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Exeter Times, 1897-7-1, Page 1
:I yWENTY—FOURTH YEAR NO. 44. IU ION cv MIDDL ESEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JAY 1st 18947. JOl3?I WWTE .44 SONS Pu/eiisliers aaad Prtpriotors 1NTS XFORX ARS` WEATHER SOMFORTABLENESS 'The science of comfortable living and • :careful dressing demands the wearing 1f proper Stammer Clothing daring the . warua weather. To tell you all• about oitr well assorted stock of seasonable g lads would take vastly more , space Than we now have at our disposal, so ve simply give you a few special hints. HINT NO. L • Light and Dark Colors in Prints and Ginghams 5c. • HINT NO. 2. pon's Crinkle Cloths, Organdies, in tae very latest weaves and colors, 12Ae, HINT NO. 3. lens' Simmer Coats at $1.25, $1.75 $2. HINT NO. 4. ':idles' Sailors and Trimmed Hats to 25 eta to $1.50, worth Just twice rye prices. Move quickly if you want a bargain. • HINT NO, a. Parasols at 37he, 590, 0:5c, 75e, $1, $L2:5 up. Shirt Waists, Belts and Buckles in abundance. R. 5. FORD & CO., Woodham. • Brucetleld. . Baini•'a.-- .3Ir, John Made, of Detroit Mich, viait.•d this; week at the home +f Ili.; nntaa, Mus. P. McTavish; he, with two .,(her.; rode ou their wheels from ]).Krait, --:Messrs W. Graham and T', 3Ie(lr:'g.n' retuned from •Liver pool nn Thursday last, --•Messrs Cheeks; . :Ind Robert, Sterling, of Scotland are visiting at the home of their uncle, 'Air. Alex, Mackenzie, and ether relative:, in the vicinity.—Mr. Clinton,1 t i 1, i,1was in the v 1 'a c'*atC wk tat'itiY�; orders for the book Lately eabliehei'1' lav his mother Mrs, Jinn •'rte.:- --.lir. 'I ,• R. Higgins has "ep tires sial extended - his barns, which �>•tee sine) nurcha - ing they aas • rea auijoiniug his own.— ' Mr. Font is at pre: ent occupying the pulpit in le.ippen, in the absence of Mr. a tiellt sell. Brantford GAL,VAINIZIED STEEL WIND- MILLS For POWER and I'1L'MPINUr with PktT'ENT ROLLER anal BALL 13 IS :Ti. itINGS ..„uufactured by GOOLD, SHAPLEs and MUIR CO. ,Our ]ideal Wield M1119 have ,:cede a great name throughout Can- ._i.iu, anti aai•e• unsurpassed for quality wrpower. They are the only Wheels ith the patent Roller and Ball Bearings, and the only power inflis .absolutely safe, for they . cannot run away. Send for illustrated ciecider. Fifty mins _erected in Exeter, and vicinit. - last .ear•, • ail of which .have givenssatisfaetion. All these mills are .ectect\tyn<.l stat running; 'by pratutical experts and we can Fully guarantee then), . .. Stool Pow.n. Wind dills have come to stay 'and the rapid 'itemise of Oft rade is sure en- -donee that ( medians aro wide awake in their . appreciation of their value. Some skeptics fear , •i r or cannot be run that a cnti.iat,;d)ct or i i ul with a wind mill ; but we positively guarantee our'12-foot mill to drive any ordinary cutting- bor our Post Grinder, in a twelve to fifteen ala wind : and the 14 -foot wheel gives nearly ' dbic -the power of a' 12-11aot - and will ruts q,r1Maple Lcaf Grinder to,perfection. l:tipor- aoncoprov,n, that there ts sutllcient good Wind rrwto''give pov'er for all ordinary farm work. In {••r ndaition. to the above anaohines, the root pal- . per, o�g¢ a.nylight iy nachiner,•e n,badriven; and, by .us n pumping attachpn)onl • wo,t,cr;,can be Mimed i'HE CELEBRATED 3f IO Leat '!obi melee" Teti inc.h, rever- sble plate a, relief ; lsrings, I)all bear, ng plates, shake -ed, grinds fine d fast. Send a. circular. For ices and terms, tictress, NG A;ant (fOr • Huron. Middlesex and r Perth, °iint, Hensall Oentralla. H J. D. COOKE, (Late`with Garrow & Peoudfoot) Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public. Honsall, Ont. G, J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent, and Insurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates - Money to loan ou real estate at low rates of in. terest.. Office at the Post -office. H,onsall BRIEFS.—Work is being �pushed for- ward on Messrs. Petty & Meploy's new brick block.—Miss Logie, of Toronto, is visiting friends in and around Hen- sall,—A number from the village at- tended the wedding on Wednesday, of Rev. Mr. Miller and. Miss Fitzgerald at Ohiselhurst.—There was a strawberry festival on the grounds of Andrew Johnston Friday evening last under the auspices of St. Paul's church, The attendance was very fair and agood time was spent by all present, -- Mr, and Miss Allison, of London, are guests at T. Murdock's.—T. T. • Lock- hart, of Exeter was in town the fere- part of this week as presidingexaminer ni connection with the departmental examinations. -There were fifty pupils who wrote. Mr, Lockhart expects good results from this school.—Mrs. ShorttonTuesdayof last week,received word of the death of her daughter, Mrs. James Parker, of Ripley, who had been ill but a short time.—Miss Blanche Petty, of Toronto, is home visiting under the parental roof.—D. Urquhart, the enterprising proprietor of the Hensel) oat meal mils, has shipped 21 car loads of oat meal to the old country during the past six weeks and has orders now to fill for export. Huron oats seem specially well adapt- ed for the old country. market.—Mrs. Collins,and Miss Kate Bonthron,of Exe- ter visited friends in townonMonday,-- William Cook has returned hone from London. The school difficulty is still hanging fire, Since the incorporation of Hensen into a village, the farming community have endeavored to with- draw from the Hensall school and form a new section. Hensel] council were not so disposed and the platter was arbitrated upon some time ago, the decision being given that the • section remain as it is. This was not satis- factory to the ruralites and they ap- plied to the County Council to grant another arbitration. This was done, and on Monday the arbitrators,Messrs. Cresswell, of Egmmndville, Bishop, of Usborne, and Lockhart, of Morris, sat upon the case, while J. T. ;Garrow, of Goderich and R. H. Collins, of Exeter, appeared on behalf of the village and• township respectively. The matter was thoroughly threshed out, and the arbitrators have ien their decision, which allows the rural members to secede. They will now likely form a new section.—For the first time, the lire engine waseailc d ou,ouMonday., 3, At half past eleven a. in., the fire al- arm sounded and in an incredibly short time the brigade had the engine at the spot., The scene of the fire was 'Welsh's planing mill, but fertunately a bucket brigade had the flames sub- dued before any serious damage was done It appears a pully, running close to the upper floor became heated and set fire to the floor, and some shavings and refuse above becoming ignited caused a brilliant flame and dense'snzoke, though little damage re- sulted. — Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mc- Donell, spent Monday visiting friends in Exeter.—Miss Hattie Sutherland and her cousin, Miss Dent, visited friends in Exeter on Sunday,Miss Dent remaining there for a week.—Rev. Kaine leaves this week for his home, and when college opens he will resume his studies.—Main street has received acoat of „;ravel, which is now wetter - ed all over the road. It would be a commendable act if the roach cor n- missioner would rake, the loose stones onto the centre of the roach occasionally, where they will do . the most good. By fall, from present indications the best part of the gravel will be located ii the ditches on. either side.—Jaines Sutherland has erected a very hand - spree wire fence in front of his pre- mises. - There will be a picnic at Chiselhnrst at an early, date.—Rev. Henderson and—L. Harold, have re- turned home from the meeting of the General, Assembly of the Presbyterian church at Winnipeg. — Strawberries are plentiful in town at. present, --C. W.'Davis has engaged a clerk in the person of Morris Walker.—There was a very successful garden party given in .connection with the Carmel. Presby- terian church, on Monday evening. The attendance was yery large, and with the admission fee at 10 cents, some $4o were realized. The har- monica band enlivened the proceedings with. sweet music.—The Misses Horne. Muttart and Miller, of Exeter, visited friends in town on Monday.—The walls of the new block of Messrs.. Foss and Miller are now going Tip rapiclly,— Rev. A. McKibbon and Mrs. McKib- bon visited friends here recently Mr. George Scott, of Sebringyille, will shortly remove to Hensel], where he bas rented the .Commercial hotel. George will , be laaissed, as ., he proved himself all obliging landlord Mitchell Advocate. Greenway BRIEFS.—The village looked gay in Jubilee dress.—Our post -master has received a large supply of jubilee stamps and post cards. These stamps are good to send letters to any other country,and of same value as orclinary stamps, and good till used, no ninth to time of using,—We receiveda copy of the Douphin Press, Manitoba, of June 16th, which gives an account of 0. F. McPherson being Master of the. L. O. Lodge of that town ; an account of the death. of A. J. McPherson's eldest son; he was known when here as Jim, and was only a small boy then, but had grown to a large, strong man, and had charge of his father's blacksmith shop in Douphin, Man. The many friends and relatives of the family in this vicini't'y have much sympathy for the bereaved it p e eav d fent Mi s. W. J. ilson received''u, box of beautiful cut Sowers from, Mies. J. A. Wilson, Waitsburg, Wash. LIME.—C, W. Smith has jest received a car load of fresh lime. Price low. BRII7Fs.—The Government Inspec- tor, T. B. Miller, visited the, Centralia cheese factory on the 17th ult. He gave each of the Patron's milk a care- tul test and reported it all good and free from adulteration. He also went through the cheese and pro- nounced them equally good which, should be an enol;ragement to the Patrons as well as the makerfor eachito unite together to keep up the standard of the cheese and the reputation of the factory, R. Handford, the sales- man, has made a good start by getting a good price for the May cheese, The Directors had a meeting and all seem- ed enthusiastic and evidently intend to make the Factory a success. The flow of inilk is much better than last season, with the price of cheese on the rise. A. E. Chummings, the new cheese maker, is gaining confidence of the people by his good work and oblig- ing ways. A DIRECTOR. Biddulph. BRXEFs.---Edsal Collins, who has been undergoing operation in the Lon- don Hospital lately is, we are happy to say, once more on the mend, and will be able to come home in a few days.— Mr. Bloomfield, who purchased the homestead of Mr, Carter, Mooresville, is making considerable improvements on his new residence.—The "Invinct- bies" of Saintsbury, Biddulph, are to play a friendly game of football with' the Brinsley "Boochals" on Monday next, at 7, p. m. A good time expect- ed.—At xpect- ed. At the barn raising of Mr. John Oven's on Saturday last, Joseph Cooper received asevere stroke on the head, but was considered a very narrow escape. The Entrance ex- amination for the High schools, Lucan, commenced on Monday 28th ult., and continued. 3 days. The com- mon schools close on Thursday for the holidays.— Samuel Hodgins, sauble line, is busy erecting a fine two story residence,—Mrs. Ellison Hodgins, who has been visiting friends at Ingersoll, has returned home. (*rand Bend. BRll.rs. =--.the reopening of the Presbyterian church was a success in eyery sense: The two services on Sabbath were conducted by Rev. Mr. Pritchard, of Forest, and the lecture on Monday evening on Hymns and Hmn writers: by Mr. Alward, of Parkhill, and also the Choir of the Presbyterian church, Parkhill, furnish- ed very Post Office roves tiay' appropriate music for the oc- casion.- Th t' a . The tian tr: which was to have been, held on the 30th has been postponed for a few days, or until all the charges have been received by the Inspector.—The ex- aminations are being held here this week for the Entrance and Leaving. Mr. Delgaty, of Centralia, is the pre- siding examiner, There are not as many wt 'rtingthis season as last, only eleven ihera n all. QST, H. Iintchins and wife, of Parkh ill, are • here camping, and Mr. Hutchins, who has been very poorly for some time, is improving nicely—The managers ofthe Hay Fire Insurance Co., held a meeting and transacted, all necessary business,—A large crowd is expected here on Domin- ion Day,and every preparationisbeing made to feed all, that none may go hungry.—Mr. Brenner is having the water forced froth the spring ••on the side of the hill up to his hotel and stables by hydraulic pressor:, and will have it completed soon. Zurich, BRIEFS.—The anneal children's day was celebrated in the Evangelical church on Sunday. In the morning a sermon was preached to the young liy the pastor A. Z. Heist, while the afternoon seryice was conducted mostly by the Sunday Schoolchildren. In the eveningaddresses were given by several persons from • Dashwood and our own village. The church was tastefully decorated by the national colors in honor of the Jubilee, and also by flowers, and presented a lovely ap- pearance. The choir furnished,. ex- cellent music which was greatly ap- preciated by • the • audience.—Mrs. J. Wiggins (nee -Melinda Hey), of Inger- soll, who has been visiting her parents for the last two weeks, returned home to -day (Thursday). — Miss Hilda Strumpfer, of Toledo, .Ohio, is the guest of Miss Mary, Weseloh.--Geo. Apple has returned from his trip down to Hamburg.—Quite anumberare here. writing on their examinations for Entrance and Leaving. We hope all may •be successful. Onr respected school teacher, E. J. Hagan is in Bay- field as teacher during the exams, Mr. ' Johnston, of 2nd con. Hay, taking E. J's place here.— A munber of the yoriug people gathered at J. Preeter's last Monday evening and spent a pleasant time, with Miss Bell before her departure for home.—Last Sunday Was the last English sermon preached in the Baptist church, all parties going over to the Evangelical church where English is preached - every Sunday night.—A number of business changes are on the tapir.,• Ailsa Craig. BRIM'S.—D. D. Dewar left this week for Glengarry and other eastern points. for his holidays. Revs Mr. Murray, graduate of MCGill0ollege, will occupy Mr. Dewar'spulpit in his absence.—Mr. Stewart left here to visit friends in Bay City, Mich: --Mr. E. B. Smith is Still confined to his home, but is im- provingslowly.—tin Tuesday evening, at the resbyterian manse, Mr. John McMillan, of Ailse, Oraig, was married to Miss Lizzie Donaldson, of McGilli- vray. Rey. D. L. Dewar performed the ceremony. ---Mr. David Gottschalk moved his family ,away on Wednesday td Stephen, where they will reside for a short 'time with Mrs. Gettsy•halk's father~. 't Huron County • fes, The infant child of Peterl;'isher, Jr., of Benmiller, died after a short ill- ness, on Friday - last, Mr, John Crozier and -Miss Aagie, of;McKillop, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on ; iednesday of last week. James McDonald, of Porter's Hill, pulled a stem of rye from hie field the other day that measurki: 7 feet, T inches in length. Word was received. on Wednesday of the death of Henry - Hinchley, of Montana. He was a former resident of Hullett. Miss Ella Stewart, of Benmiller, sailed on the 17th for Aberdeen, Scot- land, to visit her uncle's the Messrs Seivewright. About 110,000 salmon fry were turn- ed loose in Lake Huvon at Southamp- ton lately by the manager of the gov- ernment hatchery. Rev. W. Lowe, of Winghalm, was ta- ken suddenly ill with inflammation on Saturday night, and on, Sunday was in a very critical condition: The regular meeting of the. Clinton Collegiate Board of Trustees was held on Friday evening. All the teachers were re-engaged for next year, On Friday, as the. 5 -year-old son of Mr. Wm. Sinclair, Par Line, Stanley, was driving horses to pasture, he was severely kicked in the face by one of them. Jane Nilson, wife of Wm. Render- son,Ooderich,died onThnlvday'after an illness of three days duration, aged. 45 years, much lamented by relatives and friends. No branch of farmingppays so well as hog raising. Malcolm Gode- rich Road, bas one sow that made him last year $53, besides having two hogs for his own use. Itir. Jas. A Baird, son of Mrs, Baird, Brucefield, who has been attending Ann ArborUnrversity,has successfully completed his first year's course in the Medical Department. While Ieading a cow one day last week Mr. Richard Walters of Ben - miller, had the misfortune to have a snap run. into his hand. It required six stitches to sew up the wound. Mr. Burge, president of the Brim- field Cheese Manufacturing Co. made an excellent sale of the cheese made in the factory during the month of May. He succeeded in getting S.tc per pound. Clinton,. Messrs Hunter and Grantof Ct returned front the old country few days since, whither they had gone with cattle. They wove fortun- ate in striking a good market, receiv- ing �< l 11 1 pc:: lb. We mentioned a coupleleof weeks since the' illness of Miss McLean, of Seaforth, sister of 11, Y. McLean, M. P. P„ of the Expositor. We art' sorry to learn that she is very ill with only slight hopes for her recovery. On Wednesday, 10th nit, at 8 i+. M. . happyevent tieIs t hh at the resi- dence dence of • Mrs. Isabella, Andrews, Goderich, when her daughter, Sarah E,, was united in marriage to John T. Thompson, a gentleman well and favorably known in that town. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Wm. Seam, con. 15, Goderich township on Wednesday when his youngest daughter, • •Miss Annie, was married. to Mr. Chas. Abbott, of Chathafn. The many friends in this vicinity, will regret to hear of the dearth of Mrs. Smith, wife of the Rev. 3. T. Snaith a former pastor of the Luclfiow Meth- odist Church, which took place in Brantford, the result of a surgieal operation. A pleasant event took place at the manse, Forest, on Jane 15th, when two of St. Helen's young people were join- ed in the holy bonds of matrimony, the contracting parties being Miss Maggie•McOrostic,srster-in-law of Rev. Jas. Pitcliard, Forest, and Dr. :T. K. M. Gordon,. of Ripley. • For the quarter ending with June, the convictions by the magistrates of the county nuiuber only 13. This, is the smallest number 'for any siniilzir tern for a great many years. Five of these were by Seafclrthnmagistrates, five by Winghani, two by C]inton,and one by Brussels. _ Five of the offences were for selling liquor contrary to law.: The total amount of fines imposed'*as $155. New inmates to tue Hnro'>iTHouse of Refuge are arriving every :week. The • latest arrivals are Peter Jordan, from Goderich jail; Ellen Wandby from Winghaul, making a : total of 74 in- mates in the Houseatpresent; 52 males and 22 females.. The men's sleeping wards are so frill that they are com- pelled to put some of the stronger igen to sleep "in the hospital ward. Jas. Ray, jr., from Wawanesh is danger- ously 111 with no hopes of recovery. While ,Mr Heiner Andrews of Clinton, was rising a heavy land roller on Saturday he had his neIphew, Clifford, son of Mr. Jerome Andrews, riding beside him, and had his arra around him to hold him on. The tongue broke and threw the child out in front of the caller, Mr. Andrews fallingg behind, and .the roller passed over the child. Soiuo stones that had been on the roller fell underneath it as it passed over, the child, and it is likely clue to this fact that the child was not killed, as the stories took the weight off it. As it was, Clifford had an arm broken. HAVE YO•t3 ANY OF THESE. Pa1pi ion, Fluttering of the Heart, Shortn ss of Breath, Smothering Spells, Swelling of - the Ankles,, Nightsare, Spells of Hunger and Ex - handl. n. Those' are moat pronounced sympt s of Heart Disease. Dr. Ag- new's gnew s we for the Heart will give re- lief insi a of 80 minute' auci wilt of - 'feet a sp edy are in most stubbor cases. I vegetable,it's liquid; it Harmless, I wonderful. PertbCounty Notes. The wife of Rev. J. W. Taylor, St. Mary', is seriously ill, Dr, Jas. Purdon, of Cromarty left for Lansing, Mich., last week. Wm, Jacobs, Mitchell, was badly kicked by„a horse last week. Hazekiah Jacques, of Mitchell, fell from afence, breaking his amain two places. Mrs. Alexander Mills, of Downie, who was injured by a bull, died on Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Learayd, of St. Marys, is much better than he was and is gradu- ally recovering. Dog poisoners are still at work in Mitchell, Wednesday Mr, Win, Martyn's Rue mastiff was destroyed. A bicycle, a baby and a monopoly are like one another in that aman is always opposed to either until he gets one his of own. - Mr. J. L. Knaster, of Sebringville, sold his trotting mare, "Hilda,” to Mr. H$1'20ay0, of Listowel, for the snug sum of . Mr. J. S. Coppin, of Mitchell left on his trip to -San Francisco Friday. The Misses Coppin went to Sault Ste. Marie, "Only nervous" is sure indication that the blood is not pure. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and cures nervousness. Mr. Fred A. Taylor, Fullerton, was united fn marriage to Miss Louise Denison, of Mitchell, on Monday. The wedding was. a quiet one,. - Last Thursday morning Miss Eliza Babb, of Mitchell, left for Swift Cur- rent, Manitoba,. where she will visit for a couple of months. Mrs. Edward Ross, formerly of Mit- chell, itcheil, bas returned from a year and a half visit to North Dakota. She is now with one of her sons in Fullar- ton. Charles E. Davis, jeweller and drug- gist, Chicago,flLh son of W. R. Davis, Mitchell, was married last week to Miss Grace Meriam Boyd, of La Port, Indiana. Miss Eolith Babb, head clerk in E. P, Davis' book and jewellery store Mit- chell will shortly visit. friends in Phil- adelphian, with whom she will spend a couple of months, An cases of weak or Iame back, backache, rheumatism will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Price 23 cents. Try them. Friday evening Mrs, 3'ames Harper, of Carlingford, accidentally fell down stairs, breaking her collar bone. 1Sl1-ich sympathy is expressed for the old lady, but she is doing nicely. j icer . The assessedValue � 1. ,•T' , of real .l in St, Marys for 1807 is $1,059,700 property; personal $107,300. Number of horses 337, cattle 432, sheep 23, hogs 130, dogs 123. The population increased 20 over last year. While working at a baro ra,isin'g on the fariu of Mr, Richard Balkwill Hibbert, Mr. Robert Norris was accidentally struck on the bead with a crow bar, causing an ugly but not dangerous gash. Mr. C. F. Whelfhan, St. Marys, while hitching pp.; a team of horses on Monday evening received a kick from one of thein on the .chest awl right arm which cut throng& the clothing and into the flesh. While Mr. Richard. Balkwiil and Mr. Frank Tufiid were riding on .dr buekk board to the Steffe saw mill, the board broke in two and dropped the pair on the liaH road, 'inflicting injury to one of Richard's hands. The members of the St, Marys,band fittingly recognize9lan iinportaint event iiitle life of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ross, Water st., 9n Monday evening and presented them with a'handsome easy chair as a wedding gift. Rev, P. H. Anderson, of St. Marys, gives an emphatic dental to the rumor which has..beei widely circulate( throughout Ontarib that Farewell, th noted :onvict- at present in dumatnc ire at Cingston had writ ten• req nes v =' .. � 1. ing him to get up a petition for - is r > ,'ipp least.. Farewell had i if � ' Iapp eci. of a Inittance as a member, of th,eS3apti t church several times but "In e7e y.c< .e his request had been refused. • Mrs. Joseph Pathick, Stratford tl other evening closed the oven doo and got up a good fire preliarator3 to 'baking pies. When she thought they were about done she looked into the oven door and washout -fled to see stretched oat alongside of her pies .a roasted cat. The poor beast had jumped intothe oven before the fire had got. very hot and had been closed in and :'casted alive, The corner stone of the ne'iv Trinity Church, Mitchell, was laid Thursday by the Very Rev. Ca•. M. Innes, D. D., Dean of Huron, in the presence of a large congregation. The clergy of the Deanery were present and assisted in the service, whichwas of an impressive nature. - Addresses were given by the Dean, the rector, Rev. J. T. Kerrin ; Mayor of the town, Isaac Ford, and others. The church, which will be handsome when finished, is being built of granite base, and red • brick superstructure, and will accommodate 3a0 people.. The ceremony of laying two of the corner stones 'of the new Methodist church. at Greenway took place on the. afternoon of Jubilee day, and there was alargo number of -people preseait to, witness it. Rev. Mr: Thompson, the excellent pastor -of the church, to whose efforts is'due to. a great extent the undertaking of the erection of the church, conducted the very impress- ibe ceremony. We understand the pro- eeds• amount to $1.45. - PM WEAKK PEOPLE, Kilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for weak people having heart or nerve troubles, snob aS palpitation, throbbing, spasms, dizziness short- tees.pf bi'oat smothering feeling, pain dizziness, short- tees eta, ',.ro an invaluable medicine t as _hundreds, of srtified cures bear witness. •jfo athewia, deb ,, sty. after effects of Grip , and lost Appetit < ,they are a specific. , Middlesex County Notes. ed Mtor. hColis inbedF, raser, of Nairn, is confllnBD 0 1 ? T - The Presbyterian church, Lieurg, was re -opened on Sunday, June 27th. Georl;e t impson, of l% has gone on a trip through Mananitoitoba and the NorthwestTerritory.been confined to his bed with a, cora- a Mr. Colin Fraser, of. Nairn, who has t� plication of diseases, is able to be around again. Lewis Munro, of East Williams, has been adjud edinsane by Judge Edward Elliott, and ordered to be reproved to the asylum. The Royal Rotel Parkhill changed hands on Monday last, The new tenant, Mr. Charleboie, comes from. Toronto. Last week Mr. W. Bennett, Parkhill, was stricken down with a paralytic stroke from which he is still lying at the point of death, The Stephen Loomis farm near Sylvan, was sold by public auction at Parkhill, on Wednesday, to Mr. Andrew Elliott for $2,500, Mr. 13. Frank Schram, was married on Tuesday evening to Miss Etnma P Baird at the residence of her father Mr' Wm. Baird; both of Parkhill. FRSE. With every' pound of May- ell's Baking Powder, at .5G• cents, we give a beautiful table, Mahogany finish, well put together. The powder the very best. Come and get one before all are gone, J. J. OSS Walter Robson, of Parkhill, at one time of Kirkton, has returned home ' on a visit after a somewhat prolonged Clhineihurst. absence in Mexico and other foreign •---- parts. WWDDzNG: A very interesting cere- Mr. F. Rutter and Miss Lizzie Fitz- mony was performed at the residence simmons, both of Arkona, were roar- of John Fitzgerald oil Wednesday, tied in Forest last week- All their mwhen his daughter, Miss Sophrana,wes friende unite in wishing them Tong life wedded to Rev. Mr. Miller, (lately or- and happiness. darned) who is stationed at Thames - ford, The nuptial knot was tied by Th©death took W. in ebottom on R.'v. Mr. Waddell, in the presence of youngoun tl, of Everett SP. age Deceased a numerous friends of the contra.etin plan 2G years of age. Deceased , . g parties. The young couple left for their home in Thamesford amici the congratulations and good wishes of a. host of friends and acquaintances. • was brought home from Brandon, Man„ last winter suffering ; from atoms petition of diseases. C. M. Webb and San have opened up business at the old stand. Granton, Wm. Foster has been engaged as f}aslxwood• clerk. Mr. Webb will continue the business in Toronto while his son BRIEFS.—J. Hall was hi. London Clarence will take charge of the Nisi- Monday. —Quite a number attended ness in Granton, the children's day festival in Zurich on lIrs, Arnold and her daughter Ida, Sunday -rev. E. Ebyand daughter; who bas been in Denver, Colorado for who have been attending camp meet several months returned home to Parkhill lust week. Miss Arnold's many friends will be glad. to learn ing at Walkerton, returned home on Thursday,—Miss Jane Hall has return ed home fromLondon.—D. Gottschalk that her health has been considerably formerly of this place, has sold out Iiia improved. baker shop in Ailsa Oraig to 'Walter Jesse, a 12 year old boy,autism of Hyena, c f that place, and is •visiting John Foreman,f - friends in the village. -.-•, Messrs. o 0raiitnu, had iii( Weigand & Teama butchers have misfortune to break his arm while , die o]v . , edpartnership.Mr. 'c xi a I �••Ta LUT What the school ccnce on Toesdre- will contiue the business and Mr. grettable make, the accident more re : SVei +•wind will move onto his farm on is that his father and illatlle, the lour con, Ha �, number of are both laid up with sic,.ns, at pre- y '- our Igen have Joined the volunteers, , a • cI �• i and left for caul q 12 da — , n Monday.—Wm. . 't�3n. p 3' J. :i, (roden, Inanai;er of the Ii,leinsteiter, Rudolph Eifert,Sam SS;itzel, Laturinda Ed}, Alfred ianrner and .irthur Kellerman went to Zurich on Monday to write on the Public School Leaving and Entrance examin- t 'o . to ii',, We wish thein success.—A very pleasing event took plaice zit the residence of lirs.!Rey no]ds,nlnile and a quarter east of the village, on SS ec1- Heiutzman Piano Company In Lon- don met with a very painful accident, He was wheeling, and turned out to avoid the car, which backed clown the hill a little sooner than Mr. ('roden expected, He was struck with suf- ficient. force to break his left arm be- low the elbow, ' 4 inghly respect e(1 resident of Lim-- ('waning, ,Tine 2erd,whenhet daughter don township,- 3 of Stanle Mr. Bartholomew' Alice wasunited in marriage to a Mr. St Charlton. died Wednesday at his late Nicholson = Themany y. 'residence its Tlderton, in ins (iitith year. ; friends of the young couple wish them Deceased Was born on the lath eon- a lung and happy wedded life.—Henry .cession, London township, and con-! Koffman accompanied by two of, the tinned farming on.tlin' old homestead , fair sex paid Crediton a flying visit on after Itis tnarrio go tip till alrout nine ' Sanday, years ago, when he retired, to lire" at ! Merton'. . 1 WHAT AILS YOU L' ? Mr. Tauter, of the London and1,:)]to_ townline, while driving into London -i C'tlr v IN 71181 IIE_tr1 :+(watt; fi�TEEZ Saturday morning, in caurpany with ; fern: PAIN'S OVER THE EzIEa3? two others, fractured his collar -bone. 1 One of the young filen -fliers were t Disur T,aa DRorrtNG IX three in the rig—vas driving and r• �.. t g <ttl y? rlal.(T.Ere llz ti}.tc xr:% —Ir 17.1 { uterus seattered over the Moi THAT THE S trios oFCATARRH.' into a cow ,,irt the road, The rig was road, and 1. awes, who was thio about, trent); injary besttiNet, sustained internal a lrnke.collar-bone. PILE TERRORS SWEEP ASSAY. Dr. Agnew's Ointment stand` at the lteacl as a reliever, healer, and sure cure for piles in all forms. One ap- plication will give comfort in a few 'minutes, and three to six (lays ap- lleation according to directions will cure chronic cases. It relieves all itching and burning skin- diseases in a day. 35 cents. • R. Nicholson of Hayfield, left cif ) Tuesday for Manitoba. 3 II.tVE BEE Sows—DON'T NE0LnCT - IT AN ILi<-R—Da. Ac4aiiw's CATARR- HAL Powol:it wnLr. GIVE RELIEF v 11) lrr=Es. had chronic catarrh for anum, tier f years. SVnter would min from. my one and eyes for days at a time, I tel. dmnatny cures without any per- inan'.nt relief. I was induced to try Dr, 'ignew's Catarrhal Powder.. It . lire' me and I have had no return of ie . milady. I find that for •a cerci n 4t e head it gives almost instant re. ie I would not be without- it an r •colninend it most heartily.' cher, Brewer, Me. 161 6li6afl 6dli S1ore 6r&lltoll. Tile & , July In order to clear our stock of Summer' goods we offer special, prices in Dress Goods, Prints, Percales, Organdies, Muslins, Flan- nelettes, CottonadesLace 'Curtains Art Muslins, Muslin Curtain - ins Swiss Muslins Corsets Gloves Laces, Hosiery, etc, , BLOUSE WAISTS :—A large selection of the Iatest styles from 5c up. GENTS' FURNISHINGS :—Another lot just to hand, nobby Neckwear, Shirts, Bats, Gloves, Bicycle Suits, Hose and Garters. WE ALSO HANDLE :—Cleveland, Crescent and Welland • Vale wheels. READY MADE AND ORDERED CLOTHING :-We have cut the prices to clear before the fall stock arrives. We are bent making upon a complete clearance of this season's. goods at an early a date as possible. You will soon. require Call and examine our stock, our prices will interest you. Our Stockofand our prices the ' lowest, t: Groceries is complete � i d 1 Produce taken as cash for 'which ' we pay the, highest market prices.