Exeter Times, 1897-7-8, Page 1x - re )1 HURON & 1I1D_DLESEX GAZETTE. TWENTY—FOURTH YEAR NO. 45. .4••••••••••••••••••ai EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 8th, 1891. Hammitt HINTSJ. D. COOKE. (Late with Garrey Sc. Proudfoot). Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Bonsai', Ont. ' x FOR x' WARM WEATHER ,COMFORTABLENESS 0•011111110••••411/1•10••••=1110 -The science of comfortable living and • careful dressing denim-idsthe wearing . of proper Slimmer Clothing dining the .warm weather. To tell you all about - our well assorted stock of seasonable goods would- take vastly more space than we now have at our disposal, so ' we simply give you a few special hint. HINT NO. 1. Light and Dark Colors in Prints and tGinghtuns 5c. HINT NO. 2. 751, Crepon's Crinkle Cloths, Organdies, th.e very latest weaves and colors, 12e. HINT NO. 8. Mens' Summer Coats at $1.41 $1.75 -and $2. HINT NO, 4. Ladies' Sailors and. Trinun-e= from 25 ets to $1.50, worth just twice these prices. Move quickly if you 'want a bargain. HINT NO. 5. Parasols at 374e, 50e, 03e, 751t $1.25 up. Shirt Waists Belts and i Buckles n abundance. R. S. FORD:ck CO., Woodham. ifel••••••••• •••••... .11111 G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey- ancer Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent. and I:ssurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates - Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in. terost. Office at the Poskoflice. Bonsai" BaxEns.—On Saturday last a num- ber of hogs belonging to George Mc- Ewen, broke through the fence and getout° the railroad, with the pesult that eight out of ten were killed by a passing train.— The Ifensall Orange Lodge will celebrate in Liman, the railway fare from here being 05 cents, ach way at H ay. Smoot, REPonT.—The Xime report -of S. S. No. 2 Hay,is as follows. Names are in order of merit:—V, J. W. Todd, Flora U. Northeott; IV,Milton Russell, Sarah Northeott, Carrie Gould ; Sr. III, W. R. Dougall, Gerty Harvey, J. R. Northcott ; Jr. HI, Alice Dougall, W. O'Brien, J. E. Gould ; IL Cora Munn, R. F. Northcott, Maggie •Southerby ; Sr. Pt. IT, Willie Gordd, Ethel Harvey ; Jr. Pt. Willie Russell, Albert Johnston, Beale Northcott, ; Pt. Mabel Dougall, Geo. Armstrong, Roy Todd. The best .spellers in the monthly spelling match were :—V, John W. Todd; IV, Milton M. Russell ; Sr. Dougall; Jr. III, Alice Dungan ; IT, Cora J. Munn ; Pert II, Albert Johnston ; Part 1, Mabel Denali, W. joxissTox, Teacher. 13rantfor Centralia, LIME.—C. W. Smith. has just received a .car ;Anent tresli Price low. , The annual strawberry festival at Centralia on July, 1st was the most successful in years. Everything paS- sed off pleasantly. and according to program, with receipts above the aver- age. The new pastor, Rev, Mr. Sal- ton, was introduced to his parishioners, while a good-bye was bid' Rev. Mr. Butt and family. • 4111 • Usborne. • village.—Quite a number intend going to London on Saturday to see Buffalo Blr Circus. Goclerloh. SUDDEN* DnATTL—joseph Williams, retired lumber merchant and vessel owner, died suddenly Monda,y morn- ing after an hour's illness, aged 00. Mr. Williams was a staunch. Liberal, and. was one of Goderich.'s most en- terprising business men and council- lors. Woodham. Ootriecira—Council met July 3rd pursuant to adjournment. All mem- Blank's—Cooper's OhueehBlanshard bers present. Minutes of June meet- reopened last Sunday.. Rey. Mr with close connections e . re Lacan crossing.—The skating ensa ing ad, appvoyed and. signed by the EneoatetedonSunday.—newpastor, hae:Rev.arriyau([me. be erected here by Messrs, Ems & Reeve. Moved by W. .Delbridge see- ps onded. by J. Hunter, that the following Nethercott and family moved to their Smallacombe, will be one of the largest acconnts he paid and that the Reeve new home, Staffa last week. Mrs. in the•county, 150 x.1$0 feet. It will he ready; by •next winter.—A team be- sign orders for the same: Jas. Horn, Nethercott received a well worded ad. - culvert and repairing road, $3.50; Jas longing to John Latta, of Chiselhurst, dress and a, silver fruit ba,sket from Gorvett, 8 days breaking stone, the League and. . the Bible class last ran away oe. Mill street on Friderv, $8.00 Samuel Pyrarn, repairing cul- Friday evenhag, when there was a nice having, become fieghtened of . the john Batten, underdrain- train.. No serious damage resulted.-- Yerts, $175 '; The' farmers in this neighborhood are mg, $4.0O; 'Thomas Bell, graxelling busily. engaged haying. The crop is '1),LY•o!J ; Thomas Hunkin, repairing b one of the best in a number of years, bridges $1.50: Sohn Westlake, gravel - the past month orsobeingparticalarly ling, $10.0O; William. Cave, ditch, favorable to its growth. The fall $8.00 ; James Gorvett breaking stone, ;. wheat and. other crops also give good $100 ; Samuel Hieks, one day pronsise.—Quite a number of our vil- with. team on road machine, lagers attended the animal S. SAChisel- $ditch, 2.50 ; cleaning out burst picnic in connection with the (our half) $2.00;—$1.50 ; R. Hunter, Methodist church. on. Tuesday after- stone hannaar, labor and. repairing noon last, and report having had a culvert, $4,90; H. Bowman, work with very pleasant time. The picnic was Road machine, S. W. boundary, (our held m the woods of one of Mr, half) $5.2o ; ExETER TIMES, Printing, Fitzgeeald's rented farms about half a $S.00; Thomas Elliott, gravelling, mile North of Chiselhurst; the day bes $12.00 ; .F. Morley, expenses attending ing favorable there was 0. good at- convention, $1.60. Carried. Council tendance and every provision was made for the pleasure of both young andold, An excellent literary and musical program was'carried out, the former embra,cing addresses from the Revds. Jewitt, of Elimville ; Kerr and McKelvie, (the latter theyoungassistant of Mr. Kur) ; J. S. Henderson, of Branns.—The annual picnic in con - Remelt ; Snowden of Kirkton, aud nection with the Cromarty Presbyter - 3. Waddell,pastor,who very pleasantly ian church Sunday School was:held on the ist; there was a good attendance and an enjoyable time. There will be an. addition totheschool funds of about $ss.op as a 'result of the and Mrs. Boyle left on Monday for an extended visit among friends in Lan- ark county.—MrsSimonilliller is away visiting friends around Winchelsea.— Mrs. W. R. Bell is away visiting her parents at Trowbridge.— Quite a curiosity is to be seen in Mr. F. R. Hamilton's orchard, a pear tree with well developed fruit and blossom on two different branches of same tree —Some of our villagers are in luck. A swarm of bees were found elustered on the trunk of that Maple tree in Mr. Boyle's field between the village and the mountain; they were numerous enough to fill fear boxes when hived. and. now seem to be do- ing well.—Mr. Runes Lang who was confined to bed for a few days is able to get around, although not very strong yet.—There has been a few cases of measles around here, but none in. the, village yet.—Haying is now general in this section and promises to be above the average.—Fall wheat is extra good on most farms and promis- es a good crop if nothing happens to destroy it. secial gathering at the church. Greenway BRIEFs. —Miss •Tillie 13rophey, of Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ulens, last week. On Monday she went to Chicago, and Aurora, where she intends to spend a number of days visiting her parents and other friends.—Miss Alviia. Mollard, of Grand Bend, is visiting her sister Mrs C. II. Wilson.—On Monday, while Mr. Jas. Brophey, was out on the lake for fish, he tripped over an oar and fell forward in the boat, making an ug- ly wound on hia nose.—We have had adjourned on motion of 3. Hunter, several very hot days lately. seconded. by W. Itechly, to meet Sept. 4th at one o'clock. Oredrton F. Monx,Er, Clerk. The following is the June report of the Crediton pablic school. Sr. IV, O. Treitz, Ed. Schmitt. P, Banes, Be. Schmitt; Jr. TV, L. Finkbeiuer, 1. Brown, 0. Kuhn, L. Treitz, R. Fink- beiner ; Jr. IV, M. Clark, W. Fink- beiner, E. Treitz, R. Finkbeiner ; Sr. III, 0, Heist, H. Finkbeiner, V. Gower. Cromarty. filled the chair. The Kmpen Metho- dist church choir rendered. a. number of very fine selections . which added greatly to the pleasure of .the occas- ion. --A very enjoyable social was held in connection with Methodist church On Monday last, and as a reception or welcome to Mr. McKelvie (Rey. Mr. Kerr's assistant for the year.) The social was held on R. COad's lawn, and a very pleasant time was spent byall. Mete. was an -abundance of good music which added .greatly to the pleasare of the evening. The Har- monica band were present end played. well usual.—Mrs. William Eider and. daughter, Miss Helen, left here this week for Manitoba where they in- tend visiting during the summer months.—Mrs. Deegan (widow,) also left this week for Manitoba,to visit her son and friends there.—Dr. Hutton, of Forest, was in the village on .Tues- day visiting his daughtor, Mrs. C. A. McDonell.—James Deleratt, principal of the Centralia public school, was in the village thisweek visiting his sister, Mrs. ,Tames Sparks.—Mrs. (Rev.) T. S. Henderson returned home from De- troit where she had been for a number GAIL,VAINIZEID of Weeks visitine her sistele-e The an- nual Sabbath Samol picnic of Carmel STEELyear at Goderich sometime to - Presbyterian church, *ill be held this WIND- .wraznsgtehneleegs Novfi itiha mmoandteh w i:tSpecialtilthe MILLS For POWER and PUMPING with PATENT ROLLER aad. BALI, BSAISINGS :Manufactured. II GOOED, SHAPLEY and ...MIR CO. • Our Ideal Wilma Mills have made a great name throughout Can- ada, and: are unsurpassed for quality or power. They are the only Wheels With the patent Roller and Ball Bearai,,vs and the only Power mills .absolutel'y safe, for they cannot run away. Send for illustrated circular: Fifty mills erected in Exeter and vicinity last year, all of which have given satisfaction. All these mills a,re orected and set running by practical - experts ancl we ean fully guarantee them • 019R GLIARANTEE=m-' Steel Power Wind Mills have come to stay . andthe rapid increase of our trade is sure evr . donee that Canadians are wide awake in their appreciation of their value. Some skeptics fern7 that it cutting -box or grinder cannot be run with a 'wind. mill ; but we positively guarantee our 12 -foot mill‘to drive any ordinary cutting - box, or our Post Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen mile wind ; and the lit -toot wheel gives nearly double the power of a 12 -foot, rand will run our iViceple Leaf. Grinder to perfection. Ekper- dence proves that there is sufficient good wind to give power for all ordinary farm. work. In addition to the above machines, the root pul- per, or any light machinery, can be driven; and, by using a pumping attachment, water can be pumped. as well. 'THE CELEl3RATED `"Ntap16 Loaf, Grinder' eesetta Ten inch rever- sible plates-, relief .springsr ball bear- ing plates, shake -reed, gviuds fine and fast. Vend for circular. For brices and terms, address, Grand Trill.* railway as to cheap fares for that occasion, and it very enjoy- able time will no doubt be spent tut the beautiful county town on the banks of Lake Ituron.—Miss Ida Dick, who has been engaged as milliner in Parkhill,during the past'year, is home spending the steamer vacation.—Miss MaryMurray, of Clinton, formerly of Hensall, was in the village this week visiting friends.—Miss Ellen Ballet), tyne, who Was spending. several weeks' with friends in the neighborhood. of Egmondville and Seaforth, rettu.ned home this week.—The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of this village, will regret to learn of very serious illness of their son, Merrill, and. that there is little hopes for his re- covery. • StPlarys. FATAL ACCIDENT.—Edward Staeey, Of 131aushard was killed Friday by be- ing thrown from his buggy. His horse was frightened by it clog, and becomieg unmanageable, ran away, with the above result. Mrs. •Stacey, who was hi the rig at the time, escap- ed serious injury. 4 • 6haron. ---- SCHOOL REPORT. — The' following is it correct report for S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for the month of June. Names are in order of tnevit. V, Rosa Roeszler, Einma Clark, Tillie Wind, Clara Illartene; Sr. 111, IVIaryRoeszler, Alice Pedlar; A Tr. III, Russell Bastard, Charles , Wind • B, Fred Amy, Garnet Amy, Albert Wein; Sr. II, Arthur Amy,Freeman Moeloak, IChester Rowe. Lavine Kluuapp ; jr. II, Cleve Hartman, Tonmay Roeszler, Ezra Wein, Mabel Clark; Sr. Pb. TT, Almina yegax Jule Hartman, Ilerbie Morlock, Matkha Wind; Jr. Pt. II, Willie Smith, Willie Roeszler, Wesley Wein, Saan'l Ayrstricker ; Sr. Pb. I, Elgin Amy, Cecil Rowe' ; Jr. Pt, 1, Della Restle, August Hartman, Idillia, Smith, Cora Clark. The averape e attendance for the month 33. , W, T. BROOES, Teacher. Peeemen Economy. in buying 1VIedicine as in other matters. Its economy to get Hood's Sarsaparilla because there is move medicinal value in Hood's Sergapaeilla than in any Other. Every bottle of Ailed's Sarsaparilla contains 100 closes and will average, taken accorclin,g to dii ections, to last a month, while others last but a fortnight. R. S. LANG !ligent For Huron Middlesex and Perth. • 16xoter, , Hood's Pills net harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all Ryer kfiltit ills. 25 cents. Blyth. • JOHN WRITE & SON$ Publishers and Prtprieterill BRIEFS.—Early on Sunday morning burglars visited our burg and. made their way into the residences of our townsmen, Messrs. Milne,Cardee, Sims and Carter, turning things up side down but getting very little for their trouble, except a small amount of money and helping themselves to the goods things which sustains the inner man.—Mrs. J. T. Carter left here on Saturday for Cleveland, Ohio, to visit her brother. Ciranton. Bnizes.--The Presbyterians are jubilant over the :success of their gar- clen party, which was held July 1st on 1Vm. Grant's lawn. Everything was in first-class order, and nothing occur- red to mar the joyons occasion. The financial result was $113.25. Our Presbyterian people here have become famed for their first of julv festivals. E, SINPSON, Teacher. Jr. III, M. Kilpatrick, E.IVuerth, L. Wein, A. Kuhn ; Sr. IT, L. Young, W. Wein, N. Holtzman% J. Treitz; jr. 11, W, F. Brown, E. Fahner, 0. Wolf, 0. Holtzmann ; Sr. Pt. II, E. Hill, E. Treitz, Hill, M. Schmitt ; Jr. Pr. II, B. Lienzle, L. Young, B. Shenk, P. Holtzman ; Sr, Pt. 1, D. Wein: A. M. Holtzman% M. Stanley, L. Must ; Jr. Pt. T, M. Fahner, L. Wolf, A. Ewald, 11. Brown. Mtss W. BALL, Teacher. Sr. II, S. Veolker, P. Hooper, F. Finkbeiner, N. Beaver ; Jr. II, A. Wolf, G. Rau, D. Finkbeiner, E. An- derson ; Sr. Pt. II, A. Schmitt, 31, Trick, E. Finkbeiner, E. Link; Jr. Pt. 11, G. Trevethick 14, Fahner, A. Hill, E. Oeistricker, Oeistricker • Sr. Pb. 1, S. Wein, Fahner, V. Vaste, M. Hertzel ; Sr. Pt. 1, M. Anderson, E. Motz, 0. Rau, P. Matz, Miss L. COURSCEY, Teacher. Da,shwood. SCHOOL REPORT.—The foliotving is it correct report of S. S. No. 8, Hay, for the month. of June. Names are in order of merit. IV, Emma Walper:; Sr. III, Ida Weber, Listra Eckstein; Jr. III, Clara Eckstein, A. Trueinner, Arthur Weber, Elenora, Wainer, E. Schroeder, Clara Rader, Clara, G. Schroeder, W. Shumacher ; Sr. II, Lizzie Bettchen, Norman Eckstein ; Jr. II, Aline, Livengood, V. Geiger, W. Schroeder ; Pt. II, Fred Rader Allie Truemner, Herman Wainer, Adeline Rader, Jacob Oesch, W. Messner, Claxa:Mesaner ;Sr.IPt.I, L. Schroeder, Lillie Schroeder, Bertha Shoemaker, . Dorotha Truemner, Jacob Messner ; Jr. Pt. x, IVIllvina Eckstein, Daniel. Messner ; class A, Alma Walper„ Elmore Truemner, Ethel Geiger, Flossie Geiger, Esther Overholt. Niunber of names on roll 30, average attendance 25. T. SNELL, Teacher. The following is it correct report of Union S. S. No. 10, for the month of Tune. Names are in order of merit. V, 'W. Kleinstiver, R. Eifert, T. Eby ; Entrance class, A. Zinnner, S. Witzel, A. Kellerman Sr. IV, Flossie Snell, Minnie.Kleiustiver,Sarah Ball; Jr. IV, E. Willert, Lily Hartleib, Almina Matter Sr. III, Salina Nadig,er, W. Stade, 'Oscar Eby • Jr. III, Emma Stade, Louisa Rich, Eby; Miller, Ed. Na,diger; Sr. II, Edward Kraft, Bertha Willert, Louisa Rest -enliven and Emma Gaffes. Average attendance 44. DENNIS BRINTNELL, Teacher. Sr. IT, Catherine Finkbeinev, Katie Gossman,Mary Ehlers,Melincla Smith; Jr. II, Herbert Miller, Susie Kroft, IVIindie Ehlers, Olivia Weltha ; Pt,. II, Amelia, Koch, Dora Eifert,• Ricka Gossmate Violet Tieclemann ; Pt. 1, Violet 4rayhiel, Pearl Kroft, Meletta Witzel, Olive Fenn. No, on roll 08, average attendance 68. Miss M. MILLS, Teacher. 13mEivs. —Dominion Day passed off very quietly in our village, most of the citizens going to Grand Bend to enjoy the balmy breezes of Lake Huron, while a, nrunber took in the straw- berry festival at Centralia.—Tho far- mers ha,ve commenced haying.—Mr. jobs, repairing roads, culverts, etc, jacob Oxile is very low.—D. Brintnell $180.80. Council meet again, ist Mon - and Miss M. Mills, public school teach- day in Aviemst. At or before said date ers, have gone to their respective homes to spend their holidays, the former to Rensall, and the latter to Stratford.—F. Kibler, of Zurich, was in the village on Friday.—The work on the new sehool house is being pushedrapidly ahead and will b& yearly for occupaecy after the summer holi- days. When completed this will be one of the finest schools in the coun- ty. Another teacher besides the two already engaged, will be required after vecation, and already a number of applications have been received.—W. Nicholson of Blake, has moved to our J. A. Gregory, who has successfully taught the Winelaelsea pubber school during the past few years, and. who has resigned the position to further prosecute his studies, was at the elos- MIBEBT 13110T. ing exercises of the school, on Wed.- r nesday last, made the recipient of a, l . G handsome collar and. cuff case, and travellers toilet set, accompanied by a • nieely worded and feeling address, by the scholars. Peter Gardiner, of Exe- ter, will sue,ceed. Mr. Gregory. He isa, young man who will render a good. IR Rime account of himself, and the trustees are to be complimented upou their choice. AWAY Seaforth. Trace jackson, the alleged, bicycle thief, who was arrested by Detective Nickle at St. Thomas last week undee the name of Cann, on &charge of stealr ing a bicycle from Arnoldi & Hare's Rev. Messrs. A. Grant, B. ATe E., establishment, Seafortle on June 11, . Harrison, Brownlee end T. Hossack, was examined at the London police • court Monday morning. Thos. Hare recognized the wheel and the man who rented it. He said Jackson left a wheel at his place, which is said to have been taken from. Me. Mustard's place in Brucefield and took another ride to Dublin. ife took the wheel to London andsold it to F Raclway for $12, say - in he came from St Catharinee and --- M. D., were the speakers, while the Frazer band fureished the xnusic , the pastor, Rev. E, F. M. Smith, B. A.,aet- ing as chairman. Exeter Municipal Council The Council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 2nd July, all present except Mr, Rollins. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Taylor — Delancey—That orders be granted for the tollowing sums, viz:— IV. Trevethick $5.35, rep. wind. mill and pump ; T. W. Creech $4.37,. labor; W. Westcott $1.50, do.; Jas. Gould 53.50 cutting wood for tire engine ; 1. Smith $1, labor at test of fire engine ; Jas. Taylor 75c, do. ; and Jas. Russell 75e, do. ; H. Parsons $24, nightwatch With every pound of Mar - ell's Baking Powder, at 50 cents, we give a beautiful table, Mahogany finish, well put together. The powder the very best. Come and get one before all are gone. . wanted to sell the wheel, as he had It chance to go to the old country with • horses. Mr. Radway recognized the maxi, as did, also Detective IsTickle, to to whom Jackson told another story, and said he cturie from Stratford. Jackson was committed for trial. Allem Craig. BRIEFS.—Mr. and Mrs. David Parks and family are visiting relatives in service to 1st of July; Mr. Grigg, $4 Davidson Mich.—"We are pleased to postage stamps ; Atkinson & Stewart, $20.55 for street watering and pump - in . Carried. auncey — Taylor — That Messrs. Snell and Rollins be a committee to ,look after drain through the Carling propertyat Creek and report. Carried. Mr. Creech to sell the grass of the Victoria jubilee Park to the highest bidder. Carried. Taylor—Snell—That the street com- missioner be allowed then. days holi- days provided he puts it suitable man in his place. Carried. The Council adjourned until the 3rd Friday in July at 8 o'clock p. m. Car- ried. EACRETT, Clerk. Steplaen. - Scitoob REPORT.—The following is a correct report of the standing. of the pupils in S. S. No. 3, Stephen, for the mouth of June. The names are in order of merit. Sr. IV, (/eo. Sanders, Ida, Jory, Daniel Sanders, Clara Stan - lake, Ed. Beaver, S. Jury, L. Penhale; Se. III, A. Glanville, C. Sweet, R. Glanville; Sr. ITT, StellaPenhale, Chas. Sanders. Beatrice Glanville; Sr. IT, Asa Penhale, Herbie Ford, Roy Par- sons, Homer Bagshaw, Minnie Triebner, F. Triebner ; Jr. II, Vera Sanders, A. Ford, Sadie Willis, Clara Beaver. Hattie Willis, Minnie Sanders, Laura Tory, Viola Penbale, N. Sanders, W. Teichner; Sr. Pt. I, Eddie Willis, H. Beast4r, Edith Parsons. Intermediate. Pt. T, M. Willis, Thos. Glanville, V. Woods, L. Stanlake ; Jr, Pt. I, Lizzie Sanders, H. Parsons, S. Stanlake. The following is the true report of the monthly .spelling matches :—IV, Geo. Sanders, Ida jory, D. Sanders ; C. Sweet, A. Glanville, S. Penhale ; Sr. j'ohn Foster, and "Miss Kate Eisenhove were made. one. We join their many II, II. Ford, A. Penhale, R. Parson; friends in wishing them happiness and Jr. II H.Willis, Laura Jory, S. Willis; rosperity.—Mrs. Heymacher and see E. B. Smith is able to be out. He is very lame, after four weeks! confine- ment to his house.—Rev. Mr. Keith, of McGill College, will occupy the pet-. its in the Carlisle and Ailsa, Craig resbyterian Chuches next Sunday, In the a,bsence of Rev. D. L. Dewar.— Strawberries and potato bugs are very plentiful here, while granulated sugar and peels greets are in great demand. —Miss Barbaro, Fisher, of Detroit, is home for her holidays.—The result of the baseball match between. the. Orediton and Ansa Craig Stars, last Thursday,was in favor of the Stars by 21 runs.—Four members of the Causp- bell family who are teachers arrived • • a 1 41 home on kriday evemng—Joan, from Zurioh. the vicinity of St.George; Maggie from Uxborne ; Alexander from thevicinity BRIEFs.--Dominion. Day passed off of Vivian, and Ella, who has been very quietly in the village the town attending the Normal at Ottawa.— being almost deserted.—The Luthertua S. S. held their mimed picnic in Tay- lor's Grove aud the majority of the people went there, while some went to (3kulerich and Grand Bend.—Chas. Grebe wife and family, left for :Wiser - ton last Saturday to spend a week or ten days with relatives and friends. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill and family of Crediton. —Mrs. J. D. Mentor,. Misses Williams and Clara Signer took intim excursion te Port Huron on Saturday.selliss L. Faust is entertaining het cousin Miss Aurties from Waterloo.-sA man at St. Joseph s working in the saw mill had. the misfortune to break his leg, last Saturday. — What might have been a serious accident happened et II Koehler's on Monday evening. The children were 'playing around the • barn and in some Way his, two year old son climbed up and fell out of a door a distance of II feet to the ground. The child's head. is badly * • cut and he was insensible forit long come a =sauce, and the nuisance time bat chances are be will recover. was should be abated. The Connell should —Mr. Edwin Dignan, of Exeter, • take some steps to a bate it, — Mrs. Samuel Wilson, who underwent an op- eration here some time 'ago for the re- moval of a, serious abscess, died on Sat - aged ra years—Monday the In- place very pretty wedding tooke =ben spe.ctor, tor the .Canadian Fife Under - place at the Catholic Church on Tiles, writers Association, Mr, Robt. Howe Tinder - day by Ihe Rev. Father Valentine, of Toronto, yisited Clinton,- inspected when Mr. Louis Foster, eldest sou of - • • alla -1 1 John Morgan, who has been very ill during the past week, has taken a. tart for the better. Dr. Anderson is in attendance. Dr. Wishart, of London, aid it visit to Mr. Morgan last Fri - ay. Clinton. Nettie McCrea, oper- ator in the C.P.R.telegvaph office here, left hist Tuesday for Calumet, Mich.. Where she has accepted a position— H. C. Brewer left thie -week on a brief visit to Merry Old England.—Mr.Hen- ry C. Pugh, whn died in Clinton last Friday and was interred at Bluevale on Sunday. was a resident of Clinton 35 years ago. He was a bricklayer by callieg and. afterward. conducted a ho- tel at Bluevale. — 'We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. linty, who left here a short time since for Calumet, Miele. had the misfortune to break her arni,- The long grass on the street has be - the guest of Miss N. Johnsten on &Imlay last.—Elmore Klopp who • has been home for some time, returned to his work at Buffalo, N. Y. on Weclues- J. P. ROSS towel at, Clinton on August 5 ; with Berlin at Clinton on August 12; with London at Clintonon August 17th, Miss Annie Leyett, of Hanover, is visiting her brother, W. H. Levett, town. S. Westaway is nureing it broken toe, a, stick of wood falling upon it the other day. Mr. Del. Mayberry, who was bitten by a supposed mad dog at Ingersoll, has gone to the Pasteur Institute, New York for treatment. Mr. D. C. McRoberts, London town- ship, weaseled some fall wheat at 6 feet 6 inches in height. News has reached Regina of the murder at Keg% B. C. of Keeler, who left a few weeks ago to try his luck in the gold fields, Reuben Jackson, hotelkeeper at Ver- ona, is lying at the point of death from the effects of a blow received from Matthew Revell. The men had. it quarrel while out driving. AU the favorite swimming holes in the river have been alive with bathers this week. It worth' have been eXeeSS of duty on the part of the' police ito molest them and the swimmers were wisely left alone. Pt. 1, E. Willis, 11/1. Willis, V. Woods. The average attexidance was 85. R. N. Onunoir, Teacher. COUNCIL.—Conncil met pursuant to adjournment, Crediton July 5th 1807. AU members present. Minutes at previous meeting read and signed. • aughter COra, spent Tuesday in Hen - salt visiting friends. ---P. Klapp end wife Of Buffalo, N. • Y. who have been present. —The now famous elm - visiting at 'Wm. Elopps, left tor one home on Wednesday. ston Club will play with Galt in that t • ... • apparatus. in eigh t minutes -steam was nip and everything ready for action,. Water was thrown from the market tank in single and double sections, and also from Fair's mill water works sys- tem, to the entire satisfaction of every Messrs SherrittimelSchwitzer thought. Additional Locals. town on July 13, next Tnesday ; with Berlin in Berlin on July 14 ; with Lis- . • WHAT AILS YOU 1, _ — A (Ln Lx THE HEAD S03IE SNEEZ INtise PAINS Ovnit THE EYES? DISGUSTING DROPPING IN Tim THROAT? HertnaeuE? —IT MAY MEANTHAT THE SEEDS or CATARRH. HAVE BEEN SOWN—DON'T Nnonnser IT AN HOUR—DR. Atenaw's CATARR- HAL POWDER WILL Give: Renann IN 10 Mueranne, '4 had ehronic retareh for a mmt- ber of years. Water would run - front my nose end eyes for days at a time. I tried many cures without any per- manent was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. IL clued me and I have had no return of the malady. I find. that for a cold in the head it gives almost instant re- lief. I would not be without it and I recommend it most heartily." C. G.. Archer, Brewer, Me. PILE TERRORS SW.EEP AWAY. Dr. Agnew's Ointment stands at the head as a reliever, healer, and sure cure for piles in all forme. One ap- plication will give comfort in it few minutes. and three to six days ap- lication according to direetione will cure chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases in a day. 35 rents. HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE. Palpitation, Muttering of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Swelling of the Ankles, Nightmare, Spells of Hunger and Ex- haustion. These are Most pronounced. symptoms of heart Disease. Dr. Ag - news Curc• for the Heart will give re- lief inside of 30 minutes, and will ef- fect a. speedy cure in most stubborn eases. It's vegetable, it's liquid, it's harmless, it's 'wonderful.. it advisable to purchase a new road. s 6 11 graderlon eondition it could be •had. A. G. Kemp, eon of Capt. George for $200 with the usual guarantee. Kemp, town, has been appointed Messrs Hicks and Sanders thought it assistaut clerk „in the Molsons bank, would be better if some person would here. own the grader and. council to pay so much it day for grading. Reeve was to decide and write agent e short time. Regarding Mr, Glavin's Tequest, council do not see their way clear to comply on the grdmids of jurisdiction. Regarding the Canada Company's claim for better outlet for • M. U. drain, and • refunding the taxes of Tot 6, Sauble concession, that the Rev. J. P.' Westmen and J. A. L Gregory pat in Monday and. Tuesday .on their bicycles, on friends in Marys, Lecan, Ailsa Craig, Park- hill Grand Bend and Shipka. Mrs Mills,.LefWoodhain, on Theirsday lest enteredupon his eontract of car- rying -the mail daily .betwe.‘en Exeter and St. Marys. He starts f rem Exe,•• ter each Morning at six o'clock. con ucil do not think that they should Those clergymen whoaeranged their comply. That in the matter of taxes, services Sunday so as to keep the Mr. Garrow be coancirs solicitor. Re -1 congregatiou in attendance for an solved that Treasurer and Reeve be hour only are to be commended, Let empowered. to borrow $2000 to meet them keep it up during July and Aug- cuvrent expenses. Total asnount of ust. orders granted sonat gravel con- While shingling a barn belonging to tra.cts, $470.80 ; grading, $140.75 ; Mrs. John Gould, on Wedaesday, gravel, 5112.74; Conn 513.75; sundry James Gould went through the roof by means of it giving way, and sns- staining injury to the extent of three broken ribs. NOn Monday two robins and a hen with a brood of chickens, belonging to D. Spicer engaged in a vicious fight, the nobles, presumably, endeavoring to take possession of the small chicks. The robins worsted the hen, but the chickens took little • stock in their foster parents. t For the 6rst th e since the G. T. R. assumed control of the L. H. & B. pas- sengerS on the evening train from the north are enabled. to make connections it is required that all pethinasters re- turns should be in and- that all trus- tees of schools should send to the clerk amount required for school purposes. State the amount you claim, special, the number of teachers employed and how long an assistant was employed. Be particular aS 0. inieroaderstanding m ight cause in con venience. C. Peoury, Clerk. Some 10 en 'el idates are writing for certificates ei she Exeter public school this week. Mr. Andpsen f Usborne, is presiding exambier4 Tlic Glican GdSil Store, IT 1)011. The Place FOF %holy gargains---44. • In order to clear our stock of Summer goods we offer special prices in Dress Goods, Prints, Percales, Organdies, Muslims, Flan- nelettes, Cottonades, Lace Curtains, A.rt Muslins Mushn Curtainings, Swiss Muslins, Corsets, Gloves, Laces, Hosiery, etc. BLOUSE WAISTS :—A large selection of the latest styles from sc up. • GENTS' FURNISHINGS :—Another lot just to hand, nobby Neckwear, Shirts, Hats, Gloves, Bicycle Suits, Hose and Garters. WE ALSO HANDLE :--Cleveland, Crescent and Welland Vale wheels. READY MADE AND ORDERED CLOTHING :—We have cut the prices to clear before the fall stock arrives. We are bent upon making a. complete clearance of this season's goods at an early a date as possible, • You will soon require BINDER TWINIBAam.„,„: Call and examine our stock, our prices will interest you, Our Stock of Groceries is complete and our prices the lowest• , Produce taken as cash for which we pay the highest market at the janction with the main line go- nieces, ing west due to leave the junction at s 5.38. This makes a good connection. Chas, Zwicker.