HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-24, Page 6THAT TI -10 FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF— IS ON THE WRAPPER Or EVERY -BOTTLE OF CASTORIA Oastorla is put up in one -size bottles only, n is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else en the plea or promise that It is "just as good" and "will answer every pur- pose." nainneei that yon get 04 -S -T -0 -E -I -A. slnIl signature of err ent Pe tee 7 tat w, pre in out ene va. pre tht us ask Oft est. of no be, an so' die La rig an ea` Pa Ar 01: in 3a0 aU as P11 W4 fat nit ba ca ret th nc ex th ce of H.DIOKSON,Boorrister, Soli- • otter of Sapreme Coart, /eatery Public, Oo nveyancer„ Oonemiseietter, tite Monti v to Le eta OWotii ited,on'el3loelt, Exeter, R. MYCLig Banter, Solicitor, Convey ancer leXETER, ONT. „o OFF.LOR : O'er O'Neirs Bank. THE NEWS IN II .1181111. THE VERY LATESTFROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States; and All Pe ts of tbe Globe. Coladeased end Assorted for Easy Reading. ]TNLLjOT & ELLIOT, CANADA. Brantford will spend $5,000 on mar - Barristers, Solioitors, Notaries Pete, ket improvements. Mr. S. A. Mitchell, of Kingston won a e500 fellowship at the Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore. Rev. Dr. George a St. Louis, Mo., has been %pointed Principal of the Congregational College, @dontreal. The Montreal City Hall end itscon- lents were seized by badliffs tosaaisfy a claim of $12.000 ousts in connection with appropriatione. The report of the Minister of Justice for the year ending June, 1896, shows an increase of 6 1-2 per cent. in the aumber of penitentiary convicts. The Winnipeg Council has passed a resolution heartily approving the plan for organizing the Victorian Order of Nurses. Lady Aberdeen bas received a cable- gram from Sir Donald. Smith, donating $5,000 to the fund far the Victorian Or- der of Nurses, and offering another e5,000 as soon as $100,000 have been con- tributed in donations of from $1,000 to e5,000 each. • GREAT BRITAIN. A very eulogistic review of thepro- gress ef Canada by the Marquis of Lorne has been published in London, cLady Charles Rose has been granted a divorcee from her husband, Sir Char- les Henry Ross, and the counter -suit has been. dismissed. It is stated tbat the Queen was so much affected recently by the singing of "The Weariag of the Green' at Windsor castle that she wept. It is said that the Queen intends to confer an honorary Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath on M. lelanoteux, the French Minister of Foreign Af- fairs. It is again asserted that Great Britain TIris beemne possessed of Delegate Bay, en ne nt & Tennent :ind that sbe is preparing, when the proper time comes, to assert her own- ership. The Pall Mall Gazette, in the course of a long article on the business and politieal outlook in America., says that Mr. McKinley is a distinct failure, and hasproved himself more of a party pol- iticean than a President. The. Daily Graphic published an in- terview with Sir Donald Smith in Lon- don on Wednesday, in whien the Cana- dian High Commissioner expresses the opinion that the union of Newfound- land with Canada is bound to come. UNITED STATES. Prof. Melvin G. Clark, the noted tele- seope manufacturer, is dead at Cam- bridge, Mass. The whipping -post has been intro- duced at Lexington, Ky., for the pun- iehment of bicycle thieves. Joseph Rich.ardson, the eccentric mil- lienaire, said to be worth e20,000,000 died at New York on Thursday. The output of owl in the United States during the year 1896 was 190,- 639,959 tans, valued at $195,557,619. The Universal Postal Congress just closed at Washington will hold its next sextennial conference in Rome in 1903. A branch of the FrencheCana.dian Or- ganization Sweaty was formed in Man- chester, N. H., on Thursday, with the object of enabling French-Canadians to return to the Dominion, Dr. John Lewis Smith is the patri- arch of Methodism in Indiana, and has written, in his eighty-second year, a book Of 450 eages, containing anecdotes of pioneer preachers and their charges iin the West, together with a treatise on Indiana Methodism. .9. Brooklyn, N. Y., man recently snor- ed so hideouely in a tenement house that a three-year-old child who heard the noise was frightened into convulsions, which ended fatally, and now the auth- orities want to know whether the man is criminally responsible for the child's death. President McKinley has finished his note te Speen presenting the ultime- tuna of the United States on the Cuban question. The note alleges that Spain has lost control of Cuba, that Spain has failed and in impotent to protect the lives ainci property of American citizens, and then she has failed to comply with her treaty obligations. Conveyancers &e, 85o. tnirMoney to Loan at Lowest Raw of Interest. OFFICE, . MAIN -STREET, EXETER. Hensall every Thursday. B. V. EDDIGT. FREDERICK ,11011..1110>" MEDICAL — 1 -AR. T. WICKETT, M. B. TORONTO UNI ine VER.S1TY, M A. C. M. Totento Univer tity. Cffice-Crediton, Ont.. n RS. ROLLINS Sc AMOS. -.Separate Offices. Residenee same as femme ly, Andrew st, Officee: $packnotree building. Main st Ur Roliina' same as formerly, north doom An A11108" 80,1110 1) Mid ing, south door, 1&014..INS, M. D., T. A. AMOS. M. A Exeter. Oat . BROWNING M. D., M.. 0 •r. s, oreauete Victoria Movers ty era ce and residence, Dominion Le.bo a, fory.Fize tor. EYNDMAN, coroner for t Bee County ot Tenon, Ottiee, °pp./site Carling Brea. a tore, Exeter. AUCTIONEERS, tI BOSSENEERRY, General Li- . eensed Auctioneer Sides eauduoted allparts. Setisfactiouguara.uteed. Mingo moderate. Remelt P 0, On t: ENBY EMBER Licensed Awe _ tioneer or the Couuties of Huron Miodlesex • Sales conduoted at mod. nate rates. Onlee. at POO t,701/106 °rod. jos Out. 'VETERINARY. IXXIMIllt. ONT. • Freer* tei o / the On tart° Fe te rluer y (I et terms: ene oor South o :Tow n Hall, ?noses.. • . THE WATERLOO 111.1TOAL -L. VIRE INSARAIIC EC 0 . Established la l8433„ NEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT 'I lila ruiners:le lies been over reenter -tent tete In suoceseful opor ition in Western 'Aimee end continues to 1ust:rang:4i nst loss or tin e nee by Fire, Buie u es, el erch andiee elm t 3,1015rie5 and all other dascriptiods of nalotarieerie. Intending insurers have tee option of instirinean the Premium Settler ,,e£D eystem, Atari net the past ten years this eoutnanir has ftsre Mei1 oliete, coverine, property to the minenet et 540,412.038: aud Paid in losses alone Vette3i5e2tAXe,LS I:6,00A0, consisting of Cash. n Peek Government Inmost tend the animas - ed Premium Nate on hand aud to tor,e .11. • 'mite 01.D. Prosiden Te elm a e, rotary : 4.13. themes, Inspeetor 011AS 1] 3, 4gca t for Exeter and vietaity NEM/ E NER'VE IsE.A.liu aro ar'r corm that cure the worst eases of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and BEANS Falling Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex. ceases or youth. This Remedy gib. mlutaly cures the most obstinate cases when all other AMMENTS havo failed even to relieve. Zold by drug. EL:testt40$flpir...epgkaage, or. six for $5 0* rkitg.Tc14147 ddr,,,,,,,..TEE J. :1 , . !'%..r.mte, Out. \True -••-••••• t. Sold at Browning's Drug Store Exeter Strong Points ABOUT B. B. B. i. Its Purity. 2. Its Thousands of Cures. 3. Its Economy. le. a dose. • 33. 33: 33. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions, Purifies thaBlood and removes all the impurities from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore, and 121121EL3313 DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE, SALT RHEUM, SCROFULA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, SKIN DISEASES. READ -MAKER'S 0 ala.telteett NEM Rea TO MP SAMMIE!? s oseet4 THE EXETER TIMES Is published every Thursday morning at Times Steam Printing House Man street, nearly opposite Fn ! on's jewelry store, Exeter, Ont., by SOHN WHITE 8z SONS, Proprietors. RATES OF ADVERTISING : First insertion, per line 10 cents. Each subsequent insertion, per line3 cents, To insure insertioe, advertisements should e sent in not later than We dne3 day morning. Our JOB PR1NTING DEPARTMENT is one of the largest and best equipped in the County Of Enron. All work exernetcd to us will re- ceive our prompt attention. -- Pectinous RegardlIng New xpapers. 1 -Any person who take e a paper regularly from the post office, whe ther directed hi his name or another's!, or w hal er he has sub- scribed or not, is responsib le kr payment. 2 -If a pereon orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears or the publisher mey continue to send it en til the 'payment is made, and then collect, the whole amount, whether the paper is Laken from the office or not. 3 --In stilts for enbectriptio na, tie suit may be instituted in the place s h ere the paper iseuh. lished, although the su bscriber may reside hundreds of mile: away. 4 -The courts have d ecided thatrefusing to take nowepeleera Or periodieale from the post filee, or removing ead having teem uncalled air, 15 prlitlai facie evidence of intentional tee THE EXETER TIMES 1 e ie tte cee'A air') was ex- AGRICULTURAL ;calk° josh° °ea ge. ' that Tbe Madrid. Heraldo announcen negotiatioxis for a treaty of coneraeree HOW TO GROW C.EI,ERY. be'6ve" Spain and tbe United States that Would . hare. reached en advanced stage. An a. celery grower of fifteen years' satisfied until the Ge.rman navy is on advent of the self -blanching sorts, I ComPanyehave decided to erect a heroic tan the Techi Valley. au the North In- dtreaohierroonuteile.yr. attacked a British force hag his naval sclieme. and will not be and expenee." Years ago, before the statue to the memory of the Count de , .. 0 Lessens, the engineer of the canal, punish the- turbulent natives who omeomnrey, inanvesd to:. .11 Peenteror Willia,m is earnestly press- Y, is i volves time, labor The shareltoldere of Lim Suez Canal experience. eays An expedition is being fitted out to give them good returns for and len' ' . - ' • . experience to raise geod. marketable orotuer truckers a few praotical hints You may say, "Yes, but it requires a writer in American Gardening I may he able to give my Russian navies, with' i annul that thIS 'CMS 111 a measion the French true but since the introduction of the well-known rifle bearing his name, has Herr Mauser, the inventor of the • Golden Self -Blanching, White Plume, submitted to the German War Office and Giant Pascal (and right here 1 pistols and carbines. a nem- methanism, that is applicable to would say there are no better sorts), it reqeiires but little more experience In the Davis will ease at San Fran- ea disco, Cal., t,he other day it was shown - grow a ood crop of celery than it that the ashes of the deceased million- does ea produoe, one of cabbage on g aire are being held for debt, while heirs, beet. Firstbegin properly by bluing are wrangling over the property. seed of some reliable eelsman• Now s it Et is reported from Rome tbat the select Judia plot of fitne loamy soil, if black., Judiciary Council, now. considering the Bank of Naples scandats, has rejected all the better. Spade this to a depth Signor Criapi's decna,nd to be tried by the Senateand. will direct that he of at least one foot, as early in the , be pro.secuted. A Spanish Captain and two lieuten- ants were taied 'by court-rna.rtial inn,a Cabana fortress and sentenced to be shot for cowardice in havinersurrend- ered the Government forts at Cashorro, in ea,stern Ceiba, to the rebels. The Hawaiian Governartent has re- fused to renew the concession to Z. S, Spalding for laying a cable from San Francisco to Honolulu, and it. is thought the Hawaiian Islands maY form a link in the VanadianeAustran Ian system. Dr. James Martineau, alio the other day celebrated his ninety-second birth- day, is one of the very few living au- thors whose literary activity dates from the beginning of the Victorian reign. Dr. Martineau published his first. book, "The Rationale of Religious Enquiry," in 1837. The Pape has sent to Queen Regent Christiaa of Spain a splendid rosary, consisting of a gold chain set altern- ately with diamonds, rubies., and em - welds as beads. The gift is amine- anied by a letter eoriveying the Papal nedietion and expressing admiration of her Majesty's coura.ge and wisdom in the late Ministerial arisis. spring as the ground can be workedi the with a eteel-toothed rake level 011sra°0t1lY, and lay out beds two feet wide, but do not raise them more than oan be helped. If the ground is not very nab- now is the time to make it so by applying some good brand of sup- erphosphate, say a peek to each rod. of bed, this naust be raked in to a. depth of five' or six inehee, then again care- fully rake the beds lengthwise. This donee draw marks crosswise, these must be very snallow, and eight inches apart; seed mkey ROW be sown quite thickly, and covered by sifting fine earth over it so as just to hide the seeds. Firm down either with light roller or other - vise. .As celery seed requires a long time to germinate, the beds must be sprbakled once a day if the weather be dry. If this prelimiautry work has been well done. in about three weeks YOU. will have a fine bed of plants, otich may be thinned to about one iach apart in the row. All the attention now required will be to keep the beds free frcrm weeds, eta give water when dry until about WAR ETES IN ENGLAND. the first of july, when the plants should be removed to the field. A re- claimed swamp muck is undoubtedly the best and most natural ground on tench to grow celery. It should be yell drained and made very rioh, and xi, well fitted. The rows should be made faux feet apart, and it is well to sink the rows an inch or two. Holes or receiving the plants should be made six or eight inches apart with a dila )1e• 'The Plants ebouild be set firmly anet the soil, if dry, pressed with the feat; thepliunts mast be watered un- til established. Nothing more need be done fox' six weeks, except to keep all well cultivated and free from weeds; by. that time the plants will have at- tained about one foot of growth, and banking must begin. This branch of celery culture has until recently been a slow and tedious operation. The push scraper is now used. by all pro- gressive growers; this is a simple little tool and easily made by any one in a few minutes. Take a, boarci six in- ches wide, fifteen inches long, three- fourths of an inch thick, bore a hole en the center and insert a. handle (a. rake handle is just the thing), sloping back at a convenient angle, now brace it and you. have a push scraper. It. now requires two naen with "push scrapers" one eaeh sine of row; the earth should be pushed gently against the plaints, this makes a banking of about six inches, and gets no more dirt in the hearts than the old time handling, and is much more expedi- tious; besides, the plants are in better shape for banking proper, whkh can be done with hoe or spade, as the op- erator may see fit. The earth should be drawn nearly to the top of plants, and if the self -blanching sorts have been used, this will be all the banking required, and in a.bout three weeks there will be a fine crop of celery. THE GREAT POSSIBILITIES OF THEM IN WARFARE. Captain Baden Powell, Military Expert. Tette What Me Has Dime With Them -lie Is Still Worklug nt Them. The possibility of using kites for mil- itary purposes has attracted the at- tention of eminent imeonauts for a number of years, but the nearest an- proa.ch to the solution of the problem has been made by Captain Baden-Pow- ell, Scots Guards, who is also honorary secretary of the Aeronautical Society, says the London Daily Mail. To a re- presentative of that paper Captain Baden-Powell recently gave some inter- esting particulars of his experiments. ""• To begin almost at the beginning," he said, "there are a great many mil- itary objects which could be obtained by having an apparatus which will fly, or ascend high in the air, among them signalling, photography, and the rais- ing of a man who, from his position, would be enabled to get a view of an enemy's country, and the disposition of his forces, and it was with this last idea that I couunenced ray experiments. "Captive balloons have a great many disadvantages, the cella of which is their want of stability in a high wind. If the wind is blowing at anything over thirty miles an hour a balloon becomes so unsteady as to render it useless for purposes of observation. Balloons are also difficult to carry about, and the supply of gas is a nuisance. 'I began to work with kites of vari- ous kinds, and after a number of fail- ures I succeeded with a. hexagonal structure of cambric, stretched on a bamboo framework thirty-six feet high, in lifting a man -not far, but far enough to prove that MY THEORJES WERE RIGHT. i BishopThompstn, at the Diocese Council n Jackson, lefass., paid. this tribute to the late Bishop A. Cleve- land Coxe:-"For living, for genius, for pure lofty life, 'for plain living and high thinking,' for loyalty to the pur- est idealist I venture to say no man in the history of our country ever excel- led. Bishop Coxe." According to the reports of the New York commercial agencies there is an appreciable improvement in the gen- eral trade situation, a distinction which, while moderate, is decidedly marked. Fa,vourable reports as to the wheat and cotton have exercised a beneficial influence, which has been added to buy considerable buying of American necessities. There bas been an increase of nearly six per cent. in thsa cotton acreage of all the States, but the cotton market is weaker. Some Southern cotton mills are limiting pro- duction. Some woollen mills are ar- ranging for an e,nlarged output, and have purchased heavily. The boot and shoe industry is active, and orders are growing apace. GENERAL. The Czarina has given birth to a daughter. It is officially declared that the bu- bonic plague exists in lei:Maar. Official staniectics show a deficit of a inilliota marks on the Baltic canal during the past year. It is announced that the Turks have committed serious excesses in -Epirus and in ehe vicinity of Larissa. It is believed by many good judges at Athens that Greece xna,y yet have to fight for her very existence. Tam belief is generally entertained in Havana that Captain -General Weyler will be immediately recalled from Cuba. Reportsfrom Mexieo City state that. Oxaca and the isthtmus of Tehuantepeo bad earthquake shocks on Sunday last- ing 40 seconds. The Czar and Czarina, are understood to be greatly disappointed because their second, eland is also a deughter. Sb e will he named Tatiana. . An attempt was made to aesassizate Presideat Inure at Paris Wilaa an his eer "Of !course, my kite is not by any means perfect yet, but I am working at it, and as soon as time permits ex- periments will be carried out at Alder- shot. I have been raised to a heigbt of 100 feet 'with my bigkite, and have sent up sand bags weighing nine stone to 300 feet, at whirch altitude they were suspended nearlya whole day. 'Now, as to signalling, I have ar- ranged a shutter apparatus, which is, however, more applioable to naval pur- poses, and some very satisfactory ex- periments have been carried out by Captain Tupper, R. N., at Portsmouth. He reported so favorably to the Ad- miralty, that a continuance of the trials was ordered. Captain Tupper found that communication could be made betaveen ships by floating kites from windward, and an Araerician pa- per, in a most circumstantial account, said that a telephone wire had been laid. between vessels by the same means. This has not been done, so far as kn.ow, but it is quite possible. "I have carried out some experiments also in lighting enploseve,s, with the idea that en war time a kite might be utilized to drop a high explosive over an enemy's forts or earthworks.ten this direction I have also been suc- cessful, and it has been found that by a system of buoying the governing cord with smaller kit ee at intervals an al- raost unlimited strength of string e.a,n be got out, which, of course, xaeans thet distance from the objective point would not matter much," A WEATHER PROPHET. Scientist -So you have followed the sea all your life. I presume you'aee a thorougb, meteorological prognoeticae for by this time. Jack Tarre-A whioh? A -I mean you can easily foretell • gale, can't you? Easy 'neughrnir. When you see the captain dancin' around an' yellin' out forty orders tet onet, you ken jest make up y'r naiad t,het it's goine ter bloev. THE ONLY FREE GIFT. Noted anarchist (in midst of violent hiaranguo)-We come to dis country to better our conditions, und vat do dey laffer us de very' flint ding? Vat, I say? Voice, (ial the rear of the hall) -Soap. THE STOCK SHOT_TLD RP INCLUDED. Few facts are better knowie than that there is great less of health and life by the use of irapure drinking water. If a malignant form of fever makes its appearance the water supply is one of .7111H4SOINIMMEMMINIMO11111118 Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the avrift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so stint Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to spare Who wears youth's corona' - beautiful hair. eseer..".eidereee Preserve Your Hair - and you preserve your youth. "A woman is as old as she looks," says the world. No womau looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out; restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. • A7. the first things examined when looking for the cause. The dangers from wa- ter contamination are so great and the results so disastrous that the reading public are beginning to take a lively interest in the matte e as far as per- sonal sanety is conoerned. This is one of the few casea where more care is' be- stowed upon the hygiene of the family than wail the stock. • Much is said and written regarding proper ralians for horses. cattle, hogs, and hens ; but who has heard of a "well balanced ration" for a child or a, nurs- ing mother? We hear much regarding the ventilation of hen roost and COW barn; bout who knows now many cabin feet of fresh air is required each night, by a family of five? Every horseman knows that a colt is almost certain to be inferior, word:nese or lifeless, if its mother is compelled to do severe work before it,s birth; but how often does the mother of his cliildrea receive so much thought and consideration? No farmer would keep a team long if he should give thent all the concentrated food they could' eat and then use every means known to induce them to eat more, es- pecially during the cold months when there is little or no work to be done. Even a "spring inedocine' would not Isave them. But now many sick wives and motherless children are there 18 - cause the husband bas insisted on hav- ing " plenty of something, fit to eat 1" This list is long enough and bad en- ough although it might be munh ex- tended. The farmer drills through hundreds of feet of solid rock to procure a, per - foot supply of water for himself and family and leaves his oows to drink from a stagnant pond of filth, slime, and microbes. He then blames his wife for not making gilt-edged butter, and curses his " luck ' because of the large doctor bills and the expense of an oc- casional funeral. The stock well is too often located in the barn -yard and contains sewerage instead of water. Sometimes decompos- ing animals are added to the mixture. No human being would Lake it draught of such a compound and expect to live. We expeet our stook not only to live but to thrive under seen unnatural conditions. Such expectations are often disappointing. The use {if impuxe wa- ter causes incalculable loss to our stock interests each year. One veterinarian reports the death of one hundred cat- tle on our western prairie, in a single summer, from drinking the water of a stagnant pond. No farmer can afford to allow his family or his stock to drink anything except absolutely pure wa- ter. FEEDING CALVES FOR COWS. When calves are intended to be grown for cows it is a great mistake to feed them so nea.vily as to increase the tendeney to fatten. Often this can be seen at birth in the thick bull -like ,neck and nea.vy head. In such case it is best to fatten and sell to the butch- er, no matter what stock may be its ancestry. But frequently also the calf which seems to be all right for a good milker is fed so beavily and on such fattening food that its tendency for life to produce fat and beet rather than mill: and butter is fully established. To grow a good cow the calf should not be stunted says American Cultivator. That will impair indigestion, which is just as important for the cow as it is for a beef animal. Calves intended to be kept for cows should nave much succulent food, with enough of the kind of nutrition required to make large growth. Then, it wUl lie well de- veloped and come early into heat. It is always advisable to breed as early as Possible. Then when the tendency to milk production has been fully estab- lished, good feeding with the best food will turjj the product of the feed into the milk pail, where it will be most for the fariner's profit to have it. WAR INDEMNITIES. Immense Sums Exacted By Viet0vion4 Nations. Among the conditions upon which the Turkish government offered, a few weeks ago, after a victorious campaign, to make peace with Greece, was a re- quirement that the defeated country should pay an indemnity of ten million pounds. The practice of exacting money from a conquered foe, is, in its present form, somewhat' modern. In ancient times the victor despoiled the enemy he had overcome, sacked cities and. carried away whatever of value he could carry away. Now he respects private proper- ty; but he makes the conquered na- tion pay the whole cost of the war. In either case the practice is analogous to that of civil coutrts, which assess costs upon the defeated party. The four greatest wars of the last thirty-five years have all been followed" by exactions of this kind. After Prus- sia defeated 'Austria, in the "seven weeks' war" of 1866, she demanded of her adversary twenty million thalers, or about fifteen million dollars of' our money; a modest sum, as indemnities go. She made similar xactions also from the states which allied themselves with Austria. This was in addition to territorial concessions. Five years later France was defeated by Prussie and besides being compelled to give up the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, ws forced to pay to her vic- torious enemy the enormous sum of five milliards of francs, or one thousand million dollars of our money. Payment was to be extended over four years, and German garrisons were to be re- tained in France until the whole was paid; but the splendid patriotism of the French people enabled tbe govern- ment to anticipate the payments, and the last German soldier left France in July, 1873. Again Russia, after defeating Tur- key in 1878, claimed, in addition to ter- ritorial concessions, a money indemni- ty of three hundred million rubles, or about one hundred and fifty million dollars. a. considerable /part of this amount Turkey still owes to Russia. In like manner, Japan, following the example, of European nations, exacted from China in 1895 a war indemnity of more than one hundred million dol- lars, and millions more for surrender- ing her claim on the Liao -tong peninsu- la. This was in addition to the cession of the island of Formosa. S,uol3 exactions from a defeated na- tion, whose resources are already near- ly exhausted by the strain of war, see'xn severe; but if it is desirable that liti- gation be made not too easy and inex- neae, ' . I stentionomusillettlieltilisielessitanwitlistenesette, , EXACT COPYOF WRAPPER, 1.44:44. ce miry armee pensive to those who have a disposi- tion to indulge in it, it is vastly mare important that nations be deterred from entering, upon war on slight pro- vocation UNCLE SAM'S- BIG LOSS. no — Ems Mond Inisulgrasit Station Entirely .Destroyed by Fire. A despateh from New York says ;-- Fire at an early hour on Tuesday in.orn- ing destroyed the immigrant landing etation tnat covered alraost all of El- lis Island, causing a property loss of about n780,000 to the United. Stated Government. All of the Government0 records, and the baggage of the ita.mi- j grants were burn.ed. Two hundred ' and fiftyimmigrionts were rescued from the burning structures, and brought safe!), to this city. Not one of thexn re:varied it burn. There were forty patients in the wooden hospital bUi I (1.- 111g in the rear of the main strudture, who were carried. out in cots just be- fore the hoseital took fire. The cause of the fire is as yet a. mystery. TREY TALK ABOUT HER. Mrs. Aristocrat -Did you hear what Mrs. Nouveau. Rich said Lo me at the concert this afternoon? Mrs. Wellborn -No, my dear; do tell me all about it. Mrs. Aristocrat -Well, she informed me she had decided to have a nom de plume in her hat. THE NEW -FASHIONED GIRL. She used to plo,y The Maiden's Prayer, Steen !mars a day, you know; And still she works the pedals -but They make her cyale go. Tin fate Palle signature of tanta-FirreCOPLX.efae. is on wary wrapper. , BROUGHT TO Tors. Miss Millington -No, Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry that I can't invite you to call again, but the fact is that I must refuse, for my own safety, to see you anyGeorgeraore Sirapson-Wh-why, I don't unclfatilily cian says that I have heart troublaand I'm afraid that you might some time teierestmanidnieygoute.n-Gar physi- get bold enough to say something to makeWaS announced Lhe Tlieirmeengfaagllemdeeandt. MISSI1 next day, Slenneee7Dv.deaneneateletratiLenteselLnea4.91111 rCARTEKS ITTLE IVER PILLS. URE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles fed. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distaste:ea:I-le eating, Pain in the Side. &e. While their.' remarkable success has been shown ir SICK Headache, yet OARTSS'S LnxteriderazZ1144----e-- are equally valuable la Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying cowiplaint. while they also correct all disorders of the stomach. stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Aohe they would be almost priceless tel who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness doea not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in too many ways thee they will not be willing to do without theme But after all sick head ACHE te the bane of so many lives that here fs where we make our great boast. Our pills cure MI orhile others do not. CARTER'S Lune Liven PILLS are Vet7 Man and very easy to take. One Or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials a155 cents; Ave for $1, Sold everywhere, or sent hymen. 0MITB2 3111DI0I5M 00., New Tat. • 111. Small Dm Small Mk FRAGRANT. DELICIOUS. potre, tti SEALED40 .1. UNDER THE SUPERVISION Of 1,4 P L P.tO " MONSOON " TEA. Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them as a sample oi the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why " Monsoon," the perfect Toa, cam be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put iip in sealed caddies of lb., 1lb. and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40c., 50c. and 60c. STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto. THE DIETZ 'DRIVING LAMP. Is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to, It burns kerosene. and gives a powerful clear whitebght. and win neither blow nor Jar out. When out driving with. it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had, alt your i -, , dealer tor the n Dietz.- We iof ssue a special Catalogue this Lamp and. if you ever nrowl around alter nightfanit will interest you 'Tis mafled free R. E. DIETZ CO., 6o littight St, New Vork. Special terms to Canadian elastomers. 641*4441114.14re,111rA410,04110 CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE LIVER TROUBLES mosaanzomemmawwleten...tmetecteecurkwranelenssamowwweses TREIII4 WAY. Bighead -Women aae crowding men out of .the profdsaivns nowadays. Smarty -Crowding is tile right word. You may tketst yeomen or getting hp close to the men.. ' — . , ... . umftWEQUE , , 3illiZZT-te,;;Z$7,11),. lotutooll,=T7,-;—;-,71 AVegetablePreparatiortforAs- shnitating &Food andReg uta - ling the 5 tomachs andl3owels of -L.:. _ ___:, 0 „ • : 1. N IAN ,l‘b e'354111,TeDH.ENe. Promotes ness anctfiesteOrtioirIS plourd,MorpltittO IsitYriSTATtc Digestion,Cheerful- neither nor lvfineral. OTIC. .7dre;e liawiga±s degssnrss R. .01-nin lilirriecr_tk Tify7pAea 1407,*;4;.: Aperfect tion , Sour Worms ness an. TacSimile ITEW a' 4914 nr,VAIMPIWIZER Sesd- 4, 4•Ils sirig .. Sega • _ p . Cons tipa- Ttemed.y for Stomach,Diarrhoea, ,Convulsions ,Feverish- S OF S.LEEP.,:.,..0,. d.: — Signature of Qingee(er iialac -YORK. on ,-.• , , ,S, , * ' = Cts EXACT COPYOF WRAPPER, 1.44:44. ce miry armee pensive to those who have a disposi- tion to indulge in it, it is vastly mare important that nations be deterred from entering, upon war on slight pro- vocation UNCLE SAM'S- BIG LOSS. no — Ems Mond Inisulgrasit Station Entirely .Destroyed by Fire. A despateh from New York says ;-- Fire at an early hour on Tuesday in.orn- ing destroyed the immigrant landing etation tnat covered alraost all of El- lis Island, causing a property loss of about n780,000 to the United. Stated Government. All of the Government0 records, and the baggage of the ita.mi- j grants were burn.ed. Two hundred ' and fiftyimmigrionts were rescued from the burning structures, and brought safe!), to this city. Not one of thexn re:varied it burn. There were forty patients in the wooden hospital bUi I (1.- 111g in the rear of the main strudture, who were carried. out in cots just be- fore the hoseital took fire. The cause of the fire is as yet a. mystery. TREY TALK ABOUT HER. Mrs. Aristocrat -Did you hear what Mrs. Nouveau. Rich said Lo me at the concert this afternoon? Mrs. Wellborn -No, my dear; do tell me all about it. Mrs. Aristocrat -Well, she informed me she had decided to have a nom de plume in her hat. THE NEW -FASHIONED GIRL. She used to plo,y The Maiden's Prayer, Steen !mars a day, you know; And still she works the pedals -but They make her cyale go. Tin fate Palle signature of tanta-FirreCOPLX.efae. is on wary wrapper. , BROUGHT TO Tors. Miss Millington -No, Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry that I can't invite you to call again, but the fact is that I must refuse, for my own safety, to see you anyGeorgeraore Sirapson-Wh-why, I don't unclfatilily cian says that I have heart troublaand I'm afraid that you might some time teierestmanidnieygoute.n-Gar physi- get bold enough to say something to makeWaS announced Lhe Tlieirmeengfaagllemdeeandt. MISSI1 next day, Slenneee7Dv.deaneneateletratiLenteselLnea4.91111 rCARTEKS ITTLE IVER PILLS. URE Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles fed. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distaste:ea:I-le eating, Pain in the Side. &e. While their.' remarkable success has been shown ir SICK Headache, yet OARTSS'S LnxteriderazZ1144----e-- are equally valuable la Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying cowiplaint. while they also correct all disorders of the stomach. stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Aohe they would be almost priceless tel who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortunately their goodness doea not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills valuable in too many ways thee they will not be willing to do without theme But after all sick head ACHE te the bane of so many lives that here fs where we make our great boast. Our pills cure MI orhile others do not. CARTER'S Lune Liven PILLS are Vet7 Man and very easy to take. One Or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials a155 cents; Ave for $1, Sold everywhere, or sent hymen. 0MITB2 3111DI0I5M 00., New Tat. • 111. Small Dm Small Mk FRAGRANT. DELICIOUS. potre, tti SEALED40 .1. UNDER THE SUPERVISION Of 1,4 P L P.tO " MONSOON " TEA. Is packed under the supervision of the Tea growers, and is advertised and sold by them as a sample oi the best qualities of Indian and Ceylon Teas. For that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why " Monsoon," the perfect Toa, cam be sold at the same price as inferior tea. It is put iip in sealed caddies of lb., 1lb. and 5 lbs., and sold in three flavours at 40c., 50c. and 60c. STEEL, HAYTER & CO., Front St., Toronto. THE DIETZ 'DRIVING LAMP. Is about as near perfection as 50 years of Lamp -Making can attain to, It burns kerosene. and gives a powerful clear whitebght. and win neither blow nor Jar out. When out driving with. it the darkness easily keeps about two hundred feet ahead of your smartest horse. When you want the very best Driving Lamp to be had, alt your i -, , dealer tor the n Dietz.- We iof ssue a special Catalogue this Lamp and. if you ever nrowl around alter nightfanit will interest you 'Tis mafled free R. E. DIETZ CO., 6o littight St, New Vork. Special terms to Canadian elastomers. 641*4441114.14re,111rA410,04110 CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE LIVER TROUBLES mosaanzomemmawwleten...tmetecteecurkwranelenssamowwweses TREIII4 WAY. Bighead -Women aae crowding men out of .the profdsaivns nowadays. Smarty -Crowding is tile right word. You may tketst yeomen or getting hp close to the men.. ' —