Exeter Times, 1897-7-15, Page 3LEGAL.
t+ H. DIO:f ETON, Barrister, Soli-
. Men
oli-•,oitoi of 9utpreu+i..Cloart, Notary
Public, Conveyancer, oeuttuissioner, deo
Nfonevto ;:roan'
OQicetn am, 441'80100k, Exetee,
Barrister, Solicitor, Beitveyapucer, Eto,
OFFWE : Oqz- O'Neil's Bank.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries yobbo,
Conveyaneesrs &c,' &O.
••Mouey to Loan at Lowest hates of
OFFICE, - MAIN • STll1! ET, 1,XL'rLR
Rennet every Thursday.
B. V. EMao-r. 1raID1:KIa1C i ,LV T.
at sixty-seven Dents per ton. This its
the same duty as imposed by Canada.
The estimate of Chicago's population
by the publishers of the oily directory
is 1,828,000 an increase of 75,000 over
last year.
Three hundred Indians, mostly Ban-
nooks from the Lemhi agony, and
some from the, Neva.d.a, are ghost dano-
Interesting Items About Our Own Country, ing near Haley, Idaho. Settlers are
Great Britain, the United States, and greatly alarmed.
All Parts o4 the Glebe, Condensed and It is announce( that the Rev. Dr.
Assorted for Bow Rending. Talmage, of Washington, has received
CANADAno salary from his church for the last.
There are two eases of smallpox in
the Montreal Hospital.
Mr. Stephen J. King, Postoffiee In-
Spector of St. John, N.41., is dead.
Fifteen of the Eraser River salmon Company that its franckase will be nal
canneries have been sold to an English lif'ued and its tracks torn up unless it
syndicate. imrnedintely discharges alt its Cana-
lolger Bros. of Kingston will run a dian employes.
limo of steamers an to St. Lawrence The United States Senate Committee
between i4lontreee and Clayton.
A number of new t'kainmasLers and
four months. His salary is contingent
on the attendance, and the attendance this ,country as to the Westtirn
has been poor, States:--
i,• %ti ;:'Euro r alts, N.Y., Common "A ;conflict, a battle of life and death
Council has notified the Gorge Road terrible in its ,proportions, and pos-
sible r�esulte is RAW going on in this
country. A. man of ordinary bright-
ness needs only have the plain condi-
tions 'pointed oiut to realize the truth
of this assertion. It is the conflict be-
tween the aggregated wealth and con-
centrated energy of the merchant
princes and department stores of the
big pities for the complete control of
all retail business on one side and the
small retail dealer with his eonzpara-
tively email store, small stock and. lim-
ited trade for mere existence on the
other. The battle is no longer con-
fined to thepities; system
o t es the octal s ens
� y
and the common carriers have been
brought into requisition and the trade
at the small -,town merchant is feeling
the i1leffesta all over the country. Two
examples of the results of this new
condition twill be suffioient for our;pur-
pose. in the past five years single line
The Following Arttu eels Taken From " tip
to -Date ideas," of Grand Setaud, No--
bralska, and It is as Applicable to this
Country as to the Western States s
The following artiple is taken tram
"Up to Date Ideas," of Grand Island,
Nebraska, and, it is as applicable to
on Saturday agreed to the sections of
the Tariff bill providing for the free
"'-"""-" sesees
roadmasters have been appointed on admission of lumber cut in the Prov -
MEDICAL the Grand 'Trunk (railway to take !
barn of New Tsr'unswick when owned
- charge of divisions. j by American citizens and cut by Am-
_rya Ls TIMMY, X I P. O. B.
iepin tto Unify r
sity. Gatce—Crediton, Ont..
eeparato Oinces. Residence same as former.
ly,Andrew st. 011loos: ypaclemlufe budding.
Main et; Dr Rollins' same as formerly, north
door; Dr. AMOR" same building, south door,
J. A.1ROLLINS, M.1)., T. A, AIIOS, i1t;. D
Exeter, Ont
• F. id Graduate Victoria Univer_ ty
office and reatdenae, Ootn'uton Lebo a
toty.lfixeter .
T'R, IIiIND1.N, coroner for tie
J,.. (g)tiT y of Huron. omoo, opit.rtte
('abut( ]3ros, store, Ureter.
FBOSSENBIJitflY, General Li.
• oensed Auctioneer Sales oeudacted
in ailparts. Satisfactiougnarautood. Charges
moderate. iieusallPO,Ont.
HJ1NItY EILBER Licensed Ana.
l i 4ioneer for tate Comities of Huron
end Alladlosex • Sales oonduoted at plod•
orate rates. Otlioe, at Post•othee tired.
Ion Ont.
V 1f11t:RINA1tY.
Tennent & Tennent
NX11TI it, Q 1A
rreetaattrotthe O Vetorlttare Otl
rince:OnedoorSotith otTown Hall,
Nflu; 11'IS1UM -tQE00 .
ttstablished in Latta.
t his Coin pally 11 us been over 'lavedv-et,h
years in tietesaful oper Ilion in Western
t ntnrio,andoontinnes to in.+urouge i net loss or
damage by.Fire. Itulldines, Merchandise
Manufactories sad nli other doseriptioas of
it.attrablepropertr. Intemlitir insurers have
theopticn of insurtngon the Premium' oteor
Cash Syete H1•
Luring the !cast ten years tltis cotnpalty hag
ittued5,,tgl; Policies. covering property to the
nut,•um of et0,3i2,U3Bi and paid in losses atone
Aesetl.,iSt70,tO0.00, couaiating of Cash
t Tank Government Dopositand the :musses -
ed Premium Mtea on hand and in tome
•W.11'At,usn.i\1.U., I'ro,ittontt O M. TAYLOR
seretttry; d.lt. ilunnl<a, Imineutor. Cllaa
11.1, li sett for Exeter und vteiuity
esnr.vi-i enent ar., r u .r:
coveryihat cure the tllvteaees of
Norraus Dehthty, Loot vigor and
Failing lifauhocrl; restotvs the
weaknoat o1 body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or ex.
.n.m. stews of youth. Thio Rontedy ab.
solutely aures the :nest obstinate casco when all other
ras&•r l mrs have ailed even to relieve, old bydrug.
gists at alma package, or rix for $a, or sent bet' malt or.
meta of mita by n- theater n,"':.r.A 3I1i;3 511,PIC ISI
`0, TnrvItrr nn., '‘• .
Sold at Brewnine's Drug Store .Exeter
Pleasant and Perfect Cure
for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
A Bronchitis, Hoarseness,'
Sore Throat, Croup, Whoop-
ing Cough, Quinsy, Pain in
the Chest and all Throat,
Bronchial and Lung Diseases.
The healing anti -consumptive virtues
of the Norway Pine are combined
in this. medicine with Wild Cherry
and other pectoral Herbs and Bal-
sams to make a true specific for all
forms of disease originating from colds.
Price - 250:and SOc.
Ts published every Thursday morning at
`�'klIMS Steaaan Printing !louse
Man street. nearly opposite Fitton's,fewelry
store, Exeter, Ont., by
' JOHN WHITE &SONS, Proprietors.
First insertion, per line . • ...... .,10 cents.
ltnch subsequent insertion, per line., S cents.
To insure insertion, advertisements should
re sent in not.later than Wedne-day morning.
of the largest and best; equipped in the County
of Heron. All work entrusted to us willre.
vivo our prompt attention.
Decisions itegards',e; Newspapers.
a -Any person who takes a paper regularly
• e est office,her directed in his
the ps
or vete • ho has '
mo or another's,h t z a sub-
t is reoneible for payment.
wafted f a p erson orders bis. paper drsoontinved'
h3 must p ay all arrears or the publisher may
oontinuo t o send it until the payment is made,
and then collect, the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the office or not.
3—fn out Ls for subscriptions, tt.e i.ult may be
Instituted in the place t• here the paper is pats.
fished, alt hough the subscriber may reside
nndreds ofniilo+away.
4—The c onrte have decided that refusing to
t iko new a papers :or periodicals from the post
,-alto, or removing reed leaving them uncalled
* , to prima r'ac'e satdenco„ of intentional
': ,rid.
A number of the French Aldermen{ erican labour.
of Montreal are making a determined 1 The fellowshipin Christian archaeo-
effort to oust all the l..ngttsh-speaking I logy in 1897-98, ffered by the Aaneri-
employees in the City Hall. can School for Classical Studies. iu
The total amount of reliwasole, t Ronea has been awarded to (`Iarenca
Attlee voted this session by the Domin-
ion r 1,, Meader, instrucbox in I attn in the
Parliament is $14,33f1,be7, of which University of Michigan.
$2,172,50t) consists or revotes. A rear end collision took place near
The oldest person in Ottawa, 1♦Ir. Jus i Chicago between two trains carrying
e h fubois, one ]ntntlred and nine yea4rs dole ares to the Christian Endeavor
of age, died on ltridey morning. lie , convention at saw Francisco. Three
was born at Point St. Charles. Que. f persons were killed and 36 injured,
Mr. George Mot: Brown, late west- T,he.y were nearly all from WisSofsin,
•n district passeugcr agent of the C!. � 1)r. IkIcAfee. of Columbus, the
Mr, clifn3ey'n p;tsLor when t e r ^
1 id•ent was Governor in Ohio, is being
P. R., has been pxuruoted 1•o the pont" M M h 1' es
tion of executive agent in British Col
unnbia. talked of fur the vacancy in the Metra -
The minister of Railways has given eaten tMethodist
thwbere Etheopal church II
1?resident at- merchants io the nutnttex of over two
notice to the C.I Ii, that. the arrange-. thousand have been torved out of butsi-
ment by which it ust:s the lntercoluntal tends.
front St. John to Belif-ix will ter- According to the commercial regorge nese in Chicago; in Omaha in the past
minat•e in a year. thecoalditian of trade in the United year over fifty have gone in the same
The MeNab 1'reiJ tarican church hasStates is sts;tdiily improving. Improv -
been awarded 85,OU0 in their suit ed weather has improved trade; and way. The business in both instances
agaitnst the. T., IL & I3., for ,lamagi's o easonable goods. like clothing, bats, has betan absorbed, by the department
from smoke, noise and (henget in the boots and shot's. are in steady request. stores, these numbering in Chicago less
The depressing feature of the week in
gratia i, its proporLy, than two seers, and in Omaha less than
herb the Grant Trunk and the one, a ,lull demand and weakened( ;:rices in
adieu Pacific have issued new l i:•,yeet certain grades of iron and steel. a half dozen. !tn the smaller towns
t•oesiderablet retius-tions , G1:NE11.AL. the results cannot ba so easily traced,
tariff,, making
in tiro rates for tate transportation of but the wall of "hard times," and
The al- minting nese of rain Le sing an- „ „
bixycles oyez their Imes. xfety Llrruughuut ludic. no business from the loam mer-
' r f :lit(• chants, when, •
are sent annually from every small
town direcit to the big cities for goods
Hon. Dr. Burden, Mtnes e o
itis, has returned to Ids Ulapartmental The learn (deem another attempt
duties in the ea.,itel peter hemi~ for 011 1s'„n+lay morning to blow up the
some months inl Lpacituted as the out. Strasburg statues in Paris.
come of a railway accident. The German cabinet crises continues,
A young lad name:( elelienzie, of and Baron von I3uluw is spoken of as
d. recently from rabies, l ctilulie as Inii•erial Chant eltor
Dundas, diethe local merchants handle and should
and his brother, who was bitten by Niue ehildrcn have been killed and sell, is evident enough to ,prove the
the same dog. has t;onti to the Pesteur many others Injured by the collapse of statement. Many loam merchants do
Institute in New York. a church wall at Solana. in Spain. not realize to what extentthiscless of
Over 500,000 wounds of wool have
been shipped from HStatAnother Ilurepeixi party has been
mason tocltges in s:tcred in New Guinea, but no de- business has undermined their busi-
tlro Nt:vv En land '.ares during fixe tails of the tragedy have been received. pass; even to the extant that the sys-
past two or tree weeks in anticipation
of the United States tariff going into
effect on July 1.
By a vote of 428 to 29, the proper-
ty holders at Cornwall adopted a by-
law authorizing the raising„ o of a loan troops and promises to make the sup- 1 something is done. The single line
Prime.Bistuarek's health is so good tem of local stores andsmall towns and
that he declines to follow the advice of small enterprises is in danger of de -
his physicians to take the waters of 1 struetion. Thley have only to open
Gastetn. I their eyes, look about them, and they
Gen..\1 •eyler is calling for more wilt realize the feet that it is time
of $91,000 for (he purpose of buying
the waterworks system of the town rem° effort of his life to crush the , mereliani.s of most of thelarge cities
Cuban are now organized, but the efforts they;
front the company now operating it, Cuinsurrection.
r0„ I are making and the results achieved
Tho Allan Line StearuMhip Company A is very extensive strike P are not known n at present,
has 1pectpme a iintitetl company, with a press in the dist] let of Ilaringe,i (miners)! "How have these big merchants and
capital of six hundred and fifty thous- ,glum• art least 1.,000 Ilorain1 (m e ) { department stores succeeded in getting
and pounds. it is the intention of the I are out. I such a (lard on the retail trade? you
new company to contest every inch It is rumoured that the Boer Govern- ask It would be difficult to tell every
with the Petersens for supremacy in ment is engineering a syndicate to no -cause which is contributing to this re -
St. Lawrence trade. quire. ilelagoaaa liar• for tl:, purpose of suit, to few can ba noted without
Two young boys, Wan. O'Neil aged.
15, and John McWilliams, aged 17,
sons of respectable parents in Ottawa,
were arrested by the pollee. of Hull,
They pleaded guilty on five charges of
burglary, and O'Neil was sentenced to
five years in the Reformatory at Pene-
tanguishene and Me:Williamts to five
years in the Kingston Penitentiary,
At the Ashbnlrnhalm library sale into -used to twelve years amprfsonment awe and personal friendship of
handing tt over to Germany. 1 nxuc4 .deep research. ,Large capioul
Thu Swiss Bundesrath has refuto
coupled with a thorough knowledge of
ratify the eommtrrcial treaty w ithi Japsed- business 1prineitples and of the goods
en, owing to the prohibitive duty plan • surd, is one tactor; another is the
ed. upon cloetks and watches, strictest attention to every detail, and
A semi-official report from Berlin ' last, hutnot least, unremitting, and,
in most instances, extseptionatly good
says that the negotiations between The
G reece and Turkey may be rdered to and nneinivh h greateste e pax men; tore'
Ips concluded in three weeks'time. I manager tries hardest tolsetaurethrough
Twu young Cuban girls have ;peen sen- his employees, is the soatal acquaint-
"a good overlshofe at 75e.” One cue-
tomer ttvho was attracted by the ad.
found that it meant just what it said,
seveutyfive gents a shoe, a dollar and
a half a pair --'the regular "single-
line" sprite. No, certainly not that
or any other kind of trick, but in every.
issue of reputable luteal papers which
y tell your cnstogo the people ot mlers aouTr�would-
es teri-
customers ,what yolu have. to sell, how
you (sell it, and why they can benefit(
themselves by buying of you. This,
with tiordial and business -like treat-
ment at your store, cannot fail to bold
your trade in spite of merchant princes
and big department stores of the
'Energy, vigilance and economy are
prime ;nsressittes of this day end age;
the big merchant and department store
keep the words and the ideas they rep-
resent:oonstantly inmind, and with the
local merchant it is not necessary to
drive the point home with a spike
London on bitoxiday the famous Mazar- in the ekfri:cau penal colony for send.- . customers, whteh the local or simgle-
ing clothing to t heir insurgent broth- line merchants can, or certainly ought
etre. to, completely enjoy.
It is reported that the San Juan I To a student of the question, there
mine, belonging to wealthy Spanish re- is no doubt that cleverly worded and
sidents of Mexico, is about to he sold otherwise "catchy" advertisin is and
':o•thshiids for one million dol- i been from the inception of the de -
in Bible was Hold for 24,000.
The rumour that the Queen is about
to abdicate in favour of the. Prince of
Wales is absolutely denied in London.
There is no truth in the report that
the Queen has become blind. Her eye-
sight is no more defective than might
bit expected at her advanced age.
The Niagara Palls, N. Y., aldermen
have notified the Niagara Palls Street
R.atbway Companythat they must'nose
to employ Canadians or give up their
'rhe Prince of Wales inspected the
colonial troops at ;Buckingham palace
on Saturday, and conferred a medal
commemorative of the jubilee on each
t man present.
I Miss Helen Hay, w'ho, as the dangh-
ter of the Amerman Ambessador to
the Court of St. James, hate already
, won diseingutshed social success, has
t now made her debut as a poetess.
1 1t is understood that Mr. Labouch-
ere will make an individual report on
the Transvaal raid, strongly censur-
ing Mr. Cecil Rhodes, but admitting
that the conduct of Mr. Joseph Chamb-
erlaiin has been perfectly straightfor-
1 The recent tropical tornado and hail-
storm in Essex county did so much
damage that Parliament will be ask-
ed to grant a vote for the suffering
farmers, and th,o Lord Mayor of Lon-
don will open a mansion house fund for
their relief.
Sir Michael Ricks -Beach and Mr.
Goschen have urged the colonies to con
tribulte, to the support of the Imperial
navy. Premier Reid of New South
Wales, however, takes the position that
the greatest gift thec:olonies could give
to the empire was the development of
their own resources.
It is stated out high authority that
the Queen thinlra that after sixty
years' reign she deserves a well-caru-
ed rest, and in so fax as a sovereign
can, she now proposes to let the
Prince and Princess of Wales in fu-
ture bold all draiwin+g-rooms and levees,
and perform other public functions ap-
pereainieg to Royalty.
The great jubilee review of troops
took ,place on Thursday at ,Alder-
shot in the presence of the Queen. The
weather was splendid, the attendance
was enormous, and the review was
most successful. In the masoh past
the colonial troeps had the lead, and
were headed by Lord Roberts of Kan-
dahar, at the heed of the C'an'adian
Mounted Polios.
The New York bicycle pool is broken
and the (trice of high-class wheels has
The Rev, John Watson Ia Maclar-
en, has reoeived the,honornhonorary degree of
D.D. fxopn Yale.
The United States Senate has i,eduo-
ed the proposed duty on lumber from
$2 to $1 per thousand. feet.
Thomas : J. Kenny, master-at-arms on
the, Americas': battle.sliui Indiana was
murdered by one of the crew with
whom he lhnd an altercation.
The United, t3tates Senate Committee
onk'inanoehave fixed the duty on coal
tars in gold. pertinent store idea,
Tewf ik Pasha bas announced for the! THE ONE GREAT TILING
Aa odors to one ,powers that the that has caused people to flock to these
Cabinet maintains the indefeasi a emporiums in preference to the small
right of Turkey to retain ThesstxU•y by stores. Does this not give the
virtue of conquest. single -line or local m.erchant a very
A peesimbttic view of the negotiations platin elew whereby to trace his lost
for peace between Turkey and Greece custom and recover what he rightfully
is taken in Athens, and even the re- claims as his own? We think so. Not
sumption of hostilities in Lhe near fu- the kind of advertising some depart -
true is regarded ay possible. went stores do and have done, bat
The missing steamer Aden from Yo- similar to the 'best of it in ,persistency
leoh'ima for London, was wrecked on and earnestness. Not the kind of ad -
June 9th, off the Island of S000tra, at vertising that one Omaha department
the eastern extremity of Africa, and store 'was guilty of wblen' it advertised
seventy-eight persons were drowned. ' .
There has been very serious Tioting ���
among the Mussulmans of ;Calcutta
directed against the Europeans. British
troops had to be called out to disperse
the mob. Many of the natives were
Leon Lecestre, curator of the French
Archives, will issue during the present
week the first volume of 300 letters
which were suppressed by the editors
of Napoleon's correspondence in 1869.
It is expected that a pitched battle
will soon he fought between Gen. Wey-
ler, and Gen. Garcia, which will mean
Spain's defeat and retirement from
Cuba or the crushing of the insurrec-
Twenty thousaued inhabitants of
Galatza, in Moldavia, on the left bank
of the Daniube, are homeless, as the
result of recent floods. 'The destitute
are casnpiag on tile streets and are be-
ing fed by the military.
An eruption of the Mayou volcano on
one of the Philippine islands killedone
hundred and twenty of the inhabitants
of Lite village of Lebourg and greatly
damaged the tobacco crop. The volcano
has been asleep since 161?.
Serious riots among the Mussulmans
occurred at Ce eutta. Besides the main
mob, scattered gangs of rioters par-
aded the streets, hooting and stoning
the Europeans several of whom were
compelled to call out the troops.
While the riots in and about Calcut-
ta have been suppressed a very un-
easy feeling prevails. The native press
is making bitter and unfounded charges
against British officials and calling up-
on the Mohammedans throughout the
country to re-enact the scenes of the
Indian mutiny.
Emperor Nicholas has again written
the Sultan, urging him to accelerate the
peace neby
c otiatiteas renouneing de-
mands minds with which it is impossible to
comply. As a result of this letter the
Sultan has virtually accepted the
of the a leavi only terms p wets, AB n y de-
tailss to be settled.
The Fighting itt ureece Lilieucd to the
Frauce'Gcrutrtu War in 1870.
M. Antoine Vlasto, a Greek by birth,
but a naturalized citizen of France and
a well-known Paris financier, has just
returned from the seat of war between
Greece and Turkey, and been interview-
ed b
by a reporter of the Gaulais
makes some interesting statements,
among them the following:
It was at Dhomoko that 1 joined the
array. It rained all that day and, all
that night. The poor soldiers were
without shelter. Nevertheles't, they
were gay. They had fought. t he day
before and were to fight again the next
day. The Greeks, in reality, are admir-
able soldiers. Men like them, if they
were only properly officered, would be
capable of anything in the field, They
have simply been the victims of their
defective armament and of their nu'm-
erica'l inferiority. Almost every morn-
ing and afternoon, in the beginning of
the campaign, they won victoria,. They
performed splendid feats of bravery. At
Velestino, for instance, the Greek in-
fantry allowed the Turks to couae with-
in 100 ntetses of then' without firing a
shot. Then they mowed theta down
The first day at Velestino was aGreek
victory. There were 8,000 Greeks. en-
gaged,' and 4,000 Turks were stretched
upon the field of battle. As a report-
er of the Daily Telegraph told rue, one
might fanny that it was
on account of t number of Turkish
fezes that dotted the ground. But when
evening arrived and the tareeks, worn
out and harassed, expected to rest in
the raptured positions, a. new Turkish
army appeared, perfectly fresh and just
as numerous as the first one whish was
twice cis nuznerous as that of the
Greeks. Nothing remained to be dobe
but sound the retreat.
"Now, add to this the wretched arm-
ament., of which 1 will give you only
one detail. The Greeks had only No.
5 and No. 7 pieces, which carried 2.500
metres. The Turks had No. 11 pieces,
carrying 4,000 and 5,000 metres; so that
as Prince Constantine told me, it was
useless to continue the fight at Phar -
sale. ' 11-1y soldiees,' said he, ' were mew-
ed down by the Turkish artillery while
1 could see aur own shots dropping ful-
ly 1,000 metres in (rout of the Turkish
' 1 saw Prince Constantine and spoke
with him at length upon the misfor-
tunes of our ccuniry. He is a young
man, full of courage and moral ener-
gy, but he was broken down, like the
others, by circumstances. It is hardly
necessary for me to say that all the
stories that have been told about him
are not only false but ridiculous. From
Larissa he set out on horseback with
(his army and only ordered a retreat
when the public became general and af-
ter he had done all that he possibly
could do to overcome it. And what
sort of army did he have? Heroes in-
' dividually, no doubt, but wretchedly
commanded raw recrults wanting al-
most in everything, in a military sense.
' At Dhomoko 1 met Capt. Burley,
the correspondent of the London Daily
Telegraph. M.T. Burlay has been in all
the campaigns of Europe in the past
twenty-eight yeauls. He was in theme'
of 1870, the Turco -Russian war, in Ma-
dagascar, and all the other important
fights. This is what he said to me:
The disasters of the Greeks recall
to my mind the disasters of the French
in 1870. There was the same
the same incompetence on the part of
the Generals, the same numerical in-
feriority, and the same daily results -
victory in the morning, rout in the ev-
ening. Now it is said everywhere that
the victory of Turkey is a German vic-
tory. Diplomatioaliy it may be, per-
haps, because it well probably bring
about the union of Germany and Rus-
sia, which will make them the masters
of the Bosporus. But from a military
point of view you should see for your-
self. The Turks, superior in number,
better armed and better officered, have
been victorious. But one thing made
a great impression upon me. 1 was in
the wale of 1877. and saw the whole of
it, but in this present war the Turk
appeared to me to be inferior as at sol-
dier to what he was before. He is and
always will be a good soldier, certain-
ly ; but under the German discipline he
appears to have lost. his dash. It seems
to me that the German teaching in the
Turkish army has been the commence-
ment, not of decadence, but of some
diminution in the value of the Turkish
soldier. You who have seen the Greek
army can never conclude that .it was
crushed by the greatness of the Turks:"
The, foe•
Is an
ev re
lee( tvra$;l,r.
The Same...
Old Sarsaparilla.
That's Ayer's. The tine old
sarsaparilla as it was made and
sold by Dr. 3. C. Ayer 50 years
ago. In the laboratory it is
different. There modern appli-
ppliances lend speed to skill and
experience. But the sarsapa-
rills is the same old sarsaparilla
that made the record -50 years
of cares. Why don't we better
it? Well, we're 'much in the
condition of the Bishop and the
raspberry: "Doubtless, " he
said, "God might have made a
better berry. But doubtless,
also, He never did." Why
don't we better the sarsaparilla?
We can't.. We are using the
same old plant that cured the
Indians' and the Spaniards. it
has not been bettered. And
since we make sarsaparilla com-
pound out of sarsaparilla plant,
we see no way of improvement.
Of course, if we were making
some secret chemical compound
we might....
But we're not.
We're making the Game old sar-
saparilla to cure the same old
diseases. You can tell it's the
same old saa'saparillta be-
cause it works the same old
eaves. It's the sovereign blood
purifier, and -it's Ayers. -
ltliltnlal4ulnlllit1111IIII1 tUIlt IilltUllllllllltlllltltlnx111
tl Lrp=, La,e:,t3 IL t:n11eibu1i
.,,nasi t,:lt:a,lnnu,m,: n.
slmilating theTood andRegula-
liltg the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digestion,CheerMut-
ness andRest.Contaitls neither
Opnlm,Morphinn nor Il bi rral.
., cggauPOrd.t>aNsILEGFYI R
IiunP nr Sora? -
4 d
.9mre Srcd
it rrttit -
A1 cao4ani,Jota .
Nam, f
Aperfectliemedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomeett,Diat'rh0ea,
ness andLoss OP SLEEP.
7iacSimite Signature of
itis ra;"71, ,r.
! EW YORi .
$0T= OF
Oastoria is put up in one -sloe bottles only, ti
ie not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to eon
you anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "jest as goad." sad "will answer every pur-
pose." .qtr' flee that yon got 0-A•S.2-0-B.l-A.
TAe tat-
�& eevs
Interview Between t7 iifuelo',t Envoyand
Lord Salisbury.
A despatch from London says: -One
of tilt. most important political inci-
dents connected with the jubilee con-
cerns the, relations between Creat
Britain and Japan. The latter coun-
try, sines her wear with China, has
assumed all the dignity and preroga-
tives of a great power. Now, with
proud humility, she confesses that she
needs a European ally, preferably
Great Britain. Thais Government has
been repeatedly approacahed during the
past year with a. view to the eonehr- 1
sion of an Anglo -Japanese allianee. The
matter was discussed at an interview
of the Mikado's jubilee Envoy with.:
Lord Salisbury on Monday.
The British Premier does not favour '
alliances prior to war, but be is very
fond of "understandings," and there '
is gond reason to believe that he has
arrived. at an understanding with.pu- 1
pan, which would be converted into an
actual defensive and offensive alliance
should trouble takelace between Eng- ,
land and Russia whlieh might happen
at any moment.
It was therefore in accordance with
the. fitness of things ':het Japan made
a brave show at the jubilee naval re- i
view. She was represented bygone of i
the finest battleships anchored atSpit-
head, and the officers and men sof no
foreign wa.rehip walked about Ports-:
mouth with a finer swagger and in
snore gorgeous plumes than the little
"Philip," said 112r. Gratebar, " the i
man that gets the furthest in this world i
is the man that keeps moving. This may
seem like a self-evident truth, . but
there are, nevertheless, many persons
who do not seem to realize it. Many a
rich prize in life has been lost by sheer
i ess.
moving, Philip. You u shall be.
sure - - i and delighted to find bow far
a man, can get by simply kec. ins mov-
Bruder -Currin is always very Dorm
plmmelntary to his wife.
Gall -Yes. It is a great scheme. He
makes her think herself so muoli sup-
erior to all other women she never gets
Another class of men who watch sheep
are those who do it for their health.
Dozens of men claim to have been cur-
ed of consumption simply by putting
in several months at watching sheep.
The work gives what is most required
in the deadly disease -plenty of fresh
air, moderate exercise, and employment
that is not wearing on the brain, but
is still enough to keep it occupied and
prevent nervousness. Of course, if a
man has plenty of money, he can get
these things without herding sheep,
but there are many men who need them
badly who have no money, and all who
have taken advantage of this knowledge
have surely been benefitted. A. num-
ber of men who have taken up sheep
herding have become so fascinated with
it that they have stur'k to it long after
they got over the trouble.
An eminent physiologist asserts that
the weight of a woman's brain de-
creases after the age of thirty, while
that of a pian does not decrease until
ten years later.
rCA I .
Sick Headache and rel eve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such aa
Dimness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Silo, &c. While their most
rotuarkable success has been shown. in curing
Headaebe,yyet CARTER'S Terns Livres' Paul
are equally valuable in C.tnetipatton, curing
and preventing this annnsng complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach.
stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels.
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to ti'e'rs
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not esti
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable in so many ways 'drat
they will not be willing to do without them,'
But alter all sick head
`•he bane of so many lives that here is where?
we make our great boast. Our pills cure 18
while others do not.
Ca'res's Lyme Loren Pmts are veryfimail
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. They are strictly vegetableand do
net gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents%
five for 51. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail.
DART 3 MEDNIZIll Ott, Vow Pork
a� Pili . ail DM Dian at
A1111015 '15f
! THE SUPEOW510�0�f�
er 4 PLt
siMONSOON " TE8#..,.
Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers
and is advertised and sold by them as a sample of
the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. Fos
that reason they sec that none but the very fresh
leaves go into Monsoon packages.
That is why " Monsoon,' the perfect Tea, ear
be sold at the same price as inferior tea.
It is put up in sealed caddies of ;a lb., 1. lb. and
G lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40c., 50c. and 60e.
STEEL, I IAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto,
Time Dx3'E Z
4 is about as near perfection as SO years
of Lamp -Making can attain to, It
burns kerosene and gives a powerful.
clear.white light. andill
g w neither blow
re nor jar out. When out driving with
tc It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best to
Driving Lamp to be had. ask your Y
dealer for
e the "Dietz.'
We issuespecial Catalogue o4 this
Lamp and. if you ever prowl around
after night -fall it will interest you.
I��•�� "lis mailed free. gyp
• lei• 1 . DIE/1Z CO.,
6o I,aight St., New SZoxlr.
Special terms to Canadian nustomers.
cure a loo
e 91 Blood Diseases, from a
Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore.
(Mamma (sadly holding up a nearl
empty jar)-Racthni, have you been a
my preserves again?
Rubel (intently combing her dell's
hair)--IVIaannut, didn't grandma teach)
you when you WS a little girl, sa,r0ei
you have, ape, not to he too 'giti„,itive li