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A Sure and Sate Remedy in every case
and everykind of Bowel Complainti8
Pain -Killer.
This is a -true statement and it can't bo
made too strong or too emphatic.
It IS a, simple, Safe and quick cure for
Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism,
Colic, Colds, Neuralgia,
Diarrhosa, Croup, Toothache.
TWO SIZES, 25c. and sec.
The Molsons Bank\ A Contrast.
61ap Capita -
Xeetrund - 1:100;000
Read Office, Montreal.
- Gigxesar.. MANAGER.
Money nevanced to good farmers on their
wn note with one or more endorser at 7 per
ma- iPee aUAum.
•• Exeter Branch.
pen every ltiWful day-, from a.m, to •p.m
SATURDAYS, 10 a.m, to 1 p.m.
pareent rates of interest allowed on depots
" • ist, D.HURDON,
Exeter, Di16.07th, '95
TECUIteS,DAY1 JULY lst, 1897.
The 3)lonteeal Star says
"The Senate has done its duty in
throwing Out the Druenmond Count -y •
33ill, but it has still another duty to
perfornezand that is to inyestigate the
circumstariees connected with this
abortiveTalci on the Dorainion trees-
nry, The: 'man who engineered this
eal is still iii the Dominion Cabinet.
Thelletea.Which it is said. were dis-
counted or election parpeses on the
eength.of this deal still have to be
met. i the money to Meet these
notes cannot be • got out of the Drum-
mond County Railway,. there is great
.danger that it may come out of some
-Other publie contract. It is important
that the eruth, and the whole truth, in
connectioheettle this matter .slaculd be
revealed •
The action of the Senate is based on
idently. .ehrtupt intent of the
transactiOn in qaetion....The story
has been ethTent, at Ottawa that Jr.
J. N. Geeenshields, who practically
owns and.controls the read,has given
"aseistafiCe" to the amount of $50,000
to eettain prominent Liberals to aid
ia the promotion of "Pieritys of Elec-
tion" in.:the . Peovince of Quebec: in
t,faath Federal and•Provincial elections.
taf this eam $30,000 is said to have
een invested in the purchase of Mr.
eaugearernaper, La Petrie, for the
soneof Hon. J. 1. Tarte, who are not
popularly supposed to be millionaries,
but. wile Were nevertheless able,
thanks to the .assistance of friends,
to pay a* enormously fancy price for
propertY -which, largely through the
Illness oPr Mr. Beaugrand, had become
so depreciated in value as to be . con-
sidered worth very little. The pay-
ment 'as made the gay after La
ePatrie evie purchased, and it is said
to have d'onsistect of Mr. Greenshields'
•cleecine la Banque. d'llochelaga,
Montrealefor $10,000 and his note in
favor of Mr. •Terte'ss. sons. fee, .,$20,000„
evhich Was subsequently discounted iu
"Same bank.. A few days before
the Champlain electidti •Mr. Green-
shields' note. for $20,000, endorsed by
a TetY prominent Liberal politician,
was, it is,eaid,discounted in the same
bank, and it is a eemarkable
dence Chat Hochelaga Bank bills were
• never . se plentiful in Champlain
....county as during the Diet election, a
felt -which was shown be- the remark-
able quantity of • bills of that bank
which merchants of Three Rivers re-
. ceive.from their custainers in ('ham -
plain cothety within a few days after
the electlon, one merchantaliene being
- known to have received over $5,000,
, The stort has been current in -Ottawa,
Montreakand Three Rivers for some
• time thaf thenioney which was spent
by the Liberals in Champiaincounty
es.e.btatteedins connection, with the
Drunimdtal County. Railroad deal.
r•••••—•.^—,— •
This was the financial result, of the BRIEFsee-Mrs. Whitt left town'on
s.ession of 1887 :- „ 1 MOnday for Buffalo where she intends
Estimates $39,%2Pee')opeea to reside in the future. We: wish her
Supplementaries Devit4°0success in her now homea-Fred Jack -
Prince Edward Island subsidy 20,000 son, who has been seriously ill for the
Additional judge for Quebec OW past three weeks is still causing much
The two Controllers 10,000 anxiety to his many friends. -,-The
Railway subsidies 2,187,000 littledaughter of Geo. McTaggart met
Loan to Montreal harbour 320,000
Loan to Quebec harbour 1,260,000
Total •$48,250,014
This is the financial result of the
session of 1897 :-
Main estimates for 1898 $44,607,238
Supplementaries for 1897 1,777,442
Supplementaries for 1808 1,300,215
Crow's Nest pass 3,630,000
Intercolonial extension ' 7,000,000
FastAtiantic service 18,000,000
Railway subsidies 6,034,542
Loan 15,000,000
Total $98,009,487
So that the reign of retrenchment,
long demanded, has at last set in -but
wrong end foremost.
Major:Beattie Holds His Seat.
In the London election case Judge
Ferguson handed down judgment
Saturday on the points that were re-
served for further consideration in the
previous judgment. The appeal was.
finally dismissed in toto, on the ;ground
that the charges were ,of a trivial and
unimportant nature, and were leot
part or parcel of a plan or campaign
of corruption. Judge Robinson con.
calmed in tbe finding, allowing Mr.
Beattie all costs.
Now is the season.of the year to see
that the voter's list in your par-
ticulhr locality is in good shape. The
next local election will be fought out
on the lists of this year, and every
one should see to it that no name
is left off in this district. Get in your
work on -the lists of 1807.
. • •
While the. in Canada have 'been ear-
nestly engrossed in Queen's jabilee cele-
brations ; and in the discrigsion of
Measures:16r the promotion of the ma-
terial welfare of the Dominion, our.
neighbors in the United States beee had
under reyiews President McKinley's
proposition to annex the. Hawailian
• islands to the republic. These islands,
. situated in the Pacific Ocean, some 2,-
000 milessouthwest of San Francisco,
• were until -a year or two ago. governed
by a monarchy. At present, they are
controlled be- a republican administra-
• tion, in which the former residents of
the United States forma majorityeand
it is the proposal of this goveenment
. to be joined t,p the `United States that
PreSidentMcKinley has now .responded
with thee necessary treaty. The United
States has, next to GreatBritain, been
the most persistent acquirer of new
• rr
territory band about this continent.
• In 1803, Jefferson secured the control
of Loiniiana, a very large territory,
stretching from the Gulf of Mexico
northevard to the Canadian boundary,
and westvvard to the Pacifi.c. 'Under
Aeonroe, he of "doctrine" notoriety,
'nearly eighty years ago, Florida was
."` purchased fieem Spain. More than.
half a' ceneury since, the war with
leek* brought heCalifornia and Newexico, Then, in 1867, :Alaska, the
'" territory to the northwest of
add, Was parchaeed from Russia
7,000,006 -as it:turns out, "dirt
with an accident last week in falling
down the cellar stairs andseverely
injuring tier head. -The Exeter, Blyth
and Clintonbands gave excellent value
for the money. They pleased every-
body thoroughly. Success to 'Glee
Gidley's.-One day last Week, Sohn
Sheppard, Ontario Street, was severe-
ly injared while driving in the rig of
Grocers Sheppard & Beacom • the
horse stopped . suddenly 'and' Mr,
ShepPard was thrown forward to the
the weeound: Several ribs were broken
and he was otherwise injured. --The
cricket club were in London Tuesday.
Clinton went to and scored 78 for
three wickets, when the rain interfer-
ed and the mateh was discounted. -For
the Model fame. Excursion to Guelph
on. Monde* 107 tickets were sold at
Clinton; 174 at Goderich,135 at Londes-
boro,• and 208 between, Kincardine and
Clinton. -Mrs. H. Hunt and Mrs. Wm.
Robertson left Monday for a six
weeks' trip to California, where they.
will visit friends and relatives.
• .Crecliton.
BRIEFS. - Messrs.!. Wenzel &Daly -
rumple owing to increased business.
haye engaged the service of :nether
blacksmith. -The ram a on Tuesday- wits
welcomed by the farmers and those
who have much driving to do. The
cropshave been revived and the dust
laid. -Business is booming now, lots
of trade coming in to town.-BrownPreeter are talking of buying a car-
load of cherries and shipping theinto
the Old Country. -U. Simple was ar-
rested last Wednesday night on a
charge of breaking into M. Mortlach's
house, and he is now in Goderieh. jail.
They will miss I/ in the Crediton haw
ball teeth as ,s.v.As a good neteher;
not many-e.;ted hit his balls. -Wenzel
efe. Valyrumple are turning out quite h
few new buggies. -The managers are
making a nice cement sidewalk in
front of the new church. Mr. How-
ard, of Exeter, has the . contract; also
a new wire fence is being built, which
will make quite an improventent to
the church. -The Sunday school held
their picnic last Saturday at •Grand
Bend. There was quite a crowd there.
--A munber of candidates went to
Exeter this week to try the entrance.
-Ezra Feist, Louie Roedding- and
others took a trip to Mt. 'Carmel on
Sunday last. -Louie Roedding is sel-
ling cleaning compound, he claims
there -is more money in it than in shoe-
making. -Quite a few of . Crediton
people are talking of spending theelet.
at Grand . Bend. -All the stores .here
will he closed on the lst.-H. Wing, of
Shiplea, was in Crediton on Monday
on his way home from Hamburg.-
Saml Brown and faintly were. in
Zteri.clesoiihSanday.-Fred Finkbeiner
4every sick. -Nelson Sheere, of Exe-
ter, has engaged to work for J. :Holt
manfor the summer. -P. P. Mills in-
tends to leave the town en the let for
-good, as his time is up learning his
trade. - Francis Clarke and Effie
Lewis were married last Friday; also
Aaron Brown .and Rosina Geiser,-
„August Hill intepds to take a trip
down east shortly.
BASE BALL. -A base bali game be-
tWeen Crediton. and Exeter teams was
.playek here on Eriday last. Follow-
ing is the score :-
The Ottawa correspondent of the
'Telegram givekthe following particul-
ars of the Heinte-Hyman-Holt Rail-
way scheme which failed to Flee tile
Railway committee in the house the
other day, and it eeeais to bale.? been
one of rather gigantic proportions:-
"The Dominion subsidy 200 nines was
$10,000 per mile, which equals two
millions of dollars. The Phivincial
Government subsidy for the first 100
iniles was $t,000- per mile, equal to
$40000. A large acreage of
valuable land was. to be given as
a bonus for the other hundred
mile& It appears that after the
road was finished it was to be taken
over by the C. P. R., and that the
'implied understanding' spoken of in
the committee, reall-meant that the
C. P. R. was to give `$22,000 per mile
in cash for the road after it was com-
pleted, or as an alternative, the build-
ers of the road were willing to take
the C. P. R.'s guarantee . for their
bonds, and eell out for $15;000 in cash
per mile for 200 miles. This would be
three millions of dollars, and with the
$2,000,000 from the Dominion, and the
Provincial subsidy of $400,000 would
make a total of $5,400,000. It is anted
that the rake off in the transaction.
Would have been between two mil -
ion and a -half and three millions,
but putting the amount at $1,500,00%
it would be quite a neat Sum to di-
vide amongst the promoters. It is
understood that two of the principals
wanted 68 per cent, of the rake-off,
but that another principal interested
would not agree to this proportion." ..
Heavy Exports of Cheese. • (rocker 1 Beaver . 6
Davidson, 2 Sims 4 ,
• 3
' • 4:
" 7.
• 4
I I •
The exports of cheese from Mon- Creech 0 oun
treal last week were 105,159 boxes, O'Neil '
representing a cash value about SteWartre
$6004000, being about"._ four times Eactt
greater than those from New York,
and making a total from both ports of
12,600 boxes ; and yet the market on
the other side has not broken much
under these heavy shipinents, Which
demonstrates the vast consumptive
eapacity of the people of .Great Bri-
tain for cheese ; and . this in face of
the fact that the increase in valhes
of the exports from this port last week.
was about $275,000 as compared with
the. corresponding week last year. In
other words, the farmers of this coun-
try received that mnch more for their.
cheese last week than for the same.
week in 1806. It is no wonder that
Circulation is increasing in the coun-
try and arrears are beingliquidated.
John G. Gilson, secretary -treasurer
of the O'Keefe Brewing and Malting
Company, Toronto, has been arrested
on a charge of embezzling.
Thos. Bonner, of Windsor,who was
injured by a horse and carriage on
-Jubilee Day, died .Friday night. He
wa.s 71 years of age, and long a resi-
dent of the city.
Mrs: Ernest e Karn and child., of
WOodstock, were poisoned on Mon-
day by eating cannedepeaches: .They
suffered great agony for severalhours,
butthe efforts ofseveral medical men
brought relief, and -they are now re-
covering. -.0
The anadiap Christian Endeavorers
at Toronto have decided to send delee
gates to the big convention in San
Francisco next Month. About 50 left
on Tuesday morning. They have
chartered a special car, and it was
handsomely decorated.
The annual meeting of tbe North
Middlesex Conservative Association
was held at Ailsa Ora•ig Thursday,.
when officers were elected mid. other
important •business transacted. A
connnittee was appointed to select a
candidate to contest the riding in the
.approaching election for the Legis-
• The Sen Jose scale, one of the worst
orchard pests known, bas mede its ap-
pearance in the Niagara District in the
large orchards of the fruitgrowers
there. Prompt Measures are being
taken there by the Goverdment to
wipe out the pest, and an expert will
examine the • trees in a few days.
Friday morning Aurele 'Nadeau, of
Bedford; Quebeceaged 23, married and
with a familyof two children, was
killed at the mines. of Bells Asbestos
Co, A stone which had been loosened
soinetithe ago by a blast fell from the
'top of the shaft and struck hini on the,
head, Which Member was 'badly cruelee
ed. At the time • of the; accident'
Nadeau was Ivo ing et the depth of-
2 Zwicker
1 Mills
0 Magerson
Bissett 0 . . Kuhn
Ford . . 1 Kerr . . 8
Spacknian. 3 . . Wurm. , 4
. •
Rai Won Arranged fbr tanrIer nd
„ • ,
• • • ' ' Only one Person in 1,000 reaehes ther Premiers In Britain -A
, Bountliot
Leaped Oveittioaretand Prpiern•-
' • • eel' Himself. •
ne wea a Passenger otatligestmaltlp Scot
, .
Filen'. Cape 'Mira Bound for England,
yie Brody Recovered -Sketch of the
(aireer or the Remarkable Man Who, of
' iambic Ittrilt In London, Became a
ievit,rpeiriliLMali Wad. Afterwards the Great-
est Speculator and. Itleheat Alan In the
London, June .4.1., -(Midnight.) -4. 011.-
cia1 despatch from Funchal, Island of
IVitaleira; off tlie west coast of Morocco,
says Abet on the arrival there to -day • of
the British •steamship Scot, •uidelt. left
Table Bay (Capetown) On June 2, for
Southampton, it was announced - that
Barney •Barmito., the•Bouth Africa. "Kaf-
fir ichig," .who was among the. passen-
gers, • had committed suicide by leaping
overboard. His body was recovered. •
A temple a weeks ago thecable de-
spatehes reported that Mr. Barnet° was
ill -one •report saiki he suffered • from
fever; another •that he had become sub-
ject to dementia, and had to be taken
'are of by friends. Re was placed., on
board steamer for England, and the
above despatch tells the rest.
- •
A Later Report Indicates That it Was Not
kase or Mule:tie.
London, June rt. -The Pally Telegraph,
waive annotmees the death of Barney Bar-
uato, • says on the outhority of a news
agence.• that he fell overboard.
The late Barney Barnet° was lu many re-
speeta the most remarkable spectilator of
the century. Of all the Englishmen who
have :taken part in :the developmeut of
South Africa, two only have secured a
• worldwide reputation. These' have been
(*cell Ithades and Barnett 'suites. more, O'
tun and less respectfully styled Barney' Bar,
u:•te. Bernath was an assumed name, a
,• ; of stage name, for he began life in
'5; lith Africa by exhibiting a trick donkey
• ut 23 years ago. He was then about 20
: .ts old. Barak° was an English Jew,
and Illustrated iu an extraOrtlinary way the
nclal genius of his race.
Itarnato was bora in London. But little is
•,wn as to his early life, cxeept that he
t•i . . eived his instruction from a private tu-
tor instead of attending the Public sehools.
He was a yomaier son, and at the age of
20 went to South Africa, then a much uiore
savage territory than it is now, and but
scantily populatt•ii by Englishmen or per-
sons. of English descent, to seek ids for-
tune. The Kimberley diamond mines were
just beginning to be productive. With bis
few pounds of -capital he began dealing in
diamonds in a small. way, Lie was clever
'and pushing. Everything he touched •he
made 'successful. In live years he bad earn-
ed cubugh in the retail sale of diamonds to
purchase shares in the ialueS, from 7bIch
his mIsrchandise had come.
Before another rive years had elapsed bis
holdings at Kimberley • had •becoute very
large,and when the Transvaal gold Distils
were discovered, he had titans to invest
In them.
In 15811 Burman was it definite money
power in South Afrii.a and began to be spok-
en of las the rival of Cecil Rhodes. 'Unlike
In temperament and evenmore unlike in
personal ambition, (he' • two men started in
to be hot opponents. But In MS they
reached the eonclusion simultaueously that
their respeetive interests multi be hest pro-
moted by emuldning • form; and the De
Beers consolidated mines were the result,
one of the most valuable Weeps of property
of its klud in the world. While in Africa
• Bernath married and had, three children,.
two sous end a daughter.
years Of age.
Mrs. Richards Davis Was able to . . •
take a walk ontside one day la,st ,
week. ,L'ondon, gine ' eiteL(S'pecial te' The
Me&• Kingsmill, of London, : is Woields-A. wide program has been ar-
visiting ber • daughter, • Mrs: (Rev.) ranged fin' the entertainment of. Hoe.
• Wilfrid • Laurier and party awl the other''
Bray. • colonial Premiers who are now visiting'
Scotch bagpipes filled the air with
music last evening, on various 'streets Great Britain. The program consists ,rif -
„ • mane in elide .reeeptiona .gtilere., • Awl:
of the, town. • whet% tile, Canadian Pienner ,returns
The • ptiblic School summer vacat- hm
oe he 'Will' uot 'oU nly be 'tired 'and
ion commenced Wednesday, and will titled •Malli but ihe• will have done a
last About six weeks. .. great deal to adva.nce• .Canada in this
Miss May• Gill is Visiting her brothers country, Mr. Laurier has many speecho:A
to Make. His receptions are cordial
Dr, Luther Gill and wife, in Gibson- evre,rywhere he goe,,. o,morrow Mr. Lauriegoes to Gins-
burg,. Ohio. •She is accompanied by
ow, where the sok:mini :Premiers will
her sister, • Mrs. Theo. Sweet,, Of St.; rCayor
entertained by the Lord Provost. tharines.
Wednesday 'the' Ma' oi
lihpt.ae left? rdTrunk and thehaanveissinueaew
1 ) e0;c. Manchester takes- charge of tht.' 1i:trey,
tariffs, making considerablereductions and the anadian. dignitaries will
in the rates for the transportation of shown over the wor, of the ,great ship
bicycles over their lines. ••
canal. •They Wilks l' les dined in the even:-
A • London Exchange commenting
upon the Military camps, says :-The
Thirty-third. Huron Battalion of In-
fantry is probably one of the best in
Canadian Militia service. It is large,
and is composed of men of excellent
.physique.- - -
;When riding straight ahead neer
vary your ,course suddenly to one side
'without first satisfying yourself that
there is no cyclist behind you. Dis-
mounting by the • pedal should be
practised by .bicycle riders, as it is a
good thing m case of emergency.
The flurry in the local wool market is
new a thing of the past, and the Lica
dealers are anxiousas to what is to be-
come df the stock they, have on hand.'
United States buyers have gone back
claiming that it is now too late to bny.
wool and get it over the border before
the United States tariff bill is passed.
They fear to take risk of being caught.
E. N, -Lewis, Goderich, has pur-
chased from the estate of the late Dr.
Trudgeon the property known as the
River Farm, about two miles up the
Maitland, and will reside there daring
the. summer.: Ile purposes keep-
ing some choice stock an1. has re-
teived frora the herd of J. C. Snell, of
Snellgrove, near Toronto, °lee- of the
finest three year nlel Jersey cows ever
seen in these parts.
The great bicycle pool is broken.
After years of di:gal-motion the iron-
clad agreement has gone to smash,
and with ittheprice!of high-class wheels
has slumped. The Pope Manufactur-
jug. Company announced thatthe price
of the Columbia, '07 has been reduced
35 per cent. , The John P. Loyell ATMS
Company ceme•forward with' a similar
announcement.' It, is believed the big
bicycle rate NVar is•on, and the 'public.
will get se.me cheap wheels this Sum-
mer. •
• ,
Total 10 Total 46
r _Or a II
A terrible cyclone devaetated 'one of
tbe,fairest partieris pf. Westmialste.e
toWnehiPTuesday afternoon..
For sudden and destractive fury
peeleeps its like has never before been
experienced in this section of the
:country. Certainly old residents catt
recall nothing approaching it -hi local
history. • - . •
It was no ordinary . wind stormenO
stiff gale the • breeze,' 'but ' a genuine -
death -dealing .cyclone -ea regular Kane
in,s.hurricane-ofawful: and: :irregat-
ible 3.7iclence, sweeping All before it,
like -.chaff •andleaving.' rain in. its
100 feet under gx•
: •. .
Massive barns were shattered into
kindlingwood at one blow ; the irain
was flattened onthe earth as it by a
gigantic roller; great sturdy' trees
were twisted like twigs 4' fences were
hurled a,vvay like the dust of the road; .
roofs 'were tossed in to.th.e• air like toy,
balloons, -.aud horses, tvellicles • and
drivers picked up from the highways
and clumped into the nearest ditches..
• It. was about 4 o'clock that the phe-
nomenon cut its frightful swath.
The yalue- of -the property' destroyed
is estimatedat.$15,0Q0.
, Mr. J. T. Collison, late of Loran is
teaching school at • Longlaxetovvn,, N.
W. T.. He intends to :remainthere
ancl grow up with the country.
A great sensation was created in
Blyth when S. Jessop, apromirient cit -
sen of dietplace, his wife,his Mother-
in-law, Mrs.1VIe'Ilroy, were aree§ted at
the inStance of Deface:ye Patrick Heff-
ernan, of Toronto. The cause of arrest
dates back to last fall. Jessop was
then running a general store in Blyth
under the firm name : of Jessop &- Co.
In. November the firm assigned to Mr.
Richard Tew, but the creditors aide:Mt
find the facts to bees they had expect-
ed, the assets showing up much meali-
er than the liabilities. A suspicion of
orpokecl dealings•was aroused, and un-
der the direction of Mr. Shaw, of &mi-
ne & Shave. Detective Heffernan had
been Working on the case, and secured
evidence. Which caused the arrest.
Among other charges are conspiracy to
defraud creditors and receiving goods
for ptirpoSe of ' defrauding creditors.
It is alleged that, acting under a search
warrant,. goods from the store were
found- hidden away, done up , in
the original packages The preliminary;
'investigation was commenced, on Pri-
d continued on Sattirday and ad -
I. •
lt Was Worse Than Ateptirted-ILIves Jost
, end Rouses Itratroyed..
- • •
Calcutta; • ,Tune • 4.. -Later reports In-
crease the gravity et nu, earthquake
shocks of Saturday last itt this a•ity and
its vicinity. -An extensive area 'was af-
fected and has eaused-• -Inoth,•, misery
among many of the Poor Eurasians and
natives. -
The shocks wore felt! at Simla, .Agra,
Bombay. Manipur and at' many places
far down the Central Provinces.' An
immense amount of damage • was
done nt Hooghley.• • Brirdwan and
Daee, where •• seventi ,persons were
kiiled,. and. at Gopalpoor, Paths!,
Ransganj. Bankipoor,• Balasor,- Maaf-
farp: 1 and Monghyr. A • -terrific
.shottk: was experieneed at Deriding Mid.
paapylhouses were' destroyed, Traffic On
the Ehstern !Bengal Railroad, is interrupt-
ed.. • Bridges have here damaged -and • a
train was overturned on the Atasatn-
Bengal line.' The ground opened at
Manipur and the town of Kohima, north -
'of 'Manipur. WaS ,severely shakenup and
damaged. The heat prevailing • is the
'highest- on •reeord. 120 degrees ins • the
shade: haviag been rogistmeil at Jacohh-•
had, bit the frontier of •Balnellititan, •
Mr..Laurirr. Edliaborgh. ' •
Tataripr. Premier of the Dominion of
Canada; the Hon. George Turner, Pre!•••
•mier of Victoria; the Hon. Mohan' .1.
Sodden. Prerniee of.: New' '7.:eialaltil;•Sir
litigh; Muir Nelson; Premier of Queens-
landc•and the Hon, O. (1..:Kiirstoo,.
mier Of South Australia, arriyred letre lo-
•dilY. and were received at the railroad
'station- by Lard ProvoSt• Ma/0mM and ;
.the intuticipality of Edinburgh. Later
the visiting Premiers were: presented
with• •an"achlre 'Of welcome , the
Edieburgh •Ohaniber Comnierise.
The visiting. •Preiniers later 'cvere
tertsined at, a luirheou, pre0flehl, over
hy the '1,Ora Provost. -There Were 200
omintInt periP1P PreAit'ifiellfding
Balfefir of Bm•IPigli. ;the •ThIrl-,of
lyn and the ,Marquiv.• of Lothian; Lord..
BaJtour toasted t'The,Cielorties,"..to
sa.yht,g, • amphg,,,,
other 'ffitaga, •the likWaeu
the' i,oRmies and' the'. Molherla0' ;Were
satfsf a et ory, nd that The, eoloni es !Nevi?
all ready to stand *bY the Palleut ..(joun.•
. . . ,
tiobarrA at oirara.
Conn WAS THE GOon Aeloms Winen
"I Was so troubled with sciatica that
at times the ,pain. and suffering I ex-
perienced Was excruciating. failed
in flesh to almost a shadow. I was al-
most continuously in • bed for . a
year, and I had spent hundreds of dol-
lars 132 doctoring. I had almost given
up hope of a cure. A relative who
had beeri 'cured of the same disease
by. South, Amekican Rheumatic Cure,.
• induced me be try it. The 'first dose
gave .me instant . relief. : After using
three bottles was:completely cured.".
William Marshall, Varney P. 0., Ont.
mg, and a reception follows.'the dinner.
Thursday. Mr. Laurier will take the
Ascot races, special arrangementa hawng
been made :foe the reception of the. ,parts..
On Friday the benquef at' the Imperial
institute -Will follow an afternoon reeep-
tioa. • This promises to be .a brilliant:
.4„ff,'N'tt-t day Prince' and Princess Chris-
tian will' receive 'the colonial' 'Premier's
at: a 'garden party. at -Holloway • Cottage,
klg1.11'haerPintiStilYIT'em4.11 rest 'on Sundav at the
Hotel Cecil.' ' ' • • ----------
Ys• June .,21,• Lintriir
and party will -go ,to Birmingham, where
the Premier will he entertaited by the
Lord' Meyer. •
They' then retain to • London for the'
greet day-Tuesdey-7wheu the .Canadiau •
•Premier and Canada's eorps, take
a proininent part in the royal procession.
The following day (Wednesdity) they
evill atteMV-the garden party at Rotk-
higham ;Palace, which promises to eclipse
all former events of this character. •
Thursday and Pridaj••• the party Will
rest before going to Spithead on"'Satm•--
day to witness the greatest naval de-'
monstratiott ever made by British war.
ulny, June 27, 'will be 'spent in
.London, Mr. Laurier and party nutk-
ing Hotel Cecil their headquarters.
Op "Monday, June 28, the Duke of,
Devonshire, will tender it garden party
in honor. of the visiting. colonial Pre-
miers at Devonshire Honse. •
Tuesday following the British Em-
pire Leagtut wilt eintiluet a water party
up the htstorie Thames. In the evelt-
ing the Dominion Day dinner will take
Plnee itt liotel Cecil. Sir Domild Smith
presiding. .
lVednissday. June 30, the (Nilottial
i•e rot nry. I Ion. iloseph • Chathb.srla '
will entertain the Premiers of 110)'- :tin- -
josiy!s voliaties at dime% follitwed by
11 arliTev11,1.7d. Mayor • at' London will ban -
mitt 111.. Leerier and his fellow-gnosts
at Ant the evening of July 1.
This event pirontises tit be a very grand
affair. ' • '
The evening following', July 2, !he
royal xolonial banquet will take plan.,
itt whieh Canada will take the limiting
on Saturday, -July I. the Earl or .rer-
soy, .who visited p000do ermwe of
'years ago. 1i1 81 lend the 0,101110 Con-
•ferenve s t he retire:41mM t ive or 1 lor
Majesty' S tliivernment, Will elat,r Witt
Mr. Laurier anil fellow -guests at Oe-
terley Park.
Sunday tho visitors will rest at Hotel
evOeini. Monday. July a reception' will
be given to this colonial ,Premiers by
the Oily of. London in Merehant .Tay-
lors' Half.
On .-tite day following, Tuesday, July
6 •the Middle TeMple Will banquet the-
•viaiting prenners, • ".. • .
n Wednesday, July 7, the Fish--
erect'Eom. pa ny.. elo tender. thern
• Oa •Thursclay, JulioS: • the Corciwebters"' '
CoMpany il1 also., tender a banquet,.
The Loiftlen Chamber, of. Vonunerce- „
hapquet to the colonial premiers takes,
Pleee on Friday, July 9. At this event ,
'Va.:I:eerier will be lionized. • •
On ilaturdey, July, 10, St. Georgcgs
Mb will banquet the visitors.
The. fdresehing is the` aecuriete Piograni .
as fixed to -day. • • Mr. Lam•ier' has act,'"
'Opted. invitations to all•thesi. receptions. ' •
. . Frank Butler on Trial. •
Sydney, N. S. W., June 11". -The trier' .
of Frank . Butler, the Australian, who..
is •suspected of killing 14 Men and per-
haps many .niont, began to -day on the •
charge ot murdering Capt.„'Weller, while, •
%old prospeeting with him jast Septem-• .
• belt near Sydney. • .. i
A Second Bomb Found.
Paris, June afternoon ate .•
pence' 'found a second -tube filled with '
Powder and :scrap iron near the scene ,
yesterday's .explosion. They are of .
the opinion the miscreant is probably:
the' man who placed explosive tubes of a
similar character in the Place de lit Con-. •
cortle during the recent visit af the Em- •
per.or -Nicholas. ,
. • •Statne to Agra. Stations.
to -day unvi1e'd Mts. Sarith Siddons, the famous English,
actress, ereeted' Paddingten Green,
clokat to Paddington Old Cemett.ry, where". "
Iter remains were interred op years-
agg. • •• • • • • '• •
• NIthody Was Itnaly'llurt. .
;Paris, :Tune 4. dynathite certridke • ;
:was explittled yesterday evening, hi front
.0211 cafe at La Orande Coinbe. ;Hi. miles -
northwest of Nimes, in the Department
of Giu•d, wheri• serions• labor troubles
have. been in pn gress for some time past.
MAllY pi tin* “"glii•iiittituu4ts 4b)futthneotIod4uNv'ear4e:
'seriously, injured.
thr.own to this
• ___ •
GOOD pp.. Tett Menannis • • •
eSlyelaughter had been ailing . for
nearly two years with nervou.s. proe-
tration, indigestion, and other. cone.
plaintsevhich girls in their teens are
subject to: For days at a time she
evti§ confined toe her bed, end could
,retedu 'nothing: on her stomach. • Our
family physician finally 'declared ebe
was ire a xlecline. We despaired of her
recovery. She gradually grew worse.
I bad foantl: so little benefit feoneeree
emedies- I was skeptical about trying •
London, June --Ammig the
pients.of hoilorar,N. degree::: :from. the *Uni-
versity .,of Oxf.tyril are wilfria • La
isier, Premier of Jim Ihnninion of Can-.
acia.: Sir. Withal)} ; V. :WM 10111 y. j.'reader
of Newfoondland,, • e ad: • Le el oe ,
edam: of The NOW- lork Evening Post...
London, ;Tune the a.fternoon
neW:eiapers .disensa , the -,speeel.)s Whieh
the I.)nke- Of 'Devoushitp,* tuV. Pregelent. of
the Ranpire Leagne,i *and; the
Premier of Canada, the I'm): iviifria •
Laurier, made at Liverpool on Sat .1: -
day. . They generally warmly approVe
1'111` referekes antil0 'to th nei•essity far
. closer TInperial relit The free' tOde
.eritielt:im,S of the Duke of Devon-shire:aye
coldly • frentea 1>y the' Liberal -news-
papers. .
"One of My sick he.adaelees," y,'on
Win hear people. frequently - say, 'es. if
the c.otoplaint wee bopelesely e -
AS a Matter 'iof • fact, sAefee :Ile not
;onlyerelieere sick ,' headache but „effect-
tial*...removethe catiee of this e streSS.•
beg cOmplainte and so': bring al Onteee
anent cure, • .
- ' ay. 'perilt
Sontli American'. • Neryine. I, . how --
ever' .'procured a 'brittle : and elief
came hhe magic; the. pain left hr
in a 10.y; • aftexetaking five . bottles
she. Wee. edinpletely. dured; tied as weli
andMrs.; Geo. Booth, . Orangeville, Ont..
!hena:ty, as :ever slie 1..ia.d • been:"
r 100,
Is starved biood. . shoWs.ittelf
in pale cheekS,*bite Wealc
-.digestion, no, Appetite; exhaus-
tion, la.ck .of nerve .force, soft
muscles, and, chief of all, weak
Musdes. Your doctor calis it
Anaemia. He will tell you that
the weakening weather of sum -
.mer often brings it on.
c t s
of Cod-liver Oil with Hyp
phosphites, will make poor bloo
rich: It is a food for over-taxe
and weak digestion, so prepare
that it can easily be taken
summer when Cod-liver Oil or
gven ordinaryfoods might repel.
SCOtT BOWIIE, Belleville, Ont.
Itte.c.'by tale
L43•43* -43•13•:49,43* -43043* -4-104-30:
and all BOW= CaltaldLINTS.
.aure,Safo,4,5111etsCisare Or these
. , „
Med Data:natty and Rzterually.
' Two Sizes 25e, and 80a bottles.
.4 -3448440 -0 -.1 -Y04344 -31046-43h.
r •
FALLIS-In stollen. on the 10111 ult., the wife
of Thomas Feats, of it daughter.
NORTIIPOTT.-111.11ay, on tbe tlath ult„ the
wife- 'of Rodger,Northeott,' of 11 son.
EDIVE-hteltitY-On June, 1Gth, by tho Rec.
Dr. McDonald, 'Mr. George Farquherson
. Eddip,. to Miss Mary Ann Currry, both of
$eaforth. • •
. .
KOEUGH-CARLEY-In Exeter, on the 00th,
at the residence of Thomas Clarke, by Rev.
W. H. Butt, Willimn Keough, of London,
to Alias Elizabeth Carley, town.
'the residcnee of the
bride's father; on the 22021 ult., by .the Rev.
,Jn�. Mills, B. Ft Schram to Eunna Florence,
daughterof Mr, Wm. Baird, -Parkhill.
MILLER-FITZGERALD-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Chiselhurst, on Juno
30, by Rev. Alb. Waddell, Rev. Mr. :Miller, of
Thamesfcird. to Miss Sophrano, daughter of
• John Fitzgerald.
SLOAN-YOUNG-At the Methodist church,
Blyth, oat Jutie 23rd, by Rev. Rigsby, assist-
ed by Rov: J. F: Fisher. of Gerrie, W. Sloan,
.(son of Dr, Sloe.m.Toronto) to•Edith Gertrude,
only daughter of N.H.:Young, Esq., Blyth. •
ABBOTT -SWAN -At the residence- of -the
bride's father. 15 con.. Goderich Township, on
June 23, by Rev. W. J. Ford, Mr. Charles
Abbott, of Chatham, to Miss Annie, young-
est delight& of Mr. Wm, Swan. .
CCRRIE=PULLMAN-On June Mb, at the
'home of the bride's parents, 2nd line north,
Adelaide, by the Rev. 11. Fulton Irwin, John
, • Currie, of Parkhill, to Miss Saddie Pullman,
• of Adelaide.
ROJO-WALLACE-At the residence of the
. bride's . brother, Mr. Thomas Wallace.
Xowick, ce June 15th, by the Rev. T.
CosSens, Mr. Coalman Sylvester Roe, of Pig,
ford, Michigan, to 1Vliss Emily Jane Wallace..
DIED. • , •
9 -RATTAN -At Greed Bend, on Juno 1001,
Silas Grattan, aged siti years. •
• ' . • • •
• "I was troubled with pimples on .my
Mee and head Which caused me inach
anpey'ancer Aftei. trying many reine•-•
dies without benefit 1. was advised to
take • Hood's Sarsztherilla. The. -first
bottle . helped um and I • took 'four
bottles. now completely cured."
JeerSe RF,ILLEY, Proprietor • Chapman
'House, Sarnia, Ont.
. .
Hood's Pills act easily atd-promptly
onthe liver Mad bowels. Cure sick
. • :
. .
HOW many.. discover when it is
too• late that the kidneys have liter-
ally been ground out by the little
solid pertieles which are contained in
the blood of all sufferers front kid-
ney disease, and. which accumulate in
these organs. Common sense says and
medical stience has proved it that a
liquid -soterent, which will dissolve these
solids and eradicate thein front the
.system is the only sure cure for kid-
ney' disorder. South American • Rid
ney Cure is a solvent. It has, bee
tested' in ehrost hopeless -eases, a
e recorded agai
'when It has had
will not do it, as
Don't trifle.
All kinds fol.
Feld aticl
G a Pclett...
Lower Nees This year.
Come and • see -some NEW IM-
,Sampsen,, Portland
. white's English Putiand:
. Thornid, Ilydeattalc.
We. expect scv.eral.cars of the -
above in this webk,and as we buy
largely wc are -in a position to.
give close pri,cos. Be sure and get..
our quota:tie*.
1VIage .by the . largest Paint:
House in America .
IF You want a satisfaaory,
Paint for outside or inside work
buy them.