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Exeter Times, 1897-5-27, Page 5
T i3 k. .EXETER T13AE8 GRENADIu. '\• Of severest trial and teat prove in regard W Hood's Sarsaparilla ays Xst, c..reateet.Merit. Secured by a peculiar Combinoe tion, Proportion and Process unkao' n to others,— which naturally and aptualny produces . ; 6- d, Greatest Cures fibewn by thousandsof honest, voluntary testimonials—which naturally and actually produce id Greatest Sales Aec g ordin to the statements of ( druggists all over the country. In these three points. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. , Moo Sarsaparilla Z tbe bet— It is the One True Blood Purifier. ttood''S Pills with Ho a19 nPar3ap tli Mo the 7'i+ id3o. Yeast Co., Lou4c r, Out, • Gontlenion,—We get uanker and b• a h*r rosins user tastes dais. M .dd.:e a Yeast, than F.1 y ,":+ ,aav need.' 3i4,.•:,vaeoeura 1na.xt, TIIE MADDEN YEAS': 60., tondos. KINSMAN. L D. S. AND DR. A. It, KINSMAN, L. HS., 17. D. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects. Office in Ven- ation Block, West side of Main 81., Exeter. .555.5....., �..W..,....��.,�,�.�._.�.�.,..�w„�,... IR• MOM—SO (0 D. S 1.. D. 8.) DENTIST. Manors graduate of the Toronto • varsity, and Ito •al er:Alego of Dental Surgeons • of Ontario. All Bridge work, crowns and Plate • 'work done in the neatest possible manner, A 3rarmless amn'sthetic for painless extraction. Mho etriekest attention given to the presorvat• Hotel, nattural teeth,, Office opposite Cen- t al . .. -., .,...__d,_,... ,. _ HT YOUR ?�!S MARKET' REPORTS Exeter., May 20th, 1897. Wheat per bushel 70 to 73 Oats •• Barley, • Peas•. Butter..... • Eggs • Turkeys Geese ' Chiokens per ib . Ducks Wool..,. + Dried Apples Pork dressed. $4.75 to 5,00 Pork live Weight $3.50 to $3.60 Hay per ton, $ 7 50 to $.00 Clover seed. .. 4,00 to 5.00 A.lsiko Glover 4,50 to 5.00 Timothy seed ., . . $2.50 to 2.75 POW -1\T At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to 'order for $3: 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town to get a fit. W. JOHNS, The Tailor. Almost A Miracle :2U to ' 21OTTAWA, SEPT. 9th, 18$0. ..,3820 toto 105 20 the Pha•V.nohne Medicine Co;, L;(1 ' Ottawa. 7 to 8 • ,.10• to 13 ..9 to . (irENTX,D.YLEN,—.I hardly know ,how t:.best .best to' express my appreciation of to 5 your valuable rheumatic remedy, r5 to 17 Phrenoline. My son Gordon who is 9 years old, has been a sufferer from inl arnxnatory rheumatism. for the past two years ; was so bad attimes that he had to be . carried about on a mattress ; was attended by two city doctors without the slighest " benefit. spent ten days at Caledonia Springs. cane home • with no ' marked improvement ; took, three bodes of a Homeopathic remedy now being exten- sively advertised, which dicl not re- lieve him in the least. I was beginning to give up all hope of his recovery, when by chance I Mentioned the case to my friend who strongly advised. ins to give Phrenoline a trial. I did so with the result that when nny boy had taken only half a bottle he was able to met onto his bicycle and ride like any other boy aroeintl London. May 20th, 1897. Wheat per. bush° ,.. ,.. ....72 to 72 Oats..., ....22 to 23 Peas>... „30 to 42 Barley .20 to 28 Buckwheat .. , , .. ..21 to 34 Rye r...24 to 30 Corn , • .,,, ,28 to 8a Beans 2' Butter,.., ,11 to 12 12 to 14 Eggs r .,.,, Turkeys per ib..... Geese per lb Chickens Cheese Potatoes per bag Hay per ton 76 to 80 10 to 12 0 to 10 30 to 50 to. 8 -,40 to 50 to $ 8.00 to $4.50 ' the block, ;.7.000o Pork per owt., , , A Suit of (Jiothes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, le , Good. Workmanship, e ate Cost, r Perfect Fit. 'You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of & Winter Goods Farms For Sate. A few good farms for sale ohoapp—Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACEIVIAN Samwell's Block, .Exeter. Notice To Trespassers. • Having supplied the Creek, on lot 4, con. 4. Stephen, with youngspeeklod trout spawn, I hereby forbid any iterson fishing therefrom and all offenders will bo prosecuted, according to .law. 'SVM. WHITE. May 14th, 1897. In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There e are manyether lines that are specially at-- 3'active. A. S1 a aL. DR��G STOKE. Those who have used NOTiCE Pleas& take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co., will be hold Thursday, June 10th, prox., at 2:30 p. In. Town hall. CARLING, See'y—Treas. Meeting of Huron County Council The Council attic Corporation of the County of Huron will moetin the council chamber in the town of Goderieh on Monday 31st inst. at a o'clock p. iu. W. LANE, DatcdMay 17th, 1897. Czatiur. FOR SALE. Tho village property of the late David Turn- bull, Esq., on William street, Exeter. There aro three lots of land, on which is oro5'tod' a first clans brick house ; also a good stable. This is a desirable property for either business man or retired fernier. House can he in- spected atany time by applying on the promises. 1 or further particulars apply to ROBERT'!' GARDIN ER, (Y:. 0. W) Farquhar P. 0. Wma n'S Cough *Ba a ism. - . as 'Pronounce it unequalled �;PTQnO a remedy for COUGHS, COLDS ..AND Bn0NoHITI0 TROUBLES, �Vlnan s Condition & Cough Powder fbi' horses best in the mar - et. alwaysson hand Also a Oetobenefacto and Lini- ment, the 'medicine so sue.. eessfully used by Mr, Chas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and, other towns,in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale a aat C, LTJTZ'S. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. or revision o the Assessment Courtier the o f Roll of the Township of Usborne, will bo held at Town Hall Elinvalle, on Saturday the 5th day of June at 10 o'clock a. m. Any person having business atsaid court will please take notice and govern himself accordingly. No application for retu rn of dog tax will bo entertained by the Council after the • final revision of the Roll. F. MORLEY CLERK. NOTiCE, The tri -simnel meeting of the Exeter Union Burial Ground will be hold in' the Town Hall on Monday evening May 31st, for the purpose of election of officers for the next three years. All lot hoidersaro reqquested to attend this meeting. W. D. WLti:Es, Sec'y. CRAIU•RONALD, (1711.) BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Con. 12 Hay, and go west to Concession 14, and south to Benjannm Pflio's for noon ; then south to Moser's hotel, Dashwood, for night. Tuesday —West to Wrn. Fulton's, for noon ; then south to Boston and east to McCann's hotel, Corbett, for night. Wednesday—East and south to George Mitchells, McGillivray, for noon ; then south and east to Pumplikey's hotel West Mc- Gillivray, for night. friday—East and north to James Corhlin's for!noon ; then north to Hill's hotel, Crediton,Nfor night.friday--.Last and north Rodger orthcott, s 3rd con. •of t o H ger a Hay for noon ;• then to Berry's sale and ex- c:hange stables, Hensall, for night. Saturday— west Green, John to i sG ooh tc •;andnorth toC c ,4 n t Enrich, d west for noon ; W est and south to .. an to his ottittstable, remaining until the following Monday morning. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in praise of pour medicine, and shall do all I'ean. to make known its value to others:' Yours very sincerely (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Sold in Exeter only by C. Linz. BORN. FORD=-InExeter, on the 25th inst., the wife of W. Ford (butcher), of a son. RoWE--In Stephen, on rho 23rd inst., the wife of Henry :Rowe, Oa daughter. SADLER—In Biddulph, on May 4th, the wife of Wellington Sadler, of a son. RUNDLE—In Blanchard, May 9th, the wife of Thos. Rundle, Mitchell Road, a son. BOY LE—At Mooresville, on the 19th lust„ the wife of Patriok Boyle, of a daughter. DOUPE—In Blanshard, Mitchell Road,on MAY 15th, the wife of Antos Doupo, of a son. .1IUTTAItT—In Exeter North, on the 20th, inst., the wife of George Mnttart, of a daughter, KILBURN. BLRWr & GEIGER, Proprietors. Will stand for the improvement of stook this season at Berry's Sale and Exchange Stables, Hensall. • WILDER LEE. (17706) T. T. BERRY, Proprietor. Monday, will leave his own stable Hensel], and via 3rd can. to Hugh MoDiarmid Stanley, for noon ; thence to John'Dennison's, Varna, for night. Tuesday—West to Bronson line and south to WilliamNicholson's hotel, Blake, for noon ; then south to Bon Pfile's for night. Wednesday—South ll; miles and east to Bron- son line and north to Zurich, Greb's hotel, for noon ; thence east•, and south to John Decker's for night. Thursday—South to town line andi northto Win n n of Iia and Norti to for noon,e thence to his own' stable, for night. Friday—East via Chiselhurst to John Melviille s for noon • thence east via Centro Road to Stafl'a hotel' for night. Satur- day—West to Wm. Kinsmen's for noon, thence via Rippon to his own stable whore he will .re- main until the following Monday morning. A. SUMMER SPECIFIC.. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery, cramps, colic, summer complaint, canker of the mouth and all bowel complaints of children or adults. 11 is a soothing, efffrectual and never failing medicine, which : gives nn, mediate relief and speedily areas a cure.;• BRONCHITIS . CURED. 11IEssxas.:T. MILnuRN Ss Co., Toronto. Ont:, Ditties Stas! -I have used kfagvard's Yellow Oil for uiy ohildren when• they had bronchitis and always with great success. I- use it also . for sore throat, and can say thdro is nothing to equal it as a sure cure. Mrs, Loins O'Bxunr, -: Huntsville, Ont, MARRIED FOBSY THI—MASON. At Paislo on Mays 5 . b y Boy. J. Johnston, J. M. Forsythe to Miss Maggie Mason, both of St. Marys. MoQUILLIN—COOPER'..—At the Trivitt Me- morial church, Exeter, on the 19th inst., by Rev. H. Bray, Rev. George McQuillin, in- cumbent of Iiirktan, to Louisa Cooper, daughter of the lata St, Lawrence, Burford. PRIDHAINI-••SHIER—At the residence of the bride's father, Osborne, on. the 20th inst., b Rev, T. Snowden, Frank Pridham, son of W. Pridham, ex M. P. of Fullerton, to Miss Nottie,daughtor of ',Nicholas Sliier,ofUsborno. DIED. SHUTE, --In Exeter, on the 21st inst., Thomas Shute, aged 80 years. DILLING—In Hay on the 20th inst„ the wife of 11 Dining, agog 20 years, 2 months. BROOKS.—Iai sborne. on May 16th, Vora Myrtle, eldest Child of Wm. Brooks, aged I year, 10 months, 23 days, MeltENGIE—At the residence of his son John Mckenzie, St. Marys, on May 15th, Malcolm McKonzio, aged 07 years, 9 months. SLLFORTH. ANDBUTCHER. A - MILITARY BANDSMAN OF 50 YEARS' STANDING AND A • REMEMBERED TItotn reE,NOw AMINO Ole THE PAST. A Seaforth lady gives an account of her rescue from a.lifeiong ailment : "Ever since I can remember I have suffered from weak action of the heart. For some time past it grew con- stantly worse, reducing my health to a very low state. I frequently bad such sharp pains under my Heart that I was fearful if I drew a long breath it would cause death. In going up- stairs I had to stop to rest and regain breath. When nig children made a noise while playing I would he so overcome -with 'nervousness and weak- ness that I could not do anything and had to sit down to regain composure. Oftentimes my heart would seem to swell, and give ine great pain. My limbs were unnaturally cold, and I was subject to nervous heabaches and dizziness. My memory became uncer- tain and sleep deserted me. "I have been taking Milburn's Heart and nerve Pills whicb�I got atMr. Fear's drug store, and as a result am very much better. r ave improved in 1 < r. I lI health and strength rapidly since com- mencing this treatment. 'li.'be blessing of lee is restored to me. Myheart sleepis is much stronger, and the oppressive sensation in it has' vanished. I can now go up stairs without stopping and with the greatest of ease, and I no longer suffer from dizziness or head- ache. It seems to nue the circulation of my blood has become healthy and normal, thereby removing the coldness from clay limbs. I can truly say that Milbnrn's Heart aiidNerve Pills have done me a world of good." (Signed) Mrs. James Constable, Seaforth, Ont. Mrs. Constable is the wife of Mr. Seines Constable who has been a re- sident for over 25 years and both be and his estimable wife are well known in Seaforth and the surrounding coun- try. TWUBOTTLES CURE PIMPLES. GnNTLxMEN,—For a long time I. had pimples breaking out till over my face. T was told about N. B. B. and started its. use. After taking ono bottle l' was Hauch better, and the second bottle made a complete cure. I have recommended it to others of my friends, and they have found ituniforinlys satisfactory, A. F. 33rse, Whitebroad, Ont. dings on the The barns and Guth 1 farm occupied by ; James Langford, concession 15, London township, and Adelaide street, were totally destroy- ed by fire. about 9.30. o'clock Wednes- day night. The loss is variously esti- mated at from ' $800 to $1,000. It is understood that the damage is fully covered by insurance.. La.xa Liver Pills cures constipation biliousness, and sick Headache 25c. YOUNG 'BUTCHER• EXPERIENCE THE. MARVELLOUS CURA- TIVE POWERS OF DODDV KIDNEY PILLS. A NEWSPAPER. tNVESTECATION.. IN THE CASE. 01 MR, PYE DIABETES HAD BROUGHT ON PARALYSIS --TWO DOCTORS SAID WM. WADE WAS DING OF BRIGHT'S DII~~la,Asl:. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. , AN.OLD AND Wxni.-Want). Rxsixov.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while toothng with pe rfect su c cess. It soothes the Ctid oft©nst o gums, allays all pain. eures wind colic, and isthe boat remedy for,Diarrhooa. Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable: Be sureand ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take soother kind . One Honest Mau. DE.ue EDITOR. --Please inforn your readers, tliat;if Written to confi clentially, 1 will mail, in a sealed letter particulars of a germine, honest, horn cure, by which I was perxnanentl restored to health and manly vigo after years of suffering from nervo debility, sexual weakness, night loss s and weak shrunken parts'' I wv' s. robbed and awindlswindledby the r quac until I nearly lost faith in xnankin but thank heaven, I am now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain means of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no honey, but being a firm believer in the univerOal brotherhood of man, I am desirous of helping the i • health unfortunate to regain their tr;t>•l and happiness, i. promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp,: WM. T. 11MULFORD, Agents Supplies, r, o. 130X59,. ST. IIENxta, QUE.. DOUU'- Kill6U Pilis �Guretl Them. Each of them tells an interesting stoty to a newspaper Roeprter--: MrPye played in the Marine Band at the Duke of "Welling -1 ton's funeral—In the Royal Grenadiers' Band for 20 years-. IIe bad given up hope when Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him- Wm. Wade, after being sick 'for years with Bright's Disease; and his life despaired of, tests the power of Dodd's Kidney! Pills and is now in good health. Froin Mail and Empire. The reputation which Dodd's ICid- ney Pills enjoy to -day must have been tulip ubon a broad foundation of sure curative qualities. To verify this view, a Mail and Fmpire represent- ative yesterday investigated two won- derful cures that have been much talked of in the East End of the city, and the results of the enquiry are worth recording. - The first pian Interviewed was Mr. Henry Pye, 115 Pape ave. He is a genial, happy, prosperous -looking man of sixty-five years, and was verypleas- ed to see anyone who wished to talk about Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Why shouldn't •I talk about Dodd's Kidney Pills?" asked Mr. Pye. "In the first place, they saved my life—no doubt abput that—and in the second place, it hadn't been for them, .1 couldn't have kept my situation. A neighbor of mine, Mrs. Farrell, she's a great Methodist, was cured by them,and she calls them God's Kidney Pills. "But you want to hear my story. I'm a bandsmen, you" know. By trade I'm a shoemaker, but six years ago I laid away my last, and since then have given all my time to music.. I've been a inelnber of the Royal Grenadiers' band for twenty years. It's just fifty years last month since I joined the Marine Band in England. 1 played at the Duke of 'Wellington's funeral, in 1852. - "For thirty-five years I have lived in Toronto. "In the winter I play at the rinks. h fir'stni ht very years ago the g was cold, and I got chilled through. That was the beginning of my . sick- ness. Last summer, when the Grenaz diers went to Berlin, I could hardly get through the day. The next morn- ing I got up feeling pretty well. But after breakfast n[ was taken with frightful pains in my back. I had to send fey a doctor. He gave inc mor- phine, and pronounced it a very bad I f diabetes.n a week I lost Case U forty pounds of flesh. I would drink so much water that I would go out and vomit it. But I would come in with just as great a thirst as ever. I must of drank gallons of it a day." "But could you still get round all - right?" "Well, no. My right leg began to to be paralyzed, and at times my foot would swing about as if I had no control of it. I was living on Grant street then, but at I couldn't walk, I thought I might as well ride a bit farther, and come out here to get the country air. "I have been accustomed to play in the band at the exhibition, and last year as the Exhibition time drew near, I was anxious C to stick it out for that engagement, thinking it would be my last. I was beginning to feel the paralysis in my fingers, so that I could scarcely work the keys. My friends, too, thought it was all up with me. "During theExhihition Istayedavith my daughter, who lives in Parkdale. I was getting worse every day. My sou -in-law said he had heard of several women in Parkdale who had been cur-, ed of Kidney disease by using Dodd's: Kidney Pills. So he got a box for Ine,' and I started taking them. Before' two days I began to feel better. I took that bottleand ten others. By that, time I. felt so well that I stopped tak- ing thein, except occasionally. My the pills, oft and on. ! "Last winter I played sixty nights at the rink without the least incon- venience. Yesterday I walked ten miles. Last summer I could no more have done that than fly. Really, I feel myself getting stronger every day, t can run up the four flights of easier to the bank practice-roomcaster than I could crawl up them last sum - me. ram just about my healthy weight, and flit as it fiddle. "I. tell you Dodd's Kidney Pills are all right. I'ye started a dozen people taking them since I was cured. My daughter, who has been sick and doc- toring for a long time, bas begun to take the Tablets, and she says they help her as nothing else has done." William Wade, the nineteen -year-old son of •. Mr. Henry Wade, the well- known East End butcher, 0.0 Queen street east, was another who is was i eported had been marvellously cured. When seen by a Mail and Empire re- presentative, hewasin theact of hoist- ing a hundred -and -forty pound. quarter of beef to his shoulder and carrying it into the shop. Are you the to that wasthought o nht to be dying of Bright's disease a yar and a half ago, and had been given up by two doctors ?" asked the newspaper in an. "I am, and it was a pretty close shave I had." "Fell, you don't look notch of an infant or invalid now." "You saw what I was doing. Well, I was as good as a corpse a year and a half ago. I'll just take a minute to tell you about it. "Six years ago I had it bad attack of diphtheria. I was just over it when I went hunting, and got a relapse. Kidney trouble set in. It would come back every spring and fall for three or four weeks. Of course, the attacks became more severe, and in the intervals I was of little use to my- self or anyone else. "A year ago last fall I got so bad that two doctors were attending Mne. daily. It was Bright's disease, they said. They said, too, that if Igot over that attack I would not be able to work for six years. Before long they gave me up altogether, and said my death was but a matter of a few weeks. It was then that some one brought me a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. I took fifteen boxes, and was cured. "I continue to take the pills occa- sionally, especially after heavy lifting. Now I can do a heavy day's work and feel first-rate after it. I recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to everyone that I know has kidney trouble." health is now first rate but, I still take' 'CONFOUND iT 'i'VE FORGOTTEN TO GETS A PACKAGE OF ceo-o sOese oo0.Oo004nL> o -o '• _ _ - o-o,o4U dt Q•Qfl �o Croo- 1174 • 1r--- '','"4"‘j ' ,J .1 Enjoy. your 0!ik i -of -deo Sports by wearing one of 5horey's Rigby 'Waterproof Bicycle or Golf suits. They admit the air but keep out the rain. The feeling, appearance cr porous pro- perties ofordinary tweed are not changed by Rigby. It simply renders goods repellent to water yet the cost is not increased. wwwinnwareoupop trrtMirrtrrrrtrrttM rrttrtrtttt 1 Price, -. -1 Qualify, �.. Assortment Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment com- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. KIDNEY WAR. HOw INSInIo17six ITIVAGRS,,B'UT IIOW Qtaols TIlI: S1T:RRE:`DER, AND now THE FLAG. or' TRUCE is t%H.t:I t7Riunt L. HoIST1n \ TnAT GIn AT . GEN- ERA E1\- ERAL, SOUTH AMERICAN :ItIDNET CURE Tunt s - FITS GrUNS Ole TAB D Asn. Is This is what James Sullivan,of Chat- ham, Ont., writes "For years. I was a great sufferer from Kidney trouble. The disease beci nne so acute that I was confined with insomnia. I was per- suaded after using many other reme- dies without relief to procure a bottle of South American Kidney -Cure. I had relief almost from thefirst dose.. 1 have - persisted , in its - use, and after using six bottles I am well and strong gain. I can work fourteen Hours out f twenty-four and feel very little, if a • y fatigue. It is the best medicine:, I hove even used. ' Sold by C..LVTz, Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating. y s relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner. Don't f orget, this. iSiood News From South Dakota. Thelorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain will pour a stream of sound money into the pocket f every Dakota farmer. South Dakota has thousands of acres 0 choice farming and ranch land lying e st of the Missouri river, and within o e day's ride from Chicago or Mil- iukee which can now be bought r asonab]y cheap, but which before the d of another year may be advanced i price. The stock -raising industry in South hots is profitable, and Eastern capi- ta is now being invested in cattle and sl ep growing in that state. rversified farming, , the growing of ..lithe products of e stock, alncl d iry, are placingSouth Dakota, fore- rn s, in e raks of the successful stern states. ose desiring full information on th subject and particularly those who wish to seek it new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. T. Taylor, Canadian. Passenger Agent, 2 King street East,. Toronto,. Ont. 's ri v: g tx 0 x o s. t (3 ' 4) q 0, 0 Cl*P 04. , rn Brings c� T-1 `a {fto The way to test it is to caul and see for o f til y. LA ■g a tx yourself. z. q o Si,oget ei Opera >rpozise Block. o R. in FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING, An Intra ntion-4'"—' It gives- us pleasure to in troduce to you our fine BeavE,r and Milton Overcoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our $1.2 Black Worsted Suit (made to whynot. If not I order,) J a Crieve szuzzumunfon Are You interested W e handle some of the lead- ing CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit the times. NOTICE A. few second hand . organs Octave, chew alld�� , p. Sewiiirm 1'4a c1 -*h res ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out Disc lIar- rows at cost. TIN:.. PERKINS11rKINS c4, i1!f1�.Ti, , Main street, Exeter. ter. 11 After selling out near- ly all my stock of furni- to I re havemystore , vel filled againaln with th New Goods, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price. '.COME AND INSPECT Utiedelsrti A Specialty. ,�r lty`o 1ar�ti N o IROOWE FAR E S� a You will find at Bissett's Warerooms the following line of Agricttl- tural Implements, DEEIRING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARING`; - STEEL SULK it RAKES. - Mull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators; Disc and . Diamond Harrows, Plows and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC--- The TCH The celebrated.Knoll Washer y g Raymond sewing ( and wringers l. machine ■ STQ Gurney `.. ' e stoves and. fnrance.s. . ... Wagons Buggies Bicycles* CvvC (@$a� 7 The Chatham Waggon and a fall line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies, A41311 .411.1'