Exeter Times, 1897-12-9, Page 8FL BIG CASH STORE •Cash or Produce aacommtegmagionammoOne Price Only. • Special prices for this week. Our prices cannot be duplicated. You spend your money to the best ad- vantage when buying here. Ask to see our $1.00 Dresses, 1 We offer you 75cts. for 40ets. in a line Heav Tweed,6 double of mantle cloth. Just the thing for y yards, ! C liildren's Jackets, ver} =pedal fold, $ I.00.. j bargain, 40 cents. Are you looking for silk for fancy We are still selling all wool Golf work? We show you many shades in (Jerseys, in stripes at 50 cents, Plain pure China silk, very special, 30 • colours 05cts, They are regular $1.75 • cents. I goods, We bought them at a snap. LANKETSr BLANKETS T If you have a Blanket thought, our Blankets and prices will be sure to interest you Crib and Cradle Blankets,Flannelette Blankets in Gray and White, Gray Wool Blankets, 'Gray Union Blankets; extra super all -wool White Blankets. We sell you a good large pair Gray or White Blankets for 75 cents, In fact everything in the (Blanket line and prices, as usual, are in your favour. FUR CAPES. -In Furs we always lead. Fur Capes has been a special } In Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats feature of our Fur Trade this season, , we invite comparison. Our prices If you are thinking of a Fur Cape we! were never so low, quality eon - can show you the beet value in the s sidered.. trade. NECK RIFFS. -See our Feather We have about 15 of those Ladies' Neck Ruffs at 2.5cts., very special. Our Jackets left, which we are clearing at German Sable at 00 cents and $1.35 $L75, regular $4.00 to $7.50lines; they are sure to please. must be sold. J. Aa Stewart Y%r.\t. SWEET,,_ v ETEItINk RY SUI GEON< Is prepared m sin any kind of .bird nd tixide•r:nE.t work at any time. Dyer's X -nuts toys. 5 doors North P. 0. ('all and see them, eV. :itis; CiI•eive, of Parkhill, is the goes stuffing i of Mrs. S. Fitton, town. IN3LTItANCE, RNEST r.LLIOT, Agent for the \F eszr•.nx AssCItANCE COM- - paw, of Toronto; also for the J? rn IIx Fra INSElt.kNOE COMPANY, of London, England the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. A. 0. F. Dyer's N-Enas toys are all new g uels. 5 doers North P. 0. 1t Get your Marriage License and 'Wedding- Rings .from R. Ilicks. eve •Rev. B. Clement, of Clinton, visited with I). lair. Johns this week. For quantity, quality and value in klbums, try The Big Gash Store. 2, Mrs. \Fhinrster, of Aurora, is visit- ing Mrs. Johns, and Mrs. Crocker. We are pleased to see Bert Spicer around again after his recent srver•e illness. Henry Smith is attending the Fat Stock Show, in Brantford. with some �fl le animals. Are you needing a good cheap stove? Come and see our second-hand Parlor, Parlor Cook and Box stoves.. H. Ws cP & SON. IA Mrs. Lawrere, of Windsor, who has been visiting Mrs, John Gillespie for some time, returned home on Monday. Court Price of Huron, No. :80. MeetsinWood's Ball 2nd and 4th 1 Friday in each, month. Visiting brethren are cot,i (Rally invited toy attend. DANIEL Woon .�, KEMP, SEdr, 0--1 -FOR- -i SCHOOL. 0-1 OPENING. 1 Lead Pencils, WE 0 -0 --o OFFER Rubber Erasers, SPECIAL INDUCE3IENTS N Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain 4 Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, j Scribbling books! Drawing Books Tablets, .... , ......... Rulers, Etc. E MART JGB/13.1? • THEXETER 01)g tattitit THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0th, 1897 . LOCAL HAPPENINGS Turkeys were scarce this season. Best Crystal Drip Syrup, $1.00 per pail at The Big Cash Store. -Z,,,.-„, The municipal elections take place ne month from Monday. young at The Big Cash Store. 1„,J Will Bee, of Parkhill, spent a few days of this week at R. Gidley's. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Ovens spent Sunday with Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Ovens remaining for a few days. Cash ��'��Bi C,a h Storechoicest - s for. c xo c.est X rnas Fruits, Nuts, Candy, Lemons, Oranges, Figs, all at prices that beat 'em all.. The Odd -Fellows are • making tri rangernents to give the citizens the beet, concert ever given by them, It WIC be In January. Big>Cash Store for complete assort- ment ssort-me t of X-mas Toys and Fancy Goods. An immense stock of Dolls and nick hacks for the little folks. ue Mrs. Ross and two child i frons Winnipeg, and Peter Johns, from South Carolina, arriyed last week, to visit their father, Mr. D. Johns, who has been so seriously ill. We are pleased to state that he has improved somewhat since last week. The Christian Endeavor of Cayen Presbyterian Church will hold an open Meeting on Friday night. The oro gramme will consist of an essay on Robert Burns by P. Gardiner, Scotch readings and songs, by members of the Society. Everybody welcome. A fine new stock of Christmas per- fumes at C. La1tz's Drug Store This is the place to buy your Christmas presents tills in line. +� You can get a fine choice of X-mas Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, etc., cheap for cash from R. Hicks during the holidays. 1� Jas. Dignan & Son Iaast week shod a large nutnber of horses. In one day . they put on 107 and the next day 102 shoes. This is considered gond work. Robt. Gardiner, one of the Executors of the estate, on Wednesday sold the horse and lots of the late David Turn- bull, to Wm. Bawden, Exeter's real estate king. Mrs. (Rev.) C. Fletcher will address the Misson Band of Caves chnrch next Thursday, 10th inst., at 3. p. m. All ladies interested in Missions are cordially invited to he present. Owing to some special advertising, some correspondence has been crowd- ed out of this issue. while other mat- ter has been condensed. We ask the forbearance of our correspondents. Rev. Mr. McKelvie, Junior Minister of the Hensall circuit, will take both services in Main st. Methodist church next Sunday. Rev. Chas. Smith will preach Missionary sermons in Hen. sail. The anniversary of James street church takes place next Sunday and Monday. Rev. Stephen Bond, presi- dent of the Conference, will occnpy the pulpit. The usual tea on Monday evening. Mr. J. J. Jones, of Manitoba, who has spent the past few weeks with his �other and otber friends here, left Wednesday morning for Hamilton, where le will visit for a few days, lea- ving on Monday for Manitoba. The annual fowl supper and concert will be given by the Woman's Chapter of the Trivitt Memorial church, Exeter, on Monday, Dec. 20th, 1897. A splendid supper and a good program may be counted on. The resident ministers will give short ad- dresses. The citizens, particularly the con- gregation of Main street church are indebted to Mrs. Gibbins, of Clinton, for the services rendered in connect- ion with the anniversary of the above church. Her singing was much ap- preciated, and merited the applause given. The habit of boys throwing snow- ails in the streets, is becoming erious, and should be stopped. On Tuesday, a snow ball thrown by a boy, struck a horse, causing the ani- mal to run away. One of the oc- cupants of the rig was thrown out, and sustained a fracture of her collar. bone. Theractice among some farmers` of loading up hay and then leaying it out in the rain for aday and a night before taking it to market, thereby increasing the weight by as much as that of a barrel of water -simply to add a trifle to their pocket, is as mean a thing as can be done, and deserves punishment were it possible. APPIPIMPRIMplowe TIE EXE T ER TIMES ELECTION OE Overe las; -The fol- lowing ) are the officers elected in the R T1 of T. forthe ensuing year: -S. J, P. Clarke ; P, 0 , Geo. Jewell; Vice- Cour Ed. Howard; Chap. A. Hooper ;. Treas. P. Frayne ; Fin. Sec., M. E. Gill ;; Ree, See., A. Vincent ; Herald, Win. Delve ; .Guard, A. Stuart ; Sentinel, John Ctxdmore, 401.41011 ecember )`HE Pickard Ca ELECTION Or theetoEns.-Following aro the election of officers for Fire Co, No. 2, for the current year :--Captain, John McLaughlin ; 1st Lieutet?aut, Silas Haudforct; 2nd Lieutenant,. Wm. Creech ; See'y-Treas., D. Spicer ; 1st Branch -man, Eli Snell ; 2nd Branch - man, Sam Sweet ;; 3rd Branchnran, John. Reudle ; 4th Branchman, Frank Knight ; Foreman of Hose, Jas. Taylor ; Assistant Hose, Ed. Treble ; Suction Hose, Jas. Beer ; Hosenran, Geo. Anderson ; Roseman, Daniel. Davis ; Engineer, Israel Smith. THE PENALTY Ririui'rTED. -- Some weeks ago the. R. Pickard Co. at the instance of Jobe T. W estcott were served with a writ for $100 and costs, for not having registered the partner- ship, according to the requirements of thestatutes in that behalf. The pro- ceedings somewhat, surprised the firm, and although the law in this respect was not adhered.to (through a mis- understanding,)et no one seffered any finaucia] injury from the neglect. The ease was submitted to the Attorney General and Executive Council of Ontario, who after taking the facts of the case into consideration, and know- ing the reputation of the firm, advised thr Lieutenant Governor to order "that the penalties incurred by the R. Pickard Co., under the acts respect- ing the registration of copartnerships and business firms, be remitted, save the costs of the proceedings." EXETER NORTH NOTES, --Miss Lila McCord is visiting friends in. bt, Marys. -While going into the stable, on Thursday last, Duncan McKay, slipped 00 the ice and broke his knee cap. -Alderman William Mc- Callum, of London, visited his father here last .week. ---Miss Janet Muttart is confined to her room with the measle,. -Your correspondent learns that nos. II'atter, jr., who last week appeared before .1. P. Snell, en a charge of ill-treating his mother, was not compelled to leave town, but simply remanded for a week. 'We make thio correction for the parties concerned. --A great many in this end are afflicted with the measles. -We tlnderstaand that an electric light is to he placed at the bridge. This will be a great convenience to pedestrians. -The recent sleighing has made things lively the past week. r Dex-rll we Julie' MCCALLt-a1.--The death of Mr. John Me('allum, of this village, took place on Tuesday morn- ing. ,\Ir. McCallum has been suffer- ing for some time from valvuar dis- ease of the heart and passed away suddenly in the end. Ile was horn in Scotland and came early to this country, settling with other relatives near Woodbridge, Ont. He came to this neighborhood nearly twenty ears ago, and followed Ins trade as painter until a short time ago. De- ceased was possessed of more than ordinary intelligence, and was widely known as a public reader and enter- tainer. ]-Ie leaves a family of seven surviving children and a widow to whom he was .recently harried. His •enlains were taken away on Wednes- ay to be interred at Woodbridge. Tv Mentoneaer.-The late James Mc- Donald, who died in Olandeboye on -ov. 30th, was born in the County of ermanagh, Ireland, in the year 1810 and emigrated with his father to this country In the year 1822, and settled in the vicinity of Kingston. He served es a loyalist dragoon during the re- bellion of 1837, and had some close calls from rebel bullets whilst carrying des- patches from point to point. At the close of the rebellion, be harried Miss Mary Bianshard,of Belleville, and settled in the Tp. of Reach. He re- moved. to Hay township, Huron Co., in 1851, when the greater part of that township was a wilderness, during his early years in Hay, he did a great deal of teaming between Rodgerville and London, and was well known be- tween these places. He continued farming until a few years ago, but be- ing disabled by rheumatism, gave it up and removed with his wife to Clandeboye, where he died at the ripe age of 87 years and 4 mouths. He was anian'ofironlconstitution,baving borne the burden and heat of the day for over 70 years. His wife still lives, and there are living descendants at present as follows : 5 sons, 6 daughters, 71 grand children and 20 great great grand children making a total of 102. Mr. McDonald was a life long Con- servative and father-in-law to our es- teemed village Clerk, Mr. Eacrett. MAIN ST. CHUR C ANNIVERSARY. -' One of the most successful anniver- saries in the history of Main st. Metho- dist church was that of this year, held on Sunday and Monday last. The weather was propitious, the at- tendance large at all meetings, and the bill of fare superb. On Sunday, Rev. Jasper Wilson, of Strathroy, a former pastor of the church occupied the pulpit and delivered two able, thoughtful, and practical sermons, while the choir, assisted by Mrs. Gib- bings, of Clinton, rendered sweet music. On Monday eyening the an- nual tea was served, and as usual the ladies excelled themselves in • catering to the wants of so large a crowd. The viands, which were of the best quality were liberally served, and the most rapacious appetite could not help be- ing satisfied. A platform meeting was organized at the close of the. tea, with Rey. Chas. Smith a s chairman. Revs, Bray, Martin and Dr. Willough- by gave short adddresses, while Rev. Jasper. Wilson lectured on "I and Thou.". The lecture was of an inter- esting nature, and many valuable` lessons were thrown out by the speaker. • .It was thoroughly in .keep- ing with. all Mr.. Wilson's efforts along the lines • of a lecture, being -practical and instructive. The choir did Well, and assisted materially in the pro- gram. The duett by Miss Gidley and Mr. Broderick, the solos by Mrs. Gib- bings, of . Clinton, and• Miss M. V. White, of Exeter, were of a high order, and elecited much :applause. On the whole the affair was a great sue- cess, the proceeds amounting in all 'to Bargains • We want'to make a big reduction in our stock during this month and accordingly will offer many lines of Goods at exceedingly low prices. Bargains will be the order of the day in every department of our store. Note Carefully the following prices They will give you some idea of what we are doing. STAPLES 28 yards good fast colored Flannelettes for 20 yards extra heavy 36 Grey Cotton Heaviest Feather Ticking, 25c for 32 inch Flannelette, fast colors, per yard 36 inch Bleached Cotton, regular ioc per yard Extra Heavy, soft finished Cottonade 27 inch, all wool, finest Grey Flannel Good, heavy, full size Grain Bags per doz CLOTHING- Men's LOTHI TG Men's heavy Tweed Pants per pair Blue Serge Suits, well made Heavy Tweed Suits, special Heavy all wool Ulsters worth $5.50, now Heavy all wool Rigby Proof- ed Ulsters roof.edUlsters $8.50, now Irish Freize Ulsters, double lined with heavy Tweed, Rigby Proofed worth $13 for Boy's Blue Nap Overcoats with capes, worth $3, 75 for :Rigby Proofed Freize Ulsters worth $5 Melt's lovely Black Worsted suits to order, bestlinings and trimmings, would cost regular $21.00 for tt as u tt n $1.00 $1.00 19 08 2254 25 $1.75 89 cts. $2.75 4,75 3.95 6.50 0.50 275 4.00 17.00 MANTLES Ladies' heavy Serge Mantles, newest styles, regular price $3.25, now Ladies' Heavy Boucle Cloth Coats, High Slashed Collars, regular $5.25 for Ladies' extra heavy Boucle Cloth coats, very stylish garments, worth $S.00 for Also 25 Ladies' odd Mantles ranging in price from $3.75 to $8.00, your choice while they last for $1.75 4.00 5.75 FANSON'S RLOOK9 EXETER XMAS, X MAS, X=MASIa X -MAS will soon be here and we are ready for it with a large stock of goods, suitable for the XoMAS TRADR We have just received a quantity of Gents' fleck Wear in all the newest and latest styles SILK AND FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS, LAMPS, FANCY CROCKERY, ETC. Also another lot of those S Ito $ JO lP alar Caps Girls White Wool Boas, 25cts., 35cts., and 5octs. FURS AND FREIZE COATS.( House 1-iri-lishings _... ..F, Chenille Table covers for $ I.Q0 to $2.75 each. Also a choice lot of DOOR MATS and RUGS. reveries Choice new Goods, never stale with us. Try Our We have a reputation for this line. Others try to imitate but they are not in it. TETLEYS TEAS are the'bestpackage Teas in the market to -day. We have it in i pound and % pourid tins at 50 cents a pound. OUR 25 CENT JAPAN A BEAUTY. CARLING BROS. JUBILEE HEATER. -The only sheet metal double heating ventilator stove made. It will hold a fire all night, it will burn any kind of wood, it wi saye from 25 to 50 per cent. in fuel, i is positively safe. Ask to see then also our cline damper. H. BIsuor & Sox. c Read carefully the following, it will pay you. Determined as we are to clear out our Ready-made Clothing, consist- ing of Men's Ulster •overcoats, Boy's and Youth's Ulsters in light, and dank brown freize. All good values. Also Men's, Boy's, Youth's and Children's Suits. We Offer them without reserve at cost, for cash. Corse and buy. We want the room they take for other lines. If you want first class Rubbers for Men and Women, Boy's and Misses' and Children's, we are well supplied, and sell at cost price., Tmr READY MENDER., (Mending Tissue.) Repairs any kind of clothing, Parasols, Rubbers, Rubber coats, Kid gloves, Carriage curtains, etc, Only 0 cents. Economy is wealth. This ssue is a money saver. Sold at 0. utz's Drug Store. LEVITT'S FAIR I.50 DRESS GOODS Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, stylish goods, regularly worth 30 cts per yard, now 44 inch Black Henrietta cloth, fine finish, regular 75c. goods for Fancy Dress Ends, regular price $5.00 for Black Peau de Soie Silk, regular $1.25 for 27 inch pure Japanese Silks, all shades GROCEIERS 24 lbs White Granulated Sugar for 3o lbs nice Yellow Sugar for 6 bars Comfort Soap for 6 bars Ding -man's Electric Soap for 2 lbs Baking Soda for 35c Uncolored Japan Tea per lb 3 Boxes Eddy's matches_ Large Box Royal Yeast Cakes Good Three -String Broom 10 lbs good Green Coffee for 6 lbs good Raisins for 20 cts 50 $3.50 1.00 50 $1.00 I.00 25 25 05 25 25 05 IO $I.00 25 LAMPS & CROCKERY Fancy Decorated Lamps, very speciGtl Our Leader Lamps, decorated fount-. and shades, special value $1.25 Hand Painted Banquet Lamps with shades, lovely goods . $2.50 97 piece Dinner Setts worth $8.50 for $6.50 Fancy Decorated Toilet setts $P65 Fine White Granite cups and Saucers, per dozen otic es 39 13 piece Glass Berry setts; great value 60 50 cts UNDERCLOTHING Ladies' ,fleeced" Vests, lent sleeves, special „ 15 Ladies' Paragon shaped Vests, long sleeves, special 25 Ladies' Paragon shaped Vests; silk trim- med, special 5o Men's Scotch Wool Shirts and Drawers 50 Men's Fancy Top Shirts, assorted colors 5o Butter,Eggsand all kinds of Fa lm Produce taken at highest market prices. g • R. Pickard DIRECT IMPORTERS. Co. We have opened out in la'ANsoN's BLOCIx a BRAND NEW STOOK --oxo-- GRANITE WARE, TINWARE, WOODENWARE, CHINAWARE, CROCKERY, STATIONERY, ETC Comprising the many useful articles at a low price. Call and see our various lines and get our prices. Oyster parlor and lunch room in connection. LEVITT'S FAIR. FRUITS a FRUITS FOiR CHRISTMAS Our past record is sufficient to our customers to insure nothing but first class Goods We are again supplied with Loose Mus- catelles, "California Fruit." Layer and selected Valencias, Sultanas, or "seedless raisins." Layer Malaga Figs, "Io crown brand." Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel, "the best. All kinds of Spices and Flavorings, such as Essence of Lemon, Vanilla, Win- tergreen, Cloves, Ginger, Cinna- mon, Orange, Pine Apple, Ban- anas, Violet, Peppermint, etc. Our favorite Baking Powder "The Housekeepers Delight" is still holding the front, also "Strongs" keeps closeat the heel." I want my many Customers to avail themselves of our offer of Ready-made Clothing and Over- coats ; a goodly number have so done. Come along ye,, shivering and freezing ones and be ye clo- thedrice at a that will P make you wonder; Also a Job lot of Astiachan Caps, Men's and youth's sizes ranging prices from 5o cents to 0.75 each, great values. Bound to clear them all at half price. WANTED :- 1,000 Turkeys No. r at 8 cents. z,000 Ducks " i at 6 2,000 Chickens I at 5 1,000 Geese i at 5S In exchange, for Goods. J. P. CLARKE Mrs. (Dr.) Lutz is visiting friends in Sarnia. City prices on dolls, picture books and X -Inas toys at Dy er's. Book bind- ' ing, Printing and Stationery. 5 doors North P. 0..4-1' REGT;LAR AcrloN of the bowels/s necessary to health, Laxa Liver Pills are the 'best occasional cathartic for , generalPrice r family o use. Price J _o cents. Any druggist. Exeter Lumber Yard. ,wea.A7 Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pin a Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stub: 30000 Feet uowan Pine at $t0.00 per M. oAIANT rETJas. Willis JOHNSTONS' CHRISTNIAS IIdRGAINS re -0040-0 G pieces fancy Blouse Velvets at half price ; was $1.00 now clearing price,) 50 cents. 2 only tMens' Black Martin fur over- coats, great wearers, handsome goods. Regular $25.00 for $18.00. A job lot of Feather Boas, good quality, will be sold at regular cost price. 8 only, best quality, Beaver Caps, re- gular price anywhere in the trade --x- $8.00, now $5.00 • FUR CAPS, FUR CAPES, FUR GAUNTLETS. FUR RUFFS, FANCY HAEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SCARFS, Everything suitable for Christmas presents. Croceries All lie n s of fruits, selected Raisins, sultanas, cleaned Currents; Peels, Extracts, Toilet Soaps. Fancy lines of Christy's Biscuits, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Dates,' Etc. Etc. Come to us for Christmas. Goods, and we will not be undersold, all lines freshand guaranteed pure.