HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1897-5-27, Page 1Ncirr -TWENTY—FOURTH YEAR NO. 36. .81.2/40affAIRMANIMOMPlif* 111 Si FORD 86 CO WOODHAM Summer Underwear. Xust a word here to remind you that in Ladies' Vests we are showing a ,complete assortment of well made garments of the best qualities. Prices were never so low in our experience. We have them at 5e, 7c, 10c, Vac, 25e :tend 50c. Ladies Shirt Waists Shirt waists are more popular this .season than ever before. We are showing them in many different styles and qualities at 50c, 60c, ne, $1,00 and $L25 each. We also show the new Jobilee Belts as well as those with purse attached. .Summer Hosiery & Gloves If there's one thing we excel in, • more than another, it 14 Hosiery and , gloves. Over pricee are exeeedingly low for the qualities we are showing. .zzCorrina and Inve5tigate:14 exeStoree open. on Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday evenings. •••••• • IL S. FORD Ft CO., Farquhar Pentsoxan.—Hoping Mr. Editor you will allow me space in your valuable paper to correct a few misleading stories that are floating around ia the neighborhood of Zion about the terms Wineh I have printed. on my bilis with regard to the horse named "Kings 'Gambit". I do not hold any person responsible for any accideet which may happen the said horse ; honest men do not need rules, Some parties who pretend to have gone to sehool and pretend to kuow more than their fathers ever new, are teyhor to mislaid their innocent neighbors to personally _and finaucially hart me. Hoping they wiU sea the error of the:le-way and de- part from it. I have been in the horse business for eight year ana have yet to hear one person say 1 have wronged them. A. la H000notr. It is with regret we announce the continued illness of Dr. Gibb, of .St. Mary. .•••••• •••.... • • . ••• I••• .••••••• ••••••••••••• • ••••••...•••••••••• • • Brantford GALVANIZED STEEL WIND- MILLS For POWER and PUMPING with P•ATENT ROLLER and BALL BEA RING'S. Manufactured by GOOLD, SHAPLEY and MUIR CO. Our ideal Wind Mills have made a great name throughout Can - .da, and are unsurpassed for quality ‘iir power. They are the only Wheels with the patent Roller and Ball 'Bearings, and the only power mills absolutely safe, for they cannot tun 'away. Send for illusteated. circular. Fifty mills _ erected in Exeter and vicinity last year, all of which have given satisfaction. All these mills are .elacted and set running by practical -experts and we can fully guarantee .then. • GUARANTEE,----' Steel Power 'Wind: Mills have come to stay .au d the rapid increase of our trade is sure evi- • donee that Canadians are wide awake in their appreciation of their value. Some skeptics fesr that a eutting-box or grinder cannot be run .with a wind mill; but we positiVely guarantee .,our 12 -foot mill to drive any ordinary cutting - box, or our Post Grinder, in a, twelve to fifteen mile wind; and the 14 -foot wheel gives nearly double the power of a 12 -foot. and will run ..our Maple Leaf -Grinder to perfection. Expel: - 'lance proves that there is sufficient good wind to. give power for all ordinary farm work. In addition to tho above inachineS, the root pui- per, or any light machinery; can be driven; and, by -using a pumping attachenieuti -water can 'be pumped as well. THE CELEBRATE D "Maple Leal Grinder' Ten inch rever- sible plates, relief :springs, ban boar- ing plates shako feed, grinda fine sancl fast. Send for circular. For -prices s ed 10iLdCl' , R, S. LAN Agent For Huron Middlesex and: Perth. .19-easetsosra, HURON & MIDDLESEX ,GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING MAY 27th, 1897. *TORN vs 1TE SONS Publishers sue Prtprietors Hensel! .Uaslawood. TT J. D. COOKE. (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solieltor, Notary Public, Hensel', Ont, G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent, and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal docu- ments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money to loan on real estate at low rates of in- terest. Office at the Post-otlice. Henson BRIEPS.—Rev. W addell occupied the pulpit in Carmel church on Sunday moring last, owing to the illness of the pastor Rev. J. S. Henderson. The reveramd gentlemen delivered a very able and impressive sermon,—The 24th May passed off quietly 111 the village, nearly all the citizens going to Exeter, where the day was celebrated. T. Murdock's "King Stanton" won 2rid money in the 2.30 class. The races were well carried out, hut the weather incleraent.—Miss Dougaty, of Galt, is the guest of Mrs. 0:A. Aloe Donell.—G. J. Sutherland as agent for. A, Weseloh, of Berlin, has sold hie (Weseloh's) dwelling house to Mrs. Mc - (awe% who will shortly move into it. The price realized was nearly $1,000.— Miss Large, of Zurich, was in the vil- lage on the 24th spending the day with Miss Steinbach. She rendered. a very fine solo at the entertainment in the Methodist church.—There was no ser- vice in Carmel church on Sunday even- ing last owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. J, S. Henderson, who is suffering feom a severe cold.—.TaaneS Delgaty, principal of the Centralia • school, spent Sunday and Monday with his sister here, Mrs. James Sparks. — airs. Shoat, of Parkhill, re- turned home Saturday, after visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs A. Johnston, London road.—Miss Nichols, of Lon- don, has been spending the past few days with her sister's Mrs.D.13rquhart • and Miss bnupson, of this village.— Miss Torrance, of Zurich, spent Sun- day the guest of the Misses Murdock. —John Gilchrist had the misfortune lately to get kicked by it horse. He is able to be about again.—Daniel Kydd, of Brussels, spent Sunday with his areas in town. — Mrs. Seeds, of trathroy, is visiting her parents, Me. and Mrs. Richard Welsh. ---The heavy rains of the past few days have retard- ed building operations considerably. G. C. Petty, as reeve of Hensel], re- ceived an invitation from the jubilee celebration committee, of Seaforth, for himself and councillors to attend the celebration there on June 22nd.— Mr. and Mrs.Jos. Gould spent the past week with their son's in the township of Hay.—Mrs. Houghton returned to Port Hueonovith Mrs. Sohn Beugough who has been here the past few weeks visitiug.—Macartleur & Co. bankers, have purchased a very. handsome new buggy —The friends of John Latta, of the township of Tackersmith, will re- gret to learn that he continues serious- ly ill. Mrs. Zuefle, of Crediton, is visiting herason, in town.---E.Robinso who has been absent for the past week exhibiting the new gas light in Sea - forth, Brussels, and elsewbere, has returned borne and reports 'prospects for doing business as good.. Wm. Moir, who has beea indisposed for the past week is recovering nicely.—Sas. Bell, sr. has moved into his fine new dwelling which he recently erected on his farm.—D. Urquhart is shipping away large quantities of oat -meal to , the Old Country and home markets.— Miss Brett, who is teaching on the Parr line near Hills Green, spent 21th May with old friends in the village.— The ninny friends of Mrs. (Rev.) Waddell, will regret to learn that she is dangerously ill. Greentgay Bninss.—The masons have finished the foundation of the new churn.— Miss Rose Curts is house from London visiting her parents. ---We are pleased to report that the frost did no damage in this vicinity.—J. Foster, A. Glen- denning, 3. McGregor, H. Brinker, 0, H. "Wilson aud several others are beautifying and improving their pro- perties by planting oat spruce, maple and other ornamental trees.—An- other of our honored citizens has been removed by death. Charles Aron of the 7th con. of McGillivray, died very suddenly on Sunday last. The de- ceased was well known and much re- spected by a large number of friends who will miss his kind face.—A. M. Wilson and wife visited Mrs. Wilson's brother, Rev. G. J. Kerr, at, Mount Bridges, last week.—Jos. 13rophey is supplying our citizens with plenty of nice White fish, Herring, Pickeral and Salmon.—W. J. Wilson has sev- eral strong swarms of Italian bees for sale.—Very few teams passed. through here for the Bend on the 24th. The weather was rather cold to enjoy the lake breeze.—We have noticed several loads of cedar and pine trees pass bere lately. Now is a good. time to set out all kinds of evergreen trees. • "FELL DEAD," Werea 1VIonnEvEster-aav Hamm G 0 YOU READ IN TIDS PAPER T THAT P---THPY ARE LEGION. Don't daily with heart (headers. There is but one cure. "I had been for it number of years sorely af- flicted with heart disease. At times my lifewas despaired of. Doctors had perscribed, and I had taken every known heart remedy made, I had sup- posed, and did not get any beneft. I read of the wonderful cures wrought by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart,. I procured fli bottle, and in less time almost than it takes to tell it, the distress was relieved. I followed the directions closely and to -day I am a well women again, and I shall do all in my power to meke known to every one suffering as I did the wonder- ul cure it worked for me. Mrs. Wrie neon, Dartinow, Ont." Sold by C. LTJTZ. Eddie, the little child of James Mar- shall, St. Marys, was being wheeled on the sidewalk by his little brother when the buggy upset and the little fellow was throwe violently out, his left arm being 'clislocated at the elbow, 11 - 1 Bnanss.—The 24th passed off very I quietly in our village, most of the peo- ple being out of town taking in the (sports at Exeter and Parklailh—Our !teachers attended, the Teacher's con- vention held at Exeter this week. —H. , Roese has torn down his waggon shop land intends erecting a new residence in its place, a new shop having been erected north of Guenther's black - 1 smith shop.—Mrs. H. Weigand. is visit - 1 ing her parents at Elnaira,.--Mrs. Geo, IRuby has been in Hamburg a few days this week attending the fun- eval of her brother. ---Missionary ser- vices were held in the Evangelical "West • Huroit Teaohera' Associat- ion. Exeter, _May 21st 1887, The West Huron Teaoliers" Associa- tion met to -day pursuara to the dell of the Executive. _Preside' t, S. j. Boyd, occupied the chair. Ve.'otional exer- cises were conducted by htspector Tora, The following commit 't..es were then appointed, viz: esolution Committee. -- Messrs. Tom, Lockhart,. —Orogory, misses Vosper and Wiggine. Programme ConatuitUxe. — Messrs. Dale, McKay and Sands. Auditors.—Messrs. A. McPherson and W. H. Johnston. 1„ church on Sunday afternoon by Rev. On motion of G. W. Holman, second- Plechel, of Cleveland. The ser- ed. by Inspector Toni, the following 1.' --' vices were conducted partly in Ger- I gentlemen, vis:--Mesars. Delgaty, man and partly in 'English, Sub-110E0,11s, Kilty, and Lockhart, were ap- scriptions amounting to $100 were ' pointed it Legislative Cownlittee to taken up for the missionary cause,— present • the resolutions, etc, a the It is our sad duty. this week. to report association to the local, members of the death of A. En land of this the provincal Legislature, that the views of the association may be brought afore clireetiy to the notice of the Minister of Education and thereby ensure greater influence in shaping the educational legislation of the Province. Inspector Tont then proceeded to discuss Vocalization and Visibilization of the phonic system, Mr. Torn claimed the following as some of the chief advantages or the phonic system, viz: (1) It provides the children with means by which they can help them- selves. (2) It makes them more hide - pendent from the beginning. (3) The pupils do originial (4) Obser- vation and reason are cultivated and the work is done by the children. (5) It cultivates distinct articulation, (0) It prevents confusion by presenting but one difffealty at a time. The question. was further discussed • y Messrs. Dale, :Delgaty and Boyd. doors and the chair was filled. by Bro. Mr. 5, P. Halls, M. A.., of the Gods - Wm. Lewis, of Crediton, District ich M. S., then read a carefully pre - Councillor. The subject "Resolved ared paper on "The Effect of P. S. that married life is preferable to single raining on the general deportment of life," was championed by Messrs. W. the children." Harris, R. Cobleigh, Silas Stanlake,P Li the course of his address Mr, jr., and Delgaty. The negative Halls dwelt particularly on the point side was composed of Messrs. E. Batty; that as children are apt imitators, Jesse Elston, S. Stanlake and C. ;teachers cannot be too carefid of the example they set in langnage, habits had even dress. The A.ssociation then adjourned to Meetagain at 1:30 p. in, lege. Deceased had been ailing for some tune and. On, TtleSdaY morning passed peacefully away. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning and his remains will be interred in the Goshen Line cemetery. He leaves a grown up family of sons and daugh- ters to mourn his loss, Oentraha Bans.—It is feared the recent frosts have done damage to some of the fruits.—Mrs. Butt, of Clinton, has been visiting her son, Rev. W. H. Alloway left on Wednes- day morning to visit relatives at IGrhusby:—The Epworth League spent their social evening Tuesday on the parsonage lawn, wkere„a„...nerzenjey- able tune was had. The event Of thq- week was the debatd on Monday even- ing under the auspices of the R. T. of T. Smith's Hall was crowded to the {Prouty. The referees, Messrs, Wes. Huston, and G. Dale awarded the paIni to the affirmative side. The Sodom friends are always welcomed at Centralia, and never fail to draw a crowd when it is known they are to take part in an entertainment• ef_jhich kind. •, A most enjoyableeVeliiitg wag' spent and a good collection was taken up in behalf of the Council funds. --R. P. Hicks, of Norwich, as home this Mr. E. impson, ofrediton, then week. — Rufus Cobleigh and Robb. I Essery shipped a first class load of hogs ave Seaan able address on "Nature from this •point in Tuesday. These Ludy for Pupils." which was well re - !men must be doing exceedingly well calved. Several teachers further dis- as they sometimes ship twice a week. cussed the subject and. on motion of 3. S. Delgaty, seconded by Mr. Sanders, They are paying the highest market Mr, Simpson was requested to band price. Farmers give them it chance. his paper to the executive, to deal Kirkton. with as theysaw fit. Mrs. Robb then took "Reading with 3rd class." The lesson assigned was "The Farm- er and the Fox." A class from the Exeter Public School made this lesson very interesting and much interest wasmenifestecl in it. Several teachers further discussed this class exercise, all expressing their high appreciation of the manner in i which Mrs. Robb took the work and also the manner in which the class ac- , quitted itself. 1 Mr. J. A. Gregory then took up "Ca- nadian History with third classes." Mr. Gregory showed by the manner in which he handled the subject that this branch of school work received careful attention in his school. Many teachers took part in the dis- cussion that followed and expressed ap- preciation of Mr. Gregory's methods. "P. S. Leaving Euclid" was then dealt with by Mr, W. McKay, of Hen - "ill Tie subject was discussed. by several teachers. Mr. H.N. Anderson moved, seconded by Mr. Delgaty, that the bonusing of periodicals be dispensed, with and that each memberof the Association be fur- nished a copy of the minutes of the 0 T. A. instead. The motion was referiecl to the resolution. committee. The Association then adjourned to 9 a. m. Saturday. EVENING. In the evening it very successful en- tertainment was given in the Opera House. "Sixty years a Queen—a Re- trospect, "was discussed by five of_ the teachers. The Exeter Male Qnartette —Messrs. Martin, Senior, Popplestone and Ross, and Misses Hicks, johns, Dempsey, Brown and alaran—ably contributed the musical part of the program. Mr.S. 3. Boyd performed the duties of chairman veyy satisfact- orily. . May 22nd, 1807. The Association met as per adjourn- ment, Mr. S. J. Boyd in the chair. Min- utes read and can -dinned, Th.e election of officers was then pro- eded wibh and resulted as follows :— vs., S. ,T. Boyd, Belfast ; Vice Pros., iss Kate Watson, Goderich.; Sec, reas., Mr. G. W. Holman, Seaforth ; xecutive Committee, Messrs. Hagen, Dale. MeRay and Misses Burritt and E. Watson. . Moved by Mr. H. I. Strang, seconded by Mr. Hagen. that the Sec.-Treae. lay before the -Association at each meet- ing, a copy of his annual report to the government, re -receipts and expendi- ture, • The motion was carried., On motion (sale. Gs Baird, seconded by Mr: T. S. Delgaty, the Secretary was instractecl to get cards printed in compliance with the regulation ef 1802 of the Education Department. • Me.: Geo. Dale then took the lasso "A Little Stray AVai,y" with a se,co claes. Mr. Dale gave a splendicalesso which Was 11' s'lly appreciated by t e teachers, • -• The uexi; subject_ on the ,pregra 'Solving complex fractions,' was 01 discussed. by 1VIr. C. H. Russell, Thi subject provicledmuch discussion which was taken part in by several teachers. , A11 e,fopir,:spsledfiei!r appreciatian of MI% AFTERNOON SESSION. The Association met as per adjourn- ment, the President in the clam. The minutes of the last session at Go deri oh, an clIthe morning session were then read and adopted. --- RURAL DEANERY OP PERTFL—The Semi -Annual Meeting- of the Rural Deanery of Perth will be held at Kirk - ton on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1897. The Holy Communion will be administered in St. Paul's Church at 10.30 a. in., at which. a nunaber of the clergy of the Deanery will take -part. A public meeting will be held in the Village Hall from 2.30 till S. p. in., at which many interesting papers will be read and addresses delivered. A reason- able time will be allowed foe the dis- cussion of papers and addresses on the various subjects brought before the meeting. Refreshments -will be served by the ladies a the congregation from 5 ti117.30 p. m. At 7.30 p. m. Divine Service will be held in St. Paul's Church, at which several of the clergy will take part, and it Sermon will be preached by the Venerable Arch- deacon Davis, al. A., of London. All are most cordially invited to attend. A collection will be taken up at the evening service in the church to de- fray the necessary expenses connected with the meeting-. BRIEES.—Wedding bells are again ringing in our midst On Wednesday of this Week the naarriage of Frank Pridham, son of Wm. Pridhem, ex -M. P., of Ftillarton, and Miss Nettie, daughter of Nicholas Shier, of Us - borne, was solemnized at the residence of the bride's father, 14th con. Us - borne. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. T. Snowden, of Kirkton, in the presence of a number of invited. gaests. The young couple will take up their abode in Fallartme—Rev. T. Snowden has been invited by the Quarterly Board to remain pastor of this circuit for the fonrth year.—The Methodist S. S. intend holding it tea meeting on July 1st, as usual.—Dr. Ferguson and wife, of Hensall, spent Sunday in the village.—SaaalA. Doupe has been engaged as Principal of the public school at Branchton, Waterloo Co., at a good salary. He commenced on his duties Monday May 17th, with pleasure we announce the ar- riage of Rev. George McQuillini rector of the Church of England her, to Mrs. Cooper, also Of this village. The ceremony was performed in the Trivitt Memorial. church, Exeter, by Rev. Mr. Bray, on Wednesday of las eek. We ea -tend congratulat'• • MY NEIGHBOR TOLD Mn • About Hood's Sarsaparilla and ad - [sed me tat tryit—This is the kind of clvertising which gives Hood's Sar- • parilla the largest sales in the orld. Friend tells Mend that Hood's arSaparilla • cares ; that it gives rength, health, vitality and vigor, • nd wholeneighboehoocls use it as it eirdly medicine. '— Hood's Pills ect easily and promptly on the liver encl. bowels. Cure sick headache, Will positively cure sick headache and prevent • its return, Carter's Little Liver Pills. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose. See ad- vertisement,. Small pill. Small dose. S Mr. W. F. May, of the Mitchell High School, was present and on invitation took part in the discussion. The Question Drawerwas then open- ed. and, the questions answered by Messrs. Stranwand Delgaty. • Mr. A. McPherson, ofUsborne, then exhibited some ingenious devices for teaching mensuration to junior classes. These different devices includes cubes, eta, and. a mit:datum house complete, the latter was used in teaching paper- ing, carpeting, etc. The Association then adjourned to meet at 1.45 p. AFTERNOON SESSION, The Association met as per adjonen- I4euhte. Tntinntes of the previous session were. reed and confirmed.. The President then read it very ex- haustive report of the proceedings of the last Ontario Teacher's Association to which. Mr. Boyd was the delegate from West Huron. The report contained an epitome of the chief papers read. On motton Me.Boyd's report was ac- cepted and the expenses of the delegate to the 0. T. A. paid, also the usual fees to the Janitor. Moved by Mr. Delgaty, seeonded by Mr. Hagen, that the Sec'y-Treas'salary remean as at present. --Carried Mr.Baira was appointed on the Reso- lution Committee iastead of Inspector Tom, unable to net, and. Mr, Gowan was appo inted auditor instead of Me. MePhers on, absent, Mr. IL L Strang then read an able paper on "The effect ot the High School regulations on the Qualificat- ions of Public School Teachers." Much information was given and many valuable hints thrown out. The ;natter of Mr. Strang's paper and the hints thrown out were pretty thoroughly discussed. The Auditor's report wee read and on motion of W. II. Johnston, secoad- ea by Mr. W. J. McKay it was ad- opted. On motion of G. W. Holman, seconded by Mr. 3. S. Delgaty, Mr, S. J. Boyd was re-appoInted delegate to the Ontario Teacher's Association, Moved by Mr. Delgaty, seconded by Majohnston, that the next meetiug of the Assoeuition be held at Goderich, The resolution was adopted The Resolution Committee then re- ported and their resolutions as amend- ed were adopted as follows RESOLUTIONS. I Resolved that this Association bonus One paper one-half and it copy of the minutes be sent to each mem,- bel. lWhereas it peomise was m vle last year by the Minister of E.lueatioa to give fair representation. of Public ancl High School teitchere on the Edu- cational council, and whereas such promise has ,not been fulfilled, Re,sol- veil this Association, that the public Schools, the High Schools and Univeesities be given equal represent- ation. III Whereas there is no stability in the Public School Teaching Profession, and whereas the tendency of salarie is downwards, and. whereas there is it surplus of teachers, Re -solved first, that third class certifiattes be confined to the county in which issued; second, that model school examiners be more stringent in examining model school candidates. IV Resolved that arithmetic and English grammar be substituted forone language on junior Leaving Course. V Resolved. that Resolutions passed by Local Association be sent to the Secretary of P. S. Section of Provincial Association to be put on file and brought up for discussion at the next ntin VI That the P. S. Leaving Examin- ation be divided into two parts, either one of which or both of which may be taken and no preference given to the order of these parts. Signed GEORGE BAIRD, SEN. Chairman. Moved by H. N. Anderson, secoetled by Mr. Geo. Dale, that the expenses of the Legislative Committee while in the performances of their duties, be paid. The motion was carried.' journed to meet at the call of the exec- titTivhee. Association then on motion. ad- . GEo. W. Holareer, Sec'y Treas. Simpson, of Moorseville,has purchased the farm formerly owned by his brother, Mr. John Simpson, at a goo I price Maey will regret to hear of the ill- uess of Miss McLeau, sister of M. Y. McLean, M. P. P., of Seaforth. She has for some time been assistant edi- tor of the Expositor. Jos. Beak, of -Sanford, was chosen by the Conservatives of West Huron, as their candidate for the Local House. The friends of Rev. W. Rigsby, of Blyth, will be pleased. to know that he hes so far recovered from his prolong ea illness that be is now able to per- form his own pnlpit woxk. Rev. W. J. Ford, of Clinton. having accepted, sueject to the action of the S tatio aing ;Com re itte e, the invitation to London, the Ontario sI. Board has given an invitatiou to Rey. H. W. Crews, of Chatham. He has served four years in that city, and also beeu asked back for a fifth year. A GRAND TRUNK 13RAKESIVIAN LLS THE STORY' OP HIS EX.POSITRE— THE FATE THAT REPEL Hier, AND ROW HE WAS RELIEVED OP HIS • SUPPERINGS. • W.Lavelle, G. T. R. brekesman,Allan- dale, Ont., says : "Through exposure I contracted that dread disease ca- tarrh. My case became ehronie. I was recominended to try Dr. Agnew's Catarthal Powder, In ten minutes after the first application I had re- lief, main an almost ineseclibly short time allsymptones had disappeared. I feel I can not speak too strongly in commending this remedy. It IS E p eisant, safe and quick mire." Sol • Perth County Notes. Richard H, Switzer, of Anderson, 3rd line, has made an assignment to J. M. Young, St. Marys. The carrying of the mails between St. Marys and London, 22 miles, last year cost the Government $3,500. The annual meeting of South. Perth Farmers' Institute will be held at St. Marys, on Tuesday, June let, at 1 p. m. Samuel F. Merlock, son of Wm. Ifforlock, of Shakespeare, was married at Durham, on the 281h ult., to Miss Hattie, third daughter of P. Cochrane. Mr. W. H. Graham has been ap- pointed a steward in the Methodist church, St. Marys, to fill the vacancy, caused by the resignation of Mr. J. C. Gilpin. Mrs. Dunean Campbell, of Fullarton, met with a severe accident last week. She fell off it table on which she was standing, injuring her collar bone and cutting er head. of thattown. His livery will still be J. P. Ross Mr. I y e Marys last week for Beaton, where he will take charge of the Queen's hotel continued in St. Marys. I. Hutton, of Nissouri, purcluisedan empty barrel free' J. C. Gilpin, St, Canton. Marys, in which was vitriol, The far- BRIEFS.—In the contest for the mer used it for a swill barrel, and Hough cup Seaforth defeated Clinton after cleaning it euapted. the conWnts Collegiate foot-ballers 3 to 0, much to into the chip yard. The farmer's the disappointment of Clinton people, sheep ate the vitriol and all died, value —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cole leave on $00. Friday for Grand Rapids, Mich., where they will iiz future reside.-- evening, May 11, preparatory to begin- James Tongett, of Goderich township, aged 80, was conveyed to the Con- ning work at the W. G. & R,. factory House of and secured a room at the 13runswici noly.—Mr. Chas. F. Cook and Miss Westenburg were marr:ed. at Exeter Refuge last Thursday by Reeve C011 MIBIBT - DCPOT, We Have A Record For Low Prices. New Prints in all the latest Designs. Special Sale of Ready-made Clothing. —.Below Cost ••••••••••••••••••••• M1110•111•101. A Berlin dispatch says that a young woman named Miss Clifford, from St. Marys, went to Berlin on Tuesday shortly life alinoet extinct, : hotel for the on Monday. Tne couple will night. She blew out the • , gee and next weeping was Aetna wale I take im their residence on Albert On Sataa large flock of homing rday itreet . norh t. Gnthertng Food Front the Lake* pigeons were sent from. Toronto to be liberated at St. Marys. They were . •Alpena, ;glebe May 2... -he ° -Tcargo of the about 2fla in all. The melee made 'le ', st steamer Florida '71t: providinga rich . citry'r Siralit Itiolnigelalit•edigif gr; ilitI ' several circles aronna the town before . going out. of sight, but the ferneles - picking dour, whisky, syrup and °UM other at.ed (as usual) got down to business at Merchandise with which the steamer wax loaded. Capt. Parsons of Thu once and were soon aeva,y. The fastest nder Day Is- land has sticceeded lu getting together CO time was 2 hours 20e minutes. • barrels of Sour, a full barrel a whisky. The death of Margaret Ethott an some other stuff. The wind ls row lklosceip, wife of Rev, 3, 13 Scott, of `(.1!2iiiiirdga 2,grovreeirtlee gerif; eittiunrils:t it lig Leamington, Ont., and, sister of Mr. a. ehanee to loe in summer p)ovisions, ' W, .0. Moserip,bareister of St. Marys, A wt4'0,1 and Six Chndren. took place last, week. Mrs, Scott la her early life, taught, in the . public a G„V„.11.11g.12„ant,t)E4riaythp.—toevn ,iu searee, schools St. Marysfor some years. In accidentally Wiled htregthis. .117i lrt'b,otMrfn# 1805 she was married. to Mr. Scott, the harbor by being struck ni !'- a Ora:A then of Eemoedville She was althea Trunk engine. Deceased. it ap:-Ars, was 4z, , • 0 standing on the track m•ar the mw itiftL. about 13 months. George Flynn and' Edgar Duhnage. ofit,the .irngir, although the envotr ma Of St Marys, were on Friday last eon- !eta Igele netilua!itlIbevraeriurieltsee.,1"-te- victed by Squire Smyth on a charge ceaof danuiging the Grand Trunk sale sed bad been worklug at th. Into......r and was 011 his way up to t',.. ....; a. tion at Kelly's Siding on Nov, 2. Tiler A. widow and six children month : ' , A. bOat• were not givea the option of payida . wee murderer roe ea ane, te were son to jail for thirty , '. days at hard labor. The dania,ge at pewley, who murdered Ids wife at Sits - Auburn,. ..N. T., May 22.—Ii.oliert di. the station amounted to $8, and the l pension Bridge some weeks nal., and cosc, of the ease $29.70 : who was sentenced to death by t•leutro- -: cution arrived nt Aninirn Prison to -day. The death -of alra H. Dilling, took , powh,,3'. slated to -day that be was a Ott. place on Thureday morning lase. after Zen Of ennadtt, and that be intended to • it brief illness. She had been eonfined , een tho attention of the Government at a. few days previouely, but Waal ' Ottawa to his case, navvies is to die poisoning setting in,. she succumbad eext month. as above. Deceased was it (laughter of . :t RowiraurtIlenonusrs a Farterr. . and was in her 23th year. Sh.:?, leaves ' granting a Mr. and Mrs. D. Russell, Eeeter north, tee;ue of 56000 to the nowman- Dowanoville Ont., May 22.—Thr bylaw a husband and throe smell children to : tine Rubber. M01111faCtUring; Conn,Ory w:i% mourn their loss., and to whom heitrte : fttctrieriger;eattri's)-.6%isbYal rt. 4r felt sympathy is extended 17 limner-. , to „ r ry fthe bylaw. Only 15 votm erf.agast ous friends. , It. pliS1n0:4S men were strongly in fare, • Capt. W. H. Paisey. of Kirkton was' i • and workei assiduously tic the bylaw. and evidently did not bear tee spewed* in Stratford signing, the Veterans' no- 1 . , --sae — ruinal roll. Capt. Paisey enlisted. iirr" — - (slit Et SCIATICA. 11835 at Bath, England, and he had the I 0011ig the gnu from. the tower INCESSANT Raix—TORMENTED—Rame of London,. on the coronation of Queen ED —Lira DESPAIRED OP, Victoria la 1837. Ile was a sergt- John Marshall, Varney, P. 0., Co. of major in tha Royal Artillery and took Grey, writes these strong words : "For part in putting down the ie e ion o 1837, Letterly lie W.13 captain of .No. two yeare, I was completely laid up th oviatica. I doctored without any 5 coin any of the 28Lh. Beta Though _.. p enanent aelief, 1 hAd given up . the ptein is over eighty yeasa old he .ale 411d hearty. ho se. A friend saw the notice of a 1, cu e a what seemed • a parallel ease tb . to iine,bySonAmerican Rheranatic J'lCHING, BURNING SKIN DIS. Ci re, and knowing my little faith in EASE tb efficacy of any remedy, he pro - Relieved in it day. Eczema, salt c , a a bottle - himself and brought it rheum, bat:bees" itch, and all errip- t me. I took it, and, to make a long tions of the skin, quickly relieved and s ry short, it saned my day. In it day speedily cured. by Dr. Agnew's Oint- o so I was out of bed, and in three• meta:b. It will give instant collator t in c ys I was able to walk to Durham, cases of itching, bleeding or blindpiles, ..- distance of four miles, to purchase and will cure in from three to six Dottier bottle. I am now •entirely nights. 35 cents. Sold by C. LuTZ. urea." Sold by C. LUTZ. argains F pring 1 97 111. - Judicious close buyers find that their dollar goes further at the 'CHEAP CASH STORE. Having secured some very special lines this month, bought or cash, we can offer them at close prices. LADE OUR,TAINS.—We give yoi excellent value 4 and 3i yards long. taped at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, 1. 75,1and $2.00 per pair beautiful patterns, WALL PAPER.—We have the latest designs front :3(.1 per roll up. It will pay you to examine oar stock before buying. e CARPETS, TAPESTRY.—All wool Union and Hemp, rauging inpriee from 12ae to $1.00 • PRINTS AND WASH GOODS.—We 1111,V13 EL beautiful nage of aress prints in stylish French and American melees from 5e per pied up. BLOUSE WAISTS.—We have the very latest styles in Blouse Waists splendid assortment cheap. READY MADE CLOTHING.—Just to hand another lot, the kind that gives sateshiation at rigat prices. Tweed pants tie 00c $1.3s, $1.0 and $100 ORDERED CLOTHING. —Right here is where you find the latest la Tweeds' 1Vorstecis etc. Tweed Seas to order from $8.50 up. Batcle Worsteds from $13.00 to $18.00 for best quality. Grocery Stock Best Quality A L. ventilated Sugar 23 lbs for $1.001 Rolled Oats 12 lbs for - .25 Yellow " 28 lbs " 1,00 Corn Mail 12 Green Coffee 7 lbs " 1.00 Maple Leaf Electric 0 bars for - .10 Cleaned. Corn 5 cans " .25 Sweet Home Soap 0 bars for Toinatoesancl Peas 4 lbs " .25 Comfort - - 6 bars for - .25 Good Japan Tee 5 " " L 00 B. Powder,Forest City la lb sealers ,20 ust received a shipment of D. M. Ferry & Oo relia,ble field seecle. e..TURNITS, MANGEL, CARROTS rre Produce taken as casb, and for which we pxy the Highest prices. seasA CALL SOLICITED. - Chas, Zwicice