Exeter Times, 1897-8-19, Page 2Beautiful eye* grow dull and dim
es tbe swift years steal away.
Beautiful, willowy forms so sl£ti*
Zose fairness with every day.
But she still is queen and hath cbaf;tas to
who wears youth's coronal —beautiful
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
"A. woman is as old; as she
looks," says the world. No
woman looks as old as she is
if her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. Tou oan keep
hair from falling out, restoring
its normal color, or restore the
normal color to gray or faded
hair, by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor.
blood is sure to
do havoc some-
where.The only
�Mite e is sound
. neY
Q�� Y med-
icine, ; ' e the on
�cln , only
td• at�Il� is Dod&:.l S
Kidney Pills, _.
Pr, +ll„P T
da, rte. V 9� 114.120 i
T ' , ALL
w-_ _._
Ask your Drugg,sl or Dealer for it
late:meting items About Our lawn Country,
Great Britain, the United States, and
All Parts of the Veleta Condensed one
Assorted tor nun Reading.
Rev. .Alexander Grant, of Winnipeg
was drowned in the Nepigon River.
Two new cases of smallpox have de-
veloped in Westtnount, a suburb of
By a majority of 15 a local option by-
law was carried ie lV ainfieet 'Township,
Welland County.
Steamship rates on grain from Mont-
real and Liverpool have nearly doubled
w ithin a comparatively short time.
It is expected that the telegraph line
from the head of Lynn canal to the
Kiendyke can tie built before the win-
The Dominion Minister of Militia has
authorized the holding of the usual
autumn camps of instruction for the
A despatob from lri inuipog, says that
there will he no difficulty In placing
farm hands in Manitoba as soon as
they arrive.
A reorganization of the infilitia De-
partment which will effect a saving
of many thousand dollars will take
John Flack, aresident of St. Cathar-
ines, was on Saturday morning run
over by a rudenvay team, and instant-
ly killed.
The Dominion Goverment, accord -
m• g to a 1l'innipeg oiel):tteh. is consid
ernag the question of, upening a route
into the Yukon. via, -.Edmonton.
Thomas Telford, of Kingston, who re-
cently disappeared in London, Eng., has
been found in a hospital there. Re
had been sandbagged and robbed.
A war map of the Dominion of Can-
ada is in process of prepart,.tion. It will
show all the roads, bridges, towns, vil-
lages, farms, blacksmith shops and
Manitoba millers have advanced the
price of flour in Montreal 25 cents a
barrel, the third raise within the past
i few weeks. largely due to the increas-
ed cost of wheat.
Premier Greenway, who has been in
Southwestern Manitoba, reports that
the crops have decidedly improved. and
are looking: better than they did at this
last year.
Aiontreal's reception to Sir Wilfrid
Laurier will likely take the form of
a Laurier day at the Exposition, to
be followed by a banquet given by
the Hoard of Trade.
Mr. E. A. Wells, of Alex endria. Eg-
ypt, writes to the Dominion Depart-
Ilaent of Trade and Commerce suggest-
ing 1'gvpt as a good field for the de -
Three thousand men engaged in the
building trades went on strike in New
New York post -office inspectors as-
sert that the foretgn mails are being
systematically robbed.
The Prince of Wale, will atteaid the
autumn military zniuoeuvres at Ham-
burg September 3rd.
Brutus W'Lman has taken out bis
final papers in New York, which makes
him an American citizen.
It is reported from Perry, U. T.,
that outlaws have killed Quannah
Parker, chief of the Commanche In-
The Washington authorities admit
that beyond any possible doubt the
Klondike gold fields are in British ter-
The Glucose Sugar Refining Com-
pany, with a capital stock of $40,000;
000, has been incorporated at Trenton,
Dr. Fred W. Evelyn, of San. Francis-
co, claims that he has discovered a per-
fect drink cure in injections of horses'.
Fred Loughead of Sarnia won :he
e 'chant,
p onship of Amerir and. one iccal at tbe1L. A. W.
meet at Philadelphia,
.A non-union roller, employed in the
Scottdale, Pa., iron and steel works,
was shot and killed by union men an
strike on Saturday.
An ultimatum has. been presented to
the Peruvian Government by the
United States Administration requir-
ing the in na.ediate payment of tbe Mc-
Cord claim.
Mr. T. V. Powderly, formerly Master
Workman of the Knights of Labor, on
Tuesday took the oath of office in
Washington as Commissioner General
of Immigration.
Elia'hj Boulde Glenn of Newark, N.J.,
celebrated hie one hundred and third
birthday on Friday, and hopes to live
to cast a vote for Bryan at the next
United States Presidential election.
=lir, A. Booth, of Dujluth, Minn., has
protested against the duty of a quarter
cent a pound levied on fish caught in
Canadian water's and brought into the
United States. He will make c the col-
lector's levy a test case.
Charles W. Spaulding, ex -treasurer
of the Illinois State University, 'and
former president of the Globe Savings
Bank, has been found guilty at Chi-
cago by a. jury in the third trial. The
charge was hypothecating $25,000 in
Macupin County bonds.
Prof. Elliott, of Cleveland, thinks
that lir. Foster, who was sent to Eng-
land < insoon
ani reward to the seal question,
is a. diplomatic failure. He has se-
cured nothing from the SalisburyGov-
erninent. The Canadians are in con-
trol of the situation, and at the com-
ing conference' they will skin Mr. Ras-
ter as they "skinned" hien before at
the Paris tribunal.
The reports of the commerelati agen-
eies as to the condition of trade in the
!elop t:rut. of Ctian.ld.Ian trade, United States, are of a more encouran-
inn` nature, and state that the move -
air. Joseph Lavergne., . ho represent- I meat of general mer, handise throul;li-
ed Druiuiurnirl and :kxtL I aha in the : out elle country has i�ncrease)l, as in -
House of (': nimon ,- iniac teen appoint- netted Icy aha expansion in bank elear-
ed a Jutlp;e of the Sup erid.r Court of in x, The export trade for the pres-
Queie for ilia Ottawa district. ! ani. fiscal year shows a gain of 20 per
Thieves entered U.ti•1andl'a general 1 cent. Iron, cotton, and .wool Indus,.
store at Portage to L`i..irie, and Mr. ' tries, are in an imerore l condition.
Urmanni, the caretaker, fired en thein. I There bas leen a. sharn increase in the
t2ne of them rein/Teel the
fire, wound-, extort of wheat anti flour, and wheat
ing the caretaker int the lett shoulder. lex in a stronger position than for years.
A comi'any has Leen erganizzrl in • The. returns of 40 railway companies
Montreal for tie perinea of sending show a net gain of 6 per cent., as me-
an expedition to th' i ukon district up- • paced with ,Tuly. 1890.
on the et—operative pian The ni:ners GENERAL
eI g Sed. are to have 't share of the pro- , •
fi.is. I Nearly100. persons have been
iiegulations respecting the issue of eel in Silesia.
'eines to dredge for minerals in the It is reported that
submerged beds of rivers in liani- ' exists in Portugal.
tolat and. the North -•,vest Territories
have been made by Order -in -Council. The Japanese Government has order -
An order has been ?,surd liberating
ed from Germany a nine thousand ton
drown -
a reign of terror
Mrs. Omier, of Gatineau Point, who was . battleship.
tried for murdering her ilueband, but It is reported that I3elgium will en -
she refused to leave on the ground that deavar to arrange a commercial treaty
she is afraid of sunstroke this warm with Canada.
weather after her lvn-r incarceration. - Yellow fever is ravishing the Spanish
Mr. J B. ,he retiring united tr,!OPS, and is proving the best friend of
ed. with a valuable silver dinner ser Floods at Johannisbad, Bohemia, have
vice and a gold -heeded. walking- caused great loss of .life and destruc
cane, • and a dtciniond ring far Mrs. loon to property.
Y,ley. The address was read by sena- Trouble has arisen on thy'. Turku -Per-
for Scott. • sista, border. and both Governments
.Referring to the mission of Mr. E. E. are: despatching troops.
Sheppard. of Toronto, to open up trade
Lett'; en Canada end `,it:�.k'o, a City of General Weyler commander of the
11% s .•a despatch says Canadian iu.nilier Spanish force in Calms .will grant
will i'n't a market,as well as various amnesty to 1500 exiles.
lines at' manufactured geeds, if proper-, In the recent r,rht.ing 1efere Fort .
ly introdured. Chik41ra, two thoneand seven hundred
GREAT I3?ITAIN. of the tribesmen were killel.
The Imperial l: erliament was proro-' The steamship lyariprsa salted. from
gued with the usual speech from the Sydney, N.S.W.. for San Francisco on
throne. Tuesday with 450,50'J severe?^__ns.
The Countess of Craven, nee CarneIia Capt: General \Veyler ha signed an
Martin, of New York, bas given birth order expelling from Cuba two New
to a son. ' York newspaper aper correspondents.
Vis_cunt Garnet Weds=le , Command- The Carlists expect that Don Carlos
er--in-Chief af the British Army, IS ,. will he at the head of his forces in
seriously iiI. Spain before the end of February
It is stated that a site has been se- next.
lected in Killarney fora Royal res?-, Owing to aha expected t.+ul harvest
dance in Ireland. •the Russian Government intends to
Judge Tuley decided on Friday that the prohibit the exportation of grain this
Chicago ordinance establishing a vehicle year.
tax: including bicycles, is void. I The Emperor and Empress of Comer
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will sat' for Can- many arrived at. Crcnstadt en watur-
a'la. on the Lal,ra.dor on the 19th inst, i daF, and were cordially received by the
Si Louis D=ries Will leave Liverpool cu Czar.
the '6th 'Test
Consul at Ott:+.v.•a, was present- the• insurgents.
wept else
ere ete
'Shooting ?sive Ffrtpett
aha fulparial Gnv ernment has• de-; There has been a veritable epidermic
olden to Inulin a 1arlsour and graving of. suicide in Paris for some weeks
deck at Simonstown, in Cape Colony. ` past, the heat adding to the nurnher
add Britain i of cases.
The Chief Juist-i+ce of Canada, Sir This cloudbursts and inundations
Samuel Binary Strung, is now sitting' which have devni3*attd the eastern
daily as a member of the Ju inial Com- part of Germany have eausedl a serious
mittee, of the. Imperial Privy Council. loss of life,
.ir. Mr. McLeod Stewart, the ex -Mayor ' The Vatican, including the Pope him -
C:fItFI!—StiYOlibi S'f'ATF.91i:WT. �
Sirs. 3iaggie McMartin, 27 Radenhnrat St., Toronto with. Lord Lansdowne, with refer- istimulate the revenue from
t tit., swears that ltyckman's "Kootenay Cure” aurae{ clay y nth L rd paign to h 0
• '.r of Paratvsis which rendered one side of her body encu to the Georgian Bey and Ottawa Peter's pence.
.autirelyuseless. Physicians said there was no chance Canal, awl be wee prcmisnrl all the as- ; The. ;Cologne Gazette says that the
r.f her over recovering• the use of her limbs. IIope sistanee in th✓srpower off, the.Secretary proposal of Germany for European
,leserted her, but today she is walking around telling of state for 14 ar: p
Ler friends how Ryekman's "Kootenay Cure" gave , I control of Greek finances bas been u-
ser life and happiness. Sworn to, July 10, I8Q5. The King of Siam arrived on Wednes- i cepted by the powers.
before J. W. Seymour Corley, Notary Public. day at Portsmouth., where he was re- i A Chinese pirate captured. the Brit
611MR'i ST.&TLilii.yT on A GIIATErUL eetved by the Prince of Wales. Behan tish steamer Pogu. on July 14, mur-
MOTHER. hranasston with the Queen at Osborne I tiered the captain and seven of his
Louisa white, nine years old, who suffered with house, and tea with the Prince and ,crew and plundered the ship.
Eczema mince her birth, has been entirely cured and Princess of sv'ales ont hoard. the royal ' Advices h the steamsh1 112aawera
her general system built up by ayeklnan'e "Kootenay yaohlt Osborne, . y p
Oure." The above facts are given ,n a sworn state-
tate• In tiaa� Howse of Commons on 1VIon- confirm the reports of the massacre of
stave assist-
montmatie by her mother, bars. tedJ White, 139 ' day eve'11tY1°" L'he CxOVernnlent grant i white gold -hunters andn stetson
of Ottawa, had an, interview •the other self, is actively engaged in a earn -
boort J. P. Monett, Notary Pubiic�tad July 8, 1898, ' of eighty thousand pounds towards the i -ants in Ne.w.. Guinea.
A COMBINATION DISTURBED — SWORNt jubilee celebration ^was opposed by some , A paper published, in Rome, Italy,
STATEMENT ?RADE. of the Irish mem},ers, bat was carried; deelared the resignation of Secretary
by a vote of one hundred and sixty-two of State Sherman is necessary, as his
Charles E. Newman, 13 Marlborough St„ Toronto
Ont., had a complication of blood trouble, Rheu-
matism, severe. Kidney' trouble and constipation.
Was frequently disturbed at night, lost his appetite
and was a eery sick man, Ws ltidneya are now in a
healthy condition, his appetite good, sleep undis-
turbed and oonstipation cured ; all this was done by
tyckman'a +`Kootenay Cure." lie makes sworn
tatsment ti; the above facts before J.W. Seymour
'Corley, July 10, I880.
TIM .0S.
to twelve. diplomacy is irritating all Europe.
There were disturbances at Tetuan,
near Madrid, an :Monday, arising out
of a private dispute- The rioters used
guns and several persons were wound-
According to reports from Madrid,
received' at London, the Portuguese
Government is setting the constitu-
tion at defiance, and adopting the
most stringent repressive' measures.
Crave Charges are being formulated
against the Boers. It is said they sup -
Right Hun. Joseph Chamberlain
stated in. the Hulse all Commons that
the denunciation on the German and
Belgian treaties was ,aha unanimous
wish, of the self. -governing colonies,
who desired to deal with the United
Kingdom on preferential terms.
It was 104 in the shade in 'Lincoln,
Neb., 'on Saturday.
Seven persons were kilied by Friday's
cyclone at San Jose, ': 1.
..-avw i ns'
Lake Le carpe
a1 Miles
Hez+d of take
Le par9e i'l-Mikes
I.ttke 8?+ r i'.k t9 Mlte tvar
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horrAQt �. Whits Mode `. • C
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�.... Rwtr . Miief
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CA/'rlboo 1"•
,C,r ke elennee.
24 Mi/e5
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y1' e:,�=Ara)'e$i
._ i,e.Itvtln •1�'"' G � a;-••.'�''i.�.e`u''-�'�'�`�.�
Being a. Pictorial Map, Showing the Route of the Journey, the Distances
and how the, Trip is Accomplished.
plied the Matabele with arms, and es
c ed very heavy bribes from the South
African Chartered .Company.
The Japanese Government is said to
lee seriously embarrassed financially,
arising out of the increased demands
in every direction on account of Jap-
an taking her place as a civilized saa-
tion .
1'ea report that Mr. Cecil Rhodes and
Mr. Alfred P, 1t has personally paid
two hundred an.i fifty thousand pounds
to the Transvaal Government in in-
demnity for the Jameson raid is office
ally denied.
Tae great volcano of Mayon, on the
island of Luzon; one of the Philippine
group, has been in tviolent eruption
since June 24. :,nil it is estimated that
thousands of the Inhabitants have lost
thein' lives.
Much interest is taken in French
nena1 circles at the discovery of a
composition which is alleged to have
the marvellous property of rant rring
vessels invisible beneath the rays of
electric searchlights.
A despatch from Athens says that
a sharp engagement took place be-
tween 2,060 Turkish troops and the
armed, population vi the villages lying
between. llletsavc, Trikala and Kolar-
Senor Calera jr r. e. Cul:an refugee, who
arrived, at I ampu, it on Sunday,
says that the f•reoirg,ritatter q:.•1 the
village of Marnnna, x.11::'1 ,J epa,nish
soldiers, wound:el 120 and took lenses -
Won of the place.
Owing to the azoendtrients to the
Peace agreements introduced by `few -
lilt Pasha. the discussion of which would
occupy a couple of weeks. it is ex-
pected that the powere will semi an-
other ultimatum, to expedite the Porte.
,A newspaper im B,^rmbay prints a
highly; inilannmatory article, attacking
the Indian Government for " the
prosecution of obscure persons," end
far "making an absolute police regu
lation do fluty as a secret assassin."
Aceordbng to a Tokio paper, tbe For-
mosa rebels seem to. have an under-
standing I with, the high officials
China, end their plan is
to attack for-
eign offices and residences, and otlh:er-
wnse( molest foreigners, so as to start
international trouble.
The Japanese Minister to the City
of Mexico, nn an interview, says that
Japan, while having no desire to an-
nex the Hawaiian islands is opposed. to
thsia: absorption by the United States.-
Japant would. prefer the islands to re-
main. independent.
Uapan threatens( to make a navaleae-
monatratiant in Hawaiian waters, and
will insist that the United States as-
sume a contingent responsibility in the
matter of arbitration ofbus differences
with Hawation the subject of immigra-,
tion and the tariff,
The Priam Minister of Spain Killed by a
A despatch from. Madrid, says: --
Senor Canovas del Castillo, the Prime
Minister of Spain, was• assassinated. orr
S:utnday at Santa Argueda, by an anar-
chist. The murderer fired three shots,
one of which struck the Premier in
the forehead., and another in the chest.
The vvoum.ded man fell dying at the feet
on his wife, who was with him, linger-
ing in agony foir two hours, and then
passing away witlh the cry of "Long
Live Spain," which were the last words
upon Ins lips,
aanta Agueda is noted' for its baths.
The place is between San Sebastian,
the sumrner residence af the Spanish
Court, and Vittoria, the capital of the
Province of Alava, snout thirty miles
wet h. of Billboa. 'The Premier went
th 'r.a last `Thursday to take a three
weeks' course of the 'baths, after which
lie expected to return to San Sebas-
tian to meet United States Minister
Woodford, when officially received by
the Qua:en Regent,
7'ha assassn was immediately ar-
rested. He is a Neapolitan, and gives
the nano el Wean: ie but it is believed
that this le an assumed name, and
that his real name is Michele Angine
If we deserve sympathy we are pretty
sure of getting it by courageously and.
quietly Showing that we are deserving;
we cannot have it by demanding it
with w.hines and lamentations, and d.e-
rnr:nstrations of our suffering forced
upon unwilling ears.
Mrs. Gotham—The paper says that
chewing v ntergreen will keep people
awake in ah aerie
Mr. Gotham—It might be—but, at the
theatre, I have toned cloves very ef-
ficaei ou,s. '
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constt.
,potion, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
WRECK OF STlti EEO. Every ingredient in Mann.
A 13 o u liom'd Were Saved — The Teasel Tore
herself on a Sunken, Itocir -- Uz*il on
'?curb Treesuree Front the Aukon.
A ?returning Alaska ste•,ie-chip.
brought the startling news to Victoria,
13.C., on Tuesday that a steamer hav-
leg aboard a large party of Klondike
gold sealers, had gone to the bot-
tom in Dixon's Entrance on August
3rd, with all their gathered trea-
The City of Topeka, which arrived
later, brought further information re-
garding • the ill-fated vessel. :Elle
steamer is the alexia*, one of the finest
of the Peoifie coast fleet. She 'was
making her way from Dyea to Seattle.
&bout 150 prospectors, miners, and for-
tune-hunters were aboard with their
supplies and mining implements, re-
turning from the now justly famed
Canadian gold fields in the Yukon. The
accident happened in Dixon's Entrance
on the morning of August 8rd. '1'1te
vessel was making gallant progress to
the south, with favorable weather,
and was making fast time, The .52ex-
Leo was about 500 miles on, leer course
and bed just about •rounded Cape
iliuxon, after completing f a seedy
night's sailing.
It was at 4,30 in the morning when
the vessel struck on a hidden rock of
w hich no sign could be seen on the
surface, but which. is known to marin-
ers on; the route, and in the charts, as
West Devil's hock. 'I'Ilte 'Mexico was
steaming so rapidly that site drove
clear over Ube rock:, but when she had
made clear, was so 1'eiat and torn an
the bottom and keel teat it was im-
possible to stay the leakage. The
t:aptaua noticed: nett it would only i:e
a quest>'ont of time before the vessel
would sink, and he immediately turn-
ed the ship's head landwards.
For about two !hours the vessel
steamed rapidly onward, and all the
while intense excitelueut prevailed on
board. t13y thei tame the steamer was
about to d1eai a everyuernan
aboard thel Mxo had safely embark-
ed in the boats.
As .much of the belongings of ithe
passengers and crew as tx as possible
tor them Ito; take were thrown lute the
boats five: minutes before tate steamer
sank. The malls were also saved.
The boats pulled away to a safe dis-
tance, and watched the Mexico disap-
pear stel+). first in about 95 fathoms
of water.
The entire warty Ianded at al.etlakat-
la, and 'uvihen the. steamer t'ity of
Topeka reatih'ecl' that port tue news of
the disaster was Invade known to them.
.DLeon's Entrance, separates the tire -
haul Island of the Queen Charlotte
grout) frons, the Prince of .Vales is-
lands. It Ls a broad Outline! and con-
stitutes the dividing line between
Canadian and American A.laslta. :the
Mexico was on her way from Dee a, front
which city the City of kopek * has ,;ust
arrived, and had crossed the bc.undary
line. Devil's Rock is 1n American wa-
ters, and the vessel sank just, tiff Cape
The Mexico was valued at about
$100,000: She wan owned and run by
the Pacifie Coast Steamship Company,
:and was well known on the Sound.
She woks .built in San Francisco in
1892. Her gross tonnage was 1,797;
net, 1340. She was 275 feet in length,
30 -foot beam, and had a nominal horse-
power of 1,500.
Of the passengers, forty were tour-
ists and others were coming south
from different Alaskan ports. Includ-
ed in the latter were a party of natur-
alists, .who had spent the summer in
Western Alaska collecting specimens
for the Columbian museum. Their spe-
cimens and notes went clown with the
steamer. Many of her passengers were
returning from the gold 'fields, loaded
doyen with fortunes in the yellow
metal. This is now at the bottom
of the sea, but there will be little dif-
ficulty in raising it.
For Infants and Children.
The foo-
n ens' is sa
efe S;<.app;ai,WNW.
ley's -Celery-Nerve C m
pound is a blood maker anis
health giver. If you are weak
or run down, try it.
Dear airs: It is with pleaspre I
can recommend others to take Man-
ley'e Celery -?(erre Compound, as I
am thoroughly satisfied it is a ster-
ling preparation, and as a tonic 1
think it has no equal. Other mem-
bers of my family, besides myself,
have need It, Rub in all cases it
ova the moetgratifytnandplaes-
ing results, Youri truly,
Dry Goofs ETonga t, E. erryme*,
260 Tonga St., Toronto,
• i1J
QReZZef for •
• ZZTZ' •
*Troubles •
• DEBILITY, the bestentsof this
• article are must mau1test, -
Bythe aid erne "D.,t 1,"Mauls!on have got
• lid ora harking cough which hail uouii* , no Ver •
over a year, and neve gained constdolully 111
weightl t. I lfkod tilt ! rm)Ision an .all I was Clad' •
• when o alit e came around Kotake 1t.
• T. it. Immune animaters' •
SCe, and of per Rottie
••qct '1 c fiat: tail
A Money Lender and 1H4 Sister Gilled by
tint•glars—Their Iles idenee Ransacked
• A despatch; from North Adams, Mass., ,
says :—A 'horrible double murder was
discovered in tants city on Saturday,
whenethe bodies of Henry J. Reed, a
money lender, and ,his sister, Blenehe
M. Reed were found Ira bheir home, on
Webster avenue, bavung been killed by
burglars. The house had. evidently
been entered during the night, and the
burglars discovered by Miss 1leed, who
was. killed before she could make a dis-
turbance, and then the brother was
beaten to death because he refused to
disclose{ the hiding place of his money.
Everything was in confusion; the body
of Miss Reed, battered and almost un-
recagnizable, lay across Ole threshold
of her bedroom, door, while in his room
oneo the bed concealed bythe covering,
lay the body of Henry Reed, gagged
and also covered with blood. la the
man's, head was a wound which looked
as in it had been .made by a bullet, but
from other marks it was apparent that
a heavy ilmplemetnt of come sort had
beetn used to beat the head almost to
a pulp. The affair has created the
greatest exciteineint here.
'easilyand thoroughly. E
:Best after dinner pills.
26 cents. All druggists.
?Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lot ell, mass
EThe only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla)„
Thlarty' millions of wooden spoons are
manufaetured in Russia every year.
emu., t) In on
' ra
.,.11,9 .
, oxer
.r 1
a r
Br(alt Up a Cold in 8
T ai
The Quick Cure far CO1t7GIIS,
COLDS, 0110131', BRON-
of 63 SoraurenAve„Toronto,yvritra:
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tomos will nava no mbar.
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