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Exeter Times, 1897-11-25, Page 1
).•t HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. FWENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO 1 Only 4 -± Days Left In this month for selling :Goods ! But in those few (clays we offer you Goods, re- liable, seasonable merchandise :at prices that will make November Sales run away .up over -any previous Novem- . We sold more goo ds in Octobe than in any month since we start .ed business. This is a positive proof that our prices and qualities ,are right. li you have any needs in the follow - ,ng list of Goods we can interest you as you never was interested before. tindervvear for W0111011, Men, the Bons and Girls, Trim- med Millinern, Women's Jackets and Gapes, Felt Boots and shoes Men's and Bon's Overcoats, Horse Blankets and Robes. ' Ponitry taken every Wed- ' nesday only. Prices are • —Turkeys, 8e. Ducks, 01c. Geese filc. Chickens, 5c. . . s V 3..^kr r4P rt & CO Woodham N, B.—Don't forget we close our stove at 7 o'clock an Monday, Wednes- day and Friday evenings. SNAP AND VIGOR WANTED. ,r Modern life demands snapand vigor frotn all porThe race for existence is hotter than ever. • eep your blood parebynsingBranorg Boon Irrcits, and you will be healthy, vigorous troirr. Miss Jennie A. Gleason, Centre - 4, Ont., says : "For two years 1 suffered „ .rrom poor, that blood. 1 grow weaker every •Pr. ,Ilay until I tried B. B. B. It completely cured .; .*4 . . me by pm riebing y lalood, making me strong I ,.. and vigorous again. 11-.411..... . .- DR. Low's WORM SYBLTP is a safe, ... sure and reliable worm expeller. Acts aqual13,- well on children or adults. Be sure you get Low's. pismaamsca..z...rverers,=man.1=91siesentisierer Brantfor .Alt, L,V kN1ZIBID STEEL LLS For POWELL and PLIIIIPIN, • with PATENT ROLLER and BAIA, SIRAIMINGS Xanufactured by GOOLD, SHAPLEY and. MUIR CO. Our Ideal Wind Mills have made a great name throughout Can- .ada, and are =surpassed for quality .or power. They are the only Wheels with the patent Roller and Ball Bearings, and the only power mills absolutely safe, for they cannot run away. Send for illustrated circular. Fifty mills erected in Exeter and s -vicinity last year, all of which have given satisfaction. .All these mills are .erected and set running by practical ..experts and we can fully guarantee •them. -=OUR RUARANTEE--/ Steel Power Wind Mills have come to stay ,and the rapid increase of our trade is sure evi- dence that Canadians are wide awake in their •approciation of their value. Some skeptics foix that a cutting -box or grinder cannot be run with a wind mill ; but we positively guarantee .our 12 -foot mill to drive any ordinary cutting - box, or our Post Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen mile wind ; and the 14 -foot wheel gives nearly double the power of a 12 -foot, and will run ,our Maple Leaf Grinder to perfection. Exper- •Ionce proves that there is sufficient gond wind. o giv.e power tor all ordinary farm work. In addition to the above maehmos, the root pul- ,, er, or any light mathinery, can be el ri von; and, y using a, pumping attachment, water can -be;pumpocl as -well. • TILE CELEBRAT ED '4'Mapie Leal Grinder" weals) Ten inch revel!- ' „sible plates, relief sepringssball bear- ing plates, shake leed, grinds Hue ,and fast. Semi for circular. For sprices atnr1 terms, address, R. . Illi . ..A. .1,it &,,re -a1 ,,,, ,..___._....,..._ 'For Iluron •Afichl;f:;.3cK zuld Perth. llaxeter, - • • 414 "C`44.,t, ft.l'i.r7"" ()tit, EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY 1VIORNINGINOVE1VIBER, 256, 1897. Sens/111 Dakota. arrived home on Monday, to visit his sister Miss Hagan of near H. J. D. COOKE. - (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public. Henson, Ont. G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent, and. Issuror of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loun on real estate at low rates of in- terest. Office at the Post office. Honsall. Tho demand for Flour M the Howell Mills has been so great that they must have 8,000 bushels of good heavy wheatand the very highest cash market price will bo paid for Democrat, Michigan Amber, Scott. and Bon- nmoillies, wheat. Com' &cos., Hensall Flouring N. B.—Cook Bros. wilialso sell during the re- mainder of this month a No. 1 bran to the far- mers at $8 per ton. This isa good. chance while the supply holds out and farmers will do well to take advantage of it. Having purchased for cash a large lob lot o winter suits and overcoats, we aro offering al atprioos that willsave your money. Don'tbuy a suit of clothes nor an overcoat before you ask the price of Joe Case's. Our now stock of•Xmas groceries have been Just received. Try our new currants and raisins in your Xmas Cake Xmas presents, wedding presents, lots of them. Give U8 a ca JOE CASE. N, 13. 4. quantity of cedar posts for salie BRIEFS.—Union Thanksgiving ser- vice will be held in the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon, com- mencing at 2;30 o'clock.—David Shim, who has been in Manitoba, since mid- summer, returned home on Monday. He reports the weather there as quite seasonable, snow being deep and the therinOmeter down considerably below zero,—The many friends in this section of Edward Robert Ingram, son of George Ingrain, of the township of Tockersmith, will regret to learn of his death, which occurred on Sun- day, November 7th, at his residence, in -Vancouver, B. C. He had been ill for about two years. He leaves a widow and one child to mourn his demise. The deceased was formerly well-known in the town of Aylmer, where he conducted a flonring mill. He sold his business there in July last, and moved west in the hope ot re- gaining his health. The funeral was very largely attended by friends, and also by the Canadian Order of For. esters, of which Society he was a member. He was in his 30th year, and in 1895 married Miss Adeline Hagan, of Aylmer.—That Hensall mer- chants are enterprising, is evidened by the fact that McDonell Bros., last week received the first carload of new furniture ever shipped over this line.— Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Cook's church, Toronto, will give a lecture in Carmel church on Monday evening, Noy. 29t1i. —Several of the Hensel' vocalists have been engaged to sing atVarn a, Bethesda and Crediton in the near future.—The friends of James White were very much pleased to see him in Exeter on Friday last, very much invigorated. -- G. J. Saherland, in whose hands the Bonthron property at Rodgerville, was placed for sale, has disposed of the same to James Stewart, of the township of Tuckersrnith. Mr. Stewart, we understand has secured a bargain. Mr. Sutherland has proved himself an energetic real estate agent, having the past few years made many remarkably good sales of property.—A social will be held in the Methodist church on the evening of Thanksgiv- ing Day, under the auspices of the senior Epworth League.—The In- dependent Order of Foresters will give a concert on Tuesday, November 30th, and have secured the services of Prof. Harry M. Bennett, of Toronto, the celebrated humorist, etc. Mr. A. H. Backus, High Chief Ranger, for On- tario, will address the meeting on the merits of the order. The program will also be interspersed by selections from the best local talent —A number of our citizens intend. attending the cinematographe entertainment in Exe- ter on the evenings of November 29th and 30th. — The Misses Wren and Sheppard, of Chisellaurat, were the guests of Mrs. James Taylor last week. — Messrs. John Brown, W. Moore, James Bonthron, and Corn. Cook attended the Harold Jarvis con- cert in Seaforth on Monday evening.— The Executors of the Latta estate, were in Hensel]. on Saturday and set- tled all claims against the estate.— Mrs. E. J. Spackman and Miss Alcock, of Exeter, visited friends in the vil- lage on Saturday.—Miss Hilda Beek, of Londesboro' is spending this week with her parents in the village.—Mr. McKelvie, assistant to Rev. W. E. Kerr delivered a very thonghful ser- mon in the Methodist chnrch on Sun- day evening last.—P. Triggerson has recently purchased a fine driying out- fit. —David Wanless, of Chatham, was in Henseli this week, renewing ac- quaintances.—The Oddfellows Lodge, here, coutinnes steadily to increase in membership, within the past week, four persons having made ap plica t onite join the order.—Miss Annie McAls lister was visiting relatives on the Parr line, Hay township, last week.— A large number of villagers attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thompson, on Tuesday last, —W. R. Hodgins was in London township last week attend- ing the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Hayes.—Special services are being held at Bethesda, in the Heiman cir- cuit, a,nd are meeting with much suc- cess.— Wm. McDougall recently re- • turned to our village from Manitoba Where he was called several months ago, owing to his son's mental trouble. And while hopes are yet entertained for his recovery, we regret to learn there is not as yet any very marked improvement. —Cook Bros. are negoti- ating for a lease of the red mill in Seaforth, to run it in connection with their mill here.—The remains of John McMillan, of British Columbia, son of the late Hugh McMillan, of Tucker - smith, who died last week, were. brought home and interred in the. family burying ground, Tuckersmith, . on Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs, $. Rennie visited 'heir daughter, Mrs. E. P. Paulin, in Winghant, last week.—Joe. Case is selling an immense quantity of ready-made clothing. He has receiv- ed h is new stock.—Ches. Troyer, of Hills Green, is very. di. — Cochrane and Isaac Maines have re- t.urne4h e from Dakota -- The "beatititul," to the depth of several inches,fell on Tuesday.—Thos. Hagan, Varna,, who is very ill.—A nu,mber of of our citizens remember Thos. Nicholoaephew of Robt. Bonthron. Last, week he was nominated as a candidate to contest the riding of Boissevain in the interests of the Liberals. DEATH OF MRS. THoMPSON.—The death of one of the pioneers of this section took place on Saturday last, in the person of Mrs. Thompson, relict of the late Bernard Thompson,. De- ceased had been in the best of health, and had eaten a hearty breakfast. after which she lay down to rest Mrs. Shims being away from home, Miss Shirra, in the course of a few hours ent to call her grand -mother, when her utter surprise, she found only Mrs. Jas. Johnston, formerly of parently passed away without any Monday, aged 82 years. Goderich township, died in Clinton e lifeless body, the old lady having in or naming. Deceased since the The farm of Thos. Noble, 3rd. can. bath of her husband, some ten years of Hullett, has been sold to Chas, Na- ga, has resided with her sons and cock, for the surnof $3400. daughters, but lately had lived with Andrew McDonald, of Winghain, ter daughter, Mrs. N, Shirra, of the has been appointed 0. P. R. station 2nd concession of Hay, Deceased was horn in Buekhayen, Fifeshire, Scot- land, and with her husband came to Canada in, 1856, settling on the Logie ferns, Rodgerville, where they con- tinued to live up to the time of Mr. Thonipson's death. Mrs. Thompson was an unusually active person, was clever, enjoyed good health, and was of a most cheerful nature, beloved by all who knew her. She was in her 86th year, and leaves two sons and three daughters to cher- ish the memory of a kind and loving mother. The sons are Bernard, of Hnesall ; David, of Toronto ; the daughters : Mrs. N. Shirra, Hay; Mrs. Butte ty, of Moncton : Mrs. Manton, of Bussels. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended the remains be- ing interred in the Rodgerville ceme- tery. Huron County Notes One touch of Gossip makes the whole world. chin. Wiul Ivison, of Kippen, was married in New York a few days ago. A. Cockwell, of Crediton, is nursing a sore foot, Artie says it was an idea. The Ontario Street Methodistchurch Clinton, is to have a new pipe organ. The county C. E, convention will be held in Wingharn next year on June 14 and 15. Mr, Gus. Coughlin of Crediton, sold four fine heifers to S. Ronnie last week realizing $159. Farquhar. BRIEFS—A.B. Hodgert, ofFarquhar, has bought of James Delgaty, of Glen- coe, his two years (imported) stallion Royal Renwick, Sire Royal Signet, G. Dam, old. Prince of Wales. -He is a strong heavy built colt good heavy bone and good large feet. We con- gratulate Mr. Hodgert on his enter- prise in bringing such at goad colt into this neighborhood for he is a, horse that no one can do wrong in patroniz- ing. Kirkton. OYSTER SUPPER.—An Oyster sup- per will be held in connection with L. 0. L. No. 501, in Aberdeen Hall, Kirk - ton, on Dec. 7th, (A. D.) 1897. Tea served from to S o'clock p. m., after which a lecture will be delivered in the Methodist church by the Rev. 'Wm. McDonagh, of Stratford, also addresses by Rev. S. Knott, Woodham, Revd's. Stout and Snowden, Kirkton. Chair taken at 8 o'clock sharp bye Rev. C. Fletcher, Farquhar. Music furnished by the Sunshine quartette. Oentrah.a. Same a= omit:we—A fresh car of lime, 450 bushels arrived October 13th. C. W. SMITH. BRIEFS.—The Epworth League in- tend holding a musical programme master at West Fort William. 17 new members have joined Eg- raondville church, which must be very encouraging to Rev. Mr. Shaw, Tames ChM, died at the residence of his son-in-law, Robb. Miller, base line, Goderich township, on Tuesday. David Tough has bought the farm of John Tough, on the Bronson Line, Stanley, for somewhere about $4,000. D, Cantelon, ofsOlinton, basthis sea- son handled over 15,000 barrels of apples, many of which were bought at $2 per bbl. Miss Annie Kennedy, of the Goshen line, Stanley, has been engaged.for the junior department of Gonne school for next year. Good prices are being realized for horse flesh :A. Wise of Goderichtown-i ship, sold one for $130, and. E. Wise' one for $126. Isaac Kinsman, formerly of Clinton, died on the 5th, of cancer of the stom- ach, at Bozeman, Montana, ; he leaves a. wife and several children. It is very unlikely that the '„Granp Trunk elevator at Goderich, which was recently destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt by the company. A. B. Cornell, of Goderich, has pur- chased the brick store at Blyth recent- lyoccnpied by Jessop & Co., and is hawing it fitted up for renting pur- poses.Thos. Joynt .has purchased Edward Haines' farm, half a mile east of St. Helens, consisting of 150 acres. This is one of the best farms in West Waw- anosh. R. Smith has been appointed col- lector, vice the late Thomas Neilans. Mr. S. is well known tS•roughout. Hal- lett, and will be a gond men for the position. 131illiff Stinson, London,was in Gode- rich the other day and took Timothy Blake, who was committed for lunacy some sonic six weeks since, to the Asylum. Heron is the banner Sabbath School county of the province—excluding the cities—hawing 120 schools, 1,285 teachers and 80,200 scholars,with an average at- tendance of 0,011. Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk,buttruth, and lecture by A. 0. Crews, on the One pill a dose. See advertisement. evening of Dec. 8th.—Miss Nettie Small pill. Small dose. Small price. Powell, of London, is visiting her The Canada Gazette contains notice cousin, Mrs. Tames A. McFalls.—G. A. Mitchell, General Agent of the Sun of the appointrnent of Sir Oliver Mow - Life as Lieutenant-Govenor of Ontario Life Insurance Co. of Montreal, is and of Hon. David. Mills as Minister stopping in town.—C. W. Smith in- of Justice and Attorney -General of tends starting his grain chopper in eanada' few days.—Miss 11.1innie Hoskins is . visiting at Mrs. Wm. Elliott's.—Isaac An interesting event took place at Usher, of Queenston, manufacturer of the home of Alex. Sparks, Bronson the popular Qneenston cement for line, Stanley, on Tuesday, when his flooring etc., was in town on Friday,— daughter, Miss Bella, becauie the wife An entertainment will be given jin the of one of our prosperous young farm - Methodist church by the junior mem-. ers, David Tough. bers of the Epworth League Thanks- The -death of John Gray Reid, of the giving evening.—The Marine Band of the Salvation Army will give an Parr Line, Stanley, a, resident of the township for over 50 years, at the entertainment in Smith's Hall on Mon- ripe age of 72 years, passed peacefully day evening next, 29th inst. . away on Monday evening last. He leaves a family of eight children, five • Zurich. boys and three girls. The editor of The Times. "1 escaped being a confirmed dys- In last wee,k's issue of this paper we peptic by taking Ayer's Pills in time. notice that Walter Dumart has suc- This is the experience of many. Ayer's seeded in securing a situation ias Pills, whether as an after-dinner pill Boehmer's bigdepartmental store. For or as a remedy for liver complaint, in - charity's sake, we are heartily glad to digestion, flatulency, waterbrash, and bear of this. By all appearance he nausea, are invaluable. must have had some experience in boxing, ou something of that sort, as Notwithstanding the storm on at - he says he would like to have a. crack ,Thursday last there was a good at Fatty the dude. Now I thought tendance at the meeting of the Connty Mr. Dumart had all the cracking he Poultry Fanciers in Clinton, and ar- needed to keep his head level, the time rangenients were made for holding the Mr. Garrocla, the cigar man, fixed him winter show in the Town Hall, Gode- rich, on jantiary 25, 26 and 27. up so nicely. • I imagine there are several gentlemen, in Crediton, who Another of Huron's pioneers, in the would like to do the same thing. His person of James Cluff, father of Noble leaving these parts was, we believe, a CAMP, Seaforth,has passed away. Mr. special gain to the community. Kind- Cluff clied at the residence of his son-in- ly reply if you want any further in - law Robert Miller, Base line, Goderich formation. FATTY THE DUDE. F I. BRIEFS.—Mr. Henry Bauer sold his line sorrel team a few days ago for a good figure. Henry Bauer Sr:, also sold a heavy horse at the same time for $110. They are for shipment to the old country.—Adam Hereonirnous who was here waiting on his brother Jacob, left on Wednesda.yfor his home near Heidelburg.—Levi Stelk, of the 14th concession, and Miss Smith, of the Bronson line, joined bands in holy matrimony on Wednesday. --Mrs. Olnis Brill met with a painful accident a few days ago. She wats washing the win-: clows and .stoodon a, step ladder, when by some means she tell off, striking the bard ground,and breaking one of her arms.—Charles Brill, who has been. on the sick list for some time, is able to hearound again. —Fred Seigner has moved into his fine new palatial rest- deuce.—George Merner one day last week threshed for Gottleib Nicholson, township, on Wednesday last. He had reached the great age of 91 years. John McLean, of Winghttna, bought two steers recently, which were very wild, taking two days to bring them from Greenock, One "ran away, and t) W : wheill 'Hyslop overtook and tried to lasso° it, the beast charged bun and in the scuffle 'Will's collar bone was broken, • Jas. Aikenhead has purchased the farm on eon. 2,Stauley from John Gil. moms for the sum of $5000; Mr. Aiken - head will now 'have 250 acres of land the farm, which has been in Gilmour'S possession for sortie years, is known as the McQueen farm. Wm.lAiken- heed has !tented D. geintows.fai•ni, London Read. • • • For some years back Mr. Ward of Varna has grown a considerable quart tity of chicory, heretofore finding market for it, in the States. This yeas be has several tons a it on hand, but 700 bushels of wheat in five and a half the American tariff has imposed a hours. This beats the record of the duty of abois $20 a ton on it The Crediton ineri, who recently published market price o the article was in the what they considered good work. neighborhood of $100 a ton. Perth County Notes. John Little, Prospect Hill, died on Wednesday last. Mrs, John O'Rourke, a respected old lady, of publin, died. last week. Arthur Mutton, Fullerton, has mov- ed to Mitchell with his family, Rev. Dr. Williams has been invited to spend another year at Listowel. Dr. Yemen, Stratford, was moved to Kingston penitentiary on Wednes- dstaltice has paid. in costs and damages $12,603.75,in connection with drainage Mr. Bates, of Cherry Grove, fell into a well some time ago and broke his ankle. Pearce & Co„ dry goods dealers, of Mite hell, have assigned to E. A, Love, of Toronto. Jas. Rolston, of Nissouri, has leased his farm to Wm, Kew, who will take possession on lst of March. Wm. Sterrett, of Motherwell, has received a letter from Idaho, telling bun of the death of his brother, David Sterrett. The Misses Jessie and Maggie Mc- Laren, who left Mitchell fur Scotland some months ago, will set sail on the 26th of November for home Messrs. 0. J. and J. White have pur- chased the buttermilk from the St. Marys Creamery Co. ',they will erect pens on n Sos. White's farm and feed it Word has been received by telegraph of the death of Mr. David Sterritt, m Oregon, brother of Messrs. Robert and SYluinan Sterritt, of Nissouri and Fal- larton. The marriage of Wm. Butler to Miss Laura, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sausburn, took place on Wednesday afternoon,17th inst., atthe family residence, Granton. D. H. McRoberts, of Granton. has just received two very fine deer from his son George H.,who is visiting some relatives in Parry Sound, district and filling in part of his time hunting; The death of Dr. S. S. Murray, for- merly of Thorndale, is reported to have taken place at. Walmapitate, Algoma district, on Friday morning, Nov. 12tb, of heart spasm, in his 50th year. A, quiet wedding took place in Mit- chell at the residence of Malcolm Mc- Innis, on Wednesday afternoon, The contracting parties were Mr. Tason Burebill, Mitchell, and. Miss Dinah Robinson, of Orangeville. On Saturday noon when the Guy Ems were giving their street concert, in St Marys,and while the drum major was twirling his baton it broke and went crashing through the lower part of.W. O. Box's grocery plateglass win- dow. Will Brown, of St. Marys, who isat present attending Ottawa Normal School has been engaged as principal of the Public School, at. Thorndale for the coming year, and Miss Hudson, of Blaushard, has been engaged as as- sistant. C. W. Williams, who taught in the Mitchell High school a, few years ago, met wit,k a, sad death last week. He was snipe shooting along the hay at Port Huron, when he was found face downward, lying in six iuches of water, dead. After an illness since spring from heart, trouble Mrs. Thos.Wood, Logan, died on Tuesday last, at the age of 25 years and 7 months, Deceased was a sister of Samuel Collins, Mitchell. Her remains were interred in the Me- thodist cemetery. Wm. McKellar, who married Miss Lizzie Delmage in St. Marys some nine years ago. was six months ago sand- bagged and robbed in Kindalville, Ind. He never fully recovered, end at last died of heart troable. He was buried the other day at Thedford. Richard. Broughton, of Mitchell, had another paralytic stroke last week and from this, the fourth one, he never re- covered, death having intervened on Sunday afternoon last On Wednes- day the body was taaen to Brantford for interment. Deceased was widely and favorably known. Harry Babb, watchmaker, formerly of Mitchell, met with a bad accident in Toronto some days ago, where he bas been working of late. It appears that he had a small screw -driver in his vest pocket. and as he leaned against the show case the point penetrated an inch and a half into his side, where it broke off. Duncan Graham, of Downie, near Avoubank, had his house and contents burned on Friday morning last. The family were all at the barn milking cows and doing the usual morning chores when the fire was seee. The house was partlyframe and partly log, and owing to the very high wind burned so rapidly that nothing at, alt (was saved. While coupling cars about 3 o'clock Thursday morning, David Drysden, yardman in the employ ofthe G. T. R., of Stratford, met with a, fatal accident. An east -bound way freight was being made up, and Dryden was in the act of coupling a van Onto a coa,c1), when he was caught in the chest by the drawhead, which slipped past, and wattled him abort three car lengths. He died abort 4 o'clock in the after. neon. Ile leaves a wife and one child three mouths .old. The Sts Marys Creamery . Oo. bays engaged W. Pettapiece, Motherwell.; its second batter maker; W. T. Young, Youngsville. its apprentice ; W. 4E. Page, as engineer ; J. Biftio. to operate the Bennington separator Atkinson as operatdr at the Murray staticin ; J. Cuthbertson as operator at 1, B. 4,N. station ; Mr. Medd- at Met- ropolitan ; and 811 employee troth the The Bayfield Tragedy. Fred Elliott, whom the magistrate last week indicted on a charge of man- slaughter, chose to be tried before a jury at the December sessions, which open at Goderich on the Lith Decem- ber. ' Bail in the sum of $3,000 was accepted from the prisoner himself in $1,500 and his mother and James Foley, his brother-in-law, in $750 each. The young man feels quite keenly his position and is very despondent over the whole affair. The more it is talk- ed over, the more sympathy is ex- pressed for the prisoner, and the feel- ing is becoming general that the ac- eident was accidental, or aggravated by the deceased, who was a rough, quarrelsome fellow. Exeter Municipal Council The Council met pursuant to adjoins- ment at the town hall, Exeter, 19th November, 1897. The Reeve and Mr. Rollins absent, The Deputy Reeve in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Moved by .T. Dauncey, seconded by C. B. Snell, that orders be granted for the following sums viz :—S. Handford, $L50 tabor; R. Williams, $8.40 labor at stone ; Mrs. Jas. Gould, $3 do ; Wm. Atkinson, $8 do • Geo. Atkin- son, $2.40 do; Walter Westcott, $5 do, and $3.00 balance of contract breaking stone ; J. W. Creech, $7.25 labor at stone T. Welsh, $7.12 do ; Tames Creecli, $8 charityto Mrs. Sutton ; T. G. Creech, $8 street watering; and Dan Dyer, $5 printing. --Carried. Dauncey— Snell — That the Reeve and Clerk sign petition to the Legis- lative Assembly re licenses.—Carried. The Council adjourned until the lst Friday in Dec. at 7:30 p. in. • M. EastaBrr, Clerk. Good Work for Endeavorers- - There are being sent out all over Much regret was felt on Friday Ontario by the "Lord's Day Alliance" morning last, on it becoming known from its headquarters in Toronto, pe- that Mrs. Laroque had died on that titions to be signed, asking for the morning. Mrs. Larobue's maiden amendment of the present Lord's Day name was Jane Ann Boyd. .She was a Act, so that it shall 'represent the true daughter of Moore Bcyd, of Seaforth, sentiments of the people of this prov-and lived with him. Thursday even - ince, and prohibit the doing of bust- ' ing she became suddenly and seriously ness or work by all classes of persons , ill, and despite all that medical aid without limitation, and by corpora- could do she passed away the follow - tions, with exception only in favor of ing morning. She was 51 years of carryinglIer Majesty's Mails, and car- age. rying passengers by way of thro' trafi Thursday afternoon a boy working fic, selling drugs and. medicines, and for George Curren, of Ashfield, was other works of necessity and mercy. driving a. team with a load of oats up Our Endeavorers cast give their Yalu- the Saltford bridge hill when he able help in securing a, large signature noticed one of the horses suddenly tosthese petitions. That should be at- stumble a bit, and stopped them to tended to at once, as the 'Alliance find that the animal was hone. Dr. wants them in time for the Ineet,inse of Clarke was sent for and when he =- the Legislature in Toronto. Let -no rived he found the leg broken coin - time be lost. Send petition when pletely in two and the upper part of signed to yonr Local M. P. P. before the bone badly split. The animal had November 30th, as the Legislature to be killed. meets then. JOHN WHITE & SONS Publishers and Propriotops MAREET DEPOT Ilavinnyurchased from Reid & .Co., London, a large quantity of China FIRE SALE GOODS We are able to sell at about half original cost. Remember all pieces at at half price. We have a fine assort- ment. No damage goods See our north window. J. P. ROSS The storm on Thursday and Friday of last week was the worst experienc- ed un Lake Huron since the great blow nearly four years ago, and it is feared that the steamer E. B. Hale had gone down The lighthouse keeper, at Southamption, reports that on Satur- day a large gnantity of wreckage was !sashed ashore, amongst which was a ward and a life preserver with "str. E B Hale" on them , Wednesday evening of last week lleborne. !was the occasion of a very interesting and happy event in the borne of BRIEFS -0n Sundayforenoon, about Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dale, Huron road,. 70 members of the society of Chosen Tockersraith, it being the marriage of Friends assembled at their Lodge at their eldest daughter, Margaret Ise - Manville, and proceeded to the Metho- belle, to Iddo Crich,a prosperous young dist church where a special service was farmer of that township. About 120 held. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Jewett, guests from Exeter, Seaforth, Kipper) took for the subject of bis discourse and (lintel], and the neighborhood Matthew VI19.21 and preached= able were present. The groom was sup - and truly interesting sermon which he ported by George Dale, only brother terminated with an appeal for all to of the bride, and the bride by Miss becouae:initiatedandinsureforeternity. Mary Yellow, of Exeter. Mrs. Siduey Clarke is recovering from her recent illness.—Percy Brown, of Winchelsea,who for the past two sea- sons has been engaged as assistant buttermaker at Winchelsea creamery, has secured a good situation as 1:Tow a Valuable Life was Saved—A buttermaker in a creamery in the Story that is Becominquite Co - neighborhood of Mitchell. — Robert ' te Corn - neighborhood mon Coward is seriously ill.—Messrs. G. Now—Common Sense and James Ryckman, of Kalkash, Michigan, are visiting their parents on the south line boundary. Their father, Mr. Philip Ryckman. has been ailing for some time and but little hope is entertained for his recovery. Mrs. Kilpatric,k, Huron, Michigan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Philip Ryckman.— Mrs. J. Tasker is visiting at P. Tasker's. Central will take charge cif the Kirk - I on station a present, but it, is expect- ed W. M. Leigh will -be in eharge there later on. Thos. Alderson will operate a separator in his factory at Kintore, • 01, MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS cures the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, and leave no bad after effects. One powder 5c 3 powders 10c., 10 powders 25c. One Isexa-Lxvan-Purg, every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of bilionsness and constipation. That is just -25 cents to he cured. • Action Prevented Death. • Toronto. Nov. 22—A well-known re- th•edreal estate broker, J. McPherson, 440 Ring Street West, this city, makes known another victoryfor Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, having received a new lease of life by their use. He states that he suffered greatly from the effects of -a sluggish liver, and its long train of attendants. For months he doctored using one so-called remedy after an- other, but getting no relief. At length he turned to Dodd's Kidney Pills. One box cured him. That is thestory—the invariable story where these health - giving pills are used. They never fail. They are the one unfailing conqueror of kidney and liver disease. 'Mr UL NTED FOR CASITI OR TRADE THPRTY THOUSAND POUNDS 30,000 pounds of dr©ssed Turkeys, Geese Ducks and Chickens, For which we will pay the highest market prices. To be delivered on the 23rd„ 24th., 25th., and 26th. of this month and following week. CHAS. ZWICKER, cREDIToN Cheap Cash Sore.