Exeter Times, 1897-11-25, Page 814 BIG CASIL ST Cash or Produce „ One Price 'Only. Jckets! Jackets! Jackets! Our stock is too large, yes too large by far -only one tiling to do make the prices sell them. --Well Here Goes �fi For your choice of about thirty Jackets, not this "� s a•.sous styles, regular prices were $5.00 to $8.00. 2.75 For zl very neat new stylish Jacket, Rough Serge, a great snap. 3.75 For a new nobby and up-to-date Jacket, good heavy Beaver Cloth, a bargain. 4.00 For a lovely heavy nap Jacket, very stylish, a re- gular eye opener. 5`7For the most stylish line of Fancy Tweed Jackets, that we have ever shown. Ye- we think that you should see our stock of ,Ta abets. We, San please you in style, We can please you din price- Carne. J. A. Stewart T7C M. SWEET, V V VETERINIRY SURGEON. nd taxidermist t workat kind time. s 1 CHRISTMAS IN THE OLD CouNTRY.-- Sailings from St. Johns, Halifax, Port- land, Boston and New York. Steam- ship '°Furnessin' Dec. 4; " un Sratchan,„ ng i Dec. 1I; "Canal x,".Dec. 9; "Germanic" Dee. 8 ; "Teutonic," Dec. 15 ; "St. Paul," Dec. S ;""St. Louis," Dec. 15 "Gallia," Dec: Stl} and Oth ; "Parisian," Dec. Sth and gbh. For rates of pas- sages and -full r particulars apply to Capt Geo.`Kenrp. / Iyi SURANCE. EL RNEST ELLIOT, Agent for rho WESTERx ASSURANCE Co. Party, of Toronto ; also for the PncsNlx FIRmm INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; the ALLIANCE Issunt cI COMPANY, of Eng and. A. 0. F. Court Price of Plural', No. 7865. Meetsin'ty ood's HIa113ad and 4th Friday in each month. Visiting brethren are cor- dially invited to attend. DAME' WOOD, SEC'Y -FOR- SCHOOL, 0IPENING -0 ----0 -o WE OFFER SPECIAL NDUCEti1ENTS Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Vill Lan} is in Toronto this week on business. - IL; X h 1' Lu R . '1'I. 1 E S o os VANT1.-H vin g purchase huse Ir•` v its. .the Exeter 1'aekul„ House from Ch Snell, jt., I an prepared to pay the highest cash price for hogs. F. Wool).IN TIMELY HTS. -The Department of riculture at Ottawa' has issued ;the customary bulletin There has been a. ready ntarket for fowl this week. Model School examinations will be held December 0. Mrs. S. Fanson is confined to her room through illness. Hogs are down in price, and as a consequence few are offering. Alfred Bowie has moved into his new residence, on William street. Mr. Will Bagshaw, Clinton, spent Sunday with his parents iu Stephen. Secure your reserved seat tickets for the cinematographe, at C. Lutz's drug store. A large number of hogs have been delivered at the Packing House, this week. on the dressing, packing and silippina- of poultry for the British markets. r'Ttte information and directions are given in such a man- ner as to Make the bulletin most help- ful to anyone interested in the trade, and with this to guide him there should be no excuse for a shipper go- ing astray.• _ MURDER AND '.\SANSLtuara• ,R. - During the past week Many of our readers have doubtless been. wonder- ing at the real difference between manslaughter and murder. At the Fall Assizes at Stratford last week, Justice Rose gave his definition as fol- lows ;--"Murder is taking a fellow - being's life intentionally : manslaugh- ter is when someone's life is lost as the result of a wrong action on the part of someone, who did not intend to take such aetion." Tlli OtnaFEw-There is considerable disanssion just now about instituting a Curfew Bell, to be rung each night at 9 o'clock, after which hour all children under 18, must not be found on the street, unless accompanied by or bear- ing a note from a parent. Whether or not the custom he a good one, it has certainly the advantage of being ex- tremely old, It was introduced into England by the Conqueror, but was known in Europe long previ- ously. Few things modern can show so ancient a lineage. RAILROAD NorEs-Conductor G\Tal- nisley L. H. & B., is on the sick list, and has gone to Coney Island for a rest. -Two new signs "Exeter Station" have been placed on each end of the building. -The usual weekly shipment. were made from this station during the week. -The water tank is being moved from its present site to the switch at the station. This will be a great convenience to the engine driv- ers. -A new time table has been issued by the Grand Trunk ; but it does not affect this line, however. It is generally understood that Dr. axter, M. P. P., for Haldimand, will etire after the corning session of the egislature and take the office of gistrar for the county. The Liberel andidate to replace him will probably e Dan Lynch, a merchant of Hagers- iile, and the Conservatives will put p a strong candidate in the person f Frank Lawlor, of Danville. Dr. axter is the second oldest member of the.House, the oldest being 1Vm. Gib- son, M. P. P., of West Huron, who will also retire after the corning session. As Speaker Dr. Baxter popularized himself with both parties. GRAND TuuNJ TTEAINaMI;v WARNuD. -Mr. Chas. H. Percy, treasurer of the Grand Trunk, has issued a circular countersigned by, Mr. Chas, Hays, stating that the number of garnishees served upon the company in the pro- vince of Ontario make it necessary to enforce the rule that in future any employe who allows his wages to be, seized for debt will draw upon himself the penalty of dismissal, and that the provision will he strictly enforced. Employes are directed that the proper time to protect their interests in this' respect is when the judgment is given and not when the writ has been serv- ed. s Five young men allied themselves with the Royal Templars on Monday evening. • Louis Long, son of Mrs. Welsh, has secured a situation in a printing office in London. The Royal Templars Will hold an open meeting in James St. Church Thursday evening. Miss Pringle was confined to the house the latter part of last week owing to a severe cold. Starnes Swenerton and wife, of Niagara, are visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Ross, this week. Scribbling books Drs. Hyndman & Hyndman have yreA VA VA VA °A VA VA VA A:A VA °<4.AeAoirtsee4etAtRtettaVA AVA ettotrA . iti i► ��� q ih h rig iti Il♦ ire i►� l♦etiatal AP' OA 41 OA AY) 4 7iN, tiViSliiiiiIV i►♦ TXE R. Pickard Co. IT SAVES APPLES. - The Ontario Government now has on exhibition a number of samples of apples, some of which have come from trees sprayed and others from unsprayed. There are samples of Baldwins, Russets, Manns, Snows, Greenings, and Kings. The sprayed apples are spotless, and about twice the size of the unsprayed fruit, which is spotted and warped. The fruit carne from the same orchards always, and in some cases from the same trees. It is estimated that of the sprayed apples 80 per cent. axe, perfect, while of the Ilnspra yeed P� per i cent. are unfit for use. fixe apples calve f„n,kc;r-L't..z., . r,,".: - pp New Furs Thoughtful shop- pers fully appreciate the many advantages gained in buying Furs at this store. The superior quality of the stock, the elegant styles represented in the collection and the excellent workmanship in every garment make it particular- ly attractive. But when these features are combined with our modest prices the temptation to buy is simply irresistable. To. day we give a few suggestions from this Ladies' Astrachan Capes, satin lined, full sweep, a great bar- gain Ladies Lynx. Storm Collars and Muffs, satin lined, very fashionable, per sett Ladies' Sable Ruffs, head and tails, fine yalue Child rens' first choice curl Grey Persian Lamb Wedge Caps, satin lined Ladies' electric seal gauntlets, satin and fleece lined, per pair 16.00 9.50 3,25 3.00 5 00 stock. Ladies' Persian Lamb gaunt- lets, specially well lined, J.00 per pair Ladies' and Misses Persian Lamb Ruffs, natural heads Mens' Black Persian Lamb Caps, Wedge and Dominion � shapes..... 3.75 Mens' fine Otter Caps, satin lined, splendid value Meas' Coon Coats, best lin- ings and trimmings at $32.00, $35.00, *38.00 3.75 3.75 We buy all our Furs direct from the manufacturers and fully guarantee every article we sell. Ladies' Mantles We have hada great Mantle Season, and in order to clear out the entire balance of our stock we are prepared to sac- rifice all profits. This is the way prices have been cut. Ladies' heavy black cloth coats, large fancy buttons, well made, regularly worth $3.25 for 1.75 Ladies' heavy Boucle Cloth Coats, velvet collars very latest style, regular price $5.25 for Ladies' heavy imported Freize Coats, in green, brown, and grey, braid trimmed, worth $8.75 Ladies' heavy Boucle Cloth Coats, fur trimmed specially fine, regular price $16.00 for moved into their new office in the..,..-aaaa-�;-...aa ;.,. crvt,I.arxnes. Drawing Books, building next Tia TI*ry zri ; Tablets,x 1 vesper was unable to attend =naco.Iy •.._ riser• ' I her duties at school last week. She .:,o J11ler.. Rulers, Etc. I was laid up with a very bad cold. � Snow fell on Tuesday to the depth J, n tom/ rI THE MART of several inches, and the merry jingle u l7 U ue EXETER of the sleigh bells will soon be heard. sameameesta Are you needing a good cheap stov Come and see our second-hand Parlor, Parlor Cook and B stoves. H. BIs- HOP & SON. The missionary s ciety of the Trivitt (4e�ime0. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER25,th, 1897 LOCAL HAPPENINGS The physical condition of Thomas Clarke remains unchanged. Cinematographe in Gidley's Opera House, November 29th and Tickets at C. Lutz's drug store The Exeter hockey team hhs-cl"ected the following officers : President, N. t emorial church last week sent a large bale of clothing to the North- w•st Indians• Cinematographe under the patron- age of the Exeter Public Lihrary,in Gidley's Opera _louse, Nov.} -30. Se ure your tickets early. The managers are malfing great reparations for the anniversary of Main Street Methodist Church, Sun- day and 'Monday Dec. 5th and Gth. The Grand Trunk railway will issue D. Hurdon; vice-president, Jos. Senior; first-class single fare for the Thanks - and 25th, good to the 29th, from all points in Canada and return. captain, R. C. C. Tremain; treasurer, giving Day holiday, going on the 24th n H. E. Paul ; secretary, B. Gidley. The first of a series of assemblies, under the patronage of the young bachelors of town will take place on Friday evening next in Gidley's Opera House. A large attendance is expect- ed. ed. Miss Smith entertained a number of young friends to a social evening, o Friday last, at the residence of Buckingham. The music for the o - casion was furnished by the Davids Orchestra, The Salvation Army Marine Band Mr. Routledge, veterinary, of Dash- wood, dehorned 27 head of cattle for Fred Baker the other day, and from there went to London township and dehorned about 80 head for Mr. John Hall. Use Winan's Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and Bronchial troubles. medicine h cou cknowle ed the best g A g on the market. Especially good for children. Manufactured by C. Sole agent for Dix Lung Balsam W. Ching, of the Lake roa', who t will give a musical festival on Satulr-I� last summer erected a handsome rest - day evening, November 27th: The dence and bank barn on his farm, has speeial meetings Sunday afternoon rapidly; transformed a rough looking and evening in the town hall. On Sun- day morning at 10:30 they will con- duct the service at the James street Methodist church. The Electric Light Co. have now nearly earl : ill the lights of the system connected. awing to unavoidable ac- cidents, such as usually occur to newly installed plants, the company have ex- perienced considerable annoyance, but as soon as the machinery operates properly, we,willhaye one of the finest systems in Ontario. lot into one of the finest farms in the country. He has been indefatigable in his labors and we trust his energies may be well rewarded. Many people are under the impres- sion that taxes may be paid any time, but this is a most erroneous idea. It will be just as well for rate -payers to understand that all taxes mist be paid before Dec. 14th, after which datethe collector is expected to take legal measures to recover any that niay be outstanding. QUEEN'S JUBILEE PROCESti'ION AT ExETER.-The people of Exeter and locality will have the opportunity of seeing next Monday and Tuesday what cost hundreds of dollars to go to London, England, to see, last June, namely the Queen's Jubilee procession, which is to be exhibited by that wonderful machine the Cinemato- graphe, in Gidley's Opera House. on Monday and Tuesday next, in aid of the Exeter Public Library. Every detail of the world's greatest pageant, life -like and moving, just the sarne as though one was in London looking at it, will be presented. The Queen will be seen in her carriage drawn by the eight cream colored horses, and ridden - by the state postillions, also the Princess of Wales, the Prince of Wales ou horse back. soldiers, marines, foreign princes, the life guards, mount- ed bands, and the people cheering as the procession passes. These are not pictures, but moving photograph§, reproducing true to life in motion, the - procession as . it actually occurred. There will be also a number of other views representing scenes in Europe and America of a more interesting nature, entirely different to any seen here before.. Our readers should re, member that in patronizing this wonderful exhibition and entertain Hent that they will be not only wit- essing what would otherwise cost iem hundreds of dollars tb see, but ill at the same time be helping the ublic Library of this town 4.00 6.25 CARLING BROS.- - - 11.50 --AE NOT LAGGING. They are still -to the Front with Good Coods at Right Prices. Grey Flannel plain or twilled 12f and 15 cents a yard. Dark or Light grey ALL WooL Flannel plain or twilled, 20 cents a yard. Extra heavy, wide, ALL Wool., Dark and light Grey Flannel 25 cents a yard. Fancy Union Flannels suitable for shirting, 25 cents a yard' In order to clean out every yard of print before we get in our new prints we give you your choice of any of our 12i cent Prints for 10 cents. And any of our 10 cent Prints for 8 cents. First come gets first choice while they last. C.ARL,ING )3FWS. ExE'rER NORTIiNOTES.-Miss Ham- ilton,who has been visiting her mother, Mrs, John McCallum, returned to De- troit on Monday. - Leonard McTag- gart, who recently purchased the Exe- ter north hotel block, bas with com- mendable enterprise, had the building refitted and repainted throughout, making a vast improvement to the premises. We understand Me, Mc- Taggart intends opening a general store in the southern appartment.- What will prove a great convenience to the farmers and public generally, and aid traffic, is the adoption of the wire fence on the west side of the London road, north. For a mile and a quarter the old board and rail fenees .have been removed and a barbwire fence substituted. This change was ad- vocated in the Tnuns last spring, as - being necessary to keep the road pass- able in winter, and save large sums of money yearly paid for shovelling snow. Time will demonstrate the improvement. -Miss Wright, of Lon - •don, visited Miss Muttart the past week. Our Mantles are bought direct from the mannfaetla,:ms and are the latest and most eD)am,),`r ' 'ii style. Additional locals on 5th page Wes, Snell and wife are visiting friends in Grey County, Robt. Sweitzer, a former employee of A. Q. Bobier, was in town this week calling on friends. - Conductor Snyder, of , the Grand . Trunk, was taken seriously 111 on his run, and had to be taken borne. The weather the past week has been remarkably pleasant, the roads being. dry as in summer. Cyclists took advantage of it, to enjoy the wheeling of the season. A new plate. glass " front has been placed in J. A. Stewart's store,the past week, which adds greatly to the ap pearanee of the building. J7..,AA& We are the only firm in Exeter who buy Shorey's celebrated Rigby -proofed Overcoats, Suits, etc,, direct from the manu- facturers and are selling the genuine article at bless than many other houses ask for spurious imitations. Remember Shorey's written guarantee goes with every garment we sell. Mens' heavy Freize Ulsters' well lined and made Mens' heavy' Frieze Ulsters, good heavy lining and splen- didly made, Rigby -proofed, special Mens' Blue Serge suits, 4.2o special Mens' heayy tweed suits, well made and lined, special Mens' heavy double breasted, Tweed suits, Farmer Satin lined, very nobby goods..... Boys' Blue Nap Overcoats, special 6.50 Mens' Irish Freize Overcoats, special heavy tweed lining, 9.50 Rigby -proofed e. Thanksgiving Day. Buyers for the British markets are looking after our turkeys.. The regular Thanksgiving service will be held in James St. Church, Thursday, commencing, at 10:30 a. m. Rev. Charles Smith will preach a spec- ial sermon. Collection for the poor of the town. In the football match between Lon- don and Toronto "Varsity," H. Rans- ford, son of the (Minton salt manu- facturer, had the misfortune to get two of his ribs broken. An exchange says ; A business man advertised that ho would publish the name of the person who took a whip off his premises unless it would be re- turned by a certain date. Imagine his surprise on looking in his back yard next morning to find thirteen whips On Monday night when Miss Flo Snarling and N. Ready were coming down the hill to Queen st. aL• Sander - son's corner St Marys, Miss Sparliug slipped and fell dielocating laar She had to i'.:' i ,..ilea home and will be d prisoner for a few months before fully recovering. 2.75 4.90 9.00 2.75 You can save money by purchasing your Clothing from us. Come and inspect for yourself Ordered We are just now making a specialty of BlackWorsted suits, we make them from very fine, all wool, Black Worsted, fit guaranteed and best linings and trim- Ings used for :$17.00. You will pay ,r 0 s. 'r ood lsew here for ._ferlo nn $20.00 e b thi 1� C Io Pv R. Pickard Co DIRECT IMPORTERS. 5 .r .1 gt .fr.r. OAOA:41,1 ►1C4,r. .:'.►`r.:r,:: ` ` } J�♦ • ready-made clothing A AA A OA .►. . ,lCI*14 4C' .'milt' .l♦.AVII't VAV- r ► Out of the g de artment. P AY' k 3 � _qt�r mill j• I ♦ �P.C r� fi, UOHMS An Owen Sound company pays $4 a ton for sugar beets. A late test prov- ed that one acre of land produced $02 worth of beets and another went as low as $10 an acre. A large factory will likely be built in Owen Sound for the manufacture of the sugar. This is a profitable industry, and a company could work up a big business in this locality. At the next municipal election Deputy Reeves will be elected, as for- merly, in townships not divided into wards. In town, Reeves and Deputy Reeves and the usual number of Coun- cillors will be elected as formerly. The Bill to do away with the Deputy Reeves in townships and Reeves and Deputy Reeves in.. towns and reduce the number of Town Councillors, did not pass the Municipal Committee of the Legislature. Exeter Lumber Yard. Dressed Pine, Siding, Floor- ing and Ceiling. No. 1 Pine Lath, Pine and Cedar Shingles. Special inducements to intend- ing Builders in Hemlock Bill Stuff. 30000 Feet common Pine at $10.00 per M. YARD EAST SIDE jas. Willis OF MAIN STREET. ':'-While descending an elevated plat- form at the rear of her residence, one day last week, Mrs. Trem.t,; en..x:r1'- and fell, straining gide of her ankles ae«erely. '1`hc following itvin has been banded TILE TIMES for publication, by life parties conce week's u the item referred to ''In last week's Advocate itwasstat- ecl that nearly all lie clothes had been stolen from the Bile on certain premi ses. This was n t true. A person who pretends to publish "news" should try to be more aerate in his state- nien�s." i A CURD FOR CHILBLAINS. DEAR sIRs.-I used Hagyarcl's Yellow Oil for chilblains this winter and found it most et%ct- nal. It relieves the irritation almost instantly and a few applications resulted in a complete cure. RUBBERS ! RUBBERS ! ! RUBBERS ! ! ! Novcmber Is the mor th to sell CODS And we .alis in a pesitioli to offer bine specials which will not be found elsewhere. Why go about shivering and shaking with wet feet when you can get supplied at J. P Clarke's with first class Goods, , the best made, or none better. In men's the "Gordon," the "Acme," the "Columbia," the "Storm," 'the "Romeo, the `Arctic," the "Common Sense,'' lined and un- lined. In ladies, the "Storm," the "Madam Patti," the Em• press," the Maple Leaf," the Louise," "Rolled Edge." The Fairy to clear for 25 cents per pair: In men's suits and overcoats, also youth's and children's at cost 'price to clear as we intend going FOR CAPES In good styles at $9.00 and $12.50; are great values. 12 Ladies' ruffs, up to date in style, at 75 cents. 12 Ladies' ruffs, better and larger, for $I.00. 9 only Beaver Caps, only need to be seen to be appreciated; for the surprisingly low price $5.00. 9 Boys' Lamb Caps, gray, love- ly goods, at $2.50. See Our Gray Lamb and Black Astrachan Gauntlets. 12 Mens' Overcoats,good black worsted, with silk velvet collars, worth $8.00, clearing at $5.00. 12 heavy Ulsters, good check linings, $4.00. I2 heavy Tweed Pants, a great snap, $1.50. 1 2 good stripe patterns in pants, for go cents. Our range of Dress Goods was never so good as this sea=son. We have filled our store with choice .New Goods and will offer the best lines to be had in the trade at prices not beaten west of Toronto. Try Us Once and save money.