Exeter Times, 1897-7-22, Page 6LEG-A.D. IL DICKSON, Barrister, Soli. • atter of Supreme Coart, Notary Pablic, Conveyancer, Commissioner, &a Money to Loan: Mesta anson'sBlook, Exeter, Tti COLLINS, Barrister Solicitor, bummer, Etc. IhKETER, - ONT. OPTILIB Over O'Neil's Bank. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries ?alto, Conveyancers &o, &0. rMoney to Loan at Lowest Rates of Intereet. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER Bewail every Therese'. U. v. 4L1410T. ritenetaxeis smelter. MEDICAL fIR. T. WICKET% It B. TORONTO UNI VERSITY, M D. C. M. Toi cute Univer sity. Flitee-Crediton, On.. uS. ROLLINS& AMOS. operate Wages. Residence same as former. ly,Antirew st. OtlIcee: Spackmane. Main et; Dr ItollintS same as formerly, north door:Dr. Amos" same building, south door, a. A. ROLLINS. M. D.. T. A. AMO, M. D Exeter, Oat T W. B.ROWNING M. D., Al. C eft • P. S, graduate Victoria Univers ty °nice and residence, isominion Labo a tory ,Exe ter , R. RYNDMA.N. ooroner for Li; county ot Huron. once, oppesite tetriing Brea. store, Exeter. AUCTIONEERS. A BUSSEN BERRY, General Li. • ecnoetl Auctinerer ri ales conducted allettite. Patiefartioncearenteed. Charges seoderate. lieusall P 0. Ont. ENRY T11LflER Licensed Ana. A. !ioniser for the ii 0! 41:t1 Illdt-;e96X Salt. once. at med. elate ratee. °Mee. al Poet -seise+ ones. tor not, Tennent & ennent ONT. Criitir,i(1 of the Ontario Vottneaeter - it eel, orrice: : One floor Smith ofTetvu Bell, THE WitTERLUO MUTUAL Fmk; S RA N 0 E 0 0 . Established in L863. 'MAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, GNT This Voinently has been over r ;rent v-afith s ears in stweessful emir ition in Western dI n twin, end ode t inues to insure it i net loss et erangetn.ng Iy Ino. Bei Wino, lereeandise aluoulnerories and all other deerriptiess of lesurebte property. intending inenreri Two the ration of insuringon the PC0[1111241 Notoot teaystem. Duane theaast ten years this company had IEFUcti 50.91 olicies. sonata: property to the =ulna ut eleei72,0eie and mid it. losees :Moue $70,762.0e. asset... a tetiono.00, consisting of Cale 1. Lane trevernment beeositand the unasses- ed Pretuttini Soles en hand and in tom lrd:. 1 m. L. yhod ecre furs ; J. H. Itreata, au:posies „ CUAs 1J, .Agt, t for Exeter and viantry NERSJt BEANS ZCZIVVE 11,14:SN ere .1. new covers, that cure the wart eaten of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Pailiug Manhood; restcres the it weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. ceases of yuuth. This Remedy ab. Jolutely cures the moat obstinate cases ellen al: other 1 =BASILE:MI have failed even IC. relieve. a14 by&'ng. gists at 1 per package, or six for ea, or sent by me'. or ertelist ofrIr trahiressive TRH .1.111i4:•11:,..' ZO. 1 Feld et Brownlee's Drug Store &cr. r THE NEW8 IN A NEE THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country Great Britain, the 'United States, and All Peets of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANA.UA. Jolla Kellner, a Hamilton tailor hhacusngete.d. himself to a bed -post in his .A bailiff seized the furniture in the City Hall at Montreal on a Superior Court. judgment. The Canadian Powex Company has begun work on its proposed power can- al of Niagara Falls. An illicit still hats been seized be Qu,e- bee, with a fermenting capacity of five thousand gallons per day. A. new rate ef freight. oxt iron has been established. by the Grand Trunk Canadian Paella,. and Michigan Cen tral Railways. Mr. John Weatherston of litouiltoe for many years prominentiy Wenn feed with railway intereete, tried at tete age of 93 years. Mr. M. tt. Morriss, for the past five years Chilian Comet at, Vancouver, las been appointed Consul -General for Chili in Canada. The New Hernia Cycle Company of Woodstusk is iu tJ.ie. bands uf a re- ceiver, anti winding -up preceatings have been lastituted. News has reached Regina of the rituatier nt Kasla. B. Cr., uf C. Kesler, who left a few weeks ago to try has lueik in the gold. fields. Cullingelexid. Schreiber, Chief lenge neer ot tiovermxient. Itailau.ys ;sad Canals, win this week tneeeet all the canal works in progress. Napoleon Vent*, who was wuunsied by Almighty Veitse, NO far recover eL that it exieeted he will ht3 able to Itaive the lasepatil this week. A reeler is eireuittied at MacLeod that zetsperintendent iesery is to suc- ceed Coutheiseieuer ileeetnier as coat- piaoilsieeiee.atir ot tee Nerthwest Mourned fee Comeil of the Munteeal Baird of trade 114 deeided te tender a cien- plinienairy banquet to the Rigid. lion. Sir Wilfrid Laurier en hie return to Canada James Catelauo, a London fruit deal- er, wae stung by a Meek scorpien. it was theagtie at first that the eting would prove Wel, butdee, man iz rap- hily reeovering. Returns furntehed. to the Dominion Depertenent ot latilwaye and Cauals nn - e.1 bat there 1% ill be a tioneiderable falling off in tele letteiness of the up- per Ltkes this seasan. Mr. Fisher, 31baleter of Agrieulture, who expected to leave for tee North - Wen and British Columbia durina the latter part ti. July, has postponed his trip for a month. 31r. Edmund E.Slamparti, of Toronto has reached the city of Mexico, and is reported to &eve a muniksion to treat wit b. the Mexican Government regard- ing the Canadian cominereiat interests in slexito. Tux nzihtLt general orders announce that Lieut. -Col. Hamiltosn„ of the Queen's Own, is transferred to the in- fantry reeerve of officers. and. that Major Delstmere will take command of the regiment. [)r. \V. W. Boucher, V.S., of Ottawa, wt opening his meditsine case, and as he ad so a sia-ounee bottle at ammonia xpluded, filling his eyes, nese and Louth with pure ammonia. His fat* vas terriely burned, Michel Pin and his daughter Maria est their lives in a fire which destroy - d their die ening at St. Reseb, Quebec. The father was trying to save his fur- niture and the daughter went beak to get her wearing apparel. Mr. George Constable of London got caught betweea a trolley car and a nameng train. His waggon was smashed the horse hurt so that it had to be killed., and 31r. Constable him- self suffered a broken arm, a severe scalp wound and other injuries. The Minister of Militia has decided to remove the Dominion rifle rangers freta the Rideau to Itoekliffe on the bane of the Ottawa River. Work on the aew site will be conunenced imme- diarsle in hope that it may be got ready in tL-ne for the annual matches of the D. R. A. URI:Ur BRITAIN. The Duke of York has been appoint - d a Knight of the Order of St. Pat- rick. The freedom of the city of Edinburgh has been conferred on Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier. Sir John Bennett, the famous London watchmaker, is dead, aged 83 years. It is reported that Petersen, Tate & Co. have successfully floated their fast eine. project in the London money mar- ket. Mr. W. Waldorf Astor has paid in - bo the 13ak of England the sum of $13.000 for the Prince of Wales' hospital fund. The Mancheeter Guardian hints that Mr. Chamberlain has a scheme by width the colonises will be represented in the Howse of Lords. The Duke of Manchester denies the statement that he is engaged to be max- ried to Miss Mary Goelet, da.ughter of Mr. Ogden Goelet, of New York. Preparations are already on foot in Dublin for the Parnell anmversary de- monstration in Ootober, and it is believ- ed it will be larger than ever this year. A Dickens fete was opened at Broad- stairs, Meat, ba the gardens of Bleak Hoene, where Dickens spent many summers and wrote much of his best work. Oir Wilfred Laurier, in an interview, said he knew of no reason why Sir Don- ald Smith, as a peer, cannot be an ag- ent -general, and he knew of no wish or thouaht displeasing to the present agent-gtneral. The London Daily Chronicle says there is a. movement afoot to make the Duke of Connaught Adjutant-Gen- exal of the Britiah array, which would pave the way to the post of Com - Load George Hamilton, the Secretary of &tate for stated in the House of Commons( on Friday, that only sev- en persons were killed in the Cal- cutta. riots, and. not fifteen hundred as stated in the native reports. The consignment of Canadian dressed beef that was sent to England in cold storage on the Labrador has arrived in Liverpool Ln exeellent condition, and there are prospects of establishing a profitable business in this line. Dr. Clauricey t. Despew, In an inter- view in London, says that unless the Deagley Tariff :bill brings in financial Strong Points ABOUT B. a. Its Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Economy. lc. a dose. 3E3. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions, Purifies the Blood and ranoves all the impurities from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore, and 1[7:SPZEI DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. READ -MAKER'S r,03 :BiLes.,E3 Hem Fat le 011ir Seeereffnee Ckeyer 5 5T? .5 5 ..,1151 Vet .9' fp HE EXETER TIMES Is published every Thursd ty morning at Times Steam Printing House Main street. near's' opposite Flttotes jewelry store, Exeter, Ont., by JOHN WHITE es SONS, Proprietors. RATES Or ADV51i11811,70 first insertion, per line 10 cents. Each subsequent Insertion, per line3 cents. To inenre iniertion, advertisements should be sent. in not later than Wednesday morning. Our J'OE PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one °stile largest and best equipped in the County of Huron. All work entrusted to us will re- ceive our prompt attention. Deelsions negareema Newspapers. 1 -Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office, whether directed. in his elope or another's, op wbother he has Emb- er:ell:red or not, is reaponsible for payment. 2 -If a porso orders his paper discontinued te timetpay alt arrears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, mid then colleot the Whole amount, whether the paperis taken from the aloe or not. 3 -In (mite foe subseriptions, the suit may be jeetitueed in the felsce e here the paper le pub- iehed, althoutee +he subscriber may reside htindreds of miLit -sway. 4 -The ocurts'slitere derided that refusing to take newepapors or periodicals from the post oak or removing arel leaving the -uncalled Dr, is prima feel° evidence Of interseional THE EXETER TIMES prosperity, Bryaniem, or some other finanojal cure-all, will, be a strong. fac- tor en the next Presidential election. Mr. G. IL Reid, Premier of New South Wales, says that any attempt to bring the colonies back into a position of re- lative insignificance, by giving then: some indefinite minor representation at Westmiaster, would never to accepted in Australia. In the House of Commons, on. Friday Mr. Timothy Healy made a. bitter at- lases upon Mr. Gerald Balfour, the Irish Chief Seeretary, when the Nationalists, one after the other, effusively thanked Mir. Balfour for his broad and geuerous Irish polity. Sir Charles Tupper is staying quiet- ly at Chiselinerst, in Kent. He visits London occasionally in connection with his gold mining and. other city busi- ness, but he is making no public. e.p- pearanee and has not even called at the Government office. Sir Wilfred Laurier, supported byeall the other Calonial Premiers, in a strict- ly private conference with Mr. Jos- eph Chantherlian, insisted on a change in the foreign treaties affecting the col - Dates; but Mr. Chamberlain did not see his war to altering the treaties, and a deadlask is probable. It is said that one of the thief fea- teens of 3Jgr. Santimeetti's special re- port to the Pope on the growth -of Cathoheiste in heiglana tho astonsh- ieg conclusion that the decrease of Metbodikan is due, to the transfer of memberehip in that betty to Member- s/1'1P in the Church of Rome. UNITED STATES. BY a vote of 38 ayes and 28 noes the ni t ed Slates Senate passed t he tariff bill after six weeks of diseussion. In anticipation of the duty proposed by the Dingley Tariff bill, Canadian lumber is being rushed into Oswego. N.Y., in immense, quantitiee. The statement made that certain cor- reerondence on the Behring Sea seal fisheries will charge the British Gov- ernment with havingettited in bad faitb is denied in *Mlee terclee. The first, effeets of the great. coal miners strike are being felt in the *United States. At Cleveland a big iron works has shut down for want of fuel and several lake vessels will be tied up. Western railways are seizing coal in transit for their own use. Baron Ernest von Taielinann. tbe Im- Perial German Ambassador, who is stop- ping at his fine. summer home in Len- nox, Mass., confirms the report that he has been called to Germany to be- come the Minister of the Treasury in the new Government now being formed. Distrait Attorney Lloakine, ui Lode- rart, N.Y., leas received a letter from the British C'onsul at New a• ark, ttay- ing has aho ueet Fee ants freta his mernment to enquire into the setae of Robert. J. Powley. who was recently electrocuted at Anhwei pri. son far wife murder. Mr. J. H. Leibee, the expert on seal- ing of the. American Commercial Cora - puny, severely criticises the recent re- port of Prof. D'Arcy Thompson to the British Government, saying his facts are frequently false, his statisties in- correct and his quotations from Am- erican documents are often garbled. There is only a moderate movement in trade generally throughout the Uni- ted States. This is the dull season of the year, and what demand usually ex - tits ha sheen somewhat checked in the West and the North-West by exces- sive heat and violent storms. The strike of over one hundred thousand coal min- ers has already bad, and will more largely have, a bad effect on general trade. There is an advance in tin, and copper is firm. The cotton nail's are ac- tive, with a steadily increasing demand. Wool is in large dement'. Ilides are still advanoing, and the higher prices cause much complaint. GENERAL. Japan has made a formal protest against the annexation of Hawaii by the ITnited States. Amilear Cipriani, the Italian Soeial- ist leader, has been elected a member of the Chamber of Deputies for Forli. Prins Bismarck's health is good,and he declines to follow the advice of his physician to take the waters of Gas- tein. Owing to the drought in certain parts of A.u.stralia, it will to nevessziry to hu - port thousands of bushels of Californian wheat. • A special franc Sydney, N. S. W., says that the British warship Walla- roo has hoisted the Union Jack over - three islands of the Salomon group Terrible thunderstorms, hailstorms, and ciond-bursts have devastated large districts of Gernata.ny, destroying the growing grain, and killing cattle. There is no truth in the report that the Transvaal Government has en- gineered a scheme whereby Germany will acquire the Delagoa territory. The Queen. Regent of Spain has par- doned one hundred and eight Cuban pri- soners who are in penal servitude, and permits them to return to Cuba. A destpatoh from Havana states that a number of childrea, between the ages of aix and. fifteen, have been sent to goal as being abettors of the rebellion. A despatch from Dane's Island an- nounces that Prof. Andree's balloon was filled and ready for his Polar trier on the 1st inst., and that he was waiting for favorable winds to start on his nor- th-west expedition. A body of troops itn the employ of the British Niger Company report baying discovered and pursued the fugitive King of Benin. During the pursuit three towns were captured by the troops, witb severe Lose to the natives, The King succeeded in escaping. The dispatch of troops from Calcutta on Tuesday to intercept the striking mill hands, who were 'preparing to mitreh on the city eight thousand strong, to reinforce the rioters, has had an excellent effect. The mill hands and the rioters have dispersed, and all is "Ii TvlasequjPeatris Figaro says President Faure will embark at Calais for St. Petersham,. and that, in accordance with the wishes of the Czar, Emperor William will return from St. Peters- laurg by land, so as to obviate the dif- ficulties which might arise from a meet- ing of the French and German fleet. THEIR REASON. Why do you suppose people get mar- ried on their bicycles? They rixobably are trying to create the impression that they are well- balaneed. UNDER THE SPELL. Do you believe in hypnotism? he ask- ed as the, looked intently into her great browtn eyes. X• must, she answered, with, all the beavery ease could stuntman. I know that you. are going to kits roe, but I am powerlese to protest, ; BARBARITY OF THE TURKS. INEViS ABOUT THE MINES, FEARFUL TREATMENT OF WOMEN IN WHAT IS GOING ON IN BRITISH COL - ARMENIA. UMBIA'S GOLD MINES. Defined Cruelty of the Dirks - Terrible Puutshatents Inflicted Upon F(901411.C$ - slowly Exterminating the Chasietiala reputation. A despateili from. Paris says :-Paris Chareuyetant, dtr1*ator-general of the Frenula mission in the Levant, hats re- ceived by evtay of the Cancasue and Tif- lis a report prepueett by a nurniber of Armenian nottebles and Gregorian hishaos on the situation in Arica It took the messes/leer wile had the doaument in charge newly three months to get through the diffipulties and dangers along the Turkish frontier, whieh was calreiully guerdied against all Armenians or Armenian seen- , pat hizers. The report, which [ills thirty print- ed pages, is very centrally preparied. and goes fully into the situation. Aix - cording to its authors the Turks in Armenia, fearing European interven- tion, have abandoned the old practices of wholesale masseere, but during the lo,si year there have been clandestine exterminations, and. most terrible per- secutions, especially in the more re- mote,provinees. The Turks openly boast that they have tavern to wipe out the whole Armeniaa race, slowly 'mestere- ly. The document reoitae in detail vaxi- 011e f0171113 of perseestitiou. It appears that the tax eollecter seize the ha- babitants if they do nut pay everything demanded. "Women are taken through the. streets with eheins amend their netsks, and kept for days withouL foocb sonnle cases they are fastened. to pil- lane, bead downward-. Freezng water is thrown over themor they ore beat- en until the blood runs. Iu other eases their hinds are tied behind. their barks, and then eats. first made furious, are thrown into their bosom3. Often they are burned in various parts of their belies with .red -het irons. All the high- wnys are guarded se as to prevent eratexation. Not. a. sineele, dayrass.ss • without tsar hearing et or witnessing • eatnewbere witbtu our unfurtunate pro - einem Fame fiendish cruelty. The Turks and Kurds enter the houses of ; Armenians in gaegs. hinil the men, and; then out rage their w lv tee testers ,and den eel tare before lheir eyes." 1 Th.3. (10Annent cm -Andes' with the de -1 Talmo cry :-"Our hope is dying out. I i3O.1 lean up. May Europe have pity upon us." MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAN. Colonial Representation 11/ 1110 House ot Lords. A despateh from Landon says :-The Daily Chru.ni al says that Mr. Chamber- lain, finding that his plan for colonial .representation in the Haase of Com- mons is out of the question, wants Canada, Australia, and South Africa each to bave a represeutative in the 111511A0 of Lords. and for this reason wished Sir Donate Smith. the Cana- dian High Commissioner, raised to the peerage. Mr. Chamberlain hopes that when the Premiers retain home and consult their Governments they will arrange for the nomination of these represent- tatives. Mr. Chasnberlidu also hopes eventually to constitute the Colonial A.gents-General, into a sort of ad- visory couneil, meeting regularly at the Colonial Office, and giving tbe Col- onial Secretary the benefit of their couinsel. In addition to the fact, however. that the conferenees held did not run as smoothly ae Mx. Chamberlain would. have Iiked, a majority of the Pre- miers expressing suxprise at the dila- tor', easy-going methods of the rm- penal authorities, and the compare, - tore indifference oE the Colonial Sec- retary towards the new problems ereated by the United States, whose instant action regarding Hawaii and Saone. as expanding their power in- troduced a totally new element into Australian polities. POSITIVE GENIUS. Ethel Gestroks (apologetically) -Of course, papa, Reggy has no business cap- acity, bat - Mr. Gotroks-No business capacity? Why, I thought the cuss lied asked you to marry hiral eye_ Fifty Years Ago. President Polk in the White House chair, 'While in Lowell was Doctor Ayer; Both were busy for human weal One to govern and one to heal. Aud, as a president's power of will Sometimes depends on a liver -pill, Mr. Polk took Ayer's Pills I trove Por his liver, SO years ago. 4.e4s.455,5.4.5,W."...41.441 Ayer's Cathartic Pills were designed to sup p ly a model purgative to people who had so long injured themselves with griping medicines. Being Carefully prepared and their in- gredients adjusted to the exact necessities of the bowels and liver, their popularity was In- stantaneous. That this popu- larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pills at the World's Pair 1898. 50 Years of Cures, The Room Das Burst and Speitulators a Taking Advantage of the In es -le -General alining Notes. re ea Even its of the as week have shown that calamity cries are out of place in Roseland. says The Rosslander. Whett business and speculation go ahead rapidly the, more seagull/re are too apt to think that there hate been no undue Stimulus; that the hot pace, at which everything moves is its natural gait, and not until quietness comes do they realise that perhapa there had. been a rinalwas expected. it has not therefore been ailySOthelltrbea"ctiboer cainaell Rroonlaeurdthanand so severe and recovery began sooner. So many companies were floated last year and the stocks sold in eastern Can- ada to suet an extent that a very largs portion of the money that could Nb:ithdit;auraanutcalito salnliciintianicatinwvesastattaeklietns Part of this has been expended on open- chialoags:pgar:on;se7tstlbentosouncriolit isi Sre he fearedOvne to toon°txlibrokers.ut 11 afuppnrdsoactilimcgarartyagonnatiitovonrhka, No sooner had some berso6 31eaP6o followed,°@ ditscouraged or troubled when men with more means arrived upon the scene to buty up any properties that were, offered at a low priee. Within scarcely more than a week the follow- ing transfers have taken piseet-A con- trolling it terest in the Monte Cristo, 100.000 shares Poorinan, 500,000 shares Evening Star, 100,000 ebares Iron Mask alt the Homestake, Maid of Erin, R. E. Lee and Gopher on a basis of te750,- OK and 500,00t1 shares of Early Bird. With these may be mentioned 100,000 Canadian Gold Eields, with an option on nacires though there has never been any slump in elicit stook. Negotiations are ander way for the sale at other properties or large, Masks of stock. This certainly does not loole as if men (et means bad lost faith tu The wealthaproducing quantity of the Mimes of Trail Creett district. More Mein one. Roesland man who has taken a rube through signe of the other canals have returned home with stronger faith in this camp than before, Development work has resulted iuntany good strike". Mines that have not so tar shipped any ore are sending forward their produest to the smelter, and others expert to do likewise, soon. Undoubtedly the bottotn of things com- mercially has been reached and pro-. green on a more, soled basis than here- torere may be expected. The Cariboo hydraulic claim, on Tune 18, cleaned up, after a run of 53 .days and 16 boars, gold to the. value ,of $60,- 000, Owing to the light snowfall last winter there ia danger that the supply of water will not hold out. Engineer Swan has completed the survey of the trail up Cariboo creek, from Benton to Blue Grouse creek. Gold Conauessitsner Graham, of Revel - stake, aina Recorder Fanquier, of Na- kusp, began operation on the building of the. road on Friday, says the Ross - lender. There is a good opportunity, for prospectors to earn a grubstake by a job on the road with which to go prospecting in the new rich region of Cariboo creek basin. Heretofore only a tedious horse trail has Leen the means 01 getting In there. Tins waggon road will be ten miles to length to tbe centre of the large basin, about 20 miles by .10. Cariboo creek. has several creeks jocnings the main stream, placer gold found in the beds of which led to quite a, little excitement three years ago when many quartz claims were located along the streams, but not un - La last year did the prospectors get far enough up among thet gabbro and pro.. phyry to fend the rich ores that were struts& last summer. A. form; of men .went un to the Sil- ver Nugget, on Eight Mile, thief 'week. It will he remembered that a dis- astrou.s snow slide. last March caused developments work to be suspended for the time, says the Sloza,n City Pioneer. Hugh Sutherland, of Hudson Bay railroadfame, who has a bond on the property for s30,000, is in the eity, and luta given out the infor- mation that he intends, to put a steam hoisting plant on the property im- mediately. The bond on the Silver Nugget expires in September. Concentrators will be thick around Sandon in a short time, says the Sto- ma City Pioneer. The Ruth mines will put one, in this year, and. the Slocan Star Company has surveyed a site at Cody for one to treat the ore from theta Noonday property. This has now a. tunnel orf 700 feet, and. its in good concentrating ore, of which it has a large quantity on hand. It has also about 150 tans of clean high grade ore on the dump, ready for shspment. The, reported sale of the Ottawa, itt the Leedom -a county, near Trout Lake, is confirmed, says the liosslander. The property was sold by White & Schultz to John Thomas, of Tacoma, manager of the British Columbia Exploration Company. The. consideration was $20,- 000, and the sale was made through Joe Young. Samples from the Ottawa show great riehness. it is located on a contact Letween lituiestone and slate. The Ottawa veal es well defined, though small, antt assays went as high as 1,250 ounces of silver and as low as 150 GUAO&S, with, 60 per cent. copper and about $28 in gold. No assay was made for copper, though the rook gives strong copper indications. There are said to be several promis- ing properties on the same ledge on which ie the Ottawa. Among these are the Towser, Silver Gup and Sunshine, belonging to the Horne -Payne syndi- cate, of London, which are now being developed. The work so far done by this company shows the veins to be continuous and permanent. The latter company leas recently purchased the Broadway for $15,000, the Bad Shot group for e150,000 and the True Fissure fee the sum of $50,000. WO1VEAN'S WEAKNESS. Mrs. Benham, -What were the last words of Mary Queen. of Scots? Benham -I suppose she asked if her head was an the bleak straight. seeteetefasX2(0.3FILMaM.... Tho eta fade ethane s ,ine‘4.ereat'.-77he of selaler erelNetafteargcr ae.e.i..seeseseeee. sisteissettelli illiallelella11111110111elles moue EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, SEE THAT II HE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE ...—.. 0 F.— IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTTATI OF s! ORIA Castor's is pat up in onenize bottles only. /1 is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to solt you anything oleo on the plea or promise that it t• is "jest as good" and "will answer every per- pose" Aar Ste that you get 0A -13 -T -0 -E -I -At see dly? tignstets troy sleek af:e7/79r"""""u".w ie te The ho - s „ of Wrapper. rilMargagnMa=a2=a211322MMISMitnanall ALLIED AMIE BRITAIN, 16.••••• GERMANY AND RUSSIA TO CHECK HER IN THE ORIENT. The Object of the Raiser's Visit I or the Oeuv- re Versualiate a Distinct Sluderstnadilig - An Entente Whit France Doped For. A despatob. from. Berlin. says ;-The main business of serious import to be transacted during Emperor 'William's visit to the Czar svill be the foaraula- tion of a distinct understanding be- tween Russia. and Germany in regard to a frankly anti-British uolley in tbe Orient, especially in connection. with Japan and. Celina. In the eyelet of possible complications arising from the critical situation. la India, Emperor pledge himeelf systematic- ally to support Russian interests iU that part of the world. This policy, in the main, is approved bir Prince Hoban- lohe,, the Imperial Chancellor, and it is (hoped will further isolate Great Brit- ais'itf.LithistuswseliaihrOfbelherpianfrifueisaeleoinPrfuelliv-- our of Gereno.ny in the event of an- nexation plans maturing in Samoa and Meese -there. The litiperor bopes, not- withstanding the natural jealousy of Fra.noe growing out of this programme, that an entente with the French Re- pe.blio will in most cases be possible also. It was owing to this outspoken anti-British prograinme, the outlines of which were sketched et the meeting be- tween. Emperor William and the -Czar at Breslau in 1896. that his Majesty deemed it best to show a great deal of reserve en regard. to taw Queen's jub- ilee, and. the retiring attitude of the German Embassy in London during the festivities was due to the same cause On the occasion of the recent visit of Prince Hothenlohe and Baron von Bulow to Prince Bismarc& this matter was disoussed at some length, and it is claimed that tbe ex -Chancellor en- dorsed the programme. HIS SEVENTEENTH QUESTION. Little Clarence -Pal Mr. Callipeas-Fell, ray son? • Little Clarence -Is postage -stamp col- lecting a profession or a disease 1 A HARDER JOURNEY. Van Ishe-There's a. man who began at the foot of the ladder and worked his way up. Perdita-He doesn't look half so used up as the man next to lam, who began at the top of tlee ladder and slid down. IteVelahleaelta-lin.einteleareansaotannesegere CARTER'S ITTLZ IVER PIUS. #0.1 • Sick Headaoheand rol evo ail the troubles dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, nausea. Drowsiness Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curlug eeSe. Headache, yet CanTert'a LIMA LIVER Pitts are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whilo they alto correct all dlsordero of the stomach, stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they. only cured see; .Lobe they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint, but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them wilt find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without therm But after all sick head is ehe bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LIT= LIVER PILLS are very small and ve17 easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripo or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by ruaiL CAREE tillDI011ill 00., New Yak. Small M. Imall Dm Small Um voN SEALOCADDies J.. UNDER ME SUPERVISION 'rtA PL' "MONSOON" TEA.... 1. packed under the supervision of the Tea grower", and is advertised and sold by them as a sample of the bests quaiities of Indian and Ceylon 'Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put ue in sealed caddies of ee lb„ 1 Ib. and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40c., 60c. and 60c. STEEL, RAYTER & CO., Front St„ Toronto, 4. 'Z,,.zyN THE DIETZ ')DRIVING LAMR is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to. It burns kerosene and gives apowerful clearwhite light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of you!smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer for the "Dietz." We Issue 3 special Catalogue of this Lamp: and. it you ever prowl amen1. after night -fall. it will interest yeu, 'Tis mailed free. R.U. ran= CO., 60 rolled St., New York. Special tonna to Canacian otstemern, eM CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPPITION SICK NENTHE ...Au. LIVER TROUBLES THE DISTINCTION WAS THERE. ' , "You wonten," said he, in the 'iamb'', aria exasperatilag way a mai has o saying those two words, "You women buy bargain things aeoause they are e do not," SC1.44 e.ke "ItY8 buy cheap [tangs because they art lin 0.11)4.". The lietinction ane almost too suPaire for the Muttering neaseuline intelleot, but ik I t — - / -_ liVege tablePrep arationforAs- similating theTood antillegttia-- IIV the Stomachs annowels of • ( , , , `` PromotesDigestion,Cleerful- nesstmatestOontain_§xither prinum,Morphine nor Niterai. INTOT NA -11C OTIC. .,-,-.----... .fts;streOlif.DTAWISZPITGIZR ,l,,48,a- Adruosda, — Aire &id • it,pperinert .. 131,-Parzare.foitx 4 N.743 Sled .. rlerieet Seem-. ittareyeseeneata Aperfert Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomacn,Diarrixoea, Worms,ConvuLsions,Feverish- ' ness andLoss or SLEEP. TacSimile Signature of arreeel",(7-e;r4 NEW YORK. .. ....r, 't . '''44 wto,,,,z1Nti EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, SEE THAT II HE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE ...—.. 0 F.— IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTTATI OF s! ORIA Castor's is pat up in onenize bottles only. /1 is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to solt you anything oleo on the plea or promise that it t• is "jest as good" and "will answer every per- pose" Aar Ste that you get 0A -13 -T -0 -E -I -At see dly? tignstets troy sleek af:e7/79r"""""u".w ie te The ho - s „ of Wrapper. rilMargagnMa=a2=a211322MMISMitnanall ALLIED AMIE BRITAIN, 16.••••• GERMANY AND RUSSIA TO CHECK HER IN THE ORIENT. The Object of the Raiser's Visit I or the Oeuv- re Versualiate a Distinct Sluderstnadilig - An Entente Whit France Doped For. A despatob. from. Berlin. says ;-The main business of serious import to be transacted during Emperor 'William's visit to the Czar svill be the foaraula- tion of a distinct understanding be- tween Russia. and Germany in regard to a frankly anti-British uolley in tbe Orient, especially in connection. with Japan and. Celina. In the eyelet of possible complications arising from the critical situation. la India, Emperor pledge himeelf systematic- ally to support Russian interests iU that part of the world. This policy, in the main, is approved bir Prince Hoban- lohe,, the Imperial Chancellor, and it is (hoped will further isolate Great Brit- ais'itf.LithistuswseliaihrOfbelherpianfrifueisaeleoinPrfuelliv-- our of Gereno.ny in the event of an- nexation plans maturing in Samoa and Meese -there. The litiperor bopes, not- withstanding the natural jealousy of Fra.noe growing out of this programme, that an entente with the French Re- pe.blio will in most cases be possible also. It was owing to this outspoken anti-British prograinme, the outlines of which were sketched et the meeting be- tween. Emperor William and the -Czar at Breslau in 1896. that his Majesty deemed it best to show a great deal of reserve en regard. to taw Queen's jub- ilee, and. the retiring attitude of the German Embassy in London during the festivities was due to the same cause On the occasion of the recent visit of Prince Hothenlohe and Baron von Bulow to Prince Bismarc& this matter was disoussed at some length, and it is claimed that tbe ex -Chancellor en- dorsed the programme. HIS SEVENTEENTH QUESTION. Little Clarence -Pal Mr. Callipeas-Fell, ray son? • Little Clarence -Is postage -stamp col- lecting a profession or a disease 1 A HARDER JOURNEY. Van Ishe-There's a. man who began at the foot of the ladder and worked his way up. Perdita-He doesn't look half so used up as the man next to lam, who began at the top of tlee ladder and slid down. IteVelahleaelta-lin.einteleareansaotannesegere CARTER'S ITTLZ IVER PIUS. #0.1 • Sick Headaoheand rol evo ail the troubles dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, nausea. Drowsiness Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curlug eeSe. Headache, yet CanTert'a LIMA LIVER Pitts are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, whilo they alto correct all dlsordero of the stomach, stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they. only cured see; .Lobe they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint, but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them wilt find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without therm But after all sick head is ehe bane of so many lives that here Is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S LIT= LIVER PILLS are very small and ve17 easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripo or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; five for 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by ruaiL CAREE tillDI011ill 00., New Yak. Small M. Imall Dm Small Um voN SEALOCADDies J.. UNDER ME SUPERVISION 'rtA PL' "MONSOON" TEA.... 1. packed under the supervision of the Tea grower", and is advertised and sold by them as a sample of the bests quaiities of Indian and Ceylon 'Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put ue in sealed caddies of ee lb„ 1 Ib. and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40c., 60c. and 60c. STEEL, RAYTER & CO., Front St„ Toronto, 4. 'Z,,.zyN THE DIETZ ')DRIVING LAMR is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to. It burns kerosene and gives apowerful clearwhite light, and will neither blow nor jar out. When out driving with it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of you!smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had. ask your dealer for the "Dietz." We Issue 3 special Catalogue of this Lamp: and. it you ever prowl amen1. after night -fall. it will interest yeu, 'Tis mailed free. R.U. ran= CO., 60 rolled St., New York. Special tonna to Canacian otstemern, eM CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPPITION SICK NENTHE ...Au. LIVER TROUBLES THE DISTINCTION WAS THERE. ' , "You wonten," said he, in the 'iamb'', aria exasperatilag way a mai has o saying those two words, "You women buy bargain things aeoause they are e do not," SC1.44 e.ke "ItY8 buy cheap [tangs because they art lin 0.11)4.". The lietinction ane almost too suPaire for the Muttering neaseuline intelleot, but ik