Exeter Times, 1897-5-20, Page 5"Merit tal value of Taiks he .intrinsic value of Hood'sSarsaparilla. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. 'Hood's Sarsaparilla possessea aotual end unequalled curative power and there- fore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you pre morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system. Hoo Sarsaparilla Is the best, in fact—the One True Blood PerUler, rrepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Mood's Pills g ipe e.& u'd ugg 2*e Vol the Mad(len Yeast Co., Loudon, Out. Oontlemen,--We get enkker and better results from ylsittg Mira Madden's Yeast then any other aro have weed,andhighlyrecommendit. DEAN 11RO5.,11akers THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London. I.•i)KINSMAN. I ALAN, L. 1). S., I). I) S., Honor Graduate of Toronto I'iiveriity, Dentists. Teeth extracted without minor bad after effects. Otliee in Fan - Eons 1;1kck, West side of :Hain tit., Exeter. DR• kk:tit :SSA , (D D. l,. D. S.) DENTIST. Het b Toronto Honopt graduate of the eutto 'Lrni- rreisity and Roy alColle6c of I)entaal Surgeons conn et Ontario. Ail Bridge work, crowns aud =late work donv'I. the neatest attest possible manner, A 3larinlet•s anaesthetic for painless extraction. '111estrlelcte: attention given to the presorvat- 30n Ot the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen- t rn1 hotel, Exetcr,Ont. DET Y@R PANTS D %N At W. Johns', The Tailor. Made to order for $3, 6, 7, etc. Suits $11, 20, 21, etc. The best place in town. to get afit. JOHNS, W.ti' ONS, The Tailor. A 8uit o1 [;lothes or a Single Garment :MARKET REP` RTS Exeter. May 19th,1897. Wheat por bushol...,., 72 to 73 Oats ... ....,. 21 to 21 Barley• .,.. 22 to 22 Peas....,.... ., 38 to 38 Butter-- . 128 to 12 'turkeys ... 9 to 9 Geese.,.... , 4 to 4 Chickens per lb ... 4 to 4 Ducks .. .. , 5 to 0 Wool,... 10 to 17 Dried Apples.. .. ... 2l to 2§ Pork dressed .... . • , 4.75 to 5.00 Pork live woight 3.50 to 3.60 Hay por ton.,...,,... ..... ,.... 7 50 to .00 Clover sood . .. 4.00 t 0.00 Alsike Glover 4,50 to $5.00 Timothy sood .................. 1.50 to $2.75 Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old and reliable plane, arid A. J. SNELL never disappoints his patrons in any of these. A large assortment of London, May 19th, 1897. Wheat per busho ,.. 75 to Oats.... 17 to Peas .... 30 to Buckwheat 01to Rye ... ....55 to 7 3eans 28 to Butter ..., 11 to Eggs 12 to Ducks 95 to Turkeys per ib.... .... .. 7 to Geese per lb 9 to Chickens 30 to Cheese Potatoes por bag Hay per ton Pork per cwt ann Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we will take much pleasure in showing them to you. There are many -o herlines that are specially at- e ractive. :u: -. =Cap :..E IJ'RTJG STORF0 Those who havo used Cough o ...418to 50 7.00 to $ $.50 81.50 to $3.75 70 38 28 30 31 12 11 65 8 60 20RO:t'T0 314 41“77.14. Toronto. • May I`+. Flour --Tho flour market is quiet, with no cdttntge in prices. -Straight rollers are (mot,- is) loot-rd al 3370 to $:1.75 nest. Bran—Trade galet, brant quoted at ex.:,( nest, and shorts $9,3o to .10. it iu'at- ilusitn quiet, n' 4 h offerings moderate. The feeling' is t,, alter. Red winter is tits, ttti at 74e west tool white at 73e wrest. No. 1..Manitoba balk 78e Fort ';'illiatn, 81141 it offers at 8oe Mkt !and. No. hard 77,' Midland. Br el:wheat---The demand is moderate, with sod's outside at 27e. llarloy--Th( market Is collet, with limit, - ed dt'maud. ;\o. 1 is quoted at 11(10, No. 3tt 21st', a11(11 No. 3 extra at 21e. feed bar- ley sold at 21e west. tants 'i'le market is quiet with pact's rant htu'a;ed. Stirs •of white at 811,2c. mid- dle freights. Mixed are quoted at 20t• west. kens The market is stead;' t:i1It oar lots quart ti tet tec north and west. Oat town! The market is quiet and, prices (;teary at ,3.(u to $2.90 for car ants. t'• 'trade quiet, with sales at 21k rtctt i.t e 'Trade quirt and preps steady, (eat. hit:, are sults at ;91e east. HOUSE WANTED Wanted to rent about .Tune lsf. house with about 8 rooms, M. MACKENZIE, Exeter. Farms For Sale. nfew or1Lcheap—Money to o , Apply tJOHNSPAMA &unwell's Block, Exeter. Notice To Trespassers. Having supplied the Creek, on lot 4, con. 9, Stephen, with youngspeckled trout spawn. I hereby forbid any person fishing therefront and all Offenders will be prosecuted, according to law, WM. WHITE. May 14th, 1897. Balsam.. Pronounce it unequalled as a. remedy for COUGHS, COLDS AND BBONCIRITIC TBOUB7.ES, Winan's Condition. & Cough Powder fol. horses, best in the mar- ket, always on hand, Also a Cetobenefaoto and Lini- ment, the medicine so sue.' cessfully used by Mr, Ohas, Munroe, Parkhill, in this and, other towns, in treating and curing various diseases, For Sale at 0„ LUTZ'S NOTICE Please', take notice that the annual meeting of the shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works Co.. will be held. Thursday, Juno letit, prox., at 2:30 P. ill. Town Hall. T. B (ARLING, Sce'y—Treas. Meeting of Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron willaneetin the eouneiI chamber in tho town of Godorich on Monday; 31st inst. at 3 o'clock p. nt. IV. LANE, Dated May 17th, IS07. CLERK'. COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETFR. TR± ,Q., ,d••.•••••••. ,-,.,.papa. t., , EXETER TIM CARS EVERY DAY TORONTO VOTES FOIL SUNDAY STREET OAR SE1't'IC.E. Toronto,May 17,—,After the most ex- citing contest on record in Toronto the Sunday street car advocates carried the by-law. Hereafter they will be able to travel on Sunday j}est the salve as on other days of the week. Both sides worked bard i1 day, and the weather being fine a very full vote was polled. The figures are : For Sunday ears, 10,433 ; against, 15,951. ; majority for the cars, 470. - Of the six wards in the city, two, Nos. 5 and (3, in • the west end, gave inajorities againstthe eau's. The down town and business sections went oyer- whelrningly in their favor. - The company started a trial service yesterday, but • will not institute at.. regular service until the following Sunday. The total receipts on that day will be donated to the hospitals of the city. THE VOTE BY WARDS. For Against Ward. 1 1,550 1,404 Ward:2 2,9S0 2,947 Ward 3 4,021 3,543 Ward 4 3,03k 3,408 Ward 5 2,428 24000 Ward 0 1,731 1,902 Total 10,433 15,953 Total vote 32,880 Majority for Sunday ears' 480. Notice: is hereby given that a court for the revision of the Assessment Roll for the Village Of Exeter will be held at the Town Hall in tho Said village of Exeter, on Wednesday the 20th day of May97at the hour of 7 o'clock p. m. All Persons having business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly. M. EACIIETT, Clerk. Exeter 13th May 1897. Court of Revision. TOWNSHIP OF HAY. Notice is hereby given that a COurt of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Town- ship of Hay for the year 1897, will be held on Wednesday the 261h day of May ;1897, et the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at, Town Hall Zurich. All parties staving business at the said Court will please to guide themselves accordingly. Dated at Zurich May. 131It.1897. MED HESS, Sr. CLnixr:. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. .A Conrt for the revision of the Assessment t 11011 of tho Township or 'LIsborne, will bo held at Town Hall Elimvillo, on Saturday the 5th day of June at 10 o'clock a. m. Any person staving business at said court will please. take notice and govern himself accordingly. No application .for roto rn of. dog tax will be entertained by the Council after the final revision of the ROIL. F. MORLEY cr=rxri'. THE Medacsne THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE PREPARATIONS ON THE MARKET Pleasant Pure and Healthful PN RENOLII\ 11cuc1alc S ePc11!c �u PNRENOUNE Pills ReiviEsrilE11,En TRotiin u,Now A THING OF THE PAST. A Seaforth lady give's to account of herrescne from a lifelong ailment: "Ever Since I can remember I have suffered from weak action of the heart. For some f lute past it grew con- stantly worse, reducing guy health to a vert: low state. I frequently had such, sharp pains under my heart that l was fearful if I (hew it long breath it would cause death, In going up - stair's I had to stop to rest and regain breath. When my children made a noise while playing I Would be so overcome With stn d weak- ness that I could not do anything and had to sit down to regain conlposux'e. Oftentimes my heart would seem to swell, and give etre great pain. .1Iy limbs were unnaturally cold. and I was subject to nervous heabaches and dizziness. My memory became unser tails and sleep deserted me. "I have been taking Milburn's heart and nerve Pillswhieh I got atMx Fear's drtfg store, and 115 a result ani Very Mauch better. I have improved in health and strength ti rapidly since com- menting' nting' this treatment. The blessing of sleep's restored to me. My heart ]s much stronger, and the oppressive sensation in it has vanished. I can now go up stairs without stopping and with the greatest of ease, and 1 no longer suffer from dizziness or head- ache. It seems to vie the circulation of my blood has become healthy and normal, thereby r elnoying the coldness from my Iimps I can truly say that Milburn's Heart aancdNerve Pills have done me a world of good." (Signed) 11Irs. James (constable, Seaforth, Ont. Mrs. Constable is the wife of Mr. Jaunes Constable who has been it re- sident for over 25 years and both he and his estimable wife are well known in Seaforth and the surrounding coun- try. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout and Neuralgia. A sure cure for Headache Dizziness' Constipation, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Blights Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Convulsions, Heart Disease, etc., etc, Ma.i*i,ifsactst.rcd oil Honor' Sold on Merit. Sold in Exeter only by C. LUxz. • Latta, Lives' Pills cures constipation biliousness, sulci Sick headache ; 25c. Bishop B. W. Amort SWAYS AUDIENCES WI'T'H HHIS MASTERLY ELOQUENCE. ES HE WRITES A LETTER O1 More THAN USUAL INTEREST • TO • SUFFERING IIUMANITY. At Wilberforce, Ohio, three miles north of Xenia, and near near Dayton and Springfield, is located Wilberforce University and Payne Theological Seminary. These two institutions of learning have educated many ministers and teachers. In this somewhat noted educational centre, resides Bishop Benjamin W. Arnett, D. .Lt., a divine who is of especial prominence because of his thrilling eloquence with which he bas swayed ieuny audiences. • • Amon(; the high officials of the church, no one - is more distinguished -than he. FOB, OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN 01.1) AND. WELL -TRIED ItEMIvnY.—Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon -used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethmg, with perfect success. It soothes the child,softensthogums, allays all ppain, cures wind colic, and lathe best remedy forDiarzhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take so other kind • One Honest Man. DEAR EDITOR. --Please inform your readers, that if written to confi- dentially, I will mail, in a sealed letter, particulars of a genuine, honest, home cure, •by which I was permanently restored to health and manly vigor, after years of suffering from nervous - debility, sexual weakness, night losses and weak shrunken parts. I was robbed and swindled by the quacks until I nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank heaven, I •111 now well, vigorous and strong and wish to make this certain cleans of cure known to all sufferers. I have nothing to sell and want no money, but being- a farm believer in the universal brotherhood of man, I 11111 desirous of helping the unfortunate to regain their health and happiness, I promise you perfect secrecy. Address with stamp,: 'WM. T. MULFORD, Agents Supplies, 1'. O. nox 59, S7'. 1114NRI, S���IuH� aC 'mar Competition IiA,RCI-1 1S97, The following aro the Winn ers in District No. I, Western Ontario. . Winners of Stearins' Bicycles Mr. Alex. 0. Denny, .Woodstock. Mr. W. J. Porte, Forest. 'Winners of Gold Watches Miss Jessica Simmons, Box 643 Cha- tli am. Mrs: A. E. Edkins, 88 Caroline St., To- ronto. Mrs. A. 131. Mackinnon / Master -in Chancery, Guelph. Miss Clara Soles, Sarnia. Mr. Jas. Scott, 151 Sheridan Ave., To- ronto. Good News From South Dakota. I The glorious results of this season's harvest of golden grain willpour a stream of sound money into thepocket of every Dakota fanner. South Dakota has thousands of acres "of choice farming and ranch land lying east of the Missouri river, and within one day's ride from (Chicago or Mil- waukee which can now be bought reasonably cheap, but which before the end of another year may be advanced illrice. The stock -raising industry in South Dakota is profitable, and Eastern capi- tal is now being invested in cattle and sheep growing in that state. Diversified fanning, the growing of live stock, and the products of the dairy, are placing South Dakota, fore- most in the ranks of the successful Western states. Those desiring full information on the subject and particularly those who wish to seek a new home or purchase land, are requested to correspond with A. J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent, 2 King street East, Toronto, Ont. BISHOP P,. W. ARNETT. Befog e being elected bishopp he was a. leading minister in Itis 011arch 11 and also at very prominent Republiean: He represented his county in the Ohio Legislature for se eral years. t< r , v Having given this sketch of the bishop, the fo +t11.viog testimonial from him will be found very interesting reading, 8na fully cexplitilli: itself. To whom it ma v concern : "IIs April, 1801, while on Illy way home from Philadelphia I caught a very severe void, which soon developed into x'heuinatisw. It was impossible for inetorest by day or sleep by night, About the first of June 1 was compell- ed to take to illy bed, where I remain• eel for some time. When I was able to get up, I could only get about by the use of crutches. "The fall calve on and the rheuma- tism grew worse, lasting all through the winter of '141 a11(1'(15. 1 suffered as I never suffered before. I thought that the spring would bring me relief, but it did not, constantly I was forced to cancel a number of engage- ments to speak. - l wife "One day in Juuc, 1.49 v, n y v said, 'Bishop I read so much about Dr. Williams' fink Pills, suppose y ori try thein and see if they will help yon( "I said, 'No, there is no use of get- ting thein for we have tried almost everything that has been recommend- ed to 115, and 11011e of the remedies suggested seem uto help my ease. "She said do 111oi e, but went to Xenia, Ohio, and bought a box of the pills. On bet return she gave me a dose at noon and another at night. She was only called one time to attend to me during that. night. "For months previous she bad been called three to four times during the night. The nest day I took three doses of the hills, and the second night I was not disturbed. My* wife, for the first time in more than ten months, had agood night's sleep. "I have not losta. night's slcep since that ante on account of tlrel rheuma- tism. I carry a1 box of DI'. Williams' Pink Pills in Icy pocket whatever I go. "I cheerfully bear testimony and hope that others may find relief as I dict. I have recommended Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills to several people. "Your4ttor God and 11Ian. BENJAMIN' W. ARNETT." Dr. 'Williams' fink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease. They renew and- build up the bided, and strengthen the nerves, thus driv- ing disease -from the system.. Avoid inventions by insisting that every box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills for Pale People. g'si"Wo have boon •olilibged to disqualify several competitors for ]larch, for sending coudons taken from unsold soap in grocers' stook (seeyltule 3.) . LEVER, Reos. Ltd., Toronto. 1s� _ "Ana-. CRAIGRONALD, (1711.) BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. Monday—Will leave his own stable, Con. 12 Hay, and go west to Concession 14, and south to Bonrjamin Pale for noon ; then south to Moser s hotel, Dashwood, for night. Tuesday —Wet to Wni.. Fulton's, for noon ; then south to Boston and east to McCann's hotel, Corbett, for night. Wednesday—East and South to GCeT Cli Ch ]ls, McGillivray, for noon • thenu south and east to Pum hecy'hotel West Mc- Gillivray, for night Friday—East and' north to James C"oehlin's for noon ; then north to Hill's hotel, Crediton, for night. Friday—Bak and north to Rodger Northeott's, 3rd con. of Flay for noon ; then' to Berry's sale and ex- change la for night,iS. nr — change stable., IIet .all •art clay west and north to John Coebran's,Fiiil's Green, for noon ; W est and south to Zurich, and west to his own stable, remaining until the following Monday morning. KILBURN BERRY & GEIGER, Proprietors. Will stand for the improvement anent of stock this season at Berry's Salo and Exchange Stables. Hensall. WILDE1t LEE. (17708) `1p, J. BERRY, Proprietor, Monday, will leave his own stable, Honsall, and via 3rd con to Hugh Meniarmid, Stanley, for noon ; thane to John Dennison's, Varna., for night. Tuesday—West to Bronson line and south 10 Willr stn Nichoison's hotel, Blake, for noon then south to Ben I'file's for melt. Wednesday --South 11 miles and east to Bron- son line and north to Zerich, Greb's hotel, for Troon ; thence east and south to John Decker's for night. Thursday—South to town lino anc'i east to 21141 con. of Flay and north to Wm. Northcott's for noon t thence to his oivu stable, 4 :—lit for night. 1'11 la tart . Tia Chta .111U "'t to Y la John Melville's for noon ; thence oast via Centre Road to Stant hotel • for night. Satur- day West to Wm. Kinsman's for noon, thence Vitt Rippon to his own stable where he Will ro- main until the following Monday. morning. NOTICE A SUMMER SPECIFIC.' Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry euros cholera, cholera morbus, dfarrheea, dysentery, cramps, colic, summer complaint, canker of the mouth, and all bowel complaints of children or adults. Itis a soothing, effectual and never failing medicine,' which gives Im mediate relief and speedily effects a cure. NOTHING BETTEi3, Miss Emily Craig, AlmOnto, Ont says: -1 havo never found anything bettor than your Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for dpains in' the stomach ordiarncaea;: A fow oses cured me of severe cliarnccea after. other medicines had finial. We always keep it in the house and bawl every confidence in its virtues: .. IZAT'COME AND INSPECT. Utidsrtalk fig A Specialty. N. ROW E An introduction 1 It gives us pleasure to in troduce to you our finc .Beall r and Milton Overeoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not. J. Hee Grieve r, •t. THE� �< RROw TREAD CRANI HANGER e incr. pull en Shaft ani between 6aZ2s. QNr' bearings ori intiWO Whereon 1plA'ro You will find at Bissett's \Vnreroonls' the following line of Agric.tll- tural Implements, EEF ING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Sr RAKES.. Afull line of Seecl Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETCH The celebrated ( Knoll 'tVashei Raymond- sewing j and wringers machine STOVES; - Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Baggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Baggies. "l I il_ .5 L1" ~ -itF 751 Are You interested in Wheels W e handle some of the lead- ing OANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit thetimes. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Se`k0 ilia - chines ALWAYS ON WAND.. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at costa PERKINS & MARTIN, Main streetsExeter. Brz ikNr . e lO-W TS Ta TVERy, ,' CJ)7 i5 t/D TOWhi IlvTHE COUNTRY C`CAL•CDUV S ON APPLICATION Santi ttre..z,S�lsg,. Co. CNiCA,GO OFFICE:ter,,, = ..HL Corner Wabash Ave anis Congress St. MIDDLETOWN, OHIO. We invite your inspection to examine our different Wheels as we have good pneumatic tire bicycles from $25 up. Sa',e selling agents for the "Racycle" and ".Alton" Bicycles for Ontario COOK BROS., I3ENSALL. Write for Booklets and prices. makes of r 0o`O L-0ozlZC-o x1TCC{?-0O> .0000oQv^Qo00.0OOO (}L To0oOoo4p a �.y by wearing one of Shorey's Rigby Waterproof Bicycle or Golf suits. They 4Y� ` admit the air but keep out the rain.yl The feeling, appearance or porous pro- perties ro- ay pertiesofordinarvty:ecdarenotcllan;;tl e by Rigby. It simply renders goods repellent to water yet the cost is not increased. t?O.O�O•tr0��.^1�0-o�o•O 6 6 i :�► rice, Qaality, Assortlent Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment coin- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have! the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. • The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. l' o O actOpea°an 2 8°VISc Bloch. FURNITURE Afl_t?,i.'„s Uf ilz.. your Sponges PI stock just in. roria 4C bo e .A p u O 00. o ,8 4) 'Cot” r be • a, 0 U J 0 0 0 0 0 j44l44lllihhii4ii« ��d1 t11 0 0) 0. After selling out near- ly all my stock of furni- ture, 1 h tvve my store well filled again with New Goods, latest styles. All bought at lowest cash price. - IZAT'COME AND INSPECT. Utidsrtalk fig A Specialty. N. ROW E An introduction 1 It gives us pleasure to in troduce to you our finc .Beall r and Milton Overeoatings; also a big range of Scotch and Can- adian Tweed for warm winter wear. Our prices are away down. Did you see our $12 Black Worsted Suit (made to order,) If not why not. J. Hee Grieve r, •t. THE� �< RROw TREAD CRANI HANGER e incr. pull en Shaft ani between 6aZ2s. QNr' bearings ori intiWO Whereon 1plA'ro You will find at Bissett's \Vnreroonls' the following line of Agric.tll- tural Implements, EEF ING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK Sr RAKES.. Afull line of Seecl Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETCH The celebrated ( Knoll 'tVashei Raymond- sewing j and wringers machine STOVES; - Gurney stoves and furances. Waggons Baggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Baggies. "l I il_ .5 L1" ~ -itF 751 Are You interested in Wheels W e handle some of the lead- ing OANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit thetimes. A few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave, cheap. Se`k0 ilia - chines ALWAYS ON WAND.. P. S.—Selling out Dise Har- rows at costa PERKINS & MARTIN, Main streetsExeter. Brz ikNr . e lO-W TS Ta TVERy, ,' CJ)7 i5 t/D TOWhi IlvTHE COUNTRY C`CAL•CDUV S ON APPLICATION Santi ttre..z,S�lsg,. Co. CNiCA,GO OFFICE:ter,,, = ..HL Corner Wabash Ave anis Congress St. MIDDLETOWN, OHIO. We invite your inspection to examine our different Wheels as we have good pneumatic tire bicycles from $25 up. Sa',e selling agents for the "Racycle" and ".Alton" Bicycles for Ontario COOK BROS., I3ENSALL. Write for Booklets and prices. makes of r 0o`O L-0ozlZC-o x1TCC{?-0O> .0000oQv^Qo00.0OOO (}L To0oOoo4p a �.y by wearing one of Shorey's Rigby Waterproof Bicycle or Golf suits. They 4Y� ` admit the air but keep out the rain.yl The feeling, appearance or porous pro- perties ro- ay pertiesofordinarvty:ecdarenotcllan;;tl e by Rigby. It simply renders goods repellent to water yet the cost is not increased. t?O.O�O•tr0��.^1�0-o�o•O 6 6 i :�► rice, Qaality, Assortlent Should enter into the act of buying more than anything else. If the quality good, assortment coin- plete, buying is made easy. That is where we come in. We have! the stock, the prices, the quality, and feel certain that we can suit the wants of all in Furniture. • The way to test it is to call and see for yourself. l' o O actOpea°an 2 8°VISc Bloch. FURNITURE Afl_t?,i.'„s Uf ilz.. your Sponges PI stock just in. roria 4C bo e .A p u O 00. o ,8 4) 'Cot” r be • a, 0 U J 0 0 0 0 0 j44l44lllihhii4ii« ��d1 t11 0 0) 0.