Brinsley, hav-
ing read the advertisement, called at
Titin Times -office to enquire for Mr.
Pedler. Another atf the many proofs
hat it pays to advertise in THE TIMES,
Teich has el in est do nine the circulation
f anypaper published in this neigh-
The Manitoba Government's crop
eport for the year is out. It ,shows
rent advancement. The total wheat
ield is 18,2,12,650 bushels, en average
f 14.14 bushels per acre. The quality
ivas nearly all No. 1 or No. 2 bard
,370,885aereshave been. prepared for
the crap of 1803, can increase of more
han 400;000 acres over that ready a
year ugo for 1897 crop.
e one of the best marketsfor grain and
poultry* in the West. -The little boy
of Benj. Wilson, of Centralia, who
had his leg so badly crushed by a
sleigh going over it about two weeks
ago, is vapidly recovering and, strong
hopes are now entertained that the
leg will not have to be timputeteci.
NTortcr.--13o a 1 . L'
t tt tste� 1..
g vo Boot and Shoe
ek. I have bought a barge stock. of Boots
id Shoes in Listowel at65e on the dollar and
nt now prepared to give you better hargains
San any ono in the trade. 11 you are in need
of any Booth or Shoes Come, at once and see the
ootts as they are hey a c going fast. Remember—I
ow have one of the largest stocks of Bootsand
oes westof To. Oren
t In Rubber and Winter
G rods I can eye yen astonishing valine. Space
do , not permit to state any prices,
The •1dreliable-,Shoe hoose. Zue mu
BRIEFS.—•.aichaard Ni cc z 1 ,
�laon, of the
Bronson line, Hray, was married ' Veelr
nesday to Miss Boyes, of thesaataie lint•,
Stanley. The wedding party chore to
Seaforth.- 11Ieriter Bros. are holding a
leering sale, preparatory to making :e
halve to the business. Goods at cost.
---Fred Kibler while putting away
goods on a shelf in his store on Friday
last broke his aria at the wrist. He
getting down, and. missing his
footi ng fell upon the doom•, with the.
above t'esnits.-P,L,Lrnont eh ipped three
car-loadsof cattle on Wednesday for
the Toronto markets, tiro loads from
Hensall and one from Exeter.—.The
Jubilee brass band intend giving •L
concert on the 27th of December. Bert
N a;rvey, r1f Tornntdt, incl Prof. an
Bennett,, late of Buffalo, will take a
prominent part; —Wm. ;Hams her, of
Stoneman Bros., Xirkton, are making groat
reparations this week for next weeks Xmas
Bent s-• On Tuesdayevening
r.and Mrs John Morley celebrated
the tenth anniversary of their marri-
arri-.a e. A large number of friends enjoy-
ed their hospitality, spent an enjoy,
able evening ht games and otheraiu use-
vents and then repaired te: their
Homes, wishing Mr. and Mr's. Morley
many more years of success and: hap-
piness. Many useful andbeautiful
presents remind them of the welt
wishes of theirfriends—Mrs William
.Arksey of Blanshard died on Sunday
evening. Sheilah ,been failing for a
considerable time and her death was
not unexpected, She leaves a hus- .
band and an only son to mourn the
loss of a fait:laful life portlier, and af-
fectionate smother. She was'ver
highly esteemed, and the sympathy of
the neighborhood goes out to Mr.
Arksey and his son in theirbereave
meat. The funeral took plaice on Tues-
day; toKirkton Cemetry.
When coughs colds distress the children
eu way Pine S3 • a t, comes to the resole. It
otl,es and heals the throat, removes the
slogan and is pleasant and easy to taike
Ma and Mrs. Greenwood, of Cypress
j River, Man., who have been visiting
friends iu this section for some time,
returned home on Monday.
Ed, Prout, of Bay Villa Miele, is
visiting his mothers 31rsa J. Atkinson
and other friends in and around
Exeter. :lir. P. learned the barbering
business with A. Hastings.
The marriage of Miss Millie Verity,
of l3rautford,` formerly of Exeter, and
Win, Brown, Professor of Languages,
in Alza College, of St, Thomas, is an-
nounced for Christmas Day.
At the Huron Assizes, in the case of
Queen vs. Fred. Elliott, charged. with
shooting his brother Harvey, at Bay-
field, Nov. Stiff, the grand jury, after
being out an hour and a -half, brought•
ire a true hill for manslaughter.
John Mitchell this week purchased
.from Mrs. . Carling the praperty at
• the station, known aas the station
hotel, now occupied by Mr, Basker-
ville. Besides the building there are
two lots, Mr. Mitchell takes possession
lst of Marcia.
The school trustees whose term of
office expire with the close of the year,
are: II. 1;. Huston,..'. Frayne, and W.
i J. Carling. Thos. Fitton having re-
! eigned. as a member of the Board,
leaves four to be nominated and
elected. The three first -named .are
eligible for re-election.
j Mr. Sid Smith of Clinton hada mar -
1 row escape from meeting with a seri-
cuts accident Thursday last. 'While
overseeing the loading of stock at Can-
traiia one of the steers suddenly jtunp-
! ed over the rack ate with Mr. Smith
' underneath. Rack and steer weighed
Heavily, but Mr. Smith fortunately,
was at the opposite end from the steer
' so met with a no more painful injury
than that of aa. bruised foot, but he
yet wonders how he escaped so easily.
EMERY --In Toronto, on the ;tie int.. the wife
of J. G. Emery, of a daughter,
SHEAItDOWN.-1nCentraliaa,on Dee.12.th inst.,
.ihewifc of .1. C. Sheardown of a darghter,
NEIL• -TAYLOR --At the residence of Joint
Wood, Exeter, by the Itev. Dr. Willouhggby,
Jas. Noll, of Centralia, to Miss Sadie, daughter
of "William Taylor, also of Centralia.
. PICIiARD—In Exeter, on 15th inst., Richard
Pickard. aged 68 years.
AREESEY—In Blansltard, near Whalen, on
the iZth inst., Sarah wife of, S4 rn Arksey,
aged ee years i monti'Sss days. '
Which requires a coustitutio zaai
remedy. It cannot be cured by local
applications. Hood's Sarsaparillas; is
wonderfully successful in 'curing: eaat-
arrh because it eradicates from the
blood the scrofulous taints which cause
it. Sufferers with cetera, find a..cure
in Hood's Sarsaparilla., even .after
other remedies utterly fail.
Hood's Pills are prompt, emeent, sat -
ways reliable, easy to take, easy to
or Tho .:.alance of
1S97 2 2.
We will offer our large and complete stock of Winter
oods at greatly reduced prices.
To reduce our stock of Reads -made clothing we are
Bring some snaps.
alts, black t
flzeUlster's, well made and lined, size 36 to 42 at x3.9
0 each
well worth $0.00.
Brown' and Blue Freize Utsters reduced from $7.50 to $5.50.
Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, we have a line pnrchaised below manufacturer
prices. Your choice at $4.00 each, well worth $6.50.
A laargeson of Boy's and Youths snits and Ulstet•s at prices lower.than
ever before offered. 1
We have about 25 Ladies' Mantles, all '97 style, which we haye reduced :331':
rather than carry over to next season.
of Pur Coats, s 1 ri Ladies' Ca
`See our. stock C . t , Rc b s, s pee, Fite Ruffs, and Caps befogs
purchasing elsewhere. p
We have a nice stock of X -etas Goods suitable forthe holiday trade:
Our Grocer; department is well stocked With the choicest Groceries for the
X -mats trade. Our prices the lowest.
10.000 2p0MICIS of Poultry wanted between now 1
December 23rd for which \ve will paythe prices
highest1 �
either in cash or . trade.