HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-6-24, Page 5i ....,.„ i!Tbti is. tis 01010490 of usaads ' at tbi! Mason y have as appetite;, food snot relish. They need the toning up of r m ! stomach and digestiveo s; r►hich , t coarse of Rood's' Bar Ila will gIYI 1 •i>at. 1.2 also puri and enriches the r` ares distress atter eating and. Id misery only a dyspeptic can Autos sn appetite, overcomes that 1MUns and builds up and sustains .s„eewhole physical 'listens. It so prompt - it ) and efficiently relieves dyspeptic syrup - aa and curve nervous headaches, that it O: l to lave almost "a magic touch.". Sarsaparilla ,Is the best•- In feet the One True Blood rurifer, era the best atter•dlnn•r ,food's Pills spill., std digestion, $c. `TO the Madden Yeast Co., London, Out, Gentlemen. -We get quicker and. better results from .sssiug Mrs, bfadden's Yeast than any ether we bare used, and highly recommend IL DEAN BROS., Bakers THE MADDEN YEAST CO.. London.. • H, KINSMAN. L. D. S. AND AR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Honor Graduate • • rsft Dentists. of TorontoUniversity, e Y. Teeth extracted without pain or batt after effects. Office in Fan- oon•s Bock, West side of Main st., Exeter. DR. ANDERSON, (D• D. S. L. D. S.) DENTIST. t ,, Honoz graduate of tho Toronto ;Uni - �wUrsity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons .ottontario. All Bridge work, erownsand Hate Work done in the neatest possible manner, A .harmless amtesthotic for painless extraction. 'Tho strickest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- -tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. OEi, TOVfl. raiz ?DOW At W. Johns', 'h Tailor. Made to• order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits -$11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to �. .get a t . W. JOHNS, The Tailor. .A. Suit of (Jlothes zr a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, -Correctness of Style, ' Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. .,''You look for these in an old and reliable plane, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his . patrons in any of these. A large assortment of :Tall & Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are mow on our shelves, and we will -take much pleasure in showing Ahem to you. There are many other lines that are specially at- ractive. �f �r Y ■ Central DRTJG STORE. Those who :have used "Win s Cough` Balsam. 'Pronounce it unequalled as remedy for COUGHS, COLDS .AND BRON'OHITIO TROUBLES, Winan's Condition & Cough Powder fol, horses, best in the mar- :ket, always -on hand, Also a Cetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue. l used fu se byMr,C as •ae s 1h 13 Y Munroe, Parkhill, in this and other townsin treating and curing varioius diseases, For Sale at Op 'LUTZ'S *ARM RSPURT8• My Carmel. Exeter June 24th 1897. Wheat per bushel , .66 to 07 Oats,. .- :20 to 21` Barley _ .•22 to 23 peas .. ...38 to 39 Butter,.:10 to 13 Eggs ' ' 7 to 8 Turkeys 9 to 9 Geese.,,,.- ..,,., 4 to 4 DuckBone per ib ...- 4 ttoo 8 Wool.... ... 17 to 18 Dried Apples.. .. 2} to 2i Pork dressed.•,:,.... 4.75 to .60 Pork live weight .,.,....3.50 to 60 Hay 'per ton .- 750 to 00 Clover seed ... ..$4.00 to 00 Alsikc clover 4.50 to 5.00 Timothy seed .............. 2.50 to 2.75 London. June 24th,1897. Wheat pbr busho ,.. .... • ..71 to 72 Peas . 336 t 4 too 222 Bgrley, .20 28 Buckwheat to Rye . ,.... .... ....29 to 30 Corn • 28 to 3 Beans-.-.-.. 25 to 35 Butter .... it to 1h 12 to 14 Ducks 75 to . 80 10 to 12 9 to 10 30 to 50 48 to SO ...$ 7.00 to $ 8. $L00 to $4.50 Turkeys)m., per Geese per lb Chickens Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton , Pork per cwt.,,, BORN. EASSON.-At Winchelsea, on June 7th. the wife of George Easson, of a son. ELYNN.-In Stephen on the 18th Inst., the wife of James Flynn, of a son. BLATCHFORD-In Hay, on the 19th inst. the wife of J. W. Blatchford, of a daughter. MARRIED TAYLOR-CLARKE.-In Hensall, on the 23rd inst., by Rev. W. E. Kerr, John Taylor, of Exeter, to Miss Melinda Clarke, of Housall, LOUCH-HAINES-At' the residence of the bride's parents, 'Wellington et., St. Marys, on Wednesday. June 16th, by Rev. it. Lelia L. Bas- king, of Wellburn, Robert Loto Miss Anzio Haines. daughter of Mr. W. W. Haines, both of St. Marys. DIED ItOWE.-In Stephen, on the 19th inst., Minnie le J. May, wife of Henry Rowe, aged 26 years, 4 months and 10 days. . FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WILL -TRIED Rtti .r o .-Airs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their ohildreu while teething, with perfect sueeess. It soothes the child,softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and isthe best remedy for:Diarrhoea. It is pleasnntto the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, 25 cents a bottle.. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Farms For Sale A few good farms for sale cher. Money to can. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Samwell's Block, Exeter. Land. For 'Sale or to Rent. Lot No. 2. on the lith Con.. and Lots Nos. 15 and11j, on the S. E. 13. of Usborno, There is house, barn and stabling on Lot 2, house and barn on Lot 15 -in all 210 acres of land -about 50 aces of bush. Good supply of water. Apply to JOHN or James NAGLE, St Marys P. 0. .Tenders Wanted. Sealed tenders wfll.be received by the un- dersigned as follows: (1) For digging two hun- dred post holds, five feet deep, on the Main and side streets of the village of Exeter, tenders received 'up to Thursday, ':July 1st. (2) For .:two hundred electric light poles, .specifications obtainable upon application, tenders received up, to Mondial, July 5th. (3) For building foundation for engine and bricking in of boilers; piens may be seen any time after June 28th and tenders received.up.toJuly 10th. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. C. C. TRE1viAINE. Exeter, int. TOBACCO HEART. GENTLEMEN, -My heart troubled mo wi h violontpaipitatation,shortness of breath and sleeplessness, This was caused my physician advised me, by excessive ase of tobacco. Since taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the distressing symptoms have entirely disap- peared. They have cured me and I am thank- ful to testify to their good effects. Signed, W. J. JSJDSON, St. Thomas, Ont. •.4 THEY ARE GOOD. Mr. Jas Hagan, the well-known ex -alderman of Kem tville, Ont., says: -"For some years I have been greatly troubled with pain across my back. Urinary troubles caused me much loss of sleeep, and Isuffered from a tired worn out feeling Doan's Kidney Pills. gave me relief in a short, time. The pain in my back has disappeared and I feel that I would bo doing wrong not to recommend thein to othcr8 sufferingas I did. They are the best medicine I ever used." . ,•. . WISE MEN KNOW. It is folly to build upon a poor foun- dation, either in architcture or in health. A foundation of sand is in- secure, and to deaden symptoms by narcotics or nerve compounds is equally dangerous and deceptive. The true way to build up health is to make your blood pure, rich and nourishing by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. NOTHING BUT A YARN. That Report About a stand of Indians Ytil- tng Settlers' Cattle Was With - oat Foundation. Winnipeg, June 14,—(Special.)—The news that a band of sixteen Indians had been seen in the vicinity of ranches near here turns out to be nothing but m yarn starteil by somebody. Young Garrison arrived home to-nig4ht, and de- nies having seen Indians or reported such a thing. STARTLING NEWS. litechnaualaud Natives Surprise a British Camp and Kill Six then. Vryburg, Bechauualand, June 14.—The startling intelligence has been received here that the police camp at Mashowing has been attacked by a body of na- tives 500 strong,find that six of the police have been killed. The camp is situated in . the heart of the district' where the rebellion broke out last January, and the supposition is that the natives came by stealth from Langberg and took the camp by surprise. A • body of 100 vol- unteers have started for the scene of the outbreak. VICTORIA'S .DESCENDANTS W011 Time Rule benne ur, Russia Greece and ri•atosa•ta, London, June 15. --The Times publishes this morning a table showing that in the ordinary course of nature the future rulers of Germany, Russia, Greece and Roumania .will be the immediate desee n- dants of Victoria. Commenting editor- ially on this fact The Times observes: . " The British monarchy to -day has more definite recognition among the. courts of Europe than even a century ago, when the King of Great Britain was also the sovereign of Hanover. Such dynastic considerations are perhaps' of less importance now than they ' were formerly, but they tend to develop friendly intercourse." TIIks EXETER TIMES BRIEFS—Frank COn l lto sails; for DISTRESSING RESULTS FO LLOW- ING VACCINATION. 1 nd o26th.—Mr, Scot a n une J Wyo. Rowland is recovering from the in- juries he received at a barn raising a couple of weeks ago, --Arthur O'Neil, sen., of Corbett, was violently thrown, to the ground while herding some stock thisweek and received a fracture of the head—Mr. and Mrs. M Brady, (nee Miss Minnie Carey), df Hantilto; spent last week in visiting their many friends and relatives in this vicinity. They were on their honeymoon tour. Their many friends wish them many years of happiness. Mooresville. BRIErs.—Mrs. Robinsonand family, and daughter Mr. of Mooresvilleof James Miller, of McGillivray, intends leaving here on Friday next for British Columbia where her husband has gone to provide a home for them; While regretting to part with so good a citizen It is to be hoped that in the course of time they may returu to their native place again, Her sister, Mrs. James Neil, cf McGilliyray, who for some time past has been suffering from that dread disease cancer,issolne better, and it is hoped, she will be restored once more to her family. —Miss Ella Revington, of Mooresville, is visiting friends m Ludington, Michi- gan.—Mr. James Dempsey, of Crystal City, Manitoba a former resident and for some years school teacher in Usborne is home to yisit his sister,who is very low at present from consumpt- ion. Centralia. Bztinas.-Mrs. Webb, of St. Johns,near London, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Colwill,—Fully 75 Epworth Lea- guers attended the picnic at the Grand Bend on Tuesday, and they report havinghad a most enjoyable day.—A runaway on gonday of one of the livery horses made thins lively the ve y g veym h village for a short time, and a badly wrecked buggy was left behind. S. McCoy has had a new verandah built in front of his residence.—W. R. El- liott is having a new brick stable built under one of his barns.—Thos. Hand- ford has purchased one of the finest bay teams to be found in this part of the country.—John Parsons, sr„ who has been on a business trip to Winni- peg returned home on Tuesday even- ing.—W. Pardon is making extensive improvements to his residence.—A. H. Windsor and family have moved into their new home on the Fairfield line. Nelson Baker's wife is very ill but the prospects are bright for her recovery.—Great preparations are be- ing made for the Dominion Day Festi- val here. There will be an abundance of strawberries. The Parkhill Brass Band will discourse some sweetmntusic. the following speakers have been en- gaged for the occasion: M. Y. McLean, M. P. P., H. Either, Esq.; Rev. J. G, Yelland, Rev. S. Salton, Rev. W. H. Butt and others.—In the evening Con- ductor Synder, the most popular lec- turer in Ontario, will give a lecture in. he church under the auspices of the hoir, entitled "Life on the Rail." A age crowd and a grand time is ex- ected. (*rand Bend. BRIEFS.—The celebration of her ajesty Diamond Jubilee was well attended here by the surrounding towns and villages and country and as an example of her majesty's life. So was the weather, as a more beautiful day could not be.—The Steam Barge Atlantis, of Mt. Clemens, loaded here on Tuesdaywith headings and also g towed a large raft of logs. The tug McCray lost her last raft off Stoney Pointy on her way down, and the crew are down putting it together again. — Silas Gratton, who has been poorly for the past four years passed away on Saturday evening, and his remains were followed to the cemetery here on Monday by a large concourse of friends and relatives.. —Two tons more of the celebrated Star flour received at the Post Office store, price reduced. — The statute labor is being done this week and a great amount of gravel is being drawn which should make a great im- provement on the roads,—The investi- gation which has been pending fo some time against the Post Mast here is to come off on the 30th.—T e house of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fallis h s been glad by the appearance of a ne v babe.—Rev. Mr. Currie, of Thedfor , was here on Tnesdly visiting at t e manse. One Honest Man. DEAR EDITOR. --Please infor your readers, that if written to confi dentialiy, I will mail, ilia sealed letter; particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts' I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being a firm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. _ • Address with stamp,: WM. T, MULFORD, Agents Supplies, P. 0. vox 59, sr. HENRI QUE. A NOVA SCOTIA CASE. SUFFERED WITHOUT HELP—EIGIITEEN YEARS GETTING WORSE -CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Bridgewater, N. S., June 21 (Special) —There is no man in, this town better known than J. S Morgan, tinsmith, who for eighteen years has been going from bad. toworse without helpuntil wt at last. he got hold . of the rightreat- ment. He said :— "It began with the backache, pains in the limbs, and finally settled do n as rheumatism. I was a cripple and after I ran down greatly in weight the doctors said it was Diabetes. About a year and a half ago I�quit everything else and took Dodds Kidney Pills. Have taken. twenty-three boxes, and have regained my weight,, health and strength, I am perfectly cured. A Peculiar Case, A Young Daughter of DavidMcHardy, ,of Fergus, the Victim -Has Suffered the Most Intense Agony -Doctors n Failed to Help Her. • From the Fergus News -Record. , Nearly every person in this section is acquainted with Mr. David. Mc - Hardy, the popular leader of St. An- drew's church choir, Fergus. Our re- porter called upon Mr. McHardy at his ' home in Upper Nichol recently, • and ' from him and his estimable wife a tale of terrible suffering was excited, suf- fering that has brought a once excep- tionally strong and healthy child to the verge, of the grave. The subject of the sketch, Lena McHardy, is four- teen years of age, and her parents say she has not grown any sinceher illness began some two years and a half ago. Her terrible suffering dates from the time she was vaccinated in June, 1894, and what she has since undergone has aroused the deepest sympathy of all the friends of the family. In con- versation with Mr, McHardy and his wife, the following facts were elicited:—"Two years ago last June," said the father, "Lena was vaccinated by a doctor in Fergus. The aria was very sore and swollen all summer,andbecame so bad that it was a mass of sores from the shoulder to the elbow. In October 1864 a large lump appeared on her back, over one of her lungs. The doctor who vaccin- ated her, treated her all that summer, calling very frequently, but the xnedi- cine he gave did no good and she was growing weaker and weaker. When the lump broke out on her back another .doctor was consulted, who said she was in a very bad state of healthr"-Irer constitution a pPeared to be completely undermined, and r appetite had completely failed. The last doctor called in gave some out- ward applications, and lanced th gathering, but it did not give tlm patient any benefit. Nine such gatheyr- ings hayeappeared since that time b t each broke and disappeared of is own record, only however, to be followed by another. The c Id became very puny, and little or no i stoma < food would remain. on her ama h. I At night she would fairly rave w li the pain in her arm and back, and co sequently her trouble was aggravate by a loss of sleep. She had the best of attendance but to no avail, and she was slowly but surely sinking, Friends advised a treatment with Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills and as a last resort they were tried. To the surprise of both parents and friends, Lena began to improve soon after beginning the use of the pills, Her appetite returned, she became stronger and. her general health much improved. The sores have riot yet left her back and arm, but her constitution is being so very much improved under the treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that her parents are looking for a complete cure. Mr.andMrs.McHardythankPink Pills for the present improved condi- tion of their child, as they have done her more good than the scores of bottles of doctor's medicine which she took. Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills are a blood builder and nerve restorer. They sup- ply the blood with its life and health - giving properties, thus driving disease from the system. There are numerous pink colored imitations, against which the public is warned. The genuine Pink Pills can be had only in boxes the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Refuse all others. PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. No CASE of C ATARRAR Too ACUTE, OR OF TOO LONG STANDING RUT DR. AGNEW'S CATARRHAL POWDER CAN ALLAY AND CURE—WHEN ALL ELSE FAIL IT CURES—TRY IT F - T AND SAVE EXPERL'IIENTING. "Five years ago my little daughter as attacked with catarrh of a very severe type. We used all known Ca- tarrh cures, and treated with most skilful physicians for over three years, and her case was pronounced chronic and incurable. Last winter we heard of the wonderful cures affected by Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. A bottle was procured, and I here state for the benefit and encouragement of all sufferers from this dreadful malady that after using two bottles my child was completely cured, and I consider it niy duty to give my testimony for the benefit of like sufferers." Mrs. Geo. Graves, Ingersoll, Ont. Sold by C. Lurz., I'he confidence of the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla is clue to its unequalled record of wonderful cures. x'9500 EIS WAY IN BICYCLES AND WATCHES Folk VU4N,45,,Ap roppEity During the Year 1897. For hill particulars see advertisements, or apply to LEVER BRAS.; LTD., 23' Soon Sr., TORONTO At Little Rock, Ark, on Saturday, the thermometer marked 98 degrees. J. C. Benet of Woking. England, is, in Toronto, looking for a.siteon which to locate a Crematory. The store of McLean, Ogilvie 4s Co., drygoods merchants, Brantford, was entered by burglars Saturday night, - and $6000 taken out of the vault. ,, i s ofthefirm Mr. Thomas Whit 1 f White, White & Whitlock, .clothiers, Brant- ford. died suddenly' Saturday Bight, He was about retiring for the night when he fell down stairs, dislocating his neck. Good News From South Dakota. The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a stream of sound moneyinto the pocket of every Dakota farmer. South. Dakota has thousands of acres of choice farming and ranch land lying east of the Missouri river, and within one day s ride from Chicago or Mil- waukee whichbeg bought can now' reasonably cheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced in price. The stock -raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified farming, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. WITHOUT A PEER—WORKS MIRACLES. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is ithout a peer. Thisgreat •eatremed re- eves -eves instatly the most aggravated and distressing forms of heart disease. It is the surest and quickest acting formula for heart trouble known to medical science, and thousands of times destroyer has the hand of the grim been stayed by its use. If there is palpitation, shortness of breath, pain, in left side, sznuthering sensations— don't delay, or you may be counted in the long lis:, of those who have gone over to the great majority, be- cause the best remedy in the world to- day was not promptly used. Sold by C. LuTz. NITOBA MENTION. Miami, flan. The Doan Kidney Pills Co., Toronto, Ont : Gentlemen,—I got a box of your Kidney Pills from the Miami Drug Store, determining to give them a chance to cure me of the kidney com- plaint, from which I have suffered for some time, and which has become so bad. latterly that I could scarcely en- dure it. I may say that it resulted from_ a fall which I received a few months back. After using severa.I kidney pills and cures of different kinds, but without receiving any benefit, therefore I am pleased to testify to the great benefit I have re- ceived from Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 have used only one box up to this date, and the change in my condition is so great that I cannot refrain from re- commending them to any person affli- cted as I have been, or troubled with kid disorder,for I believe that any Bey y if they would cure me they would cure almost any case. I will be able to re- sume my farm work now, as usual, and it is not the lightest work either. I am, sirs. Yours gratefully, ALEXANDER FRASER, Miami, Man. Laxa Liver Pills cures constipation, billiousness, and sick headache ; 25c. THE—. HRENOLINE EMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are are working day and night to supply the demand: Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happiness daily. Try our Rheumatic Specific or Kidney and Liver Pills They are absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago, and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. Beware of Spurious Imitations. Sold in Exeter only by C. LUTz. C A L —AT THE— New Butcher Shop. For BEEF, LAMB, VEAL, PORK, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE At Lowest Cash Price. FISH POULTRASY, OANND GAME IN SE: Discount of 5 per cent in cash or 7 meatwill all per cent in be allowed on t rchases. Call and inspect pect our system. Highest cash price paid for Hides, Sheep, Lamb and Calf skins. ONE DOOR SOUTH CENTRAL. HOTEL. L. DAY Pam Sweet Caporal enid Athlete $O ctsa Per Package Cigarettes Derby and 5 cts. Old GoId Per Package Cigarettes RETAIL EVERYWHERE_ , �• • I r•..•{ C. (op • 2 • • C. Most all Clothes Have their good points, but one wrong item spoils the whole— Shorey's clothing has been demonstrated to be perfect in fit, up-to-date in design, with everything, from the match -if the buttons to the colour of the lining in n perfect keeping. As an evidence of the workmanship a signed guarantee is given with every garment that it will not shrink, and that your money will be refunded if the workmanship gives out. If you accept any inferior make of clothing after this you will have only yourself to blame. 17 • • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • REMEMBER Brownillo's That we sell cheap all the time. The correct place to buy N Rowe your Has the Finest Class 'of SHAVING BRUSHES., Furniture ever shown in Exe- CLOTHES BRUSHES, ter and he Does the Largest 'amount of Business UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. NAIL BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, SHAVING BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, WHISKS, ETC. R N. ROW E Quality unexcelled and w at prices very lo Brownings. Next door North of Maisons Bank. BIOYCLES! Are You Interested --able—,In Wheels ? W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Sewing Machines ALWAYS ON: I-IAND. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at cost. PERKINS MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. FARMERS! You will find at Bissett's Wareroonls the following line of Agricul- tural Implements, DEBUTING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKS.' RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC_'► The celebrated Knoll Washer alone sewiu� and wringers machine STOVES. -"W Gurney stoves and furances. Ra y a g Waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a frill line of the celebrated McLaeghliu Buggies. fan 11_41.499 3 THINGS! ::: Price, -�►- Qualify, I. Assortment Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the - quality good, assortment tom- , plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. �•---Gidte� & Son, Opera House block FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. An Introduction' It gives as pleasure to in troduce to you our fine BeavE.r and Milton Overcoat;ings; also a big range of Scotch and' Can - titan Tweed for waren winter o wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our. $1:2. Black Worsted S.1it (made e to order,) If not why not. J e e Driev . H AN ANTEDOTE FOR ASTITMA. Mr. Albert Reid, Angus, Ont., was for over A sufferer from Asthma. half, two years a Fl bottle of Yollow Oil cured hips completely and although that, was sometime ago, he has never since been troubled with .the same complaint,