Exeter Times, 1897-10-21, Page 5TkIta EX.ETER T`11�1 ES Exeter Electric Light AND POWER CO., (LIMITED) Notice of Rates. The following rates will be ohargcd by the above company for the early and late servico they propose giving the town. Elcols se Lighting Main Hall $3.10 per annum per 16 c. p. (or 4/5'Ft cent por night ) 1 parlor $2.80 per annum per 16 c. p. (or 7/I0's cent per night.) Each subsequent parlor lamp $1.80, (or § cent per night.) Dining room $2.75 per annum 16 c. p. .Kitchen - - $2.75 44 ii i., 44 Upstairs Hall $2.00 " f4 " i4 (or 3/5's cont per night.) Sparebedroosn$1.50 per annum 16 c, p. Ordinary (bedroom ent r$1ght�) .75per annum 16 c. p. Cellar - 90 cents per annum 8 c. p. Commercial Lighting, 1 to 5 lights $4.50 per annum 16 c. p. (or 11/5 cent per night.) 5 to 10 lights $4.40 per annum 16 c. p. 10 to 15 " $1 25 " i, ii ci 15 to 20 $4.10 "it 20 to 25 t4 $4.00 " 25 plus " $3.90 44 Wit-ixag.. General practise has proved it to be more satisfactory for consumer to own everything within his own walls. The foregoing low rates Uwe been figured on this bast:, and ni order to secures thou the following nominal initial Charges are made [for wiring with lamp coni. Veto : Open or cleat, suitable for stores $L35 per light. Concealed, suitable for residence $1.70 per light. Payable in monthly instalments, for a period. of 10 months, or $1,60 for concealed work and 1.25 for cleat work, cash on starting of lights, For further particulars apply 1py 1 to p R. C. C. TRREMVIAINE, Mem ager, 44 i4 4t ,t xeittlt ;,THt'1tSDAY, 00 l', 2lst, 1897. Local and District News It is none too early to get ready for Christmas. James Morton, of Bryanston, has purchased the Misses Langfotds' pro- perty, in (rrauton, and takespo$session to -day T. II. Foliick will take the position leader organist stn n' c s ofand choir 1 ,ult r it the Methodist church St. Marys about the ■----*.,, 1st of Novomber. W\''est :Middlesex C'onserv'atives inet at Mount Bridges Thursday to select a candidate for the Legislature in op- position to Hon. 0. W. Ross. W. H. Bennett, of Parkhill, has opened a bakery and confectionery in the premises formerly occupied by J. life:Nautghton at Ansa Craig. The auction sale of the livery "'nisi- -- ----sietlSssof the late Jos. Prentice, came off tin Saturday afternoon at St. 'Marys. The prices realized were good. Charles Richardson, who resigned Isis seat in the St. Marys town council to enter the mayoralty contest was ro- cketed. to fill the valiancy by aeela- 3nation on Friday. J. IrB t Ter has purchasedsed a cot- tage from Alex, Anderson and remov- ed it to his lot on High street, Ailsa Craig. \.Tr. Butler wilt move into his new residence shortly. The curfew bylaw requires all Ailsa, Craig lads and lassies under 14 years to be home by 7 o'clock at night until next spring, and it is expected the bell will ring at that hour after this week. John Gulf, son of Mr. Noble ('luif, of Seaforth, inet with apainful acci- dent at his father's planing mill. He was working at one of the machines, when his hand came in contact with the knives, and two fingers were taken off. The license, good -will and effects of the Grigg 1louse London, were sold Monday afternoon at 00 cents on the dollar,to Martin O'Meara London. The stock is valued at $10,277, and effects at $2,400. The supplies, valued at $2000 were sold at 100 cents on the dollar. Human life is held too cheaply when the individual who needs a tonic for his system, seeks to cover his wants by purchasing every new mixture that is recommended to him. Remember that .Atyer's Sarsaparilla has a well- earned reputation of fifty year's stand- xnA well-known and highly respected resident of East Williams cried on Sun- day, Oct. 10th, in the person of John Gillies. Mr. Gillies had been in failing stealth for a considerable time and his demise was not unexpected. Mr. Gil- lies was born •on his father's home- stead, townline Lobo and East Wil- liams, 60 years ago. Mr. saa .disposed of his I c Miller has c ispo property in Harpux'hey to Mr. J'inues Grieve, of Tuckersmith. This is o comfortable and convenient place and contains 29 acres. The consideration was $2,000,andMr. Grieve gets possess- ion on the first of April next. Mr. Miller talks of taking a trip to the old country in the spring. A George-st merchant knows more about acetylene gas now than he dict yesterday morning. He filled a ket- tle with water, placed some of the carbon compound in it, and after a While touched a match to a pipe run- ning from the spout of the kettle. There' was all the material for a first (class funeral, but fortunately the re- sultant explosion only scared John out of six month's growth, and set fire Connal's grocery store:-Peterboro e - view. Mary Fox, a patient at the In ane Asylum a at London, was found ]t n - g in from the to window bar in her r , g old 5 4' in death, at o'clock Mon ay morning. Deceased went from t. Marys on Saturday morning, suffer from a type of insanity liable to le d to suicide, and was placed in a rooil on the main corridor. The attendants made the usual rounds just 45 minutes before Mary Max. was found dead. Directly after the nurse had passed, the unfortunate patient took a sheet from her bed, twisted it and rain it through the bars, and deliberately hung herself. Mr. Fred Joyner and Miss Noble, of Hullett, were married on Wednesday. Mrs. E. McVittie, of Hallett, having rented her farm. has decided to move into Clinton,. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Mc- Kenzie, of the 3rd concession of Mc- Killen, is seriously ill, Mr. Doherty, of Clinton, received a telegram from Ridgetown, yesterday, which read "Tommy paced mile in 2.07+." Miss Toppling has returned to Clin- ton and resumes her duties at the .Col- legiate, having fully recovered from her recent illness. We regret to learn that Henry Young, son of Mrs. Young, of Clinton, died at Sault Ste Marie, on Tuesday; the remains will be brought to Luck - now for interment,. - Dr. R, J. Gibson, of Sault Ste Marie, was married on the 28th to Miss Jen- nie Marks, of Bruce Mines, The doc- tor's many old friends in Clinton ex- tend hint their congratulations. Jas. McCall, recently back from Manitoba, hats bought out the interest of his brother John, in the livery busi- ness, in Clinton, it is said the latter may take a trip to the Old Country on business. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. Arnold, Parkhill, last Wednesday. On that day Miss Ida Arnold was united in marriage to Mr. A. Munro, divinity student of Evanston University, Ill. Talar Cluff, son of Noble Oluftt of Seaforth, niet with apainful accident at, his father's planing mill. He was working at one of the machines, when his hand cavae in contact with the knives, and two fingers were taken off.. A Marx's wife should always be the same, especially to her husband, but 3 she `e f 1 isweak and iiery ns o : d user- �, , tn Ca Car- ter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a different person," so they all say, and their husbands say so too Mr. Hermon Bubolz, of the Kiltpen road, just nut of Egmondville. met with a nasty accident on Wednesday of last week. He was claiming in corn, when by some means be lost his balance and fell off the load on to his head and shoulders. Dr. W. A. Thompson, of (ioderich, formerly of Hensall, has entered into partnership with Dr. J. !MacArthur, of this city. Dr. Thompson comes to London c t ' t o lura vath s reputationis a skilled Aed and attentive= physician He is a young man, and doubtless has a bright future before him. -London Free Press. About three weeks ago Mr, Richard Robinson, of near Leadbury, niet with a painful accident nt t btst driving from n Seaforth, Ile was sitting on a loose board which slipped to one side with the jolting of the wagon, and getting overbalanced, Mr. Robinson was thrown out on his head, breaking his right collar bone. Thursday morning about 3 o'clock fire broke out in the planing shill of F. Snleetls, (xoderich, but before the alarm was given the building was one mass of flames. 1 strong wind was blowing, causing snnclr anxiety as to spreading. The building was totally destroyed. No insurance. Cause of fire unknown. Loss about $5,000. John T, McNamara, formerly of Leadbnry, McKillop, is „at, present in this vicinity visiting friends. Mr. Mc- Namara has been for five: years under Sheriff of Houghton county, Michigan, autil there is as good prospect that at the next election the will be sheriff. Ile is another of Hisron s sons who is doing credit to his native county abroad. a a, 1Ifciracl Flood son of Mr. Daniel Flood, of Elginfield, London Town- ship, suet with a painful accident Mon- day evening. 'Together with two others, lie was driving home from a thrashing, when the horse became frightened and upset the sulky, throw- ing the occupants out. Flood. was picked tip unconscious and carried to the Western Hotel, Lucan. It is feared that, he has been seriously hurt. Duncan Gray, of the town line be- tween Lobo and East Williams, on lot 22 of the 13th concession, was found dead in a little outhouse by his neigh- bors Tuesday morning. He was well advanced in years and lived alone. It is alleged that his wife left him some years ago, and after this he was con- fined in the asylum for some years. On his discharge from that institution he lived by himself. Heart failure is assigned as the cause of death. Sale Register. Parties getting their sale bilis printed at this office, receive a free notice similar to the fol- lowing. The circulation of Tun Trams is double that of any other paper in this section, and a notice its columns i, worth more than the bills.] TUESDAY. NOVEMBER, 9TH -Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of 0. 0. Switzer, lot 10, Con. 14, Us - borne. Sale at one o'clock. No re- serve. Thos. Cameron, auct. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND. -Farm, farm. . stock, implements. etc. The property of A. Robertson, lot 10, S. B., I-Lbbaort. Sale at one o'clock. Thos. Cameron, ane. THURSDAY, OCT. 28. -Farm stock, the property of Win. Fletcher., lot 17, con. 10, Osborne. Sale at one o'clock. H. BROWN, Auc. COUNTLESS BODILY AILMENTS Directly Attributable tort disordered Nerve system --Dispelled in a Hurry by the Great American Neryine -Get well and keep well with it. Noble Wright, Dairyman, of Or\ angeville, says : "For 'a number of years I was a great sufferer from in- digestion and dyspepsia. My liver and kidneys bothered me. I treated with many doctors, and used many reme- medics. Ip rocured. South American Nervine. • One bottle greatly benefit- ted me,and to -day I am as well as ever I was. It is a great remedy, and I am 'glad tobe able to recommend i always.�� Solcl by C. LUTZ. "THEY SUIT ME EXACTLY I" "I have had dyspepsia and stomach trouble for the mist two years, says MIss Ellen Whalen, Niagara Falls, and took various remedies in search for a cure._ None of them suited my case like Lava -Livor Pills. They suit- ed me exactly, s and removed the troubles promptly and effectually. T willingly recom- mend them to all who suffer as I did." IdABUT ,Y'I', RTS rf w o Agonizing lLxeter, October 20tip, 1897. 23 Wheat per bushel .,75 to 76 Diseases. :t.k,,y.1oY . . .. to 25 s.:. 45 to ¢.5 ter.... 14 to to 14G,.,.. 9 to 9 Chickens por I, ..,.. 4 to 4 4 to 4 Ducks...,.. ,5 to 5 Wool., Dried Apples.. .. ,... 17 to 18 2:i 15,gork dressed .. ..,, ;/!;5 toPork Ina height ... 3,50 to3.60 Hay per ton..., ..... ..,...... 500 to6.50 Clover seed ... ,, ........ .... ..$4.00 to 5.00$ Alsikc clover $ Timothy seed ......... $1.501.50 toto 5 1,.7500 Quickly Banished Paine's Celery Compound. Two Thankful Letters That Should Be Real By Suf- fering Nen and Women. BY For the effectual banishment of rheu- matism, sciatica, and neuralgia,Paine's Celery Compound iswithout doubt the best medicine that human science has ever produced. This marvellous rem- edy, devised by Professor Edward Phelps, M. D., one of the ablest phy- sicians that ever lived, has won the hearty praise of millions of people for the wondrous cures it has wrought in all lands. It is only a medicine with such a record of cures that can attain a. world-wide reputation. it has saved nseu, women and children, many of whom had been given up by the doe - tors. It does its work quickly ;and well ; it eradicates every trace of dis- ease; it builds up, fortifies and makes active every mortal whose limbs have been crippled and deformed by rheu- matism, and drives away the terrors of neuralgia. To -day the ablest doctors are freely prescribing Paine's Celery Compound for tortured rheumatic and neuralgic people, The thankful letters received each year frothe cured in everysec- tion from. of Canada would, if publishd in book form, waken, large and interest- ing volume. The following letters will surely in- spire all rheumatic and neuralgic suff- erers with a new and lively hope of better and happier life. Mrs. F. Me Mann. of Thorold, Ont. says : "I think it my duty to letyou know what Paine's Celery Compound has done for nay husband. For two years he suffered very much with rheaamatisin in the back, and he became so bad that he could not bend, stoop, or sit in a chair t t l> cs and I was obliged e d to take his meal to him while he lay in bed, He was treated by various phy- sicians, but received no benefit until he used Paine's Celery Compound. The first bottle gave him relief, and after he had used six bottles be was quite free from the rheumatism. He for was troubled with piles ax f ourteeu years, and found great relief from the Compound. He says he feels like a new roan just now. We think there is no (medicine like Paine's Celery Com- pound." Mrs. A. Acheson, of Montreal, says : "Two years ago I suffered intensely from neuralgia in the head, face and shoulders. I was in a terrible condit- ion, and often so tortured. that I coral not rest or sleep. ' I became very weak and feeble, had giddy and faint spells, and often could not attempt to go out on the street. My appetite became poor and digestion very weak. At night, while in bed, I often had oppres- sive and smothering feelings; my whole nervous system was run down and very weak. " I had been under the care of a med ical man and used various medicines, but no relief carie to me from these sonises. 1 fortunately heard of your Paine's Celery Compoundl;I decided to give it a trial, and I bless the day "sl it.used conitnenced with I it for sev- eral months, and now feel as wen as ever I did. All my pains have been banished, I sleep and eat well, and find myself a new woman. I heartily re- commend Paine's Celery Compound to all who are in need of an honest and true curing in edicine." A Trip. To Clandeboye on Friday night some of our young Yolks 'vent, And though the weather was unfair, agood old time was spent, It looked as though the rain would pour, but Willits said don't mind, For if wo got a load and go well have a jolly time. It was not long before a load was gathered on the spot, Although a friend from Dashwood wont to make up the jolly lot, Of course they all could Ford to talk, but most of them kept still. But when it came to laughing you could hoar all o'er the Hill. Tho downward trip was rough and the girl with Creech declared That if Ciandoboye was far away they'd all stop at Adare, But Creoley, of course, kicked like a mule and the blacksmith kicked too And said to Clandeboyo they'd go if Miss F and H. went through. However they all got there and everything went right Uutil•they came to start for home and found Brooks out of sight, Of course they waited patiently beside the farm yard gate And the only words you conk( hoar was "I hope they don't stop late." Some of the friends grew angry and got in a terrible stow, .And/said they would'ut take Vv ill again for it would nover do. For he was at his stopping place and diel not care to leave, And may be he would be there now had it nob been Friday eve. , At last they all got started and for Exeter were bound, And they got there nice and early while the nightwatchman was around ; Now let mo tell you dear young friends if a drive you much enjoy Don't stop a single moment but go straight e. Clandobo to y Now last of all before I close, young men take my advice And take it once now and for all, for I Clare not tell it twice, Whenever you go visiting just go along • along, And if the girl should ask you in, you will feel far more at home. OBSERVER, • London, October 20th, 1897. Wheat per busho ,.. ..., ..78 to 81 Oats.... ....22 to '23 Peas .,,, ....., 39 to 40 Barley .29 to 33 Buckwheat ....23 to 31 Rye ... .,.29 to 30 Corn ...... 32 to 36 Beans 25- to 35 Butter .... ....11 to 12 Eggs 12 to 14 Ducks,,,,,,75 to 80 Turkeys per lh..,. 10 to 12 Geese perlb 9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 50 Potatoes per bag ...40 to 50 Hay per ton ...,$ 4.50 to $ 5.00 Pork per cwt., .. 31.00 to $4.50 Wheat was weaker in Chicago Wed- nesday, and December closed about a cent lower at 91 1-8c. Provisions l0c dearer. Ontario andManitoba wheats firm, Consols firm. London stocks firpi, French rentes steady. New York stocks higher. Canadian securi- ties steadier. SHE WAS A CRIPPLE. But fou(- boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills put Her on Her Feet. HEADS THAT ACHE. Beads that ache can bo made bright, t'clear and free from pain by usengBUIIDoos BLOOD BITTERS,. the true natural cure for headache from whatever cause arising. '.Headache and pain in the back afflicted. me for a long time ; but; now I am free from them thanks to the use of one bottle and a half of h. B. B." Miss .1. MoAra.Isrsxt, Almonto, Ont. NO ROOM EOR SALT RHEUM. Salt rheum, erysipelas, tetter, shingles, rashes, soruff, etc., cannot exist whore BUR - DOOR BLOOD BITTERS is Used, Hero N the proof : 'I was so bad with salt rheum that my finger nails came of. B. B. B. cured me com- pletely and I have had no return of the disease during the past three years.' Mrts. Jas. SASDRat9, Emerson, Mac. HAMILTON, Oct, 18. -Public interest centers on the startlingly wonderful recovery of Mrs. A. Waddell, 178 Qneen Street N. She was a cripple for four years. Today, through the agency of Dodd's Kidney Pills, she is sound and well. Her story is short but convincing. "For four years," she states, "I was the victim of kidney dis- ease and lame back. I could hardly move about without tht' aid of a chair ora which to lean. Hearing of the great gooddone by Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 ti led theist. I used four boxes and can now get along without any help. I am cured, and you may publish this for the bench f other • rs. n tt> s G o of ei fere Notice to trespassers Any person or persons found trespassing up - oat my farms, lot 12 and 13, con . 3, tsborne , with either dogor gun,will be prosecuted ac- cording to law. 2-t JNO. HEYWOOD. Notice to Debtors. In the matter of the estate of John Lewis late of tlsetownship of Stephen in the County of Huron,Gentleatian, deceased. A11 persons indebted to the estate of the above trained deceased are required to pay the amounts due by then( to William Lowis,of the village of Crediton in the County of Huron, Division Court Clerk, ono of the Executors of the said John Lewis deceased on or before the 15th day of November next, as after that data all aeeonnts and e+laims unpaid will be placed in suit for collection. Dated at Exeter this 13th (lay of•Octobor,1897. R. H. COLLI N S, Solicitor for Executors. Mortgage Sale of Valuable Farm band, Under power of Salo contained in a curtain Mortgage bearing date the Oth dayof January, A, D., 1851, made by one Solomon Pollock t 000 'tIenry Marshall and duly assigned to th Vendor. 'There will be sold by Public Auctio at the Hill's Notol, in the 'Village of Crede ton, on Thursday, Nov. Ilth, 189 At 2 o'clock p.in. by Mr. H. Eilber, Auc tioncer, the folowing lands to wit," -The north half of lot number Three. in the Twenty-fift Concession, of the township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, containing fifty acre: more orless. This is 'a mast desirable farm. good. clay loam; on the premises are a goo Forty-five acres cleared and Under cultivation, house and barn. TERMS OF SALE. One quarter of the purchase money clown a the time of sale, balance in live years with in torost annually at six per cent. ' For further particular apply to onto Glt Al ON & GRAYDO\, H. EILBEIR. Vendors Solicitors. Anet., Crediton. oW.1.4r"�4 lood urifier) ors 11 aft e .:„ QI�T �I-UPAS A:POWDER,, VEs NEW tP . INCREASES T•M E i:i-„o ! .OF MILK I N COWS, :it.aIMMat_.4f4. pini secs- r Mello MoN711th. PioarltanOq 1.; rillWith Hood's l Talk," a l k a,'r8aies Tall(," andnd show that this medi- cine has enjoyed public confidence and patronage to a greater extentthanaccord ed any other proprietary medicine. This Is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla it- self, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy ood's ' Sarsaparilla' Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try ft. Prepared only by 4. I. Hood do Co., Lowell, Mass. o n h d t are the only pills to take Hood's Pilis with Hood's Sarsaparilla, Every Saturday Tourist Sleep i ig Route to California, Commencing. next. Saturday night and con- tinuing every Saturday night thereafter, Mid- land Route tourist cars en route to Colorado, Utah and California will leave the Chicago Union Passenger Station of the Chicago, Mil- waukee .t St, Paul Railway at 10 o'clock, running over the Chicago and Omaha Short Linc to Omaha, thence via Lincoln, Nob., 1 Colorado Springs and Lead villa, Colo, Salt Lake City ant Ogden, Utah, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramento, Cal., arriving at San Francisco at 8.45 p. in. Wednesday. As will be noticed, this route i, Midland through Northern lllnois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas. Colorado. (through the heart of Elie Rookies), Utah, Nevada and California aftord- inr; a perfect panoramic view of prairo, moun- taincoaat scenery. These popular every Saturday California excursions for both first and second class pas- sengers (not foreign emigrants arc "personally conducted' by intelligent. competent and courteous "courtiers" who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route. This is an entirely new feature of tourist car service and will be greatly appreciated by families or par- ties of friends traveling together, or by ladies alone. Particular attention lapaid to the care of children who usually get weary on a long journey-. Remember that the Midland. Route Tourist Cars are sleeping ears and are st pplied with all the accessories necessary to make the journey comfortable andpleasant. and the sleeping berth rate but G.00 (for two :persons) from Chicago to California. Ask the nearest ticket agent for a tourist ear "folder," giving complete information about the Midland Route, or address 'Eastern Man- ager Midland Route,' No. 95 Adams street. Chicago, I11., or A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passen- ger Agent, C., M, Ss St. 1'. Ity„ 2 Kiug street, Is., Toronto. Ont. P: S.-Berthreservations are made in the order received up to each Saturday morning. First come,first served. Farms For Sale A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to can. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Samwell's Block. Exeter. Notice to the pubic .7. N. Howard will start his ehop stones on Thursday Oct. 7th, at Pickard's old mill site. A first-class miller, (Adana Smith, of Seaforth), has been engaged. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. N. HOU AILD. Farm for Sale A good farm for sale, containing 99 acres, n nover-failing well and spring water. It is it good condition for a flood crop if ploughed this fall. Cone and see it for yourself. Theowiiet lives on the 6th concession of McKillop, lot 34. Apply t0 W. N. Mcl,IICHAEL Seaforth. _ H,,, H• KINSMAN. L. D. S. ANL DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L, D. S., D. D, S., Honor Graduate ' of Taranto University, Dentists Ks fssfaasS Teeth extracted withoutpam op bad after effects. Office in Fan son's Block, West side of Maui st., Exeter. DRQ ANDERSON, (D- D- 8.1. D. S.; DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeon: of Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plat( work done in the neatest possible manner, 5 harmless atxuesthetic for painless extraction The strickest attention given to the preservat ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen tral Hotel Exeter, Ont. A Man is alwaysain the as S rii�l I M Ass......._. . If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting BU ITS. e He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before i i bay ngyour -- FALL Sun W. JOHNS, Tlye Taiilor, 3TIUNGS l I rice Quality, L Assortment Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment com- plete, buying is made easy. h come in. We v( That is wherewea t the stock, the prices, the quality, y and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see fol yourself. °dle...8c son Opera House block. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. tjcrby Cigarel5fes liS • PclGI'Cc�. ge p easmas-ps $ Ally ¥OU SHORT AND FAT ? ARE YOU TALL AND THIN ? If so the only Ready -Made Clothing you can get to fit you perfectly is . Shorey's Make If your dealer does not carry Storey's Off Sizes get him to order for you. a ASK Ni OUR uSALt:ic FOR r anti_ ' 0` BEST FORTABLE.DAiRY.AND FARM REMEMBEII That we sell cheap all the time. IN Rowe 1 Has the Finest Class of Furniture ever shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of' Etutsiness UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R N ROWE Next door North of Molsons Bank. 6CYOLES! Are You Interested In Wheels ? We handle sonic of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to Suit the times. We would recommend those suffering , (tl0 D COUGHS, and „BRONCxIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM, It is also a reliable remedy_ for children. We manufacture WINAN'S OINTMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT RHEUMATfSM, �.; INFLUENZA. ENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION", POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches'*' on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUN(' SYRUP. C. PERFECTION AT LAST--- A AST A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave; Sewhig Macliiiies ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.-Sellint out Dise Har• rows at cost. PERKIN§ & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. FARMERS! You will find at Bissettercioms the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, DJ3RING BIN- D.ERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES.__.aat�e�- Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. "SILL" WARRANTED EVERY TIM" . TRUE NEW IN, DESIGN, NEW PRINCIP` NEW i 1a1 A large assortment of the most approved Trusses an cal Appliances always in chased direct from the mann We guarantee every Truss made with the finest s English (eel. g PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agency DOMINION LABORATORY'. J. W. BROWNING PRO A Suit of (Jldthes„, or a Singie Cary i t Should Combine now 411178,: Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship ' Moderate'(' Pe You look for these in an reliable 'place, and SNELL never disaip patrons in any of ' large assortment of Fall Winter $�• In Worsteds and Twe now on our shelves, and take much pleasure them to you. There ark .n other lines that are specially ractive.