HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-8-26, Page 34
take Ayers Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day's work.
Ayers Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect-
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, sick headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with-
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer' s Cathartic
Pills, When other pills won't
help you, Ayer's is
e_. ..,,Terenssleneese
nee - s ' • eete—Xesiefe
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etfi' ,ti
*eilv , _,
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,. lopki. . itig
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.. -
, elSeinierffeeife ;eel ' SI
Pno.eaNrrono, TORONTO, ONT.
. „,
,-'• , VI, ..
, .
v, g.
,,ai Tgo ' A.
Mrs. linggie McMartin, 27 Baden huret St, Toronto,
Ont., swears that Ityokman's "Kootenay Cure" cured
her of Paralysis which rendered ono side of her body
entirely useless. Physicians said there Was no °hence
of her over recovering the uee of her limbs, HON
deserted her, but to.clay she is walking around telling
her friends how Ryokman's "Kootenay Cure" we
Jo r life and happiness, Sworn to, July 10, 1898,
before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public.
LOUISA White, nine years old, who suffered with
Eassema since her birth has been entirely cured and
8ier general system binit up by Ryokinan's "Kootenay
Cure.' The above facts are given in a sworn state.
snent made by her mother, Mrs. Gleorge White, 139
Stinson 81., Hamilton, Ont„ dated July 8, 1890,
before J. F. Mooch, Notary Public,.
Charles18. Newman, 18 Marlborough St., Toronto
Ont., bad a complication of blood troubles, Ellett.
matism, severe Kidney trouble and conetipation.
Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appetite
and was a very sick man, Dis Eiclneys are now in
healthy condition, his appetite good, sleep undis.
turbed and constipation cured ; all this was „done by
Ryokinan'n Kootenay Cure." lie makes sworn
Statement to the above facts before J. W. Seymour
Corley, Julet 10, 1800.
wt Ji 11 L)UTQDUI 111 111110 111 11111 II0fl[LL 1 EirtBtarltncilsniaapse• oatrod otLeTrtoid; returx over
replace the Prince of 'Wales' cutter
$§.700,000, aud an increese in exports
•o $710,000.
The exports to the United States
from Great Britain since the passage
a the Dingley teriff ba-ve decreased
fifty pee cent.
Interesting Items About Our Own Count
Great Britain, the United States,
All Farts of the Globe, Cottdensed
.Assorted for Easy Reading.
Chatham talks of building a ci
St. Thomas is arranging for an el
trio street railway system.
Arrangements are under way for
starting a new bicycle factory in Lon-
The first sample a the new crop of
Manitoba wheat has been received at
There is an increase in the inland
riaeovtmayueearc.ollections of $1,340,000 for the
Another case of smallpox is reported
irnMontreal, a child on IVIortais street
being the victim.
The schooner Opal of Yarmouth nas
been seized by •tb.e customs authorities
at Moncton for illegally selling liquor.
It is reported at Halifax .that the
British battleship Itenown is te be
given a. speed test from England to
The Manitoba Government has ar-
rouged with' am English Publishing
Company for the publication of new
sehool text books,
A nuraber of prominent Toronto bu
ness men speak in most hopeful ter
O f the conanaercial outlook for t
country this season.
Over 500 coal miners employed
the Alberta, Coal Co., at ,Lethbridg
N.W.T., are on strike far an increa
of 10 per cent. in wages.
The Canadian Paeific railway is re-
ported to be making arrangements for
the erection of a. station in the cent-
ral part of the city of Ottawa.
Ross McKenzie, the; once great la-
crosse player, has been appointed as-
sistant to Contractor Haney on the
Crow's Nest Pass Railway.
The °Ataxic; Government is said to
be considering a regulation which syill
prevent the. employment of foreign
labor in Ontario lumber camps.
Good samples of lignite coal hav
been. diiscovered at Rainy River.
holing !apparatus hes been ordere
and tthorough tests will be made.
and A large nu.ralser a British troops
and hia're been ordered to get ready to em-
bark foe the East. Their destination
iS supposed to be Egypt.
The British steamer Justin, from
vic Philadelphia. for Sligo, is stranded on
Wheaton Reek, outsede of Sligo bay, ac-
ecs cording to„reports from London.
The Lonslon Daily Chronicle ridicules
the advertisement which appeared in
a New York paper saying that the
Prince of Wales' cutter Britannia was
tor sale.
While the telegraphers attached to
tile London pastel system are not sat-
isfied with the reply of the Fostmas-
ter-General to their letter of complaint,
they do not feel justified in ntrilting
aspiTurarchea:iishsesLi:openrridsttooannstialheAndeactiyorroChtlionalteodo,eionaboyournacoepfeel,tiheaol. ;
lice, will hold a meeting in Trafalgar
revival of the einployment of torture in
The Asnerican jubilee fund, which was
started for the pu.rpose of raising •
IU the ()lief London hospitals, has been
naonnY to establish beds in perpetuity
twensety' _oollheo tsboubososercipd
The repay of the Duke of Norfolk, the
amounted to
Imperial Postniaste,r-General, nbse
telegraph. clerks who laid. their griev-
ei„, emcee before hilill has failed to. give sat -
MS !election, and there is serious trouble
he impending in the department.
Glasgow is disappointed because the
Duke of York• instead of the !Prince
by of Wales will formally epee the new
SS Cessnock dock. It is the largest in
Scotland and has taken twelve years
O construct. It will be opened early
next month.
The London Spectator has a very
temperate article on the impertinent
method of United ntates politicians
and. warns them that English feel
is aroused, and unless they mend th
manners, a conflict may ensue, n
the mast disastrous results.
The dispute in the engineering
trades is extending in area, and a
week hence 70,000 men will be in-
volved. The Sheffield employers
• have joined issue with the Employ-
ers' Association, and. tbe contest has
d becozne one of endurance. F,aeh
side 18 trying to starve out the
Wine experts say 'that the vintage'
Europe this year will not rank ...ono onoosnesos
A warrant has been issued for ghe 1......
expulsion from iszat•nce of Tarrida WAR MATERIALS IMPORTED IN
Marmot.; the Spanish anarchist. ENORMOUS QUANTITIES.
The Kaiser hes conferred. the Order
Of the Black Eagle upon Count Kura-
vieff, the Russian .Foreign Is1inister.
The late Spanish Premier has be Quebec's Citadel. Stewed 'With Niso,:irehr:
Weapons —Millions of Cartridges Being
Turned. Out — Numt ors or Quids-
queathed to the Natioeal Library thir- Gum and New lanes.
ta•Yratil°verti;azirdorevelurnes, many of which
The New York Sun has the following
A, Buenos Ayres despatch says the despateni tram •Quebeo:—
wool crop is officially reported as sus Whether or not it is due to the re-
perior int quaoatity and quality to that
of 1896, ideal of jingoism in 13ritain, to her
Ex -King Milatn: of Servia, is so seri-
- increased affection for the "Lady of
the Snows," to the entlausiaera in-
spired by the jubilee, or to fear of
what may result from Canada's re-
markable stand in the matters of the
:seethe end. of the Klondyke gold fields,
certain it is tha.t the Dombsion issig-
nalizing the year of the diamond jubi-
lee by enormous importetions of Inani-
tions of war that are creating any
amount of quiet oonjecture and com-
ment here.
lhe iaere ensurteratioa of the starlike
stories now arriving here from Engle/el
ou.sly ill that some auxiety is experi-
enced by his friends as to his eventual
A circular issued by the Specie Bank
of Yokcihama announces that from the
first of October it will pay gold for
Bunk of Japan notes,.
Official returns just publisned show
that the imports into France for the
ipast seven mosaths were 20,01'7,000
francs belew those of 1896.
Tee treachery a the Anwar of rat-
ghanistan is undoubted. His hand is
seen. in the recent tribal uprisings on
the Afghan frontier a British Indio,.
The meeting of Emperor William is celculated to prove very surpris-
and the Czar bas resulted ha an alliance • ,. •
mg. Ihe welter has succeeded in oin
between Germany and Relearn to thwart
Great iBritain on all nosportant oc- tanning admittance to the Several an -
(lesions. roouries, stores, and magezines in the
The capture of Abu Homed places in
the hands of Sir Herbert Kitchener a
most important strategis position, and
an early advance svill be made on Ber-
Japanese' tea seercibants of Yoko-
hatina propose to hold an entertain-
ment in the celebration of the rejection
of the tea duty by the United States
It is believed that the German Gov-
ernmsoat will again propose to Great
et in and the; United etates tbecom- as been substituted in the new.
plete disaTimanaent of the Samoan isl-
citadel and in the Artillery park, and
was amazed by the quantity 04 '1,4111-
a,ble. modern ordnance and ammuni-
tion tbat Ull the plate of the (useless
and obsolete exueotantiore guns and
muzzleeloeslieg rifles alien have oc-
cupied these stores since 1870,
e'er the old Snider rifle, which was
better than a gas pipe, but useless as
a gun, a trustwortny modere weapon
LoE..ENjereil IstliaLle
' It is reported that a decisive battle Forty thousand of tbese have arrived,
has been fought between the Spanish
illg an Insurgent troops in Cuba, and ready to arm the whole enilitia force,
Imunition, ordered from England be-
' solfttosiso or7pTliortrekdeyinisCaselmcudtiotl, othaoptetthe n
ore the authorttles of the Quebec
atienurnmovnonweidetaohlutBroiagmliiifidiotrauenitteisr.annapnagnesetakteismfage. oartridge factory had altered its ma-
ebb:wry to enable it to make euch"am-
sezealsbiplood of cora contributed by . • munition here. Sinc,e the making of
tarcang persons ill the United 1 these alterations and. the inapoleitzen
The gift -was very acceptable for the lion cartridges have been turned out
States has arrived safely in Calcutta. of the necessary cordite several mil-
thousand.natives. ;
I of the Government factory, and are
'Ileitis& warsbilis are vigorously en,
Geeing the fishery regulations an the now stored at the citadel.
srench shore of Newfoundland, and Six batteries of 12 -pounder breech-
loafbettrecrotyfarcigtohrtiess erected in loading field guns are now ready for
issue. Six guns complete will shortly
The threat ef the assassin of Premier
fanovas tbat it Inould be President le. sent to
saure's turn next is causing the French "A" Yield battery at
‘ Ingston, and ti., similar number Then
lice great anxiety. zThe President is , t
rusted!, to "13' :battery here,
body of detectivee. , siemens ng four batteries will be kept
nder the constant protection of a barge I in stare for the presemt. Ihere is an
ample supply of ammunition on hand
La Petrie of Paris, declares that alli for these gesso
e plans of assassins have been ar- svhich is carefully
tinged in London, and suggests that • pitied in the citadel armouries, while
,t3 powers should combine to watcb :`atIlleee cteametprisloragret3endpiallicanedberiso, 1501,0einDraillif
the country, that protects these erica- , hall awaiting shipment. There are
I also a number of lVfaxion-Nordelafeldt
Prince Heery of Orleans bee arrived guns, width are hocated automatically,
t Marseilles on his return from Aby- I and are said to fire 600 snots a min
inia, and. he will accept the challenge ' ute. 'These guns are very modern, and
Gen. Albertome, the Italian officer, ' it ie claimed that they are quite effec
h o was offended at the Prince's eriti- time it the field. They can be placed
sus a the conduct of the Italian sol- under cover upon a species of tripod
ers in Abyssal:doe formed. or the hale and two arias, the
- carriage being moved. off to a dis
tance for safer keeping. The recoil..
simply causes the barrel, during the
raped firing, to telescope within a
harge barrel filled with water, so
vies vvould be fesv if drivers (would
among willaittoutlitethleirbinagrrerYhetting, and with
out changing the posit on of the tripod
"Cases of heat peostration be continuous
nly observe one or two simple rules," or dist-tubing the non-commissioned
officer, who sits corafortably upon the
id a veterinary surgeon recently. "it sucidia fixed to the trail, mereily turn -
very easy to see when a horse is lag' to the right or heft to fo tow the
hreatened with prostratiotn. The an- movements ol. the enemy. This gus3
consumes the .303 cordite cartridges
begins to breathe in quick short made in. the Government factory here
asps, even when standing still. In-
ead of prespiring profusely his skin throaT3beF5igtuoalttcsktifftireeinagtoilieHoetycheknaissos6t:poz:h-
ting the newest, and.
eemses dry' Tthe best *Sag to do the gun and the aramunition are very
ben these symptoms are observed is attractive in appearance, and are said
get the horse into a cool place kind to do
er the horse's body end do MARVELLOUS EXECUTION.
ply cold water. Pour cold water
not The Hotclikies is a fixture, suitable for
esitate about using enough. if im inland forts or lake. shoran but moves
rap -
e nd.. If the horse has had such a
handy rub sam.e on the animate 011. a pivot, and is fired with great rap-
'vere Stroke that he has falleo idity. The ammunition, cionsisting of
blanket or som;e straw under his a
Ipeudt • e'clite'
somewbat thicker than a man's wrist,
neatly put up in brass coil,
with the 6 -pound. shell and detonator
attached, might be suppose.d, when
fired off, to cause an enormous re-
bound to the gun after so powerful
a disobarge; but, as a matter of fact, it
Is fired from the shoulder of a man,
who remains in the same position dur-
ing the quick -firing, except that by a
slight touch he. moves the gun upon
its pivot in the desired direction.
Almost each succeeding steamship
brings out new stores, and Col. For-
rest, the. superintendent, keeps a fore-
man. and more than a. dozen store -
men, °mond now at the citadel in
receiving and issuing • newly -arrived
and modern war material. These are
of course quite independent of the em-
ployes of the Government carte:age
factory, who are working on full time,
and turning out an immense quantity
of ammunition.
ith were defeated.
eir after isevere figihteng the Spaniards together with a quantity of .803 am-
The by-law to authorize the issue o
$110,000 debentures for street improve
ments was defeated in a popular vot
at Hamilton by nearly 1,500 majority
The Canadian Pacific railway ar
making active preparations to handl
the vast grain crops, which they expec
to receive from. the North-West -this
The Customs Departraent have issued
new regulations governing the import
atio.n of bicycles by tourists, as it wa
fou.ad that travellers' samples were be
ing brought in under the old law,
Mr. Jolla Scott is dead atl3aissevain
Mans, as a result a en altercation with:
O blind hand named Tonakins, The Car -
otter's jury returned. a. verdint that de-
ceased came to hie death from a kick
Mails for the, 'Yukon country are not
yet definitely arranged for. The best
address for the present is Fort Cudahy',
via Victoria, B.C., from which point
they will be forwarded by the Mount-
ed Police.
Mr. Shaughnessy, vice-president of
the Canadian Pacific railway, denies
that American laborers are employed
on the Cow's Nest Pass railway. He
says all the men required can be ob-
tained. in Canada.
e Five women are in jail. at Omaha,
. Neb., far breaking up it Meth.odist
e meeting •
C Two negro children killed a third I v
t with hot irons at Grapevine, Texas, c
on Wednesday. I
Th.e Univereal Peace Union of Phil-
adelphia has offered its services as a
- arbitrator in the coal strike.
B Ati. insane man robed through the
raain streets of Buffalo on Tbursday
night in his night iihirt, shouting mute r
, der and police. th
;The 18 -year-old son of Gus Tiner, at t
Levinia, Texas, on Theuredeo shot and
, killed his drulaken father in defence
of his mother. a
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany hes declared a dividend of 2
PCI' cent. on the preference, and 1 1-2
per cent. on the common stock for
the half year ended June 30th last,
payable October lst.
Jaseph Ston.efish, the Indian who is
awaiting trial in Woodstock jail on
the charge of steatang a horse, made an
unsuccessful attempt to escape by at-
tacking Turialce.y Forbes with a heavy
iren-bound bucket.
The, meeting of, the Banish Medical
Aseociation will take place in Montreal
at the end of the month. The attend -
081t:0 Of eminent physicians and suer
geons, with. their families, will be
much larger than at first anticipated.
Mr. Colling-wood Schreiber, thief en-
gineer of the Depertment of R,a,ilways
and. Canals, has returned from .an in-
spection of the Soulanges canal, Work
is progressing ra.pidly, and he ex -
pests the canal will be completed next
Frank Smith, the colored man who
slashed David niterriman„ also colored,
at Weaner's Hotel whde the races
were on at the Hamilton jockey Club
track, was sentenced by Magistrate
Jetts to Kingston Penitentiary for
three yeaxs.
The Dominion Government has com-
pleted forty enile.s more of the tele-
graph line on the nortn shore of the
St. Lawrence. It is intended to ex-
tend. the line forty-four miles more
this suraraer to Natashquan, where an
office will be opened this fall.
In official circles' in Ottawa the be-
lief is expressed that the provision of
the Dingley Act imposing a discrirain-
tory duty against goods entering the
United States in Canadian cars cannot
override the bantling privilege confer-
red by the treaty of Seashington.
The; body of Mae. Orr, of North Dum-
fries, near Galt, whits mysteriously dis-
appeared. &Om her home during her
husbanet's absence last Monday, 'was
found on Sunda,y ruornieg in a shal-
low grave in a cory. patch close to the
house. She had evidently been mur-
dered, and two arrests have been
A despatch to the New York World
from Juneau, Alaska, aneicipates ser-
ious trouble in the Yukon district.
There are a rough lot of adventurers
proceeding to that country from the
United. States, who are determined not
to pay the Canadian Customs duty.
They threaten to ignore the Cus-
toms officers, peaceably if possible, but
forcibly if necessary.
The. Cobnen Club has caused a spec-
ial gold, medal to be struck for presen-
tation to Sir Wilfrid La.urier.
• Sir Isaac Holden le dead. He was
born in 1807 and has represented Knox-
esborough • and. Yorkebire in Paella-
' Grouse shooter:lig began in England
and Scotland on 'Thursday under favor-
able artispiees. The Highlands report
goon bags. •
The Right Rev. William Waltham
How, D.D., Protestant Mahon ef Wake-
field, is dead. He was seventy-four
yeexs of age. •' , • ,
• The ruzuor is revived that George
L. Watson. IS designing a new yacht to
Frank Stuttgen, proprietor of a es
saloon. on Ocean avenue, Jersey City, of
shot and, killed a burglar in his see lw
loon. on Wedneeday. ci
The first tin plate manufactured in di
America to be sent to Europe was
absPeed from Elwood, Ind., to taly 011
Clifford R. England, cashie.r of the
Warren -Scharff Asphalt Paving COM -
May, Detroit, is missing. So is $10,000
of the company's money.
James In Frawley, who is under ar- ho
rest at Qhicago on a charge of shoot-
ing John Cromey, formerly of Toren- °
to ,is an ex -Landon hotelkeeper. aa
Records at 'Washington show that is
British, vessels are currying more than e
Stipple Rules That Should be Remembered
These net Days.
55 per cent. ot UnitedStatesmercb.an-
dies, both of imports and exports.
On Friday Miss Edna Mitchell a g
nurse, of Toronto, committed suicide in at
the Cincinnati hospital, to which she b
was attaehea, because she was deserted se
by be lover.
Frederick Mueller, of Newark, was
given 90 days there on 'Thursday for als
being drunk. Twenty-five glasses in (iv
Uten minutes is said to have 'been his it
record for a wager. is
According to the records of the b
United. States Treasury Department se
British vessels are carrying more a
than fifty-five per ceril, .of tbe United an
Stetes snernhatadise both of imports en
and exports. fee
Ex -Grand Secretary -Treasurer W. A. tha
Sheehan of the Brotherhood of Rail-
road Trainmen, was arrested at Pe-
oria, III., Thursday, at the, instance
of the Grand Trtsstees, charged with
the. embezzlement of $1,810.
d hold him down until he Is strong
ough to get up and remain on his
t. At frequent intervals a horse
t las fallen on amount of the beat
will make attempts to get tip when
tempts only weaken the animal the
be is too weak to stand. These at-
Keep his .3sead down on the
ground and continue the applicatio
ice end water until the tempera -
e is reduced. Frequently the tem-
ature of a horse laboring under sun-
stroke will go up to 107 degrees. :The
chance's are that even after a horse
las been brought to his feet again it
will be a "thernmy.n That is, be will
not be as respensive and intelligent
as before. A severe case of snflstroke
ms to cause softening of the brain.
you would not have tih,e 'va1 of
your borse greatly impaired watch for
th;e earliest symptoms of prostration
Don't let bim go SD far that be falls
"Some drivers take e precaution of
tying it sponge,
a piece of cloth or
even a bat bettveth the ears of [their
horse. A better plan is to carry •a
sponge and a pail of water in the
wagon and occasionally moisten the
eternal's head. If slice simple rules
are osberved many horses will be sav-
ed that are otherwise killed or ruin-
Bishop Fink, of the Roman Catholic of
Diocese and Leavenworth and Kansas mr
City. hes had .a circular letter read par
en all the parishes of his diocese, for-
bidding the faithful attending the
Irish -American picnic at Eames City.
- The injunction against the striking
miners was issued. from the Pennsyl-
vania courts. The men are determin- see
ed to go on with their programme just es
the same, expressing the belief that
they have men enough to fill 'up all
the jails if arrests are decided open.
It is admitte.d by the friends ef Sec-
retary Sherman that he is suffering
from a complete mental collapse, and
they ere endeavouring to induce .hirn
go into some quiet retreat. He
has no recollection of the recent in-
terviews which created such a sensa-
tion in the diplomatic world.
Th ,5 Attowney-General of the Unit-
ed States 'has deoided that goods the
production of a. foreign country which
are regularly imported nein Canada
and afterwards exported to the Unit-
ed States are Sulasjet to the discrimin-
a.tory duty of 10 per cent. Th,e question
Whether goods transported through
Canada to the United States under
Consular seal are subject to the duty
has not yet been determined. •
The reports of the commercial a;gen-
cies of Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet
state that the outlook is brighter, and
that there is a noticeable increasein
trade. The crop prospects are report-
ed good from nearly every city, and
an increasing prosperity is indicated by
the rise in stocks, the growth of bank
olearings and railway earnings. The
heavy speculation in many products,
but particularly in wheat, hats made
the week one of surpassing interest. A
feeling of buoyancy has appeared am-
ong buyers and sellers at the thief
cents, and interior merchants are buy-
ing certain lines more freely than since
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria is a
gueet of the Seinen of Constantinople,
Tube Ducib;ess of Cleveland has the
outside of her Londoe 'house washed
down from top to bottom by men of
the Fire Depaxtanerit. The task is per-
formed very early in the morning,
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Boed's Pills, Bina' in
Size, tasteless, efficient, thorough,. As one malt
said: "You uever know you
have taken a pill 1111 it is all
ever." We. C. I. Hood &
Proprietors, Lowell, Mass
Tin eeiy pills to teke With BoocUr Soreapariliz
Thr Ise.
, of ,
tlas.49 "—""" every
nee' whom
In Turkey in 1890 the Sultan insti-
tuted a premium on twins. This con-
sists o fa monthly pension of 30 pias-
ters of gold, seven shillings, which is
paid to twin boys until they reach the
age of 21, while the twin girls reeeine
the seine amount until their marriage.
A very real affection generally ex-
ists between twirls, and often shows
itself in the eerliest days of infancy.
Though twins are usually alike in
form and feature, this is not al-
ways the case. Twin brothers have
beth known who scarcely be said to
bear a family resemblance to one an-
other, and who had the extern:nes of
tlarkne,ss • and faieness of complexioia.
I3ut though unlike bodily, the Isro-
tame so resenabled one another men-
tally, that they passed from the bot-
tom to the top of one of the great
public schools side by side.
If tlae substance of the common po-
ta,to be treated. with certain acid.s it
becomes almost as bard as stone, and none.
cain be used for many purposes for oialilo
which barn, ivory and bone are em- sienna
played. This quality' af the potato Sg
The City in Gala Attire— The Populace
Wild irith Excitement -- lite Royal
Coup 'e the Guests of Bari Cadogan.
• A Stespaties from Dublita gays: Tbe;
Duke and Duchess of York arrived in
Kingstawn from liolyneed, at 9 o'clock
081 Wednesday morning. The weather
was glorious, anti all the ships in the
harbour avers brlhuinn.tly denarated fur
the occasion, The, guaraship Melanspus
Heed al Royal salute as the ntoyal
Yacht, Victoria and Albert entered the
harbour. At awn the litammissioners
of Kingstown itowns.blp boarded the
yache and, presented, their !loyal High-
nesses with an address, expressing the
hope that their visit would lead to the
e,stablisseuent of a Royal residence in
Ireland. The, Duke of York repliesi
that he and the Outhess looked. for-
ward to becolmitag better acquain.ted
with the pewit) aud the be,autitul
scenery tof Ireland, On disemlbar.king,
the Duke and Dathess of York were
aceorded en enthusiastic receptions be -
ling loudly, and continuously cheer-
ed. by the vast crowd assembled. The
clhle,ering, which was mingled. with the
boansting of oatmeal, was followed by tih,e
bands playing the National Anthem,
during whiten the whole throng uncov-
The Royal party took the train for
a.min t renewal of enthusiasrat
Handkenehiefs and hats were waved
and titling in the air, and the cheer-
ang was redoubled as One train drew
out of the depot.
The ovation was repeated upon the
arrival of the Duke and Duchess of
York in Dublin. All the windows
and, housetops along the route were
blank with people, and the buildings
were profusely decorated. There was
an imposing military procession, and
on all sides were seen Union Jacks,
entwined with the green flag of Old
The Duke of York wore a naval
uniform, and bowed continuously to
She plaudits of the vast throng as-
sembled, while the Dathess was kept
busy acknowledging the warm greet-
ings with whith the royal visitors
were received.
Almoet immediately after the Duke
and Dathess had crossed College
green, it heavy raise fell, thus marring
the remainder a the procession. The
Duke and Duchess were received at.
the castle by Earl Cadogan, the Lord
Lieutenant of Ireland, and by Coun-
tess Cadogan, as a Rioted salule was
fired by a battery of artillery station-
ed in Phoenix park, tater which the
Earl and Coantess, with the staff of
tha Lord Lieutenant, joined the pro-
cession, and escorted 'the Royal visit-
ors to the viceregal lodge, where the
guard of honor was furnished by the
Royal Irish Constabulary.
Many of the trappings and fittings
used in London during the juailee fes-
tivitieS were utilized to -day in the lav-
ish decoration of the route followed by
the ,Royal processien
The -tone of the Irish Nationalist
newspapers is respeotnal. They point
out that Ireland yhas no quarrel with
the Duke and Duchess of York, but,
they add, the courtesy extended to
them must not he interpreted as mean-
ing that the irish are content with
present conditions.
Two Ralf Hours of Determined Effort Win
Accomplish That Result.
The fact that so many lose their lives
because they have never learned to
swira, will, I trust, be regarded suffi-
cient apology for pointing out the
further fact that anebody may learn
to swim in two half hours spent in
determined effort to that end, says a
correspondent. To begin with, let it
be understood that the act of "tread-
ing water," consists in simply remain-
ing in one place in the water iia an
upright position by motion of the arms
and legs moved as a dog, horse or ox
moves his legs in swimming, omitting
bis effort to move forward. This
having been =demos:se let the tyro
wade out from the shore in gradually
deepening water until he finds him-
self in water, say up to his thin; then
turn round face the shore, and pro-
ceed to tread water, continuing his
efforts until he finds himself stand-
ing upright, his feet not touching hot -
tom. Half an hour's persistent effort
will enable him to master this his
first lesson. NV.13;e-n he has done so
much he has virtually captured. the
whole business. When he again goes
into the water let him go out to the
same depth, turn round, face the
snore as before, and strike out in
front, with his hands and arms, at
the same time kicking backward. He
will find, almost before he is (aware
of it that he is off bottom and slow-
ly swimming toward the shore. In
fact, be has learned to swim. His
flights will be short at first. He can
easily learn the common strokes and
methods of swimming after he has
first teamed to swim dog fashion. All
he steeds however, is practice to en-
abls him to swim at will, according
to his physical strength. In these
suggestions the masculine is assumed
to include the feminine. ,
The "Wheat King" of the world be-
longs to Argentine. He is an Italian
emigrant named Gauzone, and his
broad acres are situated in the south
of the province of Buenos Ayres. Ins
aro pow -eines an area of 66,270 .a.cres.
He numbers Ws workmen by the thou-
sand and each one receitres a certain
share of the profits. When his sea-
son's crop is harvested, he fills ever
3,000 railways trucks with the grain.
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vousness, stomach newahles or
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