Exeter Times, 1897-9-9, Page 5• r TH; . EXETER TIMES WOW Mr. James Dickson, a registry office I Exeter Municipal Council Exeter Electric Light ! employe, at Goderich, who has been I' AND POWER co., (LIMITED) Notice of Oates. The following rates will be charged by the above company for the early and late service they propose giving tho town. Hoiuse Lighting.. Main Hall $3._10 per annum per 16 c. p. (or 4//5's cent por night 3. parlor $2.80 per annum per 16 c. p. (or 7/IO's cent por night.) Each subsequent parlor lamp $L80, (or 1 cent per night.) Dining runt $2.75 per annum 16 c. p. Kitchen - - $2.75 i° „ „ f° -Upstairs Hall $2.00 ;: " " " (or 3/5's cent per night.) Sparebedroom$1.50 per annum 16c. p. (or ?i cont por night.) Ordinary bedroom $1.75 per annum 16 c. p. Cellar - 00 cents per annum 8 c. p. Commercial Lighting, 1 to 5 lights $4.50 per annum 16 e. p. (or 11/5 cent per night.) to 10 lights $4.40 per annum. 16 c. p. 10 to 15 " $4.25 " " 15to20 " $4.10 " 20 to 25 " $4.00 " " 'd • 25 plus $3.90 Wiring. General practise has, proved it to bo more I+atistacfm•y for onnwnmm• to num nverything within his own walls. Tho foregoing low rates Uwe been figured on this basis, and in order to i ecnro>I them the following nominal initial charges aro nide Icor wiring with lamp com- pleto Open or cleat, suitable for stores $1.35 per light. Concealed, suitable for residence $1,70 per light, Payable in monthly instalments, for A: period of 10 months, or $1.60 for concealed work and 1.25 for cleat work, cash on starting of lights. For further particulars apply to R. C. C. TREMAINE, Manager. THTRSDAY, SEPT. 0th, 1897. Local and District News The re -opening of Knox church, {Goderich, will possibly be postponed to the 19th. Mrs. Sir. Logan has returned to her home in Carberry, Man„ after spend- ing a few months in Isgtnoudville. Mr. J. Horton, of Leehurn, has a two year old holstein li'ifer, with twin heifer calves, both doing well. SVe are sorry to Hear that Mr. Brighton, Brinsley, still continues very low, Mr. Alf Callum has been en- gagad as nurse. Mr. John Armstrong,of the 7th con., McGillivray, still continues very low. Bis many friends hope to hear of his seed v speedy recovery. . Y Rev. Dr. Meldrum, accompanied by his wife and two children, left God- erich on Monday for St. Pan], Minn., to resume charge of his congregation. The ten mile handicap road race tut Seaforth last Friday evening was )von by Balciwiu, ('hick 13e11 being second And G. Chesney third. The race was ion in 30minntes. Wingltaln is hutting down consider- able granolithie sidewalk. Mr. Gra- ham is doing the work for 10 cents a foot, about half what he charged Exeter a few years ago. Besides the six churches and S. A Barracks, services are being held in tent at the north end of Winghai by the brethren, and in a tent at th south end by the Christian Workers. The many friends of Mr. R. He wood, of Clinton, will learn with r gret that his health is somewhat pre various and that he has sotenution of attending the Gravenhurst Sani- tarium. Some 20 or 30 men were at work on the Goderich breakwater this week, xnostly engaged in taking out the gravel, which is now loaded on scowS and towed by the tug, Daisy, out into the lake. We are pleased to see by the Uni- versity Matriculation list that Mr. Milton A. Buchanan, of Zurich headed the list in modern languages, standing first in French, first in grammar, well up in the first class in English, and easily head of the department. Mr. Donald Johnston, ticket agent at the G. T. It., Goderich, had bis bicycle stolen on Thursday night. He was n attending meeting n of the ase - ball club, an 1 a whilst upstairs some- body took the wheel. So far the police have been unable to get any trace of it. Postmasters are now instructed to bold letters thirty days, unless the printed notice on the corner of the envelope asks then to be returned sooner to the person who sent it. We have a large stock of envelopes on hand at present, andrintin is. our business. We can furnish you enve- lopes in any quantity, printed, almost as cheap as you can buy thein else- where. • On Tuesday another old resident of Tuekersmith passed away in the per- son of Mrs. Elliott Fairbairn, in her 61tlh year.. Death was caused by can- cer of the stomach. She married Mr Fairbairn and settled on the farm near Hensall very early, where sho died. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian chureb. Deceased leaves 6 sons and 7 daughters, besides her highly respected husband, to month her loss. On Thursday morning Mrs. th-aelis, of Clinton, hacl a Wonderfully narrow escape from what threatened tobe a serious accident. She got on the Toronto train to bid her daughter good bye and did not succeed in getting off until after the train was under full headway, when she jumped :tt the London road crossing. Sht- rolled directly under the • car, the wheels brushing her clothes, but fortunately doing her no injury beyo lig .,t severe shaking up. A peculiar accident happened on the tarn rented'by Mr. David Lindsay, a', , Porte) s,Hill, on €i ttnrd.ty . They were imloading grain, and patting it on a scaffold right over. the barn loon, the team astanding beneath it Ills. I,iiulsa and Robert Marshall weti on the scaffold, when it collided ; fortunately the team had turned to One' side, or at would likely have, been. killed, Mr. Lindsay had to, be dug. out frons the . grain. The wegonand rack were bad - laid up with' typhoid fever the last two months, is able to be around again. The Berkwell farm, adjoining Lon- desboro containing about 76 acres was put up for sale Tuesday afternoon. There was a very small attendance, only one person from adistance being present. The highest offer was only $2300, and this below the reserve bid, The Public Works Committee, of Goderich council was held on Tuesday evening to open tenders for the sewer extension. Six tenders were opened ranging in amount from $4677 to $5102, the lowest tender coining from Graham, Stevenson & Finanee, of Lon- don and Port Huron. The many friends in Brucefield, of Miss Bessie .Ross, of Clinton, will be pleased to learn that she has secured an excellent situation in Michigan as General Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., and also as superintendent of a Home for reclaiming straying girls and women in that state. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Naegle of Auburn have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their yonn est child, Lorne Leslie, who wasburied Saturday -On Friday evening last a large num- ber of friends and acquaintances took the house of Thos. Radcliffe of Auburn by storm, andpresentedMiss Jean Rat- cliffe, the retiring organist of ICnox church of that village, with an elegant gold watch and chain and a gold pen, together with a beautiful address. Miss Ratcliffe departed on Monday for Sault Ste, Marie. Another much respected resident of Hay Township passed away on Tues- day of last week in his 7•1th year, in. tho person of Win. Curry, who was born near New Glasgow, Quebec, and came out west when quite young, sett- ling near Hillsgreen where he died. Ile joined the Methodist church solve year ago and has taken great interest in religious )natters. About six weeks age lie was taken ill but was not con- fined to his 1)ed till two weeks ago, when he became worse and gradually sank. He leaves a wife and six child- ren. We regret to record the death of one in the prime of life, Lydia M. Cameron wife of Thos. Fraser, of con, 3. Stan- ley, at the early age of 38 years. She took'ill with pleurisy on Wednesday, and 'gradually sank until Saturday evening, when death gave release, Mrs. Fraser was a daughter of Malcom Cameron, formerly of Stanley, but now living in Southern Dakota. The fruit of fifteen years of married life is a family of four sons and three daugh- ters, the youngest son three weeks old at the time of her death. This rather a singular circumstance that both the Secretary and President of the South Huron Reform Association should be suddenly deprived of their wives by c' a death, (Mr. sus tLI•cl U. 1t1 his some a ,11 t 1 �, so 1 time ago,) and all who know Mr. Fraser will keenly sympathise with him in this heart -breaking bereave- ment. COULDN'T WRITE HIS NAME. Nerves Shattered-Busine:e Gone- I•Iope Gone -A Physical Wreck -- Restored Completely by South. Amer- ican Nervine. "Two years ago I was completely rostrated with nervous debility. I was so completely wrecked that I bad to quit bnsiness. I tried best physi cians, and numerous treatments and proprietary remedies with no relief. Reading testimonials of wonderful cures effected by South American Ner- vine I decided to give it a trial. Before I had taken half a bottle I received great benefit. I have taken several bottles, and feel justified in stating that it is a wonderful medicine. Be- fore taking it niy nerves were so badly battered I could not sign my name ibly. I feel that too much can not be said in praise of it." E. Errett.-i Merrickville, Ont. Sold by C. LUTz. THEY DO 000D1 WORK. The following letter tolls what people think about Laxa Liver Pills : DEAR SIRS. -I gladly testify to the viriures of Laxa Liver Pills. 1 used to be troubled with serero headaches and constipation for a long time. and took these pills hoping for a cure,and niy hopes were rapidly fulfilled. nave found them a mover failing remedy and heartily re- commend them. Signed, MISS S. LAWSON, Moncton. N. B. On Friday evening Sept. 10, a public meeting of the electors will be held in the Town Hall Parkhill at which ad- dresses will be delivered by J. P. Whit- ney,M. P. P., A. Miscampbell,M.P. P., Col. Matheson, M. P. P., J. W. St. John, M. P. P., Thos. Kingwood, M. 1'. P. At Fredericton, N. B., yesterday, a Halifax base ballist named Sullivan fell while running to catch a ball and hart himself in the chest and heart so seriously that he is in a critical condition, and his recovery is extreme- ly doubtful. Precepts and Warnings for I hose Who Would Dye Well Let thy faith be fixed in the wonder- ful transforming powers of Diamond Dyes; the results they give will cheer thine heart. Never allow any interest or wily dealer to recommend ror thy use some inferior or imitation make of Dye. If thouwilt hearken to his words, he will rejoice at thy simplicity of character and will delight himself over thy wrath and bitter disappointment. If thou wouldst avoid handling poisonous ingredients, use only the Diamond Dyes for thy home dyeing work; they are the only harmless and pure dyes. When times are hard and money scarce, thineheart often craves for new and stylish colors and garments. Diamond Dyes magic By the use of the Y thy wishes cutis be fully ' realized, be- cause Diamond Dyes recreate old dresses and make. them to look k like new. If thou wodidst have a smiling face a happy heart and an easy mind,, do thy coloring at all seasons of the year with the Diamond Dyes; they never cause worry or grief to those who make use.of theme. The Council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 3rd Sept„ 1897. All present. Min- utes of previous meeting read and con- firmed. Rollins -Snell -That the Reeve and Clerk execute a deed for land for dum- ping ground from Wm. Bawden, and an order be granted for $60 in pay- ment for two acres of land therein specified. -Carried. Dauncey--Rollins- That orders be ranted for the following stuns viz R. Parsons, $24.80 night watch ser- vice to 1st Sept. ; J. W. Creech, $5.44 labor breaking stone ; J. D. Atkinson, $5.25 street watering to date. --=Car- ried. Tenders for gravel were examined. Taylor-Dauncey-That the tender of George Ford being the lowest be accepted. -Carried. Thos. Welsh to break 5 cords of stone. A by -law to prevent riding bicycles on sidewalks after sun -set was duly read and passed on motion of A. J. Rollins, seconded by 0. Snell. Taylor - Rollins - That seventeen mills on the dollar be the amount levied on the assessment of the village of Exeter for the year 1897, and that the proceeds of one mill of this amount be for the purpose of meeting the debenture debt on the Town Hall and placed at interest as a sinking fund from year to year until the debt be - carnes due. -Carried. • Snell-:Dauncey-That the Council adjourn until the 3rd Friday in Sept. at 8 o'clock p. m, -Carried. M. EMMETT, CLERK. More cases of sick headache, bib iousness, constipation, can be cared in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any other means, The Citizens Electric Light Co.,Wat- ford, have their plant in operation. They use the alternating system, and the plant has a capacity of 800 lights, 10 candle power. An arc dynamo has been added, using lamps of 2000 candle power. Watford is probably the only town in Canada where two electric plants are running at the same' time. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Jiines, Ohio, writes: I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the yast fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pill's dicl me more good than all the rest. ONTARIO GOLD FIELDS RICH DEPOSITS FOUND IN THE MICHIPICOTEN DISTRICT. The Report oProf.p of McKenzie, n IHiiieal- ogical Expert -Ills Favorable Opinion of the Prospeets-what the Indians Say. New York, Sept, 7.-A special de- spatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, says: The value of the discoveries along the Michipicoten river in Ontario in- creases every day, and it is row known that the first reports from there, which told of surprisingly rich showings of gold, were afterward discredited by a carefully circulated report intended to ive the discoverers time to get a Cana - Ian land grant covering seven forty -acre acts. The Government sent Prof. Alex - der McKenzie, the expert on mineral- o , to the field, and he returned hero on day night. In a statement, which he h written out, he said that he had b n all over the new district, and he h never seen a place where indications w so promising. He spent two weeks M eking a careful examination of the ]a d, and in all the places visited he fo nd evidences of paying veins of q rtz. Every sample he obtained showed t presence of coarse gold. He says that s panning experiments proved that here was gold enough in many of the tributaries of the Michipicoten river to warrant running a mill. The professor is enthusiastic over the results of his visit, and says that the Michipicoten deposits are not isolated as is often the case, but that they extend over a large territory. When he was here, previous to going to the Miohipieoten district, ho belittled the find, and said it would amount to noth- ing. While prospecting in this district is a bard undertaking, owing to the heavy growth of spruce and tamarack over the deposits, and the presence of moss from six to eight inches thick, yet the region is easily accessible. There are none of the hardships incident to a trip to the Klondike. For more than a week prospecting parties have been pouring into the new district from here, and the Indians, ac- cording to reports which come back, pro- fess to have information which will lead to still richer discoveries along the shores of Manitou and Dog lakes, to the north of the present fields. The country in which the finds have been made is prac- tically an unexplored wilderness, but the Indians say that pay dirt can be found along the two hundred streams pouring into tho valley, some of thein only little brooks. There are now about 300 persons on the ground, and this is the best sea- son of the year to prospect in that coun- try, as the black :flies and mosquitoes are gone. Detroit, Sept. 0.-A special despatch was received to -day by The Evening News Prom Wawa City, the newly laid - out town in the Michipicoten gold coun- try on Lake Wawa, Ontario. The embryo town is located in the one narrow pass which leads to Lake Wawa from the landing plane on the shore of Lake Su- perior, which is but six miles from ithe gold discoveries. As to the gold discover- ies developing to anything like the indi- cations given, it can be said that quartz has boon found that assays over 3300 a ton. It is found not in one section but in different paces extending over several thousand acres. Quartz has been found here containing free gold in chunks as big as kernels of wheat -gold in its pure formwhich does not have to be subjected to a chemical process to free ft from the rocks. Prospectors every day are finding specimens that assay $50 a ton. Probably one hundred prospectors are to -day work- ing in the Ply hills. Another a of 25 reached here yesterday afternoon. Several thousand acres have already been claimed, but there are all kinds of disputes about priority of claims and nobody can tell who will get the: patent from the Govern- ment. The country where the discoveries ' were inane has never been opened for settlement. The only inhabitants ire In- dians and Hudson Bay trader -s?. abd'they are few. Bitter Disappointment' Jersey cow for sale Registered, best breeding, rising five years old. Color, solid light fawn. Apply at (31) EXETER C.aniezxgr. And Family Grief That Can Be Avoided. Paine's Celery Compound Brings Health, Joy and Happiness. You are willing to confess, poor suff- erer, that you have been bitterly dis- appointed with past efforts, and that in your estimation your future seems dark and gloomy. You and your friends alone are to blame if disease is tightening its chain around you, making you a sure captive for the dark and dreaded grave. Why keep a wife or husband in fev- erish anxiety, daily bending over you with tearful eyes and almost broken heart? Why cause your children's voices to be hushed, and their childish sports and games tobe disregarded and cast aside? They certainly cannot en- joy life when they see a father or mother in the agonies of suffering and deep in mental despair. Yon can change the scene by chang- ing and bettering your physical con- dition. In other words, you eau be cured and made well again by the use of Paine's Celery Compound. Your efforts, up to the present, to throw off the encircling and deadly bonds of disease have been vain and futile. Your doctors well meaning work has not been productive of cheer- ing results, and you are wasting money on medicines that can never meet your case. Being assured of new health and life by the use of Paine's Celery Compound you are sinning against heaven and false to your faintly and friends if you refuse to make trial of the great agency that has saved thousands in the past. Paine's Celery Compound is the grandest disease banisher that medical science ever devised, and has the in- dorsation of our best doctors, lawyers, public men, merchants and others. Its curing powers. are wonderful, prompt and sure, and it keeps every Ivan and woman permanently cured. 'l>lr 8 ET REPORTS. Exeter, September 8th. i8ST. Wheat per bushel ... ...83 to 85 Oats Barley....... Peas Butter Tu keys .,. Goose Chickens per lb Ducks ..- Wool.... Dried Apples.. .. Pork dressed..... g g� Pork live weight $3.50 to $3.00 Hay Por ton .........$ 500 to $6.50 Clover seed.......... .... : $1.00 to ;$5.00 Alsiko clover $$4.50 to 85.00 .... Timothy seed ............. 1.50 to $1.75 London, Sth, 1897. Wheat per bushe ,.. .... ... • 82 to 83 Oats.... .. .22 to 23 Peas.. 12 to 43 Barley...... -22 to 23 Buckwheat ....23 to 31 Rye ...,29 to 30 Corn 28 to 36 Beans ........ 25 to 35 Butter .... 11 to 19 Ducks ........ 75 to 80 Turkeys por 1b.... 10 to 12 Geese per lb .9 to 10 Chickens 30 to 50 Choose 8 to 8 Potatoes por bag ..40 to 60 Hay per ton ...$ 4.50 to $ 5.00 Pork per cwt.. .. $4.00 to $1.50 ...22 to 23 :23 to ''4 ..42 to 43 ...11 to 12 12 to 9 44 to 4 5 to 5 17 to 18 .} to 23 1.75 to -.00 HEART HOPE. Raised in an Instant After the use of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart - A Potent Liquid Remedy -And No Case TooAcute for Immediate Relief andCertain Cure. "For fifteen years 1 was a great sufferer from heart disease. All this while, I was in the hands of one of our best physicians, from whom t'be only eucoui'agelvent I could obtain was that I was, liable to drop off at any moment. I had many times read of cures made by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. Was induced to try a bottle of this cure, and to my surprise the very first dose gave Inc immediate relief: I felt encouraged and persisted. Before the first bottle was taken the dropsy, which had sorely troubled me, had dis- appeared, and when I had completed my second bottle I felt as well as I had ever felt." Mrs. John A. James, Wiarton. Sold by C. Ltrrz. . While going to his sister's house in Sarnia on Thursday night, a young man named Moffat, of Saginaw, was waylaid by two men, who relieved him of his own and his sister's pocketbooks and the money they contamed They also took a diamond ring, anecktie pin and numerous other articles. WOULD YOU LIKE A BICYCLE ----1+- " ICYCLEr-+ ORA GOLD WATCH ? 12 STEARNS' 27 . GOLD BICYCLES AND WATCHES ARE Given (Every Away } 1 Morith FOR. . Ask your Grc..: for particuliers or drop a post card to LEVER EROS=, Lir' TORONTO Weed Wanted 100 cords soft wood wanted at once for the Exeter Electric Light plant. Apply to B. 3.O'NE1L, Exeter, Farms For Sale A few good farms for sale cheap - Money to can. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN - Samwell's Block. Exeter. Tenders Wanted 'Fenders will be received by the Exeter Electric Light and Power Co., up to Sept. 16th, for concrete foundation for engine, bricking in of boiler, etc. Plans and specifications may bo seen at any time on application to the under- signed Tho lowest or any t ender not neces- sarily accepted. 1i. 0, C. TRF.MAINE, Man. Village Property For Sale The subscriber offers for sale her brick cot- tage, together with eight lots of land. The property is situated in Exoterinorth, is 10 first class condition throughout, and will bo sold cheap. Apply to MISS JANET MUTTART, On the promises. Hellmaeth Ladies College LONDON, ONT. • FALL TERMS WILL BEGIN ON WEDNESDAY, SEVIEliIBER 15th. Four Graduation Coarses, also Elective Courses, Fees, Board. etc., and Academic Studies 8275 per year. Music Art, etc., extra. A limited number 02 Bursaries (value 325 (0 $100) will be awarded to students at entrance. For calendar address, REV. 14 N. ENGLISH.M A. Prin i For Sale. The village property of the ]ate David Turn- bull, Esq., on 'William street, Exetor.. There aro three lots of land, on which is erected a first class brick house : also a good stable, This is a desirable property for either business man or retired farmer, House can be in- s�iectedatanytime byapplyingon the premises. For further particulars to OBppERyyT IRDINER, (E. 0. Wj Farquhar, P. O. ESTRAY YEAIILING CALVES, -Strayed from Dash- wood, on or about 1st of May, four yearling calves three of them red in color, one abrindle. Each `has a Bolo punched in its right ear. Any person giving information leading to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded by 11HILIP BEAVER. (2-w.) Dashwood I'. 0. `•, - TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND I)R. A. It. KINSMAN. L. ,, D. S., D. D.S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Tenth extracted without pain or Fan - son's Block, West side oeffects. Main at., l2xeter. k a'1 DR. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L. D. S•) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, crownsandgPlato work done in the neatest possible manner, A harmless amtesthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to tho preservat ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite C'on- tral Hotel, Exeter. Ont. THINGS Price, Quality, l Assortment Should enter into the act of buying niore than anything else. If the quality good, assortment com- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. .•� Gidley & son, Opera. 2 -liaise block FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. rownina's sDANIS, The correct place to buy your SHAVING- BRUSHES, CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, . SHAVING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC. Quality unexcelled and prices very low at _Browniag's RE MEMBER That we sell cheap all the time. R 1N Rowe Has the Finest Class of Furniture ever shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of $.usilnetss UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R N ROW E Next door North of 11[al 'muff WON 10 es* a:sa Per Package Chi-A.RETTES 1''v lOcts. IJ1 �� Per Package, CIGARETT 1 S RETAIL EVERYWHERE WESTPLtN F A 1 R London, September gth to 18th, '97. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK AND ADRICURURAL EXHIBITION, The most complete Live Stock Building in America. More improvements and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist Manufac- turer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., etc., specially invented. Entries close September titlt in all Departments Success assured. SIE HASSI:N BEN ALI, The Arab Prince, has been secured to furnish and superintend the stage Attraetions. For Prize Liets, Programme and maps, apply to I.T. COL. Fa B. LEYS, Pres, THOS. A. BROWNE, Secy. ARE YOU SHORT AND FAT ? ARE YOU TALL AND THIN ? If so the only Ready -Made Clothing you can get to fit you perfectly is . . Y Shorey's Make 'y f '� ` If your dealer does not ca Shorey's n]' Y I L. -- Off Sizes get him to order for you. - �s+f��.*t+iii MOM BICYCLES! ET YOUR !�S Are You Interested n Wheels? W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machimes ALWAYS OA HAND. P. S. -Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, Mails street, Exeter. FARMERS! You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, DEi3RING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, , STEEL SULKY' RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Raymond sewing machine Knoll Washer and wringers STOVES. -.•010" Gurney stoves and finances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. "SI.LL" ASIS'eOUR DEALER FOR ICsPure f:� w / \ 1 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM. Recently the eldest son of A. E. Detre. irkton, fell from a ladder sarin. DAWN' At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3; 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of (ilothes or a Single Garment .wt Should Combine now a daps, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for o these inan old and reliable plane, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweets, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- ractive. 8..T. $11711,14. 11,14. Central DR1JG STORE, • Those who have used Winan's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled as a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCRITIC TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder lot horses, best in the mar- ket. always on hand. Also a Cetobenefacto and anent, the. medicine 80 suc. oessfully used by Mr. Chas. Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating , and curing -Tarious diseases, For Sale Co LUT7' Ml;