HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-24, Page 8Ileseeemooneirriaempaill
- '
"1111111144.444441444.. -
The Last Big Opportunity
Of The Season.
All our Ladies' trimmed and untrimmed hats go on
5a1e this and next week at prices that will create a
e,f,For 25 cents we are offering new stylish untrim-
4"Q"Pi Med hats that were ae high rls $1..00 and $1.25.
For 9,0 cents we are showing a very nice, line of
20C trimmed sailors that would be good value A
50 cents.
Come quick if you want bargainS in MILLINERY.
Large full size, the best values we ever offered. $1.00,
$1.,35 and $1.75. Remember these are 3 big parasol
.bargains. COME AND SEE THEM.
Stores closes 6:30
Wednesdays and Satterclesysj
Li prepared todo any kind of bled t
nd taxidermist work at any time.
INS 10E.
Agent for the WusTERS AssunAscic COX -
maw. 0 Toronto; also for the Pima= FIRE
Corsratir, et London, England ;
A. 0.F.
Court Price er
Huron, No. 7863.
Han 2nd and ith
Friday in each
;month. Visiting
brethren are cor-
dially invited to
C. It.; Geo.
Kemp, Szer,
F.e.rismns.—The Proprietors of th
Exeter Foundry would call the at-
tention of farmers to their large stock
et plow repairs, mould boards and
handles for all plows, and also Reaper
and Mowe'
r knives guards and sections
for all maehines, etc.
Jas. Murray & Co.
Exeter, June 1
John Farmer was in Windsor last
week on business.
Miss Carrie Drew is visiting friends
in London this week "'s.
John Spackman, of Grand Bend,
was in town yesterday.
Mrs. Wes. Bissett visited her sister,
Mrs. Inksater, of Paris, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Taylor visited
friends in Goderich the past few days.
Some 900 loads of gravel are to be
put on the roads of St. Marys this
Principe' Lockhart goes to Hensall
next week to mallet the Depart-
raental examinations.
There was a heavy white frost in
thie neighborhood Sunday night., but
no damage was done.
Books and Jubilee Day, Sate .22nd, was the
longest day of the year, yet we have
had no summer weather yet.
Ak..--Pads C. B. Maraland, of Toronto, formerly
and Students
We DON'T claim that
EVERY line we carry
is better than any body
13UT we DO claim that
the above lines . .
are. . . .
The Mart Exeter.
tflp fmtbist
THURSDAY, JUNE 24th, 1897.
STOVES ! STOVES. ---Stoves and heat
ers of all kinds sold at rock bottoin
prices. Manufactured by the Gurney
Foundry Co., Toronto. Call and in-
spect thein atBissetts oldstand, Exeter
J. S. DEAVITT, agent.
Thursday next will beDominion .Day
July lst.
I. R. Carling, B. A., we are pleased
- to notice, has passed his second year
.amination in law, quite creditably. %
141r. and Mrs. Geo. Mareson and
of Brinsley, visited Mrs.
rris parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win.
1 ,his week.
• quantity of jubilee stamps
l'Ilirsold at the post office, many
ere e'easers obtaining full setts,
16.20 each.
brethren of Clinton
ee.,,ties, the fratereity here to
Pach euktttending Divine service
To wn on Sunday next.
1.° Fe.ter Creamery is the scene of
, table activity these days, and
frorathe amount of cream re-
-:tied daily, Mr. Bobier is making the
business a success.
R. C. C. Treznaine in another
column asks for tenders for digging
post holes, supplying electric light
poles and work inf 'bricking in boilers
and foundation for engine.
John Taylor, of Exeter north and
Miss Melinda Clarke, -of Hensel', were
'united in the bonds of matrimony, at
Ilensall, Wednesday. Mr. Taylor was
a former resident of Hibbert.
I renry Collins, of Deloraine, [ani -
and formerly of Hay townehip,
recently filet with a most unfortunate
aeciclent.. He was kicked by a horse,
breaking his leg it two places a
teller in the Molsons bank here, visit-
ed friends in town this week.
The annual Strawberry Festival of
the Centralia Methodist church takes
place next Thursday, July lst.
Ed. Bishop has returned horae from
Toronto, where he has been attending
the University, and will spend the
summer vacation here,
The Ladies' Aid of Main street
Methodist church gave a Strawberry
festival on Tuesday evening. There
was a splendid program rendered in
Many friends in Exeter will regret
to learn of the death of Mrs. Hayden,
wife of Wm. Hayden, the first station
agent at Exeter, at Waubaushene.
She had been an invalid for some
years. 4,
Wm. 'Westcott, of the 3rd conces-
sion of Usborne, met with a very
painful accident on Friday last. He
was engaged in drawing gravel and in
some manner fell from his seat onto
the wheel of the wagon, breaking two
While assisting in erecting an arch.
for June 22, at Seaforth, David Stew-
art met with an accident, which, hap-
pily resulted in nothing worse than
a severe shaking up and the loss of
several teeth, The accident was due
to the giving away of a board, causing
Mr. Stewart to fall a distance of 2.5
feet on his face.
After a painfulillness extending over
a period of several months, Margaret,
the beloved wife of Robert Fisher, of
Wyoming, passed to her eternal rest
the other morning at the ripe age of 80
years, 2 months and 18 days. The
deceased was a native of Cumberland
County, England, had been a resident
of that village for upwards of 12 years.
She leaves an aged partner to mourn
her loss. She was an aunt of Mrs.
Dauncey, of Exeter.
The Conservatives of South Perth
will shortlymeet in Convention to place
a, candidate in the field for the next
ideal election. Although there are
many good men in the riding, a
seems to be a foregone conclusion that
Mr. Nelson Monteith, of Downie, will
be offered the nomination. He is a
young man of splendid character, a
thoroughly practical farmer and, as
against the St. Marys lawyer, who is
to carry the Liberal standard, would
be sure of election. Although a strict
teetotaller, he has never made himself
offensive by forcing his ideas on
The Grand Trunk Railway System
have now ready for distribut-
on a handsome Diamond Jubilee
Souvenir. The design is one of the
finest productions of the litho rapher's
art, and is emblematical of the glory
of the British Empire, Canada the
Premier Colony, and Canada's great
railway. It contains pictures of the
Queen, the Prince of Wales, the
Duke of York and Prince Albert
Edward. The demand for the
Souvenirs will undoubtedly be greater
than the supply, and it has been deci-
ded to distribute them to the Com-
pany's patrons in the order which
pplications are reeetved.
JAMES Sr. Curnort.—.Next Sabbath
there will be special sermons in this
church. In the morning the pastor
will conduct a memorial service for
the lite Mrs. Harry Rowe. In the
evening Dr. Willoughby will deliver
a sermon to tbn young people and all
classes appropriate to the commence-
ment of another Conference year.
—In resp011sd to a request recently
made by the minister of education
WI* IP '074ard to the observance of a
holiday in honor of her Majesty's
reign 01 00 years on the British throne,
the public school teachers and pupil
set to work in real earnest to make
the afternoon of June 21st one to be
long remembered by them. A pro-
gramme was prepared by the children,
and invitations were extended to the
public generally. There were a goodly
number of visitors present, and all
seemed to take a deep interest in the
program. Addresses were delivered
by ,Principal Lockhart, the trustees
and others, while Mr. 3. 8enior ren-
dered several eolos in good style. At
4 o'clock the school children joined
and all sang "God Save the Queen,"
and the "Maple Leaf FereVer."
—The Mt. Sterling (Illinois) Democra
refers in the following paragraph to
former well-known resident of
Exeter :—The triumphs of modern
surgery are becoming SO numerous
that they create only a small arnoun
of comment, and in the field of ab
dorninal work these triumphs hav
been by far the most brilliant. Hither
to, major operations or those of great
gravity have been compelled to seek
the city, and in surgical work, hospital
surroundings for a measure of prospec-
Siteniecesa Oil Sunday last Dr. H. M.
Cowen, of this city, and L. H. Neville,
of Cooperstown, assisted by Drs, Cox,
of this city, Neville, of Meredosia, and
Herniae, of Rushville, performed a
brilliant and a yet most satisfactory
operation upon Mrs. Elizabeth Chute,
67 years of age, residing about two and
a half miles northeast of Cooperstown.
The operation is called abdominal by-
sterectoray and consists of making an
incision through the walls of the O-
men, and the removal, with its ap-
enclages, of a, fibro -cystic tumor,
eighing twenty seven pounds. The
atient's extreme age her feebleness,
e length of time that was allowed to
apse before her consent to an opera -
on could be obtained, and the inten-
ty of the heat all militated against a
,uccessful outcome. Mrs. Chute ralli-
ednieely from the shock and antestbia,
however, and at present writing every
indication points to a complete recov-
ery. We congratulate alike the pa-
tient and the surgeons, the operation
being by far the most difficult ever
performed in Brown county by local
surgeons. It is evidence of the fact
that medical science is taking fast
strides forward that our local physici-
ans are competent to cope with dis-
ease in any form, a condition of affairs
that odtains in but few country towns.
Cool. 'We purcha,sed early in the season our
usual supply of Mens' Summer Clothing
Clothing 4.11(1 As the weatherihaving been so cool
up to the present week the sale of these
Goods has been greatly retarded.
We have however decided not to carry them over to
another season -and have accordingly marked them down to
prices which will speedily clear them out. In fact you can-
not afford to miss this grand opportunity to purchase these
Mens' Angola Tweed Coats
and Vests, nicely made
and good fitters, extra
special value 1.75
Mens' Angola Flannel Coats
and Vests, fine goods and
well made fit perfectly
t: special price 2
a A Men? Silk Coats and Vests,
1 In Stripes and plain grey
shades, very special value 4
Mens' Fine Lustre Coats and
Vests well made and lined
and good fittets, special 3.00
Mens' Light Weight Tweed ,
Coats and Vests, assorted
patterns, light and dark
.50 Mens' Blue Serge Suits fined,
the greatest value we
have ever Shown, special
.60 value 2,75
The above lines are all New Goods and will be cleared
e in a short time. Come early and get first choke
George Willis visited friend a in
Goderich last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Rennie spent the
past week visiting friends in Newton.
Miss Morgan spent the forepart of
the week visiting friends in Blyth and
London; ,
W. A. ell, 'cif the' Bell Piano Co.,
Guelph, was stricken with apoplexy
last, week.
Mr. Fisher and Miss Willians, of
Wyoming, are visiting at 'William
Mr. and Mrs. Easterbrook, of Chin-
guacousy, were visiting Mr. Anning
this week.
Percy Brown, of Winchelsea scald-
ed his arm very 'badly one -day last
week, the skin and flesh falling off
the bone.
A large number of citizens went to
Seaforth, Clinton and London on
Tuesday, while several parties visited
Grand Bend.
Rev. Locke preaches his farewell
sermon next Sunday evening. In the
morning he will preach a special ser-
mon, subject : "Heaven."
Walter Evans, of Ailsa Craig, has
purchased Gottschalk's baking busi-
ness. There is not room for more than
one good bakery in that Village.
A joint meeting of the South Huron
and Stephen & 'Usborne Agricultural
Societies was held in Exeter on Satur-
.day, to arrange znatters in con-
nection with the fall fair.
Among the list of jubilee honors are
Hon Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of
Canada, who has been made a privy
councillor. Sir Donald Smith, the
Canadian commissioner in London,
has been elevated to the peerage.
Lily, the youngest child of R. N.
Rowe, fell from the baby carriage on
Sunday and had its arm broken. The
wind started the buggy in motion
while the child was leaning over the
edge, and upsetting, precipitated the
little one to the grounclwith the above
The report of the special committee
of the Supreme Lodge of the A. 0. U.
W. at Milwaukee, last week, which
was adopted, refused to allow the
nominal and friendly relation which
has heretofore existed, and the Ontario
Grand Lodge with its 30,000 members,
has now completely seceded from the
parent organization. The action of
the Ontario Grand Lodge, Ancient
Order of United Workman, in with-
drawing from the Supreme body will
not involve the order in Manitoba
and the Northwest. The Grand Lodge
Of Manitoba is not in sympathy with
the dispute, and many of the officers
strongly disapprove of the proposed
course of their brethren in the east.
The Grand Lodge of Manitoba will
continue loyal to the supreme govern-
ing body.
The deaths registered in Goderich
from Jan. lst, to June 15th, 1897,
number 26, or 14 per thousand, 4 per
thousand less than the average of
London, Eng., the healthiest city in
the world, and about the same rate
per thousand less than the average
of Ontario,
On Wednesday evening last, while
Mrs. Jehn Griffin and son, of the 6th
con. of Ashfield,. were descending the
hill between the railway and Maitland
bridge, the horses became nnmanage-
able and ran away. They upset near
the big bridge and Mrs. Griffin was
thrown against one of the abutments
• • :•• '
- , „ .
Hosiery & We are showing a number of special
lines in Hosiery and Gloves and are mak-
Gloves ing a specialty of Fast Black Goods.
The prices given below are special.
Ladies' Fast Black, plain
Cotton Hose, Harrndorf's
Dye, special per pair x oc
Ladies' Fine Black Cotton
Hose, Hermdorf's Dye,
warranted fast Black, very
special, per pair x5
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose,
heavy ribbed and warrant-
ed fast black, special, 2
pairs for 25
Ladies' Fast Black Silk
Gloves, special make, speci-
al price per pair
Ladies' Fast Black Lace
Mitts, fancy backs; special,
per pair
Ladies' heavy knitted Cream
Silk Mitts, heavily em-
broidered backs, warrant-
ed all silk, special
We are at present making a specialty
of Ordered Clothing and our Black
Worsted Suits at $15.00 and our Tweed
Suits at $12.00 are trade winners. You
should ask to see them.
We want 5 tons of Butter with- DIRECT IMPORTERS.
in the next 30 days.
f Iwith great force and seriously in
Mrs. 3. A. Stewart visited friends in
London this week.
Jack Robinson, of Goderich, was
struck on the leg by a pieee of wood
in the organ factory and had to lay off
work for a week or ten days.
GOOD HINT.—DeteCtiye Rogers, o
Toronto, gives the following pointers
to constables as how to handle tramps
which will prove of value to comity
constables. He says that all tramps
who ask for a night's ladging by the
municipality should be searched before
being put away for the night. If fire-
arms are found on their person, they
should be deprived of them and brought
before the inagistrete next morning
and fin ed or imprisoned for having. con-
cealed weapons. If money is on their
persons they should bp fined ftir vag-
rancy. Rogers says tat nearly every
tramp possesses a revolver or some
money, and if these rules are enforced
each place should soon be rid of such
gentry, as they keep each other thor
oughly posted as to their treatment in
each town.
BRIErs.-1Irs. Warwick, is visiting
her brother, Mr. Thomas Hyde.—Miss
Rosa Lane spent a few days with her
sister Flora.—Miss Radcliffe spent
Sunday with Miss Stephen.—The
_ Garden party held by the Sons of
Temperance, at Mr. J.R Atkinson's.
last Friday evening: was a ei%eat 'I
isuccess. Mr. Mountain did his part
well in filling the chair;a very interest-
ing program was given. Proceeds of
evening amounted to $25.—Miss Lizzie
Dickinson has returned home, from a
visit at Elimville.—Mrs. Byliea, and
daughter have been yisiting her mother
Mrs. J. B Atkinson.—Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Sinclair, and the Miss Sinclair
are attending the wedding of their
cousin Miss Sinclair.
was a quiet day in Exeter, except
among the children, who were given
an afternoon's " sport on the fair
grounds, and an exhibition of Fire-
works on the recreation grounds, in
the evening. The afternoon games
were well carried out, and a goodly
sum of money distributed among the
young folk inprizes. The games were
conducted by Messrs. D. Mill, Dr. An-
derson and M. T. White. The child-
ren evinced much pleasure over the
liberal cash prizes, while the candy
kindly donated by T. B. Carling did
good service in soothing the feelings
of the unsuccessful competitors. Fol-
lowing is the list of prize -winners :—
Boy's race, under 7, J esse Smith,
Ralph O'Neil, Frank Brimacombe.
Girl's race, under 8, Mabel Brown,
Nellie Hatter, Lillian Towle.
Boy's race, imder 11, Elder Elliott,
Grover Bissett, Melville Southcott.
Girl's race, under 11. Ethel Elliott,
Addie Gillespie, Mary Hatter.
Boy's three-legged race, N. Bobier
and H. Collins, V. Hardy and 11 Zinger
C. Westaway and II, Zinger.
Girl's race under 14, Bertha O'Neil,
Addle Gillespie, Olive Quance.
Boy's race under 14, Horace Horn,
Roy Howard, Howard Powell.
At the conclusion of tbe games, a
lacrosse match took place between
sides chosen by C. Westa,way and W.
Willis. Within 45 minutes, West-
away's team had secured two goalS,
and were declared winners.
In the evening there was a -very fine
display of fireworks, under the direc-
tion of N. Dyer Hurdon, and which
was witnessed by a large crowd of
people, from nine to eleven o'clock.
On the whole the little folk put in an
enjoyable time at home.
Mr. John lIarlton, of the San ble
line, Biddulph, who has been for
treatment in the London asylum, has
returned to his home again, complete-
ly restored.
Wtn. Simpson, of Parkhill, has leas-
ed the dining. hall at Grand Bend
Park and will cater to the wants of the
public in his usually amiable manner.
The PortAlbert hotel -keeper applied
for and was granted a Beeps. this year
the same as heretofore, but he evidently
concluded there was no money in the
business them; as. he failed to take out
the license.'
- No closer than we Watch the Market, and the needs
of our Customers. We are keeping up OUR Sto0E.-
Myatt know of a single line where it has fallen
short of being just what was needed, tell us. Sum-
mer is here and we are here too with seasonable
goods to meet it,
• 4 44
We Have a Large Variety of
See ()tie Siifilitier Coats and Vests, just what you'
need. A full line ,t,f Mene and Bays' clothing at
rock bottom prices. Others are not in it for Teas,,
yet they blow they are. Try our Japan at 25c
and Tetley's the best, pc and 7oc per lb.
patriotic service on Sunday under the
direction of the Societies, was entered
into with great heartiness in Exeter.
Early in the afternoon the streets
were thronged with pedestrians. The
more patient stationed themselves
along the route of march, sought and
maintained good positions, frorawhich
to view the parade. Many, however,
congregated where the parade formed,
and at the hour the start was inade,
the recreation grounds were literally
covered. with people, all joining to
swell the procession. It was headed
by the Exeter brass band, followed by
members of the town council and mem
hers ot the various lodges and citizens
on foot. At the Trivitt Memorial
church, where the service was held,
an immense crowd of people were
waiting, about two-thirds of whom
could only gain admission to the large
edifice. The building was crowded to
the doors. Rev. Dr. Willoughby made
a few patriotic remarks and eloquently
touched upon the event of the cele-
bration, while therector, Rev. H. Bray
delivered a somewhat longer discourse
along sirailar lines, A liberal collection
was taken, which will be given to the
poor of the town.
.John Crooks, of Goderjch, was in
town over Sunda-.
Lawyer Milekenzie spent the"jubilee
holidays with hiafamlly in Toronto.
Russell Manning. of_ Clinton, spent
Sunday calling on friendslhere- he also
took his place in Nein st. Methodist
choir as of yore, ; • .
DEATH OF, MRS. 110WE.--The
friends of Mrs. Henry Rowe,
phen township, were surprisete
day evening to learn of her
Deceased who was a daughte , it
beennD.Thomasillrsincethe Mbairyt,hoEof fa oft
few weeks ago, but nothing
was apprehended, until Satur
when she took a heavy relapse a
passed away. Deceased was at
time one of the bright young ladies
Exeter, and her death at such an ear
age will be sad news to ninny.
bereaved husband, father, mother an
several brothers and sisters mourn IA
less of one whose kindly disposiei
had won a warm place in the hearte
all with whom she became acquaint
The funeral on Tuesday was one
the largest that has passed throu
Exeter for some time.
11°ga '
is home spend n.
wood, is home for the Snnanier..v4e
rMiss G. Dern I ne , of Das
r, efillarailte ,t
Miss Ida Pempsey, of Lucan, S
the forepart of this week visiting
parents in :', lvn.
Mr. and Ars. A. Hoskin, of Bran
ford, and Mr. and Mrs. May, of Mil -
Chen, were in town Tuesday atte„ s
the funeral of the late Mrs. Rowe. 1,, .
W. j. Carling wasdn London ye er -
day consulting a specialist. Mr. ' t
ling for some time has been troi-el '
with a dizziness in his head, and -.0t •
bpen tut.111 At) onia.100
Dyspepsia in its worst form s will
yieldto the use of Carter's Little Nerve
Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver
Pills. They not only relieve present
distress ;but strengthen the stomach
and digestive apparatus.
iThe Leafy Month
Brings its beautywith fruit and
flowers, sunshine and showers, songs
of birds and admiration of men, the
events and successes, the reign and
peace of 60 years past will be coin-
emorated this month, the like of which
ma,y never again mark the history of
British domain. Yet we will hope for
future generations, not forgetting the
responsibilities of the present, know-
ing that the thought and act of those
now in the race for right will help to
mould the future; we would say long -
live our noble Queen and may her suc-
cessor prove her edual. But we must
continue no longer here. Business is
business and at it We bend. We have
just to hand a new lot black and Creme
Silk Laces, their prices and qualities.
their patterns, are up-to-date, you
want them. Come and see them.
Ribbons are the leading trimmings
with laces of the season. Black and
Green, in different shades. Fawns and
Browns; our Satin Ribbons are con-
ceded to bf) superior quality; our
faille silk Ribbons, pure silk, all colors.
We continue to hold. up our Dress
Goods department, This lia,s been our
banner season so far. All colors in
Henriettas. If you want a black Al-
paccae ask to see ours. We have 7
shades in colored lustres, 27 inches
wide, regular price 25 cents, to clear at
15 cents. They are choice quality.
pot end
, tfll end
oe that
B Al14:
The stock is going with arush a
must be cleared out by the 15th
$ 8 Dinter Setts going at
4.50 Tea sets (gold finish)
0 Chamber sets
1.00 Cups and Saucers (firsts),
125 Fancy Cups and Saucers
eet Home Soap, Star Soap, and
an's Electric, 7 bars for
. Surprise Soap 6. bars for
30 cent Teas, Japan, (good)
6 only $1.25 lamps
Heavy Plow Shoes
$ 4.50'
7.00. .-
2.75, "
.60) k
.85.• '
Ding -
.75 to .85
it All shoes less than cost price. Wall papers less
c6st. 10 cent papers going at 5-1-. cents. 12 $8.00 Rti
Coats at g4.50, All the best $1.0.00 and $12 snits goiu
$6.50 and $7.00. Some Boys' 3 piece suits, were $f"
going at $2.50. A line of straw and felt hats for 10 tO''44
cents. Everything at a bargain. Don't miss it _CI,
quick and secure the best.
Fifty mills erected. in Exeter and
last, year, • all of which have
giverwlisfaction. All these mills are
rperectecl),ttnil set running hy practical
;jex.perts symal we cum fully guarantee
.Seo1 POW:.!1*IVi ni ..gin.t 11V,V0 001110 to stay
and the rapid increase Or our trade is sure Ovi-
aenee that, Canadians aro wide awake in their
.appreclation or their 'value. Some skeptics fon
that a 001t1ng:4)ex' or grinder cannot, be run
with n wOul Min ; but we positively guarantee
our 12 -feet mill to drive any ordinary cutting.
-, or our Post, Grinder, to a twelve tonlo fifteen
wind and the 14-1021 vheel gives 'nearly
ubie thu power of a 12-fAre1, 0201 win run
.. Maple Leaf Grinder to perfection. Expel,-
:twice nrovos that thoro Eixvin;•,ionf.; good wind
„ti'give power for all ordinarii farm work. in
adctition to the n,boye machines, the root aml-
' P''beyr'ittnagn iiitgalilint'illikrt ay eYiiectinebac,-1,riv7ttelr; i;tenadii
bo pumped as well.. . , 7,
ax FOR x
:The science of comfortable living and
• a.reful, dressing demands. the wearing
X Pro per Summer Clothing during the
.warm weather. To tell you all, about
Our well assorted stock of seasonable
g)eds Would. take vastly more space
him we now have at our disposal, so.
Ne simply give you a few special hints.
S ci(lititteo'wr,etaiNthGrTo
terest.. Office at th
G. J. Sutherland,
ancer, Commission
and issurer Marri
ments earefuily de
Money to loan on rej
ward on Messrs.
brick block.—Mi
is visiting friend
sall.—A number
tended the wedd•
Rev. Mr. Aline): f
festival on the
Johnston Frida;
the atispices of
attendance was
time Was spent 1
and Miss .Allis(
guests at T. MI
HINT NO. 1. hart,. of Exeter v
part of this week
GiI4gilliatasn(51CDark Colors in Prints and
in connection wi
examinations. -g
• HINT NO, 2, who wrote. M
good results fro
Shortt on.Tuesda
word of the d
be3-eanineisll Phan
Blanche Petty,
visiting under tl
Urquhart, the et
shipped 21 car lo
oolfa countrythe duri
and has orders
eHurost)theoats dc
o Ise en
Collins,and Miss,
ter visited friend
William Cook h
nngd ?nig. 71-1Tel e 88
of Hensall into .
community hav(
draw from the
form a new seci
werenot so dispc
arbitrated upon
decision being g
remain as it is.
Batme,,..-- -Air. John Alude, of Detroit, factory to the 1
— this week at the home plied to the Con
• Itlt ai:, Mrs. P. AfcTavish; be, another arbitra
*vith twe :),hers rode on, their -wheels and on Monday
from Dtr. iit,--Messrs W. Graham and Creswell, of Ei
MeGr:eeir returned from Liver- Usborne, and L
pool on Thurstlay last. -Messrs upon the case, •
Chavie., and Robert Sterling, of Goderich and. R
Scotland are visiting at the home of appeared on bel
their ;melt, Mr. Alex. Mackenzie, and township respe
other relet ire:, in the vicinity.—Mr. was thoroughly
David It, Clinton, was in the village NalitictiriOttroSwisDit
alei)114; orders for the book v
iatety lablisheilby his mother Mrs, secede. They ,
tuna .1?.,14- —Mr. R. Hif.yeins has new gwesneeiTeas
"cpaire.1 anti extef&erl his barns,
. which t•ta small sin" Atmohaslfrnsatedeh
log 5.1 -res adjoining his own.--
Mr. Poet i,:45 present occupying the abshtotrbtespot.
etthepulpit in z
ippen, in the absence °FAL,. a
Welsh's planin
a bucket brigai
dried before an
done It appi
close to the upi
and set fire t
shavings and
ignited- caused
dense -smoke, tl
stilted. — Mr.
Donell, spent A
iii Exeter.—M
and her coush
triends in Exeb
remaining the
Kaine leaves a
and when cone
his studies.—M
a coat of gravel
ed all over th
missioner wont
onto the centre 4
where. they v5
By fall, from I
best part of th(
, in the ditches
•';',1,?duler a ligartcsaat
l Win -id IV(l1i
hname Lhroughout ave _ IsSono‘ sti iseheesei: iw;Linii:strdet blfiaeeartns(
11 Zee do only NcIVI 11111 'el jelYs Henderson an(
vith the patent Roller ancl 'Ball turned home fi
• Betu•ings, and the only power Mills General Assem
absolutely safe, for they . cannot run church at Wir
away. Send for illustrated circular. are plentiful it
W. 'Davis has
person of Moir
a very successf
terian church,
The attendance
with the_adm
some $45' wet
monica bander
'with sweet mu
Muttart and RI
friends in town
of the new blot
Miller are ney
REV. A, McKil
bon visited frit
Mr. George
will shortly re
he has rented
6eor11 eg lei
f a onbli
Advb cate. '
' ,pon's Crinkle Cloths, Organdies,
in Lie very latest weaves and colors,
.ins' Summer Colts at $1.25, $1.75.
. $2,
'Allies' Sailors and. Trimmed Hats
m 25 as to $1.50, worth just twice
,se prices. Move quickly if you.
want a bargain.
,Parasols at 37!.c, 50c, 65c. 75c, $1,
$1.25 up. Shirt" Waists, Belts and
Buckles in abundance.
R. 5. FORD es. CO.,
Brucelield. .
Brantf ord
For POWER and
P U M PIN(.k with
la 0 LLIOR,
',.,nufactureci by GOOLD, SHAPLEY
" and ,MUIR CO.
J P CLARKE; Opposite Illawkshaw's liro
Ten inch level
-,Sible plates, relief
kvings,.ball bear-
' "Ila'eg?...i:1:cicel:eislfrsg':e,:,')Ils'ilei:iiiisl;:(11:.sels:FfaeniliTiOl:ceorl:
S LAN, Agent
for III -Iron Middlesex and
• tie
Jubilee dress.
received a It
stamps and pf
are good to se)
country, ancl
stamps, and g
time of using.
the Douphin
16th, which g,
McPherson. be
Lodge of that
death of A. J.
he was known
was only a si
grown to a lar
charge of his
in Douphin, 3
and relatives
vicinity have
bereaved fami
receive0 bo)
from M a. 3.