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Exeter Times, 1897-5-27, Page 8
THE. BIG CASH OR PRODUCE, M.0.4 IOW QUEEN'S TIMMER. - Sailings of CASH STORE steamships to arrive in June for this great event Fn ani New 'fork c Pails on June 9th , Anc.horiit June 12th Teutonic, June 14th. From Montreal: Lake Superior, June 2nd ; Scotohmen, June 12th. From Boston :-- Canada, May 29th Numidian, June 12th. Early application for passage AND ONE PRI necessaryonceto toCAr✓Tsec ureo. IberthsEMP,Ex. Applyeter, at . GE Ont. z'$> EI.. TER TINE 20 Ladies black and white trimmed sailor hats. 20c. worth 50c. • The biggest bargain Nr011 e'vc2 *saw., 50.gWoionool. Carpeets "tweopiecesquick.only" worth 85c. nnow for 55. For a bargain. 1 Organdy Linens, newest thing out for shirt waists, C ®10c. only: See them. Beautiful new Tweed Dress Goods, latest styles, 250 ewest designs. Regular value *3c. Our clear- ing price • Only- 2Sci. Stores closes 6:30 excepting T iART '►YednesdEays and Saturdays . � 7 U. SWEET, VETEP,INEItW SURGEON. Is prepared to do any kind of bird stuffin taxidermist work at auv time. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLI©T, Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Com - PANE, of Toronto ; also for the PEan Ix Flux IYsunaxon COMPANY, of London, England ; the ALLI1iNCE INstnt CE Cobrrexv, of Eng and. A. o F. • Court Price of Huron, No. Mc. MeetsinWood's Hall 2nd and tth Friday in each month, visiting brethren are cor- dially invited to attend. DANIEL Woo», C. R.; Ono, EEM., SEC'Y. STOVES ! STOVES, -Staves and heat ers of all kinds sold at roek bottoin prices. Manufactured by the Gurney Foundry r, Co., Toronto. Call and in- spect there atBissetts oldstand, Exeter J. S. DEe.nmr, agent, W. 11. Parsons visited in Harriston this week. Miss Hattie Follick is visiting et Grand Bend, 3tiss Higgins returned to Botters- burg this week. E. J. Speel:ntan is spending this week in Toronto. Mrs. Andrews, of Clinton, is visit- ing Mrs. D. Johns. r 1, Miss Louisa Sweet visited friends in London this week:2, R. Pickard, of London, is very ill, of a general decline. Mrs. Crocker spent Sunday visiting friends in St. Marys. A. J. Rollins spent this week visit- ing his son in Detroit. Miss Ella Fanson sent May 2l th with friends 'Windsor. wi t rien s in n sor. SCRIBBLING p p We are just entering uponon the month of weddings -Jane. FOR..., Books and Schoolroom and Students We DON'T claim that EVERY line we carry is better than any body else's BUT we DO claim that the above lines . . EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. J. Crigg The Mart Exeter. (tieto* iine THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1897. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Huron County Council meets in Godericb, Monday next. Mr. O'Brien, of Hay, who had his leg broken a few days ago, is pro- gressing nicely. Miss Ella Rollins left on Tuesday,for Killarney, Man., where she will spend the summer visiting friends. Thos. Yellow left Monday evening for the Old Country, where he will spend a few months visiting friends. Bon voyage. The citizens of Clinton have decided to celebrate the 22nd of June in a right royal manner by holding a monster demonstration. Mr. 'Williams, who recently came here from. Yorkshire, England, goes to Montreal this morning to meet his family, They will reside in Exeter. Clearing Sale for 30 days from y May •, 10th, of plows and gang plows, walk- ing plows $10.50,$ angplows Il:. g � Gall early. Murray & Co., Exeter Foundry: W. Robinson, of Eimville,under- went an operation in the London hospital on Thursday, for appendicitis.' He is progressing nicely and expects tore return shortly. s1 ortly. Beginning with Wednesday last a change was made in the mail service which will be appreciated here. Mail for this office from the L. H. & B. division, Kincardine to London, will arrive on the 10.50 a. m. train, instead of being held at Clinton till l p. in., as heretofore. The 7.40 evening train will also bring a mail, but as this will. be too late for evening delivery the advantage will not be so general. •• .lolerich Star. Dr. Browning is ilnproving his property on William street. 4 Miss Mary Sanders spent May 24th with Miss Fish, of Goderich.. Miss H. Pringle visited friends in London Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs.- Lynn, of London, Visited friends here this week. J. B. Boulton and M. Mackenzie, spent the holidays days in Toronto. A Weseloh, of Berlin, called on friends in town on Wednesday. Maud Parkinson returned to Alma College, St. Thomas, on Tuesday. Mrs. Shuart and family left this week, for Bothwell, where they will reside. Mrs. John E. Dignan and daughter are visiting friends in the vicinity of Hensall. Miss Carle`, of London, formerly of Exeter, is spending a few days with friends in town. t`" Jos. Mason, of Grand Bend, left Wednesday morning for British Columbia gold fields. •apt.,,... John Cowan, of the firm of Lister & Cowan, barristers, Sarnia, spent Mon- day the guest of Dr. Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. Eizerman, whose premises were injured by fire last week, moved to Berlin this week. Hon. Thomas Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, is in town visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins, who is ill. John Woods is putting a new wire fence around his premises, adding much to the appearance of his home. Dr. Willoughby will preach in James street church next sabbath morningevening. m "I He and w1Ig o to Conferencen � Monday. J. W. Broderick has purcnased another stock of boots and shoes in Goderich, and will establish a per- manent business there. The Council have received an in- vitation from the Jubilee celebration committee to attend the demonstrat- ion in Seaforth, on Jane 22nd. The Methodist Conference will meet in Dundas st. church London, on Wed- nesday of next week, The stationing cog. will meet in the same place next Monday evening. A very pleasant entertainment was given in the Main st. church, on Tues- day, by the Junior Epworth League. A lengthy program was rendered to a large gathering of people. The members of the Exeter brass and on the looked neat in the' , 24th, it ew suits and caps (bof white In to duck p , but the cold weather would suggest that they were rushing the season. At of the celebration of the 25th anni- versary the induction of Rev. r D Fletcher as pastor of the MeNab street Presbyterian church, Hamilton., Rev. Mr. Fletcher was presented with an address and at purse, containing $600, :by his congregation: The Clinton Croquet clubla ed withExeter on the24th, onMr. Gidley's score 6 to 2 in . favor of Exeter. Messrs Broderick and Gidley won 2 games and lost 2. Messrs Anderson and Ross *on 4 games and lost none. The Clinton club invited the Exeter club to Clinton for a return match on the 22nd of June. CHnn= NOTES.-H..A,. Graham, of 'r rlingford,, occupied the pulpit of Main street Methodist church. on Su day last, and preached two very c- ceptable sermons. His discourses were of more than ordinary interest and elicited much. favorable comment. Rev, Locke preached at Bethel, near ` Fullarton.-Rev. Dr. Willoughby preached in Hensall on Sunday last. Rev. Maine taking Dr, ,;Willoughby's work here. Dr. Willoughby spoke at ar picnic at Woodham on Monday. -Four ministers in Exeter District of the Methodist church move this year according to church rules, viz:- Rev. Locke, Main st. chuch, Exeter; Rev. W. H. Butt, Centralia, and Rev. Snowden. Kirktou. The latter, how- ever, having an invitation to remain a fourth year, may return to Kirkton. Rev. Mins of Parkhill, being super- annuated will require the importation of a new man into this district. - Revs. Dr. Willoughby and H. Locke, both of Exeter, are an the stationing committee from the Exeter District.- -The fourth annual convention of the church of England 8, S. Teachers and church workers of the Deanery of Huron, is in session here this week. MAY.•-Tbe Queen' Birtbday was celebrated here on Monday right royally. The weather was raw and cold, but notwithstanding a big crowd was present, A lacrosse match be- tween the Clinton and Exeter teams was the first event, and resulted in a victory for the former one goal to none. The horse races took place in the afternoon and were the best ever witnessed in Exeter. Every (lass was well filled, and the contests were keen. Following is the list of successful com- petitors :- Three minute trot -1, Acmon Jim (D. A. MeEwan, Ailsa Craig); 2, Scabbard (John Beacom, Clinton): 8, Fernleaf (Brock and Horn, Winchelsea); 4, Virginia (Gentles, Kincardine). Time, 2.40, 2.89;, 2.40, 2.40. 2.30 trot -1, Robt. M. (J. W, Smith, Goderich); 2, King Stanton (T. Mur - (look Hensall); 3, Robert II. (R. Hueston, London.) Time, 2.33, 2.31, 2.32, Free -for -all -1, Gold Ring (3. FT. GIover, Aylmer); 2, Miss .1.1e. eetren (Gus Goebel, Mitchell); 3, Bay" George (R. Hueston, London.) Time, 2.30, 2.23t, 25l. Running race -1, Spliut(Mr. Thomp- son, Goderich); 2, Topsy B. (J. I3eat- tie, Clinton); 3 Landsdowne Exeter (J. Melon, London.) Time, 52x•, 54 PERSONAL. -Mrs W. Davis, of Lon- don, is visiting her mother Mrs. Pratt Fisher, Huron 'Street. -John Salter, of London,spentthepast,days p few c ys in town. -W. 3. Clarke, of Torouto,spent Sunday the guest of his brother, 3. P. Clarke. -Mrs. (Rev.) Bray, visited her parents in London on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Yeo, of London, spent the first of the week visiting friends in town. -W. Selclon and Miss Tinney, of Ingersoll spent the forepart of this week visiting at George Sam - well's. --Perry Dignan, of Stratford, visited his parents in town over Sun- day. - J. Crooks, of Goderich, was in towvu this wweek renewing acquaint- ances.-Mrs. cgr it- antes.-Mrs. Mary Woods, of Elim- ville, leaves on the 12th June via the "Numedian" for the old Country, to visit friends. The Tiaius wishes her bon voyage. - W. Ross, of Clinton, visited under the parental roof this week. -Fred Pickard, of London, re- ne wed old acquaintances in town this week. He is a son of Robert Pickard, formerly of this place. -Misses C. Hersey and Ella Howard, of London, visited friends in town over 21th holi- days. -Mrs. Lee, of Lucan, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J, W. Blatchford. - Norman Bissett visited his parents here on Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Verity, of Brantford visit ed. at R. Pickard's over Sunday. -Air. and Mrs. Inksater, of Paris, visited at - Wm. Welsh's this week. - W. E. Stanley, of Lucan, was in town Tues- day. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abell, of Seaforth, were the guests Mr. of S. Powell the forepart of this week. - Miss Smith, of Seaforth. visited her sister, Miss Smith over Sunday. -Mr. Zinger, who has been attending Col- lege in Toronto is visiting his parents at the Metropolitan hotel during vacation. -Will Lang, of Parkhill, is visiting his brother in town. - Mrs. Daltry and daughter are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.A. Dempsey. -Mrs. PhilipRowtcliffe and daughter Francis, left n Thursday for Detroit, where they will spend a. pleasant visit. -Miss McFalls, of. Lucan, is a guest at the "Commercial." - Mrs. W. H. Graham, of St. Marys, visited Mrs. John White over Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Gridley-, of Blyth, spent the forepart of this week visiting at R. Gid- ley's.-P. Gardiner,whb has been teach- ing school inManitoba, returned home last week, owing to the serious illness of his brother.-Mrs.A.nderson is visit- ing her parents in Mitchell. Dr. Ander- son spent Sunday there. -Miss Maud Welsh, of Listowel, spent the holidays with her parents in town. -Melvin Martin is ' home from the University spending the Holidays. -Fred Beruett and Miss Gertrude Verity and Herbert Hutton, of Brantford, visited friends here over Suede y. - Mr. and Mrs. Taylor,of Olinto u,were guests of J. P. Ross, this week. -Chas. Bayley, of London, spent 24th in town. -Mrs. Stricker and daughter, of Berlin,spent the forepart of this week visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Rennie. Mrs. Hawke, of Newton' spent the holidays with her husband here. -S. P. Halls ( and Inspector Tom, of Goderich, were. in town last week, and called on their many friends.• -Herbert Munro, of Oswego, N. Y. spent Monday visit- ing Miss Lovica Kellancl. Mr. Heideman has returned from Goderich. • The Synod of the Diocese of Huron will be convened for business on. the 8th of June -two weeks earlier than usual, as Bishop Baldwin expects to attend Lambeth conference. THE R. PICKARD CO. %yY SU'1rIER DRESS=GIOODS• -+- have have been on the lookout for novelties in Summer Dress oocls and have succeeded in placing on our shelves the finest assortment of summer Fabrics ever shown in Exeter. Among these goods will be found the latest productions of Paris, New York, Berlin and Manchester, and all bought direct from the manufacturers for spot cash,thus enabling us to sell them to our customers at regular wholesale prices. Special Lines Labelle Crepon all colors and combinations of colors. Beautiful goods and a de- cided bargain, per yard... .10 French Organdi Muslins, spray and stripe effects, beautifully c o in bin ed colors, very special, price per yard .25 American Prints, light color- ings, warranted fast, very special value, per yard.... 5 ,Special Limes Plain black Lustres, good width and brilliant finish, special per yard.......... .25 Fancy Brocaded Lustres, good black, pretty designs, exceptional value, per yard .25 Black double fold Grenadines, fancy designs, great sellers, per yard, .... . . .25 EE OUR $r5 BLACK WORSTED SUITS TO ORDER. Hoisery and Gloves adies'fast black cotton hose all sizes, very special per (Hermdorfs dye) very pair.. , . .25 special, 2 pairs for ...... .25 Childrens' cream pure silk Boys' Heavy ribbed hose Gloves, assorted sizes, warranted fast black, great special per pair ........ .20 value, per pair....... -.. .18 Ladies' fast black lace mitts, Ladies' fast black hose made special per pair .25 of the finest mato cotton Ladies' black and colored (Hermdorfs dye,) special.. .25 Alexandra Kid Gloves, Ladies' fast black silk Gloves fancy worked back, special 1.25 SEE OUR $9.75 TWEED SUITS TO ORDER. Special Bargains heavy( weight Grey Cotton, 36 inches wide for $1.00 good width Flannellettes (assorted colors) for $1.00 fine bleached Cotton 86 inches wide for $.1.00 heavy twilled sheeting for $1.00 Good half bleached table linen per yard .25 APPLETONS' PACKAGE TEAS ARE THE BEST. 20 yds. 20 yds. 13 yde. 12 yds. Bed spreads We have made a .big pur- chase of White Bed spreads, we can sell you a beauty, lovely patterns for , • Shoes Womens' heavy lace boots all leather, special .69 Mens' fine Dongola Congress special per pair ...... r.6o .90 Mens' Calf bals i3 dollar toes, special per pair .... 1.99 We want 30,000 Doz. Eggs within the next 2 weeks The I. PICKAI D CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS Mrs. Hart, of Mitchell, is visiting . 'WEDDING. -The Trivitt Memorial her sister, Mrs. John licOallum, 1 church vas theseene of a quietwedding Exeter North. 1 on Wednesday last, when Louisa Mr. Henry E. Dinsley is in Clinton 1 Cooper, fdaughter oiuited Sin /haulage c on a visit from Portwith. Texas. He to George Ie nil ' • has been absent for 10 or 12 years. g Q fin, clerk in Holy orders incumbent of k Ki>.'ton, Rev. Bray performed the ceremony. MR. WHITNEY o tING.-The leader of the opposition, J. P. Whitney, and others, will address the electors of South Huron, at Exeter, on June 12th. Some persons were under the impres- sion thaf tri meeting would be a local. At a meeting of the Clinton Bicycle Club last Thursday evening it was decided to affiliate with the C. W. A. The many friends of Mrs. John Stein,of East Wawanosh,were grieved to learn of her sudden death on Mon- day morning of last week. While coasting down a hill on Wed- nesday evening i1faster Frank Logan, one and that Mr. Whitney would visit of Seaforth, fell from his bicycle and another part of the Riding, but such had the misfortune to break his ara, will not be the case. Exeter is the Canadian fed pork is in the British point selected for the South Riding of market worth a greatdeal more money Huron, and an invitation is extended by the South Huron Association to all to come and take part in the meeting. This year the Huron County ° •'DEATH of THOMAS SHUTE. -Thomas Christian Endeavor Union and the Shute,a respected citizen ofthe village, Huron County Sabbath School As- died at his residence on Gidle street sociation will hold their annual on the 21st inst. The subje t of thi convention an August 21th and 25th brief sketch was born in Merto in Clinton. Parish, Devonshire, England, 80 yea On Monday evening, May 10th, ago. At the age of 27 he was unite Hugh Cunningham, another old resi- in marriage to Dorothy Braun dent, of Varna, departed this life at who departed this life som the ripe old age of 75 years. He tenears ago. In 1815 he and his wife had been shoemaking iu Varna for a with one littleichild, left their nativ number of years. land to push their fortunes in Uppe Mr. Jacob Diehl, of the 5th concess- Canada. He spent, the first seven ion, Stanley, met with a very painful years in London, Ontario. But with his strong arm and still stronger will he wanted to do battle with the giants of our Canadian forests and become possessor of a farm and home ofhis own. He and his little family followed the newly made roads, and in some places not much more than a "blaze" in the woods, till they reached lot. 14, con. 5, Usborne, Huron County, upon which he continued to reside till 1890, when he moved to the village of Exeter. He saw the forest vanish and the old settlers drop offone by one, till all were gone. His home was blessed by six sons and six daughters, among whom were three .pairrs of twins, ten of these children survive him ; John on the old homestead ; Thomas in Tacoma, Wash.; George in Winnipeg ; James at Emerson, Man.; Harry in Kansas. Three of his daughters, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, J. Evans and T. Oke reside in Exeter ; Mrs. Cooper, near Lucan, Ont. and Mrs. Balman in Us - into business in that section: if he borne township. The grand children finds asuitable lOCatiOn He is about number br over forty, and there are d parchasing Dixon's hotel, Brucefield. some two or three great grand child - The J. Eaton Company's depart- ren. He • has one brother still living gent store Toronto, was destroyed by in the Old Land, Joha Shute, aged 90. fire early Thursday morning. The During the last fe w months in which blaze was discoveredabow3:30`o'clock, he was ill, of heart failure, how kind and when. the first hose'. reel reached and patient he was to all. He knew the scene the building was a mass of his end was approaching, but those flame, and people living in adjacent; who watchedathisbedsidesay that that places were hurryin for safety withend was peace. He was c member of what little of their personal effects English churoli and a life long Conservative. To say that he had they could get out. John Eaton, who no managed the establishment, says the faults would be claimingtoo much, but firm had comparatively little stook on it is not too much to say that he was hand. The greater part of their spring a loving husband, a kind father, a stock had been sold out, while the trusted friend and an obliging neigh summer goods were still in the cus- bor. toms houses, He estimated the loss, therefore, at not more than $250,000, as the probable loss, inelu''-ig build- ing. Both building and contents were fully iusured..,, than the American product because_ peas, barley and wheat is better for fattening than corn. accident on Monday evening last. While driving near Clinton the horse took fright, turned round quickly, and threw him out of the cart against a. post, cutting quite a gash in his fore- head, head, and bruising his arm and shak- ing him ap considerably. Edward Stafford, a young man liv- ing on a rented farm near Stratford, has been arrested by a couple of Dunnville constables on a charge of having played a confidence game on a German farmer named F. -Buntzhoof, who lives near Niagara Falls, Ont. The game was the oldstory of the tin box. Buntzhoof lost $600 thereby. John Macdonald, late of Bluevtle, has taken possession of the Station hotel, Listowel, having taken the lease from the proprietor, James Mannel, of Toronto. Charles Wilson, who has conducted the business there for the past five years, has, left for Hensall and Exeter; and contemplates , going J. T Carrow of Goderich,hs been The Store With the- Little Prkes 1E KEEP YOU AWAKE To the fact that you can save money by dealing with CABLING BROS. where things are stirring from morn till. night. We have just received another lot of Ladies' White Wear, Shirt Waists, Wrappers,Aprons, Corset Covers, Etc., direct from manufacturers. Ladies' Wrappers navy, light blue and pink with ' assorted stripes Navy and Paisley patterns White Lawn aprons, wide hem Check aprons, large size White Lawn aprons with insersion and White Cotton Corset covers, all sizes CC CC lined waist $I tc cc cc tucks " I.21 1.35 20 3G 40 25 and 35. We have a large assortment of Ladies' Shirt Waists from. 40 cents up. Remember all our Shirt Waists are this season's styles, not one of last season's waists in the store, Exeter Mumotpal Council The Council inet pursuant to ad- journment at the town hall Exeter, 21st May, 1897. All present. Min- utes of previous meeting read and ap- proved. Taylor - Dauncev - Orders as fol- lows :- Jno. T. VPestcott, $1 night watch service ; I. Smith, $1 rep engine; T. Welsh, $3.43 labor ; W. Westcott, 84.00 do; J. W. Creech, $2,81 do ; W. Phair, $2.18 do ; S. Handford, $1.50 do; Geo. Atkinson, $L50 do ; Dan'1. Dyer. $19.75 printing ; Jas. Creech, $1 charity to G. Muttart and 50c do to H. Carroll. Carried. Several tenders for street watering were examined and the matter haned over to Messrs. Dauncey and Snell for their information regarding the same. Taylor- Dauncey-J. N. Howard's tender for streetlighting was accepted and Messrs. Dauncey and Snell ap- pointed to confer with Mr. Iloward re- lighting town hall. The Council adjourned until int - mediately after the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll to be held on Wednesday, the 20th inst., at 7 o'clock p. m. M. EACIt1.TT, Clerk. PUBLIC LIBRARY. - The present membership of the Exeter Public Lib- rary is 148 ; number of books taken out last year was 4 763 ; money receiv- ed as subscriptions, legislative,county, municipal grants, etc., $234 ; money spent on books, magazines, salary, iu- serene, etc., $259.47. To CoNsr]tvATI -On account of aspecial meeting of the Village Council in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening, the meeting of the local - conservative association has been post poned, till this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock sharp. A full attendance requested. J. A. ROLLINS, ar.n., President. A laborer named Spain was .'almost instautly killed on the Grand Trunk Railway at Goderich Saturday after- noon. Spainhad finished ajob load- ing a vessel and was returning to town alongthe track, when the engine knoced him clown and inflicted in- juries which soon proved fatal. HEALHY STOMACH ! APPY MAN ! - NOTHING ESPEnx- iIENTA.L ABOUT USING THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE - WHAT IT HAS DONE FOR THOUSANDS IT CAN DO FOR 'YOU. Here are Strong Words from a Re- liable Business Man -Read Them. I have been a great sufferer from indigestion and dyspepsia. I tried many remedies, but obtained very lit- tle relief. I saw South American Ner- vine advertised, and concluded to give it a trial, and I must'/say I consider it the very best medicine I have ever used. ,I obtained great relief from the rst few doses. I have only used two ottles, and ani happy to say it has r ade a new man of tee. I strongly gy r commend it to fellow -sufferers. C P ARCE, Dry Goods Merchant, For est Ont. Sold by C. LUTz. CURTAINS AND--- ART NONART MUSLIMS You can't look over a larger variety than we are showing; they are sellers, and the buyer is suit- ed: Dress Coods. This department has never held our customers with such satis- faction and results -sales by us were never larger. Dress and Blouse Silks We are showing, and, selling,.. the choicest lot of Silks, in Blacks, Colored, Dresden, and Shot Silks, at prices that will compelyou to buy. Black Cashmeres, Black Alpac- cas, Black. . Scicillians, Amazon Muslins. .! P CLAR KE nominated by the Reformerof West , , Huron; as. their candidate _the CARPETS, CARPETS, and FLOOR for > Local Legislature. OIL CLOTHS: CaII at the -4600.--, New Butcher shop - - Rolled Corned Beef - - - - - - Pressed Tongue - - - Sausage Balogna Beef I Rabbits Lamb Turkeys e s Geese Hams Trouts - - - Rolled Bacon - - Beef sold by quarter at low- est cash price. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND SHEEP SKINS. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF CENTRAL HOTEL. L. Day. RAPID HEART HEAT, Mrs, Jas. Grist, Blenheim, Ont„ says : "1 waf troubled with rapid beating of the heart and strange sinking feeler;. 1 took Milburns Heart and Nerve Pills and they have cured ina. The heart weakness and throbbing, tegetber with the nervousness which it caused, have complotelydissappeared, and 1 ate now strong - and well.' A TIIIUMPH WON. "Before taking1oar's Kidney Pills felt t that diabetes had its grip upon me. Now I know that it has been suet and defeated. E hcine.'` ave used the pills for some time and nonow'enjoy good health. I shall always be glad to testify to the merits of this triumphant medi- Signed, Iiren:sxn L iriotx. St. John, N. 13. G _�S L Clothing Sale Everything in the line of Clothing at immense re- ductions. -IAVE A LOOK THROUGH ) ! tVe can save you from $1 to $3 on each suit of order- ed or ready made cloth- ing. See Our Black Worsted Suit it 13 To Order APPLIMMUICINI CORSETS a . ■ We picked up a few specials. See our summer Corset at 45 cents. 5o cents buys a line of long waist Corsets which you might mistake for $i goods. 75c buys a high bust $1 goods. HE vy PLOW SINES AT $� Are the greatest value ever shown. ALL LEATHER. Get a •Clothes Rack free with rib of Mayell's Baking Powder Our mxied. Tea at25 c ents . Customers report ort as good P as they were lei ' •ing at 4 `l• 0 cts. a QJOHNSTONr CYA