Exeter Times, 1897-8-12, Page 7LuctAL„ ..1. 13. DWICSON, Barrister, SOli- -4 • rater of Frey elle Court, Notary Public, ['wryer; ecae, orentatasteeer, Lee Money to Loan. Onteein ausonaatook, motor, R. COL4UNS, Barrister, lialicitor, Conveyancer, Btu. ataT.Ea. - ONT. OFFICE: Over O'Neil's Bank. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, 'Rotaries Pahlic, Conveyancers &o, &o. ow -Money to Loan at Lowest Rates oi Interest. OFFICE, MAIN - STREET, EXETER. Rensall every Thursday. L v. Emme. • SREDERICK litEDICAL R. T. WICIERTT. M. D. TORONTO TINT VERs1TY, M D. C. M. Toi era° Univer y. Oillee—Oroditon, Ont.. n Rs. ROLLINS & PIOS, parte Onicee. Residence same its former. iY, Andrew st. Oakes; Spaoltinanet Intildtng. Mak et; Dr Rollins' seine as tormerlynorth doom Dr. Amos" same mouth doer: J. l. ROLLINS. M.D.. T. A. AMOS, M. D ' Exeter. Ont • W.BROWNING M. D., 10.. 0 IV a P. S Greduate Victoria (Niece, ty since an d reeldeuce, Dominion Lehe a to: y.Ereter T)R. RYNDMAN, coroner for tae L. County of Huron. Ofees, opparite Garlics Bros. stort,Eseter. AUCTIONEERS, BOSSEIst1311BRY, General Li- -1-4 • (tensed euetioeeer Sales coudttoted in /Oporto. Satisfootionguarauteeti, Oherges moderate. Heusall P 0, Out: ITENICY EILBE.R Licensed A,ne. LA, tioneer for the Couoties of Huron and Miaelesex 8ales conducted at mod- erate rearm °aloe. at Poet-ollee Lived. Ion Out. V leTEIUNARY. Tennent & Tennent oNT, reseeettf Ofthe Ontario vetetaiery 0)1 f f P. coerce : Cue door South o fTo %en Hall. 41111. I111E Wat.TEItL00 MUTUAL NUM IN State NeEcO. lestublisited1 nts133. WEAD OFF/OE - WATERLOO, ONT q bee Company hos been over T trout v -el eenrs in aneoessful °per aloe in Western untie:1a end continuos to insure:tem eat ens r lunatic by Fire. Bentonite, eforolmediee annefeelories itui ni ether deseriptioes of insurable pro puree 1»t n i rors have the option of inetIrl/Ion the e roue ate ea to er klesh system. Durii,ir t he enet ten years. this company has !trued 57,(iO, 1 �hio, eoverber property to tho AMOU t of$40,872.038; and paid in lossos atone tOI52.Ou. Asst,, reatoo.00, coni :4 or Cash n Bank Government Deeesi tend the unasses- ed Premium Notes ou hand and in lone ae .WALDNN, M.D., President; 0 AI. TAYLOR retin ; J. IL II Ltflee, Inspector . ellAS 111. Agtt. t forEeetor and vieinity ../0/011.1/.!•110211/1011. 1111 NM IN g 1111I811 t. ish House of Commons by Lord Lorn, • Bay and Ottawa Canal schemes. era, to whom he explained his Georgia wain introdaced him to several mem I The British Foreign Office has not '••Th ••••••••• veRy LATEST FROM ALL. ThEi WORLD OVER. kiterestIng items About Our Own Country Great Britain. the United States. ant All Parts of the Globe, Condensed and essorteit for easy *swung. CANADA. Manitoba crop reports indicate bounteous harvest. THE EXETER TIMES • . . e,lor 500 of his followers were taken prie b- sailers. n The Belgian Chamber of D4puties has passed a bill compelling all for- 1- eigners who have had a year's resid- i- mice to enroll themselves on a civic it guard, tied. Ambassador Hay that Great Br Lain accepts the propositien of th I United States for an international co Terence on the question of pelagic sea ! bag, in the •Behring sea, to be held i ' Washington during the corning- a tam, UNITED STATES. fl- Tttie Parisi Figare predicts the early, is- 1- seance of a Papal encyolical censuring the priests who continue to incite the tz- workingmen of France and otth.er COUR- trik.s to demand their rights. The British ship Tasmania, from Cal- outta, ran 143011 sunken rocks off Capa U. Maria, at the northern extremity of n New Zealanct on ariday morning, anti sank immediately. All on board were P. Saved. A mob lynched one horse thief fan shot another at Little Rock, Ark., Tuesday. a i The eloakmakers of Now Ierk, win receive starvation wages, propose a strike. William Karsteins, a teamster, tou.oh- ed a live wire and was electrocuted in Commerce street, Newark, N.J., on Tuesday. The United States Cabinet had under discussion yesterday the establishment 4 of a military post in Alaska, near Cir- " .ole City. t I Moses P. Handy, of Illinois has been - appotated, special United States Coma - niissioner to the Paris International Exposition in 1900. - It is very currently reported. that - Mr. Whitelaw Reid, proprietor of the New York Tribune, will succeed Mr. Sherman. as Secretary of State. ' What are supposed to be the remains of Minnie Williams, ono of Murderer Holmes' vietims, have been found at Momence, Kankakee County, Ill. President and Mrs. lYloKirtley left Washington for Lake Champlain for a vacation that may keep the Presi- dent aavay-Reola -the city for six.wasal& Governor Atkinson ot Georgia has offered substantial rewards for the at - and conviction of the men who took part in the recent lynehing of Bor- der. San Francisco newspapers speak in terms of strong reseutreent of the proposition of the Canadian Govern- ment to exit royalties on Klondike gol cl. . - Smallpoz hats broken out in West - mount a flourishing suburb of Mont- real. . George Biggins, a British army pen- sioner who had. served in India and a the Cape, committed suicide at London. The Poatmaster-General has decided to authorize the issue of partial setae* jubilee stamps to meet the demand Lo souvenirs. The new appointments to the Kings ton Penitentiary staff have been an Pounced. Daniel O'Leary of Ottawa is Deputy Warden. The Governor-General is SLID at Stan ley house, on the Caacapedia, but will likely pay a flying visit to Ottawa, and Toronto next month, The body- of Ira. Cornwall, Secretary of the St. John Board of Trade, who mysteriously disappeared was found in the St. John Raver twenty miles be- low the city.. The Dominion Line steamship Ca,n- Ada, has beaten the record of 6 days and 18 hours between Queenatown and Boston, having made the trip in 0 daya 15 hoaxes and 31 minutes. Mr. George H. Reid, Premier of New South Wales, arrived in Montreal yes- terday, ami had a conference with Sir William Van Boren president of the Canadian Pacific; railway. J A. farms mono Whitemouth, Man., re- ports that he saw a balloon twice the size of Ms house floating in a north- easterly direction, and the question is asked, "Can this be Andreer The Petroleum Oil Trust, which has been boring for oil in the Gasae dis- trict for a long time back has at length bees rewarded by it gusher, which will give at least five hundred barrels a day. Mr. Geo. B, Reeves, general traffic manager of the Grand Trunk railway, says he 'is greatly pleased with the evi- dence of returning prosperity in On- tario, which be everywhere observed during his recent tour. Sir Wilfred Laurier, in a letter to a friend in Montreal, states that he was not consulted as to the acceptance at the title and honors bestowed upon him, and that he found the decree signed by the Queen when he arrived ia London. The 13ritish steamer Seandinaviara from Glasgow for Boston, ran down and sank the Canadian larkentine Florenee twenty miles south* of Cape Race on Saturday. The captain's wife and four of the crew of the Paorence ' • Mr. Raymond Blathavayt, a frequent! contributor to London magazines and nlawspapers, is snaking a tour of Can- i ; ads for the, purpose ot writing a series t of articles on immigration, the Kings- I ton Military College, and the Canadian Pacific railway. It was announced on Thursday that Si J. Sanford, the late County '1reas- user of Siniesie, had appropriated S01,- 000 during his twelve years tenure of office. Iles property and seeurities wlill realize 049,000, to that the tax- payers wial require to make up the balance of 015,000, fin addition to law costs. NERIf Tarawa, Core:7 tbat cure tho want casts of Nervetas Dewey, Lost Visor and BENSA Palling Manhood; restores tho weakneso of boat or anad oauso4 b orererora or the errors Gooses o youth. Ills Remedy ab. ,olutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other CREATMP,NTS inlve Sal)ed even to ;oiler°. 'Loki bydrug. gists at 1 per packs.cf, or eix foe, cr sent by mail °al t .00ript of prea im ".- Tnal, . (c.f., • ... sold at lit OWIlitleil Drug Store Exeter • f GREAT BRITAIN. The First Lancashire Battalion has been ordered to get itself in readiness or duty in Malta. The amount of prize -money iswon• by the Canadian team. Bisleyabout Lye hundred pounds. Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered the town. of Sterling, Scotland, six thou- san.d pounds for a Public library build- ing. The King of Siam arriveti on Friday in England in his royal yacht, and was received. by British warships with the loyal salute. aftEVIVIN•m> DE! WOODS NO PINE SYRUP. THE MOST PROMPT, Pleasant and Perfect Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup; Whoop- ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in the Chest and all Throat, Bronchial and Lung Diseases. The healing anti -consumptive virtues of the Norway Pine are combined in this medicine with Wild Cherry and other pectoral Herbs and Bal- sams to make a true specific for all forms of disease originatingfrom colds. Pile° - 25c. and 50c.- 4;10 -MAKER% 0 -Ar.v.13.4kssime KETT FAIII glliP SeTteieffeiel • THE EXETER TIMES TS eublished every Thursdnv morning at Times Steam Printing Rouse 3/an street, nearly opposite rif on'sjeweIry store. fixeter, Ont., by TORN WHITE et SONS, Proprietors. RATES OF ADVERTISING: First irartion. per lino , .10 cents. :Tech Subsequent insertion, per line.. 8 cents. • To ineura insertion, advertisements should be ent in not later than Wedne day morning. Our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one o t he. )argeb t and best equippetLin ere Counts" of Huron. All work en.rusted to 114 venire calve our prompt et ten don. • Decisions Regarding Newspapers. 1—An/ Peron who takes a paper regularly from the post office, wheiher directed in his name or another's, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is responsible for prtyment. 2-1.f a pereen cedes his paper discontinued Rio must Day all arrears or the publisher may continue tb send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is token trent the aloe or not 3— in suite for subeeriptlons, tho relit may be instittitept In the place e here the paper le nut - Esher% *Rhone:It the subscriber may reside hundreds &mile: away. t --The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post °Mee, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima ghee evidence of intentiottal fraud. .Zdr. arid Mrs. Gladstone on Sunday celebrated the fifty-eighth anniversary of their marriage. They are both in excellent health. Twenty-one firms of manu.faeturers of bicycles in England, have joined the Employers' Federation in opposition to the striking engineers. The British Government has placed in the estimates 4580,000 to provide for the construction of four new cruis- ers and some torpedo-boat destroy- ers. It is announced, though not yet of- fieially, that Great Britain will send. re- presentatives to the irteretationad bi- metallic conference to be held. Wash- ington. Ie. the House of Commons on Thurs- day Mr. Chamberlain said that the Minister of the Colonies desired furth- er time to consider the Pacific cable scheme. It is thought probable that the forth - Doming visit or the Duke and Duchess of York to Ireland will he signalized. by the release of the Irish patina prisoners. Henry Lee, of London Eng., inadver- tently married. his sister, who had been sold. by her father to the gipsies when an ineant. When he learned. of the re- lationship he committed suicide. A small commission has been sent abroad by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture to investigate the possibility, of Siberia being a wheat - growing rival of the Western States. The Japanese Minister at Washing- ton bals addressed to the State De- partment on behalf of his Government a polite but firm enaaest agaisqat the annexation of Hawaii by the United S hates. Mr. Curran stated in the House of 'Commons on Monday, that the Clay- ton-13ulwer treatly contained an agree- ment recognized either by the United States or Great Britain as affecting the annexation of Hawaii. The Imperial Government has again deeli ned to interfere in the Maybriele case, not finding in the medical reports way reason for mitigating the treat- ment to which in the ordinary course of affairs she is subjected. ; The proposition of Mr. Broderieh, Parlianaentary Secretary to the War Office that there should be an inter- change of the troops of the Empire, colonel troops doLng duty in England, the British, regulars taking their place is very favourably reeeiyea, Mr. IVIcLeed Stewart, ex -Mayor Of Ottawa, was given a luncheon on Wed, veaday at the restaurant of the Brit - The first- reanton arid dinner of th alumni of the University of Ottawa, re en ia New 'or and vieinity took place ou Thursday night and. was large - 1' attended. As a protest against the methods employed by the 'New York police to obtain evidence, Col. Fred Grant has withdrawn from the Board of Police Commissioners. Bowarit iisotham, accused of murder- ing his wife by administering prussic acid, was found guide, by a jury in Batavia, N.Y., on Thursday of murder U1'the fast degree. The United States Secretaryof War has appointed a board to pm e a sur- vey awl examination of deep water- liavaraliteidtrevol..‘*natetbne great lakes and At- Charlea Aiaisky was shot and killed by Andrew Jevereeky in a quarrel. in a. saloon in fittsburg, Pa,, on Tuesday niaht. in attempting to cam jovar- esky shot and, seriously wouuded two others. During a warm. Sieusaieti in a color- ed Bapiiit Church at Mantgomery, AAIa. as to the a ladasion of a deposed min •ster Etliter Pattersen of The Argos pwittietcaishotit:.anti killed by a negro .naintcl Notw,..ustanding that the British flag 'has waved over Palmyra for the last ne years, the United ritates are lay- ing count to the island on the ground that it was discovered by an Ameri- can citizen in 1e02. Larltun, in an interview on the American duty en tatiatelau lumber, said thee. be believed that the Dingley high tariff would. week its only cure. ana that the Demoeratic party will come Into power la tea nest election. The State leepartueent at Waerington has Leuee. a warrant for the surrender to the aerie:Aran uoverunant or. Mrs. Olive Sternaman, who ishald at baif- falo charge of murdering her husband. and \ Val0 will be tried at Cayuga. Dr. Andrews, who resigned the Pre- sidency of Brown University because his views on sceial questions were tuo liberalbo suit the authorities of the institution, has aikepted the Pre- sidency of a new University to' be known as the Cosmopolitan. Tae coal. strike situation becomes more serious. Applications has been made to the Governor of Illinois for troops to protect the miners at Roanoke. Sheriff Lowry of Pitts- burg went to Turtle Creek, Pa, with 50 deputies armed with Win- chesters. Prof. Elliott, of the Smithsonian In- stitute, says that the letter of (Mr. Fos- ter, United States Commissioner, on the sealing question, lays him open to a crushing reply from Canada, and that as a matter of 'fact, Mr. (Foster knows no more of the sutbject of sealing than a parrot. The Paris Figaro says it is probable that an amicable arrangement will be made. between Japan and the United States in the Hawaiian question, and that the United States will back down on the most important points. The Cologne Gazette says that sev- eral of the powers, including Germaily, have adopted. the standpoint that the evacuation of 1.thessaly by Turkey can- not be demanded unless the indemnity by Greece is paid or guaranteed. A large body of tribesmen. made an attack on. Monday night on the camp at Malakand in the Chitral. One priv- ate was killed and two officers and an- other private were wounded. The cav- alry are now pursuing the enemy. The story that Prof. Marsoni is eon- templating applyingwireless telegraphy to exploding wagannea against distant warships and automatically synchron- izing watches in people's pockets is de- nounced by Prof. Crookes as the irre- spoasible clatter of an unsophisticated reporter. \REFERENTIAL TREATMENT. IP/Mitred Naollen Treaties are Denounced.— England's Bold etovement. despatch from says:—Tbe commercial treaty between Great Bri-• tam and the German Zollverein, which e has ben It force since Ma.y 30, 1805, was denounced on Friday, by Great 1 Britain, and. ceases to Le operative a year hence. The Rekhsanzeiger says that the sup- I Dieertentary conventions whIch were ouncluded alter, the treaty was extend-, 1 el to the German States, jolting the Zollverein will expire with; the main , treaty next surnmer. It was Lelievel here that the danger of Great Britain denouncing. the com- mercial treaties with Germany and. Belgium was past, anti, therefore the ' news that the treaties had. teen de- nounced Ca113,3d. all the greater sense - tion, though it ie, believed that, ()Mild circles hatl full knowledge of the mat- ter, and that King Leopold of Belgium during his retard: visit to Kiel, ex- I chnuged. telV3 with the Emperor. The event, leads great interest, to the atti- tude ot the el:worn:neat towards the Agrarians, alio will seise the chance to demand that a tarief war with Eng, keel Ire wagell, as they have alrealy demanded with regard to the 'United States. tiin artirle publielleed in the Ham- bergische Correspen lent seems to I mite thrit the Government is not in favor of a war on the tariffs. Vetri- ous Berlin papers print comments upon the action of Great Britain in derioanca ins the. treaties. The Freisianige Zeitung, the organ of Barr Richter, the Radical leader, •ex- presses great surprise Ian otherwise contents itself with, indicating the bearings at the question, noting that in 1895 Germany's exports to England amounted. to 19 per cent. of her total exports, while her imports from Eng- land amounted to 181-2 per cent. of her total imports. The reports furnished by the commek- oial agents ol Messrs. Dun and Brad- street as to the condition of trade in the !United States are scarcely of a nee tare to be regarded as very eneouraga • ling, but despatehles from the Northern cities state that bushxess is improving and crop prospects are exceptionally good. T.here liras been. a marked increase au tthe foreign demand for grain. Some large outton mills are closing, and. strikes contithee to complicate the in- dustrial situation in the coal and iron markets and in some grades of iron prices are a shade lower. GENERAL. Torrential rain throughout Lower Austria, leas clone •great damage to crops. Despetches from Bombay and Simla show that the native uprising in the Chitral is Serious. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been made a Grand Officer a the Legion of Honor by President Faure of France. ' • In spite of the intense heat the Pope is in his usual health; in eaet, he Is better than he was last winter. ?Mere seem,s to be now no doubt that botJh Japan and. Hawaii are prepared to subank ttheir differencee to arbitration,. Severe storms have prevailed through out Catalonia, Spain, ior the past few days, doing great daraage to the vine- yards. Li -Hung Tsao, the Chinese statesman who was a strong believer in the anti' foreign policy, p,nd chief opponent of ei•diung-Chang, is dead. The political situation in Portugal, al- ready grave, leas been aggravated by the strong measures taken by the Gov- ernment to intimidate the Republkans. Capt. Boitoheff, es -Aide -de -Camp to Prince • Ferdinand of Bulgaria has beea convicted of murdering Anna Salmon, a • beautiful singer of Buda- pest.i:fatele engagement at Fort •Mart near Hartley, South, Africa, the noted Chief Mashingorabi WAS killed and 400 BAD RAILWAY SMASHUP. F.01111•1' READ -END COLLISION ON TEE GORGE RAILWAY. 0141•1 'twenty ircrsens, Souse of Them Front Toreate, Iniured—InexeusabieCarelees. EPS% A. despatch from. Niagara FallasOnt., says:— At 5 o'cloele this afternoon vivo heavily loaded electric cars ont the Gorge dtailway on the American side met ill a, terrific heed -end collision at a point, where the double tracks eon - verge, and persons to the number twenty were injured, some probably fatally, "The victims include a number of Torontonians. The point at :whiela the accident oecusred, is on the lower stretch ot the river, below the whirl- iaece, and the track is many feet above tee water. Owing be the narrowness of Aga roadway the outer and inner track e converge for a space to permit of the roemding of the curve which obstructs the vitew froan. either dime - tion. Both cars were heavily loaded. and going at full speed, and when the empeading calaraity became evident it punks toak. place among the peaseugere. Many of the men jumped and found safety. Had it not been for the fact that the track used is the inner one of the twio, the outer being deemed un- safe, both cars would have rolled into the rapids. The injured were placed on other ears and toloert to the Fells, where a staff of eight physicians is iu attendance: At a late houtr it was! re Ported that no fatalities would, result, though several are in a precarious condition. • Mrs. .Elizabeth Dunn, 77 Robert street, Toronto, is the most seriously, injured. Two ribs on her right side were fractured, and her head was out •open with a wound eight inches long, She was thrown violently from the ear and. struck the rook embankment. Two physicians are in attendance on her at the Mower Note/ where she has lam tor two tours uneonsolous. Mrs. Alexamter Siclair. 71 Bleeker street. Toronto, bad both ankles and right wrist sprained anti face and head cut. J. ackson, 501 Ontario street, 'for:alto, is seriously bruised about the body, !errs. certeston. Dayton, Ohio, bad her teeth forced through her cheek and was badly bruised about the body. She is infirm, and is ter - riffle, prostrated. Miss Mabel Spencer, of Toronto wise badly shaken lip, but not seriously ine juret. Mrs. E. Robinson, of Toronto eighties injured. and Mrs. McCormick of Balti- rIre, ad bruises head. and limbs. bfre.• AleCormick, who is a lady of 50 years-. ie seriously Irant in the back, and Oa:, a bad. scalp wound and cuts on the fare.. Mr. Jamas G. Lapp, American cus- toms officer of Suspension Bridge, who was en'. the. up car with his sister, Mrs. 'Day of Loekport, el) a party of STRATEGIC MOVEMENTS. First Boy—See here! Didn't I see you. running down street yesterday with Bill L'otunce after you, waatin' to lick yout' Secoad. Boy—Y-e-s. What did you run fort was only running so as to get blm away from borne, so his mother couldn't see bern fighlang; but by the time we was out of sight af his house we got in sight ot ouir house; and then as my mother would. see me if I stopped to hit /dm, I west in, so as to beaut o' temptation. reae_'"•-eeeeeelee--"leeeeleeeseeeere After.0,, Taking a course of Ayer's Pills the system is set in good working order and a man begins to feel that life is worth living. He who has become the gradual prey of constipation, does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from hina. Then his mountains sink into molei hills, his moroseness gives • place to jollity, he is a happy man again. If life does not seem worth living to you, you may take a very differegt view of it after taking . • Ayer's uatharbe Pills eareeie e aeeee,,,,,e,..:',•;:ee of lady vie:tors from. N.Y.,klehigen were all more or less bruised and shaken, up. Owl of the party. Mitt Craddock, a young Indy of twenty years, was bully Lruistel, and had the two bones of her left arm fractured, Aanoing alters iinjured are:...Mrs. C. S. Gleed, Topeka, Kansas, ankle sprained tend cleast bruised; Mr. C.. Gleed and daughter, facial and other bruiees; Atte Anne Anderson and daughte, 1301 - tato, external enjurtes. A. nuatilter of passengers were carried to private houses, and thelir names and injuries have, leen diffieuet t.t4 obtai. The ex- ' cessivo rains that have I. revelled here lately have greatly locssened: the dares along Urn cliffs, and a number of recent la.ndslides induced the railway euthon- ties to tett ti r• tarries all upon the inne.r tracks at certain ptoints. The mystery ote how both cars were rum - rung at full speed ou the one track hen not yet been made clear, and both conducitore insist that they were run- e:lag on time. The presence a so large ! proportioin of Canadians is not easily! - , as road has been un- riapalker Wirth Caaadians since the re - cleat -edict calling for the discharge of its Canadian employees. DESPERATE FIGHTING. THE THIRD ATTACK MADE ON FORT CHAKDORA. The N11,170S Are ISrlvcu Bath bit I the Fana- tical thsibrealt +14 Rapidly bpre,,/ling — fined Fighting is the oblarrhott its Night Hat aSSI'd by Day. The situation in India is undoubted- ly serious, and will assuredly in tiny case utterly cripple the finances of the British Administration and take the revenues that could be realized for many years to come. The total British loss in the two days' fighting is thirteen killed and forty-three wounded. Sergt. Byrne of the Madras Sappers was among the killed and the wounded include Lieut. Ford of the 31st Punatub Infantry, who is severely hurt ; Lieut. Swintry, •of the 37th Dawes; Lieut, MacLean, Corps of Guides, and Lieut. Costello, 22nd Panjaub Infantry, slightly. The Malakand garrison is short of ammunition and every effort is being made to hurry on the reinforcements. %First came the disastrous famine, whose effects are still visible ; then the plague, next the cholera. a,ndatter- war4s the earthquakes. Then native disaffectione• and finally mar in two different places on the extremely in- accessible frontier. • As regards the epidemics, they have already cost many European lives, apex t 1 from. dee thousands of the eta- tive.s who perishled. Tele famine has left its indelible mark upon entire dis- tricts, - and sedition has been spread broadcast, through territories inhabited by the Bengal and the Hanka Ebe�- wihere the disaffection has made little progress. The Sikhs and their kindred races detest the effeminate and cow- ardly EFindoos with a contempt which •••••"1011.111101-7, et ee. $.1 -00 EMEKIIInfan“ 111,11.101 t ‘• kregetablePreparationforAs- slinilating thelbodancilleguta- ting the Stomachs andBoweis of EE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE PromotesDigestion,Cheerfu1- ness andRestkontains neither Opturcr,Morphin0 nor Maeral. NOT NARCOTIC. .••••••••••••••••••,, 11.•••••mwmpow....... ,ThersatetorIJAVINFIZINWR AripAis 8,11- ALtdenna * Roeftells Sded refillitht Stryi r BWae Cen3neir,rolds• f Kam, Seed - Ciozrzoof Jirocr . Itiiitypour Nan,: AperfectRemedy for ,t)leStina- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhdea, Worms,Convuisions,reverish- ness and LOSS OF SLEEP, Tao Simile Signature of ar14/C-7 NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY BOTTLE OF CASTO 4•11111101MilliMiNwit Castor/it is put up in oueesize bottles only, ft Isnot sold in, bulk, Don't allow anyone to eel! you anything else en the pies or promise tlist it is "just as goorlIt and "will mow every pur- pose." *Oleo that you get O.A.S-T-O-R-IA, Te fat. stashes of . to os 40 evore manse is almost loathing. While they have not the brains tbey are the fighting men of the East ,and if the 'British withdrew they would soon Sweep over ANOTBER FORCE SURPRISED. A few days ago some thousand fana- tics surprised another force in Chitral, and again caused a severe toes in affi- cers and men, while the fotiowing de- spatches received. on Friday chronicle more fighting in the same regiori. graphic: communtotaien with eiatakand bee been reopened. After severe fight- ing the north Malakand camp has been abandoned, and the troops are concert- trated on the Kotal. Fighting recona menced on July 27 at teal) pan. On that day the enemy made a deterturaelt ; attack on our position, and did not re- tire until clay ereak. 'Throughout July 1 28 desultory fighting in the vicinityof the camp coatinu.ed, the enemy timing in the pickets of the 31st Funjeb In- fantry, which lust 12 killed a nd 19 wounded. At one time during the fight- ing the 45t.1i Sikhs were hard pressed. Josang one killed and fifteen wuuntlea. The 24th Punjab Infantry, id by Lieut. Limo drove back large bodies of the eileane, who lust about 90 killed. Ale the enemy are, however,. still collecting in large numbers, further hard fighting is anticipated. 1)argal has been rein- k)r(etotalabyBith 50fitsiesl Theloss in the two days' fighting is 13 killed and 43 watualtal. ' Sergeant Byrne, of the Madrts .Sap- pers was among the killed. aall .the . wouncted•inelude ,Lieutenant lord, of the 3Ist Punjab tntantry, who is se- verely hurt; ,Lieutenant Swintry, of the 37th 1)ogras; teie.uteneat MasLean, Corps of Guides; and .Lieutenant Cos- tello, 22nd Punjeib infantry, slightly injured. The Malakand garrison is short of ammunition, and every effort is being made to hurry on the rein- forcements. A DEARTH OF COPPERS. One. effect of the greet Epworth League convention it a scarcity of cop- l pers in Toronto. The delegates bought I them up by the thousands, and carried them away as mementos of their trip, and. now newsboys and small stores are lamenting that a majority of the centepieres have disappeared from. Ler- eulatio.n. It is estinaated that fully fif- ty thousand of the coins were taken away, and as this would only give an average ofabout three to each dee- gate, it is probable that the estimate is not .too high. 40.eete..eleoZeereezieCaSei.. sizastero eIt seismifaise. of wozrappe07,, tr .081•1•11111S.VIlarrEZ'a 4 ,ICARTERS ItTLE IVER PILLS. RE Sick Headache mad relieve all the troubles Mel - dent to a bilious state of the systeta, such as Dizzieess, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distreas after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While their moat remarkable success has been shown irt oaring Headache, yet CART.cR'S Luras LIVER PILLS are equally valua:bie tn Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint. while they also correct all dieorclers of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Evert if they only cured Ache they would be almost pr calm to those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in eo many ways that they will not be willing to do *without them. .lat atter all sick bead tee is 'he bane of so many lives that here is where WO make our great boasti. Our pills euro It white others; do not. CARTIWS LITTLE LITER PILLS are vei7small and very easy to take. One or two loins make a dose. They are etrietly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who 1190 them. In vials at 23 cents; deafer 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by nail. OAlITSB NED1OINS CO., Now Tort. kaall IIh!mall D :m11 Prk PURZ F RAC RANT, DELICIOUS. kti SEALgp CADD/ ). UNDER 111E SUPERVISION OF P L " MONSOON" TEA.... Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them as a sample of the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresb leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why "Monsoon," the perfect Tea, can be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put up in sealed caddies of Xib., 1 Ib. and 6 lbs., and sold in three flavours a.t lac., Sae. atel 60c. STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Torrite,: TUE DIETZ ..- g 3 DRIVING LAMP_ ',about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to. It • burns kerosene and gives a powerful. deaterhite light, and will neither blow • nor jar out. When out driving with It the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very bast Driving Lamp to be hadask your dealer for the " Dietz." eaeee We issue a special Catalogue of this Lump and, if you ever prowl around after night -fall. it will interest you, 'Tis mailed treo.• R. X,,DITZ CO., 6o Zaight St., New York. Special terms to Canadien oustonlere. illerlietillietlive.1411,4,81Lfedre.gerelLaelMe 0 THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE Cures all Blood Diseases, from it common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. POINT OF DrFMENCE.: kerAjrntIL;!ein Cifirmeltanderf—rouThitu shave 'Bs" en America, Mclorft. yott2 Nvi Ycja 4.1 Barber ulligan, just vver,—Are PhAwftlaweaYOuetts°Errabof r—Illore you mix :a- tter; there yeti lather I -deka. e aeee " 'eratetteeetnee:_e: 1