Exeter Times, 1897-9-9, Page 111V— se& xrirr HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. s. TWENTY—FOURTH YEAR NO. 2. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER, 9th, 1897. Cut in two and one half given away. R. S. FORD 84 CO, Woodharri. 160/1131MSKE51111ff We will continue our OX1CALII1NO SALE --,-"s16-4111-4110-- 1317zognort, COOS For two weeks longer and during thatstime we will sell manylines at exactly half price. This means a loss to us, but our PALL STOCK will soon be here and we must and will make room. If you wish to make money don't fail to attend this clearing sale. R. 8. FORD & 00. VIIII••••11.11101.10.11•••••••1••••••••••••Mi Oentralla -SEPT. Gth.,-A fresh ear ofiLinie arrived ttt ,Centralia, C. W. SMITH. BRIM -L-1% E. Uandford and wife -returned on Monday from their sum- mer's outing at Goderich, Clinton and ,Grand number from here ;took fair tickets to Toronto. this week., —Jas. Delgaty and wife were away Saturday and Sunday. Thos. Mc- Cann visited our town ou Monday, Re rides it bike.—A.. Hicks shipped. about 200 bushels of white beans this week.—Handford & Elliott sold seven 'horses which went to Seaforth this Week, and purrhased 12 more for =- ether market.—Billy Gorby can ride it mile in 2 minutes on his bike. Billy is it scorcher.—A- meeting of the dir- ectors of the cheese factory was held .on Friday (woning and the advisability ,of operating the factory through the avinter monthwas discassed. meeting will be held later on in the ,same interest.—A number of delegates from here attended the convention in Granton on Tuesday.—Mrs. Hanlon is improving in health, • OlsTE _SOURCE OF PAIN AND SUFFERING UNDER HUMAN CONTROL. The remedy known as South Ameri- ‘can Kidney Cure never fails to give relief in six weeks in ll derangements of the kidneys or bladder. Bright's dise asealiabetes,infl emulation or ulcer- ation of, the kidneys, nenralgia, con- .sumption hemorrhage and catarrh of the kidiTeys, inflammation of the blad- der etc. It purifies and regulates the urin e, removes sediment in urine and prey mats scalding. It is worth a times - and times its coattfor prostrate troubles in the old, such as enlargement, in - nom motion and ulceration of the pros- trate gland. Sold by C. Tarn. Brarrtfor GAL,VANIZIBEI STEEL WIND- MILLS For POWER and PUMPINCir with PATENT BOLLER and BALA, B A RING'S .:Manufactured by GOOLD, SHAPLEY . and MUIR 00. Our I cliceil Wiracl Mills have made e great name throughout Can- ada, and are unsurpassed for • quality or power. They are the only Wheels with the patent Roller- and Ball -Beayings, and thw only power mills :absolutely safe, for they cannot run away. Send for illustrated circular. . PFifty mills erected in 'Exeter and -vicinity last year, all of which have given satisfaction. Ali these mills are .erected and set running by practical experts and we can fully .guarantee -them. • GUARANTEE=_-_-; Steel Power Wind Mins have conic to &AY And the rapid increase of our trade is sure ovr ;donee that Canadians are wide awake in their Appreciation a their value. Some skeptics fen, that a cutting -box or grinder cannot be run with a wind mill ; but we positively guarantee . our 12 -.foot mill to drive any ordinary cutting - box, or our Post Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen mile wind ; and the 14 -foot wheel gives nearly .double the power of a 12 -foot, and will run .our Maple.Lear. Grinder to perfection.Exper- dience proves that there is sufficient -good wind to give power for all rdinary farm work. In ,addition to the above maehines, the root pul. 'per, or anylight Machinery, canbe driven; and, by using a.,pumping attachment, ,wil,ter eau 'be pumped as well. ' THE CEBEBBATED '"NiaDI6 Leal Grimier" cps e Ten inch rever- ,.sible plates, relief :springs, ball bear- ing plates, sbake -feed, grinds fine , and fast. Send for cirmila,r. For ,prices and terms, , address, S. LANG_ Ag"Lit :For. Huron Middlesex and Perth.' Exeter, Rensall H. .1'. 1). COOKE. Mate with Gamow 6r. Protidfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Henson, Ont. G. 3-, Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, Commissioner, Fire Maumee agent, and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in- terest. Office at the Post.ofilee, Hensel]. Great sale of clothing, 200 suitn 111114 I:0 to make room for spring goods. The head cut clean off old prices. The largest stock !of dishes in town. All must be sold to make room for X-mas goods. Give us a call and ask our prices. Try our new teas. JOE; CASE, itelestu. Bnantes.—Warm weather, farmers busy, and business dull. --83 cents per bushel is the price paid for wheat, while other cereals range same as last week. —Mrs. Wm. Elder and daughter, who recently went to Manitoba on it visit, have returned home. They report enjoying the trip and say that Manitoba is a glorious country. —Joseph Case and wife visited Exeter on Sunday and heard Rey. Canon Dann preach.—A. Murdock &; Co., have moved their boot and shoe stock. in W. Elder's old, stand, and now lia,ve the finest shoe store in the county. --G. F. Arnold will move into the premises vacated by Murdock & Co., for the time being, until his store is completed.—Miss Lovina Cook has re-. turned from a pleasant visit among friends in Detroit.—A 'number of the young folk attended the games in. Exeter on Monday, and pronounce the races it failure. ---Mrs Chapman, of Teeswater, visited Mrs. Erastus Ren- nie the past week.—John &sae, who is retiring from the boot and. shoe business will devote his whole atten- tion to the gas light for which he is agent. —A. Dent, of Mitchell, is still in town looking after G. J. Sutherland's business during his absence.—Miss Maud DeLion was in the village this week renewing acquaintances.—Miss Ramsay, of Exeter, visited. her cousin, Mrs. Patterson, over Sunday.—Sidney Smith, of Clinton, is conducting J. O. Stoneman's business, during his absence on it holiday trip. --Maurice Walker, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town.—Ogle Johnston, who was taken suddenly ill , while in Detroit some weeks ago returned home on Monday: although able to walk about is not well enough to resume work.—H. Arnold. and wife spent Sunday in Ailsa Oraig.—Mr. and. Mrs. 0. A. Mc- Donell, spent:Stinday in Exeter.—Miss Hicks, of London, is visiting at &isn't Hum eson's.—William Baird and sister and Miss Rosser, of Toronto, were guests at H. Arnold's last week.— Wm. Moore entertained 4 number of young friends on Monday evening.— While wheeling on Friday O. A. Mc- Donell collided with a Fig tes King st. No damage was done. — The foundation of Bell's proposed new block is in, and. the brick work will be proceeded with at once.—Miss Hattie Stitherla,nd visited friends in Clinton on Tuesday.—Among those who left on Tuesday for the Toronto fair are :— J. E. IVIcDonell, Jas. Petty, William Elder, Dr.I Ma,cdiarmid, Miss Stein- bach Miss Lou Moir, Rev. Mills, Robt. McArthur, and daughter, Miss John- ston. There were fifteen tickets sold. —Mr. Paul and Mr. Stems, both of Seaforth, moved to town this week and are working in the flax mill.—R.' Coed has the gold fever, and was in Wingham Tuesday on it prospecting tour. There has been a rich mine dis- covered there. — Mr. Neelands has moved into one of Jas. Petty's houses. Rev. Henderson was in London on Monday on business.—jas. McArthur and Miss Alice, daughter of Richard Welsh, town, were joined in wedlock by Rev.. Mr. Kerr pp Tuesday after- noon, at the residence of the bride's parents. Jas. Bell, cousin,' assisted ,the groom, while Miss Emly • Welsh, sister of the bride, actedas brides= maid. The young couple were driven •to the depot, where they took the six o'clock train, amid .showers of rice and old slippers, for a honeymoon trip - to Torontoaliciffeln and other places. • —Miss Macarthtir, of London, is • viit- ing her brother, John Macarthur.— Miss Davis, of London, Who has been • visiting Miss Dicks the past week, ha returned home:—The horserace on t ,Hensall track Monday drew quite crowd. The competing horses b longed to Mr. Dunkin and Mr. Beatti of Varna. Beattie's horse won th McKelvie attended th Epworth League convention ' in Grant on on Tuesday.—Mrs.Shannon, of Bay City, Mich., visited -friends in the village the 'past week.—John Hawk- shaw and Wife, of Exeter, visited their daughter, Airs. F. O. McDonell, ,on 'Tuesday.—Mrs. Moir and Mrs. Case visited friends in Exeter on Tuesday. —Alex. Smillie and David McLean, last week received two car loads of stock cattle from Ridgetown, and this week Ross Bros. uploaded it car load here from the same place.—A. A. Goetz spent Sunday in Seaforth.—A a -a . young hired man some time age went ‘filtIllr,, to &store and bought a suit of clothes for which he refused •to pay. The merchant sued, got judgment, and lay in wait. Last week he saw his chance and. garnished the youth's wages. The price of the suit was $5, but the boy finally had to pay in all $10.40. This should be a warning to other irre- sponible youths. Orediton. NOTICE TO DEI3TORS.—A11 persona owing Dr. T. Wiekott on account will please settle same with John G. Young, hardware merchant, Crediton, on or before 30th. day of November, 7. T. WIOKETT. X. D. BRIEFS.—One day last week John Mullion and John Smith, with their new Separator, threshed for Gottleib Mortlock, 650 bushels of wheat in Ave hours, This beats the record, or we would like to hear of some one to beat it.—The partnership heretofore exist- ing between Wenzel and DaIyrumple, carriage -makers, has been dissolved. -- The mad -dog scare still occupies the attention of the people of the town- ship. Recently a mad dog passed northward, and in its trail left proofs of serious damage. It went onto the area of °sepia Guan an, dog worried the fowl and did general depredation. As far as known:St next visited the farm of Mr. Lamport and bit several of his cattle, and then dis• appeared, nobody knows where. Some days after the biting of Mr. Guanian's dog his own dog bit him. It was im- mediately despatched upon showing signs of hydrophobia, and Mr. G. left at once for the Pasteur Institute, Chic- ago, for treatment, and he is doing nicely. Mr. Latnport's cattle became affected and several of them had to be shot. There is considerable excite- ment, in the township, everybody anticipating. the development of the rabies upon. their premises.—Several persons left here Tuesday for the To- ronto Exhibition. Eitines.—S, Brown and Mr. Preeter, of Zurich, together with their families are visiting friends in Plattsville, Berlin and other places. --Misses Feist, Murlock and B. Brown are attending Toronto Exhibition. — Rev. J. A. Schmitt, Miss L. Brown and Iiss Mary Geiser left Tuesday morning for the Y. P. A., held Tavistock.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. Kienzle is very ill. -0. T. Murlock, who runs an extensive wrapper and. skirt bust- ' ness in Aurora, is visiting friends here. --Mrs. Ball and. daughter, of Goderich, spent Stinday and Monday with Miss W. Bali'—Miss Courscey visited her parents during the short holiday.-• Two of our young gentlemen, with bemning faces and sparkling eyes, were seen leaving our pleasant little village on Sunday last. Beware young men, far off fields look green.—The concert at Boston on Wednesday evening was a, crowning success. The Crediton young people supplied a large part of the program. — The senior team were defeated at Exeter. Crediton looks for better days.—R. Baker spent a few days in Zurich on business.—L. Roedding ;paid our vil- lage a flying visit on Sunday evening. —S. Simpson was rusticating on Sat - day and Monday.—J. Jones paid the village a flying visit on Tuesday even- ing.—Jacob Hoist is visiting his sons Stephen. CouNcits— Council met Sept. Oth, all members present. Minutes of last meeting read and signed.—Permission to alloW Mr. Melteever to put in 8 in. tile drain along road for about 20 rods, council paying for tile.—G. Brown was re -appointed as collector same sal- ary and conditions as last year.—Dr. Wickett's resignationas health officer was accepted.—Meredith & Co. are ap- pointed solicitors for the Council in the matter of Mud Creek drain out- let dispute.—Clerk to notify J. Berry to have his gravel contract completed • as soon as. possible.ss.Council to meet again firstMonday in Oct., afternoon. —Orders granted as follows Bros., gravel contract N. B. $13.50 ; G. Ford, work in pit $1.88 W. Hus- ton, . gravel • $11.36 ; 'McKeever, gravel $21.50 • M. Bloomfield, cul., London road, '$2.25 ; S. Salter, coin. $S; S. Brokenshire, cul., S. E. B., 2.50; J. Martene, com. $3 ; R. Hill, rep bridge, 1st con. $2.75; R. Davey, rep S. B. 50 cts ; C. Lochner, rep plow and grader $5; M. Winer, work on shed -etc $0; G. Clarke, gravel $1 ; Dr. Wickett attendance as M. H. Officer $38; J. Pollick, goods for McCann $3.59 ; W. Redden, brick bats $2.50 ; R. Cobleigh, rep road screen $1.1O; Jas. McLane, Mather 60 cents; F. Geiser, moving grader.% ; H. Essery, ravel contract $31,20; G. Hartle, undries $3.50 . H. Wing, goods fur- nished D. • Young $5.07; Taylor and others work S. B., $2.60 ; R. Arm- strong, work on road' gap $2; J. *Dalzel, gravel $58,15. f J i bit his Clandeboye BRIERS —MissBurns, of London, was' the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Jones, lastweek.—H.A. Shoff, one ofTorontos able school teachers, returned. this week to attend to his duties. Harry,s jolly and friendly manner has won him manyfriends in our thriving little town.—Mrs. Blackwell has leased the building formerly used in the egg bus- iness to it St. Marys buyer and exten- sive dealer, who will conduct a part of his business here for a time at least. 0 • Biddulph. Bitaws—Arthur Kelley, of Carlisle, and John Hill and daughter, of London South, are visiting friends in laiddulph —Benjamin Abbott, of Minneapolis, who is at present visiting friends in Biddulph, purposesreturnmg there for the winter.—Miss Huldah Culbert, who was successful in winning a second class ce tficete itt Lunn High 'School is attending the model in Goderich at present.—Owing to,the frequent rains the oats in this section are not yet. The wheat is turning out well - say 21 bushels to the acre. The late peas are a, failure, as some of them are ripe and more only in bloom. The farmers are sowing considerable fall wheat this fall, in hopes the prices may keep up another season. HAMILTON GROANS Are Turned to' Song—And ' Pains are Effectually Dispelled by the Greatest of all Pain-mires—South Aineericast Alietualatic Cure,. • • • 1 Mr. L• McFarlanee. 246 Welling on Street.N. Hamilton, says: "was ve ad with rheumatism for many wee . s —aired with two bottles of Sont American RhetIM Aid Cure." Mrs'. Phillips, Sr. corner Hunter and Galas streets,. Hamilton, says: "South Am- erican Rheumatic Cure is the quickest relief for rheumatism I ever tried." Mrs. Parkin,. Binbrook, says: sI had sciatica, so badly I could not put my feet to the floor; pains were intense Great relief from one bottle -4 bottles completely cured. •‘Mr. J. S. Bates Grandforcl, writes. "South Ainerica,n. lieumatic Cure is the best remedy in e world for acute rheumatism. Have tri -d it and know. Sold by C. LUTZ On Tuesday, Sept. 14, the Mitchell lacrosse teem will play a match with Exeter. team. • The game arranged for Labor Day was postponed on account of the Whitney demonstration in Mitchell. This will be the last game of the season, the sports then giving their attention to football.' Eden. BRIEPS.—Harvest is now completed and the formers are busy sowing their fall wheaa—Reports have returned from the boys, W110 went west Cm the harvest excursion, all are pleased with the country and have been lucky in securing work.—Mrs. R. Coates, • of this place, left last week to spend a month with her, parents in Douglas, Man.—Edgar Boswell, Who was suc- cessful in the recent Higit School ex- aminations in Lucan, has gone to St. Marys to further his studies,—Marian and David Elston left for London last weekiwheretheyareattendingtheModele school.—P. Baker, of Stephen, spent Sunday visiting friends here.— The Misses Luxton and. Buswell, of this place, spent Sunday visiting friends in Crediton and vicinity, iss Alma Dempsey, of Exeter, visited her cousin Retta, Essery last week. — The many friends of Percy Lnxton„of Bay City, formerly of this place, will be sorry to hear of his.illness, he having gone to Saginaw hospital to have a tunior taken Nem his neck. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. j. Williams, of Exeter, was the guest of G. Rook, on Sunday lase—Not many representatives from Eden attended the Epworth League Convention, in Granton, on Tuesday. It was it grand success and worthy of it larger repre- sentation. Hay. Suwon Rs:pawn—The August re- port of S. S. No. 2,Hay, is as, follows. Names are in order of merit; V, Mil- ton Russell; IV. Sarah J. Northcott, Carrie Gould, II, M. Gould ; Sr. III, W. R. Dougall, Gertie Harvey, J. R. Northcott ; Jr. III, Alice Dougall, J. E. Gould,Luella, Munu; II, Cora, Munn, Frankie Northcott, J. R. Munn ; Pt, II, Willie Gould, Willie Russell, Ethel Harvey; Pt. 1, Mabel Dougall, Munn, E. Buckivoocl. The ,,best spellers in the monthly spelling mat- ches were :—IV and V, Milton Russell; Sr. HT, Gertie Harvey ; Jr. III, Alice Dougall; 11, Cora Munn; Pt. II, Willie Gould.; Pt. 1, Mabel Dougall. W. H. JosixsTox, Teacher. Ramos.—Miss Mary Pollock, of Bresyster; is spendin,-, a few weeks with heissister, Mrs. Sohn McMahon, jr.—Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon, sr., are visiting their daughter, 0 Mrs. Vasey, in Buffalo. Mr. MeMith n in- tends to go on to Brooklyn to see his son James.—Mrs. Alex. Mums and. daughter Bessie, are visiting in Buffalo this week.—Ralph Chapman, a former student in S. S. No. 2, has passed. his Second Form examination with honors, in London,—Miss Rundle, of London, is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Todd and Miss McGregor, here.—Mr. Faulkner, of Buffalo, is visiting, his sister, Mrs. H. O'Brien.—Miss Moir and Miss Ames, of St. -Marys, spent a few days last week in the home of Mr. Wm. Russell, uncle of the former. COUNCIL—Council met on Sept. Oth, all members present. The sum of $69.75 expenses of the Aldsworth award were ordered to be paid and the several amounts as shown in the award, to be charged against the r spective parcels, on the Collector's R 1 of 1897, iu accordance With the Ditch s and Watercourses Act. .The followi amounts of gravel will be placed ithe 0. R.—Div. 1-66 cords, Div. 2— cords. Div. 3-25 cords, Div. 4— cords. Robt. Carlisle, Win, Oaldwel John Weida and Sam Spencer wer appointed. Commissioners for the Cen- tre Road. The sum of $10 was granted towards the eleaning oet of the-Zurieh drait, the inhabitants of Zurich to . False a similar sum. The Clerk w'as Instructed to enter Debenture Rate of U. S. S. No. 1 agttinst lot NS 2 L. 13. W. and lot NS, 8L. R. W. • those lots /lav- ing formed part of Union S. S. No. 1 at the time the Debentures were -ssued.' By-laws No. 8. 9, 10 were uly passed. Contracts for • hauling avel on the Ceetre Road will be -let the Council at the Town Hall on T iesday the 14th clay of Septeinber at 7 'clock p. m. The Council will also le eontracts for the construction of di ches under the "Alclsworth Award" o Saturday Septe18th at 3 o'clock p. Council will meet again on Mon- ey Oct. 4th at TO o'clock p. in. • FRED HESS, SR., Clerk. THE WONDER,- OF THE AOS. DEAR Sins.—I must honestly say that I have tried your 'valuable modicum B. 13. 13. for the disease called prairie itch, and have found this •eniody to 'be the woniter of tho iuOi. 1 took three bottles and to my great satisfaction was completely euro • 1 can higly reeommend it to all who suffer fru-, any skin disease or impurity of the blood. HAROLD FOX, Bat Portage, Ont. JOHN WHITE & SONS Pablishers auclOrterieters Additional Locals. HARVEST HOME SEnvioes.—The harvest home services in connection with the Trivitt Memorial church were held on Sunday and Monday. On Sunday Rev. Canon Dann, of London, preached two eloquent and impressive sermons to large congregations. On. Monday a supper was given in the Opera Hall, after which meaddresa was erage at Trenton by the bursting of al Edward Smith was killed in it coop- i 1 mill DBPOT. The Latest News. _ piece of machinery that wrecked part of the building. Hugh Hickey, an immigrant boy, 4 , aged sixteen years, died under chloro- form on the operating table at the GivEN AwAy General Hospital, Kingston. Petitions have been received at Ot- tawa from Algoma watesting atsainst and the repast one of the most bounti- esting, instructive and full of humor. ful ever :spread before an Exeter delivered by Rev. Canon Dann. on assembly, while the lecture was inter- nail into her foot. On Thursday lock - affair throughout was a gratify- ing success. "Ireland." 'Ilse attendance was large .Undeidfill, of Winnipeg, tan a rusty jaw set in and death resulted on Sat- Thenuesstsa lisyy•Ig Fthe proposal to impose an export duty on Canadian logs and pulpwood.. Ten days ago a daughter of John generally believed that the ' With every pound of May- n°wrontenac County Treasurer Vaniuven has probably conunitted suicide, Street railway bends valued at $6,000 and $20,000 in cash cannotbe accounted for. Good progress is being made both in eding and track laying cm the Crow isNest Pass Railway. The first ' The powder the very best_ one hundred miles will be completed se Ueenle 11 b /14set 0110, efore all lisksvaosrokn ,clotnn(tli neniztduring rionfghttillsehwag ter. The line will not be turned over are gone. for operation till conipleted to Koot- enay Lake, a distance of over Marilee. On Friday afternoon last, Mr. Sand— ford T. Baldwin, son of Henry Baldwin of the 16th con. of McGillivray, did thel To A___dvertisers. biggest half day's work we have ever I heard of in the line of pea-barvesting. The benefit derived from an adver After one o'clock be went; into a four ' tiSeznent depends altogether upon the acre field of peas, with a pea -harvester. number of persons who read it. To with it burieher attached, and before I reach the greatest number of readers six o'clock had the four acres cut. He at the least possible expense, is a drove the team, removed the bunches, ', question that should bet ccnsidered Mrs. Donald Wells, living ne"'s„, tray m and did all the work himself, which us- , very carefully by business men, A. s y requires tWo en. : thousand' small bills printed in Tor- Springbank, East Williams, fefi down stairs at the residence of the latesgnire I About 10 o'clock Friday night fire onto or London, and distributed irt Wells, at Parkhill, one day lately, and svas discOvered in the stables at the !this section, would be just its effective i . broke one of the bones of her leg. rear of the McConkey block Barrie, 4as if the bill had been printed in town. , well known farm- The fire spread very rapidly, and be- i There is not a donbt about that, but if George Duffield, it et' in Eramosa, was found dead. in his fore the arrival of the fire brigade the i you want to reach the people in their Grand Opera House was on fire in sev- homes, newspaper advertising is the bed the other morning, all the indica- tions being that he had expired with- eral places. The lire was principally 'only successful way. To ;et the best in the scenery loft,andbetween the cells ; results use the paper with the largest out a struggle While in the field the ing androof. which made it hard to In-; circulation, and thegreatest amount of previous afternoon be was taken with cate. The firemen worked. hard until ; local news. Mculation is the proper a weak spell, and before retiringabout 3 o'clock next morning before they had ;basis upon whichpricesshould be fixed. 0 o'clock in the evening, he intimated the fire under control. 1 If it newspaper with a circulation of that be did not feel well. The chumps to the building will be ! 2,000 charges $100 per year, then one Owing to the heavy rains this sum- about $0000, which is covered by in- withacirculation °MOO would be entiti. mer the wens are fuller than usual and ' surance. . ' ed to $30. An aulvertiser should take the water is likely to become impure. these facts into careful consideration, Mr. Alexander Langford, •sen.. cine As this is the season when typhoid when making contracts. Another fre- of the oldest settlersof L1ndn, Town - fever is coutracted the health authorie 1 quois it loss to advertisers in the use tiesurge all in teresteetto give attention s„leriapr,, paafsesNerd diltts;sitya.ion. li31:o1 ogLllixtnyg-fflotist li of several papers when one covers the to their wells and secure a supply of .7 pure water. Mise Aggie Westaway is visiting friends in Seaforth, E. Spackman is in Montreal this week on a purchasing tour. The last Dominion holiday till Thanksgiving Dayhas been aelebrated and everyone is again buckling down to business. Bs Itt. Ballantyne: Theclairy farmers of Western Ontario, without any ma- terial addition to their herds, are mak- ing $150 out of the cheese this yaer. Messrs. Whitney, Alagwood and. Matheson, Conservative M.P.P.s, ad- dressed a largely attended meeting in Mitchell last • (Monday) night. Mr. John Burns, melded. Richard Lang, Kirkby, attended the ranked of his brother, the late Philip Lang, this Week, as did also John Rutherford, of Fergus, andMrs. Joseph Ruthetford, of Harriston, ell's Baking Powder, at 50 cents, we give a beautiful table, Mahogany finish, well put together. Ji P. ROSS was one of it large family who came to the locality when it was necessary. to brave many it hardship of the early. pioneer. He was married toit daughter of the late Wm. Garret, who still sur- viyes him. They had family of thw- most effectnal way in which to reach teen ehildren, all of whom are still liv. ing, with the exception of one who the people was killed by the falling °fa limb from it tree. His sons are -Istiac and Alex. in Biddulph; Ezra, at Ilderton; Elija and Benjamin, at Lucan; William, Elias and Abner, at, Grantor), and Walter, on the homestead. The daughters are Mrs. W. Reath, Mrs. Langford and Mrs. Talbot. BRIGHT'DISEASE. C-ood News From South Dakota. "They have (lone men great deal of good,' were the words. of Mr. Nelson tireen,- Galt. Ont., in sneaking of his rescue from kidney, awl urinary difficulties by the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. Green says that he ouly tried them out of curiosity, but it was a lucky experiment, for Doan's Pills made a complete cure in his ease. He is now a -cured man, feeling strong, well and in good spirits. ' Civic Holiday should be merged in Labor Day, thus saving it great deal pf inconvenience to trade. The Civic. Holiday is only a partial "knock off." It isnot a legal holiday. The banks are. open but have nothing to do. The stores are shut, while the whole coun- tryside may be waiting to do business. There is a loss on both sides withont any compensating benefit, as things go nowadays. Then one-half the workingipeople do not take,or perhaps do not wantthe holiday, when it comes they go on at their usual tasks. A- midst so many other legal holidays, the Civic is neith.er:"Iish,flesh nor good red herring." It makes confusion in Many departments of traffic. The Council would' serve this class of the cormunity b passing an ordinance 1?• merging the Civic Holiday with Labor Day. Mt- Carmel. --- Bamvs.—Fraek Coughlin is making a tour throngh Ireland.—Miss N. Buckley has left to visit friends in Harrison,Mich.—Mr. Michael Mitchell, formerly of this place, died on Thurs- day last tfter it lingering illness ex- teading over five years. He was one of the many Canadians who have emi- grated- to Michigan •and by industry and energy became the foremast men of that country. Zion. Buniss.--Threshing is the order of the clay and farmers are getting well repaid for their labor by a large yielcl of wheat.—Miss Lottie•Cook is visiting friends in this community.—The Ep- worth League are having a honey and bun social on the 14th. Watch the honey boys for it is -great stuff to stick. —A number of the young gentle- men, of this vicinity, visited. Wood- ham Sunday evening. When old Ben gets the white fly net on he resembles old Fan so nmeh that some persons are. apt to make mistakes. - ECZEMA. RELIEVED IN A DAY. Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure this diegus: ing skin disease without fail. It will also cure Barber's Itch, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and all skin. eruptions. In from three to six nights it will cure Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles. One applicationbrings comfort to th most irritating cases. 35 cents. Sol y C. Larrz. ,•••• nnipeg, Men., Septeinber 7.— Grain eaters are- now buyingwheat more freely throughout the Province, but the market is not yet frilly estab- lished: On Saturday prices .ranged from 75e. to 78e. a bushel for No. 1 ard , accordi n g to tbe rate of freight, ^ • • SALE REGISTER. SATURDAY SEPT. 21st, 1897.—Val- na,ble farm, lot 10, con. 14th, S. B., Contains100 acres offirstclass soil, good buildings, and everything, a L Sale by public auction at Central hotel, Exeter. Terms easy. Apply to RoritieT Ku.nrasene, Elimville P. O. .FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. • AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDY.—Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of rnothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes, thechild, softens thegums, allays all pain, mos wind co and is t est lame( y for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its 'value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. ground. TUE Timms IS read by more people in Exeter, I.7sliorne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than n11 other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it v, be found. the HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL. The great pain cure. Used externally cures rheumatism, swellings, sprains. bruises, stiff- ness, pain and soreness of every description. Internally usea it cures croup, eolds,sore throat hoarseness asthma, brenehitis, quinsy, etc. Prive 25o., druggists, The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain Will pour 0 stream of sound money into the pocket of every Dakota, farmer, South Dakota has thousands of acres of Choice farming and ranch -land lying east of the Missouri river, and within one day s ride from Chicago or Mil- waukee which can now -be bought reasonably cheap, hut which before the end of another year may be advanced in price. The stock -raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested iu cattle and sheep growing in that state. • Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. 100 BETTER, " Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are curing heart and nerve troubles in every citv, town and village in Canada. Mrs. F. Abbey,Toronto says, "Milburn's Heart and t Nerve Pills cured my husband who had for fifteen years suffered with weak nerves caused by heart tronble. He was subject to pains in the head. dizziness, fainting spells, sleeplessness, ete. He is now free frotulthese troubles, and feels 100-': better than when he began using the pills." Rileil11111118M ilyspepsill 571 ST. PATRICK STREET, OTTAWA, JULY 3 Int 1896 To. THE PHRENOLINE MEDICINE Co,„ LTD., OTTAWA, ONT. GENTLEMEN,—On the advise of a friend 1 tried one bottle of your fatu- ous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline. and to my surprise it cured me' of rheumatism, from which I have suf- fered for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia, from which I. was suffering at the time, so that 1 feel now like a new man. I have tried several remedies for rheumatism, some of which did me a certain amount of good, but nothing that I hayn taken has done so much for me has your Pheenoline, and have much pleasure in recommending it to other sufferers. (Signed) JAMES CARROLL, Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal. 'caring S le OF UMMER, GOODS arl-lisIB HEAP tASH STORE For the next 30 DAYS we will offer Our stock it greatly reduced prices to clear, to make room for large pin. - chases made for the fall trade Highest prices paid for farM produce. CALL SOLICITED. Chas. Zwicker, CFZEDUTON