Exeter Times, 1897-8-19, Page 5T'Hr; EXETER TIMES Slade and Merit Maintains the confidence e1 the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a Medicine cures you when sick; i1 it makes tWenderful cures everywhere, then beyond Wquestion that modicinepossesses merit. Made Mat is just the troth about Hood's Sar- areperiils.. We know it possesses merit Meeuse it cures,'not once or twice or a Ibtttndred times, but in thousands and $bousands of cases. We know it cures, Absolutely, permanently, when all others toil to do any good whatever. We repeat Hood' Sarsaparilla lithe best- In filet the One True Blood Purifier. Hood'scure nausea, indigestion, Pills billowiness. 25 cents. amok REMEMBER That we sell cheap all the time. N Rowe Has the Finest Class of Furniture ever shown in Exe- ter and he Does the Largest amount of Business UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. R N. ROWE Next door North of Molsons Bank. KINSMAN. L. D. S. AND H D11. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S., yeller Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan - son's Block, Nest side of Alain gt., Exeter. DR. ANDERSON, (D. D. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. Honors graduate of the Toronto Uni- versity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work crownsand Plato +work done in the neatest possible manner, A Larinles8 amtesthetic for painless extraction. The strickest attention given to tho preservat- ion of tho natural teeth. Wilco opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. GES YOUR PIES IDOWN At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21,. etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. A Suit of (Jlothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an - old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons iu any of these. A large assortment of 'a11 a Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- eactive. MARKET REPORTS. Exeter August 18th, 1897. Wheat per bushel ... ... 80 to 85 Oats .21 to 22 Barloy....... .... .23 to 26 Peas ...12 to 33 Button...11 to 12 4 to 10 Turkeys ... 9 to 9 Geese...... 4 to 4 Chickens per Ib 4 to 4 Ducks .. .... 5 to 5 Woo].... 17 to 18 Dried Apples.. .. .. .. . 28 to 2k Pork dressed..... ... 4.75 to 5.00 Pork live weight 3.50 to 3.60 Hay per ton........ .. ,. 5 00 to G.50 Clover seed ............ .. . . 4.00 to 0.00 Alsiko clover 4.50 to 5.00 Timothy seed 2.50 to 2.7 5 Central DRUG STORE. Those who have used Win an's Cough Balsam. Pronounce it unequalled a's a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BNON CRITIC TROUBI ES, Winan' s Condition & Cough Powder fol horses, best in tho mar- ket. always on hand, Also, a Cetobenefacto and .Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. eessfully used by Mr, Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and otker towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at 0,, LUTZ'S 11,4 London. August 18th, 1897. Wheat per bushe ,.. .... ....72 to Oats.... ....22 to Peas .... .12 to Barley .22 to Buckwheat ....23 to Rye ....29 to Corn 28 to Beans 23 to Butter .... 11 to Eggs 12 to Ducks 75 to Turkeys per lb.. .. 10 to Geese per ib 309 to Chickens8 to Cheese 40 Potatoes per bag Hay per ton ....$ 4.50 to Pork per cwt.. - .. $4.00 to 73 23 43 23 34 30 36 35 12 14 80 12 50 8 to 50 $$1.5500 FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS, AN Or.n AND WELL-rRIED REMEDY, -Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon used for for their over fifty years by millions of mothers children while teething, with per fuot succ ess. s o es the (Wild, soften the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the host remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in eyory part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure Laud ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Farms For Sale A few good farms for sale cheap -Money to oan. Apply to JOHN Si'ACK1trAN Samwell's Block, Exeter. ESTRAY YEARLING CALVES, -Strayed from Dash- wood, on or about 1st of May,four yearling calves three of thorn red in colr, one abrindle. Eacli has a ]role punched in its right ear. Any person giving information leading to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded e IY ed bv BEAVER, (2-w.) Dashwood P. 0, ASK YOUR EALER FOR RICE'S eURE SALT BEST FOR TABLE AND DAIRY. The NorthlAmerican Chemical Co.,Ltd SOLE MAKERS. G-ODMIR=OS, ONT. Hellmuth Ladies College LONDON, ONT. FAL.r. Timms WILL IBEGIN ON WEDNESDAY, Snmco use 15111. Four Graduation Courses, also Elect'tive Courses, Fees. I3oard. etc., and Academic Studies 8275 per year. Music, Art, etc., extra.. A limited number of Bursaries (value $25 to $111(1) will he awarded to students at. entrance. For calendar address, ItEV. I: N. ENGLISH,AI. A. Prin i Restaurant Business For Sale Ono of the best restaurant. and ice cream businesses in the Count of Huron, for sale. A nice new stock of confectionery, canned goods, eta, This is a first class stand and for business is excelled by none in tho county. Satisfactory reasons for soiling. Possession given at once. Apply to E. SHEFFEIt. Henson. Ont Voters List, $9 1897 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF USBOIINE, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or deliverer] to the persons noutioned in sections 5 and Oof The Ontario Voter's Lists .Act, 1889, the copies required by said ?section to be so tram -111111W or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last revised assessment. roll of the said Municipality tobe entitled to vote in the Municipality at elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list wos first posted up at my office at Whalen on the fourth day of August, 1897, and remains (here for inspect ion. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any oinission or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have said e•rors corrected according to law•. - Dated this;tth day of August 1897. FRANCIS MORLEY, clerk of Osborne. in the Surrogate Court -OF THE - County of Huron in the Matter of the Guardianship of the Infant children of Richard Step- hen Cooper, deceased. Application will be made to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron before he Judge in Chambers at the ClurtHouse in(1oderich after the expiration of 211 days from the first publication hereof, on behalf of Louisa Jean McQuillin, of the 'Township of Cshoruc in the County of Huron, mother of the infants, for an Order appointing the said Louisa Jean Me- (;lnillinguardian of Ant.henyA.Cooper. Paulins H. A. Cooney. Vernice if, L. Cooper :and Beresford M. H. Cooper, infant children of the said liichard Stephen Cooper, dPccasecl. Dated at ljsborne this 22nd day of July, A. D. 1.S9 7. LOI?18A.IEAN IfcQUILLIN, by her Solicitors. itONYN .'BETTS 1 27 STEARNS, F3ICYCLES ..AND.. COLD WATCHES ARE.. GEVEiN AWAY EVERY iONTH Ti THOSE WYIIO SRN!, TJ11 LAIIGEST NFM13ER of Your Grocer will give you pat tic'•ti a •.s, or drop a postcard to LEPER BROS., Limited, TORO T'. To the Editor. DEAR SIR. -Some farmers seem not to understand that the law requires i them to give a bicycle rider the same right to the road as any other vehicle, namely half of the travelled road. One day last week the writer saw a farmer from Sharon way coming to town, and also a bicycle rider slowly behind. The farmer would neither turn to right or left ; in fact said dis- tinctly that he wanted all of the road, thus causing the bicycle rider, if he wanted to pass, to go out onto the ruts on sideofthe road and take his chances of being run over. Now Mr. Editor, we want you to insert this item, so that it will act as a word of warning to this farmer and others of the like mind, for if the act is repeated the law will be put in force. OBSERVER. F'orrestry In Ontario The Bureau of Forestry of Ontario has just issued its anual report, which presents a clear view of existing con- ditions in the Province as regards the forests and the timber supply, as well as much practical information for farmers on tree -planting and preser- vation. The report details the con- siderations which led to the appoint- ment of the Forestry Commission, which is now at, work investigating the question of replanting the waste witht'iex.It timber. points t npo is out that the problem has entered upon a new phase, since experience and observat- ion have conclusively proved that the pine forests which are so important a source of our provincial wealth will re- produce themselves in perpetuity, pro- vided only that the ravages of fire can be prevented. The impression which has so long and so widely prevailed that the pine when cleaned away will necessarily be succeeded by woods of an inferior character, has been proved incorrect. This only occurs when fire destroys the young trees and the seeds in the ground. Such being the case there is no reason why with reason- able precautions our pine supply should not remain sufficient for all de- mands upon it. The importance of forestry to the farmers is urged, and figures are given, compiled from the statistics of the Bureau of Industries, showing the extent to which deforestation has been carried in many of the older settled districts. The results owing to the work of the Bureau in previous years, are by this time well known. The frequent floods and droughts so in- jurious to agricultural prosperity are clearly traceable to this cause. The conclusions long since arrived at by scientific observers as to the highly injurious effects of over -clearance upon climate are reinforced by later observations as to the effect of wind- breaks in preserving the moisture of the soil, some of the most convincing of which are given in detail. Farmers are strongly advised to plant the waste land with desirable varieties of trees, with a view of future profit. As is pointed out many kinds of tim- ber are continually growing scarcer and dearer as the supply becomes ex- hausted, while the demand for com- mercial purposes is continually on the increase, so that the farmer who pre- serves or plants timber judiciously adds materially to the value of his farm and provides a future source of revenue. The report comprises papers on the study of nature in the schools, urging that the idea cvie1'ut to some ex- tent on Arbour Day should be more thoroughly instilled into children : on the manufacture of charcoal, by Mr. Alexander Ku'kwood, of the Crown Lauds Department ; and on insects in- jurious to trees, by Dr. Brodie, of To- ronto, besides much other valuable matter. Those who are interested eau obtain 0 copy by writing to Mr - Thos. Southworth, Bureau of Forest- ry, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. The Highest Position. IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Paine's Celery Compound The Popular Medicine With the Peonle and the Medi- cal Profession. Only a. truly great and effective re- medy • could continue, as Paine's Celery Compound has done, to hold its high place in the estimation of the ablest physicians and of the tens of thousands of busy men and women whose only means of judging is from the actual results in their own homes or among their friends. No remedy was ever so highly recommended, be- cause no other ever achieved so many grand victories over disease and sick- ness. For feeding exhausted nerves, build- ing up the strength of the body, giving a natural and healthy n.ppetite, and as •a promoter of refreshing sleep, Paine's Celery Compound stands to -day with- out an equal in the world. Mrs. Garland, 675 Crawford St., To- ronto, gives her experience with the world's best medicine as follows: "Your Paine's Celery Compcund has most wonderfully iinproeed my health. Before using it my appetite was poor -almost gone ; I was also weak and debilitated, and suffered from pains in the head. "Paine's Celery Compound does all that is claimed for it. I have recom- mended it to my friends, and they all speak highly of the results receiyed from it. I wish Paine's Celery Com- pound the success it so richly deserv- es." The hair, when not properly cared for loses its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh, and;dry, end falls out freely with every combing. To prevent this, the best dressing in the market is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It imparts that silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. l%frs. Hodgins, formerly :teacher of Revere School, who for the last felt years has been residing in Montai , is spending the summer with her mother Mrs. McDougall. of Lacan, .anti is also renewing the aequaintauce of her former pupils, in this vicinity. The Sauble. It was near the town of Lucan, in the merry month of May, Down by the river Sauble that 1 happened fog to stray, A river now as famous in the annals of our land, As the "Shannon" was in Ireland, and they tell me that was grand. At the bridge that spans the Sauble, north of the London road Where poor old Jimmy Carroll had his little log abode ; What one time was a garden Ms now in pasture lands. And where stood his little cabin now the chimney only stands. And yonder in the distance, down by the river shorn, Some gipsies are now camping where they often camped before ; Their camp fire smoke ascending up to the azure blue, And with the clouds all blending lends en- chantment to the view. K'ero 1 a landscape painter, its here I'd try my skill, On a chrome of this valley and the famous Sauble Hill : But as I am not an artist now I hope I don't intrude If the picture I'm painting may appear a little rude. For I love these hills and valleys, the river and the glen, If I can't paint their picture I can sketch them with my pen In a way theta so peculiar you will wonder when you see, If it interests you, reader, now the same as it does mo. When a boy I often sported in its waters cool and vicar, For our soltool .was in the forest and the river runningnear ; And many a tuno Irambled down by the grassy shorn To soo my darling Mary, now the one that I adorn. And that little old log school house, it has graduates to -day In every town, and city too, from hero to Baffin's Bay ; And tiro little Sauble rockers as we used to call them then Have outgrown their boyish capers and are now our leading mon. Now reader do you wonder why the Sauble won its Rime, For some of you were sayhig its unworthy of its came; If there was no rivor Sauble lot tun toll you as a friend You would never know the comfort you had camping at the Bend. ADARE. Fall Fairs For 1897. NAME AND WHERE IIELD, Great N. WV., Goderich, Sept. 21 to 23. Industrial, Toronto,Aug. 30 to Sept 11. Huron Central, Clinton, Sept. >S to 29. Western. London, Sept. 9 to 18. South Huron, Exeter. Sept. 20 to 21. Hay township, Zurich, Sept. 22 to 23. Tuckersrnith, Seaforth, Sept. 2�3 to 24. North Perth, Stratford, Sept. 23 to 24. Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct. 5 to 0. Mrs. Peter Brown and Her Brown Dress. Mrs. Peter Brown was a worthy and thrifty housewife, and though proud of Brown family she got tired. of brown -we refer to brown colors. Now Mrs Brown had a brown cash- mere dress that she had donned on Sundays for fully three years, going to church in sun, rain, sleet and snow for such a length of time had discolor- ed and faded Mrs. Brown's brown dress. The material still good. gape Mrs, Brown hope that the brown dress could be changed in color and made to do service until times were better and money more plentiful with her Mrs, Peter Brown had heard of the marvelous Diamond Fast Black for wool, and decided to experiment in the work nf home dyeing. The dye was as purchased from her druggist, and the operation conducted as per directions on the envelope, and what a transfor- mation resulted ! A deep, rich and pure black, equal to finest blacks pro- duced by French professional dyers - a new dress at a cost of about thirty cents Mrs. Peter Brown's experience is just the experience of thousands of econo- mizing women in Canada to -day. They find the Diamond Dyes .o indispens- able that home would be robbed of its pleasures if they could not procure these great money -savers. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. A LADY CURED AFTER SEVENTEEN YEARS' AFFLICTION WITH DIS- ORDERS PECULL>,R TO HER SEX BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS - OTHER UNFORTUNATES CAN BE CURED AS WELL AS SHE. Toronto, Aug. 10 -The publication of the letter ofMrs. Reany,of Ashland, Wis., concerning her cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills after 17 years of sickness, has awakened wide -spread interest amongst the women of Canada. It is truly marvelous that a woman afflict- ed as long as she was, who had tried all the remedies within her reach and all the doctors could do for her, should be cured by so simple and easily ac- cessible a remedy as these Pills. What they did for her they will do for all other women suffering from diseases particular to their sex. Dizxma:ss oxo Errsiou•e-How ro Gula: THEM. IVH's.J. Dell. Chatham, Ont., says : "F.r two years I could never go to sleep before two or throe o'clock in the morning. I suffered 1011011 aand dint Mi b rr's eyesight, h . from vertigo ,v g t I n 1. Heart and Nerve Pills have removed the dizziness, restored my heart to healthy action, strengthened my eyesight., and can truly say they are ablessing 1ao anyone suffering as I did. OVER A YEAR. "I have been troubled with sick headache for over 0 year. Lately I have used Laxa Liver Pills, and ib 5 that they help me more than any other medicine I have over taken. They are an excellent pill, causing no pain or griping, andleaviug no after ill effects." MISS MARY I:.LLEN HICKS. South Bay, Ont. Mr. Nathaniel Mortonson, a well - En 0wn citizen of Ishpeming, Mich., and editor Superior Posten, who, for a long time, suffered from the most excruciating, pains of rheumatism, was cured, eight years ago, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, having never felt a twingl.e of it since. On Friday evening G. Adamson, of Granton, had a, young black horse stolen out of his stable. The animal was 'taken away by two men who went in the :rection of St. Marys. The thieft wia. sported to Chief Con- stable Mitchell and information re- garding it has been' forwarded to Stratford and surrounding places. • One Honest Man. DEAR Enrron.--Please inform your readers, that if written to confi- dentially, I will mail, in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts' I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp: WM. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, 1'. 0. BOX 59, ST. UENRI QUE Good News From South Dakota. The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a strewn of sound money into the pocket of every Dakota farmer. South Dakota has thousands of acres of choice farming and ranch ]andlying east of the Missouri river, and within one day s ride from Chicago or Mil- waukee which can now he bought reasonably cheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced in price. The stock -raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. BORN. BO\Ic .- In lllanshard, on Aug. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. David Bonis, a son. ELLIOT.-In Blanshard, on Aug. 7th, to Mr and Mrs. John Elliot, a son. PRACTISE EeoyoMY. In buying medicine as in other mat- ters. It is economy to get Hood's Sarsaparilla because there is more medical value in hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other. Every bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla contains 100 doses and will average, taken according to directions, to last a mouth, while others last buts fortnight. Hoop's PILLS are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet efficient. There is no question about it. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best blood purifier. This is proven by its wonder- ful cures of blood diseases. Yukon River is thirty miles wide six hundred inilesfro m its mouth. That is a magnificent stretch of water, but it is frozen op for the greater part of the year. If you are tired taking the large old- fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some com- fort.A man can't stand everything. One pill a dose. Try them. The Winnipeg Nor.. -Wester speaks of Nicholas Flood Davin, M. P., as "that Gifted Son of the west." The Nor' - Wester probably means theWestof Ire- land, the only occidental portion of the earth's surface entitled to claim Mr. Davin as a son. The council of Blanshard have struck the following rate :-County rate on all the ratable property in the municipality 2 mills on the dollar for county purposes and a further rate of U: mills on the township for town- ship improvement purposes. Pain from indigestion,dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter s Little. Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't forget this. Two farmers on con. 7. London township, have made records. One Mr. Carling Gray, in raising on 2i acres, 90 bushels of wheat, and Sells & Bros., in threshing in one day 700 bu- shels of wheat. Will positively cure sick headache and preyeut its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisement. Small pill. Small close. Small price. A]f.Roberts of St Marys,had thefirst two fingers of the left, hand badly braised at the Maxwell Works on Mon- day afternoon. BURDOCK BLOOD BIT'TEPS. Burdock Blood Bitters regulate the etour.acll, liver, bowels and blood; curing dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, rheumatism, s of the c 'ties refile. and !removing I impurities ti rd renin 1 1 al I p blood, from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. As an invigoratorandtonieB B. B. is an unequalled medicine. Shorey'S ;Rigby Rain -Proofed rieze Ulsters In Olive Mix, Brown, Fawn, Claret and Oxford Gray ; 51 to 54 inches long, with 6 inch collar, 5 pockets and throat tab, with "wont - come -off" buttons can be bought retail in every Town and Village for 7.00 10 CtSs Per Package (Ji+•ARETTES loos. inn Per Package CIGARETTES RETAIL EVERYWHERE WESTERN FAIR London, September 9th to 18th, '97. CANADA'S FAVORITE LIVE STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. The most complete Live Stock Building in America. More improvements and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist Manufac- turer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., etc., specially invented. Entries close September Oth in all Departments Success assured. SIB HASSEN BEN ALI, The Arab Prince, has been secured to furnish and superintend the stage Attractions. For Prize Lists, Programme and maps, apply to LT. COL, F. B. LEYS, Pres. THOS. A. BROWNE, Secy. BICYCLES! Are You Interested '-� n wheels ? yore handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines chines ALWAYS Oe: HAND. • CALL -AT THE -- New butcher shop. For BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE at Lowest Cash Price. FISH POULTRY, AND GAME IN SEASON. 14 Discount of 5 per cent in cash or 7 .per cent in meat will be allowed on all cash purchases. Call and inspect our system. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheep, Lamb and Calf skins. ONE DOOR SOUTH CENTRAL HOTEL. L. DAY PROP. S. -Selling out Disc Har Pat cost.rowsTT PERKI\ S cC MARTIN , Main street, Exeter. THINGS! Ito rOWllIllU'S The correct place to buy your SHAVING BRUSHES, Price, CLOTHES BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, - HAIR BRUSHES, SHAVING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC. Quality unexcelled and prices very low at Browning's Quality, •Assortment Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment com- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. Gidley & son, Opera House block FURNITURE AND . UNDERTAKING. FARMERS! You will find at Bissett's SVarerooms the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, DIEERI1oIC_Y BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Y RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOYES.__- Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Buggies Bicycles The Chathalm Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLeutghlin Buggies. "B1LL," An Introduction - It gives us pleasure to in troduce to you our fine Beav(,r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed. for warm wirlteY wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our Black Worsted Suit (ruade to order,) If not why not. J. H. CrieVe -0THER5 FAIL -IT CURES. DEAR Shia ,Prom my Own experience I ca confidently say that Da Fowler's Extract ct ea Wild Strawberry possesses true merit It the means of saving my little girl's 112 summer. Site was teething. and too' diarrhoea. 1)r. Fowler's Extractef:'11'41d berry cured hor, and I feel that cane enough in its favor. MBS.WILLIAM AIMEEtiAwe2c T' lbs Say -Leamington s asse<<vauld, have nrtills. �''ri`