HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-11-18, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES
A 1 o ti ge the ni mo r that Lord Sal-
tsbu deeires to lay down the burden
of hie high office is denied by himself,
ii has been current for some time, and
is apparently justified by the condition
of his own and Lady Salisbury's health.
Mat been intimated, ine,aed, that his
deeire to rettre is so strong that but for
the many serious questions pending -
the Cram -Turkish, South Afrietin, and
others -it would have already taken
place.• But whether true or false, the
rumor will, as forsbadowing the old -
mate withdrawal from political life of
one who may rightly be called the
greatest of acting European statesmen,
be carefully weighed in every contin-
ental capital. Lord Salisbury occu-
pies a higher position in European poll -
tics, and, wields a greater influence and
power within his sphere of action, than
any other active statesman., .iii.art
of this pre-eminence is due, no doutt,
to the position occupied by Great
Britain in European, affairs, a position
which, in the division of Europe into
two great laostile camps by the Triple
and Dual Alliances, makes England, in
her ability to turn the scale by throw-
ing her weight on either side, the ar-
biter among the powers. Very natur-
ally, a prime minister upou whose de-
cision largely reste not alone the out-
break of war, but its ultimate issue,
attains an importance not accorded, to
other statesmen, and in the desire of
both parties to secure his co-opera-
tion, exerts an influence which woula
not otherwise be conceded. But while
this is true, in the main Lord Salis-
bury's pre-eminence is due to the posi-
tion he holds in English public life and
to his personal character, to the fact
that he is at once premier and foreign
• secretaxy, and to his wide experience
and intellectual ability, The union
of these two offices in one person
makes their possessor virtually a dic-
tator in foreign affairs, the only check
upon him being the qualified veto of
the cabinet with respect to radical
changes of policy; and. of late Lord.
Salisbury's dictatorship has been em-
phasized by possession of a mandate
from both the great political parties.
Moreover, his long experience in
European politics tends to confirm his
position and. extend his influence, for
as the only great statesman still in
active service who took part in the
Berlin conference of 1878, he has an
tnekle knowledge of political affairs
the value of which can hanily be over-
estimated. Again, whatever else be
may do, he never falls into small er-
rors, never flounders about without a,
policy, even though he may fail to do
what he intended to do, while his intel-
lectual equipment is so complete as to
give him a Dam grasp of every pease
of a subject, AU this is not saying
that as a statesman he is without
faults, and perhaps the neost serious
one of them is the fact that he does
grasp all sides of a question, that he
sees too many lions in the way, is, in
short, in the language of the scien-
tists, unable to isolate his phenomen-
on. The result is a certain timidity
and indisposition to strike straight for
the ends upon which he has apparently
determined, a Weakness doubtless at
the bottom of Prince Bismarck's re-
mark that he was "a lath painted to
look like iron." He never seems fully
to realize that the longest way round
is not always the shortest and safest
way home, and is always inclined to
avoid responsibility when prompt ac-
ceptance of it would be the best and.
easiest solution of the difficulty, as it
would olearly have been in the Turkish
south, Arrieito mine labourers Lead a mon-
, (Amiens lire.
Life on a South African mining pro-
perty can hardly be monotonous. The
report of a traveller fresh from the
Cape gives a curious insight into one
phrase of labour on the Rand. It used
to be the custom of the Kaffir, on re-
ceiving his salary' -usually 05 per
week -to ,sally forth and invest all his
earnings in bottles of brandy. He would
then return to his hut, squat down and
drink it like beer until he succumbed.
This went on regularly aanong the min-
ing staffs of all the large companies
until, in order to prevent a weekly ces-
sation of labour, the companies adopted.
the method of enclosing all their na-
• tive employes inside a compound and
shutting them in like prisoners until
their time of service has elapsed.
'Visitors to the compounds often take
in a pound or so of the native coarse
tobaoco, for a handful of which the
Kaffirs, under stress of their depriva-
tion of tobacco, as well as liquor, will
• often gladly exchange fine old native
• bracelets and knobkerries. After the
pipe is filled several long pulls are
• taken arid the smoke swallowed. The
bowl is then ta,ken off, the stem is in-
serted in a bowl of water and the
water is sucked through it and swal-
lowed also, Then comes the tug of war.
The man who can hold out longest
witleout coughing is considered u. hero.
After a short time - the smoker will
convulsively cough for fifteen or
twenty minutes, and one can quite un-
derstand why the Kaffir is not allowed
out to buy tobacco. In the ease of the
traveller, who gives these details, the
mine "manager asked him to cease bar-
tering the vile stuff for native trink-
ets, otherwise the whole relay would
he unfit to go down when their time
The Kaffir usually returns home
after six months or a year at the
alines and is coosiaered a rich mazr.
tie buys /AV() tia melte vvives and takes
its ease while they do ail the work.
Lire, ir Pursued by Desire For Nona-
aud Worldly Enjoyments Is
Assuredly aF011iare-The Lite of Torture
and Litl4 or nciigiiis contrasted.
Rev. Dr. Talmage, on Sunday morn-
ing discussed a subject) vital to all,
and never more timely than now,
when the struggle for power, position,
wealth and happiness is so absorbing.
Tbe text is Semite, iv. 14. "What is
your life"
If we leave to the eyolutionists to
guess ivbere we came from and to the
theologians to prophesy where we are
going to, we still have left for con-
sideration the important fact that we
are here. There may be some doubt
about wbere the river rises, and
some doubt where the river empties,
but there can be no doubt about
the fact that we are sailing on it. So
I am not surprised that everybody
asks the'question, "Is life worth liv-
Solomon in his unbappy moments
says not, "Vanity," "vexation of spir-
it," "no good," are Ins estimate. The
fact is that Solomon* was at one time
a polygamist, and that soured his
position. One wife makes a man hap -
Pr. More than one makea him wretch-
ed. But Solomon was converted .from
PaYganaY to monygamy, and the last
words be ever wrote, as far as 'we
can read them, were the words "moun-
tains of spices." But Jeremiah sae's
lite is woath living; In a book aup-
posed to be lugubriousand sepulchral
I and entitled "Laxaentations," he plain
Iy 'ntimates that the blessing o mere-
ly living is so great and grand a bless-
• ing that though a raan have piled on
• him all misfortunes and disasters he
• has no right to eoraplain. The ancient
prophet cries out in startling intone,
tion to all lands and to all centuries,
" Wherefore doth a living man com-
. .
A diversity of opinion in our time as
well as in olden tinae. Here is a young
man of ligbt hair and' blue eyes and
%sound digestion and generous salary
• and happily affiaueed and, on the way
to become a partner in a commercial
firm of wbich he is an important
clerk. Ask him whether. life is worth
living. He will laugh in your face and
say, "Yeeyes, yes" Here is a man
1 who has come to the forties. elle is
, at the tiptop + of the hill of life. Every
' step bas been a stumbla and abruise.
The people be trustedhave turned out
deserters, and the money he bas bon-
estly made he has been cheated out of,
His nerves are out, of tune. He has
poor appetite and the food he does eat
does not assimilate,
• /forty miles
elunlung Up the hill of life have been
, to him like elinehing the Matterhorn,
and there are forty. miles yet to go
clan, and descent is always more
' dangerous than aseent Ask, hirnwhe-
ther life is worth living, and he evil'
drawl out in shivering and lugub-
rious and appalling negative, "No, no,
How are we to deride this matter
righteously and intelligently? You
, will find the same lean vacillating, os-
cillating In Ills opinion from dejeci-
tion to exuherance, and if be be very
mercurial in his temperament it will
, depend very much on wbieh way the
wind blows. If the wind blows from
'• the, northwest and you. ask him he will
say "Yes," and if it blows from the
northeast and you ask him be will
, say "No." How are we then to get
the question righteously answered 1
Suppose we call all nations together in
a great convention on eaetern or west-
ern hemisphere, and let all those who
are in the affirmative say "Aye," and
all those who are in the negative say
"No." While there would. be hundreds
• of thousands who would aiesever in the
affirmative, there 'would be more mil-
lions who would answer, in the nega-
tive, and because et the greater num-
ber who have sorrow' and misfortune
and trouble the "Noes" would have it.
The answer I sball give will he differ-
ent from either, and vet it will com-
mend itself to all who hear me this
day as the right answer. If you. ask
me, "Is life worth' living?" I answer.
"Iet all upon the kind of life
In the first place 1 remark that a
life of mere money getting is always
a failure because you will never get
as much as you want. The poorestpeo-
pie in this country are the millionaires.
There is not a scissor -grinder on
the streets of Neal York or Brooklyn
who is so anxious to make motley
as these men who have riled u.p
fortunes year after year in store-
houses, in Governm.ent securities, in
tenement houses, in whole city blocks.
-You ought to eeta them jump when they
hear the fire bell ring. You ought to
see thern in their excetement when a
bank explodes. You ought to see the
agitation when there is proposed a re-
formation in the tariff. Their nerves
tremble like barp strings, but no music
in the. vibration. They read the re-
ports from Wall Street in the morn-
ing with a concernment that threat-
ens paralysis or apoplexy, or, more pro-
bably, they have a telegraph or a tele-
phone, in their own house, so they teeth
every breath of change in the money
market. The disease of accumulation
has eaten into ehena,--eaten into their
heart into their :lungs, into their
spleen, into their liver, into their bones.
Chemists have- sometimes analyzed
the human body, and they say it is so
molt magnesia, so much lime, so much
chlorate of potassium. If some Chris-
tian chemise would analyze one of these
financial behemoths, he would find he
is made Up of copper and gold. and sil-
ver, and zine ' and. lead and coal and,
iron. That is not a life worth living,
There are too many earthquakes in it,
too many agonies in it, too many per-
ditioris in it. They build their castles
and they open their picture galleries,
and they summon prima donnas, and
they offer every inducement for. hap-
piness to come and live there, but hap-
piness will not come. They send. foot -
manned and. postillioned equipage to
bring her. She will not ride to their
door. 'They send princely escort She
will pot take their arra. They make
their gateways triumphal arches, She
will not ride under them. They set it
golden theolee before ' a golden plate.
She turns away from the banquet -They
call to her from u.phoistered balcony.
She will not listen ]ark you, Mark
you, this is the failure of those wbo
Alava had. large aeoumulation.
eza then you must take into consid-
eration that the vast majority of those
who make the dominant idea of life
money -getting fall far short of afflu-
ence, It is estiraitted that only about
two out of a bundred business men
have anything worthy the name of suc-
oess. A man who spends his life with
cumulation .spends a life not worth
the one dominant idea of financial ao-
So the idea of worldly approval. If
that be dominant in a raan's life he is
iniserable., Every four years the two
most unfortunate men are the two men
nominated for the presidency. The
reservoirs of abuse and diatribe and
malediction gradunily fill up, gailon
above gelion, hogshead above hogs-
head, and about midsummer these two
reservoirs will be brimming full, and
a hose will be attached to each one,
and it tvill play away on these nome-
nees, and they will have to stand it,
and lake the abuse, and the falsehood,
rnd the earicature, and the a.uatbeina,
and the caterwauling, and the filth,
and. they will be rolled in it and be
rolled over and over in it until they
are choked and submerged and. stran-
gulated, and at every sign of return-
ing consciousness they will be barked.
at by all the hounds of political parties
frora ocean to oceah. And yet there
are a hundred men to -day struggling
for that privilege, and there are thou-
sands of men wbo are helping them in
ilae struggle. Now, that is not a life
worth living. You ceee get slandered
and abused oheaper that that. Take it
on a entailer scale, Do not be so ambit-
ious to have a whole reservoir rolled
over on you.
But what you. see in the matter of
high political preferment you see in
every tennnaunity in the struggle for
what is called ecnia,1 position. Tens of
thousands of people trying to get into
that realm, and they are under terri-
fie tension. What is social position?
It et it diffioult thing to define, but
we all blow what it is, Good morals
and intelligence are not necessary, but
wealth, or a show of wealth, is abso-
lutely indispensable, There are men to-
day as notorious for their libertinism as
the night is famous for its darkness who
move In what is called high social posi-
tion. 'There are bundreds of out and
out rakes in American society whose
names are mentioned among the dis-
tinguished guests at the great levees.
They have annexed all the known vices
areioin. Good
forotiledr worlds of
als are
diabolism to conquer. Good morals are
eniort len;
eoe$8af soreietin ruanY of the exalted
'Neither is iatelligenee necessary. You
fint in that realm men who would
pot know an adverb from an adjective
tf they met it a hundred times in a
day, and wbo would not write a let-
ter of acceptance or regretswitle the
ant of a secretary. They buy their li-
braries by the square yard, only anx-
ious to have the building Russian.
Tbeir ignorance is positively sublime,
making English grammar almost dis-
reputable, and. yet the finest parlors
open before them. Good morals and
intelligence are not necessary, but
wealth or a show of wealth is posi-
tively indispensable. It does not make
any difference how you got your wealth
if you only got it. The best way for
you to get into social positioa is for
YOU to buy a large amount on credit,
then put your property in your wife's
name. have a few preferred creditors
aad then make an assignment. Then
disappear from the conamunity until
the breeze is over and eome back and
start in; the same business. Do you
not en how beautifully that will put
out all the people who are in coinpeti-
teen with you and. trying to make an
honest living? How quickly it, will get
you into high social position! What
is the use of toiling forty or fifty years
when you can by two or three brig/at
strokes make a great fertun.el AO, ray
friends, when you really lose your
money how quickly they will let you
There. are thousands to -day in that
realm who are anxious to keep in it.
There are theusands in that realm who
are nervous for fear they will fall out
of it, and. there are thanges going on
every year and every month and every
bour which involve heartbreaks that
are never reported. High social life
Is constantly in a flutter about the
delieate question as to whom they shall
let in and. who they shall push out,
and the battle is going on -pier mirror
against pier mirror. chandelier against
chandelier, wine celiar against wine
teller, wardrobe, against wardrobe,
equipage. against; equipage. Uncertain-
ty and inseeurity dominant in that
realm veretchednees enthroned, tor -
tare at a premium and a life not
worth living.
A life of sin. a life of pride, a life
of indulgence. a life of worldliness, a
life devoted to the world, the flesh
and the devil. is a failure, a dead fail-
ure, an infinite failure. I care nob
how many presents you send. to that
cradle, or how many garlands you.
send to that grave, you need to put
right under the name on the tomb-
stone this inscription, " Better for
that man if he had never been born."
But I shall show you a life that is
worth living. A young man says: "1
am here. I am not responsible for my
ancestry. Others decided that. I am
not responsible for ray teropera.ment.
God gave me that. But here I am,
in the evening of the nineteenth cen-
tury, at 20 years of age. I am here.
and. I must take an account of stock.
Here I have a body which is a divinely
ionetructed engine. I must put it. to
the very best uses, and I must allow
nothing to damage this rarest of math-
tnery. Two feet, and. they mean lo-
comotion; two eyes, and they mean
capacity, to pick out my own way;
two ears, and they are telephones of
communication with all the outside
world, and. they mean capaeity to catch
sweetest. music mid the voice.; of friend-
ship, the very best music ; a tongue,
with almost infinity of articulation.,
Yes, hands with which to weloome or
resist, or lift or smite or wave or bless
-hands to help myself and help oth-
"Here is a world, which after 6,000
years of battling with tempest and ace
cident. is still grander than any amh-
itect, 'human or angelic, could +have
drafted. I have two lamps to light
me -a golden lamp and a silver lamp
-a golden lamp set on the sapphire
mantel of the day, a sliver lamp set
on the Jet mantel of the night. Yea,
I have, that at lettenty years of • age
which defies ell inventory of valuables
-a soul, with capacity to choose or re-
ject, to rejoice or to suffer, to love
or to hate.
"Plato says it is immortal -An old.
book among the family relies -a book
with leather cover almost worn out
and pages alraost obliterated by oft
Pertsal-jeins the other books in say-
ing I am immortal. I have 80 years
Air a lifetime, 60 years yet to live. I
may not live an hour, but then, I must
lay out my plans intelligently for a
long life. Sixty years added to the
20 I have already lived -that will bring
me to 80. I must remember that these
80 years are Gale' a brief preface to the
five hundred thousaod millions of
quintillions of years which will be nay
obief residence and existence. Now,
I understand my opportunities and ray
responsibilities. If there is any be-
ing ip the universe all wise and all
a juncture, I want him. The old book
found arriogg the family relics tellsme
there is eGod, arid that for the sake
of His Son, one Jesus, He will give belle
to a man, To Hiria I appeal. Coed help
met Here I have sixty years yet to do
for myself and to do for others. I must
developthis body by all industries, by
all gymnastics, by a.1.1 surisbine, by all
fresh air, by ell good babits, and this
soul I must have swept and garnished
and illumined and glorified by all that
I can do for it and all that I can get
God to do for it. It shall be a Luxem-
bourg of fine pictures. It ghatl be an
oreheetra of grand harmonies. It
shall be a palace for God and righteous-.
ness to reign in. I wonder haw many
kind words I can utter in the next 60
years? I will try. I wonder how many
good deeds I can do in the next 60
years? I will try. God hely me i"
That young man enters life. He is
buffeted, he is tried, he is perplexed. A
grave opens on this side, a grave opens
on, that side. He falls, but he rises
again. He gets into a hard battle, but
he gets the vietory. The main course
of his life is io the riglit direction. Tie
blesses everybody he comes in contact
with. God forgives his mistakes, and
makes everlasting record of his holy en-
deavors; end at the close of it God. says
to him; "Well done, good and faith-
ful serve/It. Enter into the joy of thy
Lord." My brother, my sister, I do not
care whether that man dies at 80, 40,
60, 60. 70 or RI years of age. You can
chisel right under bis name on the
tombstone these words: "His lite was
worth living."
Araid the hills of New Hampshire in
olden times there sits a mother. There
are six children in the household -four
boys and two girls. Small faxen Very
rough, hard work tocoax a living out
of it. Mighty tug to make the two
ends of the year meet. The boys go to
school in winter and worn the farm
in summer. 'Mother is the cihief pre-
siding* spirit. With her hands she
knzts ali the stockins for the httle
feet, and she is -the tailor for the boys,
and she le the milliner for the girls.
• There is only one musical ins( rumen t in
the house -the spinning wheel. The
food is very plain, but it is always
well provided. The winters are very
cold, hut are kept out by the blankets
she quilted. On Sunday when she *Me
pears in, the village ehurch, her chil-
dren around her, the minister looks
down and is reminded of the Bible de-
aoription of a good house wife, "Her
children arise up end call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praiseth her,"
Some yearsgo by. and the two old-
est boys want a collegiate education,
end tbe bousehold economies are see -
1 orate and the calculations are closer,
1 and until those two boys get their edu-
cation there is a hard battle for bread.
I One of these boys enters the eativersit.y,
1 stands in a, pulpit widely influential
and preaches righteousness, judgment
and repentance, and thousanas during
his ministry are blessed. The
other lad who got the collegiate edu-
catioxi goes into law and then into leg-
islative halts, and altar a white be
commands listening senates as he
makes a plen for the downtrodden and
the outcast. One ot the younger boys
beeame a merchant, starting at the
foot of the ladder but climbing on up
until his sueeess and his philanthro-
tics are recognized all over the land.
Tete other son stays at home because
he prefers farming life, and then he
thinks he will be able to take rare of
father anti mother when they get old.
Of the two daughters, when the we.r
broke out, one went through the hos-
pitals of Pittsburg Landing and Fort
ress Monroe, cheering up the dying and
the homesick and taking the last mes-
sage to kinclred far away, so that every
time Christ thought of her He said
as of old "The same is my sister and
mother." The other daughter has a
bright home of her own, and in the
afternoon, the forenoon having been
devoted to her household, she goes
forth to hunt up the siok and to en -
encourage the discouraged, leaving
smiles and benediction, all along the
But one day there start five tele-
grams front the village for these five
absent. ones. saying: "Come. Mother is
dangerously ill." Bat before they can
be ready to start they reteive anoth-
er elegramt saying: "Come. Mother is
dead." The old neighborhood gather in
the old farm house to do the last offices
of respect., but as that farming son,
and the clergymen, and the senator,
and the merchant. stand by the casket
of the dead mother taking the last look
or lifting their little cluldren to see
once more the face of dear old grand-
ma I want to ask that group around
the casket one question. "Do you real-
ly think her life was worth living r
A life for God, a life for others, a life
of unselfishness, e useful life, a Chris-
tian life, is always worth hying.
I would not find it hard to persuade
ybu that the poor lad, Peter Cooper,
making glue for a living,. and t en
amassing a great fortune until he could
build a philanthropy tvitich has had its
echo in ten thousand philanthropies all
over the country -I would not fina ib
hard to persuade you that his life was
worth livm,g. Neither would I find. it
hard to persuade you that the life of
Susanuah Wesley was worth hying,"
She pent out one son to organise Me..
tthociisna an ie other son to ring his
a,nthems all through the ages. I woul dt,
t find it - to persuade yOm
that the We of Franois Leere was worth
living, as she established in England
a school for the scientific nursing oS
the sick, and then when the war broke
out between France and Germany
went to the front, and with her own
hands scrapea the mud off the bodies
at the soldiers dying in the trenches,
and with ber weak ann-standing one
night in the hospital -pushing back a
Germa,n soldier to his couch, as, • all
frenzied with his wounds, he rushed
to the door and said: "Let me go, let
me go to my liebe mutter," major -gen-
erals standing back to let pass this
angel of mercy. •
Neither woold 1 have hard. work to
persuade you that Grace Darliagg lived
a life worth living -the heroine of the
lifeboat. You are not wondering that
the Duchess of Northumberland came
to see ber, and that people of • all
landsasked for her lighthouse, and that
the proprietor of the Adelphi Theetre
in London offered her $100 a night
just to sit in the lif ,boat while some
Shipwreck scene wasingenacted..
But 1 know the thoetght in the minds
of hundreds of you to -day. You say,
"While I know all these lived lives
worth living, 1 don't think my life
amounts to much." Ah, my friends,
wbether you 'Lye a life conspicuous or
incoiaspecuous, it is worth living if you
live aright, and I want my next seo-
tenet) to go down into the depths of
your souls. You are to be rewarded not
wording to the greatness of your
work, but aecordeng to the holy indus-
tries with which you employed the
talent von really possessed. The maj-
ority of the crowns of heaven will not
be given to the people with ten talents,
for most of them were tempted only
to serve themselves. The vast major-
ity of the crowns of heaven will Le giv-
en to people who bed one talent. but
gave it all to God, and. remember tbat
our life here is introductory to anoth-
ler. It is the vestibule to a palaiee but
who despises the door of a Madeline
because there are grander stories with-
itit ? Your life if rightly lived is the
first bar of an eternal coral ono. aud who
1 despises the first note of Haydn's soma
phonies ?And. the life you live now
is all the more tvorth living because it
loperis into a life that shall never end,
and tbe last letter of the word "time"
is tbe first letter of the word "etern-
: My I" .
A nanooil for the Journey arid•it Paten
nigger for Working Frozen. Ground.
The patine will soon see a convey-
ance that the inventor expects will re-
voluttonize the traffic over the snow-
covered paths to the Yukon gold fields.
It is the Klondike balloon the inven-
tion and naanufaeture of Joseph de Mt -
one, who has been successful in many
scientific inventions.
Mr. de PEtoile is in the maploy of
the Interior Department at Ottawa.
From what can he learuel about this
latest loventioa, it is an airship, Ta-
• tter small and eigar-shaped. On the
bow is placed a two -bladed propeller at-
tached to a shaft which extends to the
rear. On the stern is a peculiar steer-
ing apparatus. Directly underneath
the balloon is a car, in which is placed
a small engine of special design. wlaich
will furnish the motive power and. gen-
erate the hot air with which the bal-
loon is to be filled. Tise car is revered
zri en all aides and will hold about
eiglat paesengers with provisions and
all necessary apparatus to complete tlw,
!trip. From the car the course and!
speed of the machine will be directed
tas the steering gear will lea.ti from the
;rudder to it, and a chain or belt will
conaraunicate with the propeller abaft.,
On top of the balloon is a trap by' which
the supply of hot air may be eontrolled
and the vehicle brought, to the ground,
Aluminum enters largely into the con-
struction of the balloon and all its
It is not many weeks since the pro-
ject was conceived. but during that
time everything necessary bps been ac-
complished and the in:whine completed
and made ready for Retrial. Mr, de la
Etoile has been studying this invert-
tiou for years. A company of Ottawa
capitalists took hold of the project as
likely means of overcoming thu diffi-
lculties and hardships of the journey to
the Klondike and invested a sufficient
=must of money to make the build. -
nag of the balloon a success. No con-
cise information wilh be given before
the trial trip, which is to be made
within the next ten days. The pro-
moters of the enterprise. have confid-
ence in the soheme aria expect that the
Government will utilize their =Wines
for the transfer of mails between ,Ed -
mouton and the gold fieldsthe propos-
ed passenger route of the airsbip.
E. B. Hatreock,. mining engineer of
Ottawa, bas secured a patent on a
contrivance which is expectea to ob-
viate the difficulties of mining in the
Klondike. At present mining is car-
ried on there only with great difficulty
lin the frozen ground. 'lite ground, has
to be thawed out with wood. fires. and
when the pay dirt under the fires is
thawed the ashes are scraped off and
the soft gravel is removed. The op-
eration has to be repeated. and it gen-
erally takes four men sixteen days to
make a hole
Washing out the gold froni the gravel
can be carried on only for two or three
months in the year, owing to the scar -
City of water and during the remain-
ing months the miner works at getting
out his pay dirt.
Mr. Haycock's invention is designed
to overcome all these difficulties and
render mining and washing -out opera-
tions possible the whole year round. It
consists of a thawer and excavator. The
thawer' is a contrivance of the size of
the hole it is desired. to make. It is
heated to a high temperature with hot
air and driven into the ground. as fast
as the soli beneath it is softened. The
heat is inereaseti by the action of an -
°thee' apparatus, whose working Mr.
Haycock will not disclose. After the
gravel beneath the thawer has been
softened it is drawn out by- the ex-
cavator, which raises it to a durapling
platform„ where. it is put through the
sluice boxes. These boxes have been so
contrived that the water passing
through them., can be used over and
over again, with very little waste. B,y
means of this machine, Mr. Haycock
believes eight men: co.n sink a shaft
twenty-fourdeep in one clay. The
cost in operating also will be greatly
in favor of the machine, the estimated
expense of making a hole twenty-four
feet deep by present method. being $960
and. by his machine $160.
One of the best, weather prophets is
the spider. If there happens to be a
web in the secluded &finer of the
poach. watch it carefully for a fetv
days or weeks, and the spider will un-
failingly predict the coming of storms,
Wben the spider sits still and dull in
the raidale of its web rain is not far
off. If it be active, however, and eon-
tinues soduring a shower, then it will
be of brief duration, and sunshine will
Ambitious Youth -Oh, if I only had
a little money ! I'd enter college at
once. 1+
Friend -Enter college? May be you
could riot get in without a long course
of preparatory study.
Ambitioua Youth-Nonsensel Have-
n't I just passed a ciVil serVice ex-
amination for fourth assistant spit-
toon cleaner?
"The (*risible Armor." Colu 41, 1044.
tioiden 'rest, Epb. 6;
Verse 10. Finally.. " Heneeforward,"
as in Gal. 6. 17. Be strong in the Lord.
Literaily, "be strengthened in the
Lora," Our courage in Go serviee is
not to be mere self-assurance, but
strength imearted from on high. Re
who clothes us with Obi armor must
also confirm is with the tower of his
might, or mighty power," as in Ehh-
1. 19.
11. Put on the whole armor of God.
An armor which we cannot buy or
forge for ourselves;' it is furnished
by God. Compare Psalm 30. 1-3. It is
only by God. Compare Psalra 85. 1-8. It is
not "carnal," -that is fleshly, fitted.
Lo our physieal bodies -but. spiritual, 2
Con 10. 4, and fitted to defend every
side of our spiritual natures. 2 Con 0.
7. The fabled. hero uas invulnerable
except in one heel. The Christian is
in every part weak and susceptible,
hut nuty be in every part so abundantly
ly defended thee Satan cannot reach
tongue or eye or ear, hands or feet,
brain or stonutch, or heart. The "ar-
mor of God" is called the "armor of
light" Rpra. 18. 12., for it antagonizes
the powers of darkness." It includes
offensive tveaeons as well as defensive
mail. for it. is " mighty tbrougu God to
the pulling dpwri of strongholds." Able
to stand. invincible. The wiles. The
"stratagems," or 'sehemes." The
devil. Paul profourelly believed in a
personal devil, WhO rules an organized
kingdom of evil spirits.
12. We tvrestie not. "Our wrestling
IS Mit." ete. The word in the. original
is that which expresses an individual
band -to -hand struggle. Not sexily is
there a general warfare between good
and devil; each person must. fight bis
own battle with his own foe. Flesh and
blood. Human foes. It scenes strange
that Paui (mold thus uritii in the face
of Jerusalem's mobs and Roine's per-
secutions. Surely it was "flesh and
blood," that had hunted him, stoned
him, locked him in inner prisons,
thrown hine to wild beasts. and subject-
ed his poor holy to numberless strains
and pains; but he saw that batik of all
"flesh and blood foes" stood the real
foe -the devil, and it was with him that
the real conflict roust be waged. Ag-
ainst principalities. againet poners.
.Againet tpe princepalines, against
the powers." Paul repeatedly alludes
to Die ranks into which the wend of
epirits, bethi bad and goad, is divicied.
Compare Rom. e. 38, 1 Cor. 15, 24; Col.
• , 15. Cee ain philosophizing teachers
in weetern Asia Minor hat given
names to these ranks and orders. 1 ant
ignores all such useless faneiesbut.
clearly teitehes the elaborate organiza-
tion of the entire world of devils for
Ahove all. ,Nutt "on top of alt,"
but 'in addition to all." elle shield.
The shield of the' Roman infantry sol-
dier was oval. in form, two and a half
feet broad, and foar feet long, natide
of wood or wiekerwork covered it ith
leather, and curved C.11 the inner
side. It was held on the left ano
a. handle. Faith. A strong trust in
, 'which will de end the beart in
every trial. Fiery darts. Literally,
"the darts, those which have been eet
on fire." In ancient warfare burning
missiles were often thrown: upon tae
foe; sometimes arrows; bound around
with tow, besmeared with pitch, and
set aflame; sometimes larger missiles
made on the. same plan. The thought
of the text is not only of flaraing temp-
tation, but of temptation impelled from
a distance. The.flame, of Satan's ar-
rows spreads. Temptation acts on
inflammable material; bat the shield
of faith takes away fuel from the
dart. The wieked. "The wicked one."
Satan is conquered by faith in
17. Take the helmet( of seavation. In
place of "take,' read "receive," as from
God. The meaning is, "the helmet
which is salvation," protection for the
head. It was wsually a cap of leather -
covered oaetal. and furnished with a
visor to defend the face. In the head
our thinking is done. The strokes of
false doctrine, dealt. despair, are all
aimed by Satan's soldiers at our heads.
Dr. Iloege says, "That which enallies
the Christian to hold up his head with
confidence and joy is the fact that he 1
is saved." Sword of the Spirit. The only
offensive weapon named, end alt that
is needed, is the sword which
was forged by the Spirit ami bestowed
upon us by the Spirit -the word of I
God. We should follow Christ's ex -1
ample in temptation. Matt. 4. 1-11, and
meet Satan with Seripture.
18. Praying. "Prayer must buckle on,
all the other parts of the Christian
armor." -Matthew Henry. Always.
Better. "on every occasion." All pray-
er. Prayer of every kind, public. se-
cret, vocal, silent, impromptu, ritualis-
tic. Prayer and supplicat ion. One
word denotes prayer in general; the
other, special petitions. Watching
thereunto. Watching for occasions of
prayer; giving our minds to prayer.
With all perseverance. Never weary-
ing. For all saints. Especially for the
c,hddren of God.
19. For me, The holiest Christian
most acutely feels his needs. That ut-
terance may be given unto me. He
did not seek prayer for his liberty
from the chain and the moldier by his
side, but for courage and freedom in
the declaration of the Gospel inessege.
Boldly. Note the differeni order of
words in the Revised. Version. "Boldly"
should connect with "make known,"
not with e open my mouth." Mystery.
That truth to which men eeed.ed in-
tradaction--revela tion.
20, Ambassador. Though a prisoner
to ROM% still an ambassador of Christ.
In bends. Literally, "in a chain," cou-
pled by ixo.as to the wrist of his' guard.'
the dreadful purpose of accomplishing
the spiritual ruin a mankind. The
rulers of the darkness of this world.
The "world -rulers of thts darkness" --
the bad powers lyhtelt control this de-
praved world. The devil and his lieu-
tenants are usurpers of our Lorcl'e
rightful. kitedgona. Spiritual wicked-
ness in high' places, "The spir-
itual hosts of wickedness in the re-
gions of air." 'The apostle is as great-
ly Impressed by the wickedness of our
spiritoal antagoniste as by their pow.
er. The Greek is literally "heaveethie
places;" but the devil is "the Prinked
of the power of the air, end that
thought is that or the invtsible spirit-
ual surronadiog of every human be -
log. Our eaemies infest the very re-
algil"sspiWribteurael 9710:::itrngits11- alinbleea7enarlYe
to be found, for we are "blessed with
places." Jilph. 1, 3.
1a. Wherefore. In view of the foes
la gaakiesnt t whrhare up'"bGaveed toeuptverieteenecle,
with armpr ; we must put it ou. In
the evil day. The day of hard trial and
conflict, HaVing done all. Hverything
which the criee.e demands. To stand.
"To stand firma", like that Roman sen-
try who stood imraovable at the gate
of Pompeii while the fiery shower of
astie.s burned hian with the .doomed city.
and whose skeleton was tutu(' still up-
right, seventeen centuries after. Stella -
fastness and perseverance are as lin-
portant as earnestness and courage.
Those who make the boldest beginnings
may yet come to cowardiet efaittietietteene
there is not a more nc.AiStng duty than
this, "Havingdone all, to stand."
14, Loins girt about. The girdle or
belt, made of leather and covered with
scales of metal, was an important part
of the clamor; it kept the several wee*
in place and protected the most deli -
cafe parts of the body. Truth. Sin-
cerity, frankness to God. and Men, 2
Cor. 1. 12; I Tim, 1. 5, 18; 3. 9, Let
this virtue keep together the flowing
robes of our life, and we shall be in-
staotly ready for God's commauds. So
"faithfulness" was the .girdle of the
Messiah. Isa. IL 5. Ranee on. "Have
itneogusVeets. aziLe 'Beer! a5s9t.plla7t.:e Uepfrrigight--
nese of character is one of the COrie-
tian's stroogest defenses. But in 1
These, S. 8. the breastplate is describe
pediaates, 'e'llofirftaietflimalleoevveeer'eaThtheeb:ueeaustei,,
dere and breest. It was at first a shirt
made of liuen or leather with wales
of horn or metal rammed upon it. Lat-
er hands of steel folding over eaelt otiot
r were introduced. There were cuir-
asses also of chain mail. Some. were
made of very hard leather carved bat
detail so as to resemble the human
liody. •,When placed upon its lower
edge such a cuirass stood erect. It was
made in two parts, one for the breast,
and one for the back., and thev were
coniaected by bands passing over tile
shoulders. So should faith. tvorleiee
rigbtousness by love. surround us and
keep us sale.
15. 'Your feet shod. The Romeni
soldiers wore shoea or sandals with
soies thickly studded with nails, giving
firmness of looting. They were ound
by thongs over the instep awl around.
the ankle. Pretteration of the gospel.
"Preparedness of the Gospel, reedit.
Imes in the °mulish" In the service of
the Gospel "the feet of the soldier
should be the residenee of readiness!
alertness. nimbieness."-Whedon. The
peat* within. writes Dr. David Brown,
forms a beautiful contrast to the ra
iog of the outwaed conflict. Isa. 26.
fPhiL 4. 7.
Of various Minters at Trublifuluess and
The claim was made by a New York
man that he has kiseing and hugging
; fits, when he finds it itupissible Lo re -
8181. the temptation to hug and kiss
sainnyet.good-looking woman who tomes
i his way. 'The pinkie magistrate inform-
; 1/1(411 *in a fit, and he had to eay for
, one on the spot.. 'Mere has been nune
ed him that he would make the assess-,
1 There is said to be a ghost at Graves-
end, England, that throws cual at
everyone who tries to invade its quar-
ters in the tittle of an oid bouse, Of
course such a thing would. be. Impose
sible in this country. The coal trust
would secure an injunetion or else
shove up the Nice until it forced the
ghost into bankrupt**,
According to the Zeuricher Post,
hydrophobia is sometimes introduced
into Switzerland by foxes and wolves
(*owing down, in severe winters, from
the mountains of eastern France, at-
tacking dugs and other animals and
infecting them with the venom of the
terrible disease.
Down in Kentucky a school teacher
undertook to whip a girl pupil for
some infraction of discipline. Imme-
diately afterward he went home and.
put a piece of raw beefsteak oil lana
eye, and up to the present time there
has been nothing to indicate that the
' 1 was wbipped.
One of the important officials of the
German eourt is said, to be the " ire -
penial pants stretcher." And. as the
Emeeror hes over a hundrerl pairs of
trousers and changes them with con-
siderable regularity it. is easy to see
that the maiden is far from being
Ian honorary one.
/A runaway horse at Florence, S. C.
jumped a six-foot gate, and, the clang»
ling cheek rein catching on a picket,
the horse's head was pulled in such
manner that the annual turned a som-
ersault, landing cm its back, but it
gained its feet and ran on.
In order to stop the practice of flirt-
ing with commeroial travellers an
Ohio village Couneil has decreed that
no gin shall he allowed to loiter in
the vivenity of the railroad station un-
less she Call produce e railroad ticket.
A London magistrate has decreed
that a householder cannot interfere
with an organ grinder unless he is dis-
turbed in his business, has sickness in
his liouse or is affected in his health
by the sounds of the organ.
A Long Island bicycle thief was re-
cently overhauled by a trolley ear, the
wheel recovered a,nd the man arrested,
Laundry rates in certain portions of
Kentucky have been advanced because
of the great scarcity of water,
Never tell all you know; for hewho
tells everything he knows often tells
more than he knows.
Never attempt all you eau do; for
he who attempts everything he can do
often attempts more than be can dq.
Never believe all you hear; for he
who believes all that he hears often
believes more than he hears.
Never lay out all y ou can afford;
for he 'who lays out everythlog he
can afford lays out ,more than he een
aff or cl
Never deeide upon all you may ,tee;
for he who decides upon all thee he
seeS, often decides on more thee he
sees. •