HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-12-9, Page 5- 7.11:1.b.i EXETER TIMES Meri .r, Exeter Municipal Connell .G Merit talks" he It is intrinsic valueof Tatls Hood's Sarsaparilla. Merit fn medicine means the power to cure, Hood's itnd unequalled curative power and there- fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or .cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen. the nerves and build up the whole system. Hoo Sarsaparilla lathe best, in fact -the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I.Bood & Co., Lowell, Mass. =-tIoad's Pills Do ipe not purge, H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D..S., Honor Graduate of Tcronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted withoutpain or bad atter effects. Orrice in Fan - woes Block, West side of Mainmast.. Exeter:. DR. ANDERSON, (D. A. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate cif the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons .otOntario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate work done bathe neatest possible manner, A harmless amossthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural tenth, O1llee opposite Con- tras Hotel, Exeter. Ont Exeter Electric Light AND POWER ce., (LIMITED) Notice of Rates. The following rates will be charged by the above company for the early and late service they propose giving the town. 1•10141S0 Lighting Main Hall $:3.10 per tannum per 10 c. p. (or 4/5's cent per night ) 1 parlor $2.80 per ann11111 per 16 e. p. (or 7/10's cent per night.) Each susequent parlor lamp $L80, (or h centper night.) Dining roan* $2.7o per annuls 16 c. p, (or 315's cent per . night 'tchen - $2.75 '� '° 46Upstairs all $2.00 t` it _` .) Spare bedroom $1.50 per annum 10 c. p. (or cent per night.) Ordinary bedroom $1.73 per annum 16 c. p. Cellar 00 cents per annum 8 c. p. Commercial Lighting. 1 to 5 lights $4.50 per animus 10 c. p. (or 1115 cent per night.) 5 to 10 lights $4.40 per annum 16 c. p. - cc a, tc a, 10 a to 15 $ 1.. 15 to 20 " $1.10 " .t 20to25 " $1.00 " 25 plus " $3.00 " Wiring. General practise has proved it to bo more satisfactory for consumer to own everything within his own walls. The foregoing low rates Jiave been figured on this basis, and ki order to s+ecure3 them the following nominal initial charge, aro made Or wiring with lamp com- plete : Open c,r cleat. suitable for stores $L35 per light. Concealed, suitable for residence $1.70 per light. Payable in Monthly instalments, for a period of 10 months, or $1.00 for concealed work and 1.25 for cleat work, cash on starting oflights. For further particulars apply to R. C. C. 'Y`REMAINE, Mar' ager „ 44 t, i, IC •l ., .' THURSDAY, DECEMBER Oth, 1897. Local and District News There are over three utiles of granolithic walk in Listowel. Miss Matilda Simmons, of Lumley, is visiting friends in London. Daniel Levigood, of Zurich, fell through a trap door and broke his leg. Premier Greenway, who has been in a poor state of health for several weeks, is in Montreal, where he will Consult a leading specialist. • - The body of the late John O'Leary, who died at Eagle River, Wisconsin, a few days ago, arrived at Centralia on Saturday for interment there. The Bishop of Huron has appoieted Mr. Smith, son of Rev. S. L. Smith, of Bayfield, to take charge of the services at Middleton's, Holmesville, and Sum- nnerhill, formerly in charge of Rev. Mr. Stopt ; he has already entered on his work. Michael Fletcher; of Usborne, has Purchased from A. E. Hodgert .a young thoro'bred Cirester White boat. Samuel Pettit also purchased a young sow and Allen McDougal, of Hibbert, also purchased a young sow, all of the same breed. Geo.. Dalrymple, of Lakeside, who • has been spending the summer in North Dakota; is home again, looking o'er well. considering that be was under the baneful influence of .Uncle Sam's niggardly isolation of Pro- tective tariff. John Tait, another of the pioneers of this district, died at ' his home on .lot 36, con. 10, East Nissouri, on Sat- urday, Nov. 20th, aged: 73 years. The deceased was a native of Antrim, Ireland, and for fifty years lived in tbis neighborhood, first on the Inger- soll Road, Blanshard, and later in Nissouri. Fifteen turkeys, nine geese and sine duck were stolen from the farm of Mrs. Ramshaw, on lot 6, con. 7. West '.Zerra, a few nights ago, Mr Ship, who lives on the farm next to Mrs.. R.ainshaw, lost five turkeys the saute night. The county police have ' been notified of this and. otherpoultry rob- beries, which have taken place near Ailsa Craig. The Council a et pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 3rd Dec., 1807. All present. Minutes of previous sleeting read and approv- ed. The Board of Health submitted their annual report which was received and adopted on motion of J. W. Taylor, seconded by C. B. Snell: Taylor -Rollins --Orders as follows: -The Clerk $4, selecting jurors ; the Assessor $4 do ; J. Creech, $9.20 for cedar posts and lumber ; J. E. Dignan, $2.40 ; H. Spackivan, $2.10 F. D. sup- plies ; Geo. Kemp, $40 bell ringing, 1807 ; W. H. Parsons. $5.55 rep. ; Fire Co. No. 2, $85 salaries ; No. 1, $60 do The Sec'y. Board of Health, $5 ser- vices ; The M. H. Officer, $5 do ; A. E. Tennent, $3 do ; The Electric Light & Power Co.. $151.40 lighting to lst Dec., 1807 ; Jas. Weekes, :62e labor ; J. W. Creech, 62c do ; and 11. Parsons, $24 night watch service to 1st Dec., 1807. Carried. • theReeve t - : un -•T a 1' Da c h Rol ins e and Deputy be ay committee to ex- amine concerning. fitting up of the North end fire ball and act as they deem proper. Carried. Moved by A. J. Rollins, seconded by J. Dauneey, that Mr. McInnis' acct. be fyled. Carried, Rollins-Dauncey -- That the taxes on the Agrtcaltnral Society grounds be refunded. Carried. All accounts against the Corporation should be in before the 14th fust, The Council adjourned until the statutory meeting to be held the 15th Dec. at 7:80 p, in. M. EacauTT, Clerk. A woman's morning music club has been established in List(lwel. Mrs. R?Barry, of visiting friends and hen. Miss K. Donohue, guest of the Misses McGillivray. Mrs. George Sproat died at Egmond- vilte last week, She had been sixty years a resident of the district. S. Hanna, Griswold, Manitoba, fell into a well on his farm the other day and was drowned: he was a former resident of Iluron. The death from consumption of Mr. Roderick McLean occurred at his home ('entre Road, West Williams, last Monday morning. Rev. S. Acheson, of Kippen, on Sab- bath, Nov, 21st, entered upon his four- teenth year as pastor of St. Andrew's church, Kippen and Rills Green. Tenders for $21,000 worth of county of Middlesex debentures will be open- ed on Thursday. This money is to be applied to the reduction of the county debt. The Elgin Pilot, published at West Lorne, by J.Caneeron, after a struggle for existence for over two years, has succumbed and the plant removed to Toronto. 650 boxes of cheese were shipped from Holmesville 'factory last week, manager Connolly having sold them to Ballantyne & Son, Stratford, for 81-10 cents per pound. Six vagrants are at present com- fortably lodged in the Huron County jail, whom is sickly and another '•o f � vho lam onee, but the others are in for the winter months. On Saturday Avonbank factory shipped 473 boxes of September cheese, looking 36,820 lbs. Several shipments of butter have been trade since Nov. 1st. John Forden has rented Mrs. Spar- ling's farm on the Cut Line, Goderich township, for a period of five years. It is an 80 acre farm, in good condition; he gets possession on the 1st of January. D.D. Wilson shipped from Brussels a carload of turkeys to GreatBritain on Wednesday of last week, paying (leper pound live weight. A 20-1b turkey was one of the noteworthy points in the shipment. As a mark of their appreciation some few of the prominent members of Trinity Church, Mitchell, presented their rector, Rev. Mr. Kerrin, on Wed- nesday with a very handsome cutter and a string of bells. Miss Brock, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Thos. Brock, died at King- ston a few days since. Deceased was n, former resident of Clinton, during the time her father was pastor of the Rattenbury street Methodist Church. The death of Henry M.Miller, of Mc- Gillivray, took place on Tuesday of last week from heart trouble. The de- ceased was well-known and highly re- spected, and his death will be a sur- prise and shock to his many friends. Andrew McNamee, a young man employed in the St. Thomas Journal press roow,metwith apainful accident Saturday. He slipped and fell against the sharp edge of the press, inflicting a wound six inches long on his head. The cut was half an inch deep and the skull bone was exposed. The night after the Goderich eleva- tor fire, the pile of smoking wheat, about 25,000 bushels, supposedly, was offered for sale at $1500, but no one would purohase it, not knowing what condition it was in. It was afterwards sold in lots to suit purchasers, and realized somewhere in the neighbor- hood of $5,000. On Friday evening while driving into Goderich on the Huron Road, A. P. McLean had a yeryin.irrow escape from an incoming train at Munro's crossing. if any warning was given by the engine he did not hear it. His horse matte a leap which took the vehicle just far enough away to escape collision with the engine. North Dakota, is relatives in Step - of London is the Doyle, .12th con., MARKET REPURTS: Exeter, December 8t11, 1897. Wheat per bustle' ... ...80 to 81 Oats... .. -.23 to 25 ...... .... .24 to 27°BarIoy.,.., Peas ..45 to 45 Butter:.... ..15 to 15 '15 to 15 `Tu keys 9 to 9 4 Chickens per ib 4 to 4 o 4 4 Ducks...... S to 5 wool..... 17 to 18 Dried Apples., . .. .. . 21 to 23 Pork dressed.... $475 to 35.00 Pork live weight $3.50 to $3.60 Hay per ton........ 5 00 to $6.50 Clover seed .... . 1.00 to .00 Alsiko.clover 4.50 to 5.00 Timothy seed 1.5e to 1.75 London. December 8th, 1897, Wheat per busho ,.. ....81 to 82 Oats.. ...,22 to 23 Peas .. 39 to 40 Barley,. .... ....29 to 33 18 to 34 o Buckwheat Corn. ... - 0 32 to ..32 to 30 Bea to 35 Butter..• .... .,:1i to 12 Eggs 12 to. 14 Ducks 75 to. 80 Turkeys per lb. .., _.,... .. 10 to 12 Geese per lb. ...., .... 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 50 Cheese ... .,8•to 8 Potatoes per bag ..40 to 50 Hay per ton . ,... ....$ 4.50 to a 5.00 Pork per cwt.. ..-.. $4.00 to $4.50 A special meeting of the Medical Association was held at Seaforth on Wednesday, to select a representative for the Medical Council. and Dr. Tay- lor, of Goderich, was the uuanimous choice ofiltheAssociation.. Dr. Robert son, of Stratford,who had been chosen as a candidate, was present and retir- ed, so, that Mr. Taylor's election is assured. The annual meeting of the Huron Licensed Victuallers' Protective Asso- eiation was held at Clinton last week, with members present from various pacts of the country. The following officers were elected :- President, A. Roe, Wingbam ; '1st vice, J. C. Miller, Clinton ; 2nd vice, H. L. Piene, Zurich; Secretary, L. Kennedy, Clinton; Treas. J. Rattenbury, Clinton. Market Review and Forecast The cold weather has greatly im- proved the general conditions of trade. In the country the roads have not been good, and that has tended to offset somewhat the advantages of more seasonable weather. Holiday goods are beginning to show activity,- and it is expected that the next three weeks will likely show a verygood trade. The price of hogs is advancing. The sup- ply of poultry is fair, but there is some complaint as to quality. Country re- mittances have been very satisfact- ory. WHEAT. At Buffalo Canadian stockers of the Ihest quality are bringingfrom $8.55 to GlrvrTr H e.E.-ALsTtk1roEnbL]eUdNorGySe a, re with $4. and fcedexa of good. quality from weak lungs and could not get relief, e f'b C On a$375qtuo$efdit apse rleowwt.; a$n3i.a25nfeCeadVekrtrying Norway Pine Syrup found it acted nnedidly, healing and strengthening my from $2 to $8. 0 ,SHEEP Export sheep were quiet at 3c to Sic, There has been a gooddemand for good lambs, and quite a number have been taken for shipment to theOld Country at from $4 to $4.25 each. The bulk of the lambs now going forward to the Buffalo market are too heavy for the trade and do not bring as good pi -ices as they would if iigber. Laxnbs of the right quality will bring from $5 to $5.50. Butcherss'sheep at Toronto bring from $3 to $3.50 each, choice $3.75. Hoes. As predicted last week, the price of hogs went up, but this brought out the largest. offering of hogs ever seen ou the Torouto market. On Friday 6,000 were offered, •xnd prices fell away ee. a pound on all that were not contract- ed for, Chicago bogs were sold at $4.38 which is an advance of 121c. on last week's prices ; light and thick fat bogs to$4.10 per at $4.13, and stores at $4 cwt, Prices will advance again unless offerings continue extremely large. The heaviest run of hogs on record on any previous day was less than 5,000. Best hogs at Buffalo are quoted at $3,60 to $8.65 per cwt. The wheat situation shows but little change. There has been a good ex port demand during the week, which rather shows a fear of shortage on the part of the European buyers. Whetat has advanced steadily in price all week, but the probabilities are that prices will recede this week. Owing to the bad condition of the roads de- liveries are light, and this, no doubt affects prices a little. The prices at Toroutu at the end of the week showed an advance of at least two cents, the price being 83c. to 85e. north andwest. Some 100 cars were sold at these fig- ures, Spring wheat sold at 82c. and goose wheat at 78c. east. Manitoba wheat is goiug for 09c. at Goderich and Midland. At Montreal red win- ter wheat is quoted at Ole. to 02c. BARLEY 'AND OATS. There has been no change in the barley market. There has been a quiet demand at 30c. to 32c. for No. 2, and 25c. for feed outside. At Mont- real feed barley is bringing 33c. to 3tic. Oats have been in good demand, but deliyeries have been light owing to bad country roads. Mixed lots are quoted at23c. and white at 241c. west. .At Montreal sales for local arconnt have been made at 261e. to 261. PEAS AND CORN. r quiet at Montreal at �O. c, Peas aret Ole. AtTorranto they have been steady all week at the prices given last week. . 431c. for curs north and vtiaaquot- ed at the end of the week Corn has been very quiet. It was expected that there would have beep an advance in it corresponding with the advance in wheat. Old Canada yellow is quoted at 281c. to 27c. west at Toronto and 33c. to 31c. at Montreal. CHEESE. The market is reported quiet but steady, with not much change in prices from last week's figures. The local markets vary considerably. For Sept, and Octobers the ruling price seems to be .about Scents, while for Novembers the top price is 710. Though consider- able business is being done the pros- pect for any material advance in price is not very certain. PIITTER. The creamery butter market is also reported quiet but steady. Exporters have been picking up some fine cream- ery at from 18sto 181 cents. Tha local trade affords somewhat higher prices. Holders of late made, choice creamery are holding for higher prices. The exports shote an increase amounting to about I000 packages, and there seems to be an improved demand for the better quality of creamery butter. Earlier makes are not wanted for ex- port, and the sale of some August creamery is reported at 16lcts. The market for dairy butter is firm and steady for good scuff. At Toronto there is a good demand for butter in tubs, at from 16 to 17 cents ; large roll 14 to 15 cents, and medium quali- ty at 12 to 13 cents. At Montreal prices for gooddairy butterrange from l6'to 161 cents. .w +.11. ANxiovs .5/OTHERS find Dr. Low's Worm Syrup the best medicine to ex- pel worms. Children like it -worths dont. Robt. Beacom, of Porters Hill, was knocked from a ladder by a cow and his leg was badly beoke), Luella Brintnell, ofHensall, fell on a barbed wire fence, cutting her head. Her condition was critical. The revenue from hay lands -School and Dominion -in Manitoba for the 12 months ended October 30, $1,110. ECG1S. The demand has been good and the market steady at Toronto at 15c. to 16c for fresh gathered eggs, 12 to 13 cents, for held fresh, and 131c. for limed. On the farmer's market at Toronto they have been as high as 18c. and guaran- teed fresh eggs sell as high as 30c. out of the stores. At:Montreal fresh ga- thered eggs are being sold to retailers at 20c. to 21c. POTATOES. There has been a good demand for potatoes. The approach of cold weather no doubt has helped this. The price has advanced to 60c. per bag for car lots and the market is firm. APPLES There has been no change in the market since last week. Reports from England show that quite a lot of fruit is arriving in bad condition, ow- ing to poor packing. $1.50 to $4.50 per bbl. is quoted. Dried apples, from 4c. to 3c., and evaporated from 51c. to 6c. per pound. CATTLE. Export cattle are very dull and few are offering. According to latest re- ports the exporters have lost heavily this season, and altogether it has been a•most unprofitable one. Good animals will bring a good price and can: be handled, but poor stuff is a drug, and. must be sacrificed. Light stockers are not in as good de- mand as emandas they have been. Only2icto 3c was the range at the close of last week, Feeders also were quieter at from 3c. 3Ie. Choice stuff brought 3gc., but the majority sold between 2i.c. and 31c. BIRTHS. R1 4,'`; --In Stephen. on Nov. Oath, the wife of ��g��e_� Edward Ryan, of a ion. McKI;EVEP. -In MrCarmel, on Nov. 23nd, the wife of F. McKeever, of a daughter. Stella will be taken to lu r:mite any boy or SHAW -In Bayfield. en Nev. 23, the wife of boys tmrnd on the Exeter Public School ground 1tev.1, A. SIaw, of a son. between the hours of 5 p. xtt, and tt tt, nn. follow- of there by special permission of the IiAIILA.M)-In Clinton, on Nov. 25, the wife Januar or I'rinoipal. se olal•s will pit•x a talo of 'W. T-AtHarland, jr. of a son. notice. Signed on behoof of the Board. . ofRev.f-At wet.. o le, on Nov. 27, tho wife T. Fzrrog, t' s. of list, It Jowett. ofa daughter. .MARRIAGES. BROWN -LEE -At the residence of the bride's father, Hullett, an Dee. 1st. by Rev. G. tiff . Andrews, John Brown to Alias diary A. Lee, daughter of Thomas Lee. ROSS -JACKSON- At the Itattcnbury St Methodist Parsonage, Clinton. on Dec. lst, by Itov. Millyard, Fred Ross to Aliso Eva Jack- son, both of West Wattanash. DEATHS. TA1T-In East Nissouri, on Nov. 27th, John Tait. agecl73 years. McCALLUM-In Exeter, on the 7th inst., John McCallum, aged 70 years, 4 days. CRO'ZDut-In SC Marys, on Nov. 27, Annie M., da:ghtor of Thomas Crozier, aged 37 years, 7 months.. lilll',li F OODod,n aged rk yearn, 1 niotritsinst.,0 days. E' J. 1 'RL NG. Lower Woodstock (Carleton Co),N. B. Nay for sale A large quantity of first-class Hay forsaio. Prices. renging from 83 to $5.f00 per ton. Apply to Joux HsrwooD,Exoter: DogFound. Came onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 20, con. 7, Stephen, on Thanksgiving Day, a young hound. (bitch). The owner is re nested to prove property. pay expenses and take the animal away. JOHN PRDLER, Exeter P O. Farm For Sale EXCELLENT FARM IN THE TOWNSHIP OF L'SBORNE COUNTY OF HURON. For sale by private contract lot fourteen (14) in the tenth (101 concession of Usborue, one hundred acres. Tho land is of first rate quality about 90 acres cleared. the remainder in bush. There are two wells, one at the bauao, the other about the centre of the farm. The buildings which comprise a frame dwelling house. barn 56x80 and horse and cattle stables with the fences aro in fair condition. For particulars apply to T. S. Clarke or the prre iscs or toExetMessrs.:E 11iot Sc: Elliot olici- Farms for sane A few good forma for sale chew Money to om. Apply to JOHN SP.ACKA1 AN Samwoll's Block. Exeter. MONEY --- Priveto funds to loan on improved farms at five and five and one half per cent. Apply to 1st December, 1897. ELLIOT 3: ELLIOT, Solicitors etc , Exeter. FOlt OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN 01.n AND WELL. T11n1D Rsatsnv.-Mrs Wirtalow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. ns he ms allays all It soothes the child, softs t gums, y pain. euros wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhrea. 1t is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of tho world. 25 c cents a bottle. Its ,flue is incalculable. Bo surd and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. HAGYARD S YELLOW OIL. Tho groat pain cure. Esod externally cures rhoumatism,swellings, sprains, brui'esstitfness pain and soreness of every diseription, In- ternally used it cures croup, colds, sore throat, horseness, asthma, bronchitis, quinsy, etc. Price 25 cents, all druggists. FREE! SEXUAL HEALTH And how to secure It. Plain foots Plainly Stated. A very interesting little bookfor men only, which must be read to be appreciated. "Through its honest advice, thousands havebeenrestored to perfect man- hood. For a short time mailed free, in plain enve- lope, securely sealed. Address the Author: G. H. BOBERTZ, P. 0. Sox 74, DETRotT, Was. RlleEMaiisM & Dyspepsia COM. 571 ST. PATR I CK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 31st 1896 To THE PIIRENOLIYE MEDICINE CO„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN O11 the advise of a friend I tried one bottle of your fam- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I was suffering at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I haye taken has done so much for one has your Phrenoline, and I have much pleasure in recommending t to other sutferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP Heals and Soothes the delicate tissues of the Throat and Lungs. ...CURING... COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, INFLUENZA, and PAIN IN THE CHEST. EASY TO TARE. SURE TO CURE. Agents Wanted Assessment System., Mutual Principles. A good position open. 11' c want an active. ener- getic and reliable man who will devote his entire time and attention to the work of the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association in Woodstock and vicinity. Ourdans and methods are such as to enable n goat agent to do more business and make more money than if working for any other life company re- presented in Canada. Apply to ii ..1. Mc- liutrY, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto. Fares for Sale The lindersi?oted offers for sale, his farm of 100 acres, lot 12, con. 11, Stephen. There aro erected on the premises a brick house, bank barns, straw sheds and driving shed : good orchard. and never -failing wells of water, 13 acres good hard bush, well fenced, and the banns in good state of cultivation. one mile from school house, a id 21 miles from Crediton. 10 screw of fall wheat in. For terms and further particulars address JOHN SCHROEDER. Dashwood. Farm for sale West quarter of lot 13 and lot No, 19, on the 12th con.,of the towushitt of Hullett.containiug 125 acres more or less. The farts is well fenced and undordrained and eunvealent to churches, school and market. On the farm isagood log house and frame ban 62 x 60 feet with stone stabling underneath : 'Mao drive house and hog pen and other bnilditgm. It is well watered and in good state of cultivation with 10 or 12 acres of hard wood bush. If not sold within a month will be offered by public auction. For terms and particulars apply to tiro pro- prietor, ro- priotor THOMAS STACEY, Cromarty, P. 0. Cromarty Nov. 16th. BICYCLES smaxiaziam Aro You Interested In Wheels ? W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. PERFECTION AT LAST WARRANTED EVERY TIME TRUSESS NEW IN DESIGN, NEW IN 'PRINCIPLE, NEW IN APPLICATION. A large assortment of the best and most approved Trusses and Mechani- cal Appliances always in stock, pur- chased direct from the'' manufacturers. We guarantee. every Trnss to be made with the finest English steel. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency - ' DOMINION LABORATORY. J. W. BROWNING PROP •►PSIP►'""'►'y Satisfaction or Your Money Back. In accordance with our advertise- ments to guarantee our workmanship to the fullest extent and in every particular, and as an evidence that the Guarantee Card, which you will find in the pockets of Shorey's gar- ments, means what it says, if you are • wearing Shorey's Ready=to=Wear Clothing and do not find it perfectly satisfactory in every particular and will communicate your complaints to us, we will see that you are satisfied or your money refunded. �- H. SHOREY & CO., - MONTREAL. Mtgs. of " Ready -to -Wear" Clothing. ..-... Feels His Oats- This- will not be the case with an animal whose blood is out of order. When a horse is all run down he needs a tonic the same as a man. Often he cannot have complete rest. Give him Dick's Blood Purifier and note how quickly be will pick up. His whole system will be invigorated. His digestion will be el strengthened so that all the nourishment will be - drawn from the food and less of it will be required. - Dick's Blood Purifier drives out Bots, Worms ' . t• and all parasites. In cows it greatly increases the �Sow of milk. SO CENTS A PAOKAGE. LEEhMING, MILES d. CO., AGENTS, MONTREAL. DiCK tk CO.. PROPRIETORS. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR IC Ire,x THINGS y t. Price, b �z t , ' BEST FOR TABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM I a> -- QUalitY, 7 3 ' Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the Assortment fuer 0,tot'e, .efEteizare.--_ qualityood, assortment com- plete, guying is made easy That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, 1 and feel certain that we can suit We would recommend those 1 the wants of all in Furniture Sulffering from COUGHS, COLDS, The vvay to test it is to call and see for t� and BRONCHIAL,yourself. troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. Gidley & son. It is also a reliable remedy Caper -LI H CO1-1S c biock for children. FURNITURE AND We. mau11.1flletlu'e W):NAN's UNDERTAKING. LINIMENT, all excellent reme- 1fY, dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS,REmEm "ER SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ Farmers You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricul- tural Implements. DEERING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC That we sell cheap all the time. 1®1 Rowe Has the Finest Class of Furniture ever shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of 113usi>tiesss UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R N IFOWE Next door North of Molsons Bank. A Suit of (Jlothes or a Single(,Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. J. The celebratedKnoll Washer SNELL never disappoints his Raymond sewing ( and wringers- in P any of these. A large assortment of dal & Winter Goods machine 1 STOVES. Gurney stoves and fnrauces. wag, ons u i s g e l take much pleasure in shoving them to you. There are many, other lines that are specially at• ractive. "BILL"' EiT.Q 7Ciali. In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies.